The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, March 14, 1876, Image 3

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•»*-■*»>. iwiUNibi^j (Tijr (iturjian. ATHENS, GA» Hi>!»AV MOUSING, MARCH 14, 1870. r II E CITY. till. it;., Ikis left for Texas. ,. s :l ,lwrliscs new Spring goods. v.ii'c *m Stnflbrd, he of the Sylvan „. was in town yesterday, indebted to Major Lamar Cobb lU : 0 .ii-s extended. ,, . li r t in the Mirror of the attempt- V of n young gentleman in Town by ‘ ; 1, ,v, has turned out a canard. \ i’anol, E-q■ the a! !e representa- j, 0: ,i ,,t ihe Augusta Constitution- Vo vav in town Saturday, transferred ', , v ot this excellent paper to Maj. T. it v.::i v Mirror made its appearance time an ! in a lively manner, i vo a good medium for local “ads’’ will continue its spice without ..Wo .al. of the State College I',. i. ot arcs will he delivered White, on Friday, at 74 : Chemistry of the At” pul.lie are respectfully lu ll C T1 .i ■: 1. ..aght in the and « U ill I th Mr -. K- 1‘. W Miinnii .loh: our city, has iieson’s interest tteheson & Bell, ■dwaro business ever fellow, tine • best \vis!u>s for !•: i* -< > i •. Mi II it: ’■e 1:2th inst., by Rev. l. -vi .1. Heinrich and • Lord, ail of Clarke Chip v CKtxnu.vriow—The fifth llvans Lodge Xo. 7(5, I. O. •celebrated this evening at Speeches will be de- K. Gardner, Prof. W. W. ad 11, v. C. W. Lane, ihers will meet at their Ilall at when tile procession will be , march to the Chapel beaded by brass hand, rei-i s at th j. o’clock i d to nl'end. Death of Mrs. Hamilton.—After a lingering illnoss of several weeks, Mrs. C Cl I v avail S. Hamilton died In oil# city, Satur- ] Amethyst and Aqua .3 day morning, at 10 o’clock. city, Her: Attention. qua Marine Jcweir cordeans and Anmiunitioii. FINANCIAL A COMMERCIAL. funera^ Sunday afternoon, was lat-gely at- Bridal Presents, Beryl Jewelry. Bracelets, (ended, tllft I.. .. I IlmnnliAT)» .1 It Tl rt.* « tended, the Baptist Chtirch bring crowded to its utmost extent. Dr. Tucker, who preached a very touching nud effective sen* Brooches, Badges, Bronzes, Berry Stands', Baby Pius, Banjos, Bows, Bridges and Bugle* ' mon, took for his text the last words ot the > Cameo and Coral Jewelrv, Crosses, Collar departed lady, “Bless the Lord, oh m V Buttons, Cake Baskets, omrauuion soul and all that is within me, bless His Services, Cups, Cutlery, C*ies. Clocks uoly JSamc.” Tnc remains were then fol- Chronographs, Concertinas aud Card lowed by a very long procession and inter- 1 Stands. red in Oconee Cemetery. Mrs. Hamilton ; Diamond Jewelry, Ducking Powder Duck was a native of Columbia county, Ga., lmr’ calls. Dram Flasks. - Ifkl* llPlflV VAUFC* 1, a.« 15*...... ! 1 . ^ ,i,#,h..L1 1?4. . a ■ • . « - beautiful consummation of her life was but Filigree Jewelry, French Clocks Fire Arms !1 lit (tl'OAVllllHT til CA 11*-/.('ill <111.1 4.L..1 PfillOIT A nt 1/il/m Tbl 1 w. * fit crowning to so useful and Christian- like a career, where her influence and gen tleness had in all places been experienced, and whoso death and surcease will every-' where be felt. To her children and grand children, who had replcted her old age with happiness and joy, and who now gathered around their venerable parent, ere she de parted to that “ invisible country far awnv,’’ she blessed the name of her Maker in her very latest breath, and then motioned them above. She bail, indeed, been a blessing and a comforter, not only to her large and loving family, but to a wide circle of ac quaintances and friends, with whom -we deeply sympathize in their sad bereavement. Seventy-nine years of life bad been allotted to the deceased lady, and the lost pleiad of her lour score years wanting indeed earth, will dawn far more gloriously and bright in that Beautiful Land, Where no storms ever beat on the glittering strand, Where the \©ars of eternity roll. Tiie Knights of Honor.