The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 24, 1875, Image 2

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tibMUM,, am* wwefe. . Good Agent* warned in aui nnoccnpied.Ti -NorJt4—ot. “ f*poUc >* Tooth! U 'UsB.Bani(BYi4kOO n b Pair gold spectacles found, fnqaire'at this iK';?S > ■ - ■ S STv NOTICE, «i ■will be next, ft* ■i.iVS*- ——-T^.- mAAl)cirH^® sC ® Y« c l S s ~* w^onllpA V * “rLa-u:. s OW load* of Flour {aU «**jj**"’ Hardware, Crockery, Drugs, ■ <6c., <$e.,> <£e., <jc. ISWfcjfci TG Stnt THE TIMES. \ All kinds of n COTJSTBY PEODTJO^i 0 rfc^Jltts^u? 0 ' 80 * U8 » tth0 i and Ohio railroad, extendii to Bristol, Va., has notifiei bondholders that the com] able to meet even oiie-1 due on the 1st of October next. The cause assigned for the failure is t sion of business. General ident of the road, is now it orinjjt ’*” Mr od it ’Jhioatt | ^ to have the stockholders; funding of the interest now due of Broad Street, opposite Dorsey & Co’s m nov. 17w5T. GEORGIA STATE NEWS. provinces of Dalmatia and Croatia are im mediately contiguous to Herzegovina, and the people of which provinces are neariy allied by ties of race,- Irindred and common customs, is deeply coocerncffcin the issufc of, the conflict, and desires ntbe ®rkatj EXCEUENZA CHEMICALS AA A* A A AAA in the direction of the Bosphoruh andthe / Gov. , l Mediterranean. Thus the Great Powers are aU more or less deeply concerned in the “Herzcgo- vinian difficulty.” The desperate condition of the fiaande* of Turkey i the impossi bility of her borrowing 4yf$ngle piastre in JWlf £• “WP the money markets of the world, may give the Herzegovinian mountaineers a serious advantage, especially ad' the English and French creditors of the Sublime Porte have H. H. CARLTON, WEDNESDAY B—era! Local and Traveling Agent, CAPT. J. K. BITCH. frill ft lift JOU Mr. Jun A. Manlxt, Toccoo City. Mr. F. C. Snrmx»ON, llart County. Mr. C. H. Akdkxws, Fort Lamar. Mr. Faaxz IIuuuoi, Cleveland. Mr. W. L. Dim, Danielaville. Mr. W. T. Hstvixld, Windsor. 'h OUR MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The officers of our city government, for the ensuing year, arc to be elected at an early day. • :>.V . .•.. . • . 'What are the issues before the people in this election, and what will they require of our new Mayor and Council ? In our opin ion; the early completion of the Northeast ern Railway and the the subject of “Mu nicipal Taxation,” arc the questions most important for our immediate consideration. The first involves the continued taxation of onr citizens for tho carrying ont of a great enterprise which seems bat very little nearer completion now, than it was twelve months ago. Tho second comprises the exemption or non-exemption of stocks and bonds from taxation. , Both questions are of vital importance to our people, effecting not only onr pres ent wants, bat the future welfare and pros perity of onr city. It is w .th our people to select their line of policy and to choose the men who have the moral courage to execute the same. Let no “ candidate” for Municipal office he allowed to remain “ on the fence," but on the contrary, compel each candidate to take position on one side or the other, and let his views he fully known to our people be fore the day of election. French quite recently been made the victims of a smart” act of repudiation. ,j But while the Turkish government can impose taxes and grind the poor, they Will make a desperate effort to raise the money necessary to maintain their domiafotfHtf their northern provinces. '! J ‘ ^ Should Russia, Austria mid Germany, de cide that the best way tc settle thodifficul ty is to divide Turkey among themselves, Russia taking Ariatic, And Austria and Ger many dividing European Turkey, a Eu ropean war would certainly be