The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, December 28, 1875, Image 2
Cjje ^%ns Georgian- General Local and Traveling Agent, CAPT. J. E. RITCH. LOCAL "AGENTS. Mr. Jura A. Maslit, Toccoo City. Mr. F. C. Srzrnxxsos, Hart Coant Sir. C. H. Axoxxws, Fort Lamar. Mr. Frank Uamimk, Cleveland. Mr. W. I- Dean, Danielaville. Mr. W. T. Mayfield, Windsor. Mr. J. Banka Brown, Hart County. Mr. H. S. Anderson, Farmington. ity. IMPORTANT QUERY. What official of the Executive department has been so severely criticizing Gen. Colquitt? Can’t some one of the Atlanta papers, in the exercise of their eternal vigilance, ascertain who he is, that the people of Georgia may know this official, who is doubtless so jealous and apprehensive of his third term. CHRIS TMAS ON THE STREETS. Christmas Eve. and the day itself, evi- dently developes all the musical talent of our juvenile population. The Athens Band have at last a rival, and judging the count- lessTroubadours which nightly perambulate our streets, for volume,, these musicians have no superiors on the American contit nent. There is a marked difference, how* ever, between these two organizations. Whilst the Davis Troupe, with wonderful musicnl. taste, play one tune at a time, the Troubadours execute all of their selections at the same moment. Performances coin* mcncing at G p. m. and ending at midnight. To those who need a nervous tonic, we sug gest a serenade from these tin horn-etts as a substitute for a galvanic battery. Nor is Pan shipped on this occasion-old Mars comes in for h:.s share—and his devotees are legion. Gen. McDowell, at G o’clock p. m., Dec. THE LOWER BRIDGE. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine. [Communicated.] very tray. might he remedied with but very little expense, compared with that of building a new bridge —which the town will soon have to do, If it doesaotlo^koqt. Why, the counter-braces have nothing t • abut against. The wooden shoes or blocks, at their heads, have split—every one. Counters are very necessary parts of a good bridge. The Lower Bridge has, virtually, SwdW wSmjo'juSE do not act. Oon- sequently, the bridge has not only lost its camber, but actually sways to an alarming extent. The mnift brace* and >4ior<ls of tfcift bridge undergo strains that are ruin ous every time it is uneqnally and heavily loaded. Take away those old wooden shoes that are split and put in cast-iron ones, then screw up on the tie-rods, and the trusses will assume a new camber and the bridge be as sound and firm as ever. The beauty of a Howe truss is, that when it sways, it may be raised up again by simply screwing np on the tie-rods. It is true, false works would have to be erected—but, would they not have to bo raised if a new bridge was built? which, before very long, as I have said, will have to be done, if things are permitted thus to go to destruction. That bridge might he fixed now, and not a hit of travel stopped. jb‘ A word to the wise, etc., etc. _ Ejtqlther. Our Congressman—Hon. B. H. Hill. [Cor. Atlanta Herald.] As for Mr. Hill, the Ninth District, the State of Georgia, nay, tho whole South, has reason to he proud of the reception he has met with here. On all hands, he is regarded as the coming man. There is no question that ho is the ablest lawyer in the House— : - or out of it either, for that matter—and if he is not made Chairman of the J udicinry the only heathen divinity wor-1 Committee, it will not he because his emi- ' nent fitness is not acknowlcd^ out of deference to tho established usage of giving chairmanships to old members. Men who know Mr. Hill as an orator only from But sweeping dark mustache of have the man. It is needless to that he will be the target at whtpE °field ni what is going on.. The rest of tion are not quite so badly off were very lucky Blount, Candler, Cook ana HanuMg^VP in a cluster, as it were, on the Democratic side, near the Speaker’s desk, and in avi desirable localitjrlJtMr. HilL was so.ahtiu as to draw a scat in the rearmost row, and lying foreign languages. Ke3iaea alter* nately in Geneva, Benin, Gottiezen, Vienna, Florence, Borne, Madrid, Dresden and Paris 4aa iudehL) iWbile in Eat ope he edneeiv-. ed the project of establishing a “Home” for will be troubled to hear or understand- the oducatiob-oT his young countrymen on natp among the enemy, ana muon the Judical ride of the Hetee, ssKlwfalwJ lif ugt.