The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 30, 1875, Image 3

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A. STOVALL, \ Local Editor. ATHENS, QA. Tl’ESDAV MORNING, NOT. 80, 1875. P«r|lA!TO*r- C G. TALMADGL. The Peoples’ Choice. Many Citizens. I’leasant-rlcs. Oh, this terrible weather. Who aavs that winter ha/nt come. ■ - Rapid transit”—high way to Hade*. Lols 0 t -ihe twist” afloat last Friday. The religi° ,B revival continue* unabated. Rex soon wakes his appearance in Atlan- An l #> w w /WdlW #>didates&r [nvor. T) :e produce business in our market is a one. * . („d the L. C. I.-ain’t going to have any Option, after all! •Egg Flip" is the way Saulter regales you s the cold weather. \Vi wish we had “ a cousin” at the L. C. Home School.” Chancellor Tucker was quite unwell last ■ek. ■ Fitch calls a colored battle a “ hickory k tournament.” Does Joey Brown propose to start >h factory in Athens ? The Chief of Police caught the contagion, ' scooped in a rabbit last week. Our little jail will be studded with 500 keg. nails. About 1,500,000 nails in all. Hold the Fort” is a very popular song the Opera House during the revivals. They do say, and we believe it. that trade this place is about as good as anywhere - . ■/ rtweet, Lillie my darling,” by author of ilver threads among the gold,” is the latest ) 8- Rule Moss says that somebody hasborrow- his seine, alias cast net. He wants it him- f. he docs. Everybody out hudtin ■ on Thankgiving , Many well-to-do gobblers bit the dust hat day. ju Athens Guards were ,out ou the war h last week. They came very near hav- a skirmish. Mr. L. S. Dearing, a talented young gent ,ur city, has resumed the practice of Taw. ccess to him! > I - j * ■' Mr. H. H. Tucker, Jr., is AnniversariaD Ihe Phi Kappa Society*j(,Look out <for mething good. At there present writing thtf husinbss of t bridal wreath and orange b}oesom needs Sale stimulating, i l()Ji i .1 .i /. ’ Ten white and two colored men are runs for Councilmen in the Fourth ward of |ugusta. Lively! 1H /.))’' A young lady in town was the recipient of nammoth turnip last; Thursday, from a irangcr admirer.” k '* A juvenile Athenian was Japan-ized in nt of the Newton House last evening by of ye diminutive Royals. ,i ' * A cigarette is a neat little thing, but in int of a church, Sunday morning, is not actly the place to smoke it. Our Police are now ^engaged in keeping ray the surging masses from the great Im- rting House of Wimberly it Co. _ Grady admits that he has “prominent Of course wo can’t attack a man n he makes admissions like that. Mr. E. P. Clayton, of Augusta, was in our ly last week. He is a most excellent gen* rr,an, and we are glad to see him again in r midst. > We arc glad to learn that a certain young >, one of the belles of Athens, who has n absent since August, has returned to r home and friends. Miss Millie Rutherford, an accomplished ung lady of Athens, has been promoted the Board of Education of Atlanta to a gher grade in her work. Miss Lucy Erwin, formerly of the the L. 1, recieveda prize at the Georgia table ifhc Centennial tea party, in Atlanta, os Quite E 0|>ular young Iady - eoiut tlicnTiOitnated discussion on the subs cots* was carr’k^ of and iU fated “ Q ueen ding Club, the otflt!. n th ° X 0Un S Ladie9 ’ Tlie Atlanta lieraid piKi!.'?®’ ,, E "> pro « pec tn. We thinl wc ill! do the same thing. Our report'd i. mv tirreting out engaged couples. ^ e w *re clipping some little paragraphs an exchange last week when a small 7 ‘ ron > the kural ifttricS startled us t(ith. ..router, is them thar verses for candy DR. WM. KING, JR., Will be supported for Mayor l>y-many voters, and if elected cannot refuse to serve. . . - r - - - - - . And tbe following ticket for Alderman: First Ward—Wilt F- Hood. Second Ward—A. L. Hull. Third Ward- J D. Pitta iid. Fourth Ward—John J. Thomas, A. K. Childs. 'FINANCIAL £ND COM’OCIAl. 5 : i ■ Ye Royal Japanese. A Mr. McCormick, the Advance Agent of th : 8 Company, presented himself in our office last week and handed the Editor of this paper a lengthy article which he said was from the Montreal Gazette. We de clined to publish the same, as we knew nothing of the Company, nor did we consid er the Montreal Gazette as authority on the great Japanese question for the people of our city, 7Ssl 25 We * nally found a notice of the Tronpc ^““L'kTm 'euTes. ** 35 in the Louisville Courier-Journal which we published, crediting it to the above-named paper. Without the slightest suggestion on onr part, he proposed to tender compli mentary tickets to tbe office. But the tickets wore never received. Onr printers expressing a desire to attend the perform ance last nig t, tlie offer of tbe Advance Agent was mentioned to tbe Business Man ager, and he refusing to ratify the same, the Ty|>os were forced to turn back even upor the very threshold of the Hall. This Company may give a very good per formance, but we would gently suggest a change in the Business Management. Tbuth will Last.—That good old fami ly newspaper, the N. Y. Observer, now some fiftv-three years old, still holds on to the old truths which were so firmly advocated when it was founded. No new lights or nineteenth century doctrines have ever caus ed it tc trip or make any false step. It is always satisfying in our day, to take up a newspaper that is sound and reliable. The Observer comes to us weekly with a variety of reading in addition to the news, and it is always pure and healthy—just the paper for a family. For specimen copies, address S. I. Prime & Co., New York. Nov. 30.- ■SCUTES THE HIS BEST AWARDS AT THE LITE STATE TUB. | gTOV A T iT j, WAYtKEZOtrSB !■-% 2 ATHENS. <3-A. , ’ THE LARGEST AND MOST KLEUANT CALLER! IX THE STATE WITH TBE BEST OPERATORS. THE ATHENS MARKETS. Csrrected Weekly bj tbe Ntrcbuts Eicbiege. i f, < ~ -ft «— COTTON.