The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 24, 1875, Image 1

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H> H. CARLTON & CO Alness tnd fctifesdoiialCfcrte. COBB, ERWIN & COBB, attorneys at law, ATHENS, GA. . - Office in the Deupree BoJlta*. H. H. CARLTON & CO., Proprietors, IF. R. LITTLE, Attorney at Law, CARNESVILLE, GA. J. 8. DORTCH, Aitorjney x CARNE8VILLE, GA. A. O. McCtMRW ^ aTTOB^Iir 4T £4 HARTWELL, GEORGIA. WILL *ive .trite penonol attention to all botiiMM ea- trx.tcJ to hi* oere. Auf. 4-40—ly. .. A,. M. Jackson. .. X W. Thomas. JACKSON d THOMAS, Attorneys at Law. Athens, Georgia. O. A. Locciukx. Joux Millsuez. LOCERANE & MILLEDOE, Attorneys at Law, - Atlanta, Georgia. Oifice No. S)£ rijor street, opp. Kimball House. Jane 2, 1875. . SI—4m. JOHN W. OWEN, ^ Attorney at Law, 100004 CUT, 04. Will practice in ell the counties of the Western Cir cuit, Hart end Madison of the Northern Circuit. Will itivt .pedal ettenion to eH claims entrusted to his care octiOwly. , P. G. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, lipecisl attention paid to criminal practice. For refer ence apply to Ex. Got. T. H. Watts and Hon. David I Clopton, Montgomery Ala. Office over Barry’s Store, [ Ailiini,(ia Feu. 3—tf. JOHN T. OSBORN, Attorney at Law. ELBERTON, GA. Will practice in the counties of the Northern Circuit, Banks, Franklin and Habersham ot the Western Circuit; will give special attention to all claims entrust ed to his care. Jan. 10, 1874—ly, Cjje JPjttts The War tii'Ros^a- The Fearful Struggle between the Turks u I Christians. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: lot ONE COPY, One Year, FIVE COPIES, One Year....... TEN COPIES, One Year, Rates of Advertising: Transient advertisements, of one square or more |1 00 per aquare for the first insertion, aad SO cants far oath att- asqaent linemen. * •a. AU advertisements considered transient except where special contracts are made. Tan flees or 100 words make ene square. •*- Liberal contracts made with yearly advertisers. LEGAL 'ADVERTISEMENTS. Citation of Administration or Guardianship $4 40 AppUeaUoasorlU—Ilea Ait iamn talar or Guardian 500 application for Loaro to Sell Lands 4 00 fFrom the Manchester Guridian.] At Svniar I was heartily received by the cure, M. Edward Jalotueh, who, however, s s oo | not having been long in his present post, s 78 and ill most of the time, was not able to 1B oo ! tel me much. But, per contra, there was j a stalwart, burly priest from a neighboring village who was a native of Bosnia, where he had been in charge of a- parish, but . - . . • -. — obliged to flee for his life. His story throw TffjW.fP. an ”, “ much light on the savage nature ol the life ^lh lor^y nir and^ee ^ led in Bosnia, both byMoslems and Cl Salas Perishable ihopeny, 10 days, per eq.— Sheri if Sale., per square Tax Collector s Sales, per square. Foreclosure Mortgage, per square, each time. FRANK HARRALSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEVELAND, GA. Will practice in the counties of White, Union, pkin, Towns, and Fanning, and the Supreme Court at Atlanta. Will give special attention to ell claim, en trusted to his can. Aug. 111875—41—if. E. SCHAEFER, COTTON B UYER, Agent for Win octXOwti. TOC cos CITT, 04. Highest Cash Price paid Sir Cotton. •hip’s Gina and Press. . E. A. WILLIAMSON, ~ PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, At Dr. King’s Drug Stom, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. All work done in a superior manner and warranted to give satisfaction. Jan. S— tf. THE SONG (IF THE CAMP, BT BATAKD TATLOK. This poem is founded on a well known incident in the Crimean war. “ G ive us a song 1” the soldiers cried, The outer trenched guarding. When the heated gnus ot the camp allied Grew weary of bombarding. The dark Redan, in silent scoff, Lay grim and threatening, under; And the tawny month of tho Malakuff No longer belched ita thunder. There was a pause. The Guardsmen said, “We storm the forts to-morrow; Sing while we may, another day Will bring enough of sorrow’.” Thay lay along the battery's aide. Below the smoking cannon— Brave hearts from Severn and from Clyde, And from the banks of Shannon. They sang of love and not of fame— Forgot was Britain's glory; Each heart recoiled a different name. But all anng “ Annie Laurie.” Voice after voice caught up the song, Until its tender passion Rose like an anthem rich and strong— Their battle eve confession. Dear girl; her name lie dared not speak; Yet, as the aoug grew louder, • Something upon the soldier’s cheek Washed off tne stains of powder. Bevond the darkening ocean burned The bloody sunset’s embers, While the Crimean v. llcys learned How English love remembers. And once again the fire of hell Rained on the Russian quarters, Witli stream of shot and burst of shell And bellowing of the mortars. An Irish Nora’s eyes arc dim, For a singer dumb and gory; Anil Englpu Mary mourns lor him Who sang of “ Annie Laurie." Ah! soldiers to vour honored rest, Your truth ana honor bearing; The bravest are the tenderest— Tho loving are the daring! dock, MISS C. POTTS, fashionable [Dressmaker (Orer University Bank.) Broad Street, - - - Athens. Would reapaetlUly ’inform tha Ladle* and her triends generally, of Athens and vicinity, that abe is now pre pared to do Diene making in the Neatest and moat FASHIONABLE STYLES. With her experience in the business, she feels sure of giving satisfaction. May 14, 1875—28-tf. A. A. WINN, —With- UROOVER, STUBBS .