th- result, because self-interest as well as solemn treaty obligations would impel Great Brit ain and France to interfere, and if possible, prevent such an administration on the Snf tan’s estate. • , >;m State, the and State class exhi- resigned hit I aiyiyal nefiriops of the Lcgialature. Ht j ip"a time ol >nothing hut' “hard ce and quiet, when to break of cement events, an annual 00,000 for legislation is too THE RELIGIOUS REVIVAL. The revival prayer meetings recently in augurated in our midst by Mr. Mnnday of Atlanta, have changed location from the small room in the “Cobb Building” to the second Methodist church and finally to ac commodate the immense crowd in atten dance, to Dcuprce Hall. Messrs. R. L. Moss, R. II. Bernard, Howell Cobb, Dr James M. Lumpkin, Major. J. W. Wallace of Augusta, and Col. Joel Abbott Billups, of Madison, have all done noble, work in this good cause and the eud is not yet. BUT THERE 18 NO REST. Give us a rest 1 cry the Directors of the Northeastern Railroad. , ; Give us a rest! say the Holders of Stocks and Bonds. Give us a rest 1 yells the Tax-payer, (City Bonds Northeastern Railroad.) Give us a rest! shout the Trustees of the University. Give us a rest 1 beg the Boarding House Proprietors and the patrons of the Univer sity—(From Job Beown.) Give us a rest! “ Our devil” implores. Give us a rest! suggest our subscribers and advertisers. Give ns a rest! whisper our Municipal candidates. “ Quoth the Raven—Nevcr-more.” BERZEGO VINA. Herzegovina, about which so much has been recently said and written, so little known, and the name of which has been so butchered by telegraph operators, is a little province of European Turkey, form ing the Southwestern portion of the pacha- lie of Bosnia, situated between Croatia on the North, Dalmatia on the West, Monte negro on the South, and Bosnia proper on the East. Its area does not exceed 7,000 square miles, and its population abont 200,- 000, one-quarter of whom are Mahomme- dans, and the other three-quarters equally divided between the Greek and Roman Churches. The proviuee originally formed a part of the kingdom of Croatia. In the 14th century it was annexed to Bosnia, but taken from it by the Emperor of Germany and made an independent duchy, from which circumstance, and the German name, herzog, {duke), it acquired the name of Herzegovina. In the 15th century, it was conquered by the Turks under Soleyman the Magnificent and made part of the Ot toman Empire, and after many struggles, the Turks were recognized as its legitimate possessors by the treaty of Carlowitz in 1C99. The country almost throughout its entire extent is mountainous, the cultivated spots and meadows arc confined entirely to the few plains, the people are hardy, brave, and, in a moderate degree, honest. But they are as ugly customers as one could well meet. Wo suppose it would not be right to call them savage, but wc may say that if we had been compelled to spend a winter, during Captain Jack’s life time, among tho Modocs or the Herzegovinians, wo should have found it hard to select be tween them. A Herzegovinian in full dress carries every imaginable kind of weapon from an immense rifle to a cut and thrust knife, called a yataghan, which is a cross between a Malay creese and a Texas bowie- knife, with strings of pistols round his belt and sash. Indeed their chief article of manufacture—their only industry— is sword- blades and knives. Amongst themselves, they are peaceable and honest, but they have an implacable hatred against foreigners, and those of them who arc not Mahommedans are dead ly enemies of the Turks. This is not unnatural. The Turkish Gov ernment has degraded their Chiefs, despoil ed them of their possessions, oppressed them with every conceivable import and FREE PASTURAGE