—Steady. From lift to lift. ackereLNo. l.kiu—*2 •• No. 2, Kits....52 FACTORY GOODS. Cotton .Ymrns_-._»1 23*0 00 Osombfr*. .12 m it IhlrUng 8 a 10 Ihseliae, 11 a 12 PROVISION?-. Floor _ *S » 10 Coro, pr bu. — 90al 00 Pen*. “ I 20a] 80 V- * 1S81 *• _ tipI Bacon, Sidra,- — Ida 1* shoalilcrs-... 11a It . }|.nr Irish', Potatoes SI 00&2 00 Sweet “ 75*1 O'! Eggs —20a 25 Caickena...——.... 20a 25 Turkeys**.. IT yon waat Power* A Wdgbtman’s Chemical*, then go to Loom &«. Bej*. 15—AMt Tnc Gum Cinui Bom—Tbo Soathrm head quarters in New York—iaeapabl* of entertaining fifteen hundred gaesta. AS I >000 Ifae^ Strictly Pun Lead, jnat received by Loan & Boxers. Sept. 15—45-tf. Pe«, « Wheat <• o»U_ It* 16 it* ia 14a IS ...y it* is Sugar, crushed- ... | fcz C-* . Dmann- Coffre, HI. -- Laguayr*.- 28* S3 J.T* S3* 37 Ten. 1 *5al 60 Svrup, cane 7Ial A Molaue-, Cub*— 60* 65 Candle*, *perm.— 40* 50 25* M 1 00*1 25 • 20 No. 3, Kit*— I 75 Salt, Per Sack *2 go Chewing tobacco— 75*1 50 Smoking—60*1 00 Snuff, Maeembor— 1 at American, *30 00* SO 00 Havana 75 00*100 SO AMMUNITION. Powder-per ib_ to* go SBU “ .. 12a 15 Lead “ _ 10a 12 Cepe, per boa ion 60 LIQUORS. Com whiskey. _*1 25e S li French brandy— 4 00* I 00 Holland Gin.— 5 00* 8 00 American Gin— * (In 8 00 Bonrboo whiakey S *0a 4 0* Wine* . Hr . * 00*10 00 HARDWARE. - > lro °v^.r- prlb ^ Casting*. — GftaS Nail*, pr keg. ..... 4 50 Cotton Card, 75*1 00 Horae Shoe*- Mo. 1* Waurren Bloelc, \ista> Georgia. "TTL Sir the libenl patronage heretofore be- , ' would take thi* occnaion to ne*HJr the pknters ef (feorgi* tad Sooth Carolina that he eontinne* the Cocmkawn Btaincae in «B it* bonKlh** («ee|* haying and aelling future*), and aolicit* cunaignment* of Oottoo for aala or atorage. Ho will give the aeUing of Cotton hie penonal attention. He ia, as heretofore. Agent for the jnatiy celebrated pntajoeo Guano and Grenge Miztnre. mTXSTO Sept. SS—17-gm. WALL fc*r The undersigned have on hand a choice lot ot | Timothy Hay, which they will sell cheap for caah. GANN A REAVES. Lifer}. Feed and Sale Stable, If yon want Furniture, call on GiUeland, Wood A Co., who mnnfnctnte and deal in all kind* of Fomiture and Coffin*, and *ell a* cheap a* *ny hoeue in th a dty. March 24.1875.—»-ly.'' ■ LEATHER. Hemlock —...... Hole Leather. Upr. Leather. Ham. •• .....— —.w*au Calf Skin*.... 40 00*100 00 .*0*75 Green Hidee .....— 6*1 BAGGING, TIES, ROPE. Bagging pr yd ....——14*1* Tie* . a* 10 | Rope, cotton.. (allow Chc*M, Male- English Dairy ...... Onions, per bu— Starch Tallow... ■ Btioi w ^ Hire, par lh—™ lla 12 ' Rope,grassU The shore are retail prices. Special rates to wholesslo burers. MEKCHANT8’ EXCHANGE. Report for tlie week ending Nov. 26: Reoeipt*, bales Sales to spinner*.... - Shipments. .*••■•••«••••*•••••• ..«.*•*«•• Stock 3,480 R .in fall 1.26 Maximum temperature TO degree*. Minimum temperature 40 degree*. Oconee Fair Association.— A meet ing of the stockholders of the Oconee Fair Association will be held at the Court House in Athens on Saturday December lltb, at 10 o’clock. A full attendance earnestly wished. H nhy Jennings, Scc’y. The Augusta Constitutionalist has done away with that first column on first page, one of the most interesting of tne whole paper. We have heard several persons speak of it. Too bad. j- : •/* / ► A beautiful line of Neck Kuching and Silk Neck Ties at Miss C James, Now you can get the best Western Irish Potatoes from J. EL Huggins. CORRECTED FOR THE GEORGIAN PITTARD, MITCHELL & TO. Stains. THE (OTTOS MARKET. Athens, Ga., Nov. 30, 1875. 9al0 Good Ordinary.— 10 1-2 Low Middling 11 Middling. 11 1-2 Good Middling,. 11 5-8 V ->TriE BACON AND LARD MARKET. Bacon—Sides — a Shoulders — a Hams — a Lard.......... 18 a I . ATHENS, GANN A BRAVES.... .PROPRIETORS Will be found at their old itaad, rear Franklin House ' ” * on hand good eared for g, Thom** atreeL I Turnout* and careftd dri NOTICE.—Country merchant* and Physician*, we j wheo entruatad to oar ear*. Stock *r* now prepared to «ell yon all article* pertaining to ' * “ the drag trade aa cheap aa yon can get tham in Georgia, freight added. Loxoa A Billot*. SepL 15—45-tf. Keep always .ver*. Stock wd i hand for sale at deelttt Gilleiand, Wood 4 Co. have added the Coffin buainea* to their Fomhore Manufactory, and always keep on hand a large stock of Wood and Metalio Burial Gaiee. They ” a* cheap aa any house in the State, and fhmbh, without extra charge to their patrons, their splendid new | Hearae lor funeral occasion*. March 24—»l-ly Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, COLLEGE AVENUE, Next Door to Post Office. Bxmzmbim Thu.—Now it the time of the year for, Phenmpnia, Long Fever, Cough*, Colds, and frtal re-1 fYN hand, Upper* for making Low Quartan, Coo- »ultoof predapoution to Conanmption and other Throat I gre*e, Alexia-Tie*, and Prince Albert*. Repair- and Lang Diaeaae.’* German Syrup haa been I ing promptly executed, used in this neighborhood for the past taro or three I Bawd tea ooller*, WBf mall or i yeenwithoot a emgte failure to core. If you have no* eeH* a flrat ela*a pdr of boots, used this medicine yonrself, go to your Drn^g.