The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, December 28, 1875, Image 4

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mmmmmmmmmmmrn' mrmm .vrr ■ ■ iisftw If HIT THE SAGE SUB ONTO HE. WhatIshcantyt I asked the sage, Pondering an old And oft md psge. Thoughtfully ho turned end thu* did toy, Beauty is kindliness el way. TOatU kindliness I Lore made known By generous set or gentle tone. What is love t Truo constancy, Faithful as the constant moon can ha. What is gratitude I A debt. To pay which no one should forget. What is pity t A friendly tear, Dropped so silently none may hear. What is charity f nty f 1 Which those deserv An open hand, ring may command. What is truth f The rarest gem In bnmsn natnre’e diadem. What is wealth t ’Tis more than gold, More than India's gems untold; Wealth is knowing how to use The gifts we have without abuse. What is life I Not three score years, Bright with smiles and moist with tesrs. Not the measure of n day, Nor dower that blooms and fades away; Not a bubble boru to die— l.ife is all eternity. v^sjuroHwavjL % - Ofr!'. ^ .mo- U 9 emm job wwjh. „ „ Tb« Athens HannfoctnringOarajsiliaio — sndktng a mnch larger variety of Wooten Goods than ever before, ^ tsr»r»t i". u* • B'-nntl Ba i gkaffige them 4 beliaviqg it to be more to the interest of the Planter to 1 " ' the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Cerd- c. Call for Samples and Terms ot MF1ELD, 7 ed and Spun at home. Exchange.- &. L. BLOO Hay 19,1975—29-tf. Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO., , .* • •; • v*> *•,« If joit mata .*# vt ,•* • *x$T Oita !3w f•u , »T jHwtw r msll E UNDERSIGNED band and arriving ylt-iS- Sa»-v atottf '•X .»S T HE HAS NOW ON w9 mum 55 hw*c*V oai thano'J i* ‘-krtq Tho Georgia Mate Fair Wm held at Macon, during the week be ginning October 18, and it was our good fortune to be pres ent on this occasion. W do no visit Fairs tor the purjiose of report ing them, it bei ng impracticable with tho limits of a monthly to give anything like :m extended account of the various Fairs visited each year by the different members of our editorial staff*. They arc visited lor our own instruction, and at each one we * gStKor"materials which may not he used until months afterward, believing that we better serve our readers by this course than if we were to publish a list of the prize animals, machinery and other things exhibited. This Fair of tho Georgia So- j not ciety was an interesting one, for the reason that they had determined to do without the cvcr-attractive and noble animal, the trotting horse. Fine horses were exhibited and tested, hut the regular race-horse was left out, much to the disgust of that class who regard the horse and the chances of betting as tho great end of an Agricnltnral Fair. It requires oven more courage to omit a horse race in a Southern than in a Northern Fair, as in the Southern States the horse is even more popular than elsewhere, and in the sparsely settled portions much more in use t an with us. The horse inter est did its best to make the Fair a fa.lur.-, and the papers in other parts of the State published the statement that it was unsuc cessful before it was fairly under way. We arc glad to say that when we left, two days before th Fair closed, the receipts were such as to satisfy the raa agers that the exhibition was not a pecuniary failure. The Fair Grounds, used at other times by the citizens of Macon as a Park, are vastly superior to any that we have seen else where ; a large tract of land, directly upon the Ocmulgco river, and of easy acces from the city, is in one portion a handsome Park, with good lawns, fine forest trees, lakes, fountains, flower-beds and other decoratious, while the other is amply pro vided with lino and substantial buildings for the purposes of the Fair. Aside from the large structures devoted to machinery, manufactures, floral hall, and others, the smaller