The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, January 11, 1876, Image 3

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C|c ^%its forgian. p. A. STOVALL, . . Local Editor. ATHENE (GA. TUESDAY MOUSING,, 1870. S\ More Mention. Talk of a leap year party is rife. Tiio rairin ' Oconee has subsided. ^ ,1. \V. at Lesters Hull, Friday night. Old winter again comes out, “right side U ^()i:r devil Has finished the President’s y, w frame houses dot the landscape over (he river. j)r. Lipscomb returns to Vanderbilt, on the 20th. Katie Putnam, a charming little actress, will he here Jan. 26th. A new pavement in front of Tulmadge, Hodgson & Co's, store. Fruit trees around and about were said to l>c in bloom last week. Mr. Thomas’ flourishing school will open 17th, in Watkinsville. A Mngnlflrent Sermon b; Dr. A. X. Lipscomb. , Dr. Lipscomb preached last Sunday morning in the Baptist Church of this city, one of the most magnificent sermons we have ever listened to. Basing his discourse upon the 24th verse of the 27th chapter of Alatth -w, he splendidly portray-d theuhar- acter of I'o (tins Pilate. -Begiiiiiing from the time when Jesus was silen ly praying in the grove, where the “raoonligh shook its silver from the olive and the,” he ac companied the lowly Naxarciie to Pilut<\ thence' to Ilt-rod and finally back again tA til t former ruler, w ere Pilate, clad in his royal purple, ooni.-s orth in.all his Koman .•ndor and splendor and judicial diguttv. His soldiers drawn up in twnrU:tl.arrityrt^gy^^gfjinto|r .<> » A Miss Kellogg is wt length going to enter the holy bonds. Her future name will be SmUh. ■ - j . is 'R. M. He brook, editor and proprietor of the New Orleans Picayune. die<i at Bladen Springs, Ala., Friday morning fast BalxMck can say with the A pi wile; "t^one of tlieae things move me.” lie is still Private Secretary to the President at the United rffntM J * ' * * J 1 * /Willi. Hart County. ble steps'W’licro stands ty his simplicity and humility li.doie the lit* mull nous multitude lushed a ail tna* d by pasriuii like the 44 surging billows upon the midnight Baltic.” Here, Pilate, after en deavoring to extricate himself from this' States. An enterprising .American in Paris is said to he trying to engage Halvinij Rossi. Ristori and Janau-chek to perform together in this coun’rv during the cent-ania!. Jack-on, Miss.. January 6.—Colonel L < our wa-unanimously nominated hy the O iio rsti.- caucus for the United _ Senate, the other caudidnes withdrawing in his favor. k ■. ■ • 'in Mrs. Augusta Evans Wilson has made . _ _ w ailay st hums. -Ageot* wanted. Oattt sad term TIIE ATHENS MARKETS. tkub .% c.. Im their locality. Particular* Free. Augusta, Me. Ketnale Cuett Noth tag P. O. .YltKfc- most perplexing dilemma, has mg. the corn--' 8100,000 by novel-writing in the past eight age and the nunliiiiws to £icu the infuriated years, anjl; she say* that “IgfHiobQ " ' tin A new drain is being opened at the junc ture of Clayton Street and College Avenue. Tne Missionary Meeting at the Methodist Church was largely attended Sunday night. We had the pleasure of meeting, last week, Mr. W. L. Holland, of Watkinsville Teamsters have decided not to drive fluster than ten miles per hour up Bridge street. The Union Prayer meetings though quiet, are still developing a deep undercurrent of feeling. Mr. DeMore’s horse ran away last Satur day, fell down and had to be cut out of harness. A committee actuated by n communication in the Georgian, examined the lower bridge Saturday. The colored folks from the country seem to lie in excellent humor. Hard times do not affect them. One of Mr. James Grineth’s sons, Stinney hv name, had his arm horribly mangled last week, in a gin. T. A. Sofge Esq., of Augusta has taken charge of the musical department of the l.uev Cobh Institute. Maj. Sidney Mr ini interluded our labois last Saturday by a mo-1 delightful visit. l>r. T. A. S ilo, an able and experienced d-iitist, can be found at Dr. MurreU’a old stand. Dive him a call. Mr. ( has. D. Hill, a son of Hon. B. EL Hill, was elected City Attorney of Athens, J.-.-r Wednesday afternoon. mob and see that an innocent inan is re leased from their dutches. This, indeed, was the crisis, and had Pilate, fresh in his official career and in li e, been placed in this position, his action would have been vastly different But hb manliness pnd courage were warped and weakened long ago; in other crises he had been found wanting, and in this, the culminating era of his life, signally failed. Like Lady Macbeth, with a little water he washes the Id -od from hi* hands, which has forever stained las character an 1 soul; and in his final degra dation and stlioid -, the av nging Nemesis is triumphant. The similar into of Christ’s jM-rseetttorswasdvve t u;>on, amlth -succeed ing catastrophes to th Jews proved conclu sively that He tv<i* the Son of God Pilate and t' c enemies of Christ then and now, have not only to stand lie fore the bar of God, but are arraigned likewise Wore t!ie bar of tln-ir hearts. You may deny the birth, life and death of Christ, yea; may deny his crucifies ion and rcsurrecti m, but deny voir own hearts! Never, never. The disco use was most attentively list ened to. an 1 made an impression upon it hearers never to be forgotten. | Com mu ii.sited.] Mr. Editor: It will be remembered that our last Grand Jury recommended the consolidation in our county of the offices of Tax Collector and Receiver, and that our .’epresent.itivc in the Legislature be re- quested to lake'such steps at the next ses sion of the General Assembly as will bring Herbert of the -Savannah ; about this result. Now, while we are not opposed to this »ve, still, in justice to the peopleqf