Newspaper Page Text
C|c ^t|tits dcwgi
P. A. STOVALL, . . Local
Edi^S nti
From and after this date all Athens papers
of the Georgian Will be'delivered from the
Athens Post Office, the boxes at our office
h'ive been almlished. Col. R. S. Taylor, our
efficient P- M,,- has kindly consented to take
thc^c I' a ! ,or9 ® charge and cleliver them to
our subscribers. ^
Mere Mention,
is leap year.
Making a run on the banks—the Oco
nee river. > * *
The colored folks had a ball, at Lester’s
llall, Thursday night.
Three thousand copies of the Georgian
arc issued from this office to-day.
A certain granger, not far from Athens,
killed sixty rabbits last Monday.
A colored Herzegovinian was arrested
last Friday tor making a turkey raid.
The work on the Court House is at a
standstill, the jail is running up, however.
Violets and Hyacinths arc in full bloom,
and the return of spring is not liir distant.
W. Fleming Esq., of Maxeys’ graced our
sanctum last week. Bill isn'nt married yet.
The popping of fire crackers in Cobbham
continued lost week. Mercy, where arc the
The rain Inst week came down in torrents.
Young rivers were in full blast all over
The Historical Society of Clarke county,
will convene in this office Thursday, Jun. G,
at 12 o’clock.
I.ongs and 1> Hups, first-class Druggists,
have iss.ied their pros]»ectus in our columns.
That's what we would call beginning the
new year right.
Atlanta merchants now send cordial greet
ings to members of the legislature, with ear-
net invitations to visit their store etc., upon
arrival at Atlanta.
We were pleased to meet within onr
sanctum, on last Saturday, Mr. E. P.
Kingsley, with. G. G. Green «fc Co., of
Woodbury, New Jersey.
••Leah Mordcni.’’ a story of Southern life,
by Mrs. Hello Kendrick-Abbott. This charm-
iijg Southern production is upon our table.
For sale by T. A Burke. Price 61.50
Mr. Henson’s residence on Clayton
.met, above J. C Phner <fc Co., has been
repaired ami considerably elaborated by
nv.« wings, nicely plumed wi'h paint and
now presents a very neat appearance.
The two stores bolo\v~Col. Dobbs’ are
being completed. The darkness is consid-
eralily dispelled by skvliglits. J. W Col
lins, K-ip, Grocery .Alereliant, and J.F.
AViNon it Co., Furniture men, will occupy
these new stands.
Mr. Klliott Moore, of Athens, has bee
ring Courent (on ol the State Agricultural
Editor Athens Georgian.—Knowing
e interest you feel in all that relates to the
tate Agricultural Society, I ask the favor
of sufficient apace in your valuable paper to
announce to the county Agricultural Societies,
and cluhs of the Ninth Congressional Dis
trict, that the Spring 'Convention of/the
State Agricultural Society will take place at
Brunswick, ou Tuesday Febuary 8th.
The railroad companies, witb commenda
ble liberality, furnish free transportation,
going and returning, to three fjptegutgn -frytn
a county. AVhere there arc tWo <tr mitre
societies or clubs in any county, it will he
necessary, therefore, for those societies to ar
range among themselves as to the three del
egates whom they will elect to represent the
county, and forward their names to Mr.
Malcolm Johnston, Secretary, Atlanta, on
or betore the 25th of January.
Life members who propose to attend the
convention will also notify the Secretary by
the 25th, of January.
Very respectfully yours,
William M. Browne.
Vice Prest. G, S. A. 8. 9th Dist.
Flasks, Demijohns and l Corlta, by the
gross and at retail, at the Popular Little
stiore on the Comer.
Lanterns, Lanterns, Lanterns, to light _ _
your way, (4 pa t -rue.) at the Popular little
Stare on the Oomer.
Athletic Entertainment.- -Professor
Jerome Tuttle,, of Milledgeville, Ga., will
give a grand entertainment Deupree’s
mil, this evening, assisted bjf his class.
Leaping, boxing, trapezing, and other gym
nastic exercises, will he the order of 1 the
evening, enlivened by comic songs • and
clog dancing. Prof. Tuttle himself will per
form that most difficult of feats,. turning a
double somersault in the air. He is a wor
thy young man, his class have attained
fine success in the art athlete, and we would
advise every one to attend his show. The
best of older will lie preserved, and ample
accommodations wilt be made for la Hies who
de ire to witness the.-e manly feat * Nothing
of the Sabine order need be apprehended by
our friends.
Recollect this evening, admission fifty
cents. i
Four Chromos Free!—In order to in
troduce our large, eight-page. Illustrated
Literary and Family Paper, The Souvenir,
we will send it, on trial, six mouths for only
60 cts., and to each subscriber we will mail,
post paid, four elegant Oil Chromos. “Lit
tle Red Riding Hood,” “The Children’s
Swing,” “ Peek-a-Boo” and “Mother’s Joy.”
These pictures are not common prints, but
genuine oil chromos in sixteen colors, that
are equal in appearance to fine oil paintings.
Just think ol it—four fine cliromos and an
excellent literary paper six mouths for 60
cts. Try it. Make >ip n club of five subs
scribervand we will send you an extra copy
tor six months ami four extra chromos.
No danger of losing your moneys We re
fer to the Post Master, Bri-tol, as Jo 4ur re
sponsibility. Cash required in advance. No
samples free. Agents wanted to lake subs
script ions and sell our fine pictures^ From
$3 to SI0 a day easily made. Address,
AA’. M. Burrow, Bristol, Tenn.,
jicc'28-4t ' 200 Main St.
All goods guaranteed aa represented or >
cash refunded every time, at Barry's Popu- the Comer,
lay Little Store on the Corner. - - *»
A Choice selection ot Canned Tomatoes,
Pine Apples, Core, Ac., at ’76pr ces, at the
Popu.ur Little Store ou the,Corner.
Cheese, Crackers, Maccaroni and Pickles
in glass and bulk. Also, Soap, Starch, Pot
ash and Blueing, low, at the Popular Little
Store on the Corner.
But your choice family Flour (X car
load on the way), Lard, Hama, Wee, Grits,
Bolted Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Pepper
and Spice, at Bany’s Popular little Store
on the Corner.
' A -fine assortment of Lamps and Table
Glassware, English Granite Ware, (Meakiu’s
brand—the best,) also, Lamp Chimneys and
Wicks, by the thousand, to arrive, at the
Popular Little Store on the Corner.
