The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 03, 1875, Image 3

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H AVEAN1 Ladies' and Misses' Shoes, and Boys' Boots, and r D Shoes, Men’s 8noaa, Brogan Boots and Shoes, all of Childrsn's Copper Men’s and Boys’ I Best Makers and at Lowest Prices. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL THE ATHENS MARKETS. CORRECTED FOR THE DAILY GEORGIAN PITTARD, MITCHELL A CO. THE t'OTIOX MARKET. Athens, Ga., Oct. 30, 1875. Ordinary......... 10 3-4 Good Ordinary.......... 11 Low Middling 111-4 Middling 11 1-2 Good Middling..* 12 3-4 Good demand at above prices. -•* THE BACON' AND LAUD MARKET. Bacon—Sides Shoulders..... Hams. .*W.. Laud. . — n 16 . — 13 1-2 . — a 17 .18 a 20 CORA, WHEAT AMD OATS MARKET. Corn—per bushel 90 a 1 00 Wheat, .*t 1 25 a 1 50 Oath,’ 1 ‘ <•» " ...,U.!a£... ; . 75 a 1 00 p.mny.::::t-.^: Fancy MB noun MARKET. ...$6 50 a 7 00 7 50 a 8 00 8 00 a 8 50 WEESE *EaEE 1 t 'JtgU*£ &*** |-^FFERA LARGE AND VERT SELECT ASSORT-1 JJATE A FULL LINK OF f ?**■*.'- tt a n b HATS, in Mourning and Colored, Plaid and Solid Stri] a GREAT REDUCTION. ripea,i rs-lm from the Cheapest to the Best Hand and Buggy Um brellns, Trunk- and Satchels, Chins, Crockery ana Glaa Ware always on hand. novg-lm than erer, and at priero to suit present pnee of ^ Our Mourning Goods D i«rtro»t is complete, embrac ing everything known in Rack Goods. * CARD- -V To the Patrons of Husbandry of the State of Georgia. Y OUR Executive Committee have this day entered into an agreement with the Grangers' Life and Health Insurance Company ol* the United States k>t America—the parent or general office of whibb is lo cated at Mobile, Alabama—whereby our Order will, in onr judgment, be jjreatly benefited. Theparticnlaraand substantial benefits accruing to the State Grange will be fully given you in a circular addressed to tha Master* and member* of each Grange in the State. Your Exe cutive Committee, after due consideration and careful investigation, are fully impressed with the important results of their action, and feel id he.-itauev in promis ing moat satisfactory good to the Order, and, therefore, ask ydur hearty co-operation find aid in an early eoro- lian re on the part or the Patrons, with the agreement ph a day made. t The'Grangers 1 Life aud Health Insurance Company wm (MMM ti/x n 9W is a sound institution, organized upon the trne principles vff MjQm Mr Jr WMMM MjwM i&MMm of lift insurunoe ; oflering; all tlm advantage* and pro- ; A * s ; tection that jmy company can; U a purely Southern ; W o,wbuW also nak our friends to give us a call before company, under the control and management of some i their cotton as we expect to buv cotton and will ot the heal and most reliable business men of tlie States i ^ market price for it. 1 virtually a | MATTHEWS & JACKSOF. New Firm and New Stock! MATTHEWS* JACKSON, ' NO. 1. BllOAD STREET,\ (Old stand of T. BISHOP & SON.) W E have just received an entirely New Stoek of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES A NY X\.diw And offer them person suffering from the abor# ( la requesttritoaddresa Da. Pajcx, soda trial bottle of medicine wUJ be forwarded by Expire.. FREE! Theeolyetsl being the Expiree cturves, whleh, owing U —y large business, are email. Dr. Price bee made the ° f FITS OR EPILEPSY _ etndy tor yean, sad ha will warrant a ear. by tba aaa afbli remedy. Do met faU to eead te him for a trial betila: >. —nothing, and be WILL CURE YOU, matter of how king standln* year cne mar be, or hew my other rented tee may hare foiled. Circulars sad testimonials sent with FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. Be particular tagive your Express, as well as roar Poet Office direction, and Address, DR. CHAS. T. PRICE, Feq.24.iy. 67 William Street, New York. tnen of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and home institution, liaving, in the organisation, deport ments in each State, with a capital or (100,ooO, and in vents the fund-in each department iqnally, nnd we cheerfully recommend said Company to the support aud patronage of t lie Order. J. F. LIVINGSTONE, J. S. LAVENDER, Exeeutive.C’omuiittee. Atlanta, G .. October 15, 1875. