The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, February 29, 1876, Image 1

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H.'i—w ,-v' V/'' /y H. H. CARLTON & CO. — — —— • - — DEVOTED TO OUR POLITICAL, EDUCATIONAL, AGRICULTURAL, AND INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS. —— ‘ —l ■—i—; —; —7'—' '.''7 ■ - ■ ■ ■■■—, — ~i ---—, / Two Dollars per annum, In-advance. VOL. 4. NO. 18. ..... ! J iM 1 f ’ : -. ATHENS, GEORGIA, TJJLESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1876. * OLD SERIES# V6L:i5. i\i $%ts Georgian. H. II. CARLTON & CO., Proprietors. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: —t®i— ONE COPY, One Yoar, —* » OO FIVE COPIES, On* Year, 8 78 TEN COPIES, One Year,.— — 18 OO Rates of Advertlsl ns r ooe square or mors It 00 , sod 00 esalR for each sub* Traniient advertisement*. of per -quire for the SrsllaaertloD, •equrat Insertion. •%. AU advertisements considered traniient ezeept where special contracts an made. Ten llnea or 100 words seeks ono square. or Liberal contracts made with pearly sdrertlscrs. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Citation or Administration or OnardUnship H 00 Appllcalioa tor Dismission Administrator or Guardian 500 Application fcr Lears to Bell Lands Notion to Debtors and Creditors »y ffiiasMsswwHsszL. fatflT NttUCOIl H diyiwssesss^esspese.ssssiwfce^, #w _ oo Foroetoom Moitfm, p«r squirt, well time. 1M Exemption Notice* (In .. 3 00 NUT*, per * CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO. FEALEKBIK Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, RUBBER BELTING, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Mill Findings, Winship and Sawyers Cotton Gins, <&C.f &Cs, &Ce • ATHENS, GEORGIA* Hole 1 r square, each time. Business and Professional Cards. Lamar Cobb. Howell Cobb. | L. & II. COBB, Attorneys at -Lair, Athens, Ga. Office in Deuprce Building. febSAljr. —DEALERIN— American ui Imparled Wildes, Clacks, Jtidrj, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Magical Inatrnments, Gang, Pistols, Etc. warenza, clocks asd jiwilbt axraixxo nr a mat, WOXKXOJU.1ZE lfamtEB, And warranted to givo entire satisfaction. Ornamental and Plain Letter Engraving a Specialty. COUSOI AVSXSI,cae Isa fna Ink •toiCerMr, Alim, SA. IhMStC ALEX. S. ERWIN, - Attorney at lair^ Athens, Ga. Office on Broad Street, between Center & \ Heaves and On & Co., up stairs. febSLly. m*. mm/ wBzmw^t Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, R. E 1 HRASIIER, A2202tJV'EY A2 It AW, WATKINSVILLE, GA. COLLEGE AVENUE, Next Door to Post Office. fIN band, Uppers for making Low Qu*ne>», Can- "-f press, Alezts-Tics, and Pnnce gAlhetts. Itcpni: ! -rpr * - ’ j»n25-ly Ottce in former Ordinary’s Office, REMOVAL! 2. A. SAIE, DEJV2IS2, II AS REMOVED to the office lately occupied by Dr. J. W. Morrell. Satisfaction guaranteed in both Work and Prices. janS5-tf . j executed. I ten dollars, per mail or express snd yon shall re | ccivc a first class pur of boots. Jane SO, 1878. SMC Great Reduction In Prices F or the next thirty dava. Brackets, Wall rockets, and all Unde of Ornamental Wood Work, | will be cold at THE LIQUOR STAMPEDE; Which I wish to isnri, And my language ia plain— That for ways that an dark, And for tricks that an run, icceding*.at Court, rhich the TS Which I don’t like to tsy, Bat I fear that I must, And "SSSSn.,.*., » get. fooled in an ungodly manner, why, the ooneeqnenoe will he bnt jtuL Judge Bye-ce was his name, And I will not deny In regard to the same What that name might Imply, BUt £*^t“^’ ,0 * e ^ h " i “powerful I heard, were the ikies— be inferred And quite col Which & might “dg. Saying, “ Hew win not And jndge Rice and the Jury Of conjee win not know;” But ^he euchred them clean as a whistle in the way I am going to thew. a The Jndge in his charge To the Jury that dayr. Urged them to determine .. *, If minors ffid pipy” 5 « f Any biUiards or dnhk any Rqnor, and If so, to report right awsy. For the Law, you must know, In its wisdom (I) secs'fit To suffer nobody . , / » $ i To touch the least bit . i" ' Of liquor, who is not of age, or else has his fotker’s permit. ' 1. . Howbeit, this wisdom Uedoubtedly drives The staid married men ( Away from their vrives ...i l To “ sow tbdrwQd o*ta” in the bar-room*, where they’d ne’er been before in their lives.. Whereas, If they had 1 DU Beeu allowed bat to spend Their