The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, February 15, 1876, Image 4

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C|c ^t|tns (gemrjian. |The Enterprise Long Looked For! PLAYING BO-PEEP WITH THE STAR, “ Who an you winking at, bright little atari Hanging alone, way up ever ao tar; Trembling nnd'fla«hing alolt in the blue, Anawer my question, answer me true.” She atood by the window all read^ for bed, 1 by the Tat lingered to hear what the little star said; But naught would it do but wink its bright eve, Alone by itaelfin the deptlia of the sky. 11 1 fear you are dumb,” eaid the wee, little sprite, 11 Or else you would answer my question, to-night; We whisper and talk to eaoh other down here,— I think you oould apeak, if you chose to, my dear.” What do yon think that the little star did 1 It wilfully slipped out of sight, and was hid By a ship of a cloud that floated dose by, *■ * *■—*"* * *-*■ —ply- FRANKLIN HOUSE Meals can bo had at all hours, for FUF’TTg' CENTS CU. This Hotel lias been thoroughly renovated and newly r public _ d newly furnished. The Traveling public will he accommodated witli Board and Lodging for TWO DOLLARS PER DAY. A FINE OYSTER SALOON And never vouchrafcd tier a wink or reply. But, after awhile, when she woke in the night. The first then aha saw was that little star's light, It twinkled and twlnklad, and routed her tram sleep, “ Aha 1” laughed the child, “ we can both play b j peepf” —Tkt Ciurehman. Is also connected with this Hotel. This is the place to get Oysters, Fish, Beef Stake, Ham and Eggs, &c. Ovstcrs will be sold by the quart and gallon, to those i who wish them. Give’ us a trial and we will please yon W. A. JESTER, T.TllRELKELD, Oct. 2S—tf. Proprietors. Yon may talk of roaming the meadows, With your true lova hand in hand, And plucking the dainty daisies That deck the loamy land; But out in the ivory sun-glare, In trappings fine and neat, Let me stroll with a pallid beauty, Through an unfrequented street. You may have all the rural pleasures Yonr ardent heart may ecixo, And drink of the ncetarous odor That ladena every breeze; But give me the wild excitement, And tho restless, furtive glauec That leaps from the eye of the maiden In the sinuoua, dreamy dance. UF.OKUU LEGISLATURE. Colonists, Emigrants and Travel ers Westward. F OR man circulars, condensed time tables and pen eral information in regard to transportation faeili tics to all points in Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Min nesota, Colorado, Kansas, Texas, Iowa, hew Mexico Wrinn, General Railroad Agent, Atlanta, Ga No one should go West without first getting in com munieation with the General Railroad Agent, and be come informed as to superior advantages, cheap and quick transportation of families, household goods, stock, and farming implements gcucrally. AH information ehrrrfoUy gictn. Sept. 22—47-tf. W. L. DANLEY, G. r. «fc T. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT, AND GUARANTEED Al. ETIWAN GBAliOi none BETTER. SUITABLE FOR Al L CROPS. ETIWAN DISSOLVED DOVE, THE HIGHEST GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE IN MARKET, corapo.-.tq 1 with equal weights of Cotton Seed (or its equivalent of Stable Manure), nukes tkejtoet Reliable and Economical FERTILIZER, for geujral use. ET1WAW CHOP FOOD, op CHEJIH ALS, A CONCENTRATED COMPOUND OP POTASH AND (29 per coot.) SOLUBLE ACID PHOSPHATE, for Composting. 500 lb*., with l,5001bs. Cotton Seed,Or its equivalent ofStabic Manure, gives one ton or Fertilizer, at a rash outlay of $14.40. Specially adapted to Corn or Cotton. PRICES IN CHARLESTON, S. C.: , , r/ . . I $70 00 Cash on 1st of April, 1870. ETIWANGUANO, I J 65 00 “ 1st November, 1876. in 200 lb. bags. ) ( 67 00 with Cotton (15c.) Option, 1st Nov., 1876. . t $35 00 Cash on 1st of April, 1876. ACID PHOSPHATE, J 40 00 " on 1st November, 1876. (24 per cent, eolable,) ’"'V""'" t 50 00 with Cotton (15c.) Option, 1st Nov., 1876. t $6 50 Cash per bbl. on 1st April, 1876. 