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. [Special to the Daily Georgian.] ATLANTA PKODUCE MARKET. axroivxn daily st wtuxura, Langston a crane, \u ■■uiVu’lfW m-'' . t. * Atlanta, October 36. Clear rib bulk sides, 14 1>4; long clear sides, 14. Bacon shoulders, 11 1-2. Lard—prime kettle-rendered, 15 1-2 ; refill- , ed, 15 1-4; in buckets, 17. Sugar-cured hams, 14 l-2al5. Corn, 31.00al.03. Flour, $5.50*8.25, as to grade. Rye, 81.40. Bar- lev, 81.50. Bran, 81.20. [Special to the Daily Georgian.] CRAWFORD MARKET. c<aawm» Crawford, Ga., Oet. 30. Cottou 12 a 12 llacon Rides 14} a 15 Iktrd 18 a 20 Corn $1 00 a 1 25 Wheat 1 25 a 1 50 BOOK AGENTS AND GOOD SALESMEN tern hats and bonnets Are “COINING MONEY” with ihej&tous 1 .. TUtN.I1ATS AND BONNETS, > /HDA J ~ The French Edition of which sell* for $165, and the London Edition for $200. Our Pwipolor Edition <r>.5o), containing over One Hundred full-page quarto plutea, i» the cheapest and most elegant publication in America, and the best to sell. Critics vie with each other in praising it, .ind the masses buy it Agent in Charleston. S. C., report* 1>7 orders ; one in Ninety-Six, 8. C., 106; one in Va., 247; another in Memphis, 200 orders, taken in three week*. Fair particulars free. Address. particulars NuvT.d'.lw, lishers, Vw York. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE^, Tested by popular true for over ’ ' ’ f A Quarter of a Century! [Special to the Daily Georgian.] WINTERVILLE MARKET, cuxncau mult ar worm * rnruo. WlNTERVILLE, Oct 30. Cotton lli a 11} .Bacon * 15 a 16 Hams 00 a 17 Lard 18 a 20 Corn i.l 81 25 a 1 00 Wheat.... a Oats....’ ..... a Four .$7 00 a 8 50 30—Noon.— Cotton weak and irregular; sales, 84,OOObales; up lands 14}; Orleans, 14}. Futuresopened quiet; November, 13 5-16a 13g; December, 13 3>32a5-32n7-32; Feb*- ruary, 13gal3-32; March, 13ia7-16. P. M.—Cotton; net receipts 14,064; gross receipts 68,057. Futures closed steady; Sales, 22,000; November, 13jal3*32; December 13 5-lGa 7-32; January, 13}»9-32; February 13 32a 7-16; March 13 7-16n61-32; April, 13}a 25-32; May 13 29-32.15.16; June 14 14-16a 14J; July 14 7-32al4}; August 14 5-16a 32-38. Savannah, Oct. 30.— Cotton steady; middling 12j; net receipts, 4,059; exports to Great Britain 2,008; to coastwise 1,962; sales, 9,612. New Orleans, Oct. 30.—Cotton, quiet; middling, 12}; low middling 12§; good ordinary Ilf; net receipts, 1,116 bales; gross receipts, 2,412; exports to France 4,172; sales, 4,000. Mobilb, Oct.. 80.—Cotton firm; mid dling, 13}al3j}; net receipts, 2,127; exports to coastwise 890; sales 2,000. Baltimore, Oct. 80. r Cotton dull; middling, 131; net receipts 1,861; exports to continent 373; coastwise 455; sales, 290; shipments 120. Augusta, Oct. 30.—Cotton, demand good for better grades, middling, 12}; net receipts, 1,178; sales 1,623. ~ ' i Philadelphia, Oct. 30.—Cotton quiet; middling, 14); net receipts 223; gross re ceipts, 603. » • . ; Galveston, Oct. 30. — Cotton steady; middling 12}; net receipts, 2,922; gross 2,939; exports coastwise 1,571; sales 5,571. Wilmington, Oct. 30.—Cotton steady and nominal; middling, 12g; net receipts, 443; experts to Cheat Britain 1,200; coasts wise 218. Norfolk, Oct. 30.—Cotton steady; mid dling 12 J; net receipts, 8J781; exports to coastwise, 5,980; sales, 6w. " 1 Charleston, Oct. 30. — Cotton firm; middling 12}; net receipts, 3,756; ex ports to France 1,750; coastwise 200. Memphis, Oct 30.—Cotton, steady; mid dling, 124; net receipts, 3,209; shipments, 2,233; safes, 3,200. Boston, Oct 30. — Cotton steady; mid’ dling, 14}; net receipts 140; gross 793. Liverpool, October 30—-Noon.—Cotton quiet; middling uplands, 7; middling Or leans, 7}; Gales, 8,000; speculation and ex port, 1,000; receipts, 8,300; American; to arrive, steady; sales of middling uplands, low middling clause, October delivery. 6}. Liverpool, Oct 30—1: P. M.—Cotton, to arrive, finn; sales of middling uplands, low middling, clause, shipped October and November per sail, 6 13-16; ‘ do., shipped Liverpool, Oct. 30.—2. P.SM.—Sales of Middling shipped fales D K. .STRONG’S Compound Sanative l’ill. cure Con stipation, BiUouenes,, Bowel Ctnnjilain*, Malarial revets, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, and all ’diseases of Liver, Stomach and Jiowel*. i DR. STRONG’S PECTORAL STOMACH PILLS cure* Coughs, Colds, Cramp, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, female Complaints, Heart Disease, and a!] disorders of Chest and Stomach. ^ ovi-Ow. DOMI^ JtSTXC UB erm fat ■ - ^ •> BEST^ 11 " D 'vv MACHINRS^^jpl^ A.UlOGDL DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE uJ.KEtt ML Millinery and Fancy Goods. Miss C. JAMES, O FFERS to the Ladies a Choice and well Selected Stock of Fall and Winter Millinery, JEWELRY, TUCK COMBS, RUCHINGS, REAL HAIR GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &e., PAT- GENERAL TICKET AGENCY. RAILROAD TICKETS For sale, by all routes, and