Clarke count y, we think there should be a fuller expression of opinion on tjiepart of our tax payers, os there are strong arguments on both sides of this question. This might be done by. petition, which. being furnished oqr Representative, would lu-ibre an oxcit -d populace. Watkinsville speaks of putting forth the wet or dry” issue in the election of her roMimissinnera. A good idea. We learn that, a gentleman in town who killed several hogs Hist week had nearly all hi- meat spoiled hy hot weather. Prof. W. II. Waddell, has consented to deliver the address before the Clarke conn tv Historical Society,next April. We suggest that the committee of practi engineers and architects he now appointed to examine our public buildings. notfcl cPadiev. j/£J|f: Ijas . husband, and live* near Mobile, J. M. Stone has been elected President S o tem. of the. Mississippi State : Senate. is Section is considered important, "as the indications are that Ames and EhtVb. the Governor and Lieutenant Governor,•■will be ittpsached. '-t » t ** > > > Dr. C. C. Pritchanl, of Augusta, was brutally as-ailed by a negro who rang his door-liell, 2 o’clock Saturday morning. The Dr. ( going, to the door, was a 'ptsifi-ssiunpl call, received two very painful ciua on hia head. The ap|H*aratice ofhisneiee saved The negro has not been caught. i - ib • 1 .-iviii) We laid,lae pleasure of meeting yesterday Col. Geo. MeCiesky, of Savannah. He just returned to the S’ate from a trip to the West While away out in Missouri became near being arrested for Boss Tweed, whom the natives thought he resembled very much, lie was closely watched in more than one town, and was even followed from Mexico, Mis onri, hr a man who felt pretty confident that he had the $10,000 reward in his grasp—Chronicle and Sentinel. . • Even liar per'a Weekly is constrained to say of the crowning outrage perpetrated in South Carolina: “It is ip vain for some Republicans to declaim .about negro out rages in Missis-ippi, if other Republicans tna c Moses and Wliipper Judges in South Carolin without a Republican proles'. Hie voice of -he Republic n nr'ta ■' be on iit- t .y -li a’ I unite in such t '• 1 s ni'en i- ! d umati >:i of t is act ot>1ho Legislature of South Caro in a, that that body aid its abettors in such acta may know h l> rty abhors pd repudiates its weda.-t II re is an * outrage’ which the simplest 11KD BEAD! 75*1 25 Butter SO* 35 UBOi'EHIES. Sugar. crushed-.- It* 1* •• A lists 11* 15 10* 16 Tts ts* as 44 Demarare.. Coffee.Kio ...—. Lauuayra.- Cintttf4‘W«lly fmkaiD I>W, —:0:— COTTOX.—Steady. From 10 hi 11% FACTORY OOOHS. tlactnd. So. l.kit* ...a- u '—, i ■.—,—, ,. . , - HHE=Y?B 54 sheeting It * l* Chewing tobacco... 75*1 ' v tile PUOVISION . suoAtS Si . su ' ; • 5a^t]uaaw^£feiib*ai. & z_“» u * T »5iahutmo‘£ I## “ , 814*^. .. 14* is o*». Corn -whUl'ey 25* 6*1 French bntmly... 4 00* I w Hatted (M»_ 6 00* 600 American Ote... Stefa* BoorUm whiter* 00* 4 00 Wine* .6 00*10 00 HARDWARE. Cuting* 014*1 Nails, pr keg 4 5* Cotton Card* 78*1 6* Hon* Shoes. ._ Mgalo •• •• Natl*. 20*65 leather. Hemlock eor sex !n*y fiTcuiot,. o ion* and aftslloD of any pereon then rliooev in- OEKtS, THE GREATEST CHANCE OF THE jiaatf?? ■allow Chcm, ftute-... Knfliih Dairy..., Onions, per bu... Starch Tallow- . 4U» 50 20a 15s SO “Z*UZ^JX..‘Z Sul* Laather...: as* to Ufr. Leather 40*75 liar*. •• 40*60 Calfskins— 44 00*100 00 tCipSklns 60 te 76 00 llry Hides. 12*15 lirrea Hida* .4*6 26* SO , BAUU1NU, TIES, HOPE, t 00*1 20 | Bagging pr yd 14*16 te5^ n to | Tim . te 10 | Hope, cotton.* • 25»:t0 price*. Special rate* towholesalo Tin; COTTOX a AUK FT. ’ AfifEwB, ok.4 Jan. 11; 1876. Receipts Siiipmeuts . ... Sales In Spinners Market middling Rain Fall Highest Temperature Lowest .ysJj.k.t. 319 :. *366 v. 7 11 3-4 67-100 68 37 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. .. ... . , . .. enable him to proceed advisedly and in .-n> (.mley, the lYoubadour, ’ now ndgWtta^Sfcnea with At.rift lnuftane 'I n,m bell and uaunts his eninson haulier il t»iv |ivimuii uu iiuiiisut Tax-Payer. “The Lawyer's Ode to Spring.” men verse: A speci- “The aon^a of the taM birds row Th • memory of oar youthfii! hours. As young and green >ta the aaid bought, A* fresh and fair ** the* Held flowers.” Four Chromos Free!—In nnler to in troduce our large, eight-page. Illustrated Literary and- Family Paper, The Souvenir, we will send it, on trial, six mouth* fir only 60 cts., and to each suhseri!>er w? will mail, post paid, four elegant Oil Chromos. “Ljt- liev. W, P Kramer, of he church or ! tie Rjd Ridifig Hull.” “Tne Cnib^ra^’* A:,menu-lit of Augusta, delivered a very Swing,*’ “Peek ii Boo" and ‘ Mither’s Joy.” fine sermon at Emmanuel church last Sun- These pictures are not common prints, but New York—Noon—Cotton, sales 474; middling uplands 13 5-16; middling Or leans 13j; market dull Liverpool— ><•• m- Cotton, sales 8,000; " cn '*1 tor sju-«* 1'Hi an • <;X|Kirt 1000: middling upl in ls 5 15 10; .Middling Orleans 7 3-16; I market dull and i-a-ier. " Augusta Cnttoii. receipt- 087? sales 512; iniddliags 121,; Market firm; demand un ierslan l, and which strikes at the mot (-’'esl for the liettei yiadi-. d.iv. Mr. 11. L. Moss has just received a new Hal), enmhinat on-lock safe. Besides being very massive and substantia], it is a beautiful w nk of art. A young tornado made its appearance iu our city about 12 o’clock Sur.d i.v night, taring branches of trees and fence palings :' imirk its path. Ladies Centennial Tea Party at Newton ll iu-e, 21st inst. Benefit of Good Tem- p'.ars—good rause. Lot all our jieople oiKMiirage the same. We nro sorry to learn, that Mr. Wm. fidrley is “off” the pollee force. Mr. Shirlt-v lias been a inemlier of this Isidy