The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, December 21, 1875, Image 3

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all?*:. 2?" KicQm tit nsnen "* |[f M w JlLU. A. STOVALL, ..-. Loest Editor. lATILL'be sold before the Court Home *?* ^yoyjogproperty, to wit; onehouaaand lot in the Tl’ESOAT KOI Clarke County SI cxrni; m~goiiv * » Coait House door, in tiu SSfe’S^SSTS’iS. wttsassKrfflfiS colors, at Cohen’s. FVpiiftte*U5Kid QlnnsilLw • pair, warranted to give satisfaction, at Carpets of all grades, from 25c a yard up. a most suitable holiday present, at Cohen’s Beaver. Black Cloth and Fancy Cassemere suits for men. yonths and bays, at prices lower than ever, at Cohen’s. Overcoats of all grades at lowest prices, at Cohen’s. No. 5 Broad St., Athens, Ga. relief and < Cold* or Co Langs, yet have dlstrit COS Sample Catted »■ IA—CLABKE COUNTY.—OzDnunv’s Ur- Dee. 18th 1876.—Parmelia F. Whitehead, IllamF. Whitehead has applied for exemption tty, and I will pan aura the same at 1 o’clock m * let day of December 1875 at my office. AsaMTiACKBOH, Ordinary. RQU—CLABKE COUNTY.—WHEREAS illiam J. Bussell, applies to me tbr letters of ed ition, with the wuf annexed, on the estate of T. Htumby, late of said county deceased, i are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, cadie (if any they have) at my office on or befbre > Monday in February next, why said letters cot be granted. Given udder my band at office, Third Week at Macon, Ca. ' The committee In behalf of tbe State Agricultural Society famde the tbHowing awwda to the Bonington: DIPLOMA for Type-Writer. DIPLOMA for speed and light running in Shuttle 8ewing MachineeT* \ BRONZE MEDAL for Georgia.mede Cabinet work for * Spying ■ , v BRONZE ttKPAI. for improvements in Sewing Ms* f*hjpm Stands Attuc^niwiit#. mm . ueTKom.—This last award was made by the com mute* after a close anmlnatino and comparison, etas it smx, with 8inger, Hows and other fint-diss Ma* -Vntir i . - ' ■ froth Veit at Settu. Ala. The committea appointed by the Pair * ssociation to examine Sewing Machine* awarded the Bemington! PI FLORA FOB TUB BE8T SElflXG MACHINE. DIPLOMA for speed and lightness of running. DIPLOMA for improvements in Sewing Mach ine Stands' ,, , fi)4 Non.—The above award for the bat Machine was mads after • comparison of working parts, aids by da, with the Singer New Family, whsehwee in oompo- tition, and received premium for ditplay only. This Indorsement should eon vines avwybody that the REMINGTON is the LATESTlUtBOVEDand BEST MACtUEE new offered to the public; end our tre mendously imreming business proves the public ire beginning to appreciate this, the beat of all Stonily Fa The BEMINGTON is on exhibition it our store in Atlas*..* iVlIamleaatt Terms for all said lands, cash. NATHAKIELBICHARDSON, AdmV., of DAVID BICHABDSON, deceased, and of JANE G. RICHARDSON, d»e*e»*d. npv24-80d. - - at,'- l GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. YY'’ HERB AS, Ann R. Herring,^ Administratrix of letter*ofcUatuiineabom i are therefore to dte and Great bargai No. 8 Brood St. Goods. Please office on or before " why paid l*tm» Given under”my hand at office this Slat day ofScM. ?76. i ASA M. JACKSON, Ordiusy-i Fall and Winter Man T. A- Abam* would moat respectfully inform the [nov.!7-tf. Tn Faiolt Sxwixo Uaaui.