to all principal points la UNITED STATES. Bay your Tickets before leaving Athene, and get all information from Caft. WM. WILLIAMS, Agent Southern Express Co., Athena, Go. May 12, ’75 « OPENED OCTOBER 13th. Please call before purchasing elsewhere and examine her fine goods at pnees to sn.t the times. Orders from a distance oarel'nlly filled. Stamping neatly executed. Store located on Broad St., between Drs. Longs & Billups and Smiths Drug Stores. Jvept. SO—d&w-*m. Great Reduction in Prices por the next thirty days. Brackets, Wall Packets, and all kind* of Ornamental Wood Work, be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now Is the time to luske rour houses beautiful at low figures. Groat bargains given In everything st lllltKE’S Bookstore. wUlt F IRST GRAND EXPOSITION o» the Tradesmen’s Industrial Institute, Pittsburg, Ps., 0]>ena()eL7, closes Nov. R. Address A. J., 1’res. T. 1.1. oct20w. 1 You Can Make $5000 IN 90 DAYS IN A 1 STOCKS. My system U *nfo, Honorable and simple. Pamphlet Sent Free to All. W. H. Weeks, Banker, 178 Broad way. New York. Stocks bought aud sold at the N. Y. Stock Exchange. * - octSOw. WA.isrTji:r) Agents tor tlie beet selling Prize Package in the world. It contains 15 eliceta papjF, 15 Envelopes, Golden Pen, Pen Haider, Pencil, Patent Yard Mtururc, nnd a piece of Jewelry. Single package, with elegant prize, post paid. £5 cents. Circular free. BRIDE «fc CO., 769 Broadway, New York. ■ oetSOw. r :• dbQC A Day guaranteed using our Wki l Ai oxk & ltniLL-, 8100 a month paid to good agents. Auger I took free. Jilx Auger to., St. Louis, Mo. OCt20ur. (UUi KOVAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Dis- ti i t.uted every fifteen dgys. 1 p» iae...jrliNi,0iO | 1 prize $.'4,’o00 2 prizes, j*A^,oOO »-ach ."»0.0<j0 .Vkl pr izes, aiuouutinK to ....Ul' Whole tickets, S2u; quarters ?.=>; tn« ulicth>, $1. Circulars ot iuiurinatior. free. Prices cashed. ADON'A tA Ct.., iLiukcrs. Po»t-nificc Bnx 2 A0. 21 l*ark ow New York, ltoyal Sax.m and iirunswick UoTcrmucUt JoOtterlCs con- Mauilvon hami. Contis ^irSlsc Water Wheel, Liauiicturcd ly POOLS & HUNT. Bnltlmorc, Bd. 7 t ooo jvoif' i./ vsr/ Mxupl ’.Ft" py, TVjr.ble, rl’ loctury. t J/iii.t;'acturc.-',s’.* j. < 1 /V Tcrtatlo i: hiail-**-*./ EtaearaLiilcri iLilla, Hin- . i.jKstfihis*-v.L caring for CatfoaXills, Flour. .... 7TZZ—,. Fa’nt. Vhita Lead and f:! 5a:U mar’ taety, Myirv. lie ar.d other Prc?*ov^3# 0*—nrnrtl'angcr* a i”.ade Ocariug; accu- ratdanduvcryL-jstxiLi * ml for Circulars. DAVfSNPOKT’S L.D I’otmn Revived. r PHIS Cclcbratefl Rat Poison, sold for J. soirmnv yean*, by Mb. MOSES DAVENPORT, sad in to be the most effective R \T PO SOM ever lotn*lneed into this or any other country.}! new revived by the original receipts and for »a!e by hlaSon, SEABORN L. DAVENPORT, 8«Pt- 8—45-6n. Athens, Qa-_ Rustic Window Shades. ■S-aiE COLT COTTON SCREW PRESSES. Manufactured only by (he Athens Foun dry and Machine IFor&s. rpHESE Tresses are made to pack upwards or down- I wards, by Hand or Tower, to meet the winta of all having baling to do and are no new experiment. We have amide testimonials of their merit. Bill of timbers with illustration for filming, given to even* purchaser of a aet 4 of irons. POWER PRESS*, $77 A We Agent . . u»iry il. Particular KV ,V UO., Augusta, Me, *oj>t. 1.VI6-R. guaranteed to Male and IVuiale , in their locality. Ousts Nothing P. O. VUKB- Srj to ftOA perd iy at home. Sample# worth ?I free o l ° * INsuN A CO , Portland, Maine. i Sept. lb-<6-lt. P 1IYCHOM ANCV, OR SOUL Oil ARM IXG.—How | either sex may fascinate nud gain the love and ‘ affeetion* of any person thev choose, instantly. This art j all can possess, tree, bv mail, for 2."> cents; together I with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, ILuts to Ladies, etc. l,om>,i)00 wold. A queer book. Ad dress T. WILLIAMS & CO., Tub’s. Philadelphia. oct20w. Sum Tontal Card fob a UnciuMn Copt of THE WASHINGTON WEEKLY STAR. . Establiabed 1852.—S pages.—56 columns. Address The Evuixa bran Nawar.ipxa., Wuhingtoa, D. C. oct£0w. , Augusta, Maine., LEAER PRESS Good Heading; at Panic Prices. D URING the summer months, Misi-Cllaneon* Books of all kinds; will he wold at Gbeatlt Kidockd Priok-. Now ia the time to get good rending at low figures, at BUKKR’S-Kook Store. June 2. 1975. '> •-* S?tf. "DliESC’JSJLETJON xFREE FOR l tao ' ra “, uf4Ct “ re and !“ T “ 0,1 bn " d the c * le ^ a,ed Jr tlWK-cdy cure of special troubles common to j Bl*OOltS J{,C\ Ol\ 1H1J SCP6W PF6SS1 in the l>ack, self-distrust, dizziness, dimness ot sight confusion of ideas, and atherj disonh rs of the nervous cortseJjfient 6h various habits that lower t ie vi the sy.