8 00 “ “ “ on 1st November, 1876. CHEMICALS, In bbls. of 250 lbs. each. f 9 50 with Cotton (15c.) Option, 1st November, 1876. Having used sixteen of the most popular Fertilizers on my Cotton Crops, and found Uie EflWAN prepsri ' ’’ nal to anv, and far superior to most of them, I can conscientiously and confidently recommend then “ ■ - 'alls fully and will be glad to furnish t jcnlS-Sra _r rccommem S seeking a reliable Fertilizer, EDWARD BANCROFT, Agent. No.‘ 8 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. L. SCHEVENEI.L. G. n. YANCEY. BOOTS AND SHOES TO ORDER. W* HATJDRUP, N HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In the House there was a spirited debute on the bill to repeal the act to organize a Board of Health. It was defeated yesterday, and Mr. Baker, of Bartow, moved for a re- consideration. Messrs. Williams, of Mus cogee; Graham, of Dade; Hammond, Thomas and Livingston spoke against re- consideration. Messrs. Turnbull, Poepks, Nelms and Baker favored it. The motion prevailed yens 72, nays 68. The bill goes to the foot of the calendar. The bill to abolish the Geologicnl Bureau was the special order for the day. The Finance Committee reported it back with out recommendation. Mr. Turnbull spoke in favor of abolishing it. and Messrs. Adams and Smith of Dawson, opposed. On a motion to indefinitely postpone the yeas were 83 and nays 50. • Attack on the Board of Health and Geo. logical Bureau are to lie deprecated. They should be liberally sustained. The Cieologi-l ARTIST, Ha* removed lii* Shop from the old Lombard Building ion to the opposite side of College Avenue, next door to the Lester Building. Prices Liberal, and First Class Work guaranteed. June 16, 1875—SS-tf New York Tribune. TWO UOXT11S »bie: “THE LEADING AMERICAN NEWSPAPER. The Paper for. Business Men, Formers, families, and all the I’cojde. L. SCHEVENBLL&CO, BROAD STREET; ATHENS. GA. EXCELtENZa CHEMICaU FOB COMFQSim T he undersigned hand and arriving WOULD ANNOUNCE THAT HE HAS NOW ON 200 fONS IXCEIfLENZA FERTILISER Just pnt up and shipped directly from tho Factory, ton. The Exccllcnza has so wide-spread a reputati comment on it would bo unnecessary. It is guaranteed to be of the some standard as It is pnt up in bags of 167 lb(L each—12 id is reputation and is so favorably known' throughout this region, that * ’ in fa 9 making one n former years. A. K. CHILDS. n. mcxsisox. T CHILDS, NICKERSON & (JO PEALEKS IN Hardware, Iron, Steel, Naiig * FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, RUBBER BELTINg, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS 31111 Findings, AGENT J FOB Winship and Sawyers Cotton Gins &c., <Src.,, Arc. ATHENS, GEORGIA. a i JE3 RBJBC: Also, though not so old a Fcrtillizcr as the Exccllenza, have proved to be the best material for composting with barn-yard manure and Cotton feed ever introduced into this country. The staiffiard is guaranteed to be fully up to what it was last season, when they gave umVersol satisfaction. Two barrels compost one ton. The prices at which I am authorized to sell the atiove Standard Fertilizers, are ns follows: GINS DELIVERED IN ATHENS ATMWTVic TURERS PRICES. ‘ ' tAC ' DEALERS IN EXCELLE 3ST Z : Time price—Cotton option at 15 cents 870.00 “ “ No option 63.00 Cash price ....' -. 55.00 Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GrUdSTS, TPISTOLS, AMMUdSTTIOdST. Purchasers will not be humbugged in the above manure*. Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, z&5?MCS.SS3 ? fee, Having BEST WORKMEN, we are prepared to do S T YL E. fee* REPAIRING IN SUPERIOR WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF T ERM8 OF THE T It 1BUNE. rCSTAGE FREE TO THE SUBSCRIBERS. -tio 00 Daily (bv mail) 1 year Semi-Weekly, 1 year Five co| lies, 1 year - Ten copies (and oho extra) 1 year Weekly, 1 year Five copies* 1 year Ten copies, 1 year - Twenty eopie*, 1 year Thirty copie*, 1 vear All subscriptions j»ai‘l at the abovi - 3 c»0 - 12 50 - 25 00 GO - 12 .V‘ - 22 IK* - 3U 00 rute* will be ex tended t'rcni’the date of receipts until lheen*berSl 1876. i . . . _ | . , , -i Kueli person procuring a club of ten or more sub ami his assistants have rendered good service briber* is entitled to one extra Weekly, and offiftj during the past year. The memhers of the ! or more to a Semi-Weekly., StatcBoard of Health have no pur- J Jhe,w«.kiy Tribu™ win be *«..t om . - . .wtaTforfl 5*i. The Semi-Weekly for $2 50, and The poses to subserve. 