The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, January 11, 1876, Image 4

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The Christian Index. A LARGE BtUHT PAGE WEEKLY. ORGAN OF » t» BmMttBaaoMaunoM. Shod axnc xvxnr AITUT Fakilt IN T.t* liAM>. , ! 1* ii tub Pai-ib oca Cmitauc oronr to cbad. It l» tU* VAmioi au who woras show tbs nm WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN AthaM. and the aemedistance from Crawford, on •a* branch of the Georgia tuilroed, and in the sc 4f«Bi ffoorktit - COTTON GROWING Sections, aSbrda an nnpatt—fcy weitmtUfJ KSariSEhiSaSS. ' I'KOft STEEL AM) IN tILs, AGRICULTURAL lMP’LEMENTS MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF "' . -vV-a-«v»tA )...n\.,* TV 1 .- t' " l \ . MlkMUtt ton IT ATottcs—Ihdccs TOCS Fboum aho Nsieunoss To ni uxt-wifx. 1? TOO AUlVOT T taa MoHST, Sci MMl B ToS ma Pacsb A>xt;ow—ioca I'aaro* will HAxa t«a Aamaos- iuxyiob voc. Sshd ro*-r muxs Cocas. Tbs 1’eics or ms Is- diiiiGatias Atitlnaa nil orders to * rt < JAS. P. HARRISON & CO., Box X4, Atlanta, On. In contraction with Tas Isssx we have, perhaps, the largest and most complete Booh aud Job Printing office in urn South, known as thn Fsahklih Steah Pbistino Hotel, at which .very rariety of Book, Mercantile, Legui and Railway printing ia executed. In exoellonoy uf manner, pTumptneaa and cheaputaa, wa dal’y coin- petition. Our Blank Book Manufactory ia, dikawine, well ap- jMiinted. Orders. eolieited. {, ****3 |jrnd« WWlt In intercat to consult on as to Legal Form Books, Records, has lately been thoroughly refitted and refurnished, regardless of espouse, With every iticed every year that the far- r to tnako provisions enough to Ives; but notwithstanding this, gft*? i«s ONBMU4JON DGLlrARS " W and man might here be advaatagaaaff y expended, within \, rti H.S, OARL®uN *CD., , i • ..till Real Estate Agents, ,1... ,, Athens, Ga. H. H. CAULTOS. i . i. A. BROWNING. hrevinoos out uf the Jiatrifinousprioas. rear that the eoantry is ATHENS GA W & REAVES.... , PROPRIETORS, , rf^is^esics.'s'eu'ta w end cartfol drivers. Stock weft cared for itrusted to our care. Stock on hand for sale at towns, We when Ifftt ywMLyaee Ii kpsm that tire Csoofiry get* he sbpp fu-West^^, .<► ,t We-are told every Spring by th<tfffftfctD»Pa)fcg>i that the cotton crop is going to and when we smile incredulou ns of the caterpillar, the be drouth, the rust, the, bud stem erous other indubitable proofs riSs&SS ly evident \ fNU vvrta; .-.ty* w :<• t. *1 IMP ' •• Tt fit • • *v#££ hi«NWfr **tV**t% *: ' i*L. !• .■ rsr- .*-1(^:1 • *-i e nmm'rMnt Meals can be had a nlthpw*, iw . i FXXSXnP OBSTTS ,3 CH. "xW5n»ir-^.:aJ!6u-; SX2CE>Si53B CEXe£X<G?€S3 3 'Ttt^T received another Tot of Felt Rats. Felt Hats for wife Fell;JI*u for M JO; aUTwiac*, OstrtS >s j j ». - ■ gAcr, A ;; , .v : J ’ Cotton-.i'(3rins\ Presses • - i .,• awt a v-/ ..jjtw> nn *1, • H ■ t^v~3T.«“ IK PORTABLE ENGIN ES, . Mow^s, Reapfrs, Threashers, &C.j* &c Mfc- ATHPS, 8E0RHIA, will be small, so es to ^induce a rise in the price. .Rdt how ftitile is their effort. Tbo price at tsoUoo is j never affected by news* paper reports, Tind it always stays down. ;4V the end of .each year , we notice that the crop reaches away along toward 4,000,000 bales, and the farmers sell for loss than it cost*. tss ail oornraunieatloc* to fAS. P. HARRISON & CO. - mw w! nb na* 1 -i a t ?• A* JESTER, i It a ' w a *F. TRRtf.m.n To Rent. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT IN A DE* Apply At this offlos. .fTrhtios'iltdfct* * anahiO .. AM— FARMER JOHN. Boms Atom hit joorany. Farmer John t And ho thinks, “ITl look sroond." Up lanes thadoe: "Get down, you pup! An you ao glad you would sat me up l’ r Tha oA oow town at tbs gala to great him; • Diyon r^gooS'l "You haven’t a rfsr says Fanner John; ■ "Tha eattla an loosing round and sleek; Tha oolt is going Co ba a roan. And a beauty too—how he baa grown! ■We’ll Wean the calf nest week." “ , “W!ienyve bean off, e yon drink _ _ j think.” 'And hb pats old ~ " ;1 > i ,l\: To eall you again sheet tha trough, And watch you and pat you while And he Saps old Gray. “Ah, ttokithi eoShrt ofgotag away T* I’ve seen great sights, but wouldl give - ‘Thim spot, aadtbepeseeftal Eh 1 five, For alfthalr Paris sad Rome I These hills for the oity'e stifled air Add bUt hotels all onstlo and glare; Land tU houses, and roads all stones. That deafen your san and batter your hones Would you, old Bay r Would yob, aid Gray? That’s what one gets by going away.” "IhercYnooey is king," Says Farmer John: "And fashion is quean; and it’s mighty queer To eae bow somatunea, while the man la nktag and scraping all he can, Tha wUeapanda .very y We uotice that the farmers try every means—except the right one—to raise the price of cotton. u< •' . We notice that the policy of rawing a great deal of cotton and ver^litOe provuwns thK ipountiy tp lanpmsh, qbA bankruptcy throughout the land. We nonce that some of the Granger* are wofully false to their professions of rawing their own provisions and buying for cash; and we lielieve that they are the truest Gian gers who live at home aud do not h^ve store accounts. ' ' We notice that farmers get more advioe than any other class of men, and apparent ly pay less attention to it. But we notice that the advioe still flows on, the supply seems inexhaustible; and as we believe it is good, we propose to continue to do our share a« long as the types hold out to print it,— The Family \Tsitor. >i XH1 as: HTA phe ■V. .. : ' -VT 1 M GQWTOm ■iff ■ Vi>'(i ’Mil AN /TTTT7 EXCCUEltZA zr T HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD) ANNOUNCE that he has now on baud and arriving * .n ■ 2M Toss FttEWLISEB, CHILDS; NICKERSON & CO. ■ -,i\. «a'a» * jtyrfpgA 1 irlW . rail• V agiAcultural implements, 3 lit. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer! j COLLEGE AVENUE,' ! > ‘ ‘‘ JVexf Door to Port Office. ^ MX bend, Upper, for making Low Qtune>», Coo- ! " " grew, Alrmv-Tir., and Pnncc Alberta. Repair- i ing promptly executed. Send ten dollar., per mail or evprca- end you .ball re ceive a first class pair of boots. June SO, 1876. J5-tf. score of wives, lives! ru i !\ t s» Fanner John. To a quietobap,” Mgs Wm You see, old.Gray; I’m wiser than whan 1 treat stray.” “I’ve found out this,” says Fanner John, “That happiness ia not bought and sold And olutobad In a life of waste and hurry, In nights of pleasure and days of worry. And wealth isn't all in gold, Mortgage and stocks and ten per cent., But in simple ways and sweet content, Few wants, pure hopes and noble end Some land to till, and a few good Met Like you, old Bay, IaUffl TOIL, old Grsv 1 That’s what I’ve learned by going away.” And a happy man is Fanner John, O, a rich and happy man is ha l Ho see. tha peas and pumpkins growing, Tha earn In tiseel, the buckwheat blowing, And friut on vine and tme, The larg^ kind oxen look their thanks Asha robs their foreheads and strokes thair flanks; The doves light round him, and strut and coo. Saya Farmer John, “I’ll take yon, too, And yon, old Bay, And you, old Gray, Next time I travel ao fiw away.” Just pat up aud shipped directly from the Fa too. TheExeeUemahaaso wide-apnad an. comment on it wonld be unnxthasary. It is guazaatMd in bags of 1(7 Iba. each—12 bags making one avorably known tbnmghont this region, that he earns standard as in former yean. •ifklE JAS. LErViSki Doable Tnrbloo Water Wtecl, ItUtiuLU-'-Ered hi pools cz nzr>T, Oaltimorc. Tit'.. 