for u arlv twenty years. Judge Gi-o. C. Thomas fills the bill in style at Watkinsville. He makes .things stand around, and his legal machine is run ning smoothly enough Mr. Win. Long is building a neat and Mib-tantial cottage on his place two miles from Athens. Hill has just l«»*t his gin house, but he is'nl easily discouraged. A man in Morgan county has been found 1 mean that, for fear nobody will bury him when lie dies, he israisingtwo buzzards 11» (.eifortn that pleasant little office gratis. An exchange says that, trying to do busi- genuine oil chromos in sixteen colors, that are equal in appearance to fine oil paintings. Just think ot it—four fine chromosand an excellent literary |«|K-r six months for 60 cts. Try it. Make up a club of five subs seriiiers, and we will send you an extra copy for six months and four extra chromos. No danger of losing your money. Wd tb- fer to the Post Master, Bristol, as to our re sponsibility. Cish required In advance. No samples free. Agents wanted to take sob-, script ions ami sell bur fine pictures. 'From $3 to 810 a day easily made. Address, * W. M. Burrow, Bristol, Tenn., dee28-4t. 200 Main St. When I took tnv Jeftve h*t ni jht, Nelli©—'he coaM tin no more— Tv>f>lv :» caml e-li/ht, JuVt to Ahovr me to the door. of civil Hociety. The planters of Burke county, recently met at Waynesboro’ and resolved that, of the three classes-of labor, the wages system was the best; that theshare system will do it pro|>erly supervised, and that the tenant system should be abandoned. They also resolved that farm labor in a cotton country is necessarily of twelve months’ service, and should be so eugaged. The giving ot Satur day as a rest day was pronounced mischiev ous and demoralizing, and so was the prac tice of certain merchants in purchasjtjgb*4d- cotton. Tiiey then pleilged themselves not to pjiint over fifteen acre* of cotton to the plow.* nr pay more than sixty dollars a year to a fiel l-hand. l>KATirrt*i an EiTixiAM.t You8 • -Man — Oii Saturday night last, . he ever-geriial J • n Nitnmo expired at the r sidence of h s sister, on Norths street, after n pEiuful and lingering illness, from that dread sco! rgC, conauniptksfi. The deceased’was forty- ight year* of age, and Rs gallant a spirit as ever breathe<L D the war he was a First Lientenaut of the Richmond Howitzers, and served as a brave officer with that command daring the long four years’ struggle. He was born in Elizabeth ISty, N. O.. and since the war was con nected with tho large dry goods hou-e of Coeharane it McLane, in New York. Of an ever am'aide and plensaut disposition, he made uaitv friend^ ami a large circle of acquaintances, unite their sympathies with the sorrowing relatives. “ life’s fiifitl fever over, he sleeps well.”—Portsmouth Enter prise. #5™ 10 ,nd -- .. - - . Agtuteiwaa**Ui i Addren Hunon Soppljf Co., Marion, Oaiu. jaaRB i '■ rSoiieei , E FILED WITH TH^ ORDI- SiHUitv. All parouea oouoanwd are teeby uotiAad to *iio» wm, if any they have, v y each appUeatiati aiioaKl not Ke (hinted at tba Jannarr tenn een of the Cantl of Ordinary of *uid ouuutT, Dae. 2d 1S7&. i> »* ; J (lA.WEllB. Ad|n’r» c ITrT SH'ERIFFS SALK ' •rhi- BE sold ON THE FIRST Tua-daj in iVbroary next, within, th* .late honre of »a!e, hefore tho Chart Uuu-e door in the town of H -nwell. Hut County, 6*., a trael of land y'no and MteS h •*“* pounty, ooatiiinmg ture* Imnd o* had «ix- <*p lean, UU'ln acr©, mow or leakr, ndjoumig Uu, a of L. At ton I, J. B. A.forJ, H. Tyler and vtlim, bettirkuown* naidout pt.eoof the late F. G. StowiT*; aim taryiSw ,»ix aeree, more or leaa, adjoining, huida of J, B AToKt, K. H ;uk* i.nd S. V. Uilifurtl. All levied oh and eoid as the property of F. O. Slower* eutL-fy • " ‘ ' * ‘ Superior Court of eeid-eomny iam*6Te to Jbrclt tenn, 1875, In taxor of A. J. Conn.-ll, M illy te Connell and Wm &L MoMutUu vn-U. A. Webb, AJm’r. of F. G. Stowers, also to aatisfV vurions other it. (ha, in my h nd» va. aaid F. Q. StowVre. All > the ? , 4Z> VERTISINO IN I ci J -A a. Religious and* Agricultural WEEK it IE S, in .> H al f-Pri ee* SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE, ON THE LIS1 PLAN. ; For iufonnation, address Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 Park Row, jan4.K , - NEW YORK, -i i l. ADVERTISING IN M’ Canadian Newspapers $1 For 2Sets. Send for our Catalogue. , ON. THE LIST PLAN. Por information, address Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 4! Pa;k Rcw jftrM.R , NEW YOKK.1 - ’’ Memphis—Cotton, receipts 1 411; ship ments 1835; sales 2600; mindJngs 12j; market quiet. Galveston—Cotton, net receipt* 3836; gross 3S65; exjHirts 2032; to Great Britain 2401; to the Ouamel 1933; sales 650; middlings 12g; mai kei dull. Savannah—Cotton! net receipts 1989; gross 2003; exports to Great'Britain 3182; sales 1557 ; middlings 12>; market quiet. Charleston—Cotton, net receipts 1851; ,ex|«irts to the continent 2000; .sales 1200; 'middlings 13; market firmer. New Orleans—Cotton, ties receipts 3597; gross 4556. exports to Gnat Britain 2333; to the cun'ii-eut 1093; sales 10,000; leiildliug 12J; low middling 11^; good or> iliimry lOj; demand good. Morilf— Cotton, net receipts 3856; gross 3804; exports coastwise 584; sabs 2000; middlings 12j; market quiet. > 1 If you want Powers & Wnightman's Chemicals, tho (* to Losoo .t lRu-cr*. “ Sept. 15—46-tf. Tw:. Gi ann CasntAi. IIotxl—The Souttiern head quarters in New York—i» capable of entertaining fifteen hnndnsi gueata. / j , i 48 3000 lb-., Sti ict'o Dura Lead, just received by Loaor A Bitun. BepClt—46-tf. How it w*4 I cannot tell, a When I felt her !ia id in mine, Somelliiin- aaid, “Why not s» well Press her pretty lip- to thl e ?” Then I clasped one hand quite ti-.