You can find what every smoker wants—
a real good cigar for 5 cents, a real Havana
for 8 cents, Pennsylvania cigaiy_50 for
$1.00; also, Gravily & Calhoun Chewing
Tobacco, low down—-at Barry’s Popular
Little Store on the Corner. ., f
Having sold out all the Christmas sup
ply of Candies, Raisin*, Nuts, etc., a fresh
assortment has been ordered and will be
kept in stock mil the while. All orders tor
Weddiug Parties and Picnics will Ik re
ceived with thanks and promptly filled, at
the Popular Little Store ob the Corner.
No more acceptable Christmas Present
than a Remington Sewing Machine, at L.
L. SctiEVENELL & Co. haw a full line
of Solid Silver and Silver Pitted Ware for
Christmas and Bridal Presents.
Messrs. Reese & Lane offer first class
bargains in the way of Holiday Goods, Dry
Goods, Shawls, Woolens. &0.
L. Sciievenell ib Co. has Christmas
Presents, Bohemian Glassware, Toilet Sets,
and boquet holders at Shrinkage Prices.
Go to Davis’s, if you want to make a
really acceptable present. Have a large
Photo made at Davis’ Premium Gallery.
Miss Marla McCartney has a full line
ut Millinery Goods for Christmas holidays.
Handsome trimmed Hats at reduced prices.
Fine Assortment ef Pocket and Table
Cutlery, Spoons, &c., for the Christmas
Holidays at Summey, Hutcheson & Bell’s.
•yftf a}".
xud best Toilet Soap in the I if you i
tarry*b Popular Li tie Store on -go to i<o*
\ the estate of YOUNG VICKERS, deceased, tats
oOoonee county, an hareby notified to present t urn
to the under*urned, properly attested, within the time
prescribed bylaw: and those persons indebted to aaid
deceased an hereby required to make Immediate par
novlo-Cw Administrator.
TatGusn Crmu. Horst—The Southern head-
VlCK Murray, of Watkinsville, and Mr. T*"ten in New Yprk-is capable of entertaining fifteen
• * ** •* hundred gtxeeta. 48
ft t - tfrfiVS
Tom Broqks, of J^jksim county, (both
handsome bachelor*,! still find room be- **0 strictly Am Lead, just received by Lo*«
hind the counters of the Popular Little ABaun . Sept, ts-w-tf.
Store on the Corner to serve their numer
ous friends snd acquaintances.
Lucas & Wake—To their Customers :
Our terms have been liberal, and we must
us to pay ,rompt
One thousand gallons (C. West’s) Relia
ble Lamp OU (the best) at only 25 ccnt-
per. gallon, at Barry’s Popular LittffBtore
HT* The undersigned have on hand * choice lot ot
Timothy Hay, which they will sail cheap far caah. >
OAHN&BBjfffB.; ^
If you want Furniture, call on UilleUod, Wood %
Co.,wboinanfaotureand<ka)to all kinds of Furniture
and Coffins, and sell aa cheep as any bouse in this city.
March St, 1876.—11-ly. .. .
To Lkad su. Coanmoms is the aim of tha proprie
tors of the Wheon Shuttle Sewing Machine. ' It la
founded on tha very beat principles known to the sew
ing machine science, and Improvements, in advance of
all other sewing mmnines, an being adopted constantly.
Tne Wil-un is rapidly gaining the preference of all
mrtfee that an acquaint c with sewing machines, and
s baa already taken the front rank among the first-class
machines of this country; audits price, owing to its
being manufactured when labor and material to mndh
cheaper than in aeatem cities, to fifteen dollars leas than
all other first lima machines. Machines will bede-
sny Railroad Station in this oounty, free Of
ition charges, if ordered through Upshaw tc
Baowx, Athens, Ga
Tb«y sand an elegant catalogue andchromo circular
free on application. They went a lbw more good agents.
Elegant display of useful Holiday Goods
this week at Cohen’s.
Large Hues of desirable Dress Goods,
otioapor than ever at Cohen’s.
A Superb new lot of Plaid Calicoes of the
latest styles at.Cohen’s.
Shawls iu endless variety and at prices to
please at Cohen’s.
New and handsome Furs at Cohen’s.
Ladies Ties in Car i tal Red and other
colors, at Cohen’s.
Elegant two button Kid Gloye9 at 81.00
a pair, warranted to give satisfaction, at
Cohen’s. - w - -
Carpets of all grades, frfgn 25c a yard up,
a most suitable holiday present, at Cohen’s
Beaver. Blaek Cloth and Fancy Cnssemere
suits for men. youths and hoys, st prices
lower than ever,*fit Cohen’s.
Overcoats of all grades at lowest prices, at
No. 5 Broad St., Athens, Ga.
Martha of the Constitutionalist writing
from Macon-ays:
A full eirte bland* seemed tu have be- n
given the 1 siys by parents and thus cut
loose from the eftrotpal riti«!»,:' 1 h«» spread ; buying,
themselves. Fewer cities than Macon afford- i ' _____
1 night- conductor on the Atheii-J ed so much soopo to the wild, untamed q g to Mathews & Jackson, No. 1
pranks of the boys, for at night the t iwn is j Granite Block. For holidays—it very l»w
Great Iwirgnins at LeroyC. Matthews’,
No. 8 Broad St. General assortment of Dry
Goods. Please examine our stock before
h. Mr. Moore is an accurate youn
ui-iriess man, anil no belter selection oould : covered wit • sable mantle of uiglit—the re- ! c, nr ._ I) rv On a |. Shawls Clot hi on and
iwr I.ei'ii made, wo ween, for this respon-! trenchment schedule of her alderman hav- (^rooer\^ ’ 8
ib!e position. I ing dispensed with gas light—end the bon-' .