—A lodge of this new Society haying recently been insti tuted in this city, we lay before our readers the objects of the order: 1. lo unite fraternally, all acceptable men of every professional business or oecu-! pat ion. 2. To give all moral aud material aid in j its power to members of the Order by hold-; Fancy Articles. Fifes, Flageolets, Flutes! Flutinag. Fruit Stands. Garnet Jewelry. Gold Bings, Gold goods of all kinds. Guitars, Glassware, Glove But ters, Guns and Game Bags. it" i-elry. Handkerchief Rings i.nd Holders, Harmonicas. Ivory Jewelry Iron Safes, Italian String. Jet Jewelry, Jewel Stands, Jelly Spoons. Juba Dancers. Keys for Watches and Clocks, Cake Pie l'ruit. Pen and Pocket Knives. Lav iva Jewelry, Lockets, Leontine Chains Leather Guards and Looking Glasses. ’ Matinee Chains, Marriage 'Rings, Magic 1 encils, JMusical Instruments. Nickel Jewelry, Necklaces, Napkin Rin<*s Onyx and Opal Jewelry, Opera Chains Optical Goods and Fine Oil. Pearl Jewelry. Pins, Presentation Goods Gold Pens, Pistols and Powder. Quartz Jewelry. Quizzing Glasses. Ruby Jewelry, Rings of all kinds, Rcmin"- _ ton Sewing Machines, Razors. Sil ver and Sapphire Jewelry, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Sterling Silver and Plated ware, Spectacles and Sporting Goods. Turquoise ami Topaz Jewelry, Trinkets, Tete-a-tete Sets, Type Writers, Tuning ^ Pipes, Tooth Picks and Tuning Forks. n Universal Watch Iveys. Vest- Chains, Vases, Viniagreftes, Violins and Vuflin Trimmings. ing moral instructive and scientific leetu-j Watches* of"all kind* Water Sets, Wine II M 3 To establish a Benefit Fund from which a sum not to exceed S’2,000 shall he paid at the death of each member to his family, or to be disposed of as lie may direct. The following are the charter members of the Order in Athens, who will cheerfully u- Chapel will com-' give any information, concerning it: The public are cor- I)r. Win. King, Jr., Y. H. Wynn, T. j A. Burke, R. G. Rowe, L. W. Stephens. - — ! L. Schevcnell, II. Beussee, I)r. A. C. Fox, Aiken, Ksij.—Mr. L. Schevoncll, 1 R. Nickerson, G. Hauser, Tlios. Bailey, y. received a telegram last Wed- j E. I). Stone and C. \Y. Davis, light, stating that Mrs. II. M Stands, Eley, Baldwin, Felt, Wool and Paper Wads. Xamine our Stock. You will find attentive salesmen aud prices r at. | Zero and Lower > & wc are always glad to see yon whether you buy or not. L. Sen evenell & Co. Athens, Ga. fel) Wanted at Once—Four salesmen for Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine in the counties of Jackson, Madison, Ogle- Win. j thorpe and Elbert, liberal terms offered THE ATHENS MARKETS. CwrtdtJ if«*yjTbjy”lfce bits tnfagt. oi— _ j Mackerel, No. l,kiU.„S2 20 Smoking Snuff. Msccabor. American, ...-.foO 00a 50 OU 15 OOalOO 00 Havana. AMMUNITION. Powder... pe^IK... 40a 50 FACTORY GOODS, Cottoa Yarn, it ISaO Oft Osn.burg* . IS i IT . . Ji Shirting ... 8 a li> I SaU.Per Sack-... ;4 Sheeting, 10 a lj j Chewing tobacco.. .« PROVISIONS. Flour ss a 1# Corn, pr bu OOat OU Pea*. •• 4. yOal 00 I Ottl 000 Wheat’- 1 «U1 SO Oats.-.. 