The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, November 30, 1875, Image 4

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Mmmsm * IjAyE an uniSKaB STOCK or, Ladies' and Misses' Shoes, .Han't and Bon'Boot*,and “ a and Shoes, ill of novi-lm ********** QFFER A LARGE AND VERYSELECT ASSOST- DRE88 GrQO&S, ‘ Mourning and Colored, Plaid and Solid Stripe*, at GREAT REDUCTION. novMm C|t dtwpn. VERSES FOB THE KIICBEN. Always have lobster aanoe with salmon, And pnt mint trace your rotated lamb on. In dreastag aalad mind this law— With two hard yolk* uaa one that’* raw. Roaat veal with rich stoek gravy terra; And pickled mushrooms, too, observe. Roast pork, sans apple sauce, past doubt, la “llamlat” with the Brines left out. Tour mutton chop* with paper oovar, And make tham amber brown all over. Broil lightly your beelatcak—to fty It Argue* contempt of Christian dlat. To roaat spring chicken, la to apoB ’em— Just split ’cmaown the back rad broil ’em It givaa true epicure* the vapors To tee boiled mutton minus caper*. The cook deserves a hearty coding Who serve* roast fowl* with taste Smelts require egg and biscuit powder— Don’t put fst pork in your clam chowder. &g sauce—few make it right, also I— 1* good with bluefiah or tnth bass. Nice oyster aauea give* zoat to cod— A dab, when freeh, to feast a god. But one might rhyme for weeks tbit way And still have lots of things to say. And so I’ll dote, for, reader mine, This i* about the hour I dine. S. Wasp. Adams 8 H Black J W Bailey JH Chandler C H Camak Dr James Collins A J Cobb Howell Cobb Lamar Davis H Cobb Dales George Dale J J DeMooreWLC Eberheart J N England W A Edge Warren Eberheart John Erwin AS Fleming Tboa Fleming Joe H Ganbold J A HopoGH Hampton J Hemphill J L Harare J C Holme* JM Hunnicutt J A KilgoeW N Lownuree Dr H A Lane WL Lumpkin E K Austin Dennis Beal Gum Brydye Eugene Boyoe Bailey Bnrdcll Charlie Bailey Safe Cole Manuel Dcnicot Wm Sr on Ben sard Steven Kenney Alfred Logan Charlie REGISTRY LIST FOR 1875. FIRST WARD. WKITZ LOT. Adams Win T Mason Wm Blair Green Morris J Baker Wiley Moon W T Baitey Tboa Miller A Benue J H D Neville John Burch J M Nickenon R Barry J M Nations W J Brittain J H Nations W R BarberG W O’Farrell James Bradshaw Charles Ore JM Bony I* O’Fsrrell W D Bailey G R O’Farrell John 0 Bailey A Palmer H B Brown JW Palmer Geo H B^yes Wm Patnt Francis Barber W L Pollin Wm Carrutbere J J Prather Enoch Chappel Robert Parker J W Cohen John Parker S P Culp L C Reynolds M W Center tie.' W Richards T S Cooper John G Rose B O W Dottory John Reaves R R Dot tor, E L Stern Myer Dorsey A S Dale W A Sesgreves Wm Shurley H L Eberheart Richard Stammer John Eberheart Thoa S*yo M B Eberheart J W Seagraves Hardy Eberheart S P Seogravea Andy Emerick Joseph Schevenell R S Evans'George N Saye J E Elrod J E Shahrae J H Flournoy Robert Schevenell L Gray Jerry Jr Gran W II Tweedy J K Talbert Wm Gann David Talmadge W P VincintIsaac Harper J K Hill lleury - Hull Dr Henry Vail W B Williams F M Hodgson Asbnry H Watkins M G Hodgson T A liood Wiley F White James O Watkins J W Hale II H Whitehead Thoa Haudrun N W Hale S J Waters David Williams T R Herring Jutnca Wilson W W lngrham.J O lvfe J R Wilkereon Isaac Whitchcod O W James Wm Westmoreland P C Jackson W B Williamson E A Kenney D M Wilson James Lovering Munroe Williams Georgs W McCleskey Dr G L Madden J A McKie C D Williams James H Williams J M COLORED