**, B. H. I June SO, 1875. *5-tf. Brumby A Co., and ask him oi it* woademl *ucce** emo g ni» cattomera. Two do*** will raUer* the worst case. If yon have no finth in *ny medicine, Jnat bay • Sample Bottle of B eehte’s German Syrup for 10 eenta and try it. .Regular sire bottle 75 eenta. Don’t neglect a cough to save 75 eenta. aagll-Sm Millinery and Fancy Goods. new hats * Wx wo ild again call tbe attention of our readers to I the advertisement of Meear*. Pool* A Hear, bespeak- ENTlTMTI TUT paft Q ing for these gentlemen the favorable consideration of I w — 1 alt who are in need of any Machinery ineloded in their M UST received another lot of Felt Hat*. Fe't.Hat* for varied list, as published in our column*. They have un I *J 75e. Felt Hate for $1.50; also* Wing*, Ostrich y large stock of miscellaneous Machinery Plnmis and Feather*, Velvet and Silk Ribbons, Belts ‘ Neck Ties, Rnchings, Real and Imitation Hair Good*, Jewelry, Tuck Combs, Zrpher, Germantown Wool for Shawl* and a great many other articles too numerous to mention, at prices to *mt the requirement* of the times. Hair combings made into Switches; Regalia’s made to order; Braiding and Stamping nentlv executed at MISS C. JAMES. Store loetted on Broad 8t., between Dr*. Long* A Billups and Smith's Drug Store*, Athens, Ga. 6ept. SO—d&w-Sm. hand a very large Patterns, and can promptly fiU orders for almost any I character of work. Wherever their Machinery hae been used it has given entire satisfaction. NovSdlmw. The Crist and Potvlab Atlanta Stole or Fcacu- ooTL.Bx-\xmor A Co., No. SS Wuitssau. Sjt.—Is now offering the Largest, Cheapest, and beat Selected Stock of Dry Gooes, Fancy Goods, Notions, Hosiery and Und. rwear. Novelties in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lam- berqnina. Cornices and Uphoiateiy Goods at * Saving of 15 to 20 per cent, on each artidc purchased. Their Facilities are ouly equaled by the Largest Houses in th* Union. A call before purchasing at other booses is re spectfully solicited., ... 1 N. B.—Samples sent on application. All orders over Ten Dollar*, at Retail, will be sent free of charge to any of the State. F., B. & CO. GEORGIA. - HAST COUNTY!) am • nail D1LL1ABD V. WRIGHT APPLIES W to nk Wr'Lttten of QaerdlanAip vtMartha J. Wright, minor, under fourteen year* old, daughter ot Theae^rethf^or* todteandadmonblull concerted to*howe»u**»tmyoOe*, on or befbre the nrtt Mon day in December next, why *Ud letter* should not be grunted. Given under my hand end official aigtiature, this 25th dey or Oct- U7&. . * .1, t F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordin f^l GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. %M HEREA8, Dilliard V. Wright appliaa to mo for v V Letter* of Administration apon the Estate ot Harriet R. Wright, late of said county, deceased— Therefore, all persons ooucerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any they have, at my oSleaon or before the first Monday in December next, else said letters will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this October 25th, 1875. F. C. STEPHENSON, Nov. 3.—1-tt.Ordinary, GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. N OTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned, that on the day of . 1875, B. C. Walters, lata of Hart eonnty, departed this life in testate, and no person has applied tor administration on tlie estate ot said B. C. Walter*, and that in Unna of the law, administration will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, er some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday in December next, unless made to " some valid objection is l 25th, 1875. Nov. 3.—1-14. i his appointment, ficial signs are, this l F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. \\f UEREAS, A. J. Brown applies to me for Letter* II of Guardianship of John Teasley and Elia Teasley, minors, under fourteen years old, children of Singleton M. Teasley, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish ell concerned to show cmnse st my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, why said letter* s) >ould not be granted. Given nnder my hand at office, this Oct. 28,1875. Nov. 1.-st. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary. ” ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P UBSU ANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary ot llart County, Ga.. will be sold, before the Court House door in HfUtwell, in eaid county, within the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in December next, the followini Land, more or joining lands c Sold a* the property of Dr. L. C. Rhodes, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms Cash. nov.3—1-St. K. S. WILLIFORD, Adm’r. F. B. A Co., New Yerk. F. B. & Co., Charleston, S. C. F. B. & Co., Jackson villa, Fla. [nov.t7-tf. Will you nxuxv* rr! Woman’s Bisr Fxiixn —To relieve the aching heart o, woman and bring jov when sorrow reigned supreme, is a mission befbre which the smiles of kings dwindle into ntter insignificance. To do tbia ia the peculiar province of Dr. J. Bradfiald’a Female Regulator; which from the unmberless cores it has accomplished, is appropriately styled Woman’* Best Friend. The disti it known aa the sore and decisive. Just Opened.—The finest and Picture Frames at Davis’ Gallery’.' THE FLOl'R MARKET. Supers $6 50 a 7 001 cheapest I Family 7 50 a 8 00 Fancy 8 00 a 8 50 To the Ladies—Go and see thove new | Felt Hats just received at Miss C. James. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Try the Natural Leaf smoking tobacco, /Toi , ' manufactured by Kalvarinsky & Liebi-ek. |Stdrllnjf didl^at • New York, November 27-Money in “ “d it ro 1^“ Now IN PxxfXCT Healtu. Near MAMunYA, Ga., March 21,1870. , ilmrt. Was. Boot <t Homo.