9* T OO I Bacon. Sides,. U, It , -houlders— 10a 12 hams, 15* 17 k2 r J. ■ - ISa 17 In»li, Potatoes Si oo*2 oo sweet - _. 75*1 Or ette:..--::: ’Si! Turkeys.-.. 75.1 23 Butter - • 20* 25 GROCERIES. Sugar, crushed.. lla 16 A lla 15 B 11* 13 C. ica 15 Demanra.. 12V.* IS Cofiee, Uio da 23 I-agumyra— 28* 31 Jara 33a 37 Ten. i osal 5u Srrup. cane 73*1 -3 Molasses Culia 60a « Candle*, .perm. 40*50 adamant... 20a 25 tallow . _ 15a 20 Cheese, state 20* 23 English Dairy 25a 30 Onious, per bu. 1 00*1 20 Starch- a is Tallow- — 8a 10 Rope; cotton... Ne. 2. klt*.">i IS So. 3. Kit*— 1 73 SI 73al 50 60*1 00 CROCKERY A SPECIALTY J. BE. liTJOGIISrS. 12a 15 10a 12 10a 40 Capa, per box LIQUORS. Corn whiskey. —Si 25a 5 10 French brandy... 4 00a I u Holland Gin 5 00a 8 00 American Gin.... 3 00a 6 00 Bourbon whiskey 2 00a 4 00 . Wines - 5 OOalO 00 ~ nARmvAftE. Iron, Swedes, pr lb 8a8H English.....— . 4a5 Cartings 6»^i8 Kails, pr keg« —. 4 .50 Cotton Card! 75 il oo Horse Shoes- .. 8%al0 •• “ Nails. *2Uo35. LEATHER. Hemlock .—. - 28a3<» Sole Leather Jl5a40 Upr. Leather...—.— 60a75 llarn. “ .40a50 CalfSkina... 40 OOalOO 00 Kip Skins 50 00a 75 00 Dry Hides — —12s 15 Green Hides —.5a6 BAGGING, TIES, ROPE Bagging pr yd 14alC Tie* 7a7K 30a 40 Rice, per lb...... a 10 1 ltupe, grass 20a23 The above are retail prices. Special rates to wholesale buvers. THE HKHUUVM'S KXt llAXOF. Week Endisg, March 10, 1976. Receipts 182 Shipments .,... 419 Sales toSRinner| t .—7T^...14 Market middling '. lllalt-J Rain -Full 2.25 Highest Temperature 68 Lowest. 32 If yon want Power* A Wefghtman’s Chemical*, then go to Loses & Billups. Sept. 15—1-5-tf. TnuGiutso Cestkal Hotel—The Southern head quarters iii New York—is eipahle of entertaining fifteen hundred guests. " 43 50001b*., Stiictly Pure Lead, just received by Losor & BiZLcrs. Sept. 15—46-tf. ihncral of the departed ones i- once a printer, served out the old Banner office, left ih the “Guards” during tlio war, -i ibis city n:nl went to Mississip- pomts nhiuad, by stenmsbij) or rail, lias secured the ■ agency of the shortest route from Athens! to New York, via. Bellton and the Air Line , Railroad. Messrs. Gann & Reaves, as per | ! announcement in the Georgian two week i Go to the New Dru<; Store if yon want pure fresh Drugs march M.5t. Tin: People Want Proof.—Then , Illinois, where lie wa engaged j aBOj w jll carry passenger ( not less that five ) ' medicine prescribed by physicians, or sol.l ht the time o, his ff om Athens to Belton, at 82.00 per head. I )>. v Druggists, that carries sueli evidence of ” '' ... ' its success and superior virtuo as Bosch EE’s German Svri p for severe Coughs, Colds — Al tiie residence of the r, in Madison, Ga., by tiie I Atluli- an 7;h iii-i , J. T. C Miss Alice Tharniond, ice of bridal ■ang fiiet’.ls, joarnali-ti s of hapjiine ilv tender ;h IS and 1 Ml i lit; , kindly tendered by - Is, failed to evolve from our i-tie slumbers any gilded liuess in lheir behalf, and we r them on; heartfelt eongrat- ■t wishes in reality: Imlnc** may they movo rippling wi' Notwithstanding the expense of staging how ever, Capt. Williams tells ns that by this route, persons goin<: to Now York can rave “ v - ' 813 per trip. This is certainly a great con- nicr, venience and saving, and those wishing to avoid themselves of it can purchase a through ticket from Capt. Williams. Bv May, the Northeastern Railroad will be completed as far as Harmony Grove and the expense of staging will thus he cut off to a great extent. durinar lovo ilown his choicest rav, iiktrv* ieo shall block their course mil \vimU