LIST. Batteeae Mike Jones Willis A Briggs Wm Jackson Steven Brown Loyd Jones Caine Brown Pierce Johnson Robert Bacon Ned Jones Thomas Dean Elijah Evans Alfred Lamar Aaron Malone Isaac Fields Cartia Pledger W A Gaines Steven Sapp Ned Harris Robert Stevena Oliver Barns Millege Strickland Barton Harris Robert Tiller W M Jackson Dock Jackson Alfred Witherspoon Isaac Abbott G E Bishop E P Bhur W D Berwick Stencil Bell A A Bernard H K Benson P Billups U C Burch LII Clinard A D Comer R F < 'hristy W D Corner J F Charbonnicr L U Comer II F Carroll C C < "rawford J A Davis C W Evans Arthur Flisch L Grant James A Garrison J D Gilleland W A Herrington S M llcmrick David Hutcherson P W Jr liauscr G Huggins John I Hutcherson 8 O Hull A L Hunter J J Iverson Robert Jester W A Jacobs G Johnson John Calvin King Wm, Jr Kalvorinsklfi Lumpkin A C Lilly Thomas Lucas FW Linton H H Lumpkin R C Lampkin L J Lumpkin J M Maddcry M M Aster Henry Charlton Wealey Dixon Floyd Holbrook* Lewi* Lester Ned Lee Caleb SECOND WARD, wiirex list. Morris Prof C Maupin L Marks K M Morris Charles A McKenzie Wm McDuffie A A McDowell Wm Morris Mandol Morris Lewis McCurdy J G Newton J II Nicholson J M Parr V J Pittard R T Rhodes N E Rutherford Wm Roberta J M Reaves J U SneadR N Sale Dr T A Stephen* L W Swilling G S Smith R M ScuddcrA M Stone E D Smith E J Stern Charles Stanley M Strickles C F Threlkcld J J Town* W H Threlkcld T C Trcsnon P Thomas L W Tilley George P Upshaw J M Vonderleath E H Vonderleath A H Williford John S Wilkins J C Weatherly W S William* George Wan EH Weatherly W A Witherspoon J A aoLoxxn list. McIntosh George MoCleakey John Phiniiy CH Thomas Samuel Thomas Hamilton THIRD WARD. Maria S Mitchell WL Myers M Meeker J A Matthews JR Newton EL Nicholson J W O’FaireU CJ PitnerJ.G t Potts J . PrnlttWB ..UeJ. Allen JM Alexander W E BriantHC Bancroft E Berwick S Bloomfield BK Brown Gan W M Brittain R1 Bloomfield. K I» t t Burke T A . , Calloway MR Rucker T W iRslain W R BaeasSO DearingTII Roe EG Evan* JO 1 ’ 1 Rucker A C England J 8 RuekerJH H^Uton J Dr J Thomas 8 Thurmond 8 P ’ .li.l Jones Wm Pittard JD Parr S B ' Saultcr R R «.“c G Jackson J F Jones Dr W L Jackson A M • W S "H y JL BG “ D 1.. 1 *Mi#*V&**B M JJAYE A FULL LINKOK r^VW FOURTH WARD, wnrrx lot. Long Dr CW Linton Dr J 8 linaoombDr A A Long EC LaneJeff Mitchell A L Mygatt J C Moon J F MradeviUe A S MoaaBL Morris C McDennedP W McGintry M B Mitchell S D Noble WG Oir Dr J C Pope Dr J E Roberson John 3 Jr Sledge Wiley Speer E W Stye W N Thomas Robert Talmadge J E ThomaswB Taylor B W Taylor B 8 Weil Peter Webb R H COLORED LIST. McQueen Mack Moon Charlie Newton Jama* 8r Pierce Andrew Robert* Augustus A Smith James Solomon Newton Thomas Richard Thomas John Williams Wealey Wells Sam . (lx? to the Beat. Hand and Baggy Um- mSMSE0\ Balmorals from 75 cent* up. Shoes from $1.00 ip. Hats from $1.00 op. Great Redaction in all Dry Goods. r. mexxEsox. t n. WTjn CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. PEALERSIN Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, RUBBER BELTING, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Mill Findings, AGENTS rOB Winship and Sawyers Cotton Gins, Ac., &c„ &c. ATHENS, GEORGIA. GINS DELIVERED IN ATHENS AT MANUFAC TURERS PRICES. Sept. SO—1-tf. ASTONISHING. CHEAPER THAN THE undersigned would beg to an nounce to his friends and the public ; generally, that he,has just returned from iis annual fall trip to New York and Boston, with a large and varied stock of very superior .goods, consisting partly of the following, selected jf^h great MEN AND YOUTHS’, BEADY MADE CLOTHING of the latest fall styles, Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Dress Goods, Ladies, Gents’ and Boys Shoes, Boots and Hats, in al- « - m.stendless variety .Um brellas, Fine Ken- IteS Cassimeres, Factory'Gbods, » .. Yarns, Osnabijrgs, Checks, Shirtings; Fine \V amsutta and other brands, Bleachings, Tickings,Blankets, &$.)