—Gentlemen:—Some months ago I bought a bottle of Bsaoiiklo's Finals I Reoulatob from yon, and hare used it in my family I with the utmost satisfaction, and have recommended ft I | to three other families, and they have found it just what I it is recommended. The females who have used your Regulator are now in perfect health, and are able to aUeud to their household duties, and we cordially re- New film and New Stock! MATTHtVYS&JACKSON NO. L BROAD STREET, (Old stand of T. BISHOP & SON.) W E have just received au entirely N.w Stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES And offer them lcHEAP FOR CASH. We would also ask onr friends to give us a call before sailing their cotton aa we expect to buy cotton and will pay the highest market price for it. oct20wtf ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary ot Hart county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in Hartwell, in eaid county, within the legal hoars of isle, ou the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to wit: one tract of Laud lying in said eonnty, containing one hundred and fitly acres, more or less, tolerably well improved; about 40 acres nnder cultivation, and well watered. Also, 75 seres, more or less, adjoining lands of W. A. Hidiatd, Marion Cheek and Albert Laird. The E. A. R. R. ruLS through both tracts. All to be sold as the property ,: Sarah E. Hilliard, deceased, for the benefit of the heir and creditors. Terms, one-thinl cash, the other two- tliirds 12 months ere.lit, with note and approved secur ity, and bond for title when land ia paid for. Oct 25, 1875. M. M. JOHNSON, uovA—l-5t.—[P. F. $6.00.] Adm’r. •ft; ADiifftris^iiAtoR’S 1 &l£FT OUBSUAIIT toanorkir oirth* CMfUef Ordinary 0 f Clark* ooonty, will be sold before the, CottrtHoaie tSBSBRL ‘^t.dratl»rwbo | tt*o earee of It in plantation, SMn wood*," ail in the woods; said two tract* to be sold as th* nro- Jwfcmtaoa, deceased, for the benefit of ,*“*1 008 tract lying i* said county, containing 102 acres, more or leas, on which ia a cabin, about *5 »cre» tu plantation, 20 in wood*: balance in old field, aojoiniug Jouu Wuit* and landMpf David Richardson, ueoeased. To be sold as tha proparty of Jane G. Kienardsou, deceased, for th* benefit of her 1 Also, oneiother tract, ly’ ' ’ 100 acres, more or less, others, nosUy in the wood*;'to bea of David Richardson J — " deceased, for the Terms tor all arid la NATHANIEL RICHARDSON, AA-'. of DAVID RlCHAKDtiON?deceased, and of JANA G. RiCHARDSOit, deceasetl. nov24-50d. • ' r heir*. > woods; to be sold as the property . deoessed, stjd Jane G. Richardson, benefit of their respective heirs. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. W HKUF.AS, William Hairis, (colored) applies to me lor letters of adminis tration on too estate of Cordelia Harris (colored,) late of said county, deceased, . Tuese are therefore to rite ana admor ish all concern ed to show cause (if any they have) at my oOea, on or before the flrat Monday in January next, why arid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 15th day of Nov. 1876. nov24-30d. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. Y TH EREAS, Eugene W. Brydye (color- VV ed) applies to me for letters ot Ad ministration on tne estate of Samncl Freeman (colored), lameqsri^fcttnty, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern- d to show cause (if any they have) at my office, on or before the first Monday in January next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 15th day of November, 1875. novx4-80d. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. "YTT HERE AS, David R. Elder, Guardian W of William T., John, F. W. and Mary M. Osborn, (bow Mary M. Elder), orphans of John Osborn deceased, applies to me for letters of dis mission from said guardianship. These are therefore to rito and admonish all con cerned to show cause (if any they have) at my office on or before the first Monday in (January next, why arid letters should not be granted. Givan under my hand at office this 8d day of Nov. 1875. A8A M. JACKSON,’Ordinary. novl7w4t. Oconee County MATTHEWS A JACKSOF. CASH FOR WOOF, Buy canned goods, Peaches, Pineapples, Tomatoes, Oysters, tfcc., from J. H. Hug gins. One hundred boxes assorted Crackers, CLOTH FOR WOOL. The Athens Manufiwtnring Company ore now making a much larger variety of Woolen Goods than ever before, and proposo to Exchange them for Wool, believing it to be more to the interest of the Planter to HntA nia.llJl “ I I Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Cord- uoia IHjautJ. | The FaaliT Sxwino Machine.—Tbe invention of ed and Spun at home. Call for Samples and Terms ot Governments dull and heavy; new fives I the Wilson Shuttle sewing Machine exert* aa inf nance Exchange. * B. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent 16? I over domestic comfort unequalled by any invention of | May 19,1875—2»-tt j. „ • , | tbe last hundred yean. A* an economical arrangement State bonds quiet and nominal. Ienables one person to do the work of teo in a superior . . ■ • ■ —- Machines ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P UBSU ANT to au order of tlie Coart of Ordinary ot Oconee county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in Watkinsville, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on tbe first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to wit: A beautiful Farm, ten miles below Watkinsville, on theColehain rood. On the place is on excellent dwelling, with six rooms, e fine well of water, a good gin-house and two-story barn, and all other necessary ont-buildings. The place con tains three hundred and fifty acres, more orless, sev enty-five acres native forest, fifty acres pine forest, and twenty-five acres bottom land. Also ou the place is a fine orchard of choice fruit trees. To be sold os the property of Ed mop Elder, deceased, for tlie benefit oi legatees. Terms, half cash, tlie other hulf twelve months credit, with note and approved sccnritr. Oct. SO, 1875. WM. Y. ELDkR, nov.3—l-5t.—[P. F. $6.00.) Adm’r. respectfully, Rev. If. B. JOHNSON. Nov. lvtU 1875.—J. G. Jordan has applied for exemption of personalty, and 1 will pass upon the same at 11 o’clock a. K on the 1st day of December 1865, at my office. nov24-2t. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. Stocks closed dull and stead V ; Central I manner, and with unspeakably mar* comfort. — fresh every week, nt Tai-madge, Hodgson 1105J; Erie 16}; Lake Shore 02*; Illinois Jg ; Pittsburg 89}; Norwestern Messrs UrsHAW & Gaimni, Athens, Gs. T , & Co. 5t-\v. New Jersey cabbage. White, Red and Yellow Onions, Irish Potatoes, at Tal- uadgk, IIodgson & o. 5t-w. Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah or Charles ton prices duplicated for any goods sold in Athens by Taltnadge, Hodgson & Co. 5t-w. ft Central 94}; 39§; preferred 54}; Ruck Island 105* | Sub-treasury balances—gold S42.546 225; currency $43,493,607. The sub-treasurer paid out $69,000 on account interest, and $458,000 for bonds. Customs receipts to-day $452,000. New York, November 27.—Gold closed [at 114}. phis have Cotton—New classification: Spots closed I therefore issuo . . .. . J ... - „ I nronnetnni of They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free ou application. They want a few more good agents. N ovSdw. A CHALLENGE. WILSON vs. antoxx. Owing to the great state of perfocticn to which the Wilson Sewing Machine ha* been advanced, and the fact that employees of tlie “ Singer ” Agency at Mem epreseuted tlie Wilson in many ways, we following challenge, and invite the *T. T BOWMAN & CO-. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, NZSNJt 2 OJY, Gzl., Will ritend to th^bnsiness of effecting sales and pur- as Agents, on REASONABLE TERMS. Applications should be made to T. J. Bowman. October 4,1875.—40-lm. , • . | a EOBGLA.—OCONEE COUNTY—Ordinary’* Office YM Nov. lath 1875.—Mrs. Maty J. Venable, wife of Charles Venable has applied for exemption of personalty, and 1 will pass upon the same at 12 o’clock, M. on the 1st day of Dcoeiuber 1875, at my office. nov24-2t. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. Fine Saratoga Whisky, just received quiet; low middling 12 15-16; middlings 13f. J J^Sngthem^to'rompe^ewitifthe^VUscm 7 Machine^ at Saulter’s Exchange. The finest in the Futures closed weak; sales 13,400 bales’; I any putlio hail in tne city, on the following pointsof market Liquors of all kinds and brands. November 18J.1315-32; Deceraher 13 5 32; Oct.^Otl. j January 13 9-32al3 5sl6; : February 13 I and none to be *elccte<l who are now or have heretofore -—-J** 1AA „ , 13-32a 13 7-16; ])lurch 13 9»’16al3 19-32; 100 Boxes Best Raisins, 100 B..xes Fresli A i) 13 o5-32; May 13 29-32al3 31-32; Figs, Prunes. Currants Dates, Cilrou *o«l J( j ne u ,. 1GaUj t / ulv 14 5-32al4 3-16; Spices of n il kinds at Talmadge, Hodgwn A Augugt 14 9.3^ n ^ 2 ’ New Orleans, Nov 27.-Cotton quiet iddli Dodlors would do well to call and exam-1 and steady; middling, 12*; low ml ino our stock of Liquors before buying. No trouble to show goods at Talmadge, Hodg son A Co. 5t-w. ■hng. been in the employ of either party. We propose to demonstrate clearly that the Wilson Sewing Machine is superior to the Singer in the follow ing points, via: First—That the Wilson Machine has the best ran, it being mad* to work on the right of tne needle as well as on tbe left, so the Machiue will stitch over seems or gathers with esse. Second.—The “ take-np” movement for drawing op 2STOT1CE* Great K eduction in Priees. O N and after Oct. 1st we shall offer to our customers, goods in onr line at much lower figures than here tofore. To enable ua to do this, we will adopt strictly the Cash System. We ar* now receiving a large and fall assortment of goods, bonght at low prices, which w* invite ri) to coll and examine. CHILDS, NICKERSON A CO. Sept. 15—«6-tf. - - I .Say, Don K fcrocius Freedman attacked a Mephitis ' roencana in his hen house on yesterday Burning. He is now looking for an apethe- ary shop, and his wife it is rumured, is eue- pg for a divorce. ‘‘Presses” are sometimes said to “burst ut with new wine," but we have never a of woodhouses bursting out with fire fund. Such a phenomenon happened, how per last week in Cobbham. Hugh N. Taylor, Esq., now dispenses his Hint smiles about onr city, and his ■p.v friends, ladies and gentlemen, are >ght«d to see him. Hugh is a ’granger, nails from Ebenezer tJ Morgan county. 'on’i tell ns that American humor is ex* uHed. The Athens Georgian quietly n - nrks that Joe Brown’s Athenian diet ia ■d shoulder. Tlie editor of ino Georgian 11 please draw on us for two hundred and collard stalks. The churches were well attended on nday last. Rev. W. H. Potter delivered * last -ermon prior to attending the North poorgia Conference at Griffin. It was a t splendid effort His text was 44 Christ ing the rick.” Ur. Lipscomb will fill his pulpit daring s absence. , t • • In view of the enormoi tiered at Deiipree’e nron Prayersnniirawqg it b—rbaoo anggeet tn»t a committee, be appointed consisting Lharbonnier., Mr. W. W. Thomas 1 , * ■*? ot ^ ers > to exftmine our public halls n huiWinga, to be assured of their safety. (he scare our people had last com- ‘’"'nent in the Libraty Room, they are j ®n*itive about big croWds and creak ^ Chow Chow v PickIe8, Raisins, Nuts, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses,. Syrup, Ac., at Barry’s Little store, on the comer of Broad and Jackson Streets. * 4-if Streets. ■. . ♦.*■ 1 .' . Since his new stock has arrived, J. II. Huggins sells Lamps..Glassware and crock- cry of all kinds chcajier knives and forlu from 1,000 lbs Choice Mince Meat in bulk, and I 71,234. five pound pads, choice “Gilt Edge” Goshen Augusta, November 27.-Cotton dull Butter, fresh Buck Wheat,, fresh lot ot Mao I an( j easier; ordinary ltt; go«*d ordinary lli; oorom at low figures at Talmadge, Hodgson , ow middlings 12; middlings 1^; gotat m ^ t ’ w * J middling 12J; receipts 1,348 bales: sales Oner of the largest and best selected I ^77. stock of Whiskies, Brandies, Rum, Gin, I Charleston, Nov. 27.—Cotton steady; Table Wines, Cooking Wines, Porter, Alets I middling, 12}; net receipts, 2,617; export- at wholesale and retail by Tal- I to Great Britain 2,004; to continent 1,920, &c madge, Hodgson A Co. ’ 11 ' 1 I \ ' the enormous concourse nightly Deupree’s • Hall during the rmratim^ h Irax bcen suggest “•her in Cobbham (colored , AtaS^ty evening last, 24th inst. uCT ,, M 4 UArteravUlc, and Misa iim 1 !'