& Cotton factors, CO., General Commission Merchants, BAGGING AND TIES, 7 5 Cents a Bi le ATHENS FACTORY. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent Oct 20—w4t. LIVERY AND SALE STABLE Carriages, Buggies and Horser for Hire. TERMS REASONABLE. K. M. WHITEHEAD, Washington, Wilks, Co., Ga. NevMtflr. \ MEDICAL NOTICE. At the solicitation of many of my former patrons, I taupe the f e, -jap jva Practice of Medicine from this date. I will pay especial attention to tha dis ease of Infknts and Children, and tha Cbreolo Diseases «t Females. WM. KING, M. D Jure 14, 1875-SS-ly. BLACK <fc GARDNER, Carpenters and General Jobbers, ReapactfrUly offer their services to tha citizen. of Athena end turroonding country. Location, two doors east of »ka Episcopal Church, opposite Mr. L. J. Lampkin’s Store. Contracte ter -All -1A J March Sd. 1876—ly. AN EAS1KKN STORY. A traveler came to a city gate, Weary and worn, for tlie hour was late. He smiled as lie slackened his tired steed, And promised him shelter and plenteous feed; For well they hail distanced the Bedouin fleet O’er the desert sand, in the scorching heat; And lie took no thon But to share them bo But the gate, shut fast on the robber hordes, Was dead ;o bis blows and deaf to hia words. So he lighted hie lantern, the way to see, And tethered his liorse to a sheltering tree. And saying, “ My Father does what is good.” He laid' him down in the dusky wood. Short sleep he had when the lurid glare Of the forked lightning filled the air; And madden’d by frigh/, bis fiery horse Plunged through the wooJs in his headlong course. While the friendly gleam of hia tiny light. Went out, to add to Ids woeful plight. Yet again as he laid on the earth his head, “What my Father doeth is fjooJ,” he said. When at morn he woke the tnn looked down On the lifeless streets of a ruined town, All swept by the ruthless robber hands, And carried away to their desert lands. tians. One day daring the harvest, he was employing some twenty men to get it in, and lie was just about to have his dinner, a Moslem appeared in the yar^, armed to the teeth, and asked for one ot the workmen. The cunt inquired whaTlje wanted him for. ‘•To shoot him,” wasvthe reply; “lie has sto cn an apple and enrsed my house ” The cure tola him to be off and seek his remedy in a law conrt. There upon the Moslem quietly cocked his gtin and tired at the cure, who only escaped by a quick movement behind the window, took down his gun in turn ami shot the aggres sor dead. So far so good. But now tfje cure’s blood was tip, and calling his nien i together, he bade them make a bonfire. Then, stripping the Moslem, he rubbed him all over with lard—the greatest possi ble indignity for a Moslem—and pitched the body into the fire. Of course he had to fly for liis life, and the parish was oblig ed to pay a fine f 15,000 ducats to the man’s family. As may easily be supposed, this cure is one of the most energetic supporters of the rebellion now, and should not be surprise ’ to hear that he has become one of the leaders. This st ry was told me by the cure of the next village. He says that when he first heard it from the lips of the hero himself he conceived a great repugnance to hint, but since then he himself has seen and heard so much of the c uelty anil ferocity of the Bosnian Mos lems, that he believes he would have done tlie same. Many incidents were related to me by this clerical hero that even roused my hardened soul; but, although I believe in them myself, I will not recount them, as credence might be refused to a man of such passion. AN* INSURGENT’S REVENGE. In the early gray of morning the insur gents who had descended from the chief range towards the Save were joined by sev enty-five men. from the Austrian side, and all set off together to fall upon the Turkish block-houses alo g the Save and Wrbas, and all the Turkish houses and posts in the i astern angle formed by those two rivers. The Turks were surprised, nearly all massa cred, and their block-houses and dwellings burned. The insurgents had one man kill ed and seven wounded; the Turks twenty- seven killed, some burnt in the houses, and* many wounded—how many they could not tell me. I expressed surprise that so many Turks should be killed and so few insur gents. Thereupon one of the insurgents got up, fetched a bag, and out of it took a ghastly head and laid it on the table. “There,” he said, “andtwenty-six more are on the other side* To-morrow we shall haven bonfire!’’ This was a starting way of verifying an assertion; and I must cou- fess that I had to seek refuge in a cUp of coffee till I had regained my equanimity. Meanwhile the head g ared at me, and seemed to protest against the company. “ But,” I said, “do you think that this fo .