The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, February 15, 1876, Image 3

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WBK* ' 2K5si'SaBj , j**g -uy COO^i yATgSTT at $1.50 apiece. They are made from Wamsutta Mills Bleached and Finest 2200 Irish Linen. They are Unrivalled for Fit and Durability. BUY NO OTHERS! ATHENS, GA. TUESDAY MORNING, FEB. IS, 1878. LETTER FROM AUGUSTA. TAUKYISU TRIP — PLASTKIt’S HOTEL — MU- nh’ip'L solidity - mu.-ig nous.': pa- tapspo . r/xo— august dorr —lull TIMKS — AUGUSTA'S EDITORS LEAP YEAR PARTY —THE POUT ROYAL HARMONIZATION 1 «d m C. B. Vtronee, who fractured his leu by kn’Eual oas and gubernatorial falling f rom a window in the city last week, is recovering. Accident. While working in a well on Capt. S. D. Mitchell’s lot, two colored men, ’ ho " * I Special Corrcapoii.le .ee Georgina.] Augusta, Feb. 12ih. It is at this season of the year that the foiliitry editor, throwing aside his well worn ,]iiiil, and discarding his inky bandana, rubs LACONICS. Past week very “ springy.” Judge Rice “frescoing” the evil doers. We took their photograph’s whilst they were seated on the verandah, how happy and how handsome they looked. Died, of paralysis of the brain, caused by riding at night, Wilson L. Holland of Watkinsville, on the 30th of January. We wire glad to see J.B. Weed, of Lea, Murphy & Bonar, New York, in town yes terday. Joi his eves and begins to reflect that perhaps the merchants of the “ great cities” would be highly benefited by an exposition of the excellencies and advantages of his lively weekly. He accordingly gathers himself up, •• washes his face, dyes his moustache” and liegitis his journalistic jaunt in style. Join ing the throng of this worthy clan, your cor respondent found himself ou his way to Au- gusta. not however without being attended nnd surrounded by other responsibilities and pleasures than those of an editorial nature. At Crawford we visited, for the first time, the office of that spicy sheet, the Oglethorpe Echo. Here we found our friend Gantt busily engaged in making up liis paper nn«l we were lo the to disturb him in his work. He is certainly a hardwork ing deserving young fellow and his labors are each week crowned by the production of a lively paper. Our delay at Union Point, was certainly <|uitc a long one, but as a delightful travel ing companion rendered this detention ve y agreeable after all, we shall make no complaint, save to throw out the sug gestion, that a peanut fount or a billiard ta ble would pay well at this place. We hope that the lion. Mr. Peagrccn will have such an enterprise incorporated. lie could count upon the patronage of itinerant news paper men. The Planter’s Hotel was our stopping place in Augusta. This excellent house which for some time past has been closed, was reopened by Mr. B. P. Chatfield, on the 25th of November last. It has been remodelled from office to parlor, from kitch en to dining room. Rooms have been re moved so as to admit light and thereby avoid all dark or uncomfortable apartments, cozy chambers have been substituted for lo:i g bare halls, floors are bright with bciu- tiiiil carpets and w lls arc tinted with charming colors. Everything has au air of lM.uness and cleanliness which we have nev er seen equaled in any public or private lions-*, and one feels at home upon entering ihe hotel, so attentive are the waiters, so pohle and courteous the su|>erintcndcnl8. With Mr. B. F. Brown we were particular ly pleased, and can truly say that no clever er man or liner gentleman can anywhere be found. The “Planters” is what Augusta lias long needed, viz: a first class hotel. Augusta is remarkably dull at present, business of nearly every kind is at a stand still and marolun.s seem more anxious to get in their money from the country than to encourage trade. The spring trade of dry goods will soon revive and a concomi tant improvement in other branches may he looked for. Many new buildings have been erected during the last year indeed her improvements though quiet are markei, and her progress though slow is decided. Augusta is unquestionably a solid city. That's what Geo. II. Pendleton says, and he is correct. A large and well stocked music house is an enterprise which is now under full head way in that place. It is owned by G O. Robinson <b Co., and is complete in all re spects. Every variety of musical instru ments can here be procured at New York prices, and all standard music is kept in lull supply. Mr. Robinson’s success is evident, from the number of pianos and other instruments which he sells weekly, and his orders for music arc abundant from every portion of the State. Ho is a firm be liever in printers’ ink, a fine musician and a square and upright business man. In our advertising columns this morning, will be found the pronunciameuta of that popular fertilizer, the “Patapsco,” which has [“viinedsuch a wide and favorable reputation in Georgia and South Carolina This com pany have erected spacious warehouses in Augusta wVore will be kept large quantaties nf this guano a*d “Grange Mixture.” Gen. •Stovall of the latter city is resident manager, and under his able supervision the company are prospering in our ritatc. Mr. August Dorr, merchant tailor, is well and favorably known throughout the State and in his dealings will give satisfaction in every particular. We had the honor of meeting Col. Jas. R. Randall, rf the Constitutionalist, one of the mo?t accomplished editors in the United •States. We were pleased to learn from a gentleman ot the place, that this elegant journal is now in a flourishing condition and prospering finely under its present manage ment. Mr. Gregg Wright of that staid old paper, the Chronicle was busily engaged upon that “Executive