Voting Junior, in Burke’s book store: I fil ;e* were a sort of blessing. Then the same j T|ty Barkt s wholesale and retail fancy
Mujor, whose portiair is tlmi ?” u Whv ; wise measuie* of the City Fathers have re-1 afl( | family Grocery store beRfe buying
" ■ 11 1 ** r “— ’ ““ ' ' All goods guaran-
Beatrice Ce
j s .,.. s y ! tlnccd the police force to about four men,
•I -• ■ Beatrice Consv? Oli! well, does she f aQ(1 ‘here was no danger of being locked up.
live ill town ?” M ijor takes Y. J. behind j On Friday night, so they tell it, this quartette
of city guardians attempted to stop the hoys
from manipulating their fireworks. The
hoys arrested the police, carried them to
the barracks, locked them up aud then held
“ U Ktl'ieiis' poi'coiorce, read and be governed
There is nothing more acceptable for a
present than a well exeouKjd photograph of
one’s self; parents are rejoiced to receive
such, while children are made happy in the
possession of their parents portraits. Notwith
standing the gloomy weather, Davis’ Premi
um Gallery is constantly thronged with |>at-
rons eager to .secure his matchless work, and
we advise our friends to make early pre-
engagements to get in in time* - ■
New Year’s Day.—New Year’s was
rather quietly spent in Athena The most
part of the day' was doiidy, and only about
four or five ‘‘quarte tes” of call -rs graced the
streets in dashing equipages. This is an im
provement upon last year, however, and we
Hope that next year , the annoucements will
be mnde in time. £verybody will call, and
every one will receive ap that this beautiful
custom may be kept qp.
Among those who did receive. Misses
Rutherford and Mali- assisted by Miss Whit
ner, of Atlanta, welcomed their friends nt the
resilience of the former. . Misses Faliigant,
l yor
t!i»* counter and explains.
The old schedule of the day train has
been resumed and things once more are
lovely. Atlauta papers, however, don’t reach
'rain on the main road does’ut make con-
ncction with the branch.
The spring meeting of 1876 of the State
Anrienltnnri Society will take place in Bruns-
wick. Tuesday 8lh Febuary. Railroads will
iass three delegates from each county and
only three, fret both way*. The meeting will
Is- a very interesting one.
The epitome cf going-out-ctiquettc, is
-peezed into the following lines by the
i iambus Enquirer-Sim.' “Ladies who
liar e conveyances should offer them to ea-
i rt- if the weather be unpleasant. Young
liH'ii " lio t ry to earn an honest living, should
carry their umbrellas. This is :dl that is
necessary.” ,. ,
We were favored with' a very polite invi-
tatioii to attend the festival ol'Ii liet'Firc
Feuipany (col.) No. 2, last Tuesday even-
in,’ Tlunl. Boyd, £<l. Harden, Randal
brown, Eugene Brydte and Tliomas Eppa
"ere the Committee.
The citizens of Athena are much indebted
to this organization, and we wish the Coin-
I'uuy a successful career.
Taking advantage of Dr. Carlton’s sick-
nc?s, «e publish the following from the
Au^-u-ta Chronicle and Sentinel.
Ben. II. II. Carltou is still confined to
yonr Christinas goods,
teed first-class.
Toilet Ware, Chamber Sets, Stoves,
Fancy Jmpaned Ware, Cake Cutters, Cake
Pans, Tea Trays and Waiters for Christmas,
at J. T. Comer’s.
Casper Morris, Dry Goods, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes. Notions. Hats, Millinery
Goods and Dress Patterns, etc. 13 Broad
street, Athens, Georgia.
CsrmttJ Weekly by ike Ifrthmls Eithaiga
COTTON.—Steady. From 10 to
FACTORY GOODS. t Mackerel, No. 1,kits....$2 20
Cotton Yarns fl 25a0 00 •• No. J Kita.
Osu«tburus.~. 12 a 18 i No. 3, KiU.
’iSkirtUiff * • 10 Salt* Per Sack
g ShfiS2kV. :™H • 12 j Chewing toliacco... JUI|
^ PROVISION'. I Smoking 60al 00
flour 5S a 10 J Snuff, Maccaboy.... 1 00
t'orn, pr bu. ~ 00al 00
Pen*. “ ..
Meal, •* -
Wheat •• .
American, flO 00a 60 00
90a 1 00 J Havana 75 OOalOO 00
t Dial 18 1 AMMUNITION.
1 so ■ powder... per lb-.. 40a 50
a I 00 Shot “ 44 ... 12a 15
Racon. Sides,-. -
Irish, Potatoes-. -
Sweet 44 ...
Caickena —
Sugar, crushed'
14u 15
11a 1
16a 17
16a 17
fl OUa2 00
75a 1 0-»
•• ... 10a 12
Caiw, per 1h>* 10a 40
Com whiskey, ...$1 25a 3 10
NOTICE.—OociUry romhant* and Pbyaictona, ws
• nowproparod to aril you all aitictoa pertaining to
m drag trod, a* cb«q> a. yom Hi thsaiin Gwrgto,
freight added. Loxm & Buxois. SepL 15—U-tf.
GUIdaad, Wood A Co. turn addad tha Coffin boiliMM
to thrir Itotan Maaotootaty, and alaraj* ktop on hand
s large stock of Wood and Metalie Burial Cases. They
■ell at cheap aa any houso In the State, end furnish,
without extra charge to their petraae, their eplendid new
Hearse lor funeral occasions. March *4—al-ly
No Excess *oa Bnxo Sica.—No person can use
Boeeheo’s German Syrup without getting immediate
relief end cure. We have the drat ease of Cough*.
Cold* or Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and
Long*, yet to hear from that has not been cored. We
have distributed e
009 Sam; ‘
ever gave Ibeir nreporationa aneh a teat aa this. Goto
your Druggiato R. T. Brumby dc Co., and get a bottle
for 76 cams end try it—taro doses will relieve voe.
cento eauh. . deri.,
I’oou A Host. Macbisists, Baltdcose —Inanother
part ol our pujivr will be found the hairiness card of this
stributed even year, for throe years, ever 150,-
mple Bottles by Druggiato in all piuts of the
States. No other Manufacturer of Medicines
wall known ionse, whoso manufactures are in use from
Maine to Mexico and Sooth America, and even where
regarded as first-dam in their design, material and
workmanship. Wi’.h facilities for manufacturing and
shipping largely increased and improved from year to
year, they are prepared to fill all orders promptly and
will guarantee their patrons thoroughly reliable work.
Those in need of anything in I heir liqg would do well
to apply for their drooler and prioes. dc«7.
■ a A u umua it. ui., u
J. K. LYLE, Ordinary.
It ls found at la ft :—Somxthino Nnr Usd lb tub
Sex.—A Dew era is dawning Q|h>u the life of woman.
