The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, February 22, 1876, Image 3

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— Oc ^.t^cns ©tavpit. ATHENS, GA. fi esDIT JU’.HM i'i 1870. Official. ' jTKMl'KXATriUE ? if ? B X I z X 3 * B g 3r «s T=. b“ | • J.. 1 I j i f VJ. 3:. . .5 >9. Ov'( 29.62 jlaJl V ,S ' S 42.3 27 47 - 72. E. 29.59 .18.6 41. *. 34.6 94. F.. 0 925 24.20 Vri* 1 a 3ft.6 37. 1®. S.W. 24.33 1 SI. 33. 19. 23.9 31. E. 29.52 41. 30. 36.7 96 E. .’9 56 - 41. 22. 26.6 90. N. E. 29.9! HHAHCIiL & COMMERCIAL. tunenn-lv, Saturday afternoon, cnusi g the 1 —'——— alarm ot fin* to bo raised tor the first time j * THE ATHENS MARKETS, m many months. ^ REMARKS. Clmr *lay nnd csoutly night. ;;i, ... Hear day and very char night. t llsin commence* 8 a. m., and continues till 5 p. , . Morroy night. .» ...Windy nnd cloudy. .. Cloudy day; snow looking sky. 4 ...Kain at night tasting tell 10 p. in.; cloudy day id night. Clear day and night. TEgrKKATUUK r rx a 3 r b* a 3 Hay. I j Maximum.. | 2 5 3 r i 1 2 Feb. 6._ 3S 3 41. 30. 35. 8% N*. K- 0.R2» -*9 77 0..3.3 J i h. 7 41.6 33, 50. 45.6 too. N.W.j 29.61 IV!*. 8 — .16.6 42,s’i 37. 46. 90. N. 29.63 p,.),. 9 49.3 33. 44. 47. 92. 8. E.j 2 . 33 IV *. *.ft 54. 62. 50. •36.1 93. S. W. 29.41 1 ft. 11 6V3 71.5 53. 53# at. S MV*. 29.33 67.6 71. Uu. Cl. 8. W.: j 29.33 To Marlin Collin*, Esq , we tender; oar | hearty thanks for a generous (Inflation o Florida oranges nnd Cuban lemons. Thin ■ factory goods. gentleman has a large assortment of 'thetn S* 1 *? 1 Y,n "— ,5u0 “ at his sto'e near the Town Hall and will dis- g"h.!V?n*T"“~ s » to pose ot t cm on reasonable terras. We will! sh *. ,tl «' remember \ ou, sir, in our prayers. Truck Farm —We understand that two i gentlemen of our city. Dr. II. U J. Long 'and II. L. Witherspoon, Esq , will fit up a Dairy Farm and Market Garden upon the place of the .o in -r, a few miles from Athens. The location, from i.s nearness to Dr. Long’s pond, will off-r line facilities in wa tering tlioir Garden and supply the Dairy house This is an enterprise much needed, and we hope will prosper. Leap Year Party.—The girls know how to do things, don’t they ? None of your long tramps over ragged roads, slippery sidewalks or dark avenues, hut a eoaiibrta-. hie omnibus rolls up to your door, your lair escorts helps you in and does the honors generally. Nothing could be neater. In liict, the young ladies deserve the great est amount of credit for the nmiMer in whicn the entire affair passed off nisi Friday night. Partners were devoted enough, hostess.* - p>.it-, and the Committees (here oftr pen t.ent iles, for we write tcol- ingly) in going around among the unfortu nates who acted as props ior the wall, were very personifications of vigilellce and benev olence. Well done, young ladies. D • so again. Lucy Conn Messenger.—And a first rate thing it was. When we consider that the entire paper was “ set tip” by young ladies who hu KEUAUKS. ...Wini cftm»nai»vva early in mmiing, cloudy no m and nielli. ... .Vin I rt* n.uencM 8 a. m. t lasting all day. d'lcir dnv an 1 night. day, overcast aky, vrilhniine drizzle at ....«*lt*ar day and night. (’It-ar day. to say, ‘'marvelous indeed.” l'lte pieces are all nicely written, displaying no incon siderable literary merit; the salutatory i- very well put, indeed; while the Local de partment was as spiev as could he wished. We heartily congratulate our fair cotene* poraries, ami regret that our space prevents ns trout dwelling at more leugih upon their valuable production. We heg ieave to state that, in the future, we wi.t never say, nor al.ow to be said, that “ i.adi s can’t "set type.” CtrrwttJ TTtfUj by ike Hmkiats Eitkstg*.. ‘ • * —:o:— j . '* Mackerel, Ko. l,kits >.$2 2ft •• No. 2. Kiu~..$2 m “. So. 8, Kite— 1 73 Salt, Per Sack—$1 73 Chewing tul«No.o r*l W Sm«4ilns COal 00 M icc:iU»y.... 1 00 American, 0% .70 00 U&vana' 7uUhlOOuO ammunition. Powder... y»er lb.... 40a 50 Shot “ ** — 12a 15 bead “ “ ... 10a 12 Caio, per ho*. ... 10a 40 LIQUOR*. C«*ni whiskey, ...$1 23a 3 10 Fr -iich brandy 4 »o.t t o Holland Gin .... 5 0.* s lO A met lean *iln— 1 0 a D w Hour-ton whiskey 2 Ofin 1 00 WiueA - 3 OUa.o JO HARDWARE. Iron, Stredea, pr lb 8*8% Kn liih ...^ 4a5 Casting* ~ IJ'jaS Nails, pr keg- — 4 «30 Ooilon‘'ards—..... 73 »1 00 Horse Shoe*- ^ ilO iXm PRUVISION *. Flour $3 « 10 i, pr bu. ...- Mu! 00 , ** Mai 00 Meal, “ l 00a 000 Wh at “ ... 1 -i0al 80 Oats — 9* 1.00 Bacon, Sides,- ... 12a 14 ahoaldera— lUa 1 - hams, .— .- ifit 17 Lard. -... IGa 17 Irish, Potatoes «1 00a2 00 Sneet ... 73a! 0. Er4* — 10iV.% Caickens .—201 25 Turaeya 73*1 23 Butter - 20a 25 GROCERIES. Sugar, crushed-.- 11a 16 •• A 11a 15 Ua 15 1C* 15 •• iVuiar-ra. Coffee, Uio Laguayra... 28a S3 Java Ua 37 Ten, 1 25a 1 5u Svrup, cine .... ... 73al Molas-e , Cuba— GOa C5 Haro. “ — „..4UaS0 Candle*, *i»erin .— 4<ta 50 Calfskins.-. 40 00.tlft0 00 adam tnl.. 20a 25 ! Kip afc-n* ....—50 OUa 75 00 fallow 15a 20 |» r > Hides !2alfl Ch •* *e, Nait-. 20a 25 I Gr-tn Hides .3a 4 Knaliah H-jiry...... 25* 20 IIAHOIXH, TIES, ROPE. Oni»n*. per bu 1 00a 1 20 Ranting pryd 14-il6 7a7M :t ►. 6 20a 25 I2’.«a 15 23a 23 Nails- LEATHER. Hemlock — Sole Leather— — Upr. Leather.... 20o33 itarch- — ... a 15 Tie* Tallow- - 8a 10 Rope, cotton....— Rit e, per lb-... — a 10 Ro|h>,grass . The aitovr are retail prlc-s. Social rates to wholes L bur era. gj.Uv e AKtntfc DRY GOODS EMPORIUM! • ,■ —"it y — ' MOSibS MYEKS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS, SHOES, 11 ATS, I Carpets, Fcks, I'twiC^re, Fancy and Millinery A: .W_ . STORE HO6M KN b.,. 