-tep.^ Any dniggUt has the iugredionta Address, R. NICKERSON, Agent,’Athens, Ga. Sept. lf»—46-4t. i sy.-tem i. £, II. Hilton, Cincinnati, O. oct20w. ASTONISHING. iverpool, oct. 30.—z. r.m—otM Wdling upUad^Jo«. «id#iq| dnm [>ea January and February, per ml 6J; i of AmeridUi,6,100. Xi.TT* / MONEY MARKET& J^ndon. Oct. 30.—Noon.—-The Banks { ‘ ®*. doeetl on Monday, that being the day f Mnking the regular half verurly balances. BterU* W. Oct. 30.—Money easy 2Ja3. quiet 8. Gold 16}al4. Governs Btat. • * n d steady. New fives 134. and nominal. p ‘UHK, Ort. 30.—Gold opened at , k „ n ^ s dull. Money 3. Gold 116. enu duH 0D F’ 478 •' 8hort > 483 - Govern- >nd, * little lower for some. State ma and ft' 8outh Carolina, Ala- y. * nd Geor P» sixes, which are better. r****- °«L 30.—Rentes 65f. 75c. New L 16 i BAGGING AND TIBB 75 Cents a Bale AT ATHENS FACTORY. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent. Oct. 20—\v4t. n ■ - ■ ■ —wo. : Awmj . j The progress made bv the WILsON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Inveutivo skill hro been taxed to its utmoet, cud the result is, the The Most Perfect and Desirable Machine, MU 'for General and Family Use, vet produced. It ie Simple aud Easy to Operate, it not liable to get out out of repair, ita Work is the Beat at waa shown by the FIRST PREMIUMS awarded it at the Uiiivemal Exhibition in Vienna, in 1873, and it is Bold st a » ,; mu- > LESS PRICE than any LKNCS. Medical College of Georgia. The Medical Department of the University of Georgia. THE 44th eeseioB will be commenced in Augusta on the FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT. Vasa— Matriculation, $5; full conns of Lectures, $50; Prac tical Anatomy (onee), $10; Diploma, 830. For further particulars, apniy to L. A. DUGAS, Dean. Oct. Sth-Mt: of r|3HE recent death of my highly esteemed friend and X partner, Walton ^..Griffith, forces noon me the necessity of closing up the bniineoa ofGrilfith 4k Crane at once. All those indebted to the late firm will call and oettle up without delay. 1 propose to continue the bnaiueie in all of ita branches, and hope by strict attention to merit a contin uance of :ho patronage an liberally beetowed in the paat. J. R. CRANE, Feb. No 2. RefcgeoBloek, Thomas St. NEW BOOKS. m ADHINIBTIAtoB’B sale. nOT k-W4t, Gordon danamad tor i. TmumrfmJeaih Adminiattwtor Mary A. dK tA tonaarra-r A. Gordon. S IGNA Onlda’a laat, $2.00 Throe Feather., by IVui. Black, $l.o0. For'Jie by J. M. UPSHAW andi’- P. GRIFFITH. ] U‘« Camp, llln.trated, $l 00. ne .are to cm the WiTron belbre you buy. 1 wiu.lT’V , k *T ’ »ZJSm-LlQ ^ A *1^ ,1.75. Great Bargains in Note Paper, i ’‘ fo^i; u' 58 ' ’ ' Jun- S3. 84-tf. BURKES Book Store. be CASH AT Sept. 29—48-tf. BURKE’S BOOK STORE. •> ::*{•.t Notice. N EEDLES tar all Unda of Sewing Machine*, a wholcoale and retail, by ■ __h a™, ' Sept. 2*, 1875—47-tf S, C. DOBBS, Agect. J. T BOWMAN & CO-. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, JE2 OAT, GA., TO attend to the buoiueu of effecting tales and pur- ;; HWBAKa MmtAWm, • Agenta-on SEASONABLE TERMS. Applications ahonld be made to T. J. Bow*at. Ootober 4,1875—40-lm. LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. \Jarriagtt', Buggies anil Horses for Hire. TERMS REASONABEE £. \L VHITKHEAD, Washington, Wilk% Co., Ga* Nov26tfw. C.1SH FOR WOOZ., ** CLOTH FOR WOOL. e Athens Msnnfitctnring Company i ch larger variety uf Woolen Good* 1 proMte to Exchange them for Wool, are now making • than arar batore, mBESB * MJfW r AVE A LARGER STOCK OF WHITE GOODS FITS CURED FREEH Wtx*sw4rJb*zr*i BARGAINS. Yard wide Bleaching, lt)^ cents. Shawla from 75 cento ap. Balmorals from 75 cents up. Bboea from 8L00 up. Hats from $LoO up. Great Redaction in w Dry Goods. nov: BEESF Sf EmfitE D esire to call special attention to their stock of PIECE GOODS for Men’s Business and Everyday Suits, Shirta, Under. Shirts, Drawer., &c. We get up Cheaper und Better Suits than yon can buy. , uovS-lin fhr Sale ot• Beat. FOR SALE. Two Washington Hand Presses One a Medium and the other a No. 5, IN GOOD CONDITION. Terms Favorable, and Prices Reasonable. Call at The Athens Georgian Office and tha THE FINEST FARM —IN NORTHEAST GEORGIA FOIt SALE. (''AWING to my sons all having grown W upandleftae, my age, and my health giving way, I oflhr tor onto *90 acre, of Load, lying a mtto. from Athene on Hudson river and Lamar creek, on th. road from Athens to Carorevilla sod Tocooa Falla. Thenara BS aereeol