* &c. &c. Also, Saddles, Bridles and Harness, Drugs, Crockery and Glassware, Hollow Ware, boro’Red Cedar- ware, &c. Also, a full line of phoice Groceries, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Lard, Hams, Cheese, Kerosene Oil. And many other choice goods too num erous to menton, and which must be seen to be appreciated. The above goods, owing to the recent decline, he will be en- abled to sell at prices which j j i f : will ASTONISH THE NATIVES. If you want any thing in the above mentioned classes of goods, or in any other, call on S. c. DOBBS, Lower part of Broad Street, opposite Dorsey & Co’s Sept. 29—48-tf. &**$* * m*E I lAVJR LARGER STOCK OF WHITE GOODS ttan aver, rad ht prices to suit present price of cotton. Our Mourning GoodaDapsrtmentb complete, embrac ing everything known in Black Goods. ' novS-lm WINTER 1875. FALL 1NJ ********** D ESIRE TO CAlX SPECIAL AT1ENTION TO their (took of ;«-?T > PIECE GOODS for Men’s Boaineas and Everyday Suits, Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawer*, Ac. We get up Cheaper rad Better Bulta thanyou cun jrpy. norJ-Im ’ .* T.r utT- JM »ft$ -,nj. lianas* V ah)«> Are now prepared to show one of the most elegant and largest stocks of Butter, Eggs, Chickens, #c., 4Tc. The progress made by SEWING MACHINE. Inventive skill has been taxed to its utmost, and the result is, the The Most Perfect and Desirable Machine, for General and Family Use, yet produced. It is Simple rad Easy to Operate, ia not liable to get out out of repair, ita Work is the Best os was shown by the FIRST PREMIUMS awarded it at the Universal Exhibition in Vienna, in 1878, rad it is sold at a LESS PRICE than any other Machine of its STANDARD EXCEL LENCE. For sale by J. M. UPSHAW rad F. P. GRIFFITH. Be sure to see the Wilson before you buv. May 19,1875 29-tf. * i THE JAS. IiEFFEIj Doable Turbine Water Wheel, Manufactured by POOLE & HUNT. Baltimore, HO. TflOO xuw J.V USEt dimple. Strong, DuralV,, always reliable and tat!.- factory. Manufacturers, al-e, cl Portable & Stationary ” lines. Steam Boilers, _ r ft Giixt Mills, Min- ring Machinery .Gearing for Cotton Mill*, Floor, ~ lint. White Lead and [ydraulio and other iraecialty. rateandofvery beat finish. Send for Circulars. Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO. If yon want a NO. 1 COOK STOVE, AND TIN WARE OF ALL KINDS, CHEAP FOR CASH. Roofing and Guttering a Speciality, Sept. 15,1875. 