“SSL **§• 5 *ro<. -flfi [From the Detroit Free Pr«a.] Of There were.three of them, (hiefwaa a refer qro^ff bride, the other a groom with -red earsaadl Su ~ - Sifs *» Trunk Depot yosteratt morning to tike . the train west. The young mu daM as Xk^WW i his young Gift’s flit hand, rolled ui hi* eye*, SQt*Mi)pA% and theyaeemed happy, while the mother- Carlyle says thetevflugcoba A courage tffiffeich torfrhe tj»|t ■klPflm»fe|feT T”* » rell satis- when, tbt fence t» between .yq&jnd the rot .out, dog.,«(, Linow ,WilSn rnkiaiA » five popv w#lMiiiiimfi ai^ %ift kgn liil Uffia t My Arretted for using her frumeylo buy this old first wife a tombstone uritb poetry atuit. Aii ctS UlSy H lead: he said. T. A. SALE, K LL operations on Teeth warranted to fiva foo, in Work and Prices. Terms, Vary Low For Room, over Singer S. M. Offico, Clayton PH Y SIC IAN. war i by A Co., Sl-tf. FITS CURED FREE! -A ffy Pw»on suffering from the above Trial reqaorird to addreea Dm. Fbks, and a “"“.of uedlcisawtU bofamtriedby Espreu. FREE) which, ovriof to FITS OR EPILEPSY toyttiii aafl ha will warrant a care by “ ts MDd ^ “ ' WILL CURE YOU, izr&izs.'xi FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. •otiSTaS&iX’.&r gg •nsma.M “Had I gained my will and paeaed tbe c»te, I hod .hared to tlie worst their faspleu fata; “ Had tho .town not qnenchod my lantern’, rays It had lighted tlie thieves to my resting place; “ While tho whinnying cry of my reellees .teed Would hsve proved a mark to tucir cruel greed.’, Better than Nothing. A good old Methodist lady, very particu lar and very pious, once kept a boarding house in Boston. Staunch to her principles, she would take no one to board who did not hold to the eternal punishment of a large portion of the race. But the people were more intent on carnal comforts than spiritual health, so that in time her house became empty, much t. her grief and alarm. After some time a bluff old si a capitin knocked at the door, and the old lady ans wered the call. “Servant, ma’am. Can you give me board for two or three days? Got my ship here and shall be off soon as I load.” “Wa-al, I don’t know,”said the only lady. “Oh, house full, eh?” *,No, but ” T #■. j “But what, ma’am?” “I don’t take unclean or carual people in my house. What do you believe?” “About what?” ’’Why, do you believe that any one will be oondemned ?” “Oh, thunder I yes.” “Do you.’ aiid tbe good woman, brighten- iigHp. “Well, how many souls do you think will be in the fire eternally ?” “Don’t know, ma’am, really—never calcu lated that.* •'Can’t yon guess?* “Can’t say—perhaps fifty thousand.” “Wa’al hem!” mused the the good woman; *'I guess I’ll take von; fifty thousand is bet ter than nothing.” Col. R H. Hardaway, of Thomas county, writes: “It gives me pleasure to promptly answer your question as to tbe cost per pound to raise cotton. I give you the cost for seven yhars, to-wit: 1866, 14:50; 1867, 12:50; 1868. 12:25; I860, 10:90; 1870, 8.-60; 1871,13:61; 1872, 10:77. The average is 11:88. This includes interest on value of land, repairs, interest on team, taxes, fertil isers, laborofcultiyaiing, picking.and pack ing, but notbnig added for personal super vision. The latter J would be hard to esti mate. This year’s crop has not been to mar ket, bat will not exceed ten cents. I keep ' of my crop annually, and it simply the copying, as the calculation was already made and entered oo my memoran- rociiy will gain you any more sympathy ?” “Quite tbe contrary We are are not ac enstomed to wage war like that, or mutilate the dead.” “No,” cried one of the men, suddenly, crimson with passion: “No, you English do uot wage war like that against a civilized nation. But you, too, have bad your blood roused like ours—more than we have, perhaps—and you shat er your prisoners to pieces before the cannon’s mouth. When your wives and children were tortured and massacred you had no pity for ihe Sepoys. You must remember that this is a personal war. There is not one of us who has not suffered worse from the Turks than ever you did from the Se poys, and that os long as we remember. My mother was burnt to death in 1862 My wife was impaled eight \veeks j ago, and ray two children, one six months old and the other two years, bayonetted and thrown to the pigs. How. dare you reproach ns with lerocity ? How can you reproach a wild beast for ferocity ? “Say!” “But,” I replied, wiih something sticking in iny throat, for I did not half like the turn mat ters were taking, “but you are not beasts. “We are!” thundered my opponent. “We arc beasts, and you and the rest of Europe have made us so. You handed us over to infidels, to Turks, and what t ey left us was devoured by the Jews. You were either fools or rascals. You jumbled Turks and Arabs together; you tbonght the Alham bra was bui.t by Turki, and that rab science was Turkish ; but you did know that the Turks are an accursed race—Cain’s cursed progeny—and that where they once set foot the grass will never grow again. Or knowing