-The invention of the Wilson Shuttle Sowtttylmbbabe exerts an inflames over damcatie comfort unequalled by any invention oi tba last hundred years. As an economical arrangement it enablaa on* penen to do th* work of tan in • sapariar manner, and with unspeakably more comfort. Machine! will ha delivered at any Railroad Station In this county, free of tnmnnrtatlr -• “ —■—-* —— Means Unwawdt Gi ^wraendantfer flea on application. ’ AKAli.’itCgaOH. (W**—.. ste&iv' tested ew Head (treaty April 21, 1875—Do-tf. ehromo circular , Eugene W.Brydye. (c a to me for tetters ot GEORG] STOCK INCREASED. U will beg the ettixens of Athene and vicinity t ■ a call and examine qar stock befirn panfaadai ■WSS(0*»SA, CV P fT ' '• NEW STOftfi tHUTSE PHE New Store Room on Clayton * COAL I COAL!! ■WAVING established aCoal Y*»d fn connection H with my Warehouae, with a atock of FOUB HUN DRED TONS, I am now prepared to offer th* follow. notice! 'V.: /‘t,. HAVE FILED WITH THE QKDI- 1 estate of B^ft^slwi^dianitd, lata of said mty. All persons concerned are hereby notified to Advertiser’s Gazette. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION FOR ADVER- tisera. Edition, 8,600 copits. Published weekly, ns, $2 per annum, in. advance. Five specimen es f^brentdatoOto one address for (5 etc. Office, /-I EORGIA—HABT OOUNTY—Oxniknrr'* Omca, V» Dec. Btb, 187S.-Jc*hn* K. Tyner has applied for exemption of personalty, ami I win pasauponthoaamo A LL PERSONS HOLDING DEMANDS AGAIXBT t% the; estate of YOUNG V1CKEB8, deceased, 1M» ssrvas ClICKEttliDlERA, m th* only . ., CERTAIN REMEDY FOB THE DIB BASE AMONG Poultry of all Kinds. Notice to Clarke Co. Bond Holders. REST DUB ON COUNTY lU in Coin, January 1st, 187*. will ho sfoKBXBB, County Treasurer. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF . WINES, WHISKIES and LAGER BEER, ALE, CCS, CIGARS, dn, *, CALL AT SAULTERS EXCHANGE, Jaowssw Seanr, Atwrsa, Galas IA. oet-s-d-tr. ■ | decTit. e * <Ftre«am, MraaaasjL JACK J a goo£ SgjwySHKwlI mmoh* frqptoftt>aaAWlom«aowlwriliBffig Base balls at Reduced Prices.—Cock ffiMTeWrtfsaOi arada Pri«.•£»/ Otbar M correspondinglylow price*, at Burke? Book m 8 year upon 80 acres of / eotton, GO barrels of corn, Potatoes, 120 .bnshels of ^ to individual crop. ^ 0 «*i Mince Meat in bulk, and “Gilt Edge- Goshen ®udt Wheat, fresh lot of Mao. "gireaat Talmadge, Hodeeon —, t | Bt-w. hfaVL^ beat selected 100 Bores Bert Raisins, lOO Boxea Frej* Prunes, Ci GRIERS ALMANACS. TQBoldraliabW Almanac for 1871, wilt be ready in a few days, ayi will be tumuhed to any cuatonwreby 4* t " m M A3f TH* LOWEST iAiES. Ordersreap^fuUyaolwiud. .... ; Amn». IA—T-tf. T. A. BUIIL VAN?) BEST SELECjCED ‘ STOCK Fancy Groceries and Confectionaries, • Cannso GooneovEvxsr Kind and Dtacantaox, . . >»«‘v .brt stmt - . . ^ Bt-w. i rVngp- . would do well to call Ana erwn- Itkto bcMueed racceesfully for years in this aad other State*. Prion 50 cents per bottle, which makes TWO GALLON8 of the y»dWivf, v ' Prtyared by ATTENTION! ^ r C..' : ’ prom and after this date all Athens papers L (tie Georgian will be delivered from tbe ithens Post Office, the boxes At our office L been abolished. Col. ft. 8.* Taylor, our feciaat ?■ M., b«* u fc2SMF**"*** Lsc papers in charge and deliver them to nr subscribers- -at * Pleasant-rleA O 1 *,, A V ■ Jct , i n abundance last Saturday morning. IPajuor of lAe AnaEoffi ODiiffttoielU ■65.00- ri ■ . -■?, .Kur^Ktf , a | fug Union Prayer^Meetings, at 12 o’clock J, arc very interesting. , Ye students, boys and girls, now begin L turn theiriaocs v _ [The fvmwjsijim | Mr. J. J. Head killed * hag lost Satur- , V) 2 years and 2 months old, weighing 600 ‘inds. :i ot tl r-.i •. ! .. new dance has been invented, called |I,a Fauvette,” at Vienna. It combines the Icellenco of the waltz and polka. [ Innocent amusements ot some of our lady ends. Reading nil advertisements and postage stamps for circulars. (aVo propose to exchange with the Chinese lru'liaii Advocate, and will soon give our tilers s'mo ir ten sting extracts from’it. ' Wm. I^eroy Broun, of Vanderbilt liversity, is again with us, and we are happy will remain here during the holidays. Shrink A31.