7/too soir i .V VS Cl Hmple, ftron;, P-.—' civvsyjreHablotn.l lactory. Manufac'-artr-. . (1 Porta-131; btuiiji-:/ fUag^cr, Ctcon khavr &Grlut K.Uv, ilia, fia?Jlaciiao -.Cca-iaa for Cotton Z. ..I', Fleur, beef the ■ EMIC3A M ^ X 1 .. . V - ri,!,«,• «ejas.t» Also, though not ao old a FenHEter as tM Excelkazag have proved to b. the beet material for barn-yard manure and Cotton seed ever Introduced into this couativ. The standard is guaranteed to" bo frilly up to what ft was last sraion, when they gave naivtrsel eaBafoctloa. Two bands compost one ton. The priceaat which I am autborited to sell the above Standard FrrtiiiarVa, are as follows: /A ‘ v * E2CELLEN2 Time price—Cotton'option at 15 cents i 870.00 * " No option........... .> y 63.00 Cash prit‘e,/...L... ....4 -Jit. 55.00 j t T * CHBMIO X.S. Time price—Cotton option at l5c., 2 bbls. (500 lbs.) enough forT ton $20.00 Cash price .cl 2 barrels -*^.;;t 16.00 ’ Those who wish to i lower. Oil Mill Kac’ i-tcry, Presses,fe. L v ' -ft*— .. n rpssl-’*-. Miek!>o r: rato and o< > cry Ix&t L:.t- Fa^-.t, VKa Lc: very, H;'r-.r.l:a and ft!— .1 •»—erndK i nl lianrer* : taring iccn- [From the Maryland Farmer.] Shepherd Dogs. FAIR AND TIMELY NOTICE. r|'HANKING my friends for their patronage in tha 1 post, and asking for a continuance of the same, 1 beg to say that, FROM AND AFTER THE 1st OF OCTOBER, my terms will be CASH ON DELIVERY, except to those parties who have always paid their bills PROMPTLY on presentation. Where goods are charged, it will b« with the dietinct understanding that tbs bill* are DUE AT THE END OF THE MONTH. I wonld willingly give longer time if I were able, but I am not. 1 trust that no ono will be offended at tha course, as my necessities drive me to it. I hope by prompt attent on to business and low prices, to merit's continuance of the patronage of the public. ~ — “~ I T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer. I am really pleased to sec the rural papers I S< T*- ——«-tl BY D. Z. EVANS, JR. 'arge lots of the Exccllenza for cash, can get special arrangements at prices a shade Purchasers will not be hnmbngged in the above manures. 4 special eir t-clasa Ferti novl7-ttl A special circular of directions for composting fir-t-classJTertiliaer, that will pay them to use, call on fomlsbed all purchasers ot the Chemicals. AU who want a 8. C. DOBBS. ii m ©i J. H. HUGGINS. H AVING just returned from tlie Northern markets with a large stock of gooda, bought at low prices, is sidling gooda in bis line 25 per cent cheaper than hereto- *'— He is making a speciality of fore. Crockery. Cilasswaro- Lamps and Oils. J- h. huggins,,^ ^ m Sells the best Kerosene Lamp Oil at 25 cents per gallon, Sells common Cups and Saucers at 25 cents per set. Sells common Glass Tumblers at 25 centa per set, Sells common Glass Goblets at 50 cents jtef set, Sells common fl^ca.iit 40 to ,75 cents per set. Sells the best Granite Plates at 75 cents to #1.00 per set. Sells the best Granite"Cu]M and Saucers at 90 cents to $1.00 a set, Sells Kerosene Lamps at 25 ce«s to $10.00 each. rialf :*l lAfirrS' * ‘ u ' Mill Findings, “i roi lVinship and Sawyers Cotton- Gihs, * r .p.J n ii ns *ve : » i.ATHENSi GEORGIA. » > GINS DEUVEBED IN ATHENS AT MANUFAC- . ■; , TUREES PRICES. j - V 1 L. SQH^VENEIx" ># JLje . ...Dr ,xi«i m: ifKcj VAjrn, SCHEVENELL & CO.. BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. rtrrrff ^ - qBAiigbs' W ■ • ' - ' ’ • , Clocks, Jewelry aiLVER AND PLATED WARE. , iavwnn ■ rvf >#rj htir .w ! ■ GUNS, PISTOLS, A MMTJNTriONr, Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instrumeats, , VXXtV* ABTXCUeSr