hold svvny, i o’er elide each irozen tide : ?mcoth ricochet. Just received, by MgKie & Co.: A ear | load of Cook <fc Cheek’s choice, Kcnnesaw- and Marriotta flour; also, a large lot of ! handsome flower pots. T,i : 1!i: '“Hear Me for Mj Cause, anil be Silent, that Yon May Hear.” Athens, Ga” March 12, 1876. Editor Georgian—Dear Sir: The 1 bv a gentleman in the city ! only apology that one who has never occu- ropules flourished last year in |pied other than the position of ani lmmble, cttU d on the Breast, Consumption, oranv liscase of the Throat ami Lun<^s. A proof of that £;ct is that any person aiHicted, ran u;et a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It has lately been intro duced iu this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing erery one that use it. Three doses' wid relieve any ease. Try it. Sold by . The undersigned have on hand a choice lot ot Timothy Hay, which they trill sell cheap for cash. | . GANN & REAVES. If you want Fu mi tore, call on dilleland, Wood A* Co., who maufacturc and deal in all kinds of Furniture and Coffins, and sell as cheap as any house iu this city. Mnreh 24,1875.-.21-1V. . NOTICE.—Country mcTClants and Pliysiciarfs, we are now prepared to sell you all articles pertaining t< the drux trade as cheap as \ou can get them in Georgin. freight added. I*onus «fc Billui*s. Sept. 15—40-tf. Gilhdaud, Wood & Co. have idded the Coffin business to their Furniture Manufactory, and always keep on hand a large stock of Wood and Mctalic Burial Cases. The- sell as cheap as auy house in the State, and furnish, without extra charge to their patrons, their splendid now Hears** Icr funem*. occasions. March 2-1—-1-lv Pool* & IIckt, Machixmts, Baltimobe —In another w found \vxrt of our paper will bo found the business caul oft hi: well known house, whose manufactures are in use fro Muinc to Mexico and South America, and everywhere regarded as tirst-ehiss in their design, material auo workmanship. AYilli facilities for manufacturing am shipping largely increased and improved from year t year, they are prepared to till all orders promptly and will gunranteo * their patrons thoroughly reliable work Those in need of anything in their line would do wel to apply for their cirenUr anti prices. <lee7. march? R. T. Brumby. 1,000-Gfitr'* AimaiiM* at Nt-sr Drug Store—free; marctil4.5t. 11 i.iax Ei:a.—Snakes are actu- im-rease in our countv. Wc ‘.li.ui have been known in a A lady of Athens, last week, the slide ot'her flower pit, was lim in'-; a highland moccasin to -trike at her through the liabilities for ’76, therefore, private citizen of our grand old State- can offer for troubling you with this communi cation, unexpected, doubtless, from the source from' which’it, is, that I feel at this day and time of apparent iiini- versal corruption in the affairs ot’govorn- •ne crop t broil; >gs were a] of “ snaix” to keep ment, a deep and increased interest jn what the summer. Pc >wed to run at lar : is to be the late of > nr much loved Geor gia in our approaching. Gubernatorial cam- Athens to Holton—Belton to Atlanta. Local rates from Belton to Atlanta— single ticket $3.25, A party of ten persons to and from Atlanta and Belton, one fare $3.25. Messrs Gann & Reaves’. Coach Line wiil. transport passengers from Athens to Belton (not less than five persons eacli trip) at Two Dollars per head. For further information; please apply at this office. Parties desirous of visiting Belton or Atlanta will leave orders at New ton House, care A. D. Clinard, Proprietor, and the same will receive prompt attention. tl.e sn sake season, the swinish j paign i iv exercise tlr/.r “ St, Patrickil w by relieving us of a few of the all means, let’s try it. Gentle- City Council, the moccasins are No lime tor delay. Dr. \Y; -1\ As.,,.; d-d s Asset iation.