—The morning and night have been condensed into one, on ac- of that horrible change of schedule. ; J, Magill, Esq., of Atlanta, bloomed [ upon us last week: whether it was pretty 1 . 0 r blue eyes which brought him here, y not. p c are glad to chronicle that Dr. H. H. iton has very nearly recovered from hia , dangerous illness, and hopes to be at ost in the Legislature next month. friends, the Holmans, to tell the lli, did not sustain their reputation here. V way of cutting down and hacking up eras and rushing through things upon l ‘ rapid transit” principle, don’t take. j Phi Kappa debate upon the Cuban atinn, to-night, promises to be a very in- tting one. Dr. Tucker has taken decid- steps towards making the chapel comfort- , and the mining window panes, we learn, all been replaced. ,, e !«arn that the gin house of Dr. Jones g, about two miles from Athens, burned kn Wednesday night last, and with it two Its of cotton and several hundred bushels cotton seed. It is thought that the fire > the work of an incendiary. KVc had the pleasure of seeing upon our Vts last w^ek the handsome iitce of our ge friend, \V. W. Forsyth, Esq., of At- This young gentleman, we are pleased • has not quite forgotten old friends. The mere announcement that Oh) John Robinson’s Great Menagerie, Aquarium and pinns is coating' to Athens, hu already created a more’ than ordinary excitement in : With mull season Mr. fiitjb- inson adds new and extraordinary wooden to his gnat show, and this year he has readi ed a climax unprecedented in the annals of fetafpddad dc liar** worth of new attractions this season, and the entire profession concedes the fact tint it excels any thing ot the kind on the con tinent—the large collection of remarkable animals alone outnumbering those of the fa mous zoological gardens of tbe European capitals. . He has gathered together from every land the moat wooderflil wild animals, fcgadack'ifcaBiba ager has expended over four hundred thou sand dollars with a lavish hand, to make hie show the greatest one on earth, and may well feel proud of his prommdoed success in real ising the wishes of a life-time. One secret of Mr. Robinson’* great success, and a most- eioellent feature of his mnmmoth exhibition, is the high moral tone and refined character of every department of the great aggrega tion, and this hes won for it the generous in dorsement of the -^Clergy, of Senators, of Statesmen, of heads of families, and of Schools. In fact, tbe innocent amusement enjoyed and the solid instruction gained by a visit to this grand “ World’s Exposition ” far exceeds that derived from reading a dozen volumes—being living realities instead of diill descriptions. The name of Unde John Robinson is now *' a household word,” and so deservedly popular with tbe public that we need say no more than to give the date when he wi 1 be in Athens. His great ex* hibition will be here ou M mdav, Deo. 27th. Demortheulao Debate. ■>, Thvre’>* no doabt about it; it wax too cold. The son had been shining all day, but as if aware of his inability to temper the chilly atmosphere, he sank in the after noon in utter disgust, leaving the shrivelled, ornstv earth, the stiffening pools of water and the cold glitter of the stars to lietokcn the nearness of the winter solstice The young ladies, most of them, declined' going; and many a sad youth—one of whom we were which—deprived alike of company : and inspir.itio , wended their solitary ways to the College chapel, where the glare of lamps and the sound of the band reminded us of the time long ago, when we were a college boy. A solitary stove, heated to redness, on the one ride of the chapel, was carefully guarded by some fifty or, sixty youths of- n warm-blooded .nature,, and which occasional glimpses seemed like spectres of the “ Bed moon in