FOR THE WINTER. The enterprising “Grangers” of onr City Council (just prior to the election) have made a most wonderful discovery. Cotton (by the bale) is said to be the cheapest food to preserve and fatten stock through the win ter. The experiment is now being devel oped upon a large scale on our side walks— each bale is sprinkled with a little salt and is said to produce as much as a pound of first class butter. Has slight taste of iron however. Wanted five hundred more cows from the country to complete the ex periment. Bib here the til expense of a much to pay for it. Tub Aib-Linx.—The Timor that the pbufing of a turn-table at Tugalo, on the Air-Line railroad, would necessitate a change -of wan and result in a division of the two ends of the road, is incorrect. The two divisions of the road work in harmony, and the only effect in placing tho turn-ta ble at the State line was to (mange engines, as from Atlanta to was.too far for one engine to pull a train.—Atlanta Herald. Mr, Stephen D. Heard, of Augusta, is dead. Capt. R. L. Worrill, one of the best citi zens of Talbot county, died last Sunday, as we learn from the Standard,He was the son of Judge E. H. Worrill. The LaGrange Reporter says: “At the next meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of G orgia, look out for a new rule for the government of students ; namely: that they shall be fed on oollardi and comb their hair with cotton cards. This rule will be strongly advocated by an emi nent ex Governor.” Harrls-Isnxs. It now appears that Jce Brown was the cause of the recent ridiculous proceedings in the State University in regard to the board of students. Tnis is not the fiivt time that Joe has created confusion in Geor gia, as witness his inoperative, but seduc tive, relief clause in the Constitution of the State. Joey will be a great man yet, if he keeps on—and he is certain to keep on. It is said that Joey Browu will soon pro test against the extravagance indulged in by the State University students iu lather ing their fritters with New Orleans syrup. We hope the Trustees will prescribe sor ghum.—Savannah Hews. E. H. Pughe is business manager of the Augusta c onstitutionalist vice Col. H. C. Stevenson resigued. Col. S. is an able man, au old newspaper hand, and his man agement of that staid old journal has evi dently been a most prosperous one. Mr. Pughe is well known in the job printing line, aud we wish him all success ,u the Constitutionalist. ljjfinil oilT Better Luck Next Time.—Las t year, the Democratic party were everywhere tri umphant, because they were united on the broad, firm platform of opposition to the cor rupt, extravagant, oppressive government of the radicals. This year, the Democratic party was defeated, because they were divi ded, some wanting to cherish and some eager todisownjthe rag-baby, and all losing sight of the sign by which they conquered in 1874. Tw more than folly now for Democrats to quarrel among themselves as to who caused the defeat. It is enough to know that we were badly whipped. Close up, boys, and go in and wiu next time. After twenty-three years’ delay, it has just been discovered that it is illegal to teach sewing in the Boston public it is ill' legal to teach Next we may hear that girls the alphabet. We have a still more recent idea Our State University has existed for seventy live years, and it has been reserved to the Atlanta Trustee, Job Bbowx, to demon strate that a student should not eat more than one biscuit at a meal, or that his “pocket money” should not exceed one dollar per month. “Joseph” should not let his practice of parsimoniousness, as exhibited toward the employees of the State Road, force itself upon the management of onr University. The Great Vegetarian.