Committee.” He is firing away with perseverance and energy, and is ■still pouring hot shot into their ranks. Mr. Wright is a very young man, but a vigorous writer. Ed. Snelfon and Mont. Sale, smile upon their friends from Richards dry goods store. A centennial leap year party at pres ent engrosses the attention of the good peo ple of Augusta, married men seeming to be extremely fortunate in securing escorts. An entertainment given by the U. 8. Navy officers at Port Royal, on board of one of the vessels was said to have been a most enjoya ble affair. The brave and fair of the blue and the grey, mingled in n delightful con-- vivium, flowing punch and flying feet mark ed the festive scene. Some ronmmasand papas, however, have since doubted the propriety of such a show of amnesty from Augusta’s fair beauties to strangers and for mer foes. But then you know there’s no great harm done after all. Athens belles are the admired of all admirers in Society cncles. The good people down here, say oniith, will be our next Governor. Colquitt in the eves of many, seems to have been in jured by the failure of the Southern Insu rance Company. Picciola. Greer and Tom Dorsey, were blown up by the blasting powder catching fire. The tnen were seriously, though not dan gerously, hurt. CLARKE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT. IH3 HONOR JUDGE GEO AGE D. RICE, PRE SIDING—MEMORANDUM OF CASES TRIED. 1. John E. Saye vs. John Kittle—As sumpsit. Verdict for plaintiff for 8125 00. 2. Howard & Soule vs. Intendant and Wardens of Town of Athens. Case dis missed. 3. W. L. Goldsmith, Comptroller Gen eral, vs. W. E. Griffin and Southern Mutual Insurance Co., Garnishee—Harriet J. Griffin, claimant. Fi. fix, garnishment and claim dismissed. 4. John S. Williford vs. Jaincs M. Lump kin, ct. al., complaint. Verdict for piuinliff for #200 00. 5- Benj imin B. Williams vs. Mrs. G. W. King, complaint. Verdict for plaintiff for 81,051 15. 6 Romulus Moore vs. Floyd Hill, cotn- p.aint. Verdict .or plaintiff for $350 00. 7. J. L. Winter vs. W. A. Jester, com plaint. Verd’ct for plaintiff for 8340 00. 8. Northeastern Railroad vs. Jaincs Camak, complaint. Dismissed. 9. Amanda Giles vs. Delia A. Vincent, Administratrix—suit on Bond. Dismissed. 10. John B. Patman vs. John Kirkpatrick. Rule on foreclosure of mortgage. 11. W. A. Ransom & Co., vs. II. C Davis and John J. Hunter, complaint. Verdict for plaintiff for $450 00. 12. E. S. Jaffray «fr Co., vs. M. J. Morris, complaint. Verdict for plaintiff for 81,- 213 15 13. W. F. Hood, Ex’r, vs. R. H. Latnpkin, trustee—complaint. Verdict for plaintiff for $490 57. 14. James E. Randolph, Ex’r, vs. John C. Lumpkin, et. al. Fi. fa and illegality. Ver dict lor plaintiff. 15 Northeastern Railroad vs.-C. W. Beal, complaint Verdict for plaintiff for 8400 00. 16. The State vs. Robert Childers; Joseph Emerick, security. Scire facias on forfeited bond 8200 00. FnrAHCIAL & COMMERCIAL THE ATHENS MARKETS. CmecM fed!; hj tie —:o*.— FACTORY GOODS. Cotton Tra ft 15*00 ptzsi-sr-'i: i: r^fcisok?. * “ SEsrcm •SAS £*». “ MUM Meal, •• 1 an. am Wheat" Laid, — IGa 17 Irish, Petal oa tl MU M Sweat •• — MU M Egga-lQo1{t/ Cafrfcuww . T _._ ,, , 20* s Turkey,— 75*1 a GROCERIES. Sugar, crusted— lie II •• A Ha IS B. its IS C J9s IS Demanra.. Laguajra— 2Sa S3 J»y» 33a 37 Tea. - 1 SSU SO Syrup, due—._ 7Sal «4> Moltwcf, Cuba— earn 65 Candle,, aperm— 40a 80 adamant.. 70a 33 tallow 15a 20 SB Mackerel. No. l.klU._*J 1 “ No. I. Klta-rs < a. 2. No. S. Kite I 73 Salt, Par Back It 73 ~ 73U SO Smoking- MU 00 KnaX lfaecabeT.— 1 00 Americas. *30 Ota SO 00 LIQUORS. Corn whiskey. _II 35a S 10 French brandy.. « Me 1 « Holland Gin 5 Ola a 00 American Gin— 3 Ma • M Bourbon whiskey t Ma 4 00 HARDWARE: EetU^rketTZ! *4*5 - .Cards 73U 00 LEATHER. Solo Leather. U pr. Leather. Ham. " .... Calfskin, 40 00*100 00 Kip Skin, 50 00a 75 00 Dry —■ BAGGING, TIES, ROPE. Bagging pr yd jCajC Dairy. per bu 1 00U 20 Starch a 13 Tallow— 8a 10 Rice, per lb—— a 10 1 Rope’, gras* The above are retail price,. Special rata to wholesale Ttee 7a7S | Rope, cotton . Mato * B/inp wr*na QAa’fY bur era. THE MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE. Week Ending, Feb. 11, 1876. Receipts 358 Shipments 342 Sales to Spinners 66 Market middling Rain Fall llfialH 2.29-100 Highest Temperature 72 Lowest. 27 Home Evidence.— Harmony Grove, Jam 20, 1878. Messrs. J. C. Pitner tk Co., Athens, Ga. We used your Acid Phosphate last year fo - corn and cotton, and are well pleased with ii, and will use it on our entire crop this year. We will cheerfully recommend i. to the people as being the cheapest and most profitable of any acid or guano that can be used. W. F. Anderson, feb2.4». Jas. II. Holland. Letters from Druggists.—There is no case of Dyspepsia that Green’s August Flower will not cure. Come to the Drug Store of R. T. Brumby A Co, and inquire about it. If you suffer from Costiveness, Sick Headache. Sour Stomac’-, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, or derangement of the Stomach or Liver, try it. Two or three doses will relieve you. Bosciiek’s German Syrup is now sold in every town and city in the United States, i a ,cw% nn ’r , . - i 'Ve have not less titan five hundred letters ond 8200 00 Judgment against security. from Druggists, saying it is the best medi 17. Thomas Jones, (col.,) vs Fanny Jones, I cine thl . v =“ cr so ld for Consumntion. Throat (col.) Libel for Divorce. Verdict for to tal Divorce. 18. Martha W. Lumpkin vs. O. F. McRee. mpk Distress Warrant. Verdict for plaintiff for 8120 00. 19. Mary E. Jackson vs. R. H. Webb. Application for Homestead and Caveat. Appeal. Settled. 20. Weatherly & Co., vs. Winstead Allen, et. al Appeal from County Court. Dis missed. 21. Weatherly A Co., vs. John Jarrctt. Appeal >rotn County Court. Dismissed. 