—Wc arc most ilv that this Association, rccent- I hi car midst, and a notice of ertanlly escaped onr last issue, g well. During the last Aveek, - rea lization has been perfected, ib rship now numbers over fifty. !v 15usines3 Meetings will bo eelclv devotional exercises con- erv Monday evening, at the vfu:g room, on Broad Street, ■ring i< a list of the tflieersr King, President; Jay O.Gailcy, h in ; 11.1L Bernard, llecovding li K. Jones, Corresponding S Swilling, Treasury, y irn-t that our Christian i shall increase in numbers and s - iis power and influence i n our city and section. A the good work. •Vnu.N ;od 's-hs'.iU , u n.r\ ‘■'s pervadin >, Lvauiis.—This worthy and hon- :-' :i '.u.'.u'hhi, f.’.though steadily irnprov- ; tr im a certain lukewarm- of its members, and iallv nl in ■ i, U'511,1 , '• 'l:t* U. si a lack of interest which -I the town manifest by • mlvrship and influence behalf. This indeed, is -ry upon our city and, should he allowed to go down on : >;iy want «f public spirit among n " i . i: witahl he a lasting disgrace c immunity. Capt. Tal- ■■ a earne*t and untiring in his ■n ! .-iiiMihl our young men sec* ami imitate his example, ■lpi'-arcd of Us ultimate success ! 'tr. Young men of Athens, this ' m! Ealist at oace in its by vour spirit and interest ■'rent one of our most important at -take. Officer’s places, rec ce opened to all, but eviiice by 'hat no personal considerations n -tires control your nctions or ifrit-,' lr therein; prove-that jour ' I a, ^ 'IKintcristed and pnblie. spirit- 'tl "fyoar fathers and brothers in tk |; -ajf*’ 1 '"tie gml true. In this jqcmnec; I ’^'tv, ll! ‘ on ^’'cijosted to the company. ,m>re stand of arms might bo '■Utt! ^ ' hum tlio cloth now owned by I So 1*7 : 'i ^ l0f n or twenty new uniforms J ^rqiji^ ”’ furnishing accoutrements 1.1 it, i ij' n '..', >N 'oooah for two companies Mu.,* ,; 1 his would from a small battal- I *nil 1^*". u , ''. v interest, cretflb a generous •Wfuj ‘'V' 'Dairy and develope a won- corps. The arms and "''Ha,,,',," oan ''''tained for $200, say* 30:1 r-dsed byr subscrip- th-at ;j.. ewlertainnient*. We are sure Id tak 0 '“^ tlcwa " Theatrical Troupe,'’ hli Having read in the Xeiv York Herald , the bitter tirade upon bis Excellency, Gov. ! Smith, as furnished by an Atlanta corres I spomlent, and having closely watched the : newspaper comments thereupon, and, final- i iy, having noticed the able and eloquent defense of Fiat, published also in the Herald, the following thoughts have sug gested themselves: To-wit—Is there, in this whole State, a cit izen gifted with such an amount of intelli gence and education as is evinced in that 1 first and most bittor letter, who, simply by ! reason of his opposition to Governor Smith, would so far lose sight of all propriety of language a; d expression as to-have written in such a manner? It could not—as lias been intimated— have been a mere boy. There is, underly ing the bitter invective, a show of intelli gence aiid force of language, which could hardly bo attributed to a mere youth. No, it must have originated from an older a;.d more subtle brain. I submit that it is scarcely .probable that one possessed of such an amount of intelligence as is