0 % STOCK INCREASED. We will bejf the citizens of Athens and vicinity to give us a call and exaxuiue onr stock before pnrciiaain^. At* I t., .. , CRoCK inIRBLE. V. R. ROUUUTSON’S 111 r 11 hints kx* iuxih. Week Ending, Feb. 10. 1876. Receipt* ->67 .Shipments 3.‘10 ^alc in Spinners 61 M;i!kei middling llXallif Kain F ill 2.30100 \or seen u ivp -cise or lljjjhe-, Temperature 73 litre, vu are to,is. anted J^bvesl 3.3 Dealer in am! mauqfactuTcr i.f Monument-, Head anil Foot S on.., ami Granite Box Tomb, mid Cra dle Tombs. All work wunv.ntcd. I'ersons will do well to exam' n- my esigns, ami bu eonvinved tiiat tliev an dea mu with a t ir ,.ud .qnarc in u. Atlteus, Oft- Stpt. X9, 1*75. 4Mf la AGONIC S. And still it ain’t summer. Valentines were rather thinlv circulated. M Davis & Sapp have’nt a leisure moment on Saturday. We would advise our country friends to have their beards done up during the earlier days ot the week days. West India and Florida Transferkd A new fence is being put up in front of TO Athens. Go to Martin Collins it you 15 irds residence on Hancock Avenue. . want hue Oranges and Lemons He has laid , betore us some of the huest >p:cim. us we l!,e street force is doing the c.ty some [ |mve m . n |or Slime liiue . Air. Collins makes «r' >« '«>' levelling of! stdewalks. j Mandarine oranges a specialty he p.,!,- Oir devil can’t toat a pistol, but lie car- ; |j c wj)] find it to their advantage to call nnd t ie- a of matches. see hint. He also deals in Family Groceri- Tivit of Atlanta’s fairest has e just arrived, ari l are now with us. '1 lie reporter who got up the notice of the theatrical.*, was out yesterday. He is some lietier and can bend his joints. The students, young ladie nnd citizens generally, are indebted to the city fathers for a new crossing near the Lucy Cobb Institute. Some of our merchants have collected in their hack yards, fine material for bon fires. Just wait till the -Jih of July ! Several youths in ourcitv bad to rise and explain to ihe Grand Jury last week, how. when and where they got their julips. <1. W. C T., Thrower, organized a County Grand Lodge of Good Templars, last Sat urday. The Phi-Kappa Anniversary Exer cises, on account of the inclemency of the weather and the indisposition of the Orator, 11. II. Tucker, Jr, have been postponed. Pile notice will lie given of the time. Next week we will publish a list of the witnesses who. testified before the Grand Jury on the Liquor question, at the last term of Cojirt. Personal. — We were pleased to see in our office last Friday.R. A. Vnrnedoe, Esq., Genera) Auent Hancock Instir.ineeC.'ompany and J. (J. Trower, G. W. C. T. of Geor- gia Personal*—We had the pleasure of meet ing, last Wednesday, W. H. Roberts, Esq , the traveling agent of tits MHIedgeville Union and Recorder. Col. Alexander, who has just returned f i uni Savannah, made us a short visit last week. ' u j The otiginos on the Gcotgia whistle in tenor. It don’t follow' t! at bei-a y tiu re’s music in the air, there’s melody in steam, however. Galloway will please note. Athens has been well represented in At lanta mu) Augusta, by the fair ones this sea son. The second public lecture of Slate collpge, course, will be delivered on FridAy 25th itisr., by Prof. II. U. White. .Subject; "Chemistry of the Atmosphere." This lee Hire, to which the public are cordially in- tiled to attend, will commence atfy o’clock Ladies of tlio Lucy Cobb 2fc*scnyer. l’rini your paper better, or take dowrn your motto from the head, of yottr journal.— g < 'orntitutiorUdist. and Provisions. Give him u call at his s i re, Market street near Town Hal, and wegn... tee you will be well pleased. fob. 22- 5t. Longs & Billups.—The Champion Seed House of Northeast Georgia, we advise our city and country friends to examine their well selected stock. GEORGIA. FROM MOI’NIWIS TO SEABOARD* Wolves are howling ar-vund Dalton. Atwoheadel snake is the latest, in Savan nah. The Bradshaw utiils, iu Jefferson cuiiiu. have Iteen burned. Mixed drinks don’t set the Augusta man hark hut fifteen cents. Eat intnn Imd a destructive 'ire, last Mon da*. Loss 850,000. A Savannah ladv preseii**d Booth till) an ivy crown. Will'll ham insist- that l! c e is a j■= •!?-ieal ring, in .Vlantn The T.dlnptm-H enpner mine is said to lie a success. Lawrencevilh* has jaile-l a string hand. They play for all that, however. Jnn. Carroll. E-q.,nu old et izen ofGwin nett county, is dead. Matrimony is popular in Gwinnett count v. It has Iteen abolished in Clarke. Hemphill has taken his n i ne out the At lanta Constitution 11 as-he ret T-d? Atlanta’s new ,ia t ier will oe Mining Courier. ' ‘ " The Lessees of the State Rond Inilu-d (i*e of our Georgia dailies. Sad iude* d. Burnsville candy is poisonous. What must her whisky he? The Bartow jiilor don’t m ike his guests eoiufurtahle They insist upon leaving him. Ben Hill don’t think thtt there ought in be any Convention of the people this year. The .Veuw, says that the Griffin Female College is prospering. -Bat your girls can’t publish a paper. The Crawfnrdville court hmi-e was built in 1828. Alex Stephens built his first argu ment there. HomeEvihence.— Harmony Grow, J-iii. 20, 1 STti J/essrs. J. t\ PH.ier«0 Co ,A /i n--, (la We used ytiiir Acid Phosphate ast year 'or corn and cotton, and are well pleas.-d with it, and will use it <>n onr entire crop this year. We will cheerfully recominenil it to’ the people as being the cheapest and most profitable of any aci-l o:- guano that, can be used. W. F. A.v- E.kstiN, feb2.4t. Jas. II. Holland. I*. TT Its FROM DltriiillSTS.