aomo stormy night Among its v^Ung” ' ” ” The airy “xeph; the chapel found ever ana anon an easy I ito !io|ie that the same attractions will |i2 him to Athens often, i college youth was the recipient the other \ of a delicately perfumed box which came iim nicely done n^, bearing wppa Its ex- or the delicately penned words, “ Merry pistman.” But what was -that boys cha n-hen breaking the seal and removing [ pink cotton to find bis old maty jack which had been purloined from him. air hands many weeks ago. ' Jl • ’ ‘ Zoological and Agricultural Editor |lurned showman, and will give a free itiinmrnt at Dupree Hall for the little i «f Athens—Sunday School scholars— Ir.esbv evenir* 29th, Dec., at 6 o'clock, l’rof. Dav.s will exhibit his scriptural [comic scenes, a band of marie in at* nice. The hall will be comfortably mtd. Sunday School teachers are in to attend. For further information If at Burke’s book store, L. Schevenell po ’«. or at this office!. Y* Nora V. Harrison, wlm has for three ‘ w satisfactorily conducted the musical < krtment of the Ijucv Cobb Institute,'!^ iThursday morning for Chfirlesion, where, a|U r spending a short time in recreation, she I enter upon her duties as organist in thili pht Church in Atlanta. This is indeed *t loss to tbe L. C. I., and to our enm- tr. as Mk« Harrison, besides bring an luidte musician, was a most valuable acs. 7 Fition to Athenian society. Her many ‘ndn in Atlanta, however, cxiuld not suffCT ' rcraaiu away from them, and we are died to accept the inevitable,* though .'earful eyes. . Iooxuout.—Young Captain of the Bat- K (A.M. Tutorship,etc., inprospectu,) iversiag with an ingenuous and .vapory Ah! there’s nothing like the classics |Tcfiue and cultivate a man. The illimit- * command of language which they give ho extraordinary vocabulaiy which—” l.'.h.--" By-the-way, Bill, there’s a Chi- uist in town!” hich sported arottud r and andn an easy ingress, though the shattered panes of glass did not seyve to make the room more com- fortabb. $ <1 {. T / } J Mr. A. C Riley, however, came prompt ly to our assistance, ani os the first speaker of the affirmative, warmed“tip things con siderably. He* .... - — let was not a mw ri>ly, m8aoe^ fnd, after supporting ries in a speech as pointed as his collar, he snatched up- hia bouqaet ami gracefully retired to the folds of his overcoat. '"Mr. J. M. Carlton, Dtar.Tglaited young fellow burgher, is an excellent speaker, and gave the famous soliloquy in support of bis argument, in a style that would nave done honor to Hamlet himself. Mr. W. Y. Atkinson is evidently a man of meditation, and after throwing out hit arguments as bright as his face and ns souhd as Ms Jreaft,; was fh|loty*d by Mr. Hodge, of the negative, in si brave speech. “Hodge” iflanamsns ffiraorklid thf D. S., as Bayard, in Delaware, , . Mr. W. M. Henr , closed the affirmative >od style, and is a ready debater f. \Y. M. Howard, being the best look ing man on the stage, was attentively list ened to by the Indies, lie wields a .power in laia eye equal to his logic, and is more at home „ on tne floor than any young man we’vflWfJSfl By this time the fire had gone out, doubtless caused by the “ gentleoccents” which were as cold if not as soft as the fleeces of descending - snows,” and Newton House, A. D. Clivakd, Pro-, prietor—Board $2.00 per day—Good Di*. nei for S0a,.t i- : Trai > roteetlon too and Centennial 8hoe, the latest thing oat—for children, at Sneads’ Shoe Store. Toilet Soaps, Ferfumery, Hair Oils, Br ishes, cheaper thau ever before. j Wm. King, Je. No more acceptable Christmas Present than a Remington Sewing Machine, at L. Schevenell dc Co’s. L. ScnEVENELL & Co. ha* a full line of Solid Silrer and Silver Pitted Ware for Christmas and. Bridal