Bottom Laad*aeet of whleh to First fiam. 300 acres of Tory *ao Wood Land. 350 acre., in- Judin* Bottom, which U In a Ugh state of cultivation. a form, that from the dwelling over any portion be Upland, an Bad Soil, and of the ■ section of country. At $1.50 [>er pair. At 81.75 |>er pair. At 82.00 ]ier pair. At S2.20 per pair. At 84.00 per pair. At S4.60 per pair. aerosol Bottom and 75of Upland. Enclosed by three String!oCtone., the river lufficing tor the fourth string. The land Uaslaaa ecWfaaC and - a hone can bo eeea from thedwi of the 373 kiss The Upfaude a beet quality for this section of country, A very fine Baes Turf could bo made, rushing to within a few let of th. dwelling. It Is one of th. best forme In the 8tate for diversifying crops, which will embrace Cereals, Crosses, Clover and Coro. Commercial Fertiliser* pay a much larger per cent than further South, making U a vary fine Cotton Farm. With a little trouble the hugest yields may bo obtained. The Buildings are good, and In fine repair.—Then are tea Tenement Houses, in good condition; a Bara, 56x50, with Basement Stables; Water ia 40 feet; new Giu House,36x60 feet; new 20 hone power Engine, well mounted, which propels a new Uln end Thresher. Also, a good selection of Improved Agricultural Implements, In cluding Beeper and Mower combined. Grain Drill, with Oaano Attachment, Horse Hey Bake, Improved Harrows, Flows, Ac. A fine Orchard, a line 8prlug of Water, Fuoin attached to Cook Boom ; a Circular Sew and Cora Mill, with sow acres of Land—Mills propelled by Water—two tulle, from dwelling The above Farm, with all of ita advantages—pare water, cool bnezca, healthy climate and good s.ciety—dispen ses with the necessity of aeeking watering places os summer resorts. Within three miles is a never falllnt Water Power, at a low price, offering sn inducement to any kind of Manufacturers. Two settlements, equal In value, may he mode on the above 650 acres of Lend. If desired, 45U teres more, ad joining, can be had, making two more Settlements. I will sell the above 630 acres of Laud for <25.ot> per acre, one bait cash. On the remainder a liberal indulgence will be given, by purchaser paying interest. Machine ry, Tools and Implements sold separate. The above Is in the hands of H. H. CARLTON and J. 6. WILLIFOBD, Beal Estate Agents, Athens, Ga., or will be eold by the owner at his residence. JOHN N. MONTGOMERY, Aug. 11,1375—4I-tf. Fort Lamar, Ga The most elegant, simple, and meet uurablo Shades iu use. The above prices include all the necessary fixtures. They can be put up iu live minutes, by any one who can drive a nail, anu they never get out of order. Call and see them at Junes, 1875—Sl-tf. BURKE’S Book Store Patterns for Dolls” Clothes. Instructive,Amusing and Entertaining. u l stopped xt the Book Store, and the Trousseau I For DoUia must have some new clothe I thought. See! here ere the pattern., in color, so bright, I have tried every ouc, Mid dud them all right.” Bash package contains all the pattern, necessary for Doll’a Wardrobe. Price 30 cents. Mailed, postage paid, on receipt of the price. For eale at BURKE’S Book Store. June g, 1875, Sl-tt Horses and Jflnles. W E hereby notify the publlo that we will aoou have oa hand, a fine lot of and Mules, aadeaa unodate persons that detire to purchase a took at met reasonable rates. Give us a call and set for yourselves. GANN & REAVES. Oet. 7—dSm. Toy Money fjpEN Dollar#’ worth of Toy Green Backs for Ttft Cents. The very thing for boys, si «ifoBultK 1 June % 1875. - - - - PITTA RIPS CORNER, where they, ere anxious to aee ajl. Boots, Shoes, Hats, China, Cretkf Call before you buy,. A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. 3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN mm HA 1U)W ARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse-Shoe. •Nails* t/. MIL BURN WAGONS. ' AGEICTULT1JjBA-Ii IMFMMEMS, Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Hubs, Spokes, Buggy Wheels, Axles, Springs, Ac., Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hollow-ware, &c. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the Sale of the ■WINSHIP GIN, Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, Circular Saws, Ac. fST Any article in our line not in sfotfc icitt be ordered when desired, with the least possible CeSlt ‘ ' - - • delay. June 10,1875. ! and examine our stoek and prices."'&L 33-tf OliJLmiaS! •s Book Store. a31-tf. RE*. Soot and Shoe Manufacturer, COLLEGE AVENUE, Next Door to Post Office. O N hand. Uppers for making Low Quartet «u Con gress, AJexis-Tie*, and Prince Alberts. Repair ing promptly executed. Send ten dollar*, per mail or express and you shall re ceive a first class pair of boots. June 50, 1875. 