46—6m. w* !2&BW ,y - i! S S: .MygattJO .; . . YanoeyGH ** ; > eounsiar. ifcjaFb - jasat BrownS Jaokton J %*t5i.nzr. $ ggg® 6 ' «>CSb*C Kitchens L '• ■. W IItImiUi »r • McCombs C. Iverson E The Enterprise Long Looked For AT THE FRANKLIN HOUSE Meals can bo had at all hours, for rrFTV CE3NTTS EACH. This Hotel has been thoroughly renovated rad newly furnished. The Traveling public will be accommodate! I with Board rad Lodging for TWO DOLLARS PER DAY. i A FINE OYSTER SALOON la also connected with this Hotel. This is the place — Oysters, Fish, Beef Stake, Ham and Eggs, ft era will b* sold by the quart and gallon, to the wlab them. Give us a trial and ws will plaaae j ‘ JESTER, 1 RELKELD, Proprietors. Oet.28—tt W. A. . T.THF DAVEWPORT’S PORT’S Poison Revived. rPHIS Celebrated Rat Poison, sold for X eo many yean, by Mb. MOSES DAVENFORT, and proven to be the moat effective RAeT JPOISOJST . ever Introduced Into this er any athar country,]* new revived by the original receipts and fbr sale by his 8on, SEABORN L. DAVENPORT, 8rat. a—t5-*m.Athena, Or rpHE ensuing year, 1 occupied by Dr. - office now Ahoy use, Alra, raveml good ROOMS, for tfoa work or gft, factunng. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FANCY GOODS, CARPETS, &C. ..j.e EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS MARKET. By special atteution to the carefiil selection of our goods, we have pro cured all the novelties the season affords, consisting in part of • , '-V -f , . . . • 1 Elegant Plain and Solid Dress Goods, TRIMMINGS, COLLARS and CUFFS, BELTS, SCARFS and TIES AND IN FACT EVERYTHING NOVEL AND NEW. In addition to our usual expensive lines of goods, we have opened this season, An Elegant Carpet and Shade Department, Comprising Full Lines of all the Leading Styles and Manu factures, . Which we offer at prices, defying all Compe tition. JVo Sept. Sc—l t£ @118 PAID FOR T HE subscriber* have removed to No. 12, FRANKLIN HOUSE RANGE, Broad Street, where they keep con atratly on hand a large rad well selected stock of FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To which they invite the attention of the publie, and which will be sold jm. skb-jt 1 mjm .’w m. w at ML j BY Furnished AS LOW OB LOWER than by any other establishment in the city, also furnish, WITHOUT ADDITION ALCHARGE, our handsome HEARSE, wi within the city. J. F. WILSON & CO. Athens, Ga., Sept. 8—45-4in. OJY COZXEGJZ jirEjn/JE Bdmo the Pod Office. octl4d<fcwt£ A GENERAL TICKET AGENCY, RAILROAD TICKETS For sale, by all routes, and to all principal points in the UNITED STATES. Buy your Tickets before leaving Athene, and get all information from Caft. WM. WILLIAMS, Agent Southern Express Co., Athens, Ga. May 12, ’75 FOR _SALE. t THE LOWELLjf the SOUTH, Water Power enough, to turn ALL OF THE Machinery in Georgia. Best Location for Building up a Manufacturing Town in all the South. — Sixty odd feet fall o Water in less than one mile. SITES FOR FOUR OR MORE LARGE COTTON MILLS, OR OTHER MANUFACTORIES. TXTILL sell, upon most reasonable terms V V and pries, the celebrated with five hundred acres, more or leas, of FIRST CLASS Farm and Timbered Lands attached. The shove itate- mtntt In regard to this Shoal ARE TRUE enabreueliafttae Georgia Railroad, and tu the verv r •f one of our beet COTTON GROWING Sections, afford* an opportunity ftr establishing o Manu facturing Interest which. In point of capacity, natural IkeUtties, and many otberanrrounding advantages, cannol be excelled in this country. ONE MILLION DOLLARS and more might here be advamtafemsly expended, within a distance or not more than one mile. "0 c Athens, Gil vin’itwr* 0 - GRIER’S ALMANACS. THE old reliable Almanac Yor 1876, will be ready iri o, f rg5vd^ u Vv -’ ,ur ^ ed ** AT THE LOWEST RATES. °aasgsgnf , f^i Re •'* DEALER IN AL WINES, WHISKIES ahd LAGER BEER, CAtt At SAtWTERS EXCHAttGE, ,0K12uiUMk Anns, GxonaiA. 