-ht— T'other held the light, 'ou kuow,— So t iqt'Nettle, helpless quite. Folt a e' couldn't any tell “No.” Eut she r*vo a little aeream, T i did ne’er the bliss deny: And o brief the happy dream— In went »he, and oat went 1. . . — | From -*Li>em«nofSi«*jR(2t, Take Particular Notice.- I have which in'"-without advertising, is like winking at i large amount,of money due me, which I hang it all,’haven’t they got To carl the a pretty oj r i ; n v jie dark f you may know ne ed. Thedfools were sold on tiirty Uayk Rwamp to Atlanta in order that it may be " hat you are doing, but noboT else does. fiie 5 oung Lady’s Reading Club is rapid ly increasing in importance. The lecture Wore this society, by Dr. Tucker, last '\ I'dtiesday night, was high y enjoyed by all present. Improvement is the order of the day, at iW Lower Bridge. On one side a neat and substantial littlo causeway has been put trp, while a confectionery shop is being put u l* ° !1 the other. Just now Athens is enlivened hy the pres- I'me of two bciles, respectively from \Vttsh- Wilke’s and Greensboro, Ga., while a ‘bird front Atlanta to-day, will complete I us charming trio from our sister towns. riu- farmers of Clnrke county will meet at town Hall, 12 o’clock 18th inst., for pur- jH>-e of electing delegate* to Sjinng Couvin- ion oj Georgia State Agricultural S.K5iety, lime. Many of the accounts have lieen al ready due for six and twelve months. From and after this date I cannot sell except for cash, to those who have not paid me up promptly, and I think that tb-y will not ask it. I would sell on long time if I were able, but I am not and cannot. “A word to the wise is sufficient.’’ Those indebted to qie on last yearfs • account are requested to 'settle their acerunts without delay, a* all accounts not settled in some way b> the first ot Feb- uary, will oe placed in the hands of a lawyer for collection. T. A. Burke, Bookseller and Stationer. Ilxrris-isms' Yd- is said to be leap-vear, which ought to he very comforting to frogs and circus men. V An Atlanta man whti had his heal VoT face iiadly: scalded by a premature skyrocket, is endeavoring to fix the crime on his mother in-law. Some Bay street m rchants are so busy that they can’t go home to dinner, and yet they manage to capture enough time to piay several games of French bagatelle for beer. t . The Avgusta Constitutim-dist wants to know whv the. Cbudifufioa’s Okefenokee ex- liedition has not mode its reports J hang it all,*- haven’t they got To carl tSf'Tlu-' undersign'd have on hand a clioico lot ol Timothy list,'whlCh (tiev will sell cheap for cash. / . t GANN & REAVES. *\f you want Fnmiture, call on GilieUnd, Wood ft Co., wl.o maufacture and deal iu all kinds of Furniture •:id Coffins, mid sell as cheap as any house in this city. March S4, 1875—21-Iy. NOTICE*—<5( mntrr mercltants and Ptiysiclaus, wa are now pri psrcd to sell yoa ill articles pertuining to the drug ns cheap aa you can yet them in Georgia, freight ad. led.fcoNos * Bannia- Sept. 15—46-tf.. Gilleland, Wood ft Co. have added th* Coffin buaiuesa to their Furniture Manufactory, and always keep on hand a large stock of Wood and Met*Uc Burial Cases. They sell as cheap m any house in the State, and furnish, without extra ehargeto their p .trons, their splendid now llenme lor funeral occasions. M rch 24—sl-ly photographed and analyze<l. ! M The city editor of the 'Aujim Rhbstitti- tionnlut, in n vein of sarcasm, asks us what we meau by 2q*ntvt<y’’ whbky^ -^Tjftt > 9 11‘» l>e held at Brunswick on the 8th ot Feb- ruary. J K Lew hero will he found a proclamation roni David Emanuel, acting Governor of w -date in 1801, organizing the Senatus K?r CUi 01 U,,iv ersity of Ga. This was • j" ‘ r,,,n ihe okl Georgia Gazette publish n ^wnnah at that time! I n > *J na » Oconee county, tnnts np cn-"' h *'' s ^i ||e croj) of cotton and i * ’k be shipped nine young mules from - ““'a, broke them, hauled his fertilizers L,, i0n } * loi » the Athens depot, 13 miles, It.,, j 1 l "‘ e,l| l «f the year didn’t owe his I 1 * 11 '!* “ dollar. We , re pl ased to welcome into our la,t '^turday Mr. J. O. Mathew- alU'Hlqto a \f a* \f !n A nAatt low Good Templars.—The regular meeting of Evans Lodge, 76. will be held in their Hall, on Friday evening next, the 15th inst.. at 7 o’clock. A full attendance is earnestly requested. Lucas & Ware—To Customers : Our terms have been liberal, and wo must now call on all who owe us to pay prompt ly all past indebtedness. Jail 4—4t. x ,„n ; Mr. M. is Agent for that rim, ?u,nothe “Soluble Pacific.” the ur ' r mme " , » of which will he found in ■ e „ r ' u, “ ns >lii.s morning. This gentleman Tl f 18 * n oxcc ** ent company. Cobb Institute Messenger, we it »i’u j”’ ‘knrtly make its appear'nee. Flinlia,, p e,ll,e ' 1 oy the young lnilies of the it ilm .- terar y Society, set up and printed |h-* J ,u, e. all the work being done by Sweetness.—We were shown ye*terdav a stalk of Chinese Sugar Cane which measured 16J feet. This was raised on the farm of our enterprising farmer, Mr. Gledhitl. But the main point is that this cane was cultivated hy his wife, and if nothing uiiforseea takes place, she will realiz- some 5 or 6 barrels of syrup from one acre, which will be quite a handsome divalend on the production rtf one acre. The average is about 5 stalks to the hill. Who can bent this 1—Chatta>uoga limes, Sep. 21 si, 1875. “Leah Monlrai,’’ a story of Southern life, hy Mrs. Belle Kendrick- Abbott. Thischarnt' ing Southern production is iipon our-Tahle For sale by T. A. Burae. Price 81-50 riy- uttf- 1 "’ tl "*y succeml in their enter- our’n-i- J "’ l, y "* n the title of “Trained “ Pip,*,, v I ,j, ( Please X. Fin Gihhha^g K ^ uarte - u * 11 ^vrdle race fit ■2 u "“ a y ftflcncon: I falter cam leri0S! calf Cavorting canine. Ilxildin^f.