—-Tli re is m> ease of Dyspepsia that Green’s August Flower "ill tint cure. Co ne to the Drug Store of R T. Bitusinv it C<>, end imptirc about it. It' yon suffer from Costiveness, Sick II -.-ulaelu*. S-utr St-mtc , I digestio-i, Liter Complaint, or ib*r ngeni -:.t ot toe >to nae'i or Liver, try it. Two. or ibroe doses -t ill relieve you 15 -si .ikl’s German yrui- is now s -M in cverv town and ci;y in the United St.-H.s AVc have not less than five him I red let ere roin Druggi-ts saying i' is the be't medi cine they ever sold for C > .s miptioii. Throat or Ln g diseas*. Sample bo;ties of both 10 cents each. U -gttlar s'ze 75 cents. «* • | IfyMj pow-rs U ClteniicNiF.*, t-ic-rv j «» -m i»\r*a ut 1'illc 9. Sc:»t. 15—46-tf. I .ir. G and Central Hotel—TUo Soutliem bead-i quarters in Kcw Yo.k—la capable of cntcr;«b;injjr fifteen | hundred guests. j Gt8T0 lb*.. Strictly Pi .fc B L’XPS. Weatiikrly & a o. ARE NO IV READY For the Fall & Winter Trade H. •* . z ju.*t M : irub 1 from Neir Y»uk wltU a larjje aud w- d Eclevtcd >toc’> iff DRY ROODS d ; GROCERIES. Ready-made Clothing. Hats, 11 ,ots. Shoes, Wood and Willow Ware. Hardware, Crockery, Drays, six., (£c.. ttc., dx. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. the linqi, ni'ich iimre i* absorbed f. *\SI kinds of COUNTRY rUODUCK ..ken iu cxcbaiigu for Goods. Tall and .-co us at the r st-r ot’ Chi\toH uiid Thomas Streets. OctlSdtf. i L-?a l, j ist received by I.oscf Sept. IS—4ft-’ r . Tiie undersign’d, liavao.i . Timothy Ilav, Much they will sell < G \ ;md a elioioc lot •• hc:*p for cash. V N & REAVES. If you want Furniture, call on GlV.eki’id, Wood £ Co., who manfiieturc and deal in all kiu is of Furniture and CofBus, a^* 1 x*ll as cheap as any house In this city. March 24, 1S75.—21-ly. NOTICE. — Utry incuchauts aud Pn>>iciaiti* 9 we ire uow prup •«! fo scllxoan’l :i*Ttv!.- j*crtaluhi_ r to thedra-ir o- p as aoii . ii- t u ni in Go *iyi . f ,*ins t UiL'-U 8 > pt. 1 I’M f. Gardening for Profit! f you wish to Income * Commercial Florist, read Practical Floriculture 11 U you wish to Garden for Amusement or for Home Use only, read Gardening for Pleasure I ALL BT Peter Henderson. PricQ$ld>0 each, post-paid, by mail. Our Combined Catalogue for 1876, of EVERYTHING FOB TO* GARDEN! Cent Free to all Applicants. Ourlarselllurtratcd Catalogues of S**dt and lianbr, numbering 175 pain**, and con taining 2 colored plates, *ent without charge to purch«MTs of any of the above thrve hooka, fceut to all others on receiptof £0 cents. „ . JafaJfavofabSdnte^ 35 Cortlaudt Street, NEW YORK. M. HUGO INS. ru-uvkd thv; iikuiknt aiTards at ihk ute istate fair* PSOTOCEATBER : ATHENS. (3-A. itu i.AU0i:sr vmi «iht klkuaxt iiuuibv is the state. WITH THE BEST OFKRATOB8. G1KCULAR A FRIENDLY CHAT WITH FARMERS IX REGARD To THE USE i>F OYSTER SHELL Li HE. I T IS AN ACKNOWLEDGED FACT, i.ot ouly wit' -v-ieulific iiCTii-uiturist^, tint ukn ti.nn- era who luive o 1) u I1.111U1I Knowledge ot Agricultural Chemistry, that Sontiirru lands hare, year after year, been drained of pro[iertiin> wlileli add to tho vigorou-. growth of staple pruduets until they will scarcely repay the Husbandman f .r citltivat on. To brine tlicse lands beck to their origiuslytite of has b.<n the work fry l?C't>c i c WIT run v ditdot*. t ef scientists for a number * f rears. Tlte Manufacturers, ' V, ItihliEAij WILLIAM J. RUhbELL after a thorough test, and wil l the endorsement of the • * applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Richard T- Brumby, late of said county. llffgunail * * Clarke f amily. i « EORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY—Ou>:saUT's Or- " » tier, 14lh February, 187*. Isaac Wilk. rson has applied lor exeiuptn u *»f pcmonnlty and cttiuif aimr: an l valuation of fiumc^tead, and 1 will puss upon tho saino at 12 o'clock, no., on the 1st *Uv of March, 1876, * % tSL\Si£ ASA M * JACKSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. lcadiug cheiuUts of ihe country, take i.le;tsure in offer ing to the farmer* of Georgia »u< South Carolina, OYSTER SHELL LIME, a* tlto t’Jeapesst and best Fcriihr r ever introduced in the Strto*, an«l pos^e^sing exactly tho*© properties Of whicii the Imd 1'Bs, from year i«» year, l>ecn robbed. At*. t. r DBtes’jJO ro % a u.* ll oka k, it luts no superior. Coiu|io*ttHi with Stable M.uiurv, Cotton Seed, Muck, and uli Vegctab'e M tier, it will make a manure whicii ‘ will pcnnaueittly improve any laud to which it is applied. FOR COTTON AND CORN it is invaluable, u> it 1 g itens h avv soils, makes them more |»orous, fixes and retains the auunoiint of other ntatiuri-i 1 , iieutndixes nil acidity, consequently causing the plants togrow luxuriantly even during t.rduglits. To farmer* who us-d Oyster Shell Lime, it is useless to sav any lug of it* merits. Those unacquaint ed with its use, if induced to try it, will be grateful to us f«.r having brought it to our notior. Read the tbl- ofiiug lett-r from the Elitor of the Rural Carolinian in regard to the use of lime in oruupostiug: ( ua'lest K, S. C., Feb. 15, 1875. l)tar S’r: 44 It gives me pleasure to be of service to any farmer who desires to le .ru how to make farming b tier and more successful, but you must i.ot rely too much upou any of us. We ur** only in tin* fir>t lesson* of agriculture a> a science. A year ago 1 should have mlvised' y mi, as other* have, not to put lime iu your compost. We have learned s vt-rnl t.digs wiihiu the I .ist twelve iimuths, One of winch is, that lime and ashes .may b.* nut into the c->.u;*>st wit nitrogenous matter, n-ri o.dy* without dam i e, but w th gr/at be ent. A little a I’mouia may g*> * tf from t e ^nrfac*; at tirst, but e* c-.trrie l ou in Me air and re tained. Add the lime by all means.