Hitherto she him been called upon to suffer the ills of
mankind und lier own bt tides. The freaueut and dis
tressing irregularities peculiar to her sex nave long been
to her the t( direful spring of woes unnumbered. * lu
the mausiou of the rich and in the hovel of poverty
alike woman has been the constant, yet patient victim
of a thousand ilia unknown to man—ana these without
a remedy. 44 Oh lord* h« w lung!” in the agouy of her
soul, hath she cried. But now the hour of her redemp
tion is come. She will suffer do more, for Pr. J. Brad-
field’s Female Regulator—Woman’s Beat Friend—b for
sale by all respectable Druggets throughout the land at
$1 .60 jh.t bottl •. In anotiter column of this newspaper
will be found some interesting particulars concerning
the Female Regulator and other iuformatiou highly im
portant to women.
Near Maiultta, Ga., March 21, 1870.
Masts. Wm. Root & SosaAbout one year ago 1
bought a Itoitle of Brodtield’s Female Regulator from
you, for onwof my daughters who hud been suffering
with suppressed menses for some time. 1 have had
several physician* attending, hat met with no success
until 1 was persuaded to bin* a bottle of the Regulator,
and it is the very thing for which it is recommend.
She is now in perfect health. I hope all sufferi:
females will at least try one bottle and have heal
again. Yen respectfully.
*• err.—
“ Demarara..
Coffee. Rio -
Java -
Syrup, caao
If Ola—»n* Cuba-...
Candles, iperaa.—
adamant. „
Chrr»e, State
Knclish Dairy
Onion*, per bu.—.
Starch- —
French brandy... 4 00a I 00
Holland Gin .. 5 00a 8 00
0a 25 Ameiicao Gin ... 3 00a 6 00
20a 25 . Bourbon whiskey 2 00a 4 00
T5al 25 Wines - 3 00al0 00
Iron, Swedes, pr lb SaSJ^
En.llsh 4a5
Castings 6^a8
Nails, pr keg- 4 50
Cotton Cards- <Sal 00
15 | Horse Shoea-^ u •ss
. Hemlock 28aS0
25a 1 50 Sole Leather A5a40
75*1 «J I Upr. Leather.....—.-—. 60a75
GOa 65 I Haro. 44 40»50
40a 50 Calf Skins.™— 40 OOalOO 00
20n 25 Kip Skin* SO 00s 75 00
15a 20 Dry Hides....*. ~..12al5
20a 25 Green Hides —W
OOal 25 j BagginS P* 7* i 4 **?
a 20 1 Tie* 7a7y
Ua 16
IU 15
1U 15
10a 15
Ida S3 |
XU 37
Tux CnXAP aim Tofclab Atlanta Stosi or Fcbch-
o»rr, Bsnxdict & Co., No. 33 v, hit,hall .st.—to uow
t.lf rinK th, liarpf-t, Cheapest, ana best t-eleetcd Stock
of D>? Goods, Fiucy Goods, Notions, Hosiery end
Und rir>-ar. Novelties in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lam-
borqnins. Cornices and Upholstery Goods st s saving ot
16 to 20 per cent, oil esch article purchased. Their
Facilities are only equaled by the Laly eat Houses in tha
Union. A call before purchasing et other houses is re-
pectfully solicited.
N. B.—Samples sent on application. All orders over
Tan Dollars, at Betail, will be sent free of charge to any
>rt of tha State. F., B. & CO.
iwrt or the a
Bfonihna -
F. a & Co., New York.
F. a A Co., Charleston, 8, C.
F. a & Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
Hunter & Beusse has Turkeys, Chickens,
Egp<, Bulter, Apples, Cabbage, Onions,
Irish Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes, at the
live grocers on the corner.
L. Flisch, Confectioner. Specialties for
the Holidays. Toys, Candies, Fruits and
Cakes of every description on band and to
order. Norfolk Oysters in every style.
A. S. Dorsey & Co., have Christmas
Chickens. Butter, Eggs, Sour Kroui, Irish
Potatoes, Onions. Cabbage, Apples, Oranges,
Cigars and Candies cheap. Uod^s delivered
free of charge.
Have your Chromos, Engravings or Pic
tures of any size you wan’t nicely framed.
Take tht-nt to Davis’ Gallery where the most
elegant picture moulding can be found. All
works promptly finished.
^ i
The above are retail price*,
Special rate* towholw-ilo
Bnipments ...
Price. Middling
Rain Fall
Highest Temperature
Tux Fault Sxwnro Macotxi.—The invention of
the Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine exerts an influence
over domestic comfort unequalled by auv invention ot
the tost hundred -ear*. As an economical arrangement
it enables one pteon to do the work often ins superior
manner, end with unspeakably more comfort. Machine*
will be delivered et any Railroad Station in this county,
free of tranaportatiuu charges, if ordered through
Messrs UnsHaw A Gntwrru, -Athens, Ga.
Thaw nnriJ anaUrront jp-itrilryiit* wrwj dirnmfr QUTCUlot
They ant a few more good agents.
Dearing ami Horton, held it levee at Major
Burke’s. Miss Tnylor and sister received
hi ;ZV,“' \™ wa '**"}} TJLT l ° I caller* at their fethVfi. to! frinra gvenue.
huSS n * • Pray Miss Fleming gA-elully .ill-the fd,or- in
t oYJ t • TY; . V* i i« her parlor? while MiZ Scuddcr. a^istcl by j
l o K -mon n, the .state, nm is cue of the , p ^ (f W hite, sat* thoir guests at the Ac.
ro^w:Y.teVx_^V^__2”'L. P rOSreS8,Ve ! residence of Prof. A- M- judder M^s
Phinizy and Hamilton wero visited at the
suburban residence of Mr. F. Phi..izy.
Buy your Christmas goods from
Sett even ell & Co. Largest Stock am
j Lowest Prices. Watches. Jewelrv. Silvern
I ware, Bridal Prescuts, Bohemian Glassware,
Silver Jewelry, Remington Sewing Machines,
members of the General Assembly.
have heard asked, a great number of
Unit s, the question, “How do you pronounce
u>o name of Mrs. Augusta ( Evans) Wilson’s
nfw novel?’’ We have authority for stating
|. 1 ’* le author prefer- the Italian pronuncia-
,un . which is lnfeleeehee. Her uri-hes in the*
■ostler should be reflected. TeL and Ales.
It shouhl lie pronounced InfeUechay, not
tofdetthet.—Ed. Georgian.