*!.!!”? (®) Courageous child |CoV c, ‘L»Hii ch ' n? C * n, 7 le 4 At In t e? pfr .° n ? e ^ViQountgeous qbild. ‘•trad. n^ u , nt . l J>e calf was vvo lengths irivtiwfout A Brooklyn man s it down on the ■ shadow ante d to give a PATcnsronK. —The New York Wotiif s placarding tliu Lower Bridge. An amiable *poase was uw kened^a taw nights ago in a very rude manner, by bet venerable hn b>nd; wh v with^ Wows, died out: “John, I a-h g'tiqgju kill you for that,” He was dreaming ot a slight “unpleasant' ness” between himself and a neighbor. _ The unfortunate husband is now “tied up” m the garret, and his wife’s nose bandaged witlt bandana. J. P. HtunMetnn, of Georgia,-'was elected ch-fk-oi the Com mittee^of^W^vw attd Metu N* Excrox rox Biiko Sick.—No person cau u»« R.selirc’s U nui Syrup arituout getting iininediat* relief anii cue-. We have the fim case of Coogba, Col l* or Con - limp*.ion, or any disoaa* of the Throat and Long*, yet to from tluit lias not been cored, We 'mTedbtribate-l every year, for tint* yean, over 250,- • ■09 Sample Bottle# by Druggiata in *11 pint* of AIM United States. No other UunnCacturer or Medicine* ever gave i heir nre i amlions such a teat a* this. Go lo vour Druggist* R. T. Brnnihy - ft Co^ and get a bottle ■for 75 I*nu ana try it—imxidote will reliev# yon. Sample Bottles 10 centf each. den. gitnl. Tyhdair might as”well have Farradav what he meant hy electricity. This sort of badness won’t go round, tdla-sprak. A citizen of Macon, who kept up his New Year's call until after dark, says that a dog on the front stoop is n very poor substitute for a door-mat. lie doesn’t remember whether he sat down on the substitute or not, but his asntaliMiis seem to be. somewhat worn be* l,in,i ’ ‘ t'tt» mill! -‘li. * The local editor of the .Augusta Constitu tionalist aonouuces with some . degree of bitterness that he is not otijy able hut wilL ilia to defend his jokes. ”Tb** shows the right sort of spirit. A man who won’t stand hy a pet joke ought tn be taken out and tickled with a currycomb.—Sav. Neat. A friend of Senator S n wood approached him the other day, and said:: i'Oalouel, 1 would like very much to have some soft po sition in Washington.” “The softest place I know of,” said the Senator, “is on the ro-d of i lie ex Attoruev-HwteraTs head. Would ymi like the placer Toe firieod didn’t think he would. ' Fools ft Ilcirr, Mi , Baltimobx —In another IcniNUT*, part oi out puper will b* aouua tjie bu*iue*ac*rtl ofthla _cll known iionne, who** umnufacturea are in no* from Maine to Mexico and Sooth America, and every when regarded a* firM-clau in tl.eir design, material am yr-rkmansliip. Wi ll CwiliUe* for manufacturing ami shipping largely increased slid improved from year to \ car, tin y are prepared to fill all orders promptly and will guarantee their pal top* tUorouglUy reliable work. Those in need ‘ f anything iu -heir liue would do well to apply for th ar eireolar and prices. dvc7, tjr— * u ‘lr xo found at lalt!—Sossraixo New Undue tub Sub.—A new era is dawning upon the life of womaiL liiUierto • e ha* been called upon to suffer the ill* of mankind and her own beanie*. The frequent and di*- All parties in drilled to Momts Hunter A Beusse either by uota or aoeoust will please come forward at once and make a settlement, or same will be placed in the bands of an attorney for collection. ■ janll-2t. Removal.—T. A. Sale, Deotist, has re- inuved to the offiae lately occupied by Dr. J. W. Murrell, on Jackson street, janll-tf. Bread is the Staff of Life.—Call and exataine the stock- of flnnr in store (best thing on the market) at Talma doe, Hodg son & l b’s, pTlSawETl A large and well assorted stock of fai Talmadoe. HodqsonA Cow. jitnU-jlt .., V joa wish to. pom Vegetable* for oal» Gardening for Profit! If job teh to bacoae s Commercial Florlat, Practical Floriculture! If JOB Wlab to Go>dea for Anmaestetor for Horn* U»* only, read .,jj Gardening for Pleasure! Peter Henderson. ^ Price |1^0 each, post-paid, by mail. Our Combined Catalogue for 1870, of EVERYTHING IteTBl GARDEN! Sent Free to all Applicants. Our Urc* mortratfd Catalogncrt of Setdi Plants, numbering 175 pagr«, and con- Ulains 2 colored Plate*, rent withont charge to pnrcluaerrt of any of th« shore thn-« book*. Scat to all othcion receipt of 50 85 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK. •old subject to tie w.ddw*a dowor. ' iUrtwctl, Jun, 3d, GEORGIA.—HART COUNTY. Notice. / ft Lb PEB80KB H AVISO PI IV SAMUEL FREEMAN, | ty, daietucd, same to me for no, .... . . t and those ifidebtad to said to ii s*Ee immoni j- 11-aw Clarke County SfiertlTs Sale. W ILL be sold before thc'Cbtirt House door in tba city of Athens, Clarkscoanty, Ga. on the Firat Tuesday in tba I the .ollowing property, to wit; i city of Athens, ill ukl co •tract, on the east ekleof si on the south; Patrick Smith oh t R. S. War. . Said lot containbig Sacres, l sold by virtue of s fortaer levy made I C., and turned over, to mo by ainftice < SIStli District G. Mi Ahril torm, 1ST*. 1 . ouly advertised claim ttiterpoaed by Fetei Smith, ■ friend of A. Jolinaon’6 children. . Said claim act aside end now rc-advertired, this NOT.Jmh.1875. ju -■ nov30-5t. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. Clarke County Sheriff's S&le. HEREAS, M. M. JOHNSON, ADMIN1STRA tor of tiara!i C. Hilliard, deceased, applies to inc said administration. for letters of dismission from Tore* are therefore to cite and admonish all couoerned to show cause (it any thay have) at my office, on .ot; before the firat Monday in April next, why said letter* should ui.t be granted. It Given under my hand at office this 31st day of Dec., 1875. J*nll.4t. FBED C. STEI'HENSC N, Ordinary. conuty, , T . rw , ... — ... the legid hour* of sale, the following property tor wit: All ot that tractor parcel of land altnaMd, lying and being in the comity of Clarke, in tba qtts of Athens, on the north aide of the road leading to Clarksville, near two miles from Athens > Chapel, adjoining Robert Booth, Peter PUiuixy, John Johnson and others. Said lot conta uing four acres, all enclosed, with good cabin*. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordlwry ot Hart eonnty. G* n will be sold before the Court Uuose door in Hartwell, in said county, ou the first Tuesday in February. 1876, within th* legal hours of aucruay >44 svuiuw^. SOI U, WIlUlll kll« IC^at uuuiv Vi sale, one undivided half interest in 40 acres of land on Shoal Creek, in aaid oonnty, a* the property of B. C. Waltera, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and credi tors. Terms Cash. jau4-4t. C. A. WEBB, Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Conr of Ordinary ot llart County, Ga., will be sold, before the Court Uouse door in Hartwell, in said comity, on the first Tuesday in February, 1876, within t ie legal hours of sale, one hundred and ten seres of land in said county, joining J. E. Teaslv, J. M. Cason and others, on the waters of Beaver Dam Creek, as the property of Burrel Dickerson, deceased, for the benefit of bein' and credi tors. Terms Cash. • > j*u4-4t. C. A. WEBB, Adm’r. V OT1CE.—1 have 31ed with the Court of Ordinary of ” Hart County, G.t., application for leave to aell the real estate of D. P. B-dleuger, deceased, of said county. AH persona concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any tiiey have, why auch application should not be granted, at February tenn, 1876, oi said court. jan4-4t. JOHN A. MAGARITY, Adm’r. f * EoRGIA—If ll.’TCOUNTY.—('ADixxxx'a')rrioB. • Dec. Soil.. IMTVn—Jiaa pti C nwiord Im- y-plied exemption <.I ji;rs. si tlty, nod I will pass iijch. toe ‘Heath t.ayof Jaon.r.., 1-fS, iM.'cffi c. r.i Tid'HKNSoN, Ordinary. decdd-Jt. -;.ulu a: II o i to satisfy the above stated ft. th. this December the. 6th 1875. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. decT.4t , : m ■.ov. Clarke Couni vft, ILL BE 80LD, BEFORE THE( If door, in the otty of Athens,C e. BOUSE oonnty, on the First Tuesday in Febrdgy next, #&#!n the legal hours of aaie, toe following property, to-wit: One Dsrk Bay HORSE, about four yean old. Levied upon by virtue ot two mortgage fi. Ike, from Clarke Connty Court, General Section, November Term. 1875. Priutnp Brothers ft Bollard vs. J. E. Tamar. All sold to satisty the above-*tated fi. (ks. dec7-8w J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. U r HEREAS, JAMES M. LUMPKIN APPLIES TO rae for letter* of administration on th* estate of Robert C. Lumpkin, late of aaid oonnty, tfooeased. These are therefor* to cite and admonish all oooeern- ed to aiiow cause, (if any they have) at my office on or lwfore the firat Monday in February next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office this, the 3d day of January, ISIS, jant Sod. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. i V EORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY.—Whereas WU- U ‘ _ liam A. Hemphill, Administratorof William Wood, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters ot dis mission from said adminiatntien. w - * '■ These are therefore to cite ted admonish all con cerned to show cause (if any thay have) stray office, on or before the firai Monday in May nest; why said letters sliouid not be granted. Given orrfermy hand at office, tliie i ht Si In d.iy of December, 1875. i haV. ja. .4.7m. ABA M. JAA^BON, Ordinary. GEORGIA. CLARKE COUNTY. O RDINARY’S (iFFICE, (JANUARV, «th, 1876.— M irtha L. Kennev, wife of Joseph A. Kenney, (h* i iviiLaiiigj, lire spidie-j for •raeraptfon of ptiramateradd reelsitur- nptart nud v»:u . on ot homestenJ, and ! will , v * v • » i a. tW rt«ne 1 \»Vioclt F, k, 6n the flOm'd*/ SHERIFFS SALE. ‘Ktaj.m , a . „ ' ^•1I.L HE SOU) Harass tub I ...tteKteMBtetei* .Madison ( entity. _ urt Unurac iltior Iu Luc (ova of witliiu the l«r/al houra of nale, on the first Tuc*tla% iu Ffbrtuiry in xt, the lol.owing properrj, to wit: 5>ixty-**ne ucroa «>t laml, more or Ium, on.t Soam* Broittl River t adjoiuiu^ huvU of W. frttuie ot W. J. Bird, deceased, audothen, tolerably 1 improvedr Levied ou artthe proj»erty of OeorgwW. Burden, to satinfy a fl fa. waued fh»m the Juatice**Court GEORGIA.—CLARKE COUN fY,' 11 I IRDISARY’8 OFFICE, JANUARY 4th; MARBLE. A. R. ROBERTSON’S mitts m Dealer in and manufacturer of Monuments, Head and Foot Stone*, Marble and Granite Box Tomb* and Cra dle Tomb*. All work warranted. t*er»ou* will do wall to examine my de*ign», end /be eonvinced that tl»ev an dealing with a fair und aquhri mJn.• [— j Athonm OaTSdsWU 8ft. 1OTJ4. !_M«C T en c. Toy .Money COAL! H (’OAL!! . Yar.1 iu connection iji'i u stOCTtoi'POUU HUN DRED TitN.s, 1 WHSIW Iire|iara,l tn offer the follow^ ing ( 'a ils nv^H- git bunt's oi Atl.«n4. at verv low poeeit:' . GENUINE “ COAL CREEK,” From Knoxville Iron Codroany. Bari s brightly, is in Lir/e iumiis, liaud picked, and is free from slate and C>iuke44 >, L ) i-tlll l .. 1 lT -CAIIABA,” Of Atabamk, 'AYnost cxccllein Coal for domestic nsc. being Bud Ash, large lumps, kindles quickly, and makes no cinders, soot or dust. | 2 E< iRlilA—CLAKKE < COUNTY.-—WHEBEAB. Of Alabama, f ‘‘ BljAClK CREEK,” jf. A new Coal, and the purest t tliut comes pul ■'roni the Cool Fields ot* Alabama or Tennessee. J. II. CARLTON. Augnct 11, 1875. 