®’ of Athens, (daughter ot were marrii kbOT'officiating. e mentioned are the true aris- tl»at"it"Si'*ll be the doty of the I Great Bargains President, and Directors to qpll at pubjic I ■ k rtatieh riw “• outciy all the property, b th real ana per-j ^ TOdbroOTifal*«yle*oj at the Baptist *f* of our d wc wish ,y in the fe-Mf there ia one thing above ^ *Hfeea; K iTa ^tndard tcuj? m our. city. A tower dock own l ,b ? omo conspicuous part of our irreomlarity which now prevails. I* I** 1 Jtg| $350 to $o00 would pru- ’ower clock, strilung the •The tluw pnnripri Monti v Nriv 27 Cotton stendv- mid- I ^* cllil,c > v - z: G>« eutmi, the Eau and the nxxllx, . mobile, jnov. a. yonon steam, mm ^ al| workeJ b> oue , Uort iuaU ^d or two | ong dling, 12*al2*; low middlings 11*; goon I on**, thus doiux asray srith oue lcms shaft, also tbs two ordinary 11*; net receipts 4,656 bales; ex- Icon wheels, and thus avoid frioico. l>orts coastwise, 350; sales, 3,000; stock 42, ■ * MARJLE. A. R. ROBERTSON’S „ MM ill mm tut- onttti.—The Wilson is much the easiest and lightest I Dele, ; n ^ mannfacturcr of Monuments, Head sod 833. r aiming Machine of the two, ana Inu non speed. The I foot Stones, Marble and Granite Box Tombs sad Cra- difference in favor of the W ikon is'«tJunuaui stitches I j| e Tombs. AU work warranted. Persons will do 27. - Cottc ««d K |ssii£$ts» •"*:”!““!• w “I sSjMjsafaRjas NEW BOOKS. Flitb.—Tlie wearing points in the Wilson Machine I Athene. Ga. " ” —■'•j adjustable — •*—* -■ 1 —* —’ — 1 middling 12}; low middlings 124; good or- . — .—... — than ever—buy your dinary 11*; net receipts, 3.580; gross 3,603; I J. H. uUggll)8. I exports to Great Britain 3,95o; coastwise I rani f r five yearn, which we couipiy with, end other 1,921; contineut 2,425; rales 3,021; stock I umpanic* retu-et ' -.-uiupaniea reiu-e to give.) bixth.—The tension is not affected by the aixe of th* I (SIGNA Otuua’s last, $2.00 thread, *hd rou.ain* the same irom 150 down to No. 10, | SfYhre^erihere, by Wi^Bloek, fl.aO. md tlie tcrew for regulating it* perition. I 5*P* , *■* '*Pl 1 Wr <W ’ Seventh.—The large balance wheel being located ia J B jlS^fpaVl? ! '50n. (mutrad outride the frtune, c.o nut «h1 the dreroof th* Writer $1.75. Eighth.—The adjustable cones on the balance wheel I Pastor 1 * Recollections, $1.09. -p.uule prevents the rauliug sad clicking noise so ob-1 Jnn# M *1 tf****' * BURKE'S Book Store. -pindlepre iectioiuBle. Ninth.—'The adjustable sottoN* on the needle her of ■ _ _ _ the W:loon insures uarabdity, prevents noise and the I BOON AbrEJyl 3 ‘ ” AND GOOD SALESMEN # 6t-w. I sales 1,800. ^ JN fcL; - NeW style Felt Hatyja&W ? / New style soft Felt'Hats at $1.50. New style Sack Combs at 50 and 75c. ’ \ Goods sold at price* to meet the require ments of the times at Miss G. James. 2t-w. .V. > i >. Shun Drag Poisons. •p-cakmg of needlm. 1 Tenth.—ihe Wilson Mac: ine, by a alight motion of ihe operalur’s foot, is thrown out of motion when the bobbm* ar* bring wound. The give* four advantages: 1st. It saves the labor of driving the machine when yoa are not sewing; 2d. Th* unnecessary wear on machine ry ; 2d. The tucker or any attachment in use can rc- Memcine Rendered Useless!; , Volta’s TSfectro Bolts And : Bands ate in- lyspepsia, kidney disease, aches, pains, nervous dis- . . . . | orders, fits, female complaints, nervous and general Babe balls at Reduced Prices.—Cock I debility, and other dmoft diseases of thriint, had, iff the Walk and Bounding Rock-rf*ula tion size and weight, and the best baU I ,dov17.B Price. $1.00. Other ’qualities’it’RhP ~~ ■' '■. ~1 correspondingly low prices, at Burke’s Book I M&rytentl Eye and Ear Institute, Store. t j 66 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. Fine Horses and Mules—We hw ust received a lot of fine horses and mules, ebswf The large handwime resideuoe Ot the Ut* Borne good pairs of mules, and farm mules, I Charles CarroU haa bceetited fip with all thh which we offer at very reasonable prices. 1 ™ ^Thrt^fdi t Call and see us. I lctu-r to GEORGE REULING, nov5d&w. Gann & Reaves. I »«>vi7.B Surgeon in.eharga mm the soaiaarin In the poinri^w Are “COINING MONEY” with th* famous 78IDA DESIGNS, The French Edition of which sella for $1S5, and th* position wiinoui moving (wnren «ope tne wear, with the work inti* machine; 4th* Be-1 H^ndrctl lhU-uece onenopities,» others cannot break tlie thread should they | Ctari^t^TaTre^U *7 orisre^o^ta Ninety-Six, S. a, 10*; one in Vs^ 247; another in Memphis, 200 orders, taken in three weeks. Fuilpartlcnlar*ftwe. Address. , J. B. FORD & CO., PubUshers, NorSdtfw. 27 Park Place. New York. | main in position without moving (which atop* th* and tear), and with the work in tne machine; 4th ginnera or Others cannot break tlie thread should they urn the machine baedwaid, and the belt or band re in’ position and always ready, e event of a failure to demonstrate the above are hereby agree to pay tbe rent of the hall ae- oppont-nta and forfeit the machine* on exhibi- ris ma This challenge, if aeaaptad, will be out ten day* after receipt of written notice Iran - stating time and place for the contest. i Ut ’ 1874 ’ M.M. BEACH, 217 Second street, Memphis, Tenn. novfo—Md-ttw. GEORGIA.—CLARICE COUNTY. yiy UEREAS, Willis M. Willin -ham, Administrator of tbe Eatato of Henderson Willingham, late of said county, deceased, hoe tendered to melds resig nation aa such administrator, sud prays for tho appoint ment of John S. Linton, a creditor of eaid deceased, in liia stead. These ore therefore to Admonish the said John 8. Linton, tho next of kin and the creditors of said deceased, to appaar and show canoe, if any they have, at my office on or before tbe first Monday in December next, why said resignation should not be accepted and said John S. Linton appointed administrator of taid deceased, In place of said Willis M. Willingham. > .. Given under my hand, at office, thla 25th day of Oc tober, 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, nov 1—Nt. Ordinarv. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNIT. minor, (colored) deceased. Thes*e arc therefore to cite and admonish all concern* ed to show canso at my office, on or before the flrtf Monday iu Dumber next why said lettem should not be granted. ‘I. Given under my hand at office, this 14th Oct. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. oet20w3dd. . G EORGIA.—OCONEE COUNTY—Ordinary^ Office Nov. 19th 1875.—Mr*. Lucy J. Iloff, wife of John P. Huff, has applied *or exemption of personalty, and 1 will pass upon the Home, at lo o'clock ▲. ic., on the Ut. day of December 1875, nt my office. nov24-2t. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary ot Wilkes county, will be sold on the fir»t Tuesday in December, 1875, m the city of Athena, at the uauid >lace of holding public sales for Clarke county, daring egal sole hoars, all that house and lot of land situated iu the city of Athens and adjoining lots of C. Morris and Mrs. Bay non, said i ouse and lot known as the late residence ot William Brown deceased, and sold os the property of Mary A. Gordon, deceased for the benefit of heira and creditors. T^mis of sale cash. M. P. REESE, Administrator Mary A. Gordon. novS*w4t. Valuable Farm for Sale. B Y VIRTUE of on order from the Court of Ordinary of Bunks eonnty, Georgia, granted apon tbo peti tion of Amanda Ellison, former guardian of Josephine and Onie Ellison, will be sold before tlie Court House door in Homer, Bank* county, on the firat Tuesday iu December next, within the lawftil hours of sale, one tract of land in said eonnty, on Hickory Level creek, known as the Robert Burnwell Place. The tract con tains 411 seres, more or less—60 to 75 acres ot good bottom land, all in a high state of cultivation. The fora, isote of tlie best in the county—well watered, well timbered, well improved; good society, in five tnilcu ot Nortii-Eustern Railroad, five niiles from Homer, con venient to churches, schools and mills. Two-thirds ot this property i* tbe property of tbe wards of the under signed ; the other third belong* to Mrs. Amanda Ellison, who will join in the sale and in the deed. Titles per fect. Term*: one-half cash, tbe other half credit for 12 mouths, with interest at 10 per cent, per animm: the purchaser getting only bond for titles till the final pay ment is mode. And at the same time and place the old homestead will be rented for 1876. T. P. CLEVELAND, Guardian of Josephine and Uhie Eilinon. nov3 tds. AMANDA ELLISON, for herself. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. H J UEREAS, Thomas Booth, Guardiau of Clement H. Ashford, orphan Of William H. . >n>b Ashford deceased, applies to me for fetters of dismission from said Guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern ed to show cause (if any they have), at my office, on or before the first Monday in December next, why arid letters should not be granted. Given nnder my hand at office, this 27th day of Oct. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.’ uov3-w4t. . GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, Ann R. Herring, Administratrix of Stephen W. Herring, deceased, applies te me fbr letters of dismission from arid Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to show cause (if any thev have) at ray office on or before the flrat Monday in Jannoiy next, why said lettem should not bo granted. Given nnder my hand at officO this 21st day of Sept. 1875. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinay. Sept. 29, 1875—lm3m. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. YYTHEREAS, William Mumble, as Ad- V Y ralnlstrator of the estate ot Robert Marable, de ceased, petit ion* to be discharged from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to show at my office on or before the first Monday in Decem ber next, why said discharge should not be granted. Given under my band at office this 26th day of Augnrt. 1875. t ASA M. JACKSON, Sept. 1—44-1 m 3m. Ordinary. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. YITHEREAS, Seaborn J. Mays, as Ads V V ministry tor of tha estate of France* Moore, late of said county, deceased, petition* to be discharged from said Administration. These are therefore to dt* and ad monish all concerned Vo show cause at my office,on or before the first Monday in December noxt, why said discharge should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 26th day ofAngnat, 1875. ._> > ASA M. JACKSON, ; Sept. 1—44-lm3m. Ordinary. • Clarke Sheriff's Sales. YXI ILL be sold before the Court House v v door in the city of Athens, Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One tract of Land, two miles and a half from Athena, on the rood leading to Georgia Factory, adjoining lands of John I. Hoggins and others, containing one hundred and two acres, more or less, with all of the appurtenances thereto belonging, all levied upon by virtue of two Ju- tioe Court fl. foe., from 216th District G. M., October Term, 1875, at the tuU of Jackson A Thomas and others vs. Mrs. Indiana V. Hoover. All sold to satisfy the above etatgid fl. fas. Levy made and returned to tne by A. Briley, S. C. , nov3-5t J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. PRICES REDUCED AYEMIILL paint. It costs lees, and will outwear the beat of any ether. _ . • - * ’ to At Send for new Price List and Sample Cord to Aviuli CnamcaL Ponrr Couranr, Burling Slip, New York, or 132 East River SL, Cleveland, O. novl7.R Five thousand pounds assorted T natiou, ou Candy, three thousand pounds assorted I ^'Marriage Gnide, French Candy, two hundred boxes Fire* J Crackers, two hundred bushels fine Apples, Oranges, Cocoanuts, Jkc., at low figures, wholesale and retail by Talmad k, Hodg son & Co. cyf fj o,. . 