all this, you still supported them. No sum too large to procure them the filth they revel in; no concession too small for us. Would you like to have your daughter sent for by a Bey, stripped, ex amined, and sent back to you with an or der to keep her another six months—to fat ten her into a beast for a pasha’s lust. That happened last year to that man there. Was it for that you lent tha Turks #200,000,000? Say, are you not fools or rascals ? Still we thank you. Tlie Turks have fattened on us; you have fatten ed on them. They have ruined us; you have ruined them, and now that they are sucked dry and bankrupt, you have sudden ly discovered that you sympathise w th us. Sympathy! We want more than sympathy; we want justice. You and the Turki are the sorcerers who have changed us into wehr- wolves. Release us. Give us back our souls; give us back our human form. Till then we mqet obey our instincts. And thus; thou infernal atom, go join the body that is seething in bell.” So saying, be seised the head, dashed it into the corner, and stalked out of the room. For some moments there was complete silence, and the aspect of the faces around me was something fearful. I could say nothing, I felt asif I was gi “ of all this, and could only smoke in silence* At last one of them broke tbe spdl, and beg ged me to excuse, what hatl been said and make no mention of it. Bbt it was true, be said; and never had they heen so badly treat* ed as since the Crimean war. K i. • fled. Pretty soon tho groom and when he returned he thre corn balls and a big stick of “*~ *-**-“ *— — A ’•and “H raised her spectacles, and thus addressed the young man with red ears: Jjjji” “ Why, of course.” “ And I have a right to feel an interest in you?” •; • . ; V K . “Ofcourse.” \ “ And we are on your bridal tower ain’t we?” “Yes.” “Well, now, you’ve been squandering money all along, Peter. Yon took a hack, vou bought oysters, you bought a jack knife and you’ve just thrown money away. I feel hat it is my uuty to tell you to hold up before you make a fool of yourself!” “ Whose money is this ?” he asked, grow ing very red in the face. “It is vours, and what is rours is Sabin- tha’s, and it is mv duty a* her mother to speak l nt when I see you fooling your money away ” “I guess" I can take care of my money!” he retorted. “Perhaps you can, Peter White, but there are those in your family who can’t.” He strrggied with his feelings as the bride shook tier head at him, and then asked: “ Did I marry you ?” “No, sir, yon didn't, you little bow-legged apology for a man, but I have a right to speak for my daughter.” “ You can speak all yon want to, but I want you to understand "that I can manage my own affairs, and that I don’t care for your advice.” “ Peter White,” she slowly responded, waving the peanut-candy close to his nose, “ I see we’ve got to have a fuss, and we might as well have it now.” “Ma! ma!” whispered the bride, pulling at the old lady’s shawl. ■‘You needn’t ma me, Sabintha! This Peter White has deceived us both about his temper, and I’m going to tell him just what I think of him 1 He commenced this fuss, and we’ll see who’ll end it 1” “You mind your business and I’ll attend to tnind 1” growled Peter. “ Oh 1 you liump-hackcd hypocrite 1” she hissed, jabbing at his eye with the peanut bar. “ Only a month ago yon called me * Mother Hull,’ and was going to give *ne the best room in the new house 1” “You’ll never have a room in a house of mine 1” he exclaimed. “ And I don’t want one, you red-cared hypocrite!”' * 4 “ Don’t, Peter—don’t ma 1” robbed the bride. It’s my duty, Sab'.ulha; it’s your moth er’s 1” - “Don’t cry, Sabby,” he interrupted; lon’t mind what she says!” “Try to set my daughter up agin me, will you ?” hissed the old laay, as she brought the peanut-bar down on bis nose. “Oh! ma!” yelled tlie bride. “You old wretch 1” hissed Peter, as he clawed at her. “ None of the Whites will ever run over me!” exclaimed the mother-'n-law, as she got hold of his^shirt-collar and hauled him around. - t • “I’d knock your old 1” “ You can’t knock nothing!” she inter rupted, backing him against the table. “Ma! Oh-h-h! ma!” howled Sabintha. The dozen other passengers in the ro< in, who had been interested and amused l.sten- ere, here interrupted, ami Peter waq re leased rom the old lady’s grasp; his collar having been torn off and bis cheekficratched. “ I expected this, and prepared for it 1” panted the mother-in-law as she leaned against the wall. “This doesn’t end it by any means! Tnis bridal tour trill come to a stop to-morrow, and then u e’Baee whether I’ve got any business to speak up for Sabia- tha or not 1” As the train moved away, the old lady wore a grim smile. Sabintha was weep ng, and Peter was struggling with ano.her pa per collar. - Reminiscences of Senator John Morrissey’s UareeK ’#*. dum book.” Critic*! question of*o old ladj who shown * picture of Jacob kisainc Rachel. “Whst lysthoy wrs«tliog about.” Upland Rice.