22. Weatherly A Co, vs. Calvin Turner. Appeal from County Court, Dismissed. 23. State vs. George Lewis. Carrying concealed weapons. Disc-barged. 24. State vs. Win. Hunter. Carrying concealed weapons. Dismissed. 25. J. C. Jackson vs S. C. Dobbs. Ap peal from County Court. Verdict for plaintiff for 864 43 26. The State vs. Thomas Langston. Cer tiorari from County Court. Certiorari dismissed. cine they ever sold for Consumption, Throat or Lu g disease. Sample bottles of both 10 cents each. Regular size 75 cents. If yon want Powers <fc Weightman’s Chemicals, then go to Loxos & Bitiurs. Sept. 15—46-tf. ThiGsakd Centost. Horn.—The Saathem head' quarters in New York—is capable of entertaining fifteen hundred gnats. 48 3000 lbs., Strictly Pare Lead, jast received by Logo, A BiLLtrrt. Sept. 13—46-tf. The undersigned have on hand a choice lot ot Timothy Hay, which they will sell chap for cash. GANN & REAVES. COLLEGE AVENUE OBY GOODS EMPORIUM! MOSES MYERS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Carpets, FdYS, Blankets, Fancy and Millinery Ariidct. STORE ROOM ENLARGET CROCKERY A SPECIALTY "-^!!!** I Entire Balance of their Winter Stock J. H. HUGGINS. DAVIS BLCEITED THE HIGHEST AWARDS AT IRE LATE STATE FAIR, i OF PRINTS, WE SHALL NOW OFFER ATHENS. GkA.. TUB LARGEST AND ROST ELEGANT GALLERY IX THE STATE, WITH THE BEST OPERATORS. STOCK INCREASED. PACIFIC @UAlffO QOUFAIf. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. MARBLE. I SOLUBLE PACIFIC GlIAKO AHO COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, We arill beg the citizens of Athens and vicinitr to give i a call and examine our stock before pnrbhaslng. novtsdrewl-. A. R. ROBERTSON’S mm m mm mi FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. The Cheapest and most Popular Fertilizers in use! INTRODUCED IN 1865. Dealer in and manufacturer of Monuments, Head and Foot 8tones, Marble and Granite Box Tombs and Cra dle Torahs. AU work warranted. Persons will do i „ , ,, „ ... , weU to examine my designs, and ba convinced <hft | Soluble Pacific Guano, Cash,., they are dealing with a fair and square Athena, Ga, Sept. 22,1875. PRICES IN AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 43-tf Weatherly & Co, ARE NOW READY ...$48.00 ....60.00 ....36.00 ....42.00 For the Fall & Winter Trade „ . » Having just returned from Nt* York with a lam and well selected stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Ready-made Clothing, Hals, Boots, Shoes, Wood and Willow lUare, Hardware, Crockery, Drugs, dec., &c., dec., die. Soluble Pacific Guano, Time, with 15c cotton option, Compound Acid Phosphate, Cash, Compound Acid Phosphate, Time, with 15c cotton option, DELIVERED AT ANY BOAT OR DEPOT IN THE CITY FREE OF CHARGE. Time Sales payable by the 1st of November, 1876, without interest, with options of paying in Middling Cotton at 15 cints, delivered at your Railroad Depot. J. O. MATHEWSON & CO., General Agents, Augusta, Gn. J. C. PITNER & CO., Agents, Athens. Ga. CIRCULAR. A FRIENDLY CHAT WITH FARMERS IN REGARD TO THE USE OF OYSTER SHELL LIME. T IS AN ACKNOWLEDGED FACT, __ not only with scientific agriculturist., but also fumi- PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. \ been drained of properties which add to the vigorous COUNTRY PRODUCE growth of staple product, until *hcy will scarcely repay the Husbandman fur cultivation. To bring three land. taken in exchange for Good.. Call and ace us at the corner of ClaytoB and Thomas Street.. OctlSdtfi If yon wish to giCTaVegatablq for Ml» Gardening for Profit! If yon with to become a Commercial Florist, Practical Floriculture! If yon wish to Garde* for Amaiement or for Home Uaa only, read Gardening for Pleasure! Price ) 1^0 each, poet-paid, by mail. Ocr Combined Catalogue for 1878, of EVERYTHING GARDEN! tent Free to nil Applicants. receipt of 60 books. Bant I mta. 35 CortUndt Street, NEW YORK. If yon want Furniture, call on Gilleiand, Wood te Co., who manfacture and deal in all kinds of Fnraitnre and Coffin., and sell as chap a any hotue in this city. March 24, 1875.—31-ly. NOTICE.—Country merchants and Physicians, wa are now prepared to tell yon all articles pertaining to the drag trade as chap as you can get them in Georgia, freight added. Loxoi Sc Sept. 15—46-tf. < ALL AND Georgia State Agricultural Socie ty—Meeting at Brunswick.—The con vention of the State Agricultural Society met at ten o’clock this morning. President Colquitt presiding. About one hundred delegates were present. The Convention was opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Atkin son, after which Mayor Davenport, on be half of the citizens of Brunswick, in a few brief and appropriate sentences welcomed the officers and delegates of the Society, and extended to them the hospitalities of the city. General Browne responded to the speech of welcome in one of his happiest nnd most graceful efforts. General Colqnilt then arose and delivered an able, earnest and eloquent address to the Convention, in which he made many excellent suggestions, which, if heeded by Georgians, would do much towards restoring our glorious old common wealth to her former grand position oi prosperity and happiness. His speech was frequently applauded, and is spoken of by all in the highest terms. The Convention then proceeded to business, and amon? the first acts of importance was the unanimous passage of a resolution praying the Legisla ture to enact a dog law. About one hun* dred and fifty delegates arrived this evening and are hard at work. Many of Georgia’s most distinguished sons are present. Every one appears delighted with what they have i of Brunswick and Rs magnificent har- Gilleiand, Wood Sc Co. have added the Coffin boaineae to their Furniture Manufactory, and always keep on hand large stock of Wood and Metalie Burial Cases. They aell as chap as any honse in the State, and furnish, without extra charge to their patrons, their splendid new Horse tor fnneral occasions. March 24—kl-ly No Excess tob Bixxa Sice.