—Commissary General Northrop once proposed to feed the Confederate Army on soup. General James Gordon Bennett oboe did from plethoric purse feed starving New York on the same food. General Joseph E. Brown, (Trustee)— now proposes to feed the University Boys with bis celebrated "CMard” soup—but not at hi* own expense. < 'si/L **a? *? FRiESHf GOODS- mki’i *fr'« ?v ; •it %lllw ifO'Oig woK, •. >, ->i. Ho I For Christmas. v. > : ,< f FIFTY BOXES- NEW .STOCK CRACKERS ‘OIMIL PROCEED! XUS. Council Chamber, Athens, Gal'Nov. 19, 4 o’clock, P. M, A Called meeting of Council was held this evening present this Honor Mayor Kiug and Alderman Hood, Pittard, Talmadge, Hull, and Burke. The Mayor stated that the Council had been called together tor the purpose of ap pointing Managers ot the Municipal election to be held on the first Wednesday in Decem ber next. " On motion of Alderman Hull, it was or dred that the election be held in the several wards at the same places, it was held last year. i-v.i ... O The following appointments were made. first Watd—Election to be held at Store of J : . F. Comer. Managers—P. Barry, W. V. P. Hodgson and John Z. Cooper. Second Ward—Election to be held at Store oi L. J. Lampkin. Managers—L. J. Lao pkin, J. M, Lump kin and S. M. Herrington. Third Ward—Election to be held at the Court House. Managers—G. H. Yancy, A. L. Dealing and-J. A. Meeker. Fourth Ward—Election to be held at Hemphill’s Shop. Managers—W. N. Kilgoe, Howell Cobb, and W.B. Thomas. On motion of Alderman Hood the Mayor was authorized to appoint Managers in place of any of the foregoing who do not serve. The Clerk of Council was instructed to have the Registry list, when* completed, pub lished in both of the City Papers one time. Account of J. C. Wilkins & Co., for $26 was ordered to be paid. Council adjourned. «<,wj ■> ' > .Ihrt W. A. Gu.LKl.AJlD, • Clerk of Council Joe Browu don’t like his Athenian diet— ‘cold shoulder ” ; ! boom Damon and Pythias—Soup Brown and tax, and persecuted them on account of j “^P°° n ” Butler. their religious belief. For a number of: ' . ".it**t years Herzegovina, Bosnia and Moutenegro, j Shades of the Mighty can it be*—The have been the scene of almost continual 18 ran d old University of Georgia converted disturbance on account of these oppressions, | * nt0 a *°“P house. Trustee Joseph E. Brown in the course of which, as the Turks were 1 c * ie ^ d’euisiue. always victorious, the people were made to Buffer cruel treatment which no provocation could justify. The cause of tho present outbreak is partly religions rnd partly political, and Mohommedan taxation has roused the population to insurrection, and the advan tages they possess in the inaccessibility of their mountains, and in the sympathy of the adjacent Turkish provinces, give them a power of resistance which makes their movement more serious than it would be Dbder othertdrcumsunce* J The apprehension is that the people of Bosnia, Senna and Montenegro will make common cause with Herzegovina and that all Will revolt against the TuiMsh,dominion. sympathizing with her co-religion* 9 of the Greek Church, and rather favor ably disposed towards anything that would *. liasteu the dissolution of tho “sick man,” is suspected of giving clandestine encour agement to the insurgents. Austria, whose j For use of Universities, Colleges and ' public schools—Joe Brown’s great patent ! anti-plethoric redaction process—A plate of soup, and a Columbus “ s weat box ”—no boy should be without it.” > . Saperior Court. The following cases were tried in the Su perior Court this week: J ' ! Thomas W. Carr as executor, of M. A. Carr, deceased vs. Francis L. Cook and Robert Lampkin. Bill for recovery, relief etc., dismissed. a H. O’Kelly, vs. Joseph M. Weath- F. A. H&rgrrfve. ' Bill' in equity, Verdict for defendant. Sarah J. F. Stevenson, vs. John Steven* son. Petition for temporary alimony; dis missed. State vs. Austin Hubbard, simple larceny; * Suita : Riley, J7 Stata'vs:.Prince :W9Utai,‘iNcity 1 jjfijr trust; notguiHr ^ 1 * 1 f ?