—The Columbus Enquirer iys: Farmers generally, throughout this section of Georgia and in Alabama have raised more rice this season than ever before in their history, and it comM in guod time. In Lee county there have already been tbiastr ed out by oue machine 1,51)0 .bushels. Tbe Georgia counties, south of this, in the ag gregate, have produced good yields. We tear that Mr. U. L. Jones, of Troy, alone has 2,500 bushels, and other person near him 800. Rice will go a good ways towards supplying tbe lack- of corn in bonsehoMa, and plenty of “sweetening” will aid the cause cf subsistence. Then there are sweet pota toes, tnruips, etc. The country will hardly starve. The Memphis Avalanche says Capt. Jeffer son D. Howell, the commander of the last steamship, was a native of Natchez, Mias., lived in New Orleans several years, and serv ed as infclthhroai nndro the Coafednraflr with Aannra) Seamsa. For ten years he had been employed on merchant vessels ■ailing oaffiof Sub Franny. *nd some moofhs since wan promoted** ths somssnnl. at the steamship Pacific, for galantry displayed in rososring shipwrecked people during a vio lent storm. Captain Howell wan hardy thirty yearsdd wl 9rod,^inirrk8d1 :< '“ _ tight lactog*onldl*y au.Liaiii> Jiiv 7<jiiaar»! girls in' Greenland make a practice of wearing pantaloons, and they srent pUI- till they are married, either, as the custom is here. Shakespeare said: “There is a tide in the affaire of men,” bat it appears to be pretty mnch all tied-back- in tne affairs of women.—Norristown Herald. A Western paper in speaking of the re cent sale of some Chinese women, in San Francisco, at 10 cents a head, says: “Cheap China-ware, bat warranted to wash.” The Brooklyn girl who was caught steal ing a pair of shoes to wear to the Sunday School, says she will never try to be good again. A goat followed a Louisville girl two miles the other day, and she was finally obliged to rush into a bouse to e cape the wrath of the infuriated animal The girl’s striped stockings caused the trouble. Two opinions—La Rochefoucauld says: “ The heU of woman is old age.” “ Holmes says: “ A good and true woman is said to resemble a Cremona fiddle—age but in creases its worth and sweetens its tone.” A London Custom-House officer says that his experience convinces him that women, os a rule, would rather smuggle their gloves and other knick-knacks than receive the same as a present free of -ost. “All the world is full of babies, Sobbing, sighing, everywhere; Looking out with eyes of terror, Beating, at the empty air. Do they see the strife before them, That they sob and tremble ro? Oh, the helpless, frightened babies— Still they come, and still they go. Irish builder, to laborer aloft—“How many of yez is up there?” Laborers (in rooms)—“Three.” Irish builder—“ Sure, that’s too many; half of yez can come down.” A wearied young lady lately hastened the departure of a tedious caller by remark ing, as she looked out of the window, “ I think we are going to have a beautiful sun rise.’’ “ John Henry.” said his wife with stony severity, “I saw you coming out of a sa loon this afternoon.” “ Well madam,” re plied the obdurate John, “yonwouldn’t have me stay in there, would you?”— Brooklyn Argus. Child—" Does tl e Lord take the papers?” Mother—" No, my child; why do you ask?” Child—“ Oh, I thought he didn’t, it takes oar minister ro long to tell Him about things!”—Nets Haven Register. Another accidental great discovery: Limburger cheese frightened off a devasta- t ng army of potato-bugs that hsd invaded the county of Seneca, N. Y. Even a bug has to be to the manner born to face lim burger the first tihie. The poetic sentiment given below, will find thousands of indorsers among unsuc cessful lovers: Be not triumphant little flower, , When on her hanghty heart you lie, But modestly enjoy your hour; She’ll weary ot you by and by, “I.expect,” said a worthy Quaker, “to pass through th ia world but once If, there: fore, there be any kindness I can show, or anything -1 can do for my fellow-men, let me do it n w. Let roe not neglect or de fer it, for I shall not pass this way again. 1 ' A Louisville girl was shot in the foot a day or two ago, and the doctors are now eD gaged in Aiiniug for the ball One of them has worked his passage into the foot for so great a distance that they are obliged to let his provisions down to him by a rope. “ Madame;* skid a trance-medium " your buaband’s spirit wishes to communicate with you." “No matter,” said the widow; “ if mi got lio more spirit hi the other world than he had id this, itV fttft worth bothering about.' Who would believe that the fashion ot a lady’s dress, 850 B.' c., was very much the same as it is now, a. d. 1875? But here is the evidence from Hesiod (Works and Days, Part L) In his his counsels on marriage he says: “Let ho fair woman tempt thy sliding mind With .gar rments gathered in a knot behind.” “ Madam,” exclaimed a cross-grained if women were ad mitted to Paradise their tongues would make it * purgatory.” “ And some physi cians, if allowed to practice there,” replied the lady, “would soon make ita desert.” Sleep is * thing that bells have no more burineuatp intexfifre with than with prayers aad sermons. God is rocreatiqg us. We ate ao ansen isiakfl as wn weewbefore we wore born; aad while he holds as there, feeding anew' the springs of life, and infus ing fresh fire into our brains, and preparing ns for the worh-of another day, the pillow is as sacred as the sanctuary.