1 41-tf. Great Reduction in Prices E ^or the next thirty days. Brocket*, Wall Pocket*, aud all kind* of OrnamenUl Wood Work, will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now is the tim* to make your houses beautiful at low figure*. Gr**at bargains giren iu eYerythingat 26-tf BURKE’S BookStny- The very thing for b* * K BURK’S Book Stoi June 9 \878k % A ~ a r 100 Gilloa Still, wlt^ Cap Apply to Suminey, uutenet Newton. June 2, f 1874. For Sftle. «Ami( k Beil/ or is.y I CM) • it J # GaiLEGc AVEgUE i r or... lv, pay GOOpfl EMPOBUIM! BY BIOSES MYERS. DRY GOODS, CLOTH I NG BOOTS, i$HOES t I1ATS, C?arw:t6, Furs, Blankkts, Fancy anti Millinery title:. STORE BOOM EXtARGE r STOdlt' INCREASED. treesing irregularities her sea have kiM been to her tne “ direful spring of woe* unnumbered. In he mansion of the rich and iu the hovel of pjverty like woman has bcen the constant, yet patient victim of a thousand ills unknowu to man—and these witliont a remedy. * Oh Lord, how long I” iu the agony of bar soul, bath ah* cried. Bat now the hoar of her redemp tion » come. Site will ' after no more, tor Dr. J. Brad- field’* Female Regulator—Wouiau’a Heat Friend—ia for sale by all respect-.ble Druggists tiirougliont tlie land at fit.30 per bottle. In anot. eri-lumn of this newspaper will be foond some interesting particular* concerning til* Female HeguMtor sn AffLer information highly Jin- uortsuttoarimM * * A* +* * Near MxuitTs, G*-, March 21.1870. Mura. Wm. Boot ft Sosa :-About out Tear ego I bought a bottle of Bradfiel.t’a Fatnal* Rcgnlator from asvanl phyaii jte teen ding, tej^mrt wterao We will beg the citixeuO of Athens and vicinity to give us a cull and examine our stock before purchasing. Weatherly & Co. 1 i ijRE' NO W READY For the Fall & Winter Trade IvING’S CURE FOB CHICKEN CHOLERA, 4 * \V illiatn J. Russell, anpUcf te for lattfra.aCrakf: r minHtratlon, witlrthe wili-anuaxeJ, on the estate o , Knliard T.Brumby, late.of aakldofflity dOeesaeg 7 ' y mud It-gvj, sho id not be granted. Given under my lmnd at office, this Jltu day o. DccuuihCf iSTfi. v teO£i_ ’.u St-0 . .;j’ 1 ^ CLARK- SHERIFF 8ALiL ot-iJau.. A fi/ ILL be sold before the Cotttt Hfrtise' ' v \ door in the city of AtbeatjClark connty, Ga nn the first Tuesday in Fa rnaijr next, within tap legal hours Cf sale, the following property, to wft s Tiie undivided interest ol J: E. Turner, the temtin- der of two hundred acre* of laud, more or leaa, lying in Clark and Oconee counties and State of Georgia, known aa the place whereon, Mary Turner now lives and holds • life interest in, the aaid Und lie* ht Bon- couib District 841, G. M-, on McNutt* Greek adjoining Jackson, Gqraan, David Hedges and other*. All levied upon hy virtue of three attachment fl. fira from ajnstice court 241 District,G. M. Buncombe, James H. Huggins vs. J. E. Turner, and David M. McCleskey,, va,, J. E. .. Turner and Joeeph Hodges te.“J. E. Turuer all to' aat- isfy the above stated fl. flu. this ,Deoemb«r the 24th 1875. J; A r BB0WN1NG; BJteHt?! dcrtS-sK iM IS THE ONLY • CERTAIN REMEDY fob the disease among Poultry of ail Kinds* Used twice ftVeek it will Prevent the Disease, And kfeep the flbultry in a EEALW CONDITION. It has been used successfully, for ycara in this and other Ststra. Price 50 cents per buttle, which makes TWO GALLONS of the Medicine. Prepared by Dr. WM. KING, Athens, Ga.'—33 tf. CLARK—SHERIFF SALE, fv.h.un \JV ILL be sold before the Court Ha •V door in the city of Athe a Clark Coonl] the fiftt Tuesday in February next within the hoars of sal* the following property to-wlt: ' All ;he right and interest that Thomas W. Carr holds in and to the house where William A, Carr Uyefi w, at the time of his death, now occnuUaby'MttffneiMhe*, • Carr, within the corporate limns of Athena, Clark connty, Ga., near Georgia Railroad Depot, and the an- it. closed lots adjoining said boose containing fifteen acres,j . more or less, th* interest of said Thomas W. Carr in ' raid property being one fourth of the undivided interest in remainder to vent after the termination, of the lift estate of Miss Florida Carr in said property, th6 house is a fine, large and commodious one, the titniHon eliga- ble and very valuable and desirrble. All sold by virtue of a fi; th. from Clark Superior Court-August Term 1875. H. H. Cariton A Co. e* Thomas W. Carr, all to Satisfy the above stated fl. fa. this December 24th UT*> 1 ,L dec28-5t. J. A. BROWNING, Shenff. , ,Jf ing proi Jf Notice. \ EEDLES for all kind* of Sewing Machines, whole-ale and retail, by Sept. 22, 1875—47-tf S. C. DOBBS, Agent. BOOTS AND SHOES TO ORDER. . N w. HAUDRUP* , to wit: tractor parcel of land situated, lying and being in the county of Clark, it* and hear the oorpome k limits of the ei.y of Athena on the left hand ride of th* ,■ rood leading to Jeflkraun, adjoining Lumpkin, Wtiv 1 and otliera, containing 17 acres, more or lest, with all;, appertehsnees thereto belonging. AU levied on .by . virtue- of a fl. fo. from Clark Superior Court, August term 1867, J. R. Crane Administrator of Roes Crane deceased, vs. Thomas M. Daniel. AU to satisfy th* , above stated fi. fa., Dec. 24th 1875. dec28-5C J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. u ‘ Has reuu fo the op[*nsite A lA EXIST, T , j , teteiu 8hop froiik the old Tsombard Building or College Avenue, next door to the Having ju*t returned from New York with a large and well selected tetock of *> •’*- DRV GOODS & GROCERIES, Ready-made Clothing. Hats, Bools, Shoes, .Wajpd and IKtVfa? Ilard tea re," Crockery' Drugs," ■ ■ d*fts, <£c.i <£o., <£c. Lester Building. 1’rice* Liberal, »ud First Cia*o Work .uaranteSS.2 ‘ f' • f :, ^[ une 1^* 1876—38-tf Fall and Winter Millinery Cioods, f thing tor which it is recommend, erfect health. until I , and it ia Shu is now iu pel . Aaitel will at least try ora* hot0» ■»&. aao»Bu.s. I'hope all auflkrinfi ottle tod have health ■ To Lsad au tor* ol ti * W fontided ou the ing machine science, and another sewing era hinea, Base balls at Reduced Prices.