1‘V/iJND Reading, Psychomancy, Fasds duck i _LY nation, Soul Charming, Mesmerism, and Marriage Gaide, obowing how either tax may foaci- natc and gain the love and affection of any person they ’ owe instantly. 400 pages. By mall Sons: HUNT! COl, m& 7th SL,Jpfol*. - - DOT17-K- TA1- Cl CARD- 2’0 the Patrons of Husbandry of the State . * *c. \i v f Georgia. Y OUR Executive Committee bay* this day entered Into an agreement with th* Granger*’ TJfo and 'ZS.'ZiJSZZ ested at MobiW, Alsbsma-whereby oar Order will, in nnent, be greatly benefited. Th#r , KING’S CUBE 1 FOB CHIjSKEN CHOLERA, a THE ONLY .1 Patterns for Dolls' Clothes. Instructive .Amusing and Entertaining. U I stopped at tlie Book Store, and the Trohssean 1 For Dolile'nrast have eome new cloths I thought, I j Seel here an the {utterns,fci colors so Mgkti •»i! Phase tried every one, and find them all right.”- ' I Each package contains all the patterns necessary for a Doll’* wardrobe. Price 30 cents. Mailed, postage on fr** ofthe prict - B K’i^ok stem. Lost ! LobtS O N Saturday evening lest, between tbe residenee of Mr. John H. Newton end the ffnt Methodist Church, a Gold and Jet Ear Bing Set with Pearls. The finder by leaving it at this office will be liberally swarded. Get. 6—dtf. CERTAIN REMEDY FOR THE DISEASE AMONG oar judgment, itanurit" r given] to tlie State Grange will be I ■ in a circular addressed to th* Masters j of each Grange in the State. Your Kxe-1 ■■■■filer due consideration and carefhl I Good Beading at Panic Prices. D URING the nano months, Miscellaneous Boots of all kinds, will b* sold AT GlxiTtT ~ At a meeting of the stockholders of the 1^ ow Athens Steam Laundry and Soai» Corns | Tjune ,*7j. oh pany, the following resolution was adopted: sonal, belonging to the Athens Steam Laundry ana Soap Company, within 80 days from tha pumga -of this 1 This NdY! l'Hh, 1876. * ‘ E. K. Lumpkin, Secretary. In aocordance with the above resolution, the property, both real and personal, with all accounts due tho Athens'Steam Laun dry and Soap Co n will be offered to the' ” bidder on December 10t£, „Et thd ' belonging to the". Atheii a 1 V* 1ft tf onyl buro Strain looked intp, as it it er urgent necessity. S. D. MitCwax, Sectary. w4V TlRtmr 1* aper^^SpSy^nSerti^uWWr^^®™ E. " Blacksmith shop. Poultry of &U Kinds. Used twice a week it will Prevent the Disease, . And keep tbe Poultry in a , - conranoH. used successfully for years in States. Price 80 cents per makes TWO GALLONS of Prepared by 1 DbTwM. KING, Ga.—33-t£ PAIR AND TIMELY NOTICE. r| lHANKING my friends for their patronage in the I post, and asking for a eontinnanco of the same, I beg to say that, ■; FROM AND AFTER THE lvr OF OCTOBER, • my terms will be . ■. CASH ON DELIVERY, except to those parties who have always paid their bills PROMPTLY on presentation. Where goods ore charged, it will be with the distinct understanding that the bills are DUE AT THE END OF THE MONTH. 1 would willingly give longer time if I were able, bmt I sm not. I trust that no one will be offended at tbe coarse, as my necessities drive me to it. 1 hope by prompt attention to business and low prices, to merit a continnance of the patronage of the pablic. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer. Sept. 22—47-tf. .,y jf J NEW STORE HOUSE FOB BENT. New Store Room on Clayton X Street, sad adjoining Lester’s Block, with four good Offices above, will be ready for oa* by tha 15th ef September, mri « new ojggd for ta Siksst, Hltchissos A Bell, Ang. lS-43-tL Deapree Block. COAL! COAL!! AYING established a Corf Yard in am with my W; DRED TON8.ii ing Coals to the of At] GENUINE “COi From Knoxville Iron Company. Borns large lamps, hand picked, and is free from slate and clinkers. ; i -■ . uiTl CAHABA,” ! ;• st excellent Coal for domnstlo an. being Red Ash, Urge lumps, kindle, qa^i «3 makes no dnders, soot or dost. :> 44 BLACK CREEK,” Of Alabama. A new Goal, and tbe porest that comes rf Alabama nr Trnrrnaff ■ H i rri . with my Warebseas, with a atoek of TOUR I of the Order. rn-Hti l Jii. '. l AUrtta.tfe.biihjtf’lA J.F. I. H ILL few. would respectfolly “*^ - js»asrss«sa! Great i: • the next tb frteketjriid^l REATLY REDUCED PRICE8. I fiSS is tbe Usse to stake your hesses beautiful st law) . ^j.r. Rtafoatart. ‘^Vi I tally prepared tods aB mi Skfosk a asptaisr | riuurges. He ha* the beat hotSj — workmen I an ration Wi and at reasonable £55 O ' I For Sale. gnmintywiStt^^^ShS A BrilTOTJofinH. * J A T. nvnia&tkfoWd. i Kffwfem. / be fixed atone _y«re t,i»7». We have now on hand 250,(0# Choicest Brands of Cigire, which we offer st Qeelslt Rxnoczn Pmcss. ’Alas a large stoek'ofBmokiag and Chewing Toliafoo, Snoff^ Genoine Meershamn Pipes, end ell Smokers Ar- Afihecal disoodnt sllowcd to Jtfobars baying . Ooum ooel Com* allM KALVAKINSKY A LIEBLEB, Under Newton House, Athena, Ga. BOOLS AND SHOES mr n TO ORDER. Has removed hU SB to the opposite ride of College Avenue, ne) Lester Building. Prices Liberal, and First Class guaranteed, Jane 16,1)75—38-tf from the old Lombard Bonding College Avenne, next door to the “ Work from the Coal Fields ef Alabama or August 11,187*. J.H.C. .Ton. 1 41-tt ,1V JE Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, ; , " Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laced, Flowere, Gloves, &c., Which she will sell atrsasonable prioea. Give her Orders from »di*> coll before one door abort NatioualBank. April 21,1875-M-tf.i A DVERTISER’S GAZETTE.VA Journal of Information foP*- tisen. Edition,' 2,600 bopies. Published Terms, $2_ per annum, In advance. Five specimen dver- waskiy. copies (different dates) toons address for 25 eta. Oflka No. 41 Park Bow, New York. GEO. P. ROW ELL * CO., Editor* and Publishers 2>ovl7,&