certainly shown in the letter referred to, notwithstanding its un warrantable character, would have been guilty—be be possessed of ever so much vindictiveness or spirit of vituperation—of such a gross mistake as to attack or seek t o make damaging opposition to Gov. Smith in such style aud with such language as must necessarily make his attack fall harmless and impotent to the ground. Now, Mr. Editor, "with tlu-se, as I con ccive, very natural and plausible reflection*, the question foices itself can it be possi ble that some over-anxious nnd-«arpe ‘ friend of Gov. Smith is the authon-of.ih mnch-talked-of aud greatly commented upon letter? Was it the purpose of tl; author to excite sympathy tor Gov. Sim: ns :i martyr to' disr^pwtable rini^s fiuu vi« dictive opp sit ion, and then have tlio san or some oilier attached friend or admirer ■ his to come out in able and eloquent yin-,I cation, claiming that the martyred Gove nor i; souglit to lar sacrificed even at tl unjustifiable expense of damaging the good same of our whole State and people. This view of the whole matter presents itself more forcibly silica Fiat has, at smh length, takcu such pains to vindicate tl Exccllimcy and the State over which 1 presides, against a oonimunicatiQii ot sueli abusive character and of snob low conspira cy as to bear upon its face it* own retut tion. C .1. O’Farkell, at the True Policy House, one <h>or East of Col S. C. Dohb’s, nler in Family Groceries and Family Supplies. lie also lias Ex-Ofticio England ith him ready with wit and humor to wait the public. , , , The Cheap ajxd I'opcub Atlanta Store of Fubcii ODTT, BeNF.DIOT «&Co., N<». S3 \V IUTLI1ALL ST.—-Is HOW t!ie Largest, Cheapest, au«l b?*t Suleetod Stool, ot* l)ry Goodly Fancy Gootls, Notion.’*, Hosiery an«- Und rii'eiir. Novelties in C«n»eta, Oil Cloths, Ltini- b?rqnins, Comicw nnJ Upljolsttiy GoikIa at a saving ot 15 to 20 per cent, on eae’i article purchnsc<l. Their Fttcilitics nre only equale*! by tiie Largest Houses iu tin Union. A call liefore pun:h*as:n^ at other housed is re spectfully solicited. N. Ik—Samples sent on application. All ortlcis over Ten Dollars, at, will l»j sent free of elmr^ro to an) V T*. f. TO IIVIS RECEIVED THE IRUUEST AWARDS AT SHE LATE RTATK FAIR. PS OTO CSAY’JSSR ATHENS. O-A. tllK LARGEST AND most KI.KUANT UALLKRV IS TUE STATE, WITH THE BEST OPERATORS. CIRCULAR A FRIENDLY-CHAT WITH FARMERS IN REGARD TO TUE USE OF OYSTER SHELL LIME. T IS AN ACKNOWLEDGED FACT, not culy with Kcicntific acricnltarists, hut al«o farm- era who have only a limited Knowledge <>t AgrieuRonil Clarke County. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N THE FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, IN Atlien*. Clarke county, Georgia, wilt be .old the plantation belonging to the eatate of John William., deceased, lying in Oconee comity, end for eereral years , „ . , - 0 j auti Chemistry, that Southern lands have, year after year, occupied by Mr. N. Z. Glenn. Said lands will So di- been draiued of properties which add to the vigorous j vided and* sold iu separate tracts to snit purchasers. of f dentists for a number of years. The Manufacturers, • This property is valuable, and the sale offers a rare tfter a^thorongh test, and with the endorsement of the leading chemists of the country, take r.leasnfo in ofier- insf to'the fanners of Georgia and South Carolina, OYSTEK SHELL LIME, an the cheapest and best Fertiliser ever introduced in the Stntes, and possessing exactly those properties of which