«Q»n. Nd V. Banks, of Massachusetts, and the Hon. Wm. J. O’Brien, of Baltimore^ {Pern.) The ne groes, of course, ;all sit with their white compatriots, and see* so pskdhllyl stiff aud ill at ease, thavone can scarftely help pity ing them. They seem haunted with an ever present consciousness that they are out of place, and plainly show it. .v- ..--.A, W.B. P. S.—1:1/eel that, so far, my time here has been spent In. vain. I have not seen either Grant, “Boss” Sheph;rd, or the bibnlon and bilious Zach Chandler—the three greatest men in this latitude. Per haps I will be made happy to-morrow when I go to Major General John P. Newman’s theatre (the Metropolitan church). U. Congressional. „. HOUSE COMMITTEES. The following are the chairmen and South era members of the committee: On Elections—Harris of Virgiuia, Black- : Gqv. Chamberlain has refused to sign 24th, threw out his skirmish line in front • reputation, class him with Mr. Lamar, of his citadel, and from last reports, still “holds the fort,” His troops aic all in- iiuitry, however, and will have to be very severely chastised before they retire from ifie trenches. Our McDowell being a commander of celestial temper, has intro- ■ found in the same individual—that of a burn, House, Debolt and Wells. On Ways and Means—Morrison, Han* cock, Thomas, Hill and Tucker. On Appropriations - Randall, Atkins, Blount and Singleton. On Banking and Currency—Cox, Goode and Gibson, t » * j M ~ On the Pacific Kail road—Lamar, Atkins, Walker, Throckmorton, Thomas and Phillips. On the Judiciary—Knott, Hunton and Ashe. On Public Lands—Taylor, McFarland, tuning to America to finally established at But tho war plans, as it many, others, and after removing tu Germany and Brussels, he returned to his native country. Jan., 1872, be accepted the position ot the Chair of Modern Languages, Freuch, German aud Spanish, which he now oocnpies at the University of Georgia. He way tjfo fjlpt American to establish a school for Afoefopan youths in Eurqpe. * We are glad to see that Mr. Hill is .at tracting attention in Washington. Congress has only been in session a few days, and he has not had an opportunity to show his skill in. debate, but his associates have already discovered that he will be a leader in his party. We believe that Mr, Hill’s course will confound those who hint and desire that he will do sora&hing imprudent, and that he will take thstand to which he is so justly entitled. He is one of the ablest men and finest speakers in the country, and Georgia will have good reasonfobeproud <.f her representative.—Chronicle aneTSeutineL tho commissions of the Circuit Judges just elected by the South Carolina Legisla ture. (Ex-Governor Moses,) The New York Herald won’t drmkfany. more water until Croton Lake, which (sup plies the city, lias been purified. Pierre Bonaparte is a candidate to Cham< ber of Deputies liroin the isle of Corsica. (1 JYevb Advertisements. no one who is acquainted with both, can • Gau<» and Morey, fail to admit the Georgian’s superiority.] On Foreign Affaire — Swann, Fzulknerand Nor is this placing Mr. Lamar upon alow | Forney. t scale—for from it; Mr. Stephens excepted,! On Millitary Affairs—Banning, Glover, ho has no other equal on the Democratic Ferry, Cooke and Thornburg. t side of the House. It is believed that Mr j On Commerce- -Hereford, Beagan and Hill unites in himself those qualities seldom j Cotton. duced the Chinese system of warfare, “ lots j great constitutional lawyer, a magnificent of fuss” and no feathers. No surgeons or I or ^ to . r i } m l. r . ea dy debater, hospital department