—No person can use Boechee’a German Syrup without getting immediate relief and cure. We have the first case of Coughs, Col ls or Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, yet to hear from that ha not been cared. We have distributed every year, for three years, over 250,- 009 Sample Bottla by Druggists in all puts of the United States. Nootner Manufacturer or Medieina ever gave their preparations inch a tat ss this. Go to your Drnggists R. T. Brumby Sc Co., and get a bottle lor 75 cents and try it—two doea will relievt yon. Sample Bottla 10 cents esch. dec7. pert of oar paper « well known house, whose manufactures are in use from Maine to Mexico and South America, and everywhere regarded as first-class in their design, material and workmanahip. With facilities for manufacturing and shipping largely increased and improved (torn year to year, they are prepared to fill all orders promptly and will guarantee their patrons thoroughly reliable work. Those in need of anything in their line would do well to apply for their circular and prices. dcc7. bor. Among other plans for the entertain ment of the visitors will be an excursion down the bay to-morrow. — Savannah Netes Summary of Or. Pendleton’s Address. We have brought to your consideration a number of important propositions, some of them satisfactorily demonstrated, and a num ber of them only partially so. We have at least succeeded in convincing ourselves that we may cheapen the production of cotton by cheapening the production of mule feed; that more nutriment can be raised with less labor in oats and fodder corn, than in corn and fodder; that the oat forms a better ro tation for cotton than the Indian corn, and that it husbands nitrogen, while the culture of both corn and cotton destroys it; that more land may be brought up remunerative ly Jo double its production the first year, and considerably above it by the third Tear; that land thus doubled in its productive caj will enable us to complete successfully the West as to labor; that a man cult! Georgia Legislature. Die Committee of the Lunatic Asylum ’eport the institution in good condition, and ttimpliment the officials in charge, and rec- 11 mmend an appropriation of $450 for medi works and 820,000 increased water facilities. The Committee on the Academy for the compliment Mr. William* and his as- **iates, and recommend an appropriation of *l »,000 for current expenses. Mr. Baker offered a resolution calling on the Governor for information concerning the share the Hon. A. H. Stephens has in the otate Road, which waa given to the State, w h»t amount of dividend has been received, etc. The Herald of yesterday published a atato- rUS?* tl>at Governor Brown expended $17,- 90C on the Legislature of 1871 to procure Mr. Bacon offered a resolution asking the "PPomtment of a committee of investigation To amend the act amending the charter of Athens. Passed. W | way of a fertilizer or renovator ha ban found eqnai to I V T P P I it, « proved by the increaeod yield of crops and perma- 1 A X< 1* I improvement of the soil, at a co*t, lea* by far, Millinery Goods, m»h pure oyster shell i T. A. Adam, would most respectfully inform the UME, “ W port’K-yelVc^ I«dia of Athena and of countia adjwent, that she has COMPOUND FOR ? PitEVENT- now received, and opened a meet choice and select as- j IN GRAPES, for sale at |50 per ton. Give it atrial. sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, com prising in part the latat styles and tashiona of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Gloves, &e., Which aha will sell at reasonable price*. Give her call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a dis tance carefully filled. Store located on Broad street, one door above National Bank. April 21,1875—25-tf. Poole St Iicxr, MacnixxsTa, Baltocokc —In another " be found Sbvi Monet and Health.—The reputation of the Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine i* so thoroughly established that no word in its commendation is neces sary. The plan adopted by the manufacturers of this famous machine of placing their prica so low at to come within the reach of the poorer classes, certainly entitla them to the gratitude of those who are really most in need of each an article. Machines will ha de livered at any Railroad Station in this county, free of transportation charges, if ordered through Urtiiaw St Gaimni at Athens, Ga. They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular, fra on application. They want a few more good agents. fehS. a saving cf ted. Their The Cheat aid Pozclar Atlastta Stoxz or Fracii- oorr, Benedict A Co., No. S3 Whitehall St.