** Vcr. respect fully, D. II. Jaqcis, Ed. Rural Gindin tan, DIRECnONS FuU USE: Broadcast from 5 to_ 10 bu-hels to tho ecre as a top- dre-siug for small grain. In conqiostin:. with cotton •e»-d, stable m nure, muck, and vegetable matter; for u**c on c«>Uon and coru, u>c from 2 to 3 bushel* to one deceased— These are ther fi re to cite and admonish all con cerned to sliow cause, if any they have, on or before theaeoond Wednesday in March next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my h nd at office, tbit 7th dav of Feb- runry, 1876. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinal v. feb S.S0d. ’ Notice. \ LL rSSgONS HAVING DEMANDS AGAINST SAMUEL FREEMAN, (col.) late of Clarke county, deceased, arc hereby notified to present the same to me for payment within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said deceased are requested to make immediate paymcuL Jnn. 10, 1876. EUGENE W. BRYDYE, janll-Cw Administrator. C JEORGIA-OLARKE COUNTY.-Whereas Wil- * ham A. Hemphill, AdmiuistrutorofWilliiun Wood, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters ot di*- tmssion fn.m said administration. These ure therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned to show cause (if any they have) at my office, on or before the first Monday in May next, why said letters should not be grunted. Giveu under iny band at office, this the 2rth day of December, 1875. jau4.3m. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. BOOH AGENTS AND GOOD SALESMEN Arc “COINING MONEY” with the batons 71 ID A DIJSJGAN, The French Edition of which cell* for t!*S, and the London Eiditio- for t'-'Oi'. Onr Popular Edition (5.50), con turning over One Hundred full-page quarto platen, in tuci cheapest ami mont elegant publication in Atnericn, and the best to sell. Critics \i* with each other iu fia ^5 J HAVING CLOSED OUT THE' Entire Balance of their Winter Stock OF PRINTS, WE SHALL NOW OFFER [two hundred pieces I OF THE CHOICEST AND BEST STYLES EARLY Spring CALICOES Ever exhibited in this market at the low price of 8c. PER YAJEUD! Parties examining these goods cannot fail to exjrress their surprise at the Novel Designs of these Prints, As they snrpus in Beauty anything heretofore offered in this markg. In addition to these we no receiving, Five Cases of Bleached Shirtings I AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES.] Mo Go &Io Cqbbjy* No. 5 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. | janll-Iy Jlari County. tiinii am « » er :ii:inurc. \\ c arc prepared to furnish PURE OYSTER SHELL LIME, in any qUuiititx, ut 61ft •**» iKjr t<m of,2,"00 iiouti ‘s, free of c large, «*n Cirf» in P*H R *vul, S. C. r*r w also bayc n COMPOUND FOR PREVENT- F V I* L A *\ I) W I N TER Millinery Goo;fs. »dd mo>t re.- ; »«f couuttCs :i ed a must - •tfolly Inform the tviji* tlmtshe has v • -ud select us- it. I s proveil hv tl e m-e Jed Held of crop- ah luama- J. B. FORD * CO., Pnblioher* i:.-nt iiii. ro. lit nl ot l e sod, at u ei-l, I >.* by far, j w. 27 i’urk i’laee. N-w York. Dissolution. | r |UIK COP A TNERSIIIP HERETO- 1 lure exictii.g-betweeii the uudenngned, under the 1 llr.n name and »t>l. of I’lTTARD, MITCHELL & CO., is iliis day dissolved b mutual eouavnt. All persons indebted to the late firm will make nay- ent lo lb H* Mile.ill), wi.o contiuues the business aud JAMES D. PITTAKD, S. D. MITCHELL, It. T. PITTAKD. 1NG llv/ IN GBAl’ES, for it u tii A. TEUMS STRl'i For for t’m t iur ii.ioriniiti* tires* POET »r J. t!. J 1 t.«Jl\<. Scent. A then v Ga. f.bS-Ju r.b-rs lot Lime, ad- ! PORT Ru . \L LIME Co.. j 1 P kt Royal, S. C., | 1 lines all its liabilities. HART SHERIFF SALES. W ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE) Court house door, in Hartwell, Hart comity, Go., on the first Tuesday in March next, ths following property: The interest of C. C. Thrasher in a tract of land lying, in said county, on the waters of Payne’s Creek, adjoining lands of S. B. Bynun and I Michael Johnson, supposed to be twelve or fifteen acres, to satisfy a flfii iu favor of L. & T. J. Linder vs. said C. C. Throdicr. I-saed from the Justice Court of the 1117 District, G. M., returnable to January term of said Court. Levy made bv T. T. Holbroke, L. C., end returned tome. W. A. HOLLAND, Shcriff febS-4t. GEORGIA—HART COUNTY. TT'7HEREAS WILLIAM S. SIMPSON, I V V deceased, late of Anderson County S. C., departed this life, possessod of pro|-crty within the county and State aforesaid, and no person has ap plied for administration thereon, and in consequence thereof, the same ia likely to waste, to tue injury of those entitled thereto. This is therefore to notify the creditors, next of kin and all otliera interested, that administration ot the estate of said deceased, will be vestd in the Clerk of I the Superior Court of said county or some other fit aud pro|>er person at the March term next of this court, it | no good cause ia shown to the contrary. Given under mv hand, officially this Jan. 27th l s7t. febl.4w. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary. til .1 . ,T 'C undersigned, in thanking his old patrons for Planters iiotel. Augusta, Ua. 'ell p.tronuge, begs a coutn.uaucv ot it, at the old 0 I stun I, N». « Iiroail street. S. D. MITCHELL. Scw:y Furnished during the I ••*>*■■*».«•*»■•* .cvommenil our late partner to our old op-iwl, with increased faciU-: P: ,, ,r u . u '* lricllll, ‘- »'tll he found prompt mid on t-f tie traveling public. [obliging. J. D. PITTAKD, ' “ R. T. PITTAKD. 