connected with this grand army of the Republic. j Gen. Bakuy is securely entrenched with- j National Republican, which always calls in his citadel (on the comer), yet fi-aring a i House “the ex-Confederate House of „ , . .. ,, , i 1 Representatives,” has not foiled in a single flank movement Iron. Bacchus, on Jack* . nu £ ber to mSe a thrust at Mr. Hill; but son street—very wisely—now aud then . as it is a perfectly harmless insect, harmless 1 — - skyrocket or roman candle to | from having lost its sting, of course he will On| Post offices and Post-roads—Clark, Waddell. Clemens, Stowell and Wallace. On Claims—Bright, Brown and Bobbins. It is in this last that Mr. Lamar is mainly I On War Claims—Eden, Milliken, Cabell, deficient. To be a ready debater, one must | Ellis and Caldwell. keep cool, which Lamar never docs. The ! On Naval Affairs—White, Homo, Lewis, Mills and Hays. lets off determine the position of the enemy. There is evidently a forward movement contemplated by the bacchanalians, as numerous videttes arc to lie seen on the front—each with three days’ rations—com moted—in—“ a little brown jug.” pay no attention to it. As to the questiou who will he the leader on the Deqjgfcra' ic side, it is plain that there is no one man who can naturally as sume the leadership of that side, as Mr. Blaine does of the other. Mr. Hill lacks that skill in parliamentary tactics which enabled Sam Randall last winter to lead “The wards of the nation’’ are now as* !the most brilliant campaign, perhaps, :n sisting our agricultural chemistry in making the history of the House. Perhaps Mr. differential experiments with ammoniated lien zinc. The Coroners inquest will report which was the strongest, the 15th amend ment or the exhilarating fluid. And still the festivities go bravely on. Alter all, there is Randall and Mr. Hill will have to divide the honors. I have spoken only of tho new members from Georgia. The old ones are sufficient ly known. , Ca Ira. P. S.—In the contest for the Speakership, Messrs. Hill, Smith anil Felton voted for nothing like Christmas, the paradise of the , Sunset Cox. Whereupon Mr. Cox remark- “small boys” and “the contrabands.’’ ed that he had upon his side the intellect, , courage and pfe.y of the Empire State of THE WAR OS THE CATHOLICS. the South. Ca Ira. Our Republic for the last decade lias ~ '*• unfortunately been governed by passion i [Za; , orial Co r. Macon Telegraph and Merger.] and prejudice, rather than wisdom, justice Washington Crr , Dec. 17,1875. and the true principles of free government. j What one might well call a “nipping Its administration has been sectional, not * day,” this. Such a profound specimen of national/and the poor South has been the ;‘ Northe ™ cit >' rarer 1 . ly secs. Maine and V ermont, as represented scape-goat for all the ills of this great j here, therefore rejoice, and '^Georgia and American Republic. But this erhsade Mississippi shake and shiver anil say naughty words. If there is not a‘wondrous change carpet-bag governments and legitamatized thievery of the National Administration, is at an end. Even Morion’s “ bloody shirt” doctrines arc no longer effectual in firing the Northern heart anil perpetuating the hatred engendered by our late unfortunate strugglo for Southern independence.. A new sensational drama Is now upon our political stage—a play in one act—termi nating in the death of Papal power in America. It is not a fair and open fight, hut another dark lantern— ala Loyal League organization—known under the mysterious title of “ O. A. U.” It is Know*Nothingism under a new name, and with the religious features added. As the old dark lantern organization was a failure, so will this modern “ kn-klux” change before morning, the ice-gatherers will reap a rich harvest to-morrow. So does Nature equalize matters and give every man a showing. , SATAN AGAIN. . • jj The Satan of American politics, Morton, of Indiana, again shook the bloody shirt, and roared to the dogs gf