—Dr. F. G. Hia Great Strength and Indomitable Pluck as h • Boj4-HIs Fiatie Encounters —Mak- ■ t IngaCostli Present to Commo* dfre Vanderbilt. , -err [From tha fineinnatti Commercial.] John Morrissey’s career shows conclusive ly what indomitable pluck, energy, and fair dealing will do for a man, even when handi capped with such fearful weights as obscure birth, defective education, poverty, and a degrading profession. Born of poor peasant parrots in Ireland, he was brought by them to this country when a mere child. His father. "Tim” Morrissey, located in Troy, Ham York, and daroed * • precarious i living fat won, he being a mu of tne commonest jsd* uaction and without 1 a trade. Morrissey's mother was also deficient in education and appreciation of its advantages, and conse nt "Dooic larnin" wnen a uoy, >vuen out a- stripping he attracted the attention of a dog fighter named Patsey McCormick; who took him under a sort of patronage, and, thodgh* hofi it portraya him out and out. he was not-faicssed with an over supply of lie, he won’t steal, aadt Mr nrti »l,!n n.f.JJ’n lire nAren fnnnrl TnnOnu nf Koolr ren a frinnrl nr O fr\A Tc AVIV When Vanderbilt took' possession of the New York Central, it beoim»dariyshle to ;et an idea of his policy before xpl ptlbqc, and at the same time have the public believe that the information was obtained inctfienUy and not made known with a purpose. )Vith that object in viqw, a reporter of a jqurnal whoee editor w*s >n the secret was detailed to inter view Morrissey, and exftarf, K if ^biHBIs the news from him. The scribe was elated over his comaiwsiro, affid Mecaa^fehejaffid hia wpdeat hopes. When tho,-interview was about at an end, he said to nis companion: “Mr. Morrissey, what is thdsetMiof your success in life? It can’t bo becausevou were prizefighter, for better pugilists than you have dioxin thq poo^guy*;^, M^rnssey ^canned his interrogator closely, “Iff answer you will not pnblnbdt now ?” : .“Cestaudy Mt,” was (he reHtooPP bond. I’never refuse to help any ‘one" who asks for aid, if it is in my powfirlTI find a man disposed to be my friend Y'tie him ttStL-Krerelraarwl-iF T find « mnn nnlnir nnt. y her son obtained but;a scanty amount witb hooks and if I find a man going out ( Tbe Churchman tel ls the story of a but without giving her name, who became tired of Utlfa mainly employed in eattag—d. jhm dittoing, and resolved to devote herself .mil her money tq A nobler purpose. At the close of the rebellion she went to a sandy island off the Atlantic coast, where about t*oHundred persons were living in povar^r and ignorance, and eaublished her home then with the intention of benefiting the inhabitants. 8be begsn' with teaching, by exampiei bow tocairivato tbs land tncrativley, and was soon imitated. Next she estab lished a school for tbe children, and After ward a church. Now tbe island is a ing rdBbn, with ap industrious and (be change being the wo&;4f A Mniriaftr ^ M<ffi% , 'ls^y, freak from howdiag-adfiNf^ eame to her fitther^ break fast table, instead at speaking English and USyhSg “ SssisMArokfrsipsitoFVeaeh, and said “Biff JAtMA bone’s yours, if you say so,” responded the practical old gentleman, as he handed her . “Yen." he said dreamily, “we are always over tbe verge of the infinite, longing to its mysteries, and lost in the prnfuiu immentitv.” “Yes.” she replied, fully, “but, John, would you mind my g brown .patch oo the neat of those pants or yours?” , ■ This is tbe kind of weather that makee the ' -gjj iovested it in * pmr ot winter drawers. this world’s goods, he often found means of assisting the future statesman when assistance was valuable indeed. The eld inhabitants of Troy tell *ome very queer stories about the hardships of Morris sey’s early life, aud it certainly was strewn with more hard knocks than roses. The principal industry of Troy is iron manu facturing, and the men employed in its works have long been celebrated for the per fection of their physique and their prowers. Though as well behaved as the generality of men rf their class, they are fund of the man ly art, and the younger portion of them nre adepts in its mysteries. This was especially the case when tbe subject of our sketch was a boy, and he wasone of thesort that “didn’t take water for no one.” Many is the turn-up he has had with them just to set at rest the vexed question, “who was the best man.” It is related that he was never a quick fighter, though he was a stayer for all that was out. There were dozens of the lads in his days who could make his face look like a raw beefsteak in ten minutes, but just about the time that he ought to have cried enough, he would turn upon bis antangonist with such furry that he would soon be compelled to acknowledge himself a shipped man. An old competitor of his once