1IIS WELL KNOWN IIOTEI. IIAV f jug been Remodeled, Enlarged, thoroughly Ren ovated, Repainted and Newly Furnished during the Slimmer of 1875, is now op-ned, with increased c—ra tios thr the accommodation of the trave.ling ptlbl feht-ty B. P. CHATFIEI D, Proprietor. jaulS-tf FU.imtUaE WAREHOUSE j; For Sale. % 100 Gullo’i Still, with Cap «n onn complete. Apply to Summey. llutchoo »k Boll, or John 11. | N'-wton. .I.F. XV I LSI»N & U( >•, I .*- v '*’*• !!±. KJ . 12 3:3:2 3au:a nais si.. Aiasss. oa BOOTS AND SHOES TO ORDER. N W- HAUDRUP, GOFFINSt 15 U RIAL CASES ARTIST, VliTritE'TRA»I» \N*> YaOLDIMiS, jan-5-ly BARGAINS FOR CASH iinarimtecd. June 16, 1875—33-tf uvo M »r'.ie Coffin * • m •ry, an I always Xtvp o.i lmiiu B;iri;d Case*. They in the Slate, ami furnish, tit',on •\ , i* i c'.argo t«» i virp .trons*, their splfiiditl new 1 Mr.*e ior fu vrl i*>u*. M reh 21—-1-ly GiileLn 1,-»V.«* t\: c lo their Fur .it ure M mu:'. a large stock of Wo » l n When the Legislature adjotirns, Willing- " Ttani is going to open a keg of ink, ami have Gentlemen cf the Augusta Constitution- a general jubilee, a list: Semi them a good printing press, | A young man was shot in the fa«h last or he more generous in your criticisms. The Spirit of the Age, a Temperance ]' qter, will be issued in our city as soon as the number of subscribers will \v errant it. James T. Pbwell, Estj., an old and t*x|ie- riet.ccd editor and printer, till be the Pro- 1'iietor. Prospectus in ogrnext. The candidates for West Point, in Dr. Fel- tan’s district, are. nuntOrons. Surgent A. 1>- Smith, of the Uuiversity of Georgia, has left college to stand the examination and we wouldn’t be surprised it he was the man after all. -V city latntt wbuid be a blessing to the benighted region iu the rear of the Presby terian church. The “leap yetr neerie” for gentlemen is out. We have not eeen it, but suspect it is a young lady's sleeve, with uri arm in it, and goes all the way around the neck. Every enterprising young gentleman should have one. .* j . &tme months ago, several large beams were thrown out in the open lot between the home school and Df. Murrell’s residence, ami the good people in that portion of the town supposed that improvements would be in order. This fond deiusiqn has. however, Ix-en gradually dispelled as no further steps have Iteen taken in this direction, until a tew days since another beam was precipitated upon the glassy plain, again working Cobb- |iam up into a fever heat of expectation. ■ Is k I he foundation of a house or an embryou- ic lumbei yard. Speak out gentlemen. Joe Brown has sent 200 tons <>f bis Dade r-i'Uitty coal to the U. S. fleet at Port Royal, fur trial. Now wont Joey sent just a few '"ns to tho Athens hoarding h«tu-e keepers, >" help them out in fuel you know t Demostheni.xn Anniversary.—The si>eceh ot our talented voting friend, Robert 1* Hill, Esq., of Atlanta, as Anniversary ftrator of the DoniasUiqniati Society, last Saturday, was a most graceful and polished elf.irt. His audience, largo and apprecia tive, frequently applauded the qrtaor, aml the number of bouquets showered upon the stage at the conclusion, rendered his suoceHcomplete. His tributes to Generals Gordon, Toombs and Mr. Hill, were very ■jfwjiriiite. No Excuse foe Huxo c ici.—No person cun n<t* »>ylu-e'» G-*riuu« larrup w»4'»*>nt ^<rltin*_ r .intucdliU* •Vf nr»«l e re. VVo’ h«ro ike •*/ i.Viiiflj-s » *s i (' tu-uinp !*♦», oraiiy of ike FuroaTaiftl . •* ' to fn»m VtUt I'S* »iot b. e>i cured. We • Hnted“every year, fi.r t rre je»r* t over 250 - ••Jj .*«• Bottles by Driimrist’* -in »H p rta of t v iited >t . No otiier Mdnur’ict ir'r «n Medic* ^ .er L r :tv. ir rations such • t -t ws G*- *» ir Dpi -f- IJ. T. Brn nby «fc C■*. nl «t ab- tri * rtt;j. * ** trv pi do-' vi:l r 1 eye Vr i. mj*lr Hoi ' *-ld it!.. * . cl*. dew* Poole £ vxt ^.Acnixisrs, J> itji b I n f it \.,o*v i on e, vr •• e m :it ifitct in* l’.c H, Mjxitfft at nl Squtii Aiueric», f.nlet as ftrst-clats iu thrir rkm.mstip. Wi 11 fictliti-s o r. t pi* u>r ur^ety wenatnutd •;»r, ti» \ are prep >rcd to flil all r »-r ill Jfll .ruiitee tli ir p.;trou-* thor*>u. .1, rt*ia*r in par. t c .i*u*r*l styles uud &»*lii* ns of iluts. iiuiiiU’Ls, Kibbtms. Laces. Fit)Wei's, loves, iVc., a .. u .. vi.n <ril ;,t n - .1..- tic.-*. Givelier • .1 *> • ■ |m c cl' *v . ttrdcrs fn*.n ads lice "euivinl, ■ itU*' 1 . "i*.: tc 1 on Broad siret-t, t>t:c «i«tor ubov Bank. ' *'* r Apr 1 21,1875—2-7-tf. A^rirNisiiiiYG. i. evy \ ’.v lu re til .teriol slid uUdtirin^ ttnd d Abut tear t ptaj"i| ily t !■■ reiialil.- tr r«. i-e m neeui-f a ivtliing in li -ir line «a.u ,1 !n will I'plj tor titvir cirvuiar an prct-i*. a vl. week'in Gwinnett. He hn I so much check, however, that the wound is not danjemu After next November, the sound of the grinding wheels of the Georgia State lottery will be low—demnition low. Rev. C. H. Stricklin, of Greene county has been called 11 the Curtis Baptist church of Augusta. Mr. John A, Cobb has a shut gun 127 y?arsold. He should take it to Pltilndel phiaand fire 127 rottn<ls to the bird of liberty- Macon let n big war-house hum up the other night, and now talks of extending her fire limits. The building of the Planter’s Warehouse Company, in Macon, was burned up last week. No insurance. Mercer University students have organiz ed a silver cornet band. Where are ye, O Athens boys,! The Atlanta IIrail, we are sorrv to say. has Iteen closed up by the Site.iff. This conies from the business manager getting married. The Macon Telegraph thinks that, in all pniltahility, tl.e man who gets the most v.ites next October will lie the next