youti there, they now Woald be ready to mend; For the novelty worn off, the mind in another direction will tend. ~ ***■ . ; . i Sow revtnont 1 Well, The Grand Jnry went ont, And considered a spell, > Then allowed that they mouzl.t, By summonsing witnesses, prove a True bUl without any doubt. like illustrious Tweed, When eutmanae wfero brought Did the students stampede GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now Is the time to make jour bouses beautiful at low C. D. LULL, ATTORNEY AT IAW, JOKE’S Bosk Store. ATHENS, GEORGIA. Prompt attention given to all business and tha same spectrally aolicled. Janll-ly. BANKRUPT BLANKS. jpHIUP & SOLOM AN’S AUTHORIZED EDITION, POPE BARROW, ATTO'RNEY A2 LAW, ATHENS, GA. Office in Mr. J. U. Newton’s new building. janAly. AUGUST DORR, MERCHANT TAILOR, Iuroirrxa or Fink Cloths and Dorsxms, HATS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, fcbl5.8m. 242 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. the only complete edition published. Sent by mail at $1. For safe by T* A* BUKKE. !kYt]faaiLr tn<f Station cr. CnlStl FOR WOOL* —OR— CLOTH FOR WOOL. The Athena Manufacturing Coinpnnv^are now making a i than ever before, mnch larger variety of Woolen and propone to Exchange them for Wool, believing it to be more to the interest of the Planter to Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Card ed and Spon at home. Call for Samples and Terms ot Exchange. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent. May 18,1875—29-tf. IP. R. LITTLE, Attorney at lair, CARNE3VILLE, GA. Miss G. Potts, Fashionable Dressmaker (Over University Bank.) Broad Street, - - Athens.. J. S. DORTCH, Attorney at lair, CABNBSV1LLE, GA. Wonld respectfully inform the Ladies snd her friends generally, of Athens and vicinity, that she is now pre pared to do Dress making in the Neatest snd most FASHIONABLE STYLES. A. G. McCURRY, ATTOMJTK r .MT LrflP, HARTWELL, GEORGIA. With her experienc giving satisfaction. rienoe in the holiness, she facts rare of May 14, 1875—28-tf. U. S. Internal Revenue. WILL give strict personal attantlon to all business en trusted to hie care. Aug. 4—40—ly. Asa M. Jackson. I>. W. Tbohab. JACKSON St THOMAS, Attorneys at Law. Athens, Georgia. JOHN IP. OWEN, Attorney at Law. Dktctt Comoros's Omar, 1 Fourth District, Georgia, J- Amiss. Jan. 15.1878. I ALL PARTIES DESIRING INFOR IA malionaa to TAX imposed by the United States Internal Revenue Laws, can obtain the same by apply- inff to • 1 W. B. MAYFIELD,” ■ Deputy Collector. soon afters tohfe cabin. ,.r some day* latter, Sam was _ on the floor of hia cabin playing with His child while his wife was getting supper. The wife, busy with her cooking, asked Long to go an adjacent spring and bring some wa ter, a request which he promptly complied with; leaving his gun in the house, a some what unusual course with him. He reached the spring and was just stooping to fill the pail that he carried, when he was borne down by a sudden attack from behind, boand securely, and dragged some yards into the woods. When he reeognized his assailant he knew what to expect. He had fallen in to the hands of the Reddett gang, and the leader was about to ‘ get even with him.* Long was stripped and bound to the tree fay order of the Captain. A supply of hick- ory switches were obtained, and then the Captain took one of them and began the whipping, announcing' with an oath that no mab could beat him or hia men at shooting and stay in the country. The sufferings of the victim were terrible. The flesh was cut from his back in strips bv the blosfs. and when the leader of the ruffians had gratified his rage, others of the band continued the punishment. But one man among the num ber showed any mercy, and hfe assertion that Long had been punished enough was re ceived with derision. Finally the hunter fainted under the pain, and the ruffians, having satisfied their grudge, departed, leaving the object of their spite still bound to the tree. In this position he was found by his wife, who bad becomed alarmed for his safety, and who, searching for him had been attracted to the spot by a faint moaning. She assisted him to reach the cabin, which he did with difficulty, and then nursed him faithfully to recovery. It was weeks before he was well enough to nqove about. . Scarcely had Long recovered from his wounds when the cabin was found deserted, and