1 heir mission is in be* ' Daily for ft*. half of science and humnnitv. The bill to j Si'uwimen «.pi<;8 of eilhvr edition of The Tribune, * .» a* .1 t>' i a.- ty i.» aiul circular* giviug mil details c»t the contents ot the repeal the act creating the ]>oaru ot Health • great series of Tribune Extras, sent free to any address ought not to pass. , in the United State: Hester of the Senate presented a petition from the Georgia State Grange, meinorializ- j ing the Legislature to enact such laws as will j protect farmers and planters from unlawful j depredations. The memorial recites a long ' list of grievances from the existence of “dead- fall,** and begs the Legislature for some j adequate protection. The amount sold illegitimately to these dead-fulls annually amounts to more than the State, county anil municipal taxes. It also suggests some remedies for the outrages, one among which is the punishment of the purchaser, as the only effectual remedy (or its suppression. All remittance* at senders’ risk, unless hv Draft on NoW York, Postal Order, or in Registered Letter. Address simnlv dec!4. THE TRIBUNE, New York. SIB, V E 15 A A I)G O S* 5$ P LATI ft G, Ami all work of this kind, such as Forks, Si’oons, Watches, &e., plated by us, warranted equal to that done by anv establishment in the country. PRICES REASONABLE. Lively, Feed and Sate Stable, ATHENS GA. GANN & HEAVES PROPRIETORS Will be found at their old stand, rear Franklin House hnildimr, Thomas street. Keep always on hand jrood Turnouts and careful drivers. Stock well cared for when entrusted to our citrc. Stock on hand for sale ot all times. declStf. COTTON EXHIBITION AT MAI* the ctxTEx- Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO., Letter from the Chief of tlie Bnrean of Agri culture to the Commissioner far the State of Georgia. Gf.j. IIillyer, Esq : Sir—Permit me to ask you to urge stren uously upon the cotton growers and factors of your cotton counties the necessity of prompt application for space at the Inter- national Exhibition. Tlu* area at command is fast filling up and unless their requisitions are soon received, they will lose the oppor tunity to exhibit. The space so far secured for the exhibi tion of cotton is not in accord with the great interests involved, and I fear that the planters when it is too late, will have occa sion to regret their want of forethought. The display can he made in all the coin- mercial forms and conditions and in such fancy combinations of grade, bale or pack age, as may best serve to fix the attention of visitors. Yours, etc., Ben net Landueth, Chief of Bureau, per C. II. Poney. If vou want a It requires no Instructions to run it, and kind of work. It has no cast iron coy wheels to break. It is not necessary to buy'tico MA CHINES, in order to be able to do liyht and heavy 'work. It will sew from Tissue Pajwr to Harness Leather. It is as far in advance of other Sewiny Machines in the magnitude of its superior improvements, as a Steam Car creels in achievements the old fashioned Stage Coach. Prices made to.suit the Tillies, Either for Cash or Credit. SEND FOR ILLUSTRA TED CA1ALOG VE OF STYLES AND.PRICES, f Agents Wantedi Address UPSHAW & BROWN, -i7-tr. Athens, Georgia. NO. 1 COOK STOVE, AND TIN WARE OF ALL KINDS, C II E A P F Oil C A S II. Roojiny and Guttering a Speciality Sept. 15. 1875. 46—Cm. 500 Yols. in One. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIBRARY OF Poetry Bong The consideration of and amendment to j the Constitution regarding the presidential 1 term was resumed. Mr. Knott closed the : debate, quoting the maxim in regard to I CB0ICB mxcT;oyi rKOM BMT roOTiBSOU>II . office holders that few die and none resign, i «- mm, m *:i axd auiuicax, by He pictured the allurements of the presiden-! WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT, tial office as follows: A salary of So0,000, a : , p C NE IIAD THE COMPLETE WORKS mansion sustained in a style of luxury that I J. of all the pi*ets, lUelf I*, largu library, costing from few persons dreamed of furnished, repaired ' $50e to $1,000, lie w,,uia not gain in alifotime, perhaps, and heated at an annual expense ot 825,000 ; wUriTVES 1 with the very mr breathed there, perfumed ! wrote, im.l th« places honored by their birth, ns from by rare exotics propagated in a 855,000 gar- 1 ***** eiygaut volume. The handsomest and cheapest - ■ ® 0 I subscription book extant. Having «n immense sale, of 85,000, a private Secretary at 83,000 a year to do the the President’s writing, two assistant Secretaries at 82,500 n year to do jallll-4t. J. B. FORD & CO., 27 Park Place, N. Y. the work of tho private Secretary, two clerks ] Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna, the at 82,250 to do the work of the assistant Sec-, ,, f m . vmiovv c nr*. rotary—[Laughter], a Steward at 82,000 to Lit II. T. AN I HON Y & CO., supply the President’s table with the 591 liroadway, New York. choicest wines and the richest viands that; (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) could tempt or satiate his appetite, with I MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS* DEALERS IN 86,000 year for books, periodicals, stationn ry, telegrams and [a comical pause] other “contingencies.” What that meant, he did not know, but he thanked God for the “con- tingencies.” [Laughter.] If the Childreu of Israel sighed for the ilesKpots of Egypt, what must be the anguish of a sensitive soul when taking a last, long farewell of such a salary and luxury! He asked the gentle man to go home to their honest, hard- worked, over-taxed constituents, and tell them why four years was not n sufficient length of time (or any American citizen to enjoy such nu office. C1IROMOS AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES and VIEWS. Albums, G'rajthoscopes, and Suitable Vicw* Photographic Materials Jefferson Davis’s Book.—Tito rumors which have been going around in the pa. pers to the effect that the Appletons have contracted with Mr. Jefferson Davis for the publication of his forthcoming book do not seem to be well founded, as will appear by the following extract from a letter that he lias written to one of our publishing houses here: New Orleans, January 24, 1876. Mr. II, C. Turnbull, jr., Jialtimore. Dkar Sir : Yours forwarded from Mem phis has been received hero. In regard to Wc are Headquarter, for everything in the way of Sterecpticons and Magic Lanterns, Being Manufactures, of the MICRO-SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, STEREO-PANO PT1CON. UNIVERSITY STEREOFTICON, AD VERTISER’S 8TEREOPT1CON, ART.OPTI- CON, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN, PEOPLE’S LANTERN. Each stylo being the be.t of ita class in the market. Catalogue, of Lantern, and Slide, with direction, for using sent on application. jau4.6m. Notice. [V EEDLES for nil kinds of Sewing Machine., 11 wholesale and retail, by Sept. 22,1875—47-tf 8. C. DOBBS, Agent. Blacksmith Shop. FEW A MEBIWEATHER. the rumor ofnt; selected a publisher.' H ill few and wesley mebiwratuer, having formed a copartnership for 1876, respect- the citiieuft of Atheu* and surround- fully nunounce to I ltavo to say, first, that you have the best reason to know that it is unfounded; sec ondly, you must see how impolite it would be for me to attempt to correct all of the rumors in relation to me, and if not all bet ter uono. * * * Very truly yours, Jefferson Davis. [Baltimore Gazette. Mr. Blaine having stated in his Jeff Davis speech that Gen. Grant told him that he fought at Chattanooga Stevenson’s division, which