buildings, such as the President’s Office, Editors’ Home, Ladies’ Cottage, etc., are very remarkable for their excellent taste and appropriateness. Despite the croaking of the disappoiuted horsemen, the Fair was a success, and in many respects, notably line. The array of farm machinery was very large and varied, and of course NO. l COOK STOVE, AND TIN WAKE OF ALL KINDS, CHEAP FOR CASH. B would be unnecessary. _ *e alj-i.i i. ft- jBIX Also, though uot so old > Fertillizcr as the Excel! bun-yard manure end Cotton reed ever tatroduc to what it.was hah ssaaen, whan tlHp garikuurfvw. which I am authorized to sell the above Standard aareow:s?esr, * to be of the same standard as in making oce ila region, that year*. ; have proved to be the b**l material for composting with | into this country. The standard is guaranteed to he fully up tl satisfaction. Two barrels compost one ton. The prices at fertilizers, are aa follows: Roofing and Grvttering a Speciality. Sept. 16,1S76. . 46—6m. FAIR AND TIMELY NOTICE. fl WINKING my friends for their patronage in the I past, und asking for a continuance of the same, I beg to say that, FROM AND AFTEK THE 1st OF OCTOBER, my terms will be CASH OX DELIVERY, except to those parties who have alwnys pniebtheir bills PROMPTLY on presentation. Where goods are charged, it will be with the distinct understanding that the bills are DUE AT THE END OF THE MONTH, j I would willingly give longer time if I were able, hut I 1 trust that no one will be offended at the coarse, as my necessities drive me to it. I hope by prompt attention to business and low prices, to merit a continuance of thepntronage of the public. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer. Sept. 22—47-tf. EXCELLE XSCZ « ;a ! Time pricti—Cotton option at 15 cents.: .. $70.00 -« « No option..^... '.....1... 63.00 Cash price. .ine.. 55.00 oheImic ls. Time price—Cotton option at 15a, 2 bbls. (500 lbs.) enough for 1 ton ...$20.00 Cash price :cf 2 barrels i 16.00 j wish to Du 'argelotd of tho Exccllenza for cash, can get apedal arrangements at prices a shade Purchasers will not be humbugged in the above manures. A special circular of directions for eompoatiug fhrniahed all purchasers ot, the Chemicals. All who wa.ita first-class Fertilizer, that will nay them to nse, call on * -. novl7-tf V s. C. DOBBS. ■ B THE JAS. EEFii ;, Doable Turbine Water Wheel, Hsnulactured l y POOLE & HUNT. Baltimore, II<'_ 7,ooo xoir jx i sct bimplc, Strong. Durable, always rekabiu ai.1 . xiU- lactory. Manufacturers, t'.rc. < I Portalio & btutionury ines, Steam Boilers, ft Grist, Kin. Prestos,tc. hb'ft\nir,l -B-ts and Hangers a cpeciiltv. MachWo mado Gearing; tfceu- rate ana of Very best finish. Send for drculara. 1 ' Aa, Ac., Ac. * a ATHENS, GEORGIA GINS DELIVERED IN ATHENS AT MANUFAC TURERS PRICES. Sept. SO—1-tf. won 9d rmssbas _ aid jnmmi llw ^W^IilWi^WU^KMEN. we areprapnr^ REPAIR IN G*IN. SUJPERMkRs&TYLK ^ ai '' • T? '- n ' 1 * ,s '- i wfe ^4KB A SPECIALTY Gf* i ; S It ILts-V 'JB J!t.vvA>«dDh t G O L f ,O f P L A f»r fore. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, COLLEGE AVENUE, JVexf Door to Post Office. O N hand, Uppers for making Low Quarteir, Con gress, Alexis-Ties, and Prince Alherts. Repair ing promptly executed. Send ten dollars, per mail or express and you shall re ceive a first class puir of boots. June SO, 1876. t 85-tf. DAVKJYPOBT’S J. H. HUGGINS. H AVING just returned from the Northern markets with a large stock of goods, bought at low prices, is selling goods in his line 25 per cent cheaper than hereto- He is making a speciality of Crockery. Class ware* Lamps and Oils. J. H. HUGGINS, w Sells the best Kerosene Lamp Oil at 25 cents per gallon, Sells common Cups and Saucers at 25 cents per set. Sells common Glass Tumblers at 25 cents per set, Sells common Glass Goblets at 50 cents per set, Sells common Plates at 40 to 75 cents per set. Sells the best Granite Plates at 75 