*•«*“« *** 'State ri. Sam Bostidt, shotting dnotlw d guilty. d Ss<-» .juiiU a »i ; State v). Jim Griffeth,- simple larceny gtjBiy.* a ho4> jw. 1 ffc'Joo P&**ii6j ltrccoj after trust; toot'^uty. WWW boa : d imw , | Sute va.* Rob Harden, assault with in* Thanksgiving.—There will be a ..anion Thanksgiving service at the First Methodist church in this city nextThursday morning at o’clock.' . K wThwtaa] tent to murder{-not guiltfL'* < - i ,p h waiffifi as. ■ ' ■ : >3} | I will taketsohiaaaptlowfor l» months. C. L. Jennings. -Hj to dent GcnewLAgeaktiuNNY South,. l sdnit T>d as uaiLS • -wr In tli fi i—i Kff thfrOrphdaa .'tbei CoUUiag id no side lights horning, the la« requited^. The peremptory that ajl : Gusnnteed. PANIC PRICES! ■ in t. b -•^fci^d&cteddAiljr, Fresh Goodi Are constantly arriving at the Little Store oo the Corner. IF YOU WANT AN EXCELLENT ». ' A 11 MM MM FPPPP L AA MM MU P I T- A A M M M M P I L A A M MM M P L AAA M MM M PP P L A A M M M P L A A M M M P L A A M M M P LLLLL A A M M M P GIVE US A € ALT*! SUMMARY: 5000 lb» iimnn Pure Candies. Call kind*.) J.nno U» >'rs»b O-cksr*. CW box**, all kind* 1,2f>n lb* Raisin*, whol*. half, quarter boxe in.non f)i e nr* C»U *r>d«*). 1 ,n<v» 1b* Almond* and other kinds nuts. 1,(V>0 Cocoannt*. 50 Cuss* Oyster*, Jellies, Pine Apples, Pesches, Ac. 10 Csscs quarter boxes Sardines (1,000 box-sY 50 Bnxc* Cream and Dairy Cheese (3,000 lb*). •! 35 Rove* Roan. (Lsnndrv and Family), 50 Timm* NewSmvm* Fi-s. 25 R*tt*1« Conk and Cheeks Fancy Flonr. 1 Crst* Tighnm Citron. 25 PacVree* Glassware. Lamp* and Crock err cVesner than the chcanest. 25 Roxe< Tobacco, Fine, Medium and Low Grade*. CHOICE STOCK 9epar, CotTcrs, Tea*. Rp'rri, Pare Wines end Liver*. BT PH BABRXZ. AND QrABT—TBItT LOW. Gilt Edge Goshen end Choice Tennessece Batter. , Don’t pm to Atlanta sod Anynsta, bnt try these rood* and prices and sure money, at least S per cent nov24tf FOB CQWFUOTWJGo T HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD ANNOUNCE THAT HE HAS NOW ON band anti'arriving 200 fFONS Mxceejlbnza .it))]}’Tur ’> CciHlljL. Just pot np and shipped directly from, the Factory. It is put np in baga of 157 Iba. each—18 bass making one ton. The Excellenxs has so wide-spread a reputation ana is so favorably known throughout this region, that comment ou it would ho unnecessary. It is guaranteed to be of the same standard as in former years. Also, though not so olds Fertillixcr as the Excellent, have proved Lobe the heat material tbt barn-yard manure and Cotton seed ever introduced into this’eountry. The standard is guaranteed to be : to what it was; last aeason, when they gave universal satisfaction. Two barrels compost one ton. The which I am ahthorixed to acll the above Standard Fertilizers, are as follows: EXCELLENZA: Time price—Cotton option at 15 cents $70.00 63.00 c-h as OHEMXO ALS. Time price—Cotton option at 15c., 2 bbls. (500 lbs.) enough for 1 ton $20.00 Cash price icr 2 barrels 16.00 Those who wish to ou. ’orgelots of the Excellenza for cash, can get special arrangements at prices a shade lower. Purchasers will not be humnugged in the above manures. A sped*, circular of directions tor composting furnished all purchaser* ot the Chemioals. AU who want a " t-claas Fertilizer, that will pay them to use, call c for E( J9*> Chich^\ > #c, *0 ) a ILlU nov!7-tt. > FertUizer, that will pay them S. O. DOBBS. A. K. CHILDS, i HI R. NICKERSON. fF) Y. H. WYNN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CHILDS, NICKEBSOJi tin .AtJTIi’l l > 1 ‘ PEALEKS IN « 4 V\4 1 ‘ v ',\ w^re, Iron, Steel, ^ FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, ‘ V StBBER BELTINq AGRIPULTURAL JMPLEMBftJ A ' 3llH Rlitdlng 9 , «;• - * AGISTS FOR Winship and Sawyers Cotton ATHENS, GEORGIA. GINS' DELIVERED IN ATHENS AT Vivr, It TUBERS PRICES. Sept. 80—1-tf. HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse-Shoe Nails. ’..ja ASTONISHING. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,. Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Hubs, Spokes, Buggy Wheels, Axles, Springs, &c., Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices. Hollow-ware, &e. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the Sale of the WINSHTP GUST, Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, Circular Saws, &c. Any article in our line not in stuck will be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay. Call and examine our stock and price*.*®# June 10,1875. 33-tf fHE TO¥m Determined to enter into no personal controversy, however unjust the ms per* ions of oor competitors, are subjoin the verdicts of Fair Committees for the mouth or October, 1875: First Week at Athens, Ga. The Oconee Fair Association swarded to the REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, DIPLOMA for the best Diiplaj of Sewing Machines. DIPLOMA for the Best Cabinet Work. DIPLOMA for the Best Writing Machines. Not*.—No premium offered for best machine. The Singer sml Wilson received no axoooamoa. Second Week at Griffin, Ga. The Middle Georgia Fair Association awarded the RKMiKGToN, as a special recognition of merit, DIPLOMA lor improvement in mechanism of Shuttle Sewing Machines. r DIPLOMA for speed and lightness of running in Shut tle Sewing Machines. DIPLOMA for improvements in Sewing Machine Stands aud Attachments. DIPLOMA for Cabinet Work for Sewing Machines. DIPLOMA for Writing Machine. Nora.—By an oversight the Remington did.not enter l'or aisplay, for wnicu a premium was awarded tue binger.- Ttvird Week at Macon, Ga. The committee in behalf of the State Agricultural Society made the following awards to the Remington: DIPLOMA for Type-Writer. DIPLOMA lor speed and light running in Shuttle Sewing Machines. BRONZE MEDAL for Georgia made Cabinet work for Sewing Machines. BRONZE MEDAL lor improvements in Sewing Ma chine Stands sud Attachments. Sljlsas te lapmasatz fa Xschulsa el Qnttls Sraiag ktha SSTNotb.—Tub last award waa made by the com' tmiue utter a close examination and comparison, stoa ar mob, with Singer, Uowe and other Urat-class Ma- ~*)in$i . • tars*Wutitfebu.Al*. The committee appointed by tne Fair Association to examine sewing Mucnines awarded tue Remington o.ploju ion ruk a,St szivixu nitiii.vE. DIPLOMA fbr speed and lightnesa of running. DlrLoMA for iwprovemenu in sewing Machine Stands : i and attachments. Nora.—The above sward for the Pat Machine waa made after a comparison of working parts, side by •side,'wdh the Singer New Family, wtucu was in compe tition, snd reee lrao premium for dttpiaj only. Tins indorsement should convince everybody that the REMINGTON is tue LATESTIMlRO VEDwnd BEST MAURICE now offered, to tne pobiio; and ourtre- meuuoaaiy iacreeaugf business prove* tae public are beginning to spprecisu) this, the heal of aU Family Fa- . Tne REMINGTON is on exhibition at onr store in "ail ami see it. ADA1 IN ISTRATOR’S SALE. . P URSUANT to an order of tho Coart of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be sold before tne Court House uoor of said county ou tne first Tuesday in Juuuury next, during tue legal hours of sale, the IdUowiug utuus, town; one tract lying .u said county on the Oconee River, containing 10V acres, more or lees, sujoiniug lauds ot John W Lite sud outer*, on which is * comfortable i dwelling and necessary out hou*ea, being the plucc ou widen sirs. Jane