85-tfl CHEAPER THAN EVER! THE undersigned would beg to an. unco to his friends and the public nerally, that he has just returned from 8 annual lull trip to New York and f ston, with a large and varied stock of ry superior goods, consisting partly of the following, selected with great care: MEN AND YOUTHS’, READY MADE CLOTHING of the latest fall styles. Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Dress Goods, Ladies, Gents’ and Boys Shoes, Boots and Hats, in al most endless variety,Um brellas, Fine Ken tucky Jeans, Doeskins, Cassi meres. Factory Goods, Yarns, Osnaburgs, Checks, Shirtings, Fine Wamsutta and other brands, Bleachings, Tickings,Blankets, &c. &c. &c. Also, Saddles, Bridles and Harness, Drugs, Crockery and Glassware, Hollow Ware, and Hardware; also, th6 Celebrated Murfres- boro’ Red Cedar- ware, &c. Also, a full line of choice Groceries, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Lard, Hams, Cheese, Kerosene Oil. And many other choice goods too num ermis to menton, and which must be seen to be appreciated. The above goods, owing to the recent decline, he will bo en- . abled to sell at prices which will ASTONISH THE NATIVES. If you want any thing iu the above mentioned classes of goods, or in any other, call on s. C. DOBBS, Lower put of Bread Street, opposite Dorsey A Co’s Sept. 29-48—1£ FOR sau;. THE lOlLllf the SOUTH, Water Power enough to turn ALL OF THE Machinery in Georgia. Best Location for Building up a Manufacturing Town in all the South. Sixty odd feet fall § Water in less than one mile. SITES FOR FOUR OR MORE LARGE COTTON HILLS, OB OTHER MANUFACTORIES. \\f ILL sell, upen most reasonable terms W and price, the celebrated with five hundred scree, mere or tore, of FI .1ST CLASS Farm and Timbered Lads attached. Th. above state- meaU lit regard to thU Shoal ARE TRUE ia .very particular, and being located within eight miles of Athens, and the asm. distance from Crawford, on the Ath ena branch of the Georgia Railroad, and in the Tcrv heart ° °n. “'o"COTTON GROWING Sections, affords sn opportunity for establishing s Manu facturing interest which, in point of capacity natural fkctHtlM, and many othersurrounding advantage!, cannot be excelled In this country. ONE MILLION DOLLARS and man might hare beadvintageoaal, expended, within n distance of not men than one mile. For price, terms and particulars, address— H. H. CARLTON & CO., Real Estate Agents, Athens, Ga. H. H. CARLTON. J. A. BROWNING. August IS. 1873. Broad Street, Opposite College Campus, Athens, Georgia^ * • • * Tl'Mi i * jT TAKES this method of announcing to the public generally, that ho hap just! returned from New York with the largest and most complete stock Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ilats and Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, Gent’s.Ftn^iijb- ing Goods, full linos of Ladies’Fancy Goods, such as Tics, Scarfs, Woolen ■ 1 ... ■ £a!r . Goods, in Shawls, CloaA’s, &c., &e. Also, a desirable line of Lady’s and CHu- . • ;Ur! ) ••!) dren’s Fancy Furs, and complete lines of other Goods, too nnmerous to. mention. He invites the attention of buyers to the same, feeling confident that he can offer \± : * • ' SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS SEASON , ,, ' i . :•! ... ;■•■’/ ,.JJ1.. a..;,.' Which he has been unable to do heretofore. Thanking the public for past patronage, and hoping to receive a share of the same hereafter. My motto is QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Very respectfully The Enterprise long Looked Fori * AT THE FRANKLIN HOUSE link con be bad at ill boon, far jr’i-b-j vr CBisrxs each. This Hotel his _ furnished. The Traveling pa 1 with Board and Lodging fur been thoroag'alv renovated and s Traveling public will be For Sale. 4 GOOD Second Hand Piano for Sale Cheap. Apply at tins offloe. Oct. 6—49—St. For Sale. A 100 Gallon Still, with Cap and Worm complete. Apply to Sumiuey, Hutclic->o. & Bell, or Jonn P Newton. Jnne 2,1875. Sl-tf. NEW STORE ilOUS FOR RENT. r PHE New Store Room on Clayton -L Street, and adjoining Lester's Block, with four good Offices above, will be ready for use by the 15th of bepteiubtr, and are new olio red for rent Apply t JOHN H NEWTON, or Summby, Hutchinson Jt Hell, Aug. 18—42-tf. Peuprce Block. FOR SALE. Two "Wagons and F ire Good Horses, Cheap for Cash or on time until November. Approved securitv. J. n. HUGGINS, No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. Feb. 24. To Rent A very desirable RESIDENCE on Jaeluon Street. Price low andfteims easy. Apply to Sept. 22,1175—47-tf. A £ P '£' BISHOP, No. 1 Brood 8L, Up Stain HOPE. ‘8 O’clock.’ HOPE. MrEePm 1 0 d A r L. StXoU /will (toad b'Jrrt Hut Our* Mptnthsrttkin UtreS: .ad (Anu (Anil aofrs tht net and there shall emu ws- ter tut of itlhai the people may driaL.”—Ex. isda, has ouch an excitement prevailed among aa is now created by the accidental discovery of a ■■tote of reforest water which beyond cavil ocUpMetbo whole fraternity of tha teamed faculty in restoring to edglaal health slsseat every form ot chrouic dl,e»s». Flnd- lag tt IwyettlHs to eeinrereedat ■ the tock hire, the proprto- tore vrepoM to foretell tha concentrated medicine pre pared hytoregty redoclux the water by evaporation Inte a fist powder oa Mus, whleh poeeereee all the wonderfol vlrtacaeftha water Uaebeap and convenient form. The More tea fine toale, alterative and sheerheat aad te efe pec lolly uaefol totediee eufferlug from bngalariUee end sfhctleae peculiar te their sex. Ithae hwn unlveraally approved and endocred by the Medical Frefeerioa wher ever introduced, both ee a dfosWeralae. ia their materia. |g* US. JH85Jrt!*35^,g %.!!g Orecer, idegifltotoa, CrerepCbeile, Cutoneoue Erupt- ba»B»gg aga I Uteri, Sexual wsikasre, Srvefole, Reaareer Cereplatete. and Injection, endlncorawste edbemaffia Beetahetoaere of tote remedy cannot be am .. j — by ProC Chae. F. Pharmacy, New 1 to every form of dll Werere, Whltefo aad aU diseases wh eh '■ “ od. Liver or Kidaeys. excellent walk, gargle “ ‘—* lard.perauw ▼eoeriel dlreeere. Weeare. Whltee, ear derive their ori^a from tire Blood, IMrertvad kswater Ureakre aa exa tot PUtt. The claims to rrevy form of dlaeaee proce <wthe Ldaays, onl Ut.Jhia^ AlaaOaa, Oxide o( from, Chrhoale Arid. Jo* Oty, Pfovee lte perfoei edopteUea ml AeSolpbotea. tehoreslem aad rear ha weed at wilL TWO DOLLARS PER DAY. A FINE OYSTE i SALOON 3tf TTU&SM 3500, if wevioUte say of these nrre^H Oct. 6—49—3m. CHARLES STERN. MARBLE. A. R. ROBERTSON’S mm m mm m Dealer in and manufacturer of Monuments, Head nnd M. A.- STOVALL, ■WAREHOUSE f ADD COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 1. Warren Block, Augusta^ Georgia. , , , „ . teattniid riMIANKFUL for the liberal patronage heretofore be- ^s 00 ^ 10 ? 0 *’ Granite Box Tombs and Cni- X stowed, would take this occasion to notify the die Tombs. All work warranted. Venom will do planters of Georgia and Sonth Carolina that he continues well to examine my design*, and bo convinced that Commission Business in all ita branches (except .- ... | buying and selling futures), aud solicits consignments 4vtt i 0 f Cotton for salo or storage. Ho will give the selling -• rere m. of Cotton hia personal attention. He is, as heretofore, BOOTS AND SHOES: ce,cbrated VT&frsr* Sept. 22—47-2UI. U4,.. GRIER’S ALMANACS. THE old reliable Almanac for 1876, will be ready m n few day., and will bo tarnished to any customers by the gross or dozen > ,.’t: v AT THE LOWEST RATES. K»ttin TO ORDER. N W* HAUDRUPy ARTIST, moved his Shop from the old Lombard Building AT THE LOWES TO^pfe&raCr/^fd^ wf t ord^reeprotmily ducted. a * 'll,iir» 1st 1&7S I oopu 30—1-tf. u il T. A. BUHKE. The Pee Dee Herald. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT WADES BORO, N. C. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. BRIGHT, cheerful, progressive, always np to the ad vancing thoughts of the times, the Herald takes muk with the leading Journals of the day. It is on the side “ r Christianity. J The Heralcl is devoted to the fumily circle. It con- J tains original and selected stories, wit, humor, etc. Every family in the land should subscribe for it. Its j low price (only one dollar) places it within the reach of | the poorest in the land. We pay all postage. READ WHAT THE PRESS THINKS OF US. The Polkton (N. C.) Ansonian says: The Herald is j one of the neatest papers in the State. The Concord (N. C.) Register savs : We congratulate our friends of the Wadesboro Herald upon the fine appearance of their paper. The Piedmont (N. C.) Fress says: The Herald is a iprightly sheet, fall of news and other interesting rend* tug matter. The Herald ia a first class Family Paper having some of the ablest writers in North Carolina attached to its ataff. there ia enough humorous reading iu it to make one laugh for n week—enough ;o keep you jolly till the next comes—Rockraart (Ga.) New*. HI V-SPHf 2 *i' of THE id). . ^ GE RE- took Blacksmith Shop. H ill f£w would respectfully announce to the citizens of Athens and adjoining country that he is ftdly prepared to do all manner of work inthn Black smith line in a superior manner and at reasonable charges. He hsathe best workmen and nsea nothing but the best material. Plantation Work, Horae Shoe ing, and very difficult jobs a specially. SHOP located opposite Mr. J. Z. Cooper’s Livery Stable, 20dco Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO., If you waut a NO. 1 COOK STOVE, AND TIN WARE OF ALL KINDS, CHEAP FOR CASH. Roofing and Guttering a Speciality. Sept. 15,1873. 