sectional hate and ferocity yesterday morning. He is just what iny imagination pictured him, os ho sat at breakfitst at the Ehbitt House the other morning. -Ib foce, expression and demoniacal glare, he completely filled the outlines of the sketch my iiumrination had drawn, and when he anaseand limped from the table, the picture was diabolically per fect. It Ilea veil had designed to brand him with marks that, Cain-like, would accom pany him through lil'e as one to be shunned, that design slacks nothing to make it com plete. His distorted body, his scowling brow and evil eye, all mark tho man of blood and hate. He fairly revelled in the picture' drawn of the scenes and incidents " " ' • ’ ’ a religious crusade end in nothingness. There is no danger of .'ipal power gaining i of "he late Mississippi ejection, and with a an ascendency in the direction of onr gov* | h ? wl o{ . aad hato fished die bloody . , _. . .. _ : picture in the eyes ol the senate. He will cramental affairs. This play on our politi- g ct j,j s committee of investigation and a cal chessboard means nothing more nor less report, hut neither the country’s ear nor third term movement for Grant, heart. Such loathsome food of hate and falsehood has beguu to pall even upon the than and another four years of misrule, reckless extravagance, and another step toward j « jamboree.” national bankruptcy. 1 >pj, c President, his Cabinet and a battal ion of Congressmen left this afternoon to walk iuto the Centennial parlor so daiutiiy decked for their entertainment by the good people of Philadelphia. A round muliot) is at stake for the loyal burghers of that city, andlt will go hard w ith them if they do got wine and dine their guests into the proper, frame of.mind to vote the^ubsidy Never would a million he better spentt iftt bore ti c fruits of banished hostility, buried resentments, aud a restoration of even a tithe or the old-time fraternal.- spirit Let us hope that it may,, and that upon the newly builded altars of peace, good will and justice to'all, the Republic may hajeia dew dedication to the grand purposes Ue foun ders designed for it. Bju X,bf«e mjvdoubts NORTH GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL COE LEGE. Wc have just received the Annual Cata logue nbd Report of the Trustees of the North Georgia Agricultural College. This institution is located at Dahlonega, using the buildings of the United States Mint, which, through the energy of lion. W. P. Price, were secured for educational i purposes. Great credit is due Col. Pr ce for his heroic efforts in this direction, and tho good work now being carried on by this College, notwithstanding the necessary pecuniary embarrassment, is indeed enconr-. »to anv such result, tet" us wait and foe- ■^wWw<ji» ftwa.wirortv,^ Georgia. The buildings of the College ham,been repaired daring the past year, the roofings tinned and other improvements perfooted.!’ .The j£reat want of this College, as pf the University of Georgia, is mone v means, to purchase apparatus and pay 1 its- tsdented employees. The trustees farther- more state that the great lack of accommo dation • for students. hinders them very se riously. This, indeed, is a sad deficiency, and we hope thSPthe day is not far distant •when the General Assembly of thro State ' assistance to thfotghrf* sty of Georgia and the North Geoigia Agricultural College. - -a. Recollect that the CauseoeEducation iS, The min whose wife woke him V church by sticking a pininhim, s* don't like i nch'pointed suggestfom Coqgreaaineh, as, a {qfe/ are no .better, lookup than foxier folks j iih met/ contrary, quitq &e ~rayprfo/gfor ' man of tl«m ; baa.the lfoist Idea pf of dress. They all run too much ^tb black, whjeh mate them resemble 14 vaiOyrimproyet^irf. yop o^r fay exg)aqafiqa w^y^ppi who 1 On the Revision of Laws—Durham and Douglas. Ou Education and Labor—Walker, Lamar, Faulkner, White and Nash. On the District of Columbia—Buckner and Hnrtridge. On Public Buildings and Grounds—Holl- man, Wells of Missouri, Cooke, Walsh and Pung. - - /i . On Patents—Vance, Douglass, Clarke, Smith and Hoge. On Invalid Pensions—Jenks, Wilsou, Hewitt, Yates, Pur man and Rainey. _^0n Revolutionary Pensions—Hunton, Ro land, Clarke and Davia. uo - On Indian Affairs-—Scales, Boone, Hooker and Morgan. d- 1* ‘ On Coinage, Weights and Measures— Stephens, O’Brien, Parsons and Levy. On Territories—Southard, Caldwell, Franklin and Colbertson. t: : . rf On Agriculture—Caldwell, Harris of Geoigia, Rea and Small. .?