Governor of Georgia. . - ' This is u mistake. The man who secures the most v.ites Itelweeit now and n-xt Octo ber will tie Governor. _ Legislative Notes. —Georgia State Lotte-y abolished. Atlanta College of Dental Surgery incor porated. Bill introduced and (tasted to protect the rights of the colored people uuder the recon structinn measures. Marietta & North Georgia Railroad hill defeated. * To ettrouraee piojiagBtion of fish— passed the House. The Penitentiary hill passed. T<> pay insolvent cost to officers iu Clarke countv —passed. Cinntnittee on State Rwd lease report no bribing in Legislature of ^72. The Un:\e >ity Bill passed the House ,by a unanimous.'vote, passed the Senate^ by a vote of twenty-three to ten. The motion to rec insider ,in Senate on Monday, failed. House will concur in Senate amendment. Save Money and He .lth. —T e reputut^m of the Wikou S mt c 2h-w.iur .Orttfhfie i.-* inorongbh e4tabii*'ietl that no word in it* c>*minen<l.itio:i is utut- :iry. plan •»l« 4 *l«d by llie uuuu£»cturcr* vf tin* i'ii<*u* in.icliine of placing their prices low a* t«» omc wit..i i the reach of the poorer c.itft'e*, ccrta t*l\ ntitl-H them to the gratitude * f t u-^e who arc really u*»>t in need pf sneh * a. article. Mncblues will bcxle- ..wred ut any Railroad'*Stariim in this cuniv, fr*?e «f tra >~j o'*ntion vhnTg *, if ordered throng t Uisiiaw & Gr >iet.i at Athens, Giu rnct imud an elegant e.Ulogne and chrenio c rcul ’r free on application. Tluy w.iut a few more v od I'ents. fel»». The ^iieap and Poptlar Atlanta Store or Fub:ii- oorr, llKMO crACa, N*». 33 uiti hall ^t.—U i»«*w • •ffvring the Largest, Cheapest, »imi Ih*?* Selected Stevk •*f Dry Goo f*, Fancy Go»hU, Notions, Hosiery an*i Und--nrear. Novelties in Carpet*, Oil Cloths, Laui- 1) Tqttiu*, Coruices au 1 Cphflstery Go* ala at a saving o! 15 to 20 per cent, on each article purchased. T:ieir Facilities are ouly i-qualed by t;*e Largest House* in the Union. A call before purchasing at oUier houses is re spectfully solicited. N. B.—Samples sent on application. All ord*»r* over Teti Dollars, at Ret:*il, will be sent free of olnrge t*» a .y p *r» of the State. F., B.A CG. 'drenches— F. 11A Co., New York. F. B. & Co., Caarleston, S. C. F. B. «fc Co., Jacksonville, Fla. [nov.!7-tf. .T*»e t-ri*grcss ma le' o^ WlL>»fS SHUTTLE SKWING'MACHINK. Inventive skill has lx*eu taxed to its utmost, and the result is, the U. S. Inti rual Revenue. Lxpctv Collictok's Oftidp, | t-urtli Di-trict, Gforpia, e ATtti a, Juti. 15, 187'i. I * ll 1’ARTIES DESIRING INFOR- 1,,.tit.n nr to TAX impowxl by the lin‘fe<l,!5t«t«.-* lutrrtial K. vcuue Law., cau obtain tbo name by sppl;- " ‘° W. S. MAYFIELD, Deputy Collector. Office over Jacobs & Mic'iael’s Store, Broad Street, Atlteti*, Ga. janlS-tf VALUABLE DISCOVERY. \\. It. STYItOX. af Oeorgia. HAS DISCOVER FD A SURE REMEDY FOR (; • t \ p t *; li O T . AND DE.-TEOYER OF CCRUCLIO AND BORER, nixGXiiTKXz nt- ftf the rr.'CU o or. r, HIS REMEDY HAS BEEN TllnRi’DGHLY 8 tca'cii been n |*-n w* 11 know d, ...i-,’a*»d iu evi ry instutiee lm> T e full* wing vertificMte of u G <*T i s who hrs seen it fairly The Most Perfect anti Desirable Machine, tor General and Family Use, yet produced. It is Simple nnd Easy to Operate, not L;ib!e to get *.ut o;u of repair. it» Work is ti e Best tD* wits shown by the FIRST PREMIUMS uwnrdedit at the Uu vcr.sil Exhibition iu Vienna, i 1873, and it is Sold at a PRICK tlian any otber Mac'.i.,e ofit» STANDARD EXCEL LENCE. Forsale by J. M. UPSHAW and F. P. GRIFFITH. Be sure to see the Wiisou before von bur. - May Hi. 1S75 ■ 20-tf. tested, n U give some id-s -f t- real tuTiJs: * I’, xs*v ex, July IStli, 1875. .Vb W. L. Stibox.—T. e uompoand put ot. by yon I have known, n-.d, seen its results, and it will do ail von claim for if. it will prut, ut Mini t and rot, at,d i-au-e vines to gr-w vigoriui-tv. *wtwr> it was used I Iicv- r saw tnor.- finur -hi. g or fuller viucs, will! bandies lar- • aud well filled. In UK sani. viutorard, viues w-tli- ■ nt its use did,-t.oRm.itnr*a sittgie bimelv. With its Use. vines Mat had uot borne fruit far yusrs were quite prolific. A Iralf gallon ira» used, but a gallon would be better. Front wlial 1 luive seen, I out und do recom- iLcttd its tt-e to all wbo desire till, delightful .rutt. Its results w .ere it inis been used on Penck trees ore tile same. Yours, Ac.. N. B. OUsLEV. 1 itucTiovs for Uiivu.—Dir aroutt l the roots in Fil l and W inter und apply Compound. Price, $50 (>cr tou. Put up bv Port Royal Lime Co. .. . J. ll. HUGGINS, Age. t, Athens, G,. febS.Stn. • '- 5 ‘ Lively, Feed and Sale Stable, -A-XEiEISTS GA. GANN & REAVES.... . PROPRIETORS Will be found ot their old stand, rear Franklin House building, Thoniua street. Keep always on hand good Turnouts and careful drivers. Stock wc'.l cared for when entrusted to our care. Stuck on haud for sale at all times. decljtf. Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO., If you want a © V- P © P ft © HART SHERIFFS SALE. iX/’ILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST ▼ v Tuesdny in February next, within tho legal hours of sale, before the Court Hoii-e door in the town of Hartwell, Il.-trt County, Ga., a truct of laud lyingund being iu said connty$ containing tliree hundred and six- tenths acres, more or less, adjoining lands of L. n4 Alford, J. B. Alford, H. Tyler and others, better known I TS' a* the resideut place of the late F. G Stowers; also j O twenty six acres, more or less, adjoining lands of J. B Alford, N. ILiuk* and S. V. Miliford. All levied on ** an«l sold as the property of F. G. Stowers, to satisfy a 1 fi. fiu i*sue«1 fn»m the Suj»erior Court of said county, re- turnable to March term, 1875, in favor of A. J. Connell, * Milly J. Connell and Wm M. McMullan vs. C. A. Webb, Atlm’r. of F. G. Stowers, also to satisfy various I other fi. fas. in tny In uds vs. said F. G. Stowere. All I sold subject to the widow’s dower. Hartwell, Jan. 3d, 1876. 