„ 0**1’*** Suoar Cane.—Our fri nd'Mrl
■■lurwiek’ of Clarke county, reports the
ln ' 0,1 uf an acre: Raised
60 stalks of genuine purple sugar cane,
o lias already sold tor cash, S3 .00 worth
21 a, »l MiU has 2.000 sulks forWd.
^ P /^ik aVl ' ra ge 15 joints. . ...
Good-bye, Sorghum. :
M.vRR i Ei)_De(..einher2Dt,at the residence
Pov'Yij"*?* mo,,l *’ r « *» Elbcrton, Ga.. by
M i.'o 1 > - Q»'H=*L Miss Katie Vail to
•"■ K I • Blackwell, :U1 eat Elbcrton.
mte i w ' , so thoughtfully Vlo-
!, ’ " ° ituve dreamed over, and could
:. ‘ i a,n P "l 10 " their future the bright vis-
u’vto-? n .. the t ' ! ‘ mero of dreamland, their
. ; never he lacking in iK-ace, imp-
P" 1 ^* and prosperity.
r t'-AGF.nv.—Monday night
U.UI, 1875, IieeseHaie. a eolore.
in-. an a’c nog.inviting several friends,
i l>v,„'’! "!“ " as pave Snowden, a fiddler.
thi iking he was not paid
^seivices, arose to go, wherc-
bis ^teufose, Reese Hale, who had
row h, y.'° “is arms, tried to prevent any
axe h v j? But was struck with an
bis cli w v Jve Snowden, inflicting, a gash in
open. •r,* n 'pplitting the chilirs head wide
effect, of .^iU.dfed next day from the
Dave h«, 2* w °'tnd. We understand that
^ y°t boon captured.
Malt wqr« shown vesterday a
1G1 i M th ' n ^e Sugar Cane’whWh mehimred
Remember This —Now is the time of
the year for Pneumonia, Lung Fever,
Coughs, Colds, and (ktal results of prgdjspo
sition to Consumption'and oWer Tlirolt and
Lang Disease. B<>*BEE’a German Syruf
has be n used in this neighborhood for the
pist two or three years without a single
failure u> cure. If you have not used thif
tnediciiie yourself, go to your drugsristt
Brumby & Co., and ask him of its wonder
ful success among his customers. Two dose*
will relieve the worst case. If you have nb
Winter Goods at Reduced 1‘rices.—
Lucas Ware will sell off their large
stock of Whiter goods at reduced pricf.^
Boys’ clothing at cost. Extfct iudneo-
mmit to Grangers.
Call and see them. Dec.l4-8t. |
Seoars, Pipes, Tobacco, Snuff and
Smokers’ Articles at G. Hauser’s. College
Avenue. '/Just received, a fine , article of
Chewiui and Smoking Tobacco. Also on
hand ■ Targe swek of 8egsrs, of my own
manufacture, that I.will sell Cheap for Cash.
The finest stock of Perfumery,-consisting
of-T^tofe**, Phalon’s, WrigmVt3d®hta’a,
w. 11AUDHUP,
Has removed his Shop from the old Lombard Building
To tha opposite aide or College Avt uue, next door to the
Lester Building. Prioes Liberal, and First Clast Work
guaranteed. * * June 16,1875—W-tf
Poultry of all Rinds.
Used twice s week it will
Prevent the Disease,
And keep the Poultry in a
healthy common.
It has been used successfully for years in
this and other States. Price 50 cents per
bottle, which makes TWO GALLONS of
the Medicine. Prepared liy^
faith in any .medicine, just bay n Sample! , • .
Buttle of Hotiltee’s German Svrup for 10 1 Hinmnns Rinnets, Wencka and Duvale *
Extracts; Atwood’s, Drexel. Farina, Bur
nett’s Golden Bell, Opera nua Spender Col r
ognes. Best English Tooth, Hair, Nail and
mere. Bouquet, and a hundred other Soaps,
just received at Longs A Billups.
”2 feet. Tv ~ ,
° u r eAtaw • V 1 ® W raided *>n the firm of
themain farmer, Mr. Gledhill. But
his that this cane wa* cultivated
place th. ?' n< ^ ^ 'Vithing tinforseen takes
*jron from re **'** 8 °tn fi 5 or 6 barrel* of
^kudtomn a °"j *' rf ’ which will be quite a
tvidend an the production of one
' Whft* Te, **V 4 •' ) °ut 5 stalks to the
21 “»,W Chattanooga Bass’
^■■'l'*, 1875. on the Comer.
cents ami try it. Regular size Bott|e 75
oents. Don’t neglect • cough to a«fe.75
cents. :
Take Particular Notice.—I have a
]arg<- amount of mouey due me, which I
need. The good* were sold on thirty days
time. Many of the accounts have been al
ready due for six and twelve months. From
and after this date I cannot sell except for
etdA, to those who have not paid me up
prompf/y.-and-I think ifoit they edUtnefi.ask
it. I would sell on long time if I were able,
hut I am not and cannot. “A word to the
wise is sufficient.-’’ Thbse indebted to me ob
last year’s account* are rbqulsted • t«r ; *ettlb
their acorunts wifhout delay, as all accounts
not settled in some way by the first «>f Feb*
uary. will oe piaced in the hnn^w of a lawyer
for collection. T. A. Burkb,
Bookseller and 8tttioner.
The Santa Claus of the U. S.‘, introduced
by tlic Hatch settlers of Npw, York, is the
American n#*4fentaU*W <df' the German
Knecht Rupert. Tho Claus or St:
Nicholas or the Christmas
Bishop of Myra, and died. A. D- He
is regarded as the patron saint of tnereh i#ts
church was dedicated to ^ « c ; >n8 '„
pie bv the Emperor Justiman as tar back aa ht. re.
A. D" 560. After the 10th c ntury, he be
came the Patron Saint of Italy »»d South*
eni Europe. He is there represented with
throe uhildren a; tout him.
Athens, Ga.—33 t£
Hoe oo hud « .
3 Car loads of Floor (all grades).
100 bbl*. of Sugar “ “
60 Bags Coffee.
100 Boxes Ch**oe.
S Car Loads Molasec*. ....
Fine lot worted grades Uackerle, Bacon find Lard.
8, rape a’l grades, aud iu fact evtrj thine 3“ the pro-
visiou line at TALMADGE, HODGSON A CO.
nov I7w5t.