remarked: “John didn’t never seem to know when he was lick ed, and just as you got tired thumping him, he kind o’ got his second wind, an’ then you might as well tackle the devil himself as try to made any headway against him.” Of the iron industries of Troy, stove moulding is the most important, and in the days of Mor rissey’s boyhood every moulder had his help er, or “Berkshire,” as he was called ; and when he was about nineteen years old he became a Berkshire in the Clinton Stove Works, the largest at that time in the world; He soon became a valuable man in the shop, * is great strength enabling him to do a great leal of what is called “jack ass” work with ease. Among other incidents of his shop life, it ia related that he would often, for a small wager stand barefooted and lift a ladle of moulten iron at arm’s length breast high, an achievement never before or since accom plished. After the Steinway Hall tragedy, Mor rissey settled down somewhat, and won the affections of Miss Sally Smith of Troy, daughter of a prominent steamboat captain, and the belle of her native city. This was the most fortunate step of his life, for he now began to think of making money. With this object in view, he started a barroom iu Troy. Selling whisky was not profitable enough, however, and he borrowed 8500 of Johnny Franklin of this city, and embarked in tbe faro banking business.' While thus engaged, he found time to patronize other forms of sport, and he developed qnite a pas sion for cock fighting. One night, while at tending a fight, he got into a quarrel with a man nam»l Heenan and liis son Tim, which resulted in his whipping the pair. Heenan had a son in California who had ac quired the soubriquet of the Benicia Boy, and considerable' reputation as a prize fighter. When the Benicia Boy learned of the insult to his kiu, he determined to return home and thrash the man who had struck his father. When he reached New York he soon found friends to pit him against Morrissey, and the wife of the latter, having given her consent, match was made for the cham pionship of America. The battle was fought n Canada, and was one of the most terrible in the annals of the ring. In the first round Heenan broke Morrissey’s nose with a blow that would have taken the fight out half the sluggers in the country; but Morrissey bided his time, and on Heenan’s smashing his hand against a stake in.the fifth round, he sailed in and put the “boy” to sleep with ease. This ended Morrissey’s career in the ring. About the time he learned that Commo dore Vanderbilt had his eye upon a fast horse in New York but that he hated to pay the amount asked for him. Morrissey bought the annimal and presented it to the Commodore. Vanderbilt accepted the gift, and took Morrissey (into his confidence, ad vising him to go into tho “street” and specu late in stocks. John took the advice, and from the points furnished by Vanderbilt, be soon found himself on the way to a compe tency. About this time be thought serious-, ly of taking up his residence for good iu Troy, aud with that object in view, he made over tures for the purchase of a dwelling that faces a private park in that city. The aris tocratic denizens ot the neighborh <od became alarmed at the threatened proximity of a prize fighter, and combined together and pur chased the residence before he completed his arrangements. When Morrissey found this out, he determined on revenge, and through a friend he purchased a lot immediately id the rear of tne most elegant part of the aris tocratic locality, and on it he errected a toudssmelling soap factory. The outraged aristocrats applied to the the courts, but Morrissey’s attorneys were clever, and avail ed themselves ot every trick of the law to procrastinate the case, and tbe result was tbe soap factory was bought by the aristocrats at a price that made them pay dearly, for their exauaiyenctt. Morrissey then moved per- raantly to New York city, and as his wealth increased he became anxious for political power and offic-. Possibly Ihe real, as it was thoavowed motive for this desire, was or mine d!rt; 1 8° for him rotategottKflfohole.” Those who know Morrissey best can best appreciate ibis creed, ‘ “ I ' ' ie won’t. neafir tans bis back on a friend or.a foe. Is any wonder that he carried the masses with him in a square fight against hypocrisy and deefet? There will be many a Senator in Albany tbis win ter that might well imitate his example. sons recollection of his parent'that woui embrace something more than the history of M uocessful.prize fighter and. gambler. Be object wh'atit may, his ambition was grat- id, and he was elected to Congress, ant*, it only fair to say that his career as a mem- the National Legislature was marked by bonesty and good sense, qualities not ak together undesirable in this class of .public Bosnia. The Theatre of the Turko-ChrisUan War. Bosnia, the most north-westerly province of European Turkey, forming an eyalet, governed by a pasha, aud including, besides Bosnia proper, the Turkish parts of Croatia and Dalmatia, and the