—is now offering the LargeAl, Cheapest, and bat Selected Stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Hosiery and Underwear. NoTeltia in Carpets, Oil CI< “ berquins. Cornices and Upholstery Goods at 15 to 20 per cent, on each article porch si Facilities are only equaled by the Largest Houses in the Union. A call before purchasing at other houses is re spectfully solicited. N. R—Samples sent on application. All orders over Ten Dollar*, at Retail, will ne ant free of charge to an; art of the State. F..R4C0. Branches— F. R Sc Co., New York. F. R Sc Co., Charleston, 8. C. F. R Sc Co., Jacksonville, Fla. [nov.l7-tf. To Lead all Comramons it the aim of the proprie tors of the Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine. It is founded on the very beet principles known to the sew ing machine science, and improvement*, in advance of all other eewing machina, are being adopted constantly. The Wilson is rapidly raining tbs preference of dl paitia that are acquainted with sewing machines, and it baa already taken the front rank among the first-clasa machina of thia country; audita price, owing to its being mann&ctured where labor and material is much ehaper than in eastern citia, U fifteen dollars Ian than all other find-das mndiina. Machina will bede- livered at any Railroad Station in thia county, free transportation shaigea, if ordered through Ur* vating on this progressive principle will save I BrowS^ AthensVoiC half the out-lay for labor, horse power, mule _ T* 1 *! "•! ■?. e, “ feed nnd tools, and thus cheapen the produo tion of cotton 100 per cent. We have fuither demonstrated that phos phoric acid rendered soluble by science and applied to our soils, will hold it hy chemical absorption, according to the ]>er cent, ot alum or clay in them, and doly gives up its hold to the suction power of the roots, thus pro ducing remunerative crops the second and third yean; that the best way to utilize the urine of animals is to make an ammoniated superphosphate as before described; that the best way to utilize the solid excreta, as well as cotton seed, is to compost it in the cotton beds in the soil, with superphosphate or ground mineral bone; that the premature ripening of cotton fruit, and consequent death of the stalk, known as rust, is owiog more to the variety of cotton as a remote cause than lo anything else; and that sneha rotation of crops should be instituted as will keep np a supply of organic matter in the soil, in order to destroy the nitrogen destroy- ing culture of our great Southern production, corn and cotton.—Tdegroph and Messer*' „ _ ami chromo circular fra on application. They want a few more good agents. dadS. back to their original state of fertilitv has been the work of scientists for a number of yore. The Manafacturers, after a thorough tat, and with the endorsement of the leading chemists of tho country, take pleasure in offer- to the farmer* of Georgia and South Carolina, OYSTER SHELL LIME, as the ebapest and bat Fertilizer ever introduced in the States, and possessing exactly those properties of which the lend lias, from year to yar, been robbed. As a tor DBisamo rou shall on in*, it boa no superior. Composted with Stable Manure, Cotton Seed, Muck, and all Vegetable Matter, it will make a manure which will permanently improve any laud to which it is applied. F0R COTTON AND CORN it ia invaluable, as it lightens heavy soils, makes them more porous, fixe* and retains the ammonia of other manures, neutralizes all aeidity, consequently causing the plauts togrow luxuriantly even daring droughts. To fanner* who have used Oyster Shell Lime, it is " its merits. Those nnacqiiaint- :d te try it, will be grateful to I to our notice. Read the fol- Editor of tile Rural Carolinian me in composting: slxstoh, S. C., Feb. 15,1875. useless ed will ns for lowing in regal Dear any far better i much i of agri adviset me pleasure to be of service to to leant how to make farming Uult tw may h not on little a in the the ht turned. Bros I dresaii deczltt. thouaa curing make : 1 aira t lul. hut you must not rely too VVe ere only in the fin-t lesson* re. A vear ago I should have have, not to nut lime in your inied m.-verul tiling* within the of which is, that lime aiul oshe* Qpo*t with nitrogenous matter, ige, hut with great benefit. A >ff from the surface at first, but chemical processes earned on in * absorbed from the air and rc- y all mcaus.” , D. H. Jaqcio, Ed. Rural CarUinian. ONS FOR USE: 10 biuhel* to the acre as a top hi. lu composting with cotton tuck, and vegetable matter; for u&e from 2 to 3 bushels to one cheapness and facility of pro renovator of the soil ought to t objects of the farmer (who de- d) to obtain it. Kothiug in the Clarke County. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS WILLIAM J. RUSSELL applies to mo for letters of administration on the estate of Richard T. Brumby, late of said county, deceased— These uro ther f”ro to cite and admonish all con cerned to show cause, if any they have, on or before the second Wednesday in March next, why t*aid letter* should not be granted. Given nndcr my h --nd at office, this 7th dav of Feb- rnsty, 1876. ASA M. JACKSON, Orclinniv. fet> 8.30d. Notice. SAMUEL FREEMAN, (col.) late of Clarke county, deceased, arc hereby notified to present the same to me for paymeut within the time prescribed hy law, and .those indebted to said deceased arc requested to make immediate payment. Jan. 10,1870. EUGENE W. BRYDYE, janll-6w Administrator. G EORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY.—Whereas Wil- liuurA. Ilempiiill, Administrator of William Wood, late of said county, deceased, applies for letter* ot dis mission from said xidministratioii. T.iese ure therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned to show cause (if any they have) nt my office, o». or before the first Monday in May next, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, thi* the 27th day of December, 1873. jau4.3m. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary’. M'FOR 187e.Tfn A PPLEION’S JOURNAL! A IIUCSKHOLD WEEKLY MAGAZINE, LEVOTED TO F97UL1S LITE2A7C2E, ANS ALL UATIEX2 Cf TASTE A1IE CTLTT3E. TWO HUNDRED PIECES CHOICEST AND BEST STYLES , — OF — | EARLY Spring CALICOES Ever exhibited iu thi* market at tho low price of 8c. PER YA.RI3! Parties examining these goods cannot fail to express their surprise at the Novel Designs of these Prints, As they nurpaiw in Bcanty anything heretofore off-red in thi* market. In addition to these we are receiving, Five Cases of Bleached Shirtings A T UNUS UALLY LOW PRICES. €QMEWt No. 5 Broad Street, Atlicnp, Ga. janll-ly IIart County. HART SHERIFF SALES. W ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE Court house door, in Hartwell, Hart county, Ga., on the tint Tuesday iu, March next, the following property: The interest of C. C. Thrasher in a tract of'land lying in said county, on the waters of Bayne’s Creek, adjoining land* of S. B. Byram and Michael Johnaon, auppoacd to lie twelve or fifteen acre*, to satisfy a Ufa in favor of L. & T. J. Linder va. raid 0. C. Thruf her. loaned from the Justice Court of the 1117 Dirtrict, G. M., returnable to January term of *aid Court. Levr made by T. T. Holbrokc, L. C., end returned tome. * AV. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff fcbS-4t. GEORGIA—IIART COUNTY. 3AS WILLIAM S. SIMPSON* deceased, late of Anderson County S. C., departed thi* life, possessed of property within the county and State aforesaid, and no person has ap plied for administration thereon, and in consecpieuce thereof, the same is likely to waste, to tho injury of those entitled thereto. Thi* i* therefore to notify the creditora, next of kin and all other* interested, that administration ot the estate of said deceased, will be vestd in the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county or some other fit and proper person at the March term next of this court, if no good cause is shown to the contrary. Giveu under my hand, officially thi* Jan. 27th 1876. febl.4w. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary. HART SHERIFF’S SALE. ^/•ILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST Aftlitons' JcraNAL appear* in new type nnd with other mechanical improvement*, making’it the hand- Komcst weekly literary journal iu the country. Apple- tons' Journal aim* lo be comprehensive, including iu its plan all branches ol literature, and treating all sub jeet* ot interest to intelligent readers; it design* to be elevated in taste anti pure in tone ; it give* in quantity fully twenty-five per cent, more than the latest of the Monthly Magaziucs, while in quality it* literature is of • ’ ;h< ■ the highest class. Price, $1 per Annum; 10 Cent* per Numlirr. SPECIAL U.VCEJUEA'T. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. For for farther information, or order* for Lime, ad dress POET ROY AL LIM E Co.. Or J. H. HUGGINS, Agent, Athens, Ga. febS*2m 1 Ali Linci V.U., Port Royal, S. C., ASTONISHING. Planters' Hotel, Augusta, Ga. r J'HIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL HAV- ing bean Remodeled, Enlarged, thoroughly Reu- I ovated, Repainted and Newly Furni*bed dunug the 1 Summer of 1875, it now opened, with increased laeui- | tin for the accommodation sf the travelling public. B. P. CHATFIELD, Proprietor. febt-ly IFURMTURE WAREHOUSE 1 The undersigned have procured, exclusively for sub scriber* to Am.EToKs’ Journal, a splendid steel eu- graving of "CSA2LX3 BICZSS3 IS HIS CTSI7," which i* offered, under special terms, to every subscri ber-ill advance—to Jocrxal for 1876. Tliis steel engraving i* in line and stipple. It i* not a fancy picture, but an actual representation of Charles Dickens’ study at Gadshill, while the portrait of the J. F. WILSON & (JO , I £0. 13 mSXLXtt B07SZ SAK3Z, 83QAB 0T-. ATEKT3, GA distinguished author i* strikingly faithful. The size of the plate i* 20x14, printed ou heavy plate paper 24x30, making a large ana handsome engraving for the parlor or library wall. The execution of the plate i* of a superior order. The ordinary price of a steel engraving of thi* char acter in the piint-shop* would not be less than five, and perhupa six dollar*. It i* offered exclusively to *ub- *cribcrs, in addition to the Journal for one year, for $5—that is, for $1 additional, each yearly advance sub scriber to the Journal for 1876 may receive a superb engraving worth fully five times the amount. Thi* engraving is entfrely new. It ha* never been for rale in the print-shop*, and cannot be obtained ex cept in connection with Applxtons' Journal, upon the term* and conditions given above. It will be mailed to subscribers postage prepaid. D. APPLETON & CO. feb2-R 343 i&l 351 Brcilwiy, 17ot York. Tuesday in February next, witliin the legal hours of sale, before tho Court House door in the town of Hartwell, Hurt County, Ga., a tract of land lying and being in said couuty, containing three hundred and six- tenth* acre*, more or less, adjoining land* of L. Alford, J. B. Alford, H. Tyler and others, better known a* the resident place of the late F. G. Stowers; a!w> twenty six acre*, more or les*. adjoining land* of J. B Alford, N. Huuk* and S. V. Miliford. All levied on and sold as the property of F. G. Stowers^ to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county, re turnable to March term, 1875, in favor of A. J. Connell, Millv J. Connell nnd Win M. McMullun w. C. A. Webb, Adtn'r. of F. G. Stowers, also to satisfy various other fi. fa*, in my hand* vs. said F. G. Stowera. AH sold subject to the widow’s dower. Hartwell, Jon. 8d, 1876. j*n4.5i. W. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff. GEORGIA—HART COUNTY. YyHEREAS, M. M. JOHNSON, ADMINISTBA- tor of Sarah C. Hilliard, deceased, applies to mo for letters of dismission from said administration. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to *liow cause (it auy they have) at my office, on or liefore the first Monday in 'April uext, why said letters should not he granted. Given nnder my hand at office thi* 31st dav of Dec., 1875. Janil.4t. FRED C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary. Oconee County. GEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY. W HEREAS, MAIIY C. THRASHER a] The progress made hy .... SEWING MACHINE. Inveutive skill bos been taxed to its utmost, and the resoit is, the Coffins, Burial Cases PICTURE FRAMES AND MOLDIXdS. jan25-ly BARGAINS FOR CASH The Most Perfect nnd Desirable Machine, for General and Family Use, yet produced. It is Simple and Easy to Operate, is not liable to get oat oat of repair, its Work is the Bat | as was shown by the FIRST PREMIUMS tied it at the Universal Exhibition in Vienna, in I 1875, and it is sold mt a LESS PRICE than any other Machine of its STANDARD EXCEL- I LENCE. For tale by J. M. UPSHAW and F. P. GRIFFITH. ] Be ears to see the Wilson before yoa boy. May 19, 1875 29-tf. U. S. Internal Revenue. Dxrcrr Collictob’s Ornor, | Fourth District, Georgia, r Athens, Jon. 15, 1876.) LL PARTIES DESIRING IN FOR A mation"ss’to TAX imposed by the United States Internal Revenue Laws, can obtain the same by apply ing to W. S. MAYFIELD, Deputy Collector. Office over Jacobs * Michael’s Store, Brood Street, Athens, Ga. ASTONISHING! 44 Yet forty day*, and Xinecah shall be occrtArotcn!" Future event* prophccied by rules in BENNER’S PROPHETIC BOOK. Fortune* foretold in the up* and down; of price* tor the next twenty year*; the future judged by the past. What years to m»kc money on pig iron, hogs, corn, provisions, cotion, and when we will have the next puuic, what year hard tinus will cud and busine** again. Even- farmer, manufacturer, le gitimate trader aud speculator should have thi* book, to know be future, so a* to avoid la** and be success ful. Sent to any name, |*ost paid, for *i. Add res* SAMUEL BENNER, Cambridge, Ross Count}*, O. febl-R applies to me for letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Barton C. Thrasher,.late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cito and admonish all con cerned, to show cause, if any they have, at my office on or before the first Monday in March uext, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand nt office, this January 31st, 1876. febl.4t. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY. -^^HERE AS, GEORGE E. GRIFFETII Administrator James L. Griffeth de ceased applies to me for letter* of dismission from said administration. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all concern ed, to show cause (if any they have) at my office, on or before the first Monday m May next why said lettters should not he granted. Given under my hand nt office tho 31st day of January 1876. tcbl.lm. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR SSALE. |JY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM THE COURT BOOK AGENTS AND GOOD SALESMEN Arc “COINING MONEY” with the famous DESIGNS, 71 ID A Not Broke Yet! HAVE GIVEN OUR CUSTO- . . men five thousand dollars this season in the price of cotton to make early collections. We propose to sell goods this year Fifty Per Cent Cheaper for Cash, Than can be sold on 18 months time, with privile|« of two yean. If yon want to save money give us a call and say you want to ^ ^ c A 8 H And yon will he surprised & janll-tf. Hartwell, Georgia. VALUABLE DISCOVERY. W. D. STYIION, of Georgia. HAS DISCOVERED A SURE REMEDY FOR grape rot. The French Edition of which sells fur $165, and the London Edition for $200. Our Popular Edition (5.50), containing over One Hundred fullqage quarto plates, is the cheapest nnd most elegant publication in America, and the bat to sell. Critics vie with each other in praising it, - nd the masses buy it. Agent in Charleston. S. C., reports 97 orders; one in Ninety-Six, S. C., 106; one in Va., 247; another in Memphis, 200 ,rders, taken in three weeks. Full particulars free. Address. J.B. FORD & CO., Publishers, NovSdtfw. 27 Park Place, New York. of Ordinary of Oconee Cunnty, will be sold on the first Tuesday in March 1876, before the Court Home door in Watkinsville, said couuty, within the lawful hours of sale: one tract of land in said county, unjoin ing lands of John W. Stroud, Saudford Whitehead, Dr. F. Jackson and others, containing fifty seven and one half acres, twenty acres in original forat, twenty or twenty-five acres tenable land, balance good branch bottom; on the place there is a good bouse with three rooms nnd all necessary out buildings. Sold os the property of Margaret W. Parker deceased, for the benefit of the heirs ana creditors. Terms made known on day ' 1 AAKON CROW, CIGARS. We have now on band 850,000 Chokrest Brands of Cigars, which we offer at Guutlt Reouced Pioczl Also a huge stock of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Genuine Mcersh*am Pipes, and all Smokers Ar- ur A liberal discount allowed to Jobbers Buying igely. Come one I Corns all 11 KALVAKINSKY * LU Aug. SAl] Under Newton Horns, Athena, IA Week guaranteed to Male and Female 1 - Costs Nothing ICKEb ▲■m A Week guaranteed to Mai flftR1n>Axent<, in locality. l^bjssssrir- Heaven is a state of entire aoquiescenee in the will of God, and perfect •ympathj with hi* purpose*. will be sold at GREATLY Now U the tiara to REDUCED PRICEa rera^lrngtrenlnaa^jy^ Bok* BANKRUPT BLANKS. TbHILIP * SOLOM AN’S AUTHORIZED EDITION, r the only, complete edition published. Sen* — tA- BU^KK, Bookseller and Station fthfdt - OMESTIC SEWING • MACHINES. "DOMESTIC” PAPM 'FASHIONS. 4MmmWM«b—MjginawqA drawn Wane.-«• IKWleU. AND DESTROYER OF CURCULIO AND BORER, inz oulat sxsuixs or the rx*on ouor. f.-nis REMEDY HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY I tested for two reason*, and in every instance has been a perfect anecese. The following certificate of a well known Minister in Georgia, who has seen it fair te*ted, will give some ides of it* real merits: Buratwica, July 13th, 1876. Ma W. L\ Smtotr.