G. Richardson resided at the lime of tier 11**111, about 60 acre* of It in plantation, HO in woods, balance in old held pme. Also, one tract ly mg in said county, containing 32 acres, more or less, unjoining John White and otuers, I an in tho woodsijsaid two tracts to be sold us tlie pro perty of David itichmlSlsou, ueceused, lor tlie bcuehi of bn- heirs. Aiso, one other tract lying iu said county, containing 102 acres, more or less, ou wnicu .a u cabin, about acres m plantation, 20 in wooua, balance in old fie.d, in.joining,Joan Wuite sud hums ot David Rienardsou, uencased. To be sold as tue property of Juno G. Rienardsou, deceased, for the benefit of her heirs. Also, one otucr tract, lying in said county, containing 100 seres, more or less, adjoining Reese ihu ber and others, n osliy in the woods: to be sold as the properly of David Uioilardsou, deceased, aud Jane G. Ricuaruson, deceased, tor the benefit of their respective heirs. Terms tor all said lands, cash. NATHAN ILL RICHARDSON, Adm’r., or DAY ID RICHARDSON, deceased, and of JANh G. RICHARDSON, deceased. nov2*-30d. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, William Hturis, (colored) applies to me lor letters of adminis tration on tne estate of Cordelia Harris (colored,) isle of said county, deceased, Tuesa are therefore to cite and admo. iah all concern ed to show cause (if any they have) at my office, on or betbre the first Mouday in Jauuary next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 15th day of Noy. 187a. uov21-30d. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. COLLEGE AVENUE OBV GOODS EMPORIUM I * B Y MOSES MYERS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Carpets, Furs, Blankets, Fancy and Millinery Articles. STOREROOM ENLARGET — AND — stock i2i We will beg the citizens of Athens and vicinity to give us a call and examine onr stock before purchasing. Tbs progress made by the WILSON SlK r SEWING MACHINE. Inventive skill hu be,:** * to its utmost, and the result is, the The Most Perfect and Desirable Mactix for General and Family Use, yet produced. It is Simple and Easy to (ijeu,,, not liable to get ont out of repair, its Work it •* as was shown by the FIRST PREMIUMS awarded it at the Universal Exhibition in Yiuti 1873, and it is sold at n „ LESS PRICE than srry other Machine of its STANDAKD IXlI For sale by J. M. UPSHAW and F. P. GRIF1 Bo sure to see the Wilson before you bur. May 19,1875 THE JAS. LEFFEL Doable Turbine Water Wheel, Manufactured by POOLE & HOST, Baltimore, lid. 7jooo xoir j.v vs Ei Simple. 6tron*. Deribk, 1 always reliable aui if. 1 * factory. Mg—haOwneea a’lin f t Portable A Ststiotu.7 * tinea. Steam BoUci r & Grist Kill3, Kilt! Ping Machinery,Cearitj lor Cotton Kills, Float, Paint, White Lead iti Oil Mill Machinery, H-.Vraulio and site Presses,tc. fch"ftinw,l’i'11«7i*ndH*a|tKi a cpecinlsy. Machis.o made Gcartnr; se» rato and or very beat finish. Send for Cuahit CaU at J. C. WILKINS & (ft GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. "YTTHEREAS, Eugene W. Brydye (color- YY edj applies to me tor letters ot Ad ministration on tue estate of Samuel Freeman (colored), lata of said county, deceased, These are thereiore to cite aud admonish all concern ed to ahow cause (if any they nave 1 at my office, ou or before the first Mouday in January next, wuy mud let should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 15th day of November, 1875. novti-aud. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary, TALMADGiE, HODGSON & CO,, HAS NOW HAND 100 Cases New Oysters. 10 Cases Sardines. .0 J 25 Cases Brandy Fruits. 10 bids. Fresh Nuts. 5 bb s Fresh Cranberries, For sale bv Talmadgf, Hodgson 3s CO. nov!7w5t. a x EORG1A.—OCONEE COUNTY—Ordinary’* Office vH jNov. IMllx 1675.