1 jun4.5t. W. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff. Oconee County. p 5 ao s ff St GEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY. W HEREAS, MARY C. THRASHER I ^ applies to me for letters of Admittis-1 j-faf • tration on the estate of Barton C. Thrasher,,lato of said'j - ' county deceased. ‘ I These are therefore to cite and admonish all con* 1 cerned, to show cause, if any they have, at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, why said let ters should not be granted. * Given under niy band at office, this January 81At, 1876: J 1 J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY. W HEREAS,GEORGEE.GRIFFETH I Administrator Jnmes L. Grifieth de ceased applies to me for letters of disminion from said administration. These are therefore to cite and adinoniah ail concern-1 ed, to show cause (if any they have) at my office, on or before tho first Monday in May next why said lettlere should not be granted. Given under tny hand at office theSlst day of January tebl.3m. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. To Leap ail Coxi-xt.-tob* 5* the aim of the proprie tors of the Wilson Shuttle Sowing Machine. It i- foanded on tba very host principles known to the sew- iug machine science, and Improvement*, in advatu-oct all other sewing m* blues, are being adopted constantly. The Wil-ott is rapidly gaining the preference of-ml- Tartics that are acquaint d with sc ring maeliines, and • i.-.. .iIuaJu t.L.n fl>* tfWktti mitk ■•■nomr tlw» first-clss* t baa tdiesdy Ukru the front rank .nioug (be first-class machines of this country; and its price, oaring to its bring manufactured where labor aud material ia much cheaper than in ra-tern cities, U flliei u iollar. lees than. ail other first-class maeliines. Machines will be de livered at any Railroad St Lion io this county, free of transportation charges, if ordered through UtettAW A Bit'iwg, Athens, Ga. • . They *cn I an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on nridication. Tney want a fow more g«sl agents. decS-L rriCK» f ak'ctit t eduction In I’rices. N and after Oct. 1st we shall off r to our customers, goods in our line at much lower tigur s than here tofore. To enable us to do this, wo will adopt strictly the Cash System. We are now receiving a large and fail assortment n:’ goods, bonght at low prices, which we invite all to cail an ' examine. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. Sept. 15—PS-'f.. PICTURE FRAMES. P ICTURE FRAMES of EVERY SIZE AND8TYLE. A full snpplv of Molding kept always on hand, and the very best machinerj n.*eif in tbo manufacture of Frames.' Particular attention paid to the mounting and framing of Chrouico. Wo challenge the State aa to style end prices. If yon want tho best frames at the io’west prioea, call at . _ BUUKPS Book Store. €IG ARS. We luive uow on hand 250,00ft Choicest Brands of Cigars, which we offer at GoBvtlt Re u -ed Pbicbs. Also a large atock uf Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Genuine Mvcrabanra Pipes, and all Smokers Ar- t,C a2f* A liberal diseonnt allowed to Jobbera ttnylng largely. Conte on ! Come alI U Aug. Ml.) KV-.VAK1NSKY * L1EBLER. Under Newton Uoasc, Athena, Ga. P. VXWk7 BL Boot and Shoe Marafacta, COLLEGE AVENUE, Next Door to Post Office. '"lendtmt'itJbu^^r mtulrr express and jonshtdl re ceire a first clave pair of boots. •tens *1. 1875. 85-tr. vwt E Gi’tut Reduction in Pricefi F r*or the next thirty Jay*. Brnckets, Wall 1 P.tckfts, an*l all kind* of Ornaiueutal Wood Work, will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now is the tint* to make your huuscs bcauttfol at low banfaliiagiveoI.**&&&& Ra.ksmre. BANKRU ’r ULANKS. P HIIJP*S<tLOMAN’S AU THORIZED EDITION, the only amt >!e o. a iitiou published. Sent by ...... ,t *1. For a ,(.* bv f. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer. ' V.ISU / »« IVOOIs, —OR— .; CLOTH FOR WOOL. T„e Athena 4farnfo. tnringCimi>any are now raakiuga much larger variety t*f Wueleu Goals than ever before, “ >dpr ^^ lan g 0 them for Wool, believing it to b.- more to the interest of the Planter to Exchange thfc Wool .or Cloth, rather thou hare it Card ed and Spun at home. Call for Samples and Terma oi Exchange. R* L. BLOOMFIELD, Agc.nL May 1*. 1875—29-tf. LEGAL BLANKS. Hatfly mIdM Six! Rjt ut n® SC M AB Bl* NO. 1 COOK STOVE, And TIN WARE OF ALL KINDS, CHEAP FOR CASH. Hoofing and Guttering a Speciality. Stepi. 15, 1875. 