the members of the Rsddett band, boas ted openly of what they had done. At the same time they became bolder than ever in the commission of crime, always hunting or traveling together in a company of between twenty aud thirty and defying attack from any quarter. One day as they were engaged on a hunt a member of the band became separated from the rest in the excitement of the chase. He was found lying dead, shot in the lett eye. GREAT MEN GREAT EATERS And they ^pjt'u'p which they did only I A’ ^® w days later another of ruffians, tiding jut ns they ought. ^WBiSHR^toHood’, Raised s whimpering cry: this worlds Ales! this wor Are bnt * care and vexation of spirit,’ for now we most shell ont the tpudt 1” Still some fellows were fonnd Who could not run xwxy, - - And ttiey testified there, , , s , . alone, was killed. A week or two passed and another of the desperadoes was shot, the same terrible accuracy, being exhibited in a shot in the left. eye. proving all the shots to be from the same source. The robbers became alarmed and kept al ways together in their raids, but there was no escapiog.the death which seemed always to be lurking near them. One after another been suffered to play 1 8q MBt wert found And Indictment, made ont, tevtjdeenb. And (Or somewhere thereabout) Were immediately thrown in a state of otter distraction ■edrest. Q U k G Q- ■ 1 ju y Vi«f - r. .. The trial comes Off To’ards the middle of March, ' Which trial will take Every hit of the starch the terrified men in vaiu. On one occasion, when a member of the band was killed, the shot had been heard, and once a gaunt fellow bad been seen running through the woods, but pursuit failed to overtake him. Accus tomed to face danger as .the dei_ were, and possessed as they were of brutal courage, trembled before this mysterious danger. It could not be averted. ° Ut Sdi^ntS'ro£!Sft ,e “ m * nlge tbe ea * 5e<1 The result was that some of the band des serted and fled the region. There remained Which'ia, why, I remark,' And my language ie plain, That for ways that are dark And tricks that are vein. This law-handllhg crew are peculiar, which the tame I am face to maintain. SHOT INTHE EYE. A Texas Hunter’s Vengeance. only the Captain and four of the more reso lute of his follows. These five hunted and made their raids together for some time and without harm. Among the five was the man who had endeavored to save Long at the time of the Shipping from so severe a torture. This man, one morning, ventured I out in the woods without his comrades. He wfia walking slowly along looking for game, when the brown barrel.of a rifle checked hia A tali, lank figure rose from the bush, and the startled man recognized Sam It wonld be paradoxical to say that great men are great eaters, and-that the capacity of the stomach is at good- a criterion by which to jadge of mental strength and ability as the size of the head. Yet a study of the lives of great men oes-fkr .towards robbing the paradox of its wonder and giv ing itjan air of snbstantial reality. The good Socrates, wisest among men, waa a perfect Dr. Johnson in th. matter of appetite; and had a Boswell instead of a Plato described hiB peculiarities and given ns the rainutia oflus life, we wonld have been made folly aware of this. Demosthenes was a man ot imgntar appatite. He could do with a very moderate quantity of food when study* ing; but be craved good living for all that, and never felled to eat like a gourmand on any occasion that be foond bunadf reclin ing before a good substantial meal. Alex ander, who was a perfect prototype of Nn- Joleon in rise, appearance and manner, waa nvariably a glutton when snrrounded by an abundance of food and wine ; and in this particular, too, he did not differ mnch from the “little Corporal,” as shall be shown in the coarse of this article. Iso crates, the Cicero of Greece- in personal appearance, as well as in the round and so norous rhetorical periods that distinguish ed his speaking and writing, was an extra ordinary eater. He fairly loved ail sorts of good edibicsand has "wont to dispose [nantities of them three or fonr times a day. Pericles was a hearty eater. Aicibiades loved plenty of good food hard ly less than women and wine, which is saying a great deal. - - ■ Cicero was a persistent follower of the Epiouriiui philosophy, and none enjoyed good living better than he, or could ' eat more heartily. He had an insuperable dis like 4 for all kinds of hardship and danger, and was always delighted in the comforts of home and a will-filled table. The Ro man Emperors numbered among them many a noble glntton. Heliogabalus loved to sap on the tongues of . peacocks and nightingales, and fed his Hons on pheasants and parrots. His majesty would also of ten give a zest to the pleasures of the ta ble by assembling companies of guests who were nil fat or all lean, or all tall or all bald or all gouty. The truth of that story that Nero enriched his soups by dissolving diamonds in them may be safely left for chemists to decide. There can be no doubt that Caesar loved the pleasures of the table and was himself a genial host. On one oc casion, when dining ont. if we may believe Suetonius, some very rancid oil was served -sculptors-oil rocking Republican Art from a “Crooked” Point of View. SOUS STRIKING SUGGESTIONS FOB NATIONAL WORK. jo to work once'* on “’the 1 monument' of “Christian fjtateeiimnship’s Triumph; or, the Decalogue o Reconstruo great | tion.” Leave the aborted*obelisk of the. Washington monument W pine bythe river in parallelopipedonal lonesomeness; Leave-. [Baltimore Gazette.] I that to Dosteritv—the next • Centennial. , The wise saying of antiquity, that we Melt down the cannon to build the great must “call no man happy until he is dead" I raotiuncnt^-thot cannon that was. /ecap- to mind by the present tured again and again, and dabbled.,with efforts to revive the great Lincoln emanti-1 the blood of brave inen who fought and jMtthm monument in Washington city, died on both sides for something’ they be- There are to be over thirty figures on the heved in; melt it down to cast'jt into sta- high granite base of colossal, heroic, and I tnes of the men who believed'in nothiiig; lite sizes, and many of the statues are fin- [ and if, aft^r this there Wnot'enough brass, ished in thh plaster; and it happens that the deficit can ba.-fnade up from the cheek very many of these figures^that were idol-1 of Mr. James G. Blaine. , ixed when the monument waa designed, Tt-Ti-*iir ir have since sank into moral decrepitude TKo 1 and work. It waa projected that “Mr. Lin an T «^. lbany . rat1,cal or 8 an » coin in the net of Signing thejemancipation [■ K}P*jj ", ’/ J.' - ^ V. proclamation should crown the column . A <*f next Democratic q?lat- r - 'form might well he made out of the recent «***? "SP!41*" I' spe«ho?RobToomS aLAUanta. It would trian statues, Grant, Sheridan, Sherman, p*”.' 01 f Thomas, Howard and Wadsworth. Grant r , U V should be represented in the act of clasp 10e f ^ ing to his bosom of “unimpaired confidence” .. n . • c ?. ,^ av f "’■' e r ed - 1? Harrington, Delano, Scbenck and Babcock; ,n . to the 8 - tomach of oor 1 *• Retoived, These miserable wretches-rtljja i millions of sav- poliric, and the■ Sheridau will be^se forth trampling on the" | r ^ <Srro,M ^ raye ’ 1 ^ prostrate form of civil liberty in Louisiana; Sherman, in native brass, will he on hb Th,s m, ? h f t do "*»• • V ut ,a h " dI y hobby, riding forevcrmoTe “to the sea;” “'tC “ ^ f ^'- ng ^V'y M - Thomas will be represented as riding proud-1 d . e11 ^ hll , 1 l 'P 8 p rece ^ bea# a ly away into disfavor with the administra- P ‘“"f* a |t,°: a “’_ lj,-, tion, because he was too honest for it; we I 9 a r e *.? 0U L2f.^™. HowJ.thegtw phifanlhnyta, irill bj |TfSti£rg*S2£fZi chi Bureau “• and Wadsworth will be there, chiefly W to ^ cause the last thing that he did was to die jjj* , ^ eavi,l 9 Nad. and land behind On the second and a lower level will be "reduetheQodofveil- placed twenty-ope colossal statues of phil mithropisfo, statesmen and civilians who Lto JSKK stood by Lincoln and fat army contractors w«33l during the war. Among these the War Wendell Phil ips and Robert Toombs, the Minister Stanton. The Christian Comrnis- mU ^ ^e representative of the Re- sion will be represented in the person uf j Tif.m'S D n sentJI ? e j; t 08 l ^ e ot ^ er 13 0 George H Stuart, iu t‘l nirZn 3 Democracy. And now between the two, we Roii„^: vL, n - I choose.—Rome Courier. - • • Bellows, President of the Eastern Commis sion, and J. E. Yateman, President of the eater. He breakfasted at 5 on fowl seethed cock. " Oh! dawn where the Ship Island Rail* Athena, Ga. Will nracOca in aU tha eoontks of tha Waatarn CSr- cait. Hurt rad Madiaon cf tha Nolthara CircnlL Will dive ipecial attanion to aU claim* entrnatad to hia care. octxowly. - ■ •_ P. G. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, Special attention patf to criminal praetioa. For refer ence apply to Be. Got. T. H. Watta and Boo. David Clopton.jiontgomery Ala. Offloa over Bm^’a^ Store, Athena, Ga. FRANK HARRALSON, ATOORNEY AT AW, A gentleman who lately returned from a visit to Dallas, Texas, tells a story which is I rather dramatic. The story was told to bush, a - _ him bv an old hunter 'who became'domes- L«ng the Hunter, Long raised the rifle, ticatea and was lounging about one of the then lowered it ... Dallas hotels. You are the mau who said a good word U T’could tell yoTT good many queer »» « ,d you *** 8 , ’> d “ y“ u are ’ 1 stories, stranger,’’ said the old fellow, in won t take your miserable hfe. Go! • conversHtiou' with" the-gentleman,'‘bat I The mm, neeeded no second invitation to .... don’t know *of anMkhreJudd>e more likelv g°-—He humed to the camp, and told the ?22 gT , ‘° oW * **#*'***% JS ; iSSi£a ogSam »tory. The Captain and the other three —C Lonsris. in Harrison -«ountv vears a20 “en started out in pursuit of Long, and GENERAL TICKET AGENCY. in print, a^dn. his terse The next ^ another maD was kiUed in -■ - ——— the camp and again the hunter escaped. On Years ago, Harrison county, in Texas, the next P day thftwo remaining menTed the was the haunt of about as desperate a gang country, leaving the fierce Reddett alone, of ruffians as ever infested-any dutnet The leader of the desperadoes dared not to west of the MississippL Their number was remain where he was. He new he was the com- m an whom Long sought above all. Jgj 'ftL*l3L!S Concealing himself untfl night, he mount- tered law at, defiance, carrying on a career ^ hb horse and fled for the nearest point “fdanng crime with lmpnmty, and making' - - - - ,ur Down at the bottom of all—the road is.” inmiik adMrilh'sn^and^icS! I ^7 “Wh 3 t commission did you hold?" After this he went to slJep again. At ‘K uw!,mW. 1,1^’ , u th T ere ’ aq jl we h ? d ?°. rae 12 he dined formally, partaking of twenty "JJ® r * ' Vl “3? g p f ° ? n l P urty fi S ht "’| 030 teU J e - ? ^“‘ra dishes. He supped ttnee; at first soon a f. “Wed soldier—a thing that Grant never fo waniday ould Farragut made it iively ter vespers, and tlie second time at mid- Lor the boys around Vicksburg, but we stood-. night or 1 o’clock, which meal waa the 1 • Eflbrts are n ? w on fo ? t . l ^ ge U ! e ?»•! ourground, so we did?’ most solid of the four. After meat he S2^ Yes, but what did you do ?” ' agreat quantity of pastry and sweetmeats; . *1!% „ rcUl 7 Seward ^ ld I th . at if 1,ad bhure » 1 *** keepin’ a boordin* houfee and irrigated lL thro^Tt every repast by 1 boo^ra’ the min.”-. vast drSighu of beer and wina His 8t ^ | feen anythmg like it, which is doubtless | au o _ _ . • I true, fhc present plnn is to usk the corn* I — r *♦ Iswt raittee for tfie ncceLry granite to bnild A Frenchman whose English waa. etia roLL B th e pedestals and column. Congress has rather imperfect was in qompfr which we are accustomed in these days to I nlr J7 tf ^ VBn nv where two parties were nlavina consider a statesman as still in the prime of| the . neCt “ S8a a7 me 7. al J" JlF I &«*** RAILROAD TICKETS For solo, by all roctaa,' and to aU principal point* in UNITED STATES. Boy your TicYeU before leaving Athena, and get all | information from- .• Caft. WM. WILLIAMS, ^ Agent^Southem Express Co., Atlient,.G^^ CLEVELAND, GA. YVkll practice in tho conntU. of WhUe, Unkx^Loinj I'kin, Towns, and Fanning, and tha Soprema Crait at Atlanta. WiU give »pecial attention to all claim* en- to bit care. Ang# 11187&~41—tf. E. SCHAEFER, COTTON B UYJER, Rv Ra SAULTER, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF | WINES, WHISKIES and LAGER BEER, ALE, GIN, CIGARS, JL, CALL AT SAULTERS EXCHANGE, Jacxbox Strxxt, Atot.v*, Gsoxoia. Oct. 2—d-tf. •' , -w - OO^^thrArkansas river, where it would be “as eKgtay.asgart^: ® r h°v*®'‘' ra ders, the desperadoea made j woo jg ^j, e gf ^ n - ver where there «*•»a.'*.SSSSotlaRJ-SlSS “SSJTJSLBlftS cm, HA* RifWCrah Price paid for Cotton. Agent far Win ahip 1 . 