file. * 1 i * ' " l Having BEST WORKMEN, we are prepared to do H. 11UGGINS, awakening to the importance of having a n () i < ..j p \V 11 L’lVil X- fi’A s.nctly entorced dog law, so that we can j •* IAjn.liiO Ci Lu., rid the oountry of the countless thousands of mongrel curs who do more damage to the sheep interests in one year than ad the I good they do in a lifetime wonld begin to repay. Any i erson who has a really vulua-, hie dog is willing to pay a tax on him, and if he is not worth a tax let him pay the , debt all worthless dogs should, let him be, killed and made into fertilizers, aud thus do t far more good to the country when dead i then when alive. It does seem rather hard ‘ to be compelled to pay a tax ou a good dog i to defray losses to sheep owners caused by the night, and often day, work of mongrel curs; bat this tax should be looked upon rather as a premium for the destruction of the curs than as an onerous tax on irood dogs. One of the most valuable dogs a fanner can have is a good shepherd dog, as they combine qualities which I think cannot be fouud in any other known breed of dogs in either country. They are the most intelli gent animals, as a breed, to be found, and are always kind, gentle and affectionate to j the owner and his family, while with stran- gers he is the opposite, rarely caring to make friends, and zealously guarding his master’s interests in every particular. By giving him a little training, treating kindly bu firmly while teaching him, he will save yon a vast amount of labor in driving cattle, sheep or almost any animal. The English shepherd dog ! as a fox-like head, but in the clear cut eye yon find the remarkable intelligence possessed by these , animate fully manifested. The hair on the’ shoulders is long, wavy and rather coarse,. when flill grown, while the hair on the oth- i cr parts is soft and nicely waved. The col- 1 or of the hair is from a black to a very i light lawn, some being black, some black ! and dusty tan, some orange and white, j with black nose and mouth markings, and | others are fawn and white with the black ' nose, mouth and eye markiugs. They are very pretty no matter what color, though the I fawn and white, or the orange and white ] colors seem to be most desired by those who | are particular in regard to fancy markings. ; The legs are comparatively smooth, from the | knees down, the hair not being wavy on them. I have been breeding and keeping shep herd dogs for quite a while, and know, fully well, their value. Toton Point, Cecil County, Mti. The statistics of ono State, Missouri, re- II’ you want a NO. 1 COOK STOVE, AND TIN WARE OF ALL KINDS, CHEAP FOR CASH. Roofing and Guttering a Speciality. So;*. 15, 1875. C.1SH / Off WOOL, —OR— CLOTH FOR WOOL. Tlie Athena Manufacturing Company are now making a much larger variety of Woolen Good, than ever before, and propoae to Exchange them for Wool, h-lieviug it to bo more to the intercut of the Planter to Exchange the Woo] for Cloth, rather then have it Card* od and Spun at home. Call for Sample, and Term ot Exclumgc. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent. May 19, 1875-29-tf. ASTONISHING. Has a tot of Beautiful China Tea Sets, Has a lot of Ftinev and Plain Chamber Sets, lias all kinds of Crockerv and 'jdrlnss Ware, * Has aB'kuMli'af Lamps,’ Burners and Chimneys, Has a large stoek of Family Groceries, Has a large stock of Cl re wing anti Smoking Tobacco. J, y. fcUGGINS, Sells Canned Goods, Sardines, Oysters, Tomatoes Ac., 4c , Sells Sugar of all grades Coffee,.Lard and Cheese, Sells Baoon.'Fl.wr, Meal, Soap, and Starch, Sells Liverpool and Virginia-Salt, Syrup and Vinegar, Sells Lime aud