cents to $1.00 per set. Sells the best Granite Cups and Saucers at 90 cents to $1.00 a set, Sells Kerosene Lamps at 25 cents to $10.00 cad). J. H. HUGGINS, Has a lot of Beautiful China Tea Sets, Has a lot of Fancy and Plain Chamber Sets, * Has all kinds of Crockery and Glass Ware, Has all kinds of Lamps, Burners and Chimneys Has a large stock of Family Gioceries, Has a large stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. J. H. HUGGINS, Sells Canned Goods, Sardines, Oysters, Tomatoes &a, Ac, Sells Sugar of all grades Coffee, Lard and Cheese, Sells Bacon, Flour, Meal, Soap and Starch, Sells Liverpool and Virginia Salt, Syrup and Vinegar, Sells Lime and Cement, Cuba and Common Molases, Sells Bleaching, Calico, Factory Stripes and Checks, Sells Factory Jeans, Plains, Shirting and Osnahnrgs. J. H. HUGGINS. Poison Revived. T^HIS Celebrated Rat Poison, sold for J. so many years, by Mu. MOSES DAVENPORT, tad proven to be the most effective EAT POISON , extt Introduced Into this or any other country, t« no Strong 1U the implements most demanded j revived by the original receipt, and for sale by his Son, by Southern Agriculture. Plows, sweeps j SEABORN L. DAVENPORT, and scooters of kinds never seen on a! Sopt. &—c-cm. a then., o.- Northern farm, were here in great n?>m-! hers; cotton gins were in lull force, and i when all were in operation, presented a NOTICE* Great Redaction in Priees. beautiful sight as they throw the lint in snow-like flakes into the gauze-covered chambers placed to receive it. Distributers of fertilizers and cotton planters, of Georgia invention, attracted deserved notice; and we do not recollect to have seen anywhere else so large* display of agricultural steam engines, in operation, doing work of various kinds. The machinery department was not very full, hut it attracted a large crowd of j intelligent and inquiring visitors. The j poultry show was specially worthy of no- j tice. We have seen nowhere else, not even j at regular poultry shows, such a fine ar-1 rangement of coops, of two uniform put-, terns, arranged in single t ers, at tho pi oper ; hight, all calculated to display the fowls to i the best advantage. The birds were very j fine. But we cannot particularize—suffice | it to say that the show of cattle, sheep and swine was not remarkable; some fine horses were exhibited; the plowing ma;,ch was a great success, and attracted much attention; the halls for domestic and other manuthc- turcs were u ell filled with various products, some of them exceedingly creditable. It struck us as an encouraging feature, that eveiy one took great pride in any new branch of home industry, and our attention was frequently called to this or that article as of “ Georgia” manufacture. In horticul tural products the show was greatly di minished by an unfavorable season, though there was much of interest exhibited. Son.e of the Grangers made exceedingly creditable exhibitions, including farm, gar den and household matters; in short, all that was produced in the community. An exhibition which much interested us, was one of ’the various natural productions of the State, including the various forage and textile plants, and all the native plants known to be useful, with some regarded as injurious; this was gathered by Dr. Stotes- bury, of Clinch county. Another unpre tending, bnt valuable collection, was an im mense number of soils from the various parts of the State, which has been, or are to be, analyzed; this wasprepaicdunder the direction of Dr. Thomas P. Janes, the efficient Commissioner of Agriculture for the State, who also had on exhibition sam ples of all tho fertilizers offered for sale in the State, with their analysis and intrinsic value plainly given with each sample—an exhibition which was of the greatest impor tance to farmers, and we doubt if its like has been before seen at a State Fair. We might enumerate other .striking points, but after all, the