«* On Mines and.- Mining—Bland, Durham, Gibson and Lynch. ■ ,'< . nr‘i On Private Li nd Claims—Gunter, Buck ner, Parsons, Candler and Levy. On Public Expenditures—Milliken, Hat cher, Terry, Debrel and Haralson. On Railways and Canals—Jones of Ken tucky, Stone, Schleischer and Hoge. On Mississippi Levees—Ellis, Hatcher, Morey, Roberts aud Young. On Reform in Civil Service—White, House, Brown, Throckmorton and Debolt. Oo Manufactories—Stone, Debrell, Wil liams, Money and Hymen. - On Militia—Hereford, Scales, Candler and Walsh. • h ir- V. On the Centennial— Hopkins, Hancock, O’Brien and Rainey. t ' : .L-> chat from i Will include portions of the United Staudiepatc£es by cable m the Old World, the markets ut borne and from Industrial School for Women. , stS0 a [From tbe AUanta llcrald.J , , Inahiuty convereation with thenoble lady whose name is associattal with this beneficent effort, we gathered a- few facts of interest yesterday. - • • :el/. 1 . Mrs. Westmoreland has already, after but pirtial circulation,: a large list, embracing some of the most prominent citizens of; the place, giving their hearty sanction to tbe #n< *" work and their promise of co-operation hy work and’ imrsa l it’ba Jmt iiadliMtBSiit^, and gentlemen of every religions denothi tion in the city, and idpresefos-tflixlassed of business and professions. There is no doubt there are hundreds of others who will sign it, but who have not yet been-reached in the round of presentation. »>. ii.»/ 1 j It is proposed to obtain the names of hundred persons who will give j one dollar each per month, and twenty^five who will give five dollars per month iiraul of the nddertaking. I- i . . 1-' A RESTAURANT PROPOSED. Several practical citizens have suggested that in connection with tbe school of cookery, a restaurant be established, where the ex cellence attained by the-embryo cooks may be tested daily by our citizens. Prices may be regulated to suit the kind and amount rf food served, placing it as low as possible to be remunerative, and thus the department may sustain itself, or nearly so, in its useful intent and work. At all events, it is hoped that fob • Soaking aad ■ I : fM UVroRfllGMlMEifT- may rfoifotlMhiRfMef 1 Skarge, -kit in the* other- departments, took aS Phonography,. Type-setting, Telegiaphy, ;etc., there will he some charge, la reference-to the mercan tile schools, Mrs: Westmoreland Said there were promises given her by .>*k\ ‘ FOUR MERCANTILE FIBM8. to emptoyfaai>luelsfai’wliofoehHl»H>fo[&t and prepared in her school. There k no donbt that < applications for these ; will - be ffumeiVoa’- stfonuo M* ■■■!• aftoewri! ™ f* No dne,arhe ha# not witnessed the uni uig industry kU -energy, the that faltered at nodifficultj' and’ met . obstacle with a tack that was victorious, ftppfteiate Mfo* WmsMka/V Mm*' behalf of fate instiMtfafo. Ai is ehbtit tb he-launiffied forth FOR THE CAMPAIGN OF 1876 - .si A Tbe Augusta Constitutionalist. r.. i » pHE PROPRIETORS WOULD AN- -L nounco that Ui« Acocjta Constitutionalist will take ii leading j;aiT in tne coming I'rciuculuil nd Oubernatoriul Caiujinigns of 1876. Next) tar on election will be lield for Fresident and Viee-Frcaideiu of the United States. In lieurgia u Governor und o-.ncr State officers, members of Couirreas and members of the Legislature are to be chosen. It ia already known that the Presidential contest wil be t ie most exciting, aud certainly tho most importan wuich lias occurred since I860. Upon a truthful pres tne people must almost wholly rely for accurate infor mation, in order to act intelligently and in concert. To our immediate section, it is or the first importance that its voice should bo beard by tbe country at large, it* necessities known aud toe legislation it needs hi Con gress, and the future policy pi the Governmeut, through ns Executive, nude perfectly c.emr. The Constitutionalist has a strong corps of editors and correspondents employed, and w ill devote a large amount ot Its since to the Presidential and the Sin e campaign. 