46—6m. SETTLED FACTS. That the Oglethorpe Echo is one of tho best advertuing r tiro Athens merchant, in the State. Oglethorpe county, led yearly there by That the people of Oglethorpe pledge themselves to sustain those merchant, who sustain their county paper by advertising therein. Advertising rate* reasonable. : t . T. L. GANTT, Editor and proprietor. medium for That Athens is Th* Moxxlt for and thousand* of dollar* are expeudi FAIR AND TIMELY NOTICE. ritHANKlNG my friends for their patronage in tha ^11 ^paat, and asking for a oontinnanoo of the) same, I FROM AND AFTER THE Ire OF OCTOBER, ■rv terms will be " -■ . . CASH ON DELIVERY, ; ' except to those parties who havs always pud their billa PROMPTLY •n presentation. Where goods are ebaTged, it will bs wita tbn diatinea naderrianding that tho hills are DUX AT THE END OF THE MONTH. »' I would willingly give longer time if l were able, hut I am not. 1 trust that no ona will 1* offended at the aa my necessities drive me to It. I hopo by attention to business and low prices, to merits -—7 of thejtotronage r* ‘ l ■ ” I T will get a cony of THE LAGRAI REl’ORTER, lor six months; tho F M1UH WEEKLY OF GEORGIA; the gold medal. at Hie State Fair in 1873,. WIIAT IT; WTLL DO, 1 - ' r * 1 1 tr. jll as tho best country weekly in the State, “ typography, make-up, business, reading matter, and editorial management consider ed.” Sxtvo otnt notion, own rair itiox six mouths. Specimen Topics free. , $i ■-j- $i TIIE LaGRAXGE REPORTER Is not merely a local paper. Besides its local and mix- cellaneou. reading, it has a department devoted to tho farm and garden; a department specially adapted to household reading: one devoted to State news, one to new. of the Southern States, and one to the new. of the world, collated with great care from tho tolegranhic dia- patcliea as found in the beat metropolitan dailies. Especial pains are given to the news columns, the design of the publisher being to give'hi. readers the eaoense of all tlie news, gathered from all sources and boiled down. By this system, tho read ere are kept informed of all event, of importance that happens anywhere, and the publisher thinks ho can justly claim that in this re spect. Thk LoGnoxon kironn has no superior of its class. Terms, $2 a year; $1 for six months. Bend for specimen oopv. Address J; T. WAEERMAN, octso. LaGxaxoa, Go. I Lost! The lluder by leaving it at this ow arded. oea the residence of the first Methodist fig Set with Pearls. ” will be liberally Oct. 6—dtf. 3£ ■ icmrf ;' ;nT: ! Spring and Summer i Millinery Goods, ;v Mbs. T. A. Ansn would most respectfully inform the Ladies of Athena and of counties adjacent, that she has now received arid opened a most choice and, (elect as sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, com- prising in pan the lottfit styles sad toabioM of i - Laces, Hats, Bonnets, Ribbo] Flowers, Gloves, Which BhewillseU (treasonable prices, call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a dis tance carefully filled. Store located on Bread street, one doer above National Bank. : : April 21,1875—25-tf. •:i COAL! COAL11 u H AVING established nOadlYard’in with ms Warehonae, with a stock ofFQUBHUN- prepored to offer tha ibllow- Athens, at very low mioea: COALi CREEK,” n Company. Bums brightly, is in cdukcra mP *’ ^* n<1 P leke< b i“4Mi0*? tom elate and '“'CAHABA;*’ *« Of Alabama. Almost excellent Cool fbr domestic tree, being Bed Asb, largo lumps, kindles quickly, and mokea up ^ ( y Of Alabama.' A new Coal, arid the purest that ‘ cornea from the COM Fields of Alabama or Tennessee. August U t iyg. , , .-/ 41df. Dissolution of JCJa. future will be conducted by Mr. stand. T]iankbdfor L thelib«Dl the firm, we Solicit a continuant Tbe oocounte due the firm muM of November nqxt, indulgence 1 bo given. Oct, l«thl875. j . oct.SOdwSt. .tViUl’ 'abandoned and left her home and] Cleghom. All- persona are .hereby give credit to *>>—” T — ’ will not be rc tho not to her husband or acoounte con-