most interesting part of the Fair, to us, was the pcop'e with whom we came in contact, and the spirit which prevailed. The fact is, these Georgia agri culturists mean business, and they are thor oughly wide-awake to the fact that the fu ture success of the State depended upon improved agriculture, and that this implies work, and they are, to a most gratifying degree, on the lookout for every improve ment which shall lessen the cost of produc tion of the'r crops, or which sh Jl inc ease their home comforts. Tho State Agricul tural Society is in the right hands, and with Buch a gentleman as General Colquitt for its President; such an omnipresent worker as Mr. Malcolm Johnson for itB Secretary, with an Executive Committee of tho most sterling men in the State, it ,! r mwt *fMdyprk a rand tell most favor ably upon the future-prosperity of Georgia. A ' ; — ; v* Mr. Hoff, of Warren County (la.) is in. a huff because a Miss . Cooke “cooked, fa « goose” to the extent of beating hit the polls in a contest for the office of County .Superintendent. He has contested the flec tion on the ground that a' woman is not digibie to the offioe. O N and after Oct. 1st we shall offer to our customers, goods in our line at much lower figures than here tofore. To enable us to do this, wo wiU adopt strictly the Cash System. We are now receiving a large and full assortment of enods, bought at low prices, which we invite all to call and examine. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Sept, 11>—1f. Sells Knives and Forks, SiH>ons and Pocket Cutlery, Sells Boots, Shoes, Hats, Harness and Leather, Sells Buckets, Brooms, Tubs and OilpEhn's, Sells Baggin, lies, Rope, Hoes, Ax<&atid Traces, Sells the Virginia Woolen Cashimere, iaso nice, Sells many other goods too numerous Ur mention, Sells goods at low prices, g» and swfotyqtffiiyfif. CHEAPER THANTVER THE undersigned would beg to an nounce to bis friends and the public generally, that he haa just returned front his annual fall trip to New York 'and Boston, with a large aud varied stock ot very superior goods, consisting partly of the following, selected with; great care : - - , . , ' MEN- AND YOUTHS’, READY MADE CLOTHING of the latest fall styles, Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Dress Goods, Ladies, Gents’ .and Boys. . Shoes, Boots and Hats, in al most endless variety .Um brellas, Fine Ken tucky Jeans, Doeskins, Cnssimeres, Factory Goods, Yarns, Osnaburgs, Checks, Shirtings, Fine Wamsutta and other brands, Bleachiugs, Tickings,Blankets, &c. &c, &c. Also, Saddles, Bridles and Harness, Drugs, Crockery and Glassware, Hollow "Ware, and Hardware; also, the Celebrated Murfres boro’ Red Cedar- ware, &c. Also, a full line of choice Groceries, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Lard, Hams, Cheese, Kerosene Oil. And many other choice goods too num erous to menton, and which must be seen to be appreciated. The above goods, owing to the recent decline, he will be en abled to sell at prices which will ASTONISH THE NATIVES. If you want any thing iu the above mentioned classes of goods, or in any other, call on s. c. DOBBS, Lower part of Broad Street, opposite Dorsey ft Co’s Sept. 29—iS-tf. Eft ihd dBtibf&'afmmtd, nakySt^Oldm Spoons, Watches/&o.j pioted fo-JV . « etpud io that any T etfablithtnent in the country. ^ ’ftJ ' ^Jkm^.KEASOlSABLE. t ■, i wsif !o Uos kos*!* * 1 jwot o V, ‘-l Broad Street, Opposite College Campus, Athens, (v„ fir, -jJSiy *10 os ^ TAKES this method of announcing to the public generally, that he ha, J returned from Sgy York \v itli' the t and most complete stock of DtygJ Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, Gent’ip j ing ^diod^jTil^’ l&j>? of Ladies? Faffcjry (^t^odsi, such as Ties, Scarfs, ft Gtfods, in Shawls, Cloh&s, &c., &c. Also, a desirable line of Lady’s dren's Fancy Furs, and complete lines of other Goods, too numerous to me*J He invites the attention of buyers to the same, feeling confident that he T offer ..