Presents. Messes. Reese & Lane offer first class batgainMn the way of Holiday Goods, Dry FINANCIAL ND COMMERCIAL L. Schevenell & Co. Us Christmas Presents, Bohemian Glassware, Toilet Sets, and boquet holders at Sfarinkafe Price*. Go to Davis’s, if yon want to make a really acceptable present. Have a large Photo made at Davis’ Premium Gallery. Miss Maria McCartney has a full line of Millinery Goods for Christinas holidays. Handsome trimmed Hats at reduced prices. Fine Assortment of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Spoons, Ac., for the SUMMEY, THE ATHENS MARKETS. CimeM VeeUj by tk lerckaits Iicbuga, —:o:— COTTON.—Stradj. From 10 to 1% , - No. *, Kit*— I 78 Salt. Par Sack t* “ Chew lux tobacco- 79al SmoUox 60*100 Snuff, Maccaboj.... » 00 American, *10 00a 60 M “ xa^... — 75 OtU AMMUNITION, perlb.... onor " •* — It* 15 Lead " •• -. JO* U Capa, par box.-— 10*40 LIQUORS. Corn wblakST. —II SSa S10 French brandy — 4 COa I «0 Holland Gin ... S OB* 0 00 American-Gin— 5 0Oa 0 00 Bourbon whiskey 2 00a 4 00 Wtoaa -- . . sooaiooo HAEDWAKE. Iron, 8wedec, pr lb EaaUah.— Chatinp SSiSfc: t« 4 S MS leather. ha- /attacked with a ie, were taken out on a shutter, i, however, that Prof. Willoughby n gave his decision in favor of the a. The band now striking up a retary,- Mr.'; A. R. J r., was fonrnl fi-nzi n to'his chair ucli difficulty, was removed. ■But, “oh W* gods and little fishes,’’ wer’ot it iol Franklin dcc21-2t. LFbp Corn for little folks at BecMBU Jar Vrf.H^HuGGiNB. • — - Porcelain Picture; elegant cases for this handaomn picture, just received for the Holidays at Davis’ Premium Galleiy. firrt day of January n Bonds will be paid at onoe, aft at the National 01 ‘pt—{v ith thoughts afar off in Atlanta). t re ' ffirt illustrates precisely what I was "p - any man unacquainted with W0, >1<1 never know that Chiropodist 1 » person who writes with his toes!” tent them to Clerk of CoundTWore the w January, in order that they may be o9Lo. pre .» nt B,w ‘ rd of Alderman. c ^’2t Wm. Kino, Jr., Mayor. - fit"* °’ Fi »rrell, all of this city. Z 21 Bun f. ‘, riend8 in bfe ererineet „ 8ar ? e hindnewand consideration c * Nr)ID *TE for Governor.— Tear fii?"," 8 ’ °f Oconee countv i>Wvi b *I e8oflcotton with 9 mules, ■ c l 8 °f? orn , and meat enough for , 1 * e8 of the place; besides ."P land r.—:— **._*.- fencing and ditching a of repair. The work was I into lh ’ ,rnar y ,rt * the fimn having (rt whi,/T Stotlenian’s possession only Ihaiipv. v fo r°- And still Mr. Downs I year.' ’ ftc toelare* he can do better Wb oTrl*, CANDinAta.—Mr. Jo*. Iboy, ^..V^he —‘“‘t -—~ — 1 ouse to Apply to . Nichols; dec7.4t or University Bank, . a W; A Gillkland, Treasurer City of Athena buying. Go to Mathews & Jackson, No. 1 Granite Block. For holidays—at veiy low figtfrm. Dry Goods, 8bawk, 1 tlldtiiitig and Groceries. Trt Barry’s wholesale and retail fancy and tkmilj Grocery More before baying your Christmas gotras. teed first-class. Os***, Bte L**« - Jars..., Tea, —— t tSaX SO sola Leather— Syrup, case 73*1 -? Upr.L Molaaaaa, Cuba— CO* (5 Ham. - - Calfskins. KipSHna A0 00a 75^00 Green Hides.— .«*» BAGGING, TIES, ROPE. ^W 1 ®* P r yd 14ri« Tallow 8a to , Rope," cotton” ..—40*50 Rice, per lb 11* It “ Th# shoes are retail prieaa. Special n£e* to whakwlo MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. Repoet for the -week ending Dae. IT: Beceipts, bales .TTIT/T Salos to spinners....- 8hipmau*B Block Enin fall Maximum temperature Minimum temperature All- goods guaran- Toilet. Ware. Casper Morris, Dry Goods, Clothing, B<iots, Shoes. Notions, Hats, Millinery Goods and -Dress Patterns, etc. 13 Bread street, Athens, Georgia. Hunter & Beusse has Turkeys, Chickens, Egg*. Butter, Apple* Cabbage, Onion.