had been captured at Vicksburg and had not been exchanged, the Secretary of I die Southern Historical Society prints the official order naming Stevenson’s division ■■ among the paroled prisoners who had been duly exchanged, and also calles attention to ■ the dispatch from Halleck to Burnside, prin ted by Boynton, in which ho speaks of “the exchanged prisoners from Vicksburg” as among tho troops concentrating against Rosecrans- There is a lie out somewhere. ing country, that they are prepared to do all manner of work in the Blacksmith Line, und at reasonable charges. They have the best workmen and use nothing but tho best material. Carriage work, plantation work, horse shoeing and any difficult jolt, a specialty. Shop op' posite Messrs Gauu & Reaves’ Livery Stable. jan4.1y. ■ COAL! COAL!! H AVING established a Cool Yard in connecfiQti with my Warehouse, witha stock of FOUR HUN DRED TONS, I am now prepared to offer th* follow ing Cool, to the citizens or Athens, at very low prices: GENUINE “COAL CREEK," Front Knoxville Iron Company. Bnrna brightly, is large lumps, hand picked, and is free from slate and clinkers. “ CAHABA,” Or Alabama. A'most excellent Coal for domestic nee, being Bed Ash, large lamps, kindles quickly, am makes no cinders, soot or dust. “ BLACK CREEK,” Of Alabama. A new Coal, and the purest that cornea . ■■ - ■ Vanneaaee. from the Coal Fielda of Alabama or 7 August 11,187S. J.H. CARLTON. 41-tf. mm ©10 a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and term V-f^frer, TREE A Co., Augusta, Maine. fehl-B. WARRANTED FIVE RECEIVED TUF. GRAND PRIZE Vienna, 1873. C 33 dVT X G LS. Time price—Cotton option at 15e., 2 bbls. (500 lbs.) enough for 1 ton $20.00 Cash price ici -2 barrels. 16.00 Those who wish to on. 'urge lots of the Excclleuza for cash, can get special arrangements at prices a shade Ail who want a A special oircular of directions tor composting fhruislied all purchasers ot the Chemicals, r t-chiss Fertilizer, that will pav them to use, rail on noviT-tf s. C. DOBBS. J. H. HUGGINS. I AVING just returned front the Northern markets with a large stock of goods, bought at lotv prices, is selling goods in his line 25 per cent, cheaper than hert fore. lie is making a speciality of • Crockery. Glassware- Lamps and Oils. J. H. HUGGINS. Sells the best Kerosene Lamp Oil at 25 cents per gallon, Sells common Cups and Saucers at 25 cents per set. Sells common Gins- Tumblers at 25 cents per set, Sells common Glass Goblets at 50 cents per se*, Sells comnidii Plates at 40 tii 75 cents per set. Sells the best Granite Plates at 75 cents to $1.00 per set. Sells the best Gi -.nite Cttps and Saucers at 9o Cents to $1.00 a set Sells Kerosene Limps at 25 cents to $10.00 each. Sept. SO—1-tf. DAVENPORT’S U BB PSL "H'' Poison Revived. r PHIS Celebrated Rat Poison, sold for - -L so irtny years, by Mr. MOSES DAVENPORT tn j t proven to bo tbe must effective ’ RAT POISON ever introduced into this or any other coutitr ever ininxmceu into iqis or any omer country, ig revived by the original receipts and for sale by big Son SEABORN L. DAVENPORT, 8cpt. 8—45-6ni. Athena. Or NOTICEj Great Redaction in Prices. O N and after Oct. 1st wc shall offer to our encumere goods in our line at much lower figures than here’, tofore. * ” *- ’" - J - To enable u« to do this, wo will adot.t strictiv the Cash System. We are now receiving a larje ,n,j full assortment of goods, 1-ought at low pricer. aVi* we invite ull to call and examine. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Sept 15—46-tf. miU[ TICKET HIM, RAILROAD TICKETS 1 For sale, by all routes, and to all principal j oints the UNITED STATES. Buy your^fickets before leaving information from Atlseus, and pet al] Capt. WM. WILLIAMS, Ajrent Southern Express Co., Athens, <ia. May 12, ’75 * J. II. HUGGINS, Has a lot of Beautiful China Tea Sets, lias a lot of Fancy and Plain Chamber Sets, . Has all kinds of Crockery and Glass Ware, Has all kinds of Lamps, Burners and Chimneys, Has a large stoek of Family Gioceries, Has a large stoek of Chewing and Stnokiug Tobacco. J. H. HUGGINS, Boot aod Shoe Manufacturer, COLLEGE AyENUE, Next Poor to Post Office. O N hand, Uppers for making Low Quartei.