„■? SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS SEASON Which he has been unable to do heretofore. Thanking the public {J patronage, and hoping to receive a share of the same hereafter. MynuJ QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Very respectfully CHARLES STEitY I Oct. 6—-49—3m. T8B Go to Oct 6—49—tf. DON’T* FORGET T^B^la&E, 'W I jWU J H WrV G G I N S’. Ho. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. A. K. CHILDS. ASTONISHING. R. NICKERSON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Y. H. WYNN. Tin* progress made by tho WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Inventive skill has been taxed to its utmost, and the remit is. the The Most Perfect and Desirable Machine, for General and Family Use, yet produced. It is Simple and Easy to Opcnte, is not liable to get ont ont of repair, its Work Is the Best as was shown by the FIRST PREMIUMS awarded it at the Universal Exhibition in Vienna, in 1873, and it is sold at s LESS PRICE than any other Machine of its STANDARD EXCEL LENCE. For sale by J. M. UPSHAW and F. P. GRIFFITH. Be sure to see the Wilson before yon buy. May 19,1676 29-tt New Firm and New Stock! MATTH EVVS&JACKSON NO. 1. BROAD STREET,\ (Old *stand of T. BISHOP & SON.) TTTE have just received an entirely N-w W Stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES And offer them CHE.1P FOR CASH. UAll I) W ARE, IRON, STEEL,. NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse-Shoe Nails. W GON8, CEKERAL TICKET A6LHCY. RAILROAD TICKETS For tale, by all routes, and to. all principal points iu th© * UNITED STATES. Buy your Tickets before leaving Athens, and get all information from . *'■ 1 .*■>• • .- Capt. WM. WILLIAM8, Agent Southern Express Co^ Athens, Ga. May 12, ’75 MILBURN AraiCIJLTIJEAL Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Hubs, Spokes, Buggy Wheels, Axles, 8prings, &c., Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hollow-ware, &e. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the Sale of the W INSHIP GIN. Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, Circular Saws, Ac. IriT Any article in our line not in stock will be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay. Call and examine our stock and pries*."®a - i ■* •June 16,1875. 33-tf * P. A. SCMMET. P. W. HUTCHESON. SUMMEY, HUTCHESON & BELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN We would also ask onr friends to give ns a call before expeet to buy cotton and will rice for it. MATTHEWS A JACKSOF. n e wouia aiso osk onr menu sailing their cotton sa we expi psy the highest market price I ootitOwtf MAT FOR SALiF. THE LOWELLjf the S0U1H. Water Power enough to turn ALL Off THE Machinery * n Georgia. Best Location for Building up a Manufacturing Town in .all tmt South. Sixty odd feet ffill o Witter in less than one mile. SITES FOR FOUR OR MORE LARGE COTTON MILLS, OR OTHER MANUFACTORIES. ■WILL sell, upon most reasonable terms V 7 and pries, th. celebrated with fir. bandied acres, more or less, of FlatST CLASS Farm .ad Timbered Lands attached. The above state ments In regard to this Shoal ARE TRUE tm every particular, aud being located within eight miles of Athens, and the tame distance from Crawford* on the A th em branch of the Georgia Railroad* and in the verr heart ef one of our best COTTON GROWING Sections, affords an opportunity for establishing a Manu- fhrturinf Interest which, In point of capacity, natural AeiUties, and many ethersurrounding advantage*, cannot be excelled In this country. ONE MILLION DOLLARS and mere might here be advantageously expended, within a distance of not more than one mile. For price, terms end perticUUn, address— H. H. CARLTON & CO., Real Estate Agents, Atheus, Ga. H. H. CARLTON. J. A. BROWNING. Augnst IS, 1875. TALMADGE, HODGSON & CO., Has on hand ‘ i S Car load* of FTonr (all grades). 100 bbls. of Sugar “ “ 6o Bags Coffee. 