—Cook rtf i he Walk and Bnunding Rock—fejrula tion size and weight. «nd ..the brat tail ■ nmde. Pt ourtespom 5 nuu HIHI IHO hung his bat up on a fly.- All gfltel- delivered promptly and guar- nte d to give satisfaction, end ft* cheep es Tai.madge, Hodgson 4 janll 2L jo wn to wa bcw- ita. In advance oi _ being adopted constantl' The WBrao S rape.iy ntoitw theprtfcrtme* ofa parties that are aeqaaint d with rawing machlM, an tthaa already takan th* front rank among tba firat-dua machine* M this conn try; and its being mauntactured where labor a , .— teSbwteanineraten.dte,bMran«togpr» lea.than ti {Tiber fira^elws machines. Maciune* will hude- Qeered at any Railroad St-tiou in this eonity, free of tranapivtarioa charge*, if ordered through Ursaaw ft Bnuwv, Athene. Ge* — >ev send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular wu application. They want a few more good agents. ^Tna Cwsar aau Porrtu Avaurr* Svoas o» Ftat- 3 ' i now 5 •urafteMS or ft era. No. 66 amisu. nv.—ts ..r^rffifofmrerta Carpels, Oil Clotin, Lam- L'UorniceVand Upholstery Goxl< at a suvitig ot ’ T| ' Dud rifear. b rqniuuJV 15 to M par cv..u on ■Mliriraareo.Jyeqa __ UnioD, A call before poredting at other houses is r«6. - . All JXJUjNTRY FBOfttjCE lMEfki ’V’ Flowers, Gloves, &c., JS .Which ahowitfsall at reasonable prices. Give her' JL. Mll-bcfure pure he* mg elsewhere. Order* frotn a di» tone* carefully filled* Store located on Broad street, one door above National B«nk. April 81,1876— rr/l^eat Biu^ioslttJioteraper. Instructive, Amusing and Entertaining. -1 -I..piled at the Book Store, and the Trouaeeaa 1 For Doliie must have some new clotlia I thought. See! here are tiie patterns, in cpiora so bright, _ ' rery one, snd find them all I ■ lain*, oaring to its I have tried every one, snd find tbemall right.” and material ia much Each package contains all the patterns i.eeearaty for a Doll’s Wardrobe, fries 30cents. Mailed, postage ». Fi paid, on receipt of the price. For sale at 1 1 BURKE’S Book Store. Sltt oMpatotoy e*c£ohJlrate,‘8.C. . ft Co., JackaouviU*. Flu. Jon* 2,1875. : t Ri H. SAUIaTER, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF WIN ES, WHISKIES and LAGER BEER, ‘ ' ale,GIN,CIGARS, ft.,*, . pi SApLTERSi^pECjjAPfiEL terawfinm, Avwvxa, Cwowaia. rrrjuA : mo>i a few day*, and will be tur.ii*hoi to any cnitomcre hy «mMC R i«S=2SSF*—“ a* ro (a0V474£ * Bopt.tfi-lwt£ Mrs. T. A. Adaxb would most respectfully inform the Ladies of Atheufo and of oouuttCrt a ijaecnt, tliat wlie lias now received *nd oj»encd a choice and select ae* -dAient of Btwiujrand Suuitner Slffliuery Goods, com- prirtiug In part the latest wtylert and lasluons of llatri, Uonncts, Ribbons, Lnccs, be mW^T oEEatLY BEDta ED PRlctS FOB CASH AT BURKES BOOK STORE. ■8*pt. 2»—48-tf BOOK 'AGENTS AND GOOD SALESMEN Are “COINING MONEY” with th* famous fDBSJGJVS, Ninety-Six, 8. C.i 10# ; S *one Memphis, 200 orders, taken iu three weak*. '^Wicuterafr^ Puhliahera, ItMaHf. 1 1 *7 Fkrtt Flara, NEW STORE HOUSE tuii. FOR RENT. rfffHE Now Store Room on Clayton JL Street, and adjoinlag Lester’* Block, with four good Offices above, 'will be ready for uae by the 15th of September, and are new oft’ered for rent. Ajijjly to JOHN H. NEWTOS, or fif Hhififfi CLARK—SHERIFF SALE. !• ,n‘>ri ’ Oconee County. Notleei.. A LL PEBBONS HOLDING DEMANDS AGAINST the estate of YOUNG V1CKEBS, deceased, late - o Oconee connty, ar* hereby notified to. prescot fietn to the undersigned, properly attested, teithin the tithe ireecribed by b#f end thoaa persons indebted to laid leceased are hereby required to make immediate pay ment. THOMAS BOOTH, nov30-flw Administrator. NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. N TnE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States, for tho Northern District of Georgia, in the natter of Milledge L. Durham, ■ bankrupt, in bank- ■nptcy. , ' is This is to give notice, once a week for three euceestive Weeks, that I have bean’appointed assignee of the estate of Milted ge L. Durham, in tho county of Oconee, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon hia own peti- Upo, by the United States District Court for said District , Jaii4.2t. GEO..C. tTOMABf Assignee. v EORGIA—OCONEE COUNTYe^-OmonianT’s Or- ft rtcs, Dec. 22d 18T5.—Geo; W. Cook bn applied for additional homestead of personalty, and I will pus* ! s the urns, January th* 6th 1874. at 10 .o'clock A. to..;:..; •y offlee. J. B. LTLE, Ordinary. ... -ii j'.'r"-;. 11 .’“.'iT’d'!'.' 'if" u.ii Ol oj dcc28-2t. same Jannary the. 4th 1876, at 11 o’ci office. J* B. LT j GEORGIA—OCONEE COt._ ii hKreas, AARONiCftov4i3«fiirflfnb^" ,l i vv ofMugaretPalter,deeerao^fateeff^dteptiy; , makes appliqatiaa fcr iteovu.toeaU.tbonul estateM-' ft »atar^g5gyBBgB5 ” can; #fay ra-kappfteli^lteeuifttftnfoteitolii jfSi «»« February term next of the 0OH!l Of Ordagir ,ut Mira !*i:t county. Jan.UL 1874. . ^ . _ toWtii »w -- ■ ^■RGIA.-OC6NEE COUNTYL-!® ■ntxXT’a Otncx, Jan. 1st, 1876.—Mary A. ■IhtaffMUed (teexemption of paradnaity .and, valoatiora;and aoiiingrarasrta wewi.tfau of realty,’ T i-i^- will pass upon iheaame January the7atb,18TagmM !» | POB map circtiani, rondenrad time^Ubk. jmd g.u ! uSh^rS*California, apply tom addrea* Axunr Wnxxx, GenctiJWmsd Agent, Atlanta, Ga. au,., tenmi No one should go Wert without first getting In com * ,* mnnicatton'.witlLthi General Railroad Agent, and be ta ftftl ' advantages, cheap and ‘ >01 HfcJjlXt ' ''' "* qolck transportation of l'amiliu, household goooe, stock, - and farming implement* generally. Air imfirmMca S fed A eA 2re“££S!ii'.