-*, Irish Potatoes ana Sweet Potatoes, at the live groeria on the corner. L. the Cakes of every description on hand and to order. Norfolk. Oyatan in every .style. - -> .m oTA§3sawS™r ? wsY| 1 A. & Dorsey A Co. . have Christmas Ch mMSkmm Potatoes, Onions. _____ Cigars.andCandiee cheap., Goods delrvered AAA1D J UUi V/U tures of any size yoa won’t nicely framed. Tdi thato U DwM arijMywhare ihy<g#j jffpSswa**’**-" .Watches. Ware. Bridal Presents, Bohemi Silver Jewelry, Remington 8ewing Machines, 4*>* km.-:'■ ' If J WnBJaftftiOEniaifirigm iff Lucks A Wars'will sell off their large stock of Winter goods at reduced prices. Boys’ clothing at coeLj Extra induce ment to Grangers. ‘ v , ‘ Call and am them. Dee.l4-3t. There is nothing more acceptable for a present than a well execoted photograph of one’s self; parents are rejoiced to receive, such, while children are made hajipy in the possession of theirpareots portraits. Notwith standing tbe gloomy weather, Davis’ Premi- tei.u. Notice—All Mnnn . uni Gallery is constantly, thronged with/pat- is .v. AU P 6 ™ 009 haying yong eager to secure his matchless work, and we advise 'our friends to make early pre- engagement* to get in in time. Do you want the best Shoes, for men or womrii, in Georgia if so, go to ' Pittard, Mitchell A Co. '•The Best Blacking .in tho world, and^rijl be sold at N. Y. pnoes at retail by Pittard, Mitchell A Co. Just Opened.— 1 The finest and cheapest Tbt the Natural Leaf smoking tobacco, manufactured by Kalvarinskt A Lisbler >|f o ■ '<<1 • One .hundred.boxes.assorte_ fresh every week, at Talmadge; A Co. J r. ' —rr^rrrt New Jersey, cabl Yellow Onions, Ir madoe, Hodgson A Seoars, Pipes, TofaMoo.' :8a$ff and Smokers’ Articles *t G. Hauser’s, College Avenue. Just received, a fine article of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Hand a ferge mack of Btoarfl. «f toy own manufacture, that I will aril Cheap for Cash. The flnfiat atoak of Perfumary, noarirting Luhia’a, Phalon’a. Wright*, Colgate’s. Hinman’s Kin net’s, Wench’s and Duvale’s Extracts; Atwood’s, Drexel, Farias, Bun nett’s Golden Bell. Opera and Spender Col es. Best English Tooth, Hair. Nail did , .ring Brushes. Lubin’s, Condray’*, Caah- raere. Bouquet, aad * hundred ether Soaps, just received at Longs A Billups. Wm. McDowell hai fin* Cracker to a 8oda Candies. Stem mm to mm M «* tofoM, I doart knnrwhMmaatoWty*. Atlanta. Augusta. Savannah or Charles ton prices duplicated for any goods sold m Athens by Talmadge, Hodgson A Ca * 5t-w. Fine Saratoga 'Whiskt, jMt jwived at market. Liqnurs A *11 kind* and brands. Oet.29t£ JO ft'H-/-v Jk jT'. 1 r r SherilTs Sale. BEFORE THE Athaua, Clarke within to wit: Clarke Coant^ KertgAge Sale. LL BB SOLD, BEFORE THE COURT HOUSE - - door, in th* dto •< Athens, Clarko county, on the lint Tuesday in Vstruary naxt, within tho legal houia of aale, toe following property, to-wit: One DaricBar HORSE, *&ut four year* old. Levied virtue of two mortgaxo 11. Cu. Dam Clarke Court, General Bawl on, November Term, 1875, Brothers A Pollard va. J. £. Turner. All sold to satisfy the abovewtt*dfl.ft». deC7-8w J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. COLLEGE OBV GOODS EMPORIUM! — by— . \ MOSES MYERS.I DRY GOODS, CLOT Hi KG BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Carpets, Money and Millinery A: lit 'ore nook enLAr< STOl 5 r TALMADGE, HODGSON A CO,. ' ‘HAS NOW BAND 100 Cases New Oy-tens. 10 Cases Sardines. 25 Cases Brandy Fruit*. 10 bbls. Fresh Nuts. 5 bbls Fresh Cranberries, For sale by Talmadgk, Hodgson A CO. novHwfit. GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUNTY. rHKRBAS, William Harris, (colored) '' i to me for letters of adminia. eof ^qohWiaBertia (e|deradd lato. 9 and admoiih attooncern* (if any they have} at mynftlce.atL or January next, why tfi