Cement; Cuba and Common Molases, Sells Bleaching, Calico, Factory Stripes and Checks, Jts ** • Sells Factory Jeans," Plains, Shirting "and Osnalmrgs". J. H. HUGGINS. " Sells Knives and Forks, Spuons and Pocket Cutlery*, Sells Boo», Shoes, Hats. Harness and Leather, Sells Buckets, Brooms,,Tubs and 1 sen* nagfifa/ro#/ Sells the "V irgiriht Wedton Cashitliere. oh it is so nice. Sells many other goods too nuTm rons to mention, CHEAPER THAN tVER! TRti undersigned would beg to an nounce to bis friends and the public generally, that he has just returned from bis annual tall trip to New York and Bqatpp, with a large and varied stock ot very superior goods, consisting partly of the following, selected with great car®: b Hi - tT> n - MEN AND YOUTHS’, . READY HADE CLOTHING of the latest tall styles. Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Dress Goods, Ladies, Gents’ and Boys Shoes, Boots and Hats, in ut most endless variety .Um brellas, Fine Ken tucky Jeans, Doeskius, Cassimcres, , . Factory Goods, Yarns, Osnaburgs, Checks, Shirtings, Fine Wamsutta and other brands, Bleucbings, Tickings,Blankets, &c. &c. &c. Also, Suddtes, Bridles and Harness, Drugs, Crockery and Glassware, Hollow Ware, . ' aud Harihrare; also, the Celebrated Muvfrcs boro’ Red Cedar- ware, &e. Also, a full liuo of choice Groceries, * ‘ ‘ 1! Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Lard, Ilams, Cheese, Kerosene Oil. And many other choice goods too nuin erous to tuenton, and which must lie seen to bo appreciated. The above goods, owing > to the recent decline, ( ia ■! he will be en- i r aided to sell ■, ' ' at prices wnieh ' ;fc ;V "n W *^ AiSTONISH THE NATIVES., i If you want any thing iu the above | mentioned classes of goods,' or in any other, call on 7 ! s. c. DOBBS, - S ^ Brood Street, oppoeite Dorsey A Co’s j. •*. 1. rt REPAIRING IN SUPERIOR STYLE. .. Ztn A • < i WB JfiJJCB A SPECIALTY OF SilLVEK AND GOLD PIRATING, And alt work Of (hie kind, tueh a« Forks, Spoors, Watches, &c.| plated by m, teurraruej 7 i ' ■' •,. egual to that done by>any establishment in the country. isJcfiW* , i .. PRICES REASONABLE. Broad Street, Opposite College Campus, Athens, Georoi a •n r~ -'P’r -** <’ -I. r. ..... -v, TAKES this method of announcing to the public generally, that he has •«ni 1 juit Go to Sells gouds at low prices, g» and see fiiryonrself. ZSi SX2 tS3 C23 o DOICT FORGET the place. ; - iu !*J.t H H TJ Gr G I IS s’. No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. returned from New York with the largest and most complete stock of Dry Goody Clothing, Boots aud Shoes, Ilats aud Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, Gent’s Furuiih. ing Goods, full linos of Ladies’ Fancy Goods, such as Tics, Scarfs, Woolen Goods, in Shawls, CloaA’s, &c., &c. Also, a desirable line of Lady’s and Chit dren's Fancy Furs, and complete lines of other Goods, too numerous to mention. He invites the attention of buyers to tho same, feeling confident that he can offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THIS SEASON Which he has been unable to do heretofore. Thanking the public for past patronage, aud hoping to receive a share of the same hereafter. My motto is QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Very respectfully Oct. 6 —19——3m. CHARLES STERN". DAVi;»poKr.«i •yHIS Celebrated 1- ®o tr*ny yefln, bj Ms. Oct. 6—49—tf. Poison Revived. ' SSKSstefl&Sj proven to b* the oMal •Sectiva . 