5 Broad St., JMthens, Georgia PITTARD>8 COltftjf where they are anxious to tea *n T. A. SUMMIT. r. W. nUTCHESON. SUMMEY, HUTCHESON & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN A11 WM IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, AGRICULTURAL' IMPLEMENTS MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOB THE 8ALB or Cotton Gins, Presses! PORTABLE ENGINES, Mowers, Reapfrs, Threashers, &c., DEUPREE LOCK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. v^i June 23. 1875. sms Broad Street, Opposite College Campus, Athens, George TAKES this method of announcing to the public generally, that he hy jn returned from New York with the largest and most complete stock of Dry Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, Gent’s Fun> ing Goods, full linos of Ladies’Fancy Goods, such as Ties, Scarfs,’ is ri-J r? V . - Goods, in Shawls, CloaAs, &c., &c. Also, a desirable lino of Lady’s and (V.1 dren's Fancy Furs, and complete lines of other Gbods, too numerous to He invites the attention of buyers to the same, feeling confident that h« ® offer “ f r SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS SEASON Which he has been unable to do heretofore. Thanking the public for pi patronage, and hoping to receive a share of tho same hereafter. Mymotbu QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Very respectfully COFFINS AND BURIAL CAPES, handsome HEARSE, with'honc/aud driverf Ibr’funerala R Jj] A. D Y"M Au D !E g ii mi mmm J. H. HUGGINS. ~I LAVING inst returned from the Northern markets with a large stock of goods, jLJL bought at low prices, is selling goods in bis line 25 per cent cheaper than hereto fore. He is making a speciality of Crockery. Glassware- Lamps and Oils. J. H. HUGGINS, Sells the best Kerosene Lamp Oil at 25 cents per gallon, Sells common Cups and Saucers at 25 cents per set. Sells common Glass Tumblers at 25 cents per set, Sells common Glass Goblets at 50 cents per set, Sells common Plates at 40 to 75 cents per set. Sells the best Granite Plates at 75 cents to $1.00 per set. Sells the best Granite Cupe and Saucers at 90 cents to $1.00 a set, Sells Kerosene Lamps at 25 cents to $10.00 each. . . J. H. HUGGINS, Has a lot of Beautiful China Tea Sets, Has a lot of Fancy and Plain Chamber Sets, Has all kinds of Crockery and Glass Ware, •’ Has all kinds of Lamps, Burners and Chimneys, Has a large stock of Family Gioceries, Has a large stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. the Noaimmim bmibom xz coming: AND THE NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AND DAILY ARRIVING, AT HUNTER & BEUSSEE’S, ARE CHEAPER THAN EVER. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF A LARGE LOT OF CLOTHING! AIDAIP^ID ®G> WiUm 8I3A3 GASSISEERE AND OTH R OLO 1 Parasols, Umbrellas and Pry Goods, mmmsstsm jJki»r» •aRasPtiB'ac'as HALrra in l Boots and Shoes, Fancy and Family Groceries, AH® (QMm?, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Leather, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac., 4t CHOICE FLOUR AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, OSNABURGS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, &C., &0., &C., ACS The above Goods having been recently purchased in New York, at reduosd [ are now offered to the public at Low Figures. S&~ Come and be convii HUNTER & BEUSSL, Sept. 29-48-tf. DEUPREE’S C£__—- J. H. HUGGINS, Sells Canned Goods, Sardines, Oysters, Tomatoes Ac., Ac, Sells