Wm. McDowell has everything from •
fine Cracker to a Soda Biscuit, Toys and
Since man to man to eo unjust,
I do not know what man to trust,
Soon have left and riippad away
And toft all their bill* forma to pay.
I respectfi lly request those who have been
guilty pf the above offim*. to s*nd me the
amount of their account forthwith, or I will
publish their names.
A beautiful line of Neck (Inching and Silk
Neck'Ties at Miss C James.
Cheapest Toilet .'■'oap in the South at
decTlt, Pittard,
1 A ti^'diek, the arched
front of the new Insurance building.'-nil ia AT
ofthe fnSk^find
Choice Homc-mmlcTable Wine, Vinegar,
iasa’ Ale, Aa, at the Popular Lfttl.p.Store
tion aise and weight, and the beat ball
mnd4 Price. ft.0& : Othiflr qualities at
cnrre-pondrngly low prioes, at Burke’s Book
Five thousand pounds debited Stick
_ — s, two hundred'bushels hue Apples,
Oranges, Coeormuts, Ac~, at low figures,
wholesale and retail by TiiJUD: *, HpDO-
bonACo. .
. I A
i^l wholesale and retail, by
ell kinds of Sewing Machines,
d retail, by
SepL 2S, MT5—tf-tf 8. C. DOBBS, Agent.
alflBIW kiw number mouth*. Mtocellaneoue Books
Now toffiot
figures, at t ' ‘
June *,1*76..
■ >7 i
Notice to Clarke Co. Bond Holders.
I Bond*, Payable in Coin, January let, 1876, will ho
**dtcmt b * N4ti< *A 0*KEE8K, County Treasurer.
Oconee Camay-
_ States, for the Northern District ot Georgia, in the
matter of Milledgo L. Durham, • bankrupt, in bank-
to to give notice, ones a week for three sococaaiTe
weeks, that I have been appointed assignee of the
■state of Milledge L. Durham, In the county of Oconee,
who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own peti
tion, by the United States District Court for said District
jan4.2L GB0. C. THOMAS, Assignee.
B tics, Dec. 2Sd 1876.—Geo. w. Cook ha* applied
for additional homestead of personalty, and I will pass
neon the same, January the tu 187t, at 10 O’clock a. a.
at my office. J. K. LYLE, Ordinary.
pi EORGIA.—Ocean Cocxrr.—Ordinary’s Office.
L’I Dee. 25tb 1875.—J. E. P. McDougri h^a applied
for Exemption of Personality, and I will peas upon the
same January the 6th 1876, at ^ o’riock a^in., at my
► of Margaret P rker, deceased, tote of said county,
make* application for leave to sell the real estate be
longing to the estate of saki deeeeaed. All parsons con
cerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they
can, why each application should not be granted at thi
February term next of the Court of Ordinary of aaid
county. Jan. 1st, 1876.
J. R. LYLE, Ordinary.
G eorgia.—oconee county.—
OxnoramT’s Orrica, Jan. 1st, 1876.—Mary A.
Chadwick h. a applied for exemption of personalty and
valuation, and setting apart a homestead of realty. 1
will pass upon the same January the 12th, 1876, at 12
o’clock it- at my office.
jan4.2t. J. K. LYLE, Ordinary.
Clarice Omnty.
georgia-clarke county.
TT me far letters of administration on the estate of
Robert C. Lumpkin, late of said oounty, deceased.
These ere therefore Write snd admonish all concern
ed to show canoe, (if any they have) at my office on or
before the first Monday In Februtry next, why arid
letters should not ho granted. Given under my hand
at office this, the 8d day of January, 1876.
jan4.30d. ASA V. JACKSON, Ordinary.
G EORGIA.—Ouam Coortt.—Ordinary’s Office
Dee. Slet, 1875.—Patrick W. Jonas baa applied for
exemption of personalty, and I will pass uponAha same
at IS o’clock m., on the 8th day of January 1876 at
my office.
ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.
liam A. Hemphill, Administrator of William Wood,
late of aaid county, deceased, applies for letters ot die-
rata^i(\n from aaid ariwninielfytiftf.
These ere therefore to cite end admonish all con
cerned to show cause (if any they have) at my offioe, on
or before the tint Monday in May next, why aaid fatten
should not be granted. Given under my band at office,
this the 27th day of December, 1875.
jan4.*m. A8AM. JACKSON, Ordinary.
Clarke County Sheriff’s Sale.
W ILL be sold before the Court House
door in the city of Athens, Clarke eonnty, Ga.
on the First Tuesday in tha month of January next
the .ollowing property, to wit: one bona# and lot in the
city of Athens, in aaid oounty, lying on Book Spring
street, on the east ride of said afreet, joining R-Williams
on the south, Patrick Smith on the north, southeast by
B.S.Ware. Said lot containing 2 acres, more or ieaa. All
sold by virtue of a former levy nude by A. Bailey, L.
C., and turned over to me by a justice court fl fa from
Steth District G. M., April term, 1878, end after being
duly advertised claim interposed by Peter Smith, next
friend of A. Johnson’s children. Said claim ut aside
and now re-advertised, this Nov. 29tb, 1875.
nov*0-5L J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff.
Clarke County Sheriff’s Sale.
VV Court Hoau door, in the city of Athene, Clarke
county, on the first Tuesday in January next, within
the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit:
All of that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and
being in the county of Clarke, in the city of Athena, on
Booth, Peter P^ni^^JolmT^Sone^cJJJSrfc^dd
lot containing four acres, all enclosed, with nod cabins.
All levied upon by virtue of a fl. fa. from Clarke
Superior court, November adjourned term, 1875, W. L.
Sterling, vs. J. W T. Moon end John W. Barton, all
to satisfy the above stated fl. fa-, this December the fith
1875. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff.
dcc7.4t . a-
Carpets, F u r s ,/ Blankets,
}- h fj k
Fancy and Millinery
y * *',£?
’ • — A K t> —
Determined to enter into no personal controversy,
however unjust the aspersions of onr competitors, wo
subjoin the verdicts of Fair Committees for the month
of October, 1876:
First Weak nt Athena, Ga. |
The Oconee Fair Association awarded to the
DIPLOMA for the best Display of Sewing Machines.
DIPLOMA for the Best Cabinet Work.
DIPLOMA for the Beet Writing Machines.
Note.—No premium offered for best machine. The
Stager and Wilson received so recoosittos.
Second Week at Griffin, Ga.