0,n» and l’re„. E. A. WILLIAMSON, PRACTICAL .. . .... WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, whra°entra»ted < to oar care. Stock on hand for tola at »ii Dr- f‘5*’* D™* s »<w*. Broad Street, Athena, On. | all A-THEISrS GA GANN ds REAVES.. .PROPWETOKS Will be Brand at their old Wand, rear Jhmldb Home building, Thomas street. Keep elwaya on bend good Turnout* end carefnl driven. Stock well eared for ' for *al* dnelWf All work don* in a superior Kir* »*ti*.'wtioii. Jan. 8—tf. A. A. WINN, —With— ! • GROOVER, STUBBS & CO., Cotton Factors, -And- , Genera/ Commission Merchants, Savannah, Ga. “•Mior, Tie*, Bop* and otter (applies furnished. - ■'>»»! cash advance* made on consignment* for *»'« or ihipcnrat to Liverpool or Northern get*. BOOTS AND SHOES TO ORDER. / w. HATJDRUP, ARTIST, moved U *° ^VSoUding* N 2 Work June 18,1875—88-tf 80-tf. Blasting and Digging Wells! ITH AN EXPEB1KNCEOF TWKNTY.YEABS, ,1 hereby tender -mj cervices to the oitbens.oi Athene -nd vicinity. First claa* work guaranteed. Residence at the Talmadge House, between the npoei bridge end Check Fsctoiy. All order* will reouve livery AND SALE STABLE ^rridgtt, Buggies and Horses for Hire. TERMS REASONABLE HITEHEAD, Washington, Wilks, Co., Gs. j PlanteTS* flOt^le.. AllgllSta, Gfi I jww- KDW1NW. FOSTER. MEDICAL NOTICE. rwjaJ^jdrahsHoB of many of my former patrons, I apractic® of Medicine . *T > ‘ h “daU. I will pay espsdal attantioo to tb* dis- “ d ChUdRD* <«dtho Chronio Diseases | evil 1876. it now opened, with tfeeforthesoeommodsdon of tb* trarolHng public. . fobl-ly B. P. CHATWELD, Proprietor, Blacksmith Shop. BLACK & GARDNER, FEW A- MERIWEATHER. H ill few and wesley meriweather, hsvlng formed a copartnership for 1878, respect- faUy anponnos to the cltisen* of Athena and ennoand- Carpentam «*<i T.vb. M ingoonntry, that they are prepared to do ail manner of no bounds at thus* being defeated in the March Id. 1875—ly. jjso*.^.,, isp. «■*. -. - - . .. a,-... i tured bronze caunon. . Mrs Clark Mills, game. A gentleman of one (arty happened sculptor, thinks that they can easily raise to observe with respect to the score:* ^ - ; '' < bh2SJ n WSPi2!S the rest of the money. “ We are two to two.” . ■ ’ iv ., - . rh’-.rv of But » * n view of the fact that the reputa- “ Tu-tu-tul” muttered the; Frenchman. tiona ™ ,nan y ofth’e proposed monumental “ Vat dat mean T „ , „„ j , peech, em arrassed mul snffwi g . figures are considerably out of repair, would “Two to two, are you ?” repliedone' of tho r h not be better to get up a new monument other party. “ Why, we are two to two, I not of “emancipation,” but “Recc.wtruo-Jtop!” . y ^id^inn a «nn tion,” or the “Republican Decalogue.” On Tu-tu-tn-tu 1” exclaimed the lFrer:chmau, Wv nnS W should proudly stand the great Re- Vat a language. “ It sounds like ze horn of j" .u - ..... Benjamin F. Butler, with one eye-fixed on _ | hood that the boat would be down in the af- ranroonmnd ao having pot op € ilgnMTn^gpod forhim. a landing of the boat, eel “ death by refusng to oonforin in any »ay Negro Thrift.—Near Columbus, Miss* to proper rules of diet. Ho ate every day issippi, Mr. G. D. H.. whoso father was often or twelve dishes at dinner, each very • f from the yidanity pf Athep*,Ga;, and mari highly seasoned ; beside, at breakfest aiid . «... '. ™..i Dtrtr u. I ried in Burke .county, recently sold his form, supper, bread and butter, covered with I. . t *»- t mfl iS^ r r, triv lFniV s*n - * and furnished residence to one of hia former moderately fond of eel pies, and “liked to | -TZHu u !u u..? him. “ 0Wn - -Having occasion-shoatly after* m old were cooked in hell,” if we may believe a | I servant provided, an excellent repast, for juest who once shared t‘ ils table Everybody English hbtory will remember tne story t»i | , . . ■ * js th. En;U,h li.g wl.o died from raiing;too hojoring'bi. fathered 1» •Mw-.*r«« sstfsas arte-* s iaS&rfflJBSSiSSw rsafBSrtfc ... - . He loved to .it many hoatt I JiT J““” I Td. and Mo. J:,, nrned D :-V Reddett. p„ r i lnl | secure a landing of the boat, established him- attable. Indeed, dinner was his chief oc- ^ * giant n-med Dick Reddett, who, for h» | rif on the ^ atfd ^ ited . He deemed enuation. Nothing must interfere with his 1 ^ has Blvtu h,,n * Mr. Sickles shall re- emoyment. The nrincessmn« look wUt-|g^“ thrirlffiS^triS the^Wied him to I round the point in time he would be aav- take paft-in ‘the sport: -Re hesitated at . . . . ",V ,. . ; first, Vut. finally, n‘ot v wiahmg tq inctir the I . Already the arooktttack 'showed through Hi:wVof thrr^^ST ffs^ the brmih" when the hunter pressed thetnj- with the rifle waa known to bo-remarkable, f ,'•- th « ahar P ££3? and the desperadoes were not.greatly sur-1 f e ! ! dead - f ' h,,t ,a 1 ^? b ™‘‘!, h J^. 