1 But it will not be altogether political—it will then, as now, publish each morning In its Daily, everv other d y in ita Tri- Weekly, and its weekly, the very latest ne. a lece.ved dp to tnree o’clock on the morning of pub!.- caliou. This— 11 —-'-j--- 1 -■ * SJL P irom . Europe, a (holy resume of Georgia aud South Carolina local news, tne decisions of lue Supreme Court of Georgia, and, lastly, the local uews of the city of Augusta. i . .. ‘A TARNS or SULSCUimOU. Dailt—one year........ .$1 00 “ six mouths...... **. three mouths.. rw-WiEKLr—one.year •f uxamatw: Wxxklt—one year “ six months. Single copies, S cts. To uews dealers. 2 1-2 cts. scnptkics moat in ail cases be paid in advance, paper will be discontinued at the expiration of the ‘time paid for. , J JAS.G. BAILIE, ) :,-l -'FEANCIS COGIN, > ... GEO. f. JACKSON, ) J3E Address all letters to tbe Co :.imunowaust office, Aeousta, Ga. Money may be remitted by Post Office Order, Registered Letters or by express at om risk. dee28. Look Out! PERSONS INDEBTED TO SLOMAN A. Ac DEAD WV LElt, are notified that Mr. Dead- wyicr will be in Atnens on the 27th, 28th and 2>th, for tne purpose of collecting wliat is due their late firm, and umess promptly paid by last named date, suit wifi be commenced. We mean what we say. dei21-lt. SLOMAN & DLADWYLEK. For 8ale or Reut. 1 WILL SELL OR RENT A GOOD residence with eight rooms, good weU of water stables and outhouses, with.a good garden attached, near the Lucy Cobb Institute. dec28-tf. > - JAB. H. HUGGINS: 5 VO 2 60 5 00 2 60 2 OU 1 00 Sub- Toe Proprietors. students enjoy good health, form no expensive habits; bat msyawjuire goal latte aud an extensive acquaint ance. The cost ot board and tuition per annum, tor six years, b»a averaged only »189i7ain the highest; and 812646 (he lowest chases. For particnlars, applv to T, „ d- W.ULENN,Priujpal, Or J. t Banoultb, 8ec. Board Trustees. . 4' dacxalit.>• Jefferson, Jackson Co., Ga. tjTT-v:<7 i-.X. ■■ 7 t - ■ '? -- CLARK—SHERIFF SALE. < l-f VA7 ILL bo fold before tifo Court House V v door in the ci(? of Athens, Clark county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in FeonOry next, witliiu the legal hours of sale, the fuilowiug property, to wit: < 1 Tbe uudevided interest of J. E. Turner, the remain der of two hundred acres of land* more or less, lying in Clark and Oconee oouutiea and State of Geoigia, knbwn as the plaoe wlier-on. Mary Turner now lives and bolds a life interest i.i, the said land lies in Bun- oornb District 241, -G. 6L, on McNutts Creek adjoining Jackson, Gordon, David /lodges aud Others.. All levied upon by virtue of three attachment fh fee from a justice court 241 District G, M. Buncombe, James U. Huggins vs. J. £. Tamer, and David M. McClcskey, vs. jf E. Turner and JoMph Hodges va. J. K. Tamer all to sat isfy the above stated fi. fits, tills December the 24ti. 1875. J. A. BEOWN1NG, Sheriff. dec28-5L 1876! spring term. 1876! j MARTIN INSTITUTE ! SPRING TERM WILL OPEN ON THE ►J 24th JannarT. This is a school for the times. 