The Middle Georgia Fair Asaociation awarded the
REMINGTON, as a special recognition of merit,
DIPLOMA tor improvement in mechanism of Shuttle
Sewing Muchines.
DIPLOMA for speed and lightness of fanning in Shut
tle Sewiug Machines.
DIPLOMA for improvements in Sewing Machine
Stands and Attachments.
DIPLOMA for Cabinet Work for Sewing Machines.
DIPLOMA for Writing Machine.
Not*.—By an oversight the Remington did not enter
for display,* for which a premium was awarded the
Third Week at Macon, Ga.
The committee in behalf of the State Agricultural
Society made the following swards to the Remington:
DIPLOMA for Type-Writer.
DIPLOMA for speed and light running in Shnttle
Sewing Machines.
BRONZE MEDAL for Georgia mode Cabinet work for
Sewing Machines.
BRONZE MEDAL for improvements in Sewing Ma
chine Stands and Attachments.
Bipteu In InjroexKtt h HscEttlra st Skxtttoleviat XwMim.
tSyNoT*.—This tost award was made by the com
mittee alter a close examination and comparison, side
by sice, with Singer, Howe aud other first-class Ma
Frerth West at Srixa, Ala.
The committee appointed by the Fair * aanctotion to
examine Sewing Machines awarded the Remington
DIPLOMA for speed and lightness of running.
DIPLOMA for improvements in Sewing Machine Stands
and attachments-
Not*.—The above award for the bett Machine was
made after a comparison of working parts, side by
side, with the Singer New Family, which was in compe
tition, and rece-ved premium for ditplay only.
This indorsement ehonld convince every body that the
MACHINE now offered to the public; and onrtre-
mcndoualy increasing business proves tue pnblio are
beginning to appreciate this, the beet of ell Family Fa
The REMINGTON fa eo exhibition at our store in
Athena. Call aud tee It
Bio. 3 Boad Street.
N. B. Good Agent wanted in all unoixiipie 1 f sr
ritory. Nov.24—5t.
Clarke County Mortgage Sale.
IT door, in the city of Athens, Clarke county, on
the First Tuesday in Febraary next, within the legal
hours of sale, tue following property, to-wit:
One Dark Bay HORSE, about four years old. Levied
upon by virtue of two mortgage fl. fas. from Clarke
County Court, General Session, November Term, 1875,
Printup Brothers & Pollard vs. J. E. Turner. All sold
to satisfy the above-stated fl. fas.
dei7-8w J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff.
G eorgia—clarke county.-
- -
.lies to me for totters of ad
ministration, with tho wilf annexed, on the estate of
Richard T. Brumby, tote of said county deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned,
to show cause (if any they have) at my office on or before
the first Monday in February next, why said letters
shu Id not be granted. Given nnder my hand at office,
this 11th day o, December 1875.
dcc21-80d. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.
W ILL be sold before the Court House
door in the city of Athens, Clark eonnty, Ga.,
on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal
hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
Tiie nndevided interest of J. E. Turner, the remain
der of two hundred acres of land, more or less, lying
in Clark and Oconee counties and State of Georgia,
known aa the place whereon, Mary Turner now lives
and holds a life interest iu, the arid land lies in Bun-
oomb District 241, G. M., on McNntts Creek adjoining
Jackson, Gordon, David Hodges and others. AU levied
upon by virtue of three attachment fl. fas from a justice
court 241 District G. M. Buncombe, James H. Huggins
vs. J. E. Turner, and David M. McCleskey, vs. J. E.
Turner and Joseph Hodges vs. J. E. Turner all to Sat
isfy the above stated fi. fas. this December the 24th
1875. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff.
We will beg the citizens of Athens and vicinity to give
us a call and examine our stock before purchasing.
novlita HiU i * i *
100 Caao* New Oyrters.
10 Caw* Sardines.
•25 Cases Brandy Fruit*.
10 bbhkFresh Nuts.
5 bb s Fresh Cranberries,
For sale by
Weatherly & Co,
For the Fall & Winter Trade
Having juat returned from New York with a large and
well selected stock of
Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Boots,
Shoes, Wood and Willow Ware,
Hardware, Crockery, Drugs,
dc., dc., dc., dc.
\tL7 ILL be sold before the Court Houso
» v door in the city of Atho » Clark County on
the first Tuesday in February next within the legal
hoars of sale the following property to-wit:
All the right and interest that Thomas W. Can-
holds in and to the house where William A. Carr lived
at the time of his death, uow occupied by Miss. Florence
Carr, within the corporate limits of Athera, Clark
couutv, Ga., near Georgia Railroad Depot, and the en
closed tots adjoining said house contoUhpg fifteen acres,
more or less, the interest of said TbdriM W. Carr in
said property being one fourth c-f the undivided interest
in the remainder to vest after the creation of the life
estate of Mias Florida Carr in arid property, (he house
is a flue, large and commodious one, tho situation eliga-
ble and vary valuable and derirrblc. AU sold by virtue
of a fi. fa. from Clark Superior Court, August Jirm ■
1875. H. H. Carlton & Co. aa Thomas W. Carr, <11 to
satisfy the above stated fl. fa. this December 2TtpTS75.
dec28-5t. J. A. BROWNING, Slpng.
W ILL be sold before the Court House
door in the City of Athens, Clark Countv Ga.,
ou the first Tuesday iu February next 1876, the follow
ing property to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and
being in tho county of Clark, in and near the corporate
limits of the city of Athens on the left hand side of the
road leading to Jefferson, adjoining Lumpkin, Weir
and others, containing 17 acres, more or less, with all
appertenances thereto belonging. All levied on by
virtue of a fi. fa. from Clark Bnperior Court, August
term 1867, J. R. Crane Administrator of Ho« Crane
deceased, vs. Thomas M. Daniel. All to satisfy the
above stated fl. &., Dec. 24th 1875.
dec28-5t. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff.
.TO? ■*- mm/
Fall and Winter
Millinery Goods,
Mbs. T. A. Adams would most respectfully inform the
Ladies of Athene aud of counties adjacent, that abe baa
uow received and opened a most choice and select as
sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, com
prising in pert the latest styles and fashions of
Huts, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces,
Flowers, Gloves, &c.,
Which she will sell at reasonable prices. Givober
call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a dis
tance carefully filled. Store located on Broad afreet,
one door above National Bank.
April 21, 1875—25-tf.