—The Compound put up by you I have knffwn, us. d, seen its results, and it will do all you claim for it. It will prevent blight and rot, and cause vines to grow vigorously. When it was used I never raw more flourishing or fuller vines, with bunches large and well filled. In flic same vineyard, vines with out iu use did nf. matures single bunch. With its use, vina that had not borne frnit for year* were quite olifle. A half gallon wa* used, but a gallou would be setter. From wTist I have reen, 1 can swl do recom- n. end iu we to ail who draire tin* delightful fruit. Its resulU where it has been used on Pes«* trees srethe same. Youp^&c., FOB SALE. A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT ON OCONEE St. The dwelling bus eight noma, and is fai good SSSr CWJ. H. Braun PICTURE FRAMES. EVERY SIZE AND STYLE. Great Reduction In Prices _ I a paid to __ and framing of Chromes. We challenge the State as to style and prices. If yon want the bestframra at the lowat price*, «U st BUBOW Book Store. S25 A D AY tjiSCYi&u'AisrnTius F iychomancy, or soul CHARMING. HOW e " either sex may fascinate and gain tba love and affections of any person they choose, instantly. Thia art oil can possess, free, by mail, fur 25 cents; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, HinU to Ladies, etc. 1,000,000 sold. A queer book. Ad dress T. WILLIAMS & CO., Pub’s. Philadelphia, febl-R \ GENTS, THE GREATEST CHANCE OF THE age. Address with stamp, National Copying Co., Atlanta, Go. - febl.K E MPLOYMENT. Male and Female, salary or com mission. Wo pay Agents a salary of $30 a week and exdensra. Eureka M’r'o Co., Hartford, Ct. Par ticulars free. fubl-K Happy New Year. It ISIIING OUR FRIENDS AND PATROXS A » v Imppy and prosp rous new yar, we beg to in form them that we open the new year with a large stock of uf sale. fcbl.4t. Adm’r. of Margaret W. Parker. OCONEE SUPERIOR COURT NOV. TERM 1875. Makt Livingston', >• Libel for Divorce. Sidney Livingston. ) JT APPEARING TO THE COURT that Sidney Livingston, defendant does not reside in the County of Oconee, and it fnrther appearing that lie resides without the limits of the Sute. It is there fore ordered that service be perfected upon said de- .endant by publication once a month for four months iu the Athena GOorgion, a paper published in tho City of Athens, Georgia. J. R. LYLE, Plaintiffs Attorney. Granted—GEO. D. RICE, Judge S. C. Q EORGIA-OCONEE COUNTY._-Ci.iBia OrrtcE, SurxKtoB Court.—I, J. M. A. Johnson, Clerk of tho Superior Court of said County, do hereby certify that the above order was granted at tho November term 1875 of the Superior Court of aud County of Oconee. Giveu under my official signature, this 28th January fcbl.mfm. J. M. A. JOHNSON, Clerk. SHERIFF’S me. Your*. &c., N. B.OUSLEY. DmcnoNSnxUiiN'a.—Diir around tho root* in Fall and Winter and apply Compound. Prioe, $50 per ton. Put up by PoC jf2. HUGO INS, Agent, Athens, Gs. feb8.Jm, Eastern Seed Potatoes. E ZillLY ROSE, Siceet and Best Crop. PINKEYE, Good Bearer. PEACH BLOW, Ibr Siting. CLOVER SEED, Prime N. Y. State. ORCHARD GRASS, “ HERLONG COTTON SEED. BANCROFT'S PROLIFIC Cotton Seed. In Store and to arrive. For sole by EDWARD BANCROFT, fehS.Sm. ' No. 8, Broad St^ Athens, Ga. J JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, And are prepared to supply anything they may want on the most reasouablc terms. Our increased facilities and laiger experience warrants ns in saying thot we an please all in quality and prica. Call and see us before purchasing. janU-tt L. SCHEVENELL & CO. rpHE Dissolution. COPARTNERSHIP HERETO- fora existing between the undersigned, nnder the firm name and style of P1TTARD, MITCHELL & CO., is this inj dissolved bv mutual consent. AU persons indebted to the late firm will make pay ment to S. D. Mitchell, who continues the business and assumes oil its liabilities. JAMES D. PITTABD, S. D. MITCHELL, B. T. PITTABD. OCONEE POSTPONED SALE. WILL BE SOLI) BEFORE THE V V Court House door in Watkinsville, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, the following property to-wit: One grey burse, doctor, two mouse colored mule* and two bay mules, one two horse wagon and hornen, end one yoke of oxen, and one colt. Levied on es the pro perty of Jacob W. Dicken, by an attachment and £ fa. i-sned upon raid attachment from Oconee Superior Court, in favor of John O. Tdraiber va. said Dicken. Property pointed out in oaid attachment and fi. fa. Also, at same time and plea, a Hall, in tho aeeond store of a bnildirg, in tho town of Watkinsville, known as the Odd Fellows Hall. Levied on a* the property of the Odd FeUowa to satis(y a fi. fa. loaned from Oconee Superior Court iu favor of A. T. Luckte va. said Odd Fellows. Property pointed out by defendants. Alto, at same time aud place, the farm known as the Dr. Lindsey Durham piooe. Levied on to satisfy three fair fi. too., for the years 1878,1874 end 1875. fcbl.5t. W. W. PRICE, Sheriff The undersigned, in thanking his old patrons for their patronage, begs a continuance of it, at tho old stand, No. 8 Broad street. 8. D. MITCHELL. Wa cordially recommend our late partner to our old itrorta and friend*. He will be round prompt and illging. J. D. PITTABD, patrons obliging. janlfrtf R. T. PITTABD. For Sale* U, with Cap and Worm complete. Apply to Sarnmey, HutchesOn & Bell, or Joun I . .. .. t’ 1 -* 100 Gallon Newton. June 2*1875. Great Bargains in Note Paper. I N order to reduce our unusually huge stock, new and beautiful styles of Inltisl snd qtuvr and beautiful styles of Initial and otucr papers will be sold AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS FOB CASH AT BURKE’S BOOK STORE. Sept. 29—48-tf. v 5 ! Blasting and Digging Wells! \\ ITH AN EXPFJHENCE OF TWENTY YEARS, Win ■ m hereby tender mj services to the citizens o. Athens > 'id vicinity. First cIiibs work guaranteed. Residence at tho Talmadge House, between the uppet bridge nnd Check Factors'. All orders will receive prompt attention. EDWIN W. POSTER. m BLi