1 Th/-: CLARK—SHERIFF SALE. 1 ILL be sold before the Court House * v door in the city of Athe r Clark County on the first Tuesday in February next Within tbe legal hours of sale th* following proj/erty to-wit -. All the right nd interest that Thomas W. Care holds in and to the house where William A. Carr lived af the time ire hi* death, now occupied by Mias Florence Carr, within the corporate limits of Athens, Clark county, Ga^ near Georgia Kailroad .Depot, and the en closed lots adjoining said house oontkiumg fifteen sores, more or less, the interest of said Th nus W. Carr Ih said property being ooe fourth of the undivided interest in the remainder to vest after the creation of the life ■State of . Urea Florida Carr in add property, the house is a due, Urge and commodious one, thesttuitioneliga- ble and vety vsluablaind deairrble. All sold by virftie of a fefe. fromCtnk Superior Court, August Term JQJJ • JJ JJ t QjjJtren Jfo fbl mrn 14i«maa W itew . "mil (a satisfy the above dec 28-51. TWILL be aoM before tbe Couit House v V door in the City of Athens, Clark Conner Ga., op the /tre^Tuee^ayjln /February * of land situated,, lying and of tdafk, In and Mac the corporate _ Athens od the left band'side of tl o eftason, adjffinimr SWmpkin, Weir — with all' — on by Court, August —roa vocn— FRESH GOODS! Ho! For Christinas. FIFTY BOXES NEW STOCK FIRE CHACKKR8/ . - > ., f Guaranteed. .»j jiviti/i, ■ \ S\ A PANIC PRICES! I4tge Sales being effected daily, Fresh Goods are constantly arriving at the "Lie Store on the Corner. 1 IF YOU WANT AN EXCELLENT 1, I, L L L L L L -I | •.LLLL A . A MM MM PPPPP AA MM MM P P AA - M M M M P P A 51 MM M P I’ AAA M MM M PP P A' A M M M P A m A >t M M P A A M M M P A A M M 51 P GIVE US A CALL ! SUMMARY: 5 000 lbs umon Pare Candii kinds.) es, (all 2,000 lbs Fresh Crackers, (75 boxes, all kinds. 1,2)10 lbs Raisins, whole, half, quarter boxes. 10,000 Cigars (all grades). 1,000 lbs Almonds and other kinds 1,000 Cocoanuts. 60 Cases Oysters, Jelliea, Pine Apples, l’eaches, Ac. 10 Cases quarter boxes Sardines (1,000 boxes). GO Boxes Cream and Daily Cheese (2,00) lbs). 25 Boxes Soap, (Laandryand Family). 50 Drams New Smyrna Figs. 25 Barrels Cook and Cheeks Fancy Flour. 1 Crate Lighorn Citron. 25 Packages Glassware, Lamps and Crock ery cheaper than the cheapest. 25 Boxes Tobacco, Fine, Medium and Low Grades. . i /, CHOICE. STOCK □gar, Psffkes, Ton, Spires, Pare Wines and l " Liquors, XT TUX BSXXXL AND Qcasr—vxbt tow. Gilt Edge Goshen and Choice Tennessece Butter. Don’t go to Atlanta and Augusta, bat try iicse goods and prices snd save money, at least . per cent. nov24tf I FINE JOB PRINTINj A. SPECIALTY! AT.r. JOB WORK DILI Villi' PI 1 > 187B. CHRISTMAS M« CO i Holiday Qifts foR Qld ^nduYouns) For the Bovs. For ths Girls, B ALLS, TOPS, MARBLES, PISTOLS, TROLLS, TEA-SETS, FURSim Guns, Swords, Drums, Canes, Tool Chests, Nine- ; M-P Sets, in Great Variety; Chins JevdBon! Pina, Railroad Trains, Games, Tivoli Boards, Dominoes, ! Bowls and Pitchers, Cups aud Saucers, Clochi, Drafts, Solitaire Boards, Menageries, Banks, Micro- j ——- 1 — J r ’— 1 * u Tin Cuj Vases, Bedsteads, VV UCOI Ul 4SIIV, 1AHIV, V/UillU^CUU'. 4IVIU1 Harmonicuns, Arks, Acrobat and Masquerade Cuckoo Whistles, Panoramas, Axes, list mere, Shovels, Jumping Frogs. p-Gmis, ■ Tin 'Waiters, Color Boxes, Preseutstion Setite Blocks, fork), Toy Tabs and Washboards, Witde i chets, Ham-{.Dolls, Games ip great variety tr If yoa with to gnmVegetablc* for Ml* Gardening for Profit! If you wish to becoaeaCommerclal Florist, Practical Floriculture! If you wish to Garden for Amusement or for Home Use only, read Gardening for Pleasure! ALL BT Peter Henderson. Price f IDO each, post-paid, hy mail. Our Combined Catalogue tot W78, of EVERYTHING son TBS GARDEN! •ant Free to all Applicants. On large mnMrxted Catalogue# of Sssds •Bd «an&, numbering 175 85 Corttsndt Street, XBWYOBR. dee2l-tf. Athens Female Academy! BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. jy-j RS. ELLA C. COLBERT RESPECT genen NESDA' dcc7-6t Pay What You Owe! mediately, accounts of all who tail to do so will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. “ A word to the wise is sufficient.” dec2Mm. JAQpBS & MICHAEL. For Rent. T HE HOUSE AND LOT ON RIVER Street next below P. Barry’s. Thera are six good rooms; halMtory up stain; a cook room, kitchen, and tour fire-places. Apply to I. M. KENNEY, decT-tf ' Agent