-. Con- press, Alexis-TL**, aiul Priuce ^Albert*. Repair ing promptly executed. Send ten dollars, j>er mail or express nnd you shall re ceive a first class pair ox* boots. June 30, 1875. S5-tf. YEARS. It ca:: not yet out of order. It will do every class WILSON * s TUIE Gtt ,-YNGER’ life and health insurance company OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $4,o00,00 Of which $1*X\000 to be owned in each Dcjiartir-eut. Erich Policy-holder is entitled to a vote in the management of the Cou*j»any. v.Vj^ >. Parent OJlicc, Mobile, Alabama. * / f Capital Stock -------- .. .. .•-’$100,000. ' H. KETC1UM,-President .F. E. DAVIDSON, Vion-Presidcnt, K. W. FORT, Surctary. I■ ' Georgia Department, Rome, Georgia. ' Capital Stock - . - - $100,000, Office, No. 2 Commercial Building, MajorC. G. SAMUEL, President ...ALFRED SHORTER, Vice-President, K. J. GWALTNEV, Scccetary ,d, KOwELL, Attorney, Sells Canned Goods, Sardines, Oysters, Tomatoes Ac., Ac, Sells Sugar of all grades Coffee, Lard and Cheese, Sells Bacon, Flour, Meal, Soap and Starch, Sells Liverpool and Virginia Salt, Syrup and Vinegar, Sells Litnc and Cement; Cuba and Common Molases, Sells Bleachiii", Calico, Factory Stripes and Checks, Sells Factory Jeans, Plains, Shirting and Osnabnrgs. J. II. HUGGINS. Sells Knives and Forks, Spoons and Pocket Cutlery, Sells Boots, Shoes, Ilats, Harness and Leather, Sells Buckets, Brooms, Tubs and Oil Cans, Sells Baggin, Ties, Hope, Hoes, Axes and Traces, Sells the Virginia Woolen Cashimere, oh it is so nice, Sells many other goods too numerous to mention, Sells goods at low prices, g. and see for yourself. £52 £>I5 S3 C23 (S3 a DON’T FORGET THE PLACE, Go to J H HUGGINS’. No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. Oct. 6—49—tf. C*1SHFOPS WOOL, —OR— CLOTH FOR WOOL. The Athens Manufacturing Coinpony arc now makin-r a Goods titan ever beJoru, much larger variety of Woolen < and propose to Exchange them for Wool, believing it to be more to the interest of the Hunter to Exchange the Wool lor Cloth, rather than lmve it Curd ed and Span at home. Call for Samples and Terms ol Exchange. K. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent, May 19, 1875—29-tf. FAIR AND TIMELY NOTICE. r■ tH ANK1 > G my friends for their patronage in the 1 pant, and asking for a continuancu of the same, I beg to say that, FROM AND AFTER THE 1st OF OOTOBEK. ray terms will be CASH ON DELIVERY, except to those parties who have always paid their hill. PROMPTLY on presentation. Where goods are chsrged, it will he with the distinct understanding that the bills are DUE AT THE END OF THE MONTH. I would willingly give longer time if I were able, hat I am not. I trust that no one will be otfenje-j at the course, as my necessities drive me to it. I hope b; prompt attention to business and low prices, to merit's continuance of the patronage of the public. T. A. BU11KK, Bookseller and Stationer. Sept. 22—47-tf. A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN. WHOLESALE .VND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dp. B. W. HOLMES, Medical Examiner. BOARD OF DIRECTORS—A. P. Ail, - - • - Ga.; C. G. Samuel, Atlanta,^Ga.;^Uoii. II. Hutchins, Polk county, Qgorgia. ’ Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama. Capital Stock $100,000. m. N. N. CLEMENTS President and Geutrnl Manager, Tuskaloosa, Ala. m. DAVID CLOPTON, Vice:President Montgomery, Ala. . L. CHAMBERS, Secretary STONE & CLOPTON, Attorneys, Mississippi Department, Meridian, Mississippi. Capital Stock $100,000 Col. JAMES W. BECK, President JOHN II. OKAY, Vice-President. L. A. DUNCAN, Seerctary. Aro the Lcadiir sums of floO to $A0,Q0vL Security ! Kconomy ! Liberality ! ing Principle* of this Coimmnv. A41 annrt5Ve«i form* of Life tfk ft 4 6k it: L. \ tan D.vlu.f.i M In— Ml...... t.'l.... . — w.’ ....... am! Endowment Policies ironed in ears. All Idle Puli elf's uon-torfeit- , Uanpi «. w.vw .« W wv. Also, Term policies of One, Thtw, n«cui evuu june*. .tu duu i um-n? uun-ioneii- ing after two annual p:»yKic*nts, whcii the hisurcd .wiU.LF entitled lo n jeiid up Policyor Cash Surrender thereof.* 5 ^Dividends nuty bo used to pnitecl^ policies against lapsing in e#sc ofi^lTure to-j*ay.premifuhs. 'Tl.tis, ^ : ifh tltc Non^forfe»ting^nnd^CR*h Surrender features, arc sutheient :o makethis Company popular alnbiig tltiuking men .arc sufficient :o makethis Company idpulut alnbng t GOOD AGENTS WANTED. Address C. G. Samuel, President, Koine, <ia. - * ’ • - G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Alabama, General Superintendent of Agencies. Sept. 8—45-6m. ^ . . - FOR THE CAMPAIGN OF 18761 The Augusta Constitutionalist. The Christian. Index.' LARGE EIGHT PAGE WEEKLY. A LARGE EIGHT PAGE WEEKLY’. ORGAN OF TUX lUtTWT DtKOlt’.KATlOX.' Suortti B* is cvxnv I ’’III: PROPRIETORS WOULD .AK- nouucc that the At oi'-T.v CossTmrti:i!tii.!eT will take a leading part in the coming' Prraideutial end Gubernatorial Campaign.of 1876. Kextyearanelcetion will ha held for President and Vice-President of tho United State*. lu.Gisotgut a'.Govmior and o-.Ucr State •ffleera, ■ luomhcra of' Congreas and "lriernWra of tiic Legialatiire are to bq chq-en. It i» already known'that the Preirideutkd coutestfo’il; be the moat exciting, and certainly the mist importan which haa occurred aipce I860. U|>on B truthful pres the paople must almost wholly'rely for accurate infor mation, iu order to act intelligently anfi iiuconeert. Jo our immediate section, it is of'tlie“first importance*that As voice should be heard by the cbmitry at large, its the "legislation it needs inCon- ucceatitien. known and t gress, and the future policy ofthe Government, thaouglni-of ’ippnu^,. promptness and .cheapness, we deiV its Executive, made perfectly dear. ' - ■’ petition, •'. ' Our Ulaikk Book Manufactory is, likewise,'well ap- -pomfod. • Orders solicited for eveiy grade of work In The CoxsTircnoxaun lias a strong corps of editors snd corre»i>ouden(s • employed, aud will devote ri 1 large amount of Its space to the Prceid, ntial and tho Swiw-j tht? Uepartmenf. Countt nfiJcliBi wiikflnd it to their campaign. . .-CiK, juteresttoWmSulrus jarto Legal.Fonn Books, Records, ** £r -—i*— ! ‘- ! "*hep, JJ^jimtes, Blanks,- i< 0 : * ’ . . But it will not be altogether political—it will thep, tiow, pnhlish each inpnnng iii its Daily, every other day iu ita Tri-Weekly, and ita Weekly, the very latest news received up to three o'clock on the morniug of publi cation. Tnis will include telegraphic diapatghra from all portions of the United States, dlipatcnea bj’ cable from the Old World, tbe markets u». borne end from Europe, a daily resume of Qeorgiaaud Sbntli Carolina local new*, the decisioua of the Supreme Court-of Georgia, and, lastly, the local new* of the city b't Augusts. TiBKa or sctscniiTioD. Da:it—one year .$1 00 “ e(x months 5 oo “ three months 2 5») Tu WtxsLV—-one year 5 CO ** iiy trnmtha six months !.. ; .'.C.v 2 50 W eult—ono year, s oo “ six months .' 1 00 Single copies, 5 eta. To uewa dealer*. 2 1-2 eta. Sub scriptions most in all easba be paid in advance. The paper will be discontinued at the expiration of tbe' time paid for. JAS.Q.BAL FRANCIS COGL.,, GEO. T. JACKSON, , Address all letter* to tho f’owiTyTiowsi.Ts. . Ai-opata, Ga. Money may be remitted by Poet Office order, KeRistarM-Letter* or by express at our risk. • dec28. ' IUBL 1 »GIK, {• .CKSON, ) Proprietors. LEGAL BLANKS* Neatly printed and for sale at thia office. m Pai-risi Fsujt-v in to*M.ani>. It is tux Pan s otn Chili:iu N oVoiit to r.xan. It is tux Patxb ion all who woi ld know tux tzlth as rt is in Jesus. rin scKiuE i on rr atoxce—IxDrcx vouk rmxxns AND KxinilBOBS TO UOE1XLWL-K. Ir vou Havin'! the Monet,- Si-eschiue run the P.vrE!! Anyhow—VOCB pASTOB WILL UAXE TUX ABBANO X- ULNT roll vou. Skni> ron SrrciiiKN Cobies. Tiik