1,. / t: H AT JPO I^ON ever Introduced into this or rnj other country, u sow revived bj tho original receipts sad for soio bj bis Soa, SEABORN L. DAVENPORT, Sqpt. t—{ _Ab™,Or A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN. The proerejw m*<i6 by SEWING MACHINE, inventive skill ha* been taxed to its utmost, and the revnlt 'tf, the The Most Perfect and Desirable Machine, lor General and Family Use, port 400,000 dogs, which dogs furnish one ! produced. It i. Simple and Easy to Operate, ia of the most important economic consider*.! ““how^b/the 0111 “* ^ " th * ®“‘ tions affecting the State. In the first place, < cir&t PDcmium they militate against the mutton crop an- I IHST I REMIU *‘ 1S nually to the extent of at least $5,000,000; secondly, they cost at an average of twenty- five cento a week eaoh, $0,500,000—enough to run all our common schools, and leave a suitable surplus; thirdly, they also kill an- nually, through hydrophobia, at least 125 persons, which at $5,000 each—the average price paid by railroads for the very poorest of brakesmen—amounts to the further sum of $600,000. Here is a direct expenditure of nearly $7,750,000 for dogs, not to men tion the fines, costs, and more remote senti. mental damages resulting from the law suits about dog fight* and severance of friendship between owunra of combative ears. Capital ized, our dogs represent a waste of $80,005,- 000 and, invested at compound in:crest, their worthlessness would pay off the national debt before 1900. _ Things we have Noticed. We have noticed, in the beginning of eveiy year, that Uw termers are going to plant mors grain and less cotton. In the fall wo notice that there has been just about as much grain planted i before: l/”- " Wo hath r mere i_ supplyl we r-* awarded it at the Uni vernal Exhibition iu Vienna, in 1873, and it U sold at a LESS PRICE Cian any other Machine of ita STANDARD EXCEL- For sale Ry J. M. UrSIlAW and F. P. GRIFFITH. Bo anro to me the Wilaon before yoa buv. May 1*. 1875 * ®9-tf. New Firm and New Stock! MATTHEWS&JACKSON NO. 1. BROAD STREET, (Old stand Of T. BISHOP A SON.) W E have just received an entirely N - w Stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES CHEoflP TOR i mm% a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dealers in HARDWARE, IKON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse ’ and Mule Shoes, ♦ M h I $3 f ‘3 m - m 2- f S U O ^ Horse-Shoe Nails. next when MILBURN VGONS, ... AfiEICUMUSAlL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Saddlery Hardware,, Hubs, Spokes, Baggy Wheels, Axles, Springs, Ac., Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices. Hollow-ware, Ac. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the Sale of the WIJSrSHIP GIN, Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard Sca|es, Circular Saws, Ac. •ST Any article in our line not in dock urill be ordered when desired, with the ‘ delay. Call and ecoauae ottr stoek and prices. rtSa June 16.1875. t r a. smoonr. ■. r. w. rctcrbsom. a. j 8UMBK.EV, HUTCHESON & B~ isroxicR.. Great Redaction in Prices. * O N and after Oat. 1st ire ahmU offer to oar enitomen, gooda in osr liuo at much lower figure* than here tofore. To enable ns to do thia, we will adoot strictly the Cash System. We are now receiving a large and full assortment of goods, bought at low prices, which we invite all to call and examine. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Sept, 15—tfi-tf., GENERAL TICKET AGlNCV. RAILROAD TICKETS For sale, by all rontea, and to *U principal points in the UNITED STATES. Bay your Ticket* before leaving Athena, and get all information from Capt. WM. WILLIAMS, Agent Southern Express Co., Athens, Ga. May IX, ’To fi&tf. FOR _8ALE. THE LOWELll the SOUTH. Water Power enough to turn " * ALL OF THE Jflachiuery in Georgia. Bert Location fob Building cr A Manufacturing Town in all the South. Sixty odd feet Dill o Water in less than one mile. 8ITES FOR FOUR OR MORE LARGE COTTON MILLS, OR OTHER MANUFACTORIES. reasonable terms THE J3 . W O H L I) RENOWNED WILSON ;RECEIVED TIIE GRAND PRIZE MEDAL Vienna, 1873. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. It require* no Inetructione to run it. It can not get out of order. It will do erery elatt and land of work. '■ * ■■ -- •> 1 It ha* no cast iron cog wheel* to break. It is not necessary te, buy tiro WILS0X JHAiCRIA t A’S. in order to be able to do light and heavy shark. It will eeio from Tissue Paper to Harness Leather. It i* a* far in advance of other Sewing Machines in the magnitude of its superior improvements, a* a Steam Car excels in achievements the old fashioned Stage Coach. Prices made to suit tlie Times, Either for Cash or Credit. SEAT) FOR ILLUSTRATED CA1ALOGVE OF STYLES AND PRICES. Agents Wanted* Address UPSHAW & BROWN, t.M-47-tr i >- • Athens, Georgia. ■- THE GR YNGER’ LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY . • ' —of Tin:— UNITED STATE OF AMERICA AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $4,500,00 Of which $100,000 to be owned in each Department. Euch Policy-holder is entitled to a vote in the management * of tb* Company. , : ' Parent Office, Mobile, Alabama. Capital Stock - w - > > - • - "w. Mil :«• $100,000. W.-H. KETC'iUM, Prealdeiit;'7S , :V -,.....F. E:DAVIDSON, Vioe-Presideot. E. W. FOKT, Secretary. Georgia Department, Rome, Georgia. Capital Stock - - - $100,000, Office, No. 2 Commercial Building, Major C. 0. SAMUEL, President : ALFRED R. J. GWALTNEY, Secretary l)r. G. W. HOLMES, Medical Examiner, ion Fi “ ) SHORTER, VVctPreriden'. ...C. KOWKI.L, Attorney. TiPIglr. i M „ _ - „ , _ _ Rowell, Rome, Ga; .Ufred Shornr, Rom'. Ga^C. e. Bamnel, Rome, G*.; John H. Newton, Athena, Ga.; A. Ejones, Cedartown, Ga.; Hon. D. F. IlanimooO. Atlanta,Ga^ ” " " ” " " " ’ " - - - Rome, Ga.; , H. Hutchins, »»• iivwwo, neuviin, M*., .1. Aa.OUUCS. V CUUITOWI1, UB., tXUIJ. V. * • . jr ; Hon. D. B. Hamilton, Rome, Ga.; Cun Glover, Rome. Ga.; T. McGuire, Rome, Gs.; F. '\oodtM’ J. L. Camp, Some, Ga.; it, H. Bonn, Cedartown, Git.; A. J. Kit g, Cave Spring, tia.; Hoa «• ), I’olk county, Georgia. * “ . Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama. Capital Stock i $100,000. Hon. N. N. CLEMENTS .....President and General Manager, Tu.kaloosa, Al* Hon. DAVID CLOPTON, Vice-.Preaident 1 ...../...Montgomery, W. L. CHAMBERS, Secretary STONE &CLOl’TON, Attorn*?* Mississippi Department, Meridian, Mississippi. Capital Stock........ .$100,000 ... Col. JAMES W. BECK, President.., JOHN H. GRAY, Vicf-rrtn**'- L. A. DUNCAN, Secretary. Security ! Economy ! Liberality ! Are . ,e Leading Principles of tlu» Company. All approved forma of Life and Endowment Policier atitnii s.ffluO to f 10,009. Alvo, Term Policies of One. Three, Fivd or Sevcu years. All Life Policies d0 J*I2./ injr ifte» two annual payments, wlieu the inaured will be entitled to a paid up Polityor Caah Surrender Dividend* mny be used to protect policies against Inpaing in case of fuifure to pa\ premiums. Thi* wllfl Non^brfeiting and Oa»h Surrender features, are sufficient to maketliia Company popular among tbinkiof. GOOD AGENTS WANTKD. Address C. G. 8amucl, President, Rome, Ga. W. G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Alabama, General Superintendent of Agencic*. Sept. 8—-45—dm. i ‘ ORGAN OF l ax DC XVKXT Sn acau x »o* tub New York Tribune. ■ '■RU ! I u l TWO MONTHS »BK ' “THE LEADING AMERICAN NEWSrA?®- -..j Paper for Business Men, Farmetb Families, and all the People. it” TEEMS OF THE TRIBUNE- ‘ 1 - ( ' roarauB rnxs to tii* atwacatux*- - - ")lye*r - • ' * 7»*> • . - - *. ij D -S5»> 11 year ■ ** ^w«wy, 0 ^ 0r ° Cf ^ , Draft «•