P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of
Hart county, Ga., will be sold before the Court
House door in Hsrtwell, in said county, on the first
Tuesday in Febraary, 1876, within the legal hours of
sale, one undivided half interest in 40 acres of land
on Shoal Creek, in said eonnty, aa the property of B.
C. Walters, deoeased, forthe benefit of heirs and credi
tors. Terms Cash.
jan4-4t. C. A. WEBB, Adm’r.
P UBSU ANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of
jlart County, Ga., will he sold, before the Court
House door in Hartweil, in said eonnty, on the first
Tuesday in February, 1876, within the legal hour* of
sale, one hundred and ten acres of land in said couutv,
joining J. E. Teasly, J. M. Cason and others, on tho
waters of Beaver Dam Creek, aa the property or Barrel
Dickerson, deoeased, for the benefit of heirs and credi
tors. Terms Cash.
jan4-4t. C. A. WEBB, Adm’r.
token is exchange for Goode. Call and tee ns at the
corner of Clayton and Thomas Street*.
Great Bargains in Note Paper.
t N order to reduce oar unusually large stock, new
and beautiful styles of Initial and othsrpaperewill
Sept. 2»—48-tf. —r— ———
Are “COINING MONEY” with the
The French Edition of which eeUs for *165, end the
London Edition for *200. Our Popular Edition (6A0),
containing over One Hundred full*page quarto plates, to
the cheapest and most elegant publication in Ameruw,
and thebeat to aril. Critics vie with each other in
praising it, i.nd the masses buy tt.
Agent in Charleston. 8. C., reports 67 orders; one in
Ninety-Six, 8. C., 106; one in Va^ 247; another in
Memphis, 200 orders, token in three weeks.
Full particulars free. Address.
J. B. FORD & CO., Publishers,
NovSdtfw. 27 Park Place, New York.
■Attention Farmers!
V The Bedford Burnett place upon which E. P.
Gordon now resides, adjrimng lands ofJ. A. Browning
-agn IWotol. containing one an J fifty-two
,^SJ?TtoU,«n* bundr 1 in . high -tate of eulti-
vation, (7 or 8 acres each sown in wheat and o«U)
fiafanee In phwe and original fcnjfii the latter oak and
hfokee* keavOy «hnhe«»d. On t. ptoee is some very
fine fresh Und, all lies well, good fences, dwelling house
and Htobao, good naw ettSlessnd cnb, ne w cotton I
Ijgg— a <i« wall of water and two or three good
anafaee. Dwelling hones has throe rooms, to anttn-i
Stodframed howe. Land produces weta will make I
rmto suffictowt kewq tie fatm and 15 or 60 bafaro I
F—i Estata Aganta, Athena Georgia. declfetf J
.Neafry printed and for sals a* this offies.
Pfcttrrnrftor CkriliHk
Instructive, Amusing and Entertaining.
“I stopped at the Book Store, and the Trousseau I
fcarlSIisMMihoiw tome new ilothe I thought.
See are the patterns, ta colors sebright-
I have tried every one, and find them *4 right.”
Each package contain* *1) the patterns necessary for
BURKE’S Book Stare.
June 2,1875. . «'«
JacxaowSrenr. Alarm, G
THE old reliable Almanac for 1876. wffl be rtadv to
a faw days, and will be turnlshad to any customers by
th *^ 0 * ,or fi3THKiow«iRi* , m^ J
Ordem respectfully solicited.
3 legf.gUy 14X p e; | f ^ciT-A.WKKK. '
A lOOGril
) Gallon StlU, with Cap sn - Worn/ vmpjete.
*r to Saameyp Hutcheson A Bril, or John H.
rpHE New Store Room on Clayton
i « XtfSffZ Wir SftyS?* L5th
of September, and are »»
BrausT, Httonaan A Bmll,
| Dew pres Bock.
H AVING established •C? 1 wtSffEm?
with my Warehouae, with aatoritof FOUR HUN
DRED TONS, I am now prepared to offer the follow
ing Coals to the ettiaens «fA“«ea, at very faw prices:
“CAHABA,” . .
makes no ctodere, soot or duet.
Of Alabama. Anew Cori,*Ddtb* purest that
from the Coal Field* of Afahamaor Temmr-
Bart County.
All persons .concerned are'hereby notified to show
cause, if any they have, why such application should
not be granted, at February term, 1676, et said court.
jan4-4t. JOHN/ "
' A. MAGABITY, Adm’t
Q EORGIA—HART COUNTY .j-Onuraar’a Omox,
Dee. 20th, 1875.—Joseph Crawford has applied
for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the
tamest 2 o’clock r. on the 5th day of January, 1876,
at my office. F. C- STEPHENSON, Ordinary.
Notice S
J nary of Hart oounty application for leave to sell tha
real estate of B. C. Walton, deceased, late of said
eonnty. Ail persons concerned are hereby notified to
show cause, if any they have, why such application
should not be granted at the January term next of tha
Court of Ordinan of arid county, Dee. Sd 1875.
dec7.80d CX A. WEBB, Adm’r.
Madison County.
v T Court House door totHe town of Daniels villa,
within the legal hours of aria, on the first Tuesday in
Febraary next, the following property, to sritr.
Sixty-one acres ol land, more or lees, on the water* of
South Broad River, adjoining lands or W. A Bniouk
estate of W. J. Had, deoeased, and others, tolerably well
improved. Levied on as the property of George W.
Borden, to aatiaftafl fa. issued from the Juatloe’s Court
of the 204th district, G. M., in favor of Thomas W.
Mabry, vs. G.W. Barden. Property printed out by de
fendant. Levy made and returned to me by Thomas
Whitworth, L.C., Dec. 27th, 1876.
janfeSt T. F. BAKER, Sheriff.
OJI*£ of the LARGEST
Fancy Groceries and Confeetioiiarioe,
Casxzn Goons or Evict Kero a»D Dtecmmofr,
Ever before efferad to ths ritlxeni of Athens and sur
rounding country, at prises that defy competition, at
who , “ a .“ dS CTAwa,i
Great Redaction in Prices
U»or tiie next thirty dnys. Brackets, WaU
F . Peeketo, and all kindief dnuuaantol Woodwork, _
wm be retort Toy Money
GREATLY REDUCED PKICE8. rpEN Dollars’ worth of Toy Green Banks for Ten
Now to the thus to make jeer houses beautifal at low | J The very thin| "
June *1875. 61*«