Pbice or The In- nxx-rs $} a VE.yi.. Address all orders to ' JAS. P. HARRISON & CO* - Box 24, Atlanta; G«. Ip c»nBcetion.,witb Tue.In^ex we have, pcrhajis, the (argent aud lUOst'cOtBlilett Book am\ Job Pripting office m the South, known as the Feanxl:n Steak I’i-.intiNd IlorsE, lit wkiih. every variety of dlook,. Mercantile, Legal and Railway Priuling ia executed. In oxecllene;. coin- inrtj — -, TfiMeetablishmeotJuis lately been thoroughly refitted and refurnished, regardless of expense, ■ with every variety of New Book and Job Priming Material, to tfotfierjailli a full complement of Skilled Wqrkmeu. Weddiiig (irds of now and elegant design, rivuling the beautiful productions of tbe. engraver; Bill and letter Heads qf tbe most approved styles; Showbills, Postere, Programmes, Minutes, Catalogues, Books, Railroad Tickets, and everything that can be printed. Try the Frauklin. Address all communications to - J^VS. P. HARRISON & CO., Proprietors, ~ O. Drn decl4. Atlanta, Ga., P. awer-24. R> Rt iAULTBR» DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF. WINES, WHKKIES.and LAGER BEER, ALE, GIN, CIGARS, &., CALL AT SAULTERS JEXCIIANGE,- Jacxsok Stexxt, Atiif-.s. Gioboia. Oct. 2—d-tt. GRIER’S, ALMANACS. iur V reliable Almanac fofl87fi, will be ly In :ra by Orders respectfully solicited. 21! Sept, SO—1-t/. HARDWARE, IKON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Hoiise-Shoe Nails. MILBURN ■A©EIC¥L.f.I3RAL W G O N T S. I11FLEME1TS, Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Hubs, Spokes, Buggy Wheels, Axles, Springs, nud Leatber Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, HbiriiyV-ware; &v. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the Sale of the : ’... "W 11ST S I-I TAP 'glNt Brinley’s' Stecl Plows, Peacock Steel Plows; Fairbanks’Standard Scales, Circular Saws, Ac. tf&" Any article in our line not in stoek will be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay. Call mid examine •our stock and prites.^&i "• June 10,1875.' 33-tf p. vr. ncTciresoN. P. A. SUMMIT, SUMMEY, HUTCHESON & BELL, '.'-ft ' . . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN IRON, STEEL AND IV,1LS, A OB Ip ULTU RAL 1MPLEMEN T S. MANUFACTOREItS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF CHEAPER THAN EVER! THE undersigned would beg to an nounce to his friends and the public generally, that he has just returned from his aiiuual tall trip to New York and Boston, with a large and varied stock of very superior goods, consisting partly of the following, selected with great care: MEN AND YOUTHS’, READY MADE CLOTHING of the latest fall styles. Gents Furnishing Good's. Ladies Dress Goods, Ladies, Cents’ and Boys Shoes, Boots find Hats, in al most endless variety,Um brellas, Fine Ken tucky Jeans, Doeskins, Cassinicrcs, Factory Goods, '■ Yarns, Osnabnrgs, Checks, Shirtings, Fine Wamsutta nnd other brands, Bleucbiugs, Tickings,Blankets, &c. &c. &c. Also, Saddles, Bridles and Harness, Drugs, Crockery and Glassware, Hollow TV arc, and Hardware; also, the Celebrated Murfrcs boro’ Red Cedar- ware, &c. Also, a full line of choice Groceries, Sugars, Coffees, Tens, Molasses, Syrups, Lard. Hams, Cheese, Kerosene On- And many other choice goods too nu crons to menton, and which tnu*f ho seen to lie appreciated. The above goods, owing to the reccut decline, he will be en abled to sell at prices which will ( ASTONISH THE NATIVE^ If you want anything in the- mentioned classes of goods, or m . other, call on S. C- DOBBS) Lower part of Broad Street, opposite Vor^c) 2&-43-tf. Cotton Gins, Presses, PORTABLE ENG NE. Mowers, Reapers, Threashers, &c., &c. 'DEUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. June 23, 1875. 34-tf. !& CO'* Stpt. : New Firm and New Sect! MATTHEVVS&nCKSON NO. 1. BROAD STREET, (Old stand of T. •^TE have just received an BISHOP & SON ) ■ntirely N cW SUVUVUV- Stock of DRY GOODS AND And offer 6> an EOB CAS* . .til bftfj Wo would also ask our rotton V* ** Bclliue tKeir cotton as poythe^hest market M^ 0 '