46—6iu. ADMINISTRATOR SSALE. B Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM THE COURT I ■if Ordinary of Oconee County, willbeooldonthe first Tuesday in March 1376, before the Court ilonso door in Watkinsville, said county, within the lawfttl hours of sale; one tract of land in said county, adjoin- 'mg lands of Jo .n W.Stroud, Satidford Wbltebead, Dr. F. Jackson and otbera, containing fifty seven tuul one half acres, twenty acres in original forest, twenty or twenty-five acres tenable Und, balance good branch bottom; on the place there is a good house with three rooms and all necessary outs buildings. Sold as the *P«rty the Ik sale, IRL Y ROSE, Siceet and Rest t rop. PINKEYE, Good Rearer. PEACH BLOW, For E ding. ALSO CLOVER SEED, Prime N. Y. Slate. ORCHARD- GR/^S, “ . “ 1IERL0NG COTTON SEED. BANCROFT'S PROLIFIC Cotton Seed, In Store and to arrive. For sale by EDWARD BANCROFT, •ebS.2m. No. 8, Bio<d St., Athens, Go. 1 It- U« 8AULTR 9 DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF WINES, WHISKIES and LAGER BEER, ALE^GIN, CIGAR*, A., A., CALL AT SAULTERS EXCHANGE, Ja -xsotr snixrr, Antr a, Gsoiton. Oct. 2—d-tu (iRIEH’N ALMANACS. THE old reliable Almanac for 1876, will be readv in a few days, and will be turuiaked to any cuitomere by the gross or dozen AT THE LOWEST RATES. Orders respect ally solicited. Sept. 80—1-lf. OCONEE SUPERIOR COURT NOV. TERM 1875. Mabt Livingston, 1 vs. V Libel for Divorce. Sidnit J.rviiroaTiN. ) T APPEARING TT. THE COURT I that Sidney Livingston, defendant duea not reside I in the County ef Oconee, and it further appearing that I be residee without the limits of the State. It ia there- fore ordered that service be perfected upon said de- I fendant by publication onoe a mouth for fonr months in the Athens GOmgian, a paper publiahed in the City of Athena, Georgia. J. R. LYLE, Plaintiffs Attorney. Granted—GEO. D. RICE, Judges. 0. G EORGIA—OCONEECOUNTY.—Cttmse Omc*. I ScPEBion Coen.—I. J. M. A. Jo inaon, Clerk of the Snper.or Court of said County, do hereby certify that the above order was granted at the November term 1875 of the Superior Court of said County of Oconee. [ Given under my official signature, this 28th January | ft.-bl.tn4m. J. M. A. JOHNSON, Clerk. T. A. BURKE. DAViNPOBT’* BT. Poison Revived 'PHIS Celebrated R»t Poison. *old for I t» Mb. MOSES DAVES POET, end proven to be Ihi uiost elective RAT POISON SEABORN L. DAVENPORT, . ..a. 1 Athens. Ca* FOU SALE. \ DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT ON OCONEE St. Tue dwelling has eight rooms, imd i* te good condition, with atl necessary outhoa»es and good fencing around a half acre loL »< r farther parttcuiara apply 'mu. Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 5D1 Broadway, New York, (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS A DEALERS IN CHROMOS AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES and VIEWS, Albums, Graphoscopes, and Suitable Views Photographic Materials We are Headquarters for everything in the way of Sterecpticons and Magic Lanterns, Being Manufacture!* of the MICRO-SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, STEREO-PANO PTICON, UNIVERSITY 8TEKEOPT1CON, AD VERTISER’S STKREOPT1CON, ARTOPTI- .CoN, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN, PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each style being the beat of its elaaa in the market. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides with directions for using sent on application. CtHtRAL TICKET Afii ICY. RAILROAD TICKETS i* wbola Sept. 22,1 Notice. for ail kinds or 8ewing Machines, ’Hff’ bjr S. CL DOBBS, Agent. Blacksmith Shop. For sale, by all routes, and to all principal joints in ,he UNITED STATES. FEW A MKRtWEATHER. H ill few and webley uebiweather, having farmed a copartnership for 1876, respect- fully announce to the citizeim of Athena and ■urroand- . injj cooiitry, that they are prepared to do all manner of . Buy r rTicket, befare teavipg AUtcn^ tmdget all ( mtonnuLou tront „. uo best maUrint. Curriage work, plantation work, horse CAPT. WM. WILLIAMS, a'oeing and any difficult jobs a specialty. Shop op Agent Southern Exprese'Co., Athens, Ga. ' I pwite Messrs Gsnn & Reaves’ Livery Stable. . May 12,’76 l ..••• mSBHBBM iece**ary of Muiyuret W Parker deceased, tor the benefit I unruret v of the fteirs and creditors. Terms made'known on day of sale. AAEON CEOW, Adtn’r. of Margaret W. Parker. J OCONEE POSTPONED SHERIFFS! SALE. 1X7ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE) v v Court House door in Watkinsville, between the | legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, I the following property to-wit: One grey bone, doctor, two moose colored males snd two buy mules, one two bone wagon aud harness, aud 1 one yoke of oxen, and one cart. Levied on aa the pro- I terty of Jacob W. Dickon, by an attachment and fi. fa. -sued upon aaid attachment from Oconee Superior I Court, in favor of John O. Thrasher vs. said Dicken. Property pointed out in aaid attachment and fi. (a. I Also, at same time and place, a Hall, in the second story of a building, in tire town of Watkinsville, known [ si the Odd Fellows Hall. Levied on aa the property of the Odd Fellows to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Oconee I Superior Court in favor of A. T. Luckie vs. aud Odd Fellows. Property pointed out by defendants. I Also, at tame time and place, the farm known aa the I Dr. Lindsey Durham piace. Levied on to satisfy three lair fi. fas., for the year* 1878, 1874 and 1875. febl.5t.W. W. PRICE. Sheriff. Great Bargains in Note Paper. be CASH AT Sept. 28—48-tf. BURKE'S BOOK STORE. Blasting and Bigging Wells! 1% ITH AN EXPERIENCED? TWENTY YEARS, v v I hereby tender mj services to tbe citizens o Athene nd vicinity. First class work guaranteed. Residence at the Talmadge House, between the npcet bridge and Check Factory. AU orders will receive prompt atteation. janCtf. EDWIN W. PORTER. Happy New Year. »»’ ISH1NG OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS^* VV bappv and prosperous n«w yaar, we beg to in form them that we open the new year with a Urge stock ° f JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, And ara prepared to supply anything they mey want on the most reasonablo terms. Oar increased facilities and larger experience warrants ns in saying that we can please all in quality aud prices. Call and aee ua before L. SCBEVENELL * CO. ■