—J G. J or flan hu applied tor exemption of peroonelty, aud l will puss upou lue some et 11 o clock a. V on toe 1st day of Ueceuiber 1865, at my office. novxVSt. . J. E. LYLE, Ordinary. 4 ' EOEG1A.—OCONEE COUNTY—Ordinary’s Office vl X^ow. IVib 1875.—Mr*. Mery J. Venable, wife of Cheriee Vcnuble lias applied for exemption of peraonalty, end 1 will pass upou tue same ut lx o’clock., x. on the l#t day of lleoeuiber 1875, et my office. • i nov*4-2t. i- J. H. LYLE, Ordinary. EOEG1 A.—OCONEE COUNTY—Ordinary’s Office V Nov. 19th 1875.—Mm. Lacy J. Hoff, wife of John P. Half, has applied *or exemption of personalty, and l will pass upon the same, at 10 o’clock a. m., on tho 1st. day of December 1875, at my office. novi4*2t. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. O^YJB of the LARGEST tli: —AND . ;_;and Best selected stock h Fancy Groceries and Confectionaries, Cax**o Goods ov Evzbv Kind axd Dtsastmox, Ever before offered to the’citizens of Athene ehd enr- r°mulmg| ooaut^f, at prices that defy competition, at < TALMADGE, HODGSON & CO. ■ Hpvl7w5L ilj . CHEAPER THAN EVER! THE undersigned would beg to an nounce to his friends and the public generally, that he has just returned from his anuual tail trip to New York and Boston, with a large and varied stock oi very superior goods, consisting partly of the following, selected with great care: id V .».•$ / MEN AND YOUTHS’,•’ READY MADE CLOTHING in - of the latest'fall stylttit - V Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Dress Goods, Ladies, Gents’ and Boys Shoes, Boots and Hats, in al most endless variety,Um brellas, Fine Ken tucky Jeans, , v i1 ; > Doeskins, ; , • i )-•» Cassimeres, wiri! Factory Goods, inut Yarns, Osnaburgs,' Checks, Shirtings, W amsutta and other brands, Bleachings, Tickings,Blankets, &c, &c. &c. Also, Saddles, Bridles and YVeatIiebly & Co, • ’• ,v ‘* "if - t > :<t. oi!. aDe now Heady ?f »r the Fall £ Winter Trade Having just returned from New York with a largo and tii,.i , well selected stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Ready-made Clothing. Hats, Bools, Harness, Drugs,,! Crockery andIl DAVES? 0 ^; Glassware, Hollo w/.W are, and Hardware;: also, the >* Celebrated Mnrfres * boro* Red t|edar- ! 1 'Mre,' ! *e. ^ f * 1,i '‘Also * im ‘' a full liue of {, bt>} • choice Groceries, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, iua _ ■i -i.v Molasses, Syrups, Lard, !<*>•■’ Hiitns, Cheese. Herosenef Oil And many other choice goods too num erous to hieuton, and . which must seen to be‘appreciated. Z- The above goods, owing iu,, ..v to therecentdeqline,.. .:tl he will be en- i .0U; it abled to sell ' i at 1 ■ •»; 6t # prices : i ! Ki „ •’- j which ‘ will ’*f A8T0NISH TUB NATIVES. If yon want any thing in- the above mentioned classes of goods, ov in any other, ttBgwr*'** L * r7S ~ «aRAl®OGK-STOVE . -i-r i hSDJak WARE OF ALL KINDS, ^C HE Af bl CASBJ Roofing and Guttering o Specialty Sept. 15,1875, AT THE FRANKLIN HOUSi Me ala can bo bod at all boars, for Je’XFT'y CENTS EACft _ This Hotel hu been thoroughly rveoyttelui fhmished. The Traveling publie will b« ( with Board end Lodging for ; a r . TWO DOLLARS PER DAY. -S' ' • • .all £ FINE OYSTER SAtOflH la also connected with this Hotel. S Oyiteia, Fiab, Beef Stake, Hem wJ^ ■tors will be sold by the quart snd o.wWitlttm. Give us.mMtodro"^ T. THKBiBfi. Oct. 3S—tf. :<'■ DAVENPOBl’S B H ^ SB A X ^'Poison Hevived. T HIS Celebrated Rat PoUo^i so many year., by Ma. MOSES DAY* 5 ’ proven to b*.the most effective T RATPOISOJ,, aver ! Introduced Into thi* or eaWgJJsr revived by the originid receipu and mantffiu FORS®’’, ' 1E ifrtek arehotisti ^ •I, 14 fri»Am.-.w dtaaT.OiSf igg, *etl 01 hiss, several good BOOMS, «>r cam Iscinring.' V ’ PP ’ y E.P. BISHOP, No iBrorfSfi"^ ss Sffi “dealer m T 1 wmMtmmmm