8h ‘i e J prised when he defeated them aU save the Lwy slippod away in tho ™** and when Captain 6f.the band. Tliisman had not | *!» e **** stopped in-response to the signal been engaged in the' sport, hi Ib^ra^SSe^uranShf in easy vie-,] 8*5? °, t , r . u “ a . n *'“J"? tory. The shots were made, and to lh/1 £ surprise of all, Long gained the day. lEolfsetS wUhthebllckiuarts.’ Y The rage of the leader of the ruffians knew A Dutchman, summoned to indentify S?;V”rai4i,w*S£tt£' *iJciIion“ two'dwre'wt <Tf 1 be*t’mattri*V. : CarriaKework, plantation wcA, horn Training from any open'violence on the spot, I stolen hog, being asked ittlio hog had any g^ptsoopal Ckareh, onnoaite Mr. L J. Lainpkin’t I »tioe>njr aod any difficttlt job* a speciaitr. shop op. | ie intimated darkly to the hunter that he ear-marks, replied : “The only ear-mark c "***fwlraiM^raiWi«i. | poe>uR*Mr* Osw. * Reov**’ijvstt Stable. woulq‘yet get even with him:' Long paid I dat I saw vas dat his tail vas cut off.” s given him. present *Thou shalt do :no murder.” er, “Thou shalt not commit adul . There is a stage-etruck poultry dealer in Mr, 1 Detroit, and the following dialogue occurred between him and a customer one Saturday , . ... ... , A Gai.t.ant Old SoldIer.'—He sat in Western. The loyal pulpit will be repre- the crowd and listened to the boys while; sented by tliose distinguished and patriotic they told their exploits in the army. He . divines, Bishop Simpson and Henry Ward took no part in the debate, but patiently out Beecher. The statues of several of these off the end of bis plug Cf tobacco, his brawny are already completed; and await only hand full of crumbs, which after awhile- he casting into metal. Bishop Simpson will put into his clay pipe, and leaning over to be seen pronouncing a benediction on the the stove to light a slip of paper, he' said, third term. Mr. Beecher is among those I with a wink, that spoke volumes: nnintentionaly to him and others with the W " d ^° uld 8cfa ™ t *'; bnt C®sar Appeared “ ot to pwcene t^e SJj* “ -° 1,e h han ^ and h& treat,3e on “" est ' “ Ah!” said one, “ that was a fine cbm-' mistake and asked for another supply. I h d .“’ g , l . 7" r• . • , , pa«>y; ‘here were some noble fellows in Constantine, the first Christian Emperor, 8ln g u,arl y SweWs battery, and they did «»d service.” had a good appetite and never neglected , V Y e *** P urt y tIgh 7,M^ n .? bo ^ t to satwfv it to the fullest extent of ita crav* u d n w T- h Vicksburg in the summer of ’63,” raid the ing. If provisions were so scarce as repre- ®“Sg«>t»ve. veteran, as he relit his pipe and pushed the sented intheOricnt during crusading times, h ,T fi . red ^ , lnto ' t wdh h » WBng*. “purty it U difficult to conceive how Richard CararM"®"^®”^ th ® tight fight’n when Grant hadus surrcfnhded, de Lion managed to get along there. ’He SLKlU i^ ? nd deV u d a out ? ud we „ get *" ,and or wather ’ was scarcely less notorious fo?the capacity 1 Vu ^ ft 1 T% J £%£ (ffteluftcb than for the nrowess of hi* bt ? te * ««uline Grant a hypoente and The boys knew he had never been - and the invincibility of iwoonrage. ,“ nd t - epl> ’ 1 1 | S ^ “fmy.bat one themthought he’d encourage ^wi r; xi^.L ui. n »* - n «i.° n I »ng him a damn nigger. Justice will be | the old man, and said: Where were you camped ?” without fuel. Charles V. was an enormons I looked in vain, for the king ate them all, T- 6fa ' » f ° r tha ' 1 and never cten offered he“a spoonful. The ] ai^ Ju re !S n flj_°«2 $""* V I °l e d<dl J? a ?, d , a ha f: most gra- creat Napolcan' waa a" voracious eato?. A P°* W 1 U re F5f? nt tho .I! D ^ t ““"“S “t? 6 cious madam.” “ Twdlef shdlin’ 1 Mien §ome one Mtribnted the loss of the battle J l^npfohhnFta 15.*!^ of Leipric to *the effect! of a shoulder of 5!J e 7 “* «f not coveting hfe neighbor’s pays you tWelief shiUin’ Tdb mitoud 'shihe Zith wWcb the go? d8 ’ hat . on the contrary finding the poor gooses. Igi mutton staffed with onions, with which the I " u \ vu | goosra. I gif yotf teb shlllin'.” “Ten shil- «* «* thl"^ to be a stranger and taking him in.ju Dg8 i p e rish fhe< thought; * That noble a anrJSi nri,i» tKi m.n u-,i in w. .. i no.precautions.