district of Herzego vina (q. v.). It extends between lat. 42° 30’ and 45° 15’ N., and long. 17° 40' aud 21° E. It is bounded N. by tbe Save and Unna; E. by tho Vriua, and tho mountain- chain of Jublanik, and a branch of the Ar- gentaric Alps; S. by the Scardagh Moun tains ; and on the W. by the mountains of Cosman, Timor, and Steriza. At a few points ip the South it reaches to the Adri atic sea. It has an extent estimated at 18,f00 square miles, with a population of about a million. With tho exception of the Northern tract, extending along the Save, it is everywhere a mountainous coun try, and is traversed by more or less ele vated ranges of the Dinaric Alps, whose highest peaks rise to a height of from 5,000 to 7,700 feet. hove the sea, and are covered with snow from September to June. The mountain slopes are, for the most part, thickly covered with forests of oak, beech, lime, chestnut, <fcc., of magnificent growth, and only here and there exhibit meadows, pastures, and cultivated spots. Tbe princi pal river of the country is the Save, on the Northern border, into which flows the Unna, the Verbas, the Bosna and the Drin* The Nacenta and the Boyana foil into the Adriatic sea. The air is salubrious, the climate temperate and mild. It i& only in the plain that agriculture is carried bn to a considerable extent; grain, maize, hemp, vegetables, fruits, and grapes are produced in great abundance; and their cultivation would be much more extensively and actively prosecuted, hut for the heavy inis positions laid upon this branch of industry by the Turkish government. Game and fish abound, as well as wild animals, such as bears, wolves, lynxes, dsq. Tho country is celebrated for the breeding of sheep, swine, goats, and poultry; and bees, both wild and tame, are very numerous. The gipsies and Morlacks dig for lead, quicksil ver, coal aud iron; but beyond this, min ing, owing to repressive government, is en tirely* neglected, although tho country is rich in metalic ores. Commerce and man ufactures—chiefly limited to thefobricatiou cf firearms, sabre-blades and knives—are entirely confined to the towns. The posi tion of B. gives it the transit trade between Austria and Turkey. There are almost no good roads in the country. The population consists of Bosnians, Croats, Morlacks, Montenegrincs, Turks, Germans, Illyrians, Dalmatians, «fcc., the much greater part being of the Salvonian race. The Bosnians or Bosniaks, who form about a third of the inhabitants, are partly Mohammedans and partly of the Greek and Roman Catholic Churches. They are brave, hardy, rapa cious, and cruel; rude and repulsive to wards strangers, yet, among themselves, they are pea; e‘ul and honest; they are also industrious, simple in their habits, and tem perate. The Moslem women in B are less secluded than in the other Turkish pro vinces, and have long enjoyed the liberty of appearing in public more or less veiled. The Croats, who form about a sixth of the population, belong partly to the Greek and partly to the Roman Catholic Church; only a few are Mahommedims. They are prin cipally engaged in agriculture, the feeding of cattle, and the barter trade. Tbe Mor lacks, who number about 150,000, dwell mostly in the districts of Herzegovina, are courteous, clever in bnsiness, and extremely ready in adapting themselves to anything. They are inveterate enemies of the Turks. Three-fourths of them are Greek Christians, and the rest Roman Catholics. The Turks form more than a fourth of the inhabitants, tbe number of Greeks and Jews is between 20,000 and 30,000. B., being a frontier province, is imjiortant as a line of defence, and has consequently a great number of fortifications. B., in ancient times, was in cluded in Pannonia; and previous to the 7th e., was governed by princes of its own, called Bans or Waiwoaes, who became de pendent on Hungary. Being conquered by the Turks, it was finally annexed to the Ottoman empire, in 15211 by Solyman the Magnificent. Since the introduction of re forms, the dennding.hereditary chiefs of the highest prerogatives, and a great part of their revenues, B. has been the seat of al most perpetual disturbance, and several campaigns have bad to he undertaken against it by the Turkish government. A most dangerous rebellion broke out in 1851, which was not quelled by Omar Pasha un til (ho' bad inflicted Several defeats on tbe rebels, and stormed some of tbdr fortresses. Since that time the country has been more quiets— Chambers's Encydopcedia. The New York Tribune tells the follow ing: "What are you going for a mor al qestion to fight the Presidential campaign on?” said,a gentleman a day or two since to a politician high in tbe counsels of the Ad ministration leaders. “Do?” said he. “That’s easy enough. "We’ll revive Know- Nothingism with the anti-foreigner feature left out, and the fight against the Catholics, and for the maintenance of the school mtem. On that we’ll take all tbe religious sentiments cf New England, and gather in all tbe Ger mans of the .West and Northwest who be> w lieve in Bismarck arid hate the Pope.”