Sugar of all grades Coffee, Lard and Cheese, Sells Bacon, Flour, Meal, Soap and Starch, Sells Liverpool and Virginia Salt, Syrap and Vinegar, Sells Lime and Cement, Cuba and Common Mohses, Sells Bleaching, Calico, Factory Stripes and Checks, Selh Factory Jeans, Plains, Shirting and Osnabargs. J. H. HUGGINS, Sells Knives and Forks, Spoons and Pocket Cutleiy, Sells Boots, Shoes, Hats, Harness and Leather, Sells Buckets, Brooms, Tubs and Oil Cana, Sells Baggin, Ties, Rope, Hoes, Axes and Traces, Sells the Virginia Woolen Cashimere, oh it is so nice, Sells many other goods too nnmerons to mention, Sells* goods at low prices, g« and see foryonrself. <££> £3* 23. S22 @3 <23 JSX S3 JS3 a Go to Oct. 6—49—til DON’T FORGET J. H HUGQINSy Ho. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. •• .vtl a$)tf V LIFE stiA& b* \v, mi IN ANGER! SURANCE COMPANY THE O AriD HEALTH £t «t - . ... . .. ———Qp.Tint’*'- 1 11. UNITED STATE OF AMERICA AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $4,500,00 i each Department. Etch Policy-holder ia entitled to a voU in the management of the Company. M • ft Aituafta is. Of whisk’$100JM0 taebo owned In LI* Pfl •i t* rJaiil'IF Parent Office, Mobile, Alabama, rantfia stuek : - -I • - WKiSSS^s Ge^I.D.parra.ot, B.m.,C*to. „ - 0lOO,OOO. TDSON, Vice-Prerident, Capital Stock •iiaWIQ u 'Ml*cg» !■ Office, No. ft Commercial Building, ident....... ALFRED SHORTER, Vico-Preridtnt, .C. ROWELL, Attorney, . . C. Rowell, Roma, Ga; Alfred Shelter, Bona, Athena, Ga-v A. RJonas, Cadaxtown, Ga.; Hon. D. F. Hammond, . McGuire. Rome, Ga^ F. Woodruff; . King, Cave Spring, Oft; Hon. W HOLMES, Medio , Trion Factory; ’ na, Ga.;A . Glover, Roma, Ga.; T. M< , ~ xi. ti. sunn, Cedartown, Ga.; A. J. B ’.Qfiorgia. ‘ V S.'l li Wit&ilAi JU^ama Department, Montgomery, Alabama. 8to$k.... iwnjiiP^OOOi ' r -........ r. .... . .Praaldant and General Manager, Tu.kalooiu, Ala. Hoo. DAVID CLOPTON, Vice-President.... .BionUromerv. Ain* mUry......;. STONE <kCLOPTON, Attomaya. *W;J pk ^ M75^-tf W1 ’ hJ 8.C. Oct. 6—49—3m. f f- CHARLES STERS. THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON RECEIVED THE GRAND PRIZE MEDAL Vienna, 1873. t t i! rtCDIlVI - • W ARRANTED! FjyE YEARS itires no Instructions to run it. It can not get out of order. It mill do tuft • It reouire and land of work ft; . - , , ir/Z^ It has no cast iron cog wheels to break. It is not necessary to buy two MA CHINES, in order to be able to do light and heavy work. It will sew from Tissue Paper to Harness Leather. It is as fgr in i improvements, as Prices made to suit the Ti SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CAT f* J wo**v ji ujjzt w Jiuf ficop Jjvuutu • , • j f iti advance of other Sewinf Machines in Hi*,magnitude °J "J ^1 I a Steam Car excels in achievements the .old fashioned otage j UtiR MM _ . aJM “ - ~ for Casli or OGVE OF STYLES AND PBIC^ Vo** no^a<Jress_ -A. gents Wanted > UPSH .1* *i 19-y t>a jb-uv- Sap t.22—47-tf. L. SCHEVENELL. &:GiLiFFrrB : Athens, L. SCHEVENE1L & CO.. ' BRO D STRE T, ATHENS, GA. "> - I DEALERS IN Watches, Cl3eks, Jewelry to. ■ efi ■ .}.. j ’ I.-.;.. . y:>:i 1 SILVER AND PLATED WARE. • T"’ ”*7*- i ^ - -rf Gxnsrs, pistols, ammuni® 0 1 • . i , ;. ' J : n • .■ Spectacles, Bye^SIoeeee, Meeical InstnllIl«> , •• CASRR, FANCY Haring BEST WORKMEN, we pnputd to do REPAIRING IM t UPpRlOR ST WE MAKE AI PECIALTY OF SILVER AND kind, such asF . tTMd tothat . doneby, PRICES