—Throwing himself on the fully at the dish of young beans, bnt she in ground he slept late in theday, when be was - J~K ,, . rffle, no riie sound of the boat in the dfe- one oftheUndbcmgableto oompetowith | jKS be round . point in a him in what^ wsj at that time considered I i, ^ chief accomplishment of . Western SZ h r fe^ frTlhe ^undTlank 7 fignrt ry* . r " *T -> * j stood before binii and the maple of a rifle tooongregateatsoiK^ftirefewLaU htri^diffi^l^n^gn^gfho*^^ feSSTinta^bleS^wfelwd.I^SmctiojTwnS® U ‘ 18 DccaU,gUe I^ P}»jc4 wi«h "^"children for.ten stores scattered thro’ the conntrv and there the one be had injured. Wth the rifle still ous action. Me ate very fest. He wre of ?f on8trnc l t, . onwfll “ e ' , JSKSi endeared to my family by a engage m shootm^-tnatifeea, and »t *as on held steadfly upon tbefece of the startled noLhowever, a lover of trine. In that „ Of course thu must have some allegorical thousand a^ocuitions. Sell himfor lesa the n oue of tiiese oohajuoflk th?t Sim Long, tke I Reddett, Long hissed oift: melancholyvoyage tb 8t. Helena he offend- figures, too. Fnfl high advanced’among | a dollar and a half 1 Never-frrl" hunter already menUoned, happened^to be , Fve ^ t0|fI y otl whipped roe _ whlp . ed the En^hoffloer. by rising; from the the trophies should be anenormons M r. Dirwiri tellsa story, as an example presrat. Long waa a qme^ modest fellow, . me like*, dog! I swore I’d kill you be- table before tho drinkiag had fiuriy begutf. thoric carpet-bag. State bonds, should 0 j the reasoning powerf o} a monkey that whohyedwitSThm^feandchfidinasraall ^fcaiiedm^Ifnm.n again, and I’m When Peter the Great visited England inprotroffing from, its ventral cavity.,. R scratched -faT*-Patten. At first abmjn tiie •^^^^^•^«‘L 0 i»tadoit!^deansdt^yoar band, the year NMM. the immense' q—ithy Of| choold be fesioqned withbayonffis, >and-j Jock<) WMjmwt S»lT c jKS!7Bie»v erintt huntmghis constant occupation. He never ^ ft , «i r turn! Oh, I’ve got you 1’ meat whkffi he devoured, the P“*» f l SF*L a ® d , 4 S n 7°?° d ®R, a ’’J, t ’‘ from hfe eurprise, he set to work tq discover appeared at the store save to exchange „ ' 0 y-ct fear pleaded for hfe brandy which he swallowed, and which ^ “frwd,” “Bloody ShuV»“Kn- l6ciltioil 0 f the'qlaws. After'a severe “«*> and r w * 8 '{? vor ^ b l7 hnour. forhfeM-1 Vheruffian in oh^ct trer pleaded to hia ^ ^ ^ bis ora ?l< ^?® a * ern . .“Com* tussle he got the fonrfeetofIhC’kitten with* bnety Upon tfie ocewon just referrefff^ ‘.JSf 0 ' 6 F* wordsas a droStman hands, were, daring domewfeAi, popularVCW”. «houW bedroMmff,muchdepre.s L,. t fa ec j^tcbet | . MW lt be- D ail« thrust from when bam Lcng chanced to come wbdei c nng^ to h.8 words w d ^ D R ™ a " tropics of conversation. Great as ~s> I ^rwcofwtructaon iTcsufkuoa “Saence” their d „Ub the broadest grin of aged in one of I «?tngs to straws.-1 be boat wasntar. Shonld Pet F ert he Mght ^ fotmd his peeHn the *«dd proudly set forth Boutwell’s ■oaj -t fe fi Ktfo n fc e proceeded Roman Emperor Maximin (A. D. 235-238), £*8“ *J? lowl ® d S e of political economy. t j, e points offofeach one. who could eat one day forty pounds of meat “Finauce”wonldlidd alofta acroU b«tnng ; .ff* IlXl' .Vi • IntTtnii w*» iiv tiAnmum most tpmnpr. and Gould, with the “motto exegiraus mon- hamshirt, • where • they 'were horn. The Franklin were all hearty eatirs. There is Bnt Chase must not be there, for he re- no rale without exceptions, however; for leased the worn and shattered Jefferson „ „ufn C0 °^ if strength of mind and brilliancy of intel- Davis from prison. Greeley must not be I wfTcftleT’the L^hS^on- who linsS lect were alw^’s proportionate t«F the vo- Jb^^Knt in^fcaK ^ EghtBiagoon; who finally nrity< oftho appetite; Gen. Grant would fetrttioiT, and rtn against Grant. Fessenden I savcd and onscatohed,,. fae the peer of the wisest. |must not be there, for he waa the first [ .. .. . ^ ■ - • BR . George Dawson,J«i- a recent ' speech an to Value personal-integrity above party I England, told a story of .a Glouce^tei^hire Economy’s chusetts to exile him by resolutions of cen* I any impressioof-and at last burst out- with Spelling for thejlrinks is' the popular past- sure. These must remain in obscurity, the joiprecatjen: . ‘tDom ; the pigs that I Therefore let Clark Mills and Vienno Ream I didn’t eat. th, ’ time in Virginia City saloons. ■ hen.thpu wast an acorn,” ■ ■iiiiiiii- l i