tor Mrs. T. W. Gantt. For Sale or Rent. T he house and lot formerly owned by.Capt. J. E. Bitch, oppos.te Mr. Jaa. 8. England’s. For terms applv to COBB, ERWIN & COBB, Attorney! at Law. dec!4-4L ' , 1M ’ ;; Notice! T HE nndereigned hereby gives notioe to all persons indebted to him, either by aooount or note, that he lua waited on them till pauenM/has ceased to be a virtue, that he cannot oonuuae to wait on paper that is poet due, and he is now making out all sceounts ior the purpose of Discing them ia the bands of an officer for collection. Persons who come forward promptly will saveooete. -.1 mean just exactly what I asy. ■ novoO-lm. , .JT7, i- 8.C. DCBBS. upon the same, January the ut my office. ’ dec2S-2t. of MTOOlUltT. ie i6th 1878, Z. 10 o'clock i. 4* J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. : V. :XL- M-y.-'C .-Al * g~i EORQIA.—OCoMX ‘ County.—Ordinary’s Office, tD Deo-25th 1875-—J. E. P. MoDongsl baa eppliid i: deeSS-St. -i s For the @rown FoeiKS. ELEGANT WRITING DESKS, WOBK BASKETS, INKSTANDS. CARD RF.CEIYEES, L. Sets, Ash Receivers, Match Boxes, Photograph Albums, China and Glass Vases, Toilet Sets, CirdCaaj] mometers, Parian bigures, Brackets, Clock Shelves and Mantels, Book Shelves, Wall Pockets, REwefil Toilet Cases, Hat Racks, Towel Racks, Fruit and Flower Stands, Elegant Gift Books, etc. 1 ’ CALL EARLY, and lay in your supplies in time. We guarantee satisfaction Styles and Prices. Remember that you can get Bargains this Christmas, at Deel4-2t BURKE S BOOK STOBRj M. G. & J. COHEN W ILL OFFER FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS THE ENTIRE BALfiJ of their WINTER STOCK, consisting of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, FURS, BOULEVARD SDl] GENTS’ CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HAT* 2 , ETC, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ■ ALSO, A LARGE STOCK 07 • Youths’ and Boys’ Clothir, T. f XlVAl.U SPECIAL INDUCEHiNTS OFFERED TO GRANGER I Call early 1 , whil; iLe selection is j dec7< -3t the Stock complete, ot No. « BIltOAD STREET, ' ATHENS,GH lifig HMt T HE suheeribere have removed to No. 12,FRANKLIN HOUSE RANGE, Broad 8treet, where the; M stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of FURNITURE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION To whiob they invito the attention of the pnbllc, and which wBI be sold ■ lwr*»js-.-^r COFFINS 3YND BURIAL -CASKS,;. Famished AS LOW OR LOWER than by any other establishment in the city. When l uru j 1 *Mi^iorW also furnish, WITHOUT ADDITION A I. CHARGE, onr handsome HEARSE, with horses snd dnrer, J. F. WILSON Si CO. within the city. Athens, Ga., Sept. 8—45-4m. NEW BOOKS. S IGN A Onida’s last, $2.00 n Tbree_Feathers, by Wn», Black, $l.uO. Rape of the Camp, Ulnstratod, $100. Alire Lorame,_by Blackwood, 75c. Walter’s Word, Amidr Pastor’s . For sale at Jane 28. 54-tf. ■a iv ora, oy James 7aynt, 60c. BURKE’8 Book Store A. R. BOBERTSON’S _ Dealer in and manufacturer of Monuments, Head and OrxxdteBox Tomba and Cra- .UK 4^tf Colonists, ers • A OR map circulars, c l end informatlnn ia regard ties to Ml points in TeuneeeCAi fMPee, urn, apply to ox addrea or, General Railroad Agent, Atlanta, No one should go West without first msaleetinn with the ~ 'rmeV time tables and gen feem .Mln- SfeS*' Q. Foundry Implemente generally. All m/o^tofirel 1. ATHENS and Mactiine Athens, Geokou, Genera! Founders and PATTERN WORK, SMITHING AND Having an extensive collection of Pattern*! Iron and Brass Cast#®* MILL AND GIN gEA % MINING d- MILL MACBH I Steam Engines, Saw leys, Mill Spindles, 10 Lighter Screws, Rattle Staff- Cranks, Hors r I y 2brothers, • Hin Mdk, “ gfa I Mills, Bark Mills, Stamps Cotton Seed Crushers, etc., •' .V L ■'■—-Aue,i ?Ss?aBsssspSsi dec? At We have now on hand 250.00* 1 v.l: »i»LEr,«;p.ST.' ■K gff (7* A liberal di»oo«?t Slewed » 1 largely. Ceme one 1 lt> ■> J .-itr i r>-'"V" fi pi i i.*1j ie,/ 4,t lift: ■ ‘ FURNISHED HOUSE FOR BENT IN A DR- . ^^Wep^ofthe clty. Applet this office.