100 Boxes Cheeee. v ,, ju 2 Cor Molaises. Finis lot assorted grades Mackerie, Bacon and- tard. Syrups a'l grades, and In fact everything Jin the pro- vision Bag ot TALMADGE, HODGSON ft CO. nov 17w5L NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD IS GQMitl AND THE NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AND DAILY ARRIVING. AT HUNTER & BEUSSEd ABE CHEAPER THAN EVER. TnE STOCK CONSISTS OF A LARGE LOT OF READY-MADE CLOTHIKCJ ah>ab“ik2I!> ®<a Tfmia soasoh, OASSIHBRE AND OTH R OLOTM Farasols, Umbrellas and Efry Goods, au. rrsa mat! Boots and Shoes* Fancy and Family Groceries, WOOBEH-WAmiffi AM® ©3EO0E1SE 1 OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Leather, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Cigars, Tobacco, &c, CHOICE FLOUR AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, OSNABURGS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, &C., &C., &C, The above Goods having been recently purchased iu New York, at radmijl are now offered to the public at Low Figures. I®" Come and be convinced. HTJjSTTFK & BEUSSE, 8e P t. 29—48-tf. *= DELPREE’S C0:aNB| c-s/m. lively. Feed and Sale Stable, ^^5 ATBBKa QA. GANN ft REAVES PROPRIETORS Will be found St their old stand, rear Franklin Bouse baiMing, Thomas street.' Keep id way* on hand good Turnout* and careful driven. Stock well cored for when entrusted to onr care. Stock on hand for sale at . ■ • IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, . .asm 5 ?**. - - '• t * i AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF The Enterprise Long looked For ! AT THE FRANKLIN HOUSE Meals can be had at all horns, for FIFTY CBNT8 3 j This Hotel ha* been thoroughly renovated end newl- - 4 TWO DOLLARS PER DAY. A FINE 07SJII SALOON la dao’ connected with this RoteL This is the place to item, Fish, Beef Stake, Ham and Egg*, fte. will be sold by the quart and gallon, to thors with them. Give na a trial aadww will pWaae yon . W. A. JKiTKlt, : Store located on Bro$d st.,b*ra^ C i^i BUIup© and Smith’s Drug Stores, Athens, Oft* $9pt. DEUPREE : A June 28,1875. FOR 'IfciEjHPXH!! 84*tf. Aw> lL, p J2 18Hop . N#k 1 nnv.o.iers-diwwfit THE E: WORLD RENOWNED Wit SOS - . RECEIVED TUB GRAND PRIZE MEDAL ; ’’ Vienna, 1873. i -.1 WARRANTED FIVE YEAR?] It reauires no Instructions to run it. It can not get out of order. ItwiSdteSI and hind of work. ^ - ’ a It has no cast iron cog wheels to break. It is not necessary to buy t«o I Iff A CHINES, in order to be able to do light and heavy work. It will sew from Tissue Paper to Harness Leather. . M It is as far in advance of other Sewing Machines in the magnitude oj j improvements, as a Steam Car excels in achievements the old fashioned <-W I Prices made to suit the Times* Either for Cash or 8EXD FOR ILLUSTRATED CA1ALOOUE OF STYLES ASH PM®\ Agents Wanted., Address UPSHAW & BROWN, t.22—«- t Athens, Ueor?»| THE aR AJSTGKER’ a LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPAQ ”11 'S. OF'TnE b«ftfo*ofi«r TJinTEB STATE OF AMERICA Y-tSr.IAAi) 8!T#v(l -JQ Ksf CAa'i r jL%~; a •# J 7*. - AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $4,500,00 * A Sir*: * ■jt'* - j »-« SH-7Ti-‘ Of which 0100,000 to bo owned in each Department., Each Policy-holder is entitled to a vote of the Company. it- '") Lwf.•'.»». r-.r ill Parent Office, Mobile, Alabama. CeWital Stock **■•■*»' * • - - W. H. KETCUUM,'President d.A.hl F. E. DA\H )stpl ' — -*-• B. Wj FORT, SccrcUry. * Cicorgia Department, Home, Georgia. Cmptint^tecb - -o i ...c-nti, * 9 . * OlBbe,' Nb: 2 Udnuttercial Building, rrfi ^rC^G.8AWEL, President i .v, .-- .v. AUPS> 8H09 * lohnH. Newton, A Uena, Ga^A.RJones,C«dartwio, Atlanta, Ga.; Hon. DjB.Hamilton, Rome, Ga.: Cain Glover, Rome, G*.; T.MjGnU*r“' gSfof, 1 Rome, Ga^ J. L. <«p,Rome, Ga.; MuHjfeunSV Cedartown, Gk.; A. J. King, C*v* BP™' 1 Capital SioffiSS^MJ..-V-.• W„... j..........President and General .. 1.., J rtsl.tvit. (ym © iff ‘