the land has, from year to year, been robbed. As a top dress in o roc small gkain, it has no superior. Composted with Stable Manure, Cotton Seed, Muck, and all Vegetable Mutter, it will make a manure which will permanently improve any land to which it is applied. F0K C0TT0N AND C0RN it is invaluable, us it lightens hc&vv soils, makes them nore j>orons, fixes and retains the ammonia of other •uuures, neutruliics all acidity, consequently cansing :.e plants to grow luxuriantly even during droughts. To farmers who have used Oyster Shell Lime, it is useless to say anything of its merits. Those unacquaint ed with its use, if induced to try it, will be grateful to us for having brought it to our notice. Read the fol- owing letter from the Editor of the Rural Carolinian in regard to the use of lime in compoatiug: Charleston, S. C., Feb. 15, 1375. Dear Sir : “ It gives me pleasure to be of service to my farmer who desires to learn how to make farming b tter and more successful, but you must not rely too much upon any of us. Wc are only in the first lessons of agriculture'*as a science. A year ago I should have advised you, us others have, iiot to put lime in your compost.* We have learned several things withiu the last twelve mouths, one of which is, that lime and ashes may be put into the compost with nitrogenous matter, not* only without damage, but with great benefit. A little ammonia may go otf from the surface at first, but tn the course of the chemical processes carried on in «he heap, much more is absorbed from* the air and re tained. Add the lime by all means.” Very respectfully, D. H. Jaques, Ed. Rural Carolinian, DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Broadcast from 5^ to 10 bushels to the acre as a top- iressiug for small grain. In composting with cotton eed, stable manure, muck, aud vegetable matter; for use on cotton and corn, use from 2 to 3 busliels to one thousand pounds. The cheapness and facility of pro- jtiriug this wonderful renovator of the soil ought to make it one of the first objects of the fanner (who de- wires to improve his laud) to obtain it. Nothing in the .vay of a fertilizer or renovator has been foimd equal to it, us proved by the increased yield of crops aud perma nent improvement of the soil, at a cost, less by far, then any other manure. \V e ak* prepared to furnish PURE OYSTEK SHELL LIME, in any quantity, at $10 «H> per ton of 2,000 pounds, free of charge, on ears in Port R »yul, S. C. JSTWe also have a COMPOUND FOR PREVENT ING ROT IN GRAPES, for sale at $50 per ton. Give it a trial. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. For for further information, or orders for Lime, ad dress PORT ROY AL LI M E Co., Port Royal, S. C., Or J. H. IIU1GIXS. Went. At lieus, Us. febS-2m chance to men of means. Feb- 29tli, 1875. J. W. WILLIAMS, Executor. feb29.3C(l. GEORGIA—CLARICE COUNTY. WHEREAS, ANTONY DERICOTE, (colored,) • * applies to me for letters of administration on the of Wi estate of Washington Lampkin, (colored,) late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned, to show cause (if any they have) at my office, on or before the first Monday in April next, why said letters shoald not be granted. Given nuder my hand at office, this 26tli day of Feb- nuujr, 187S. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. feb29-30d. CLARK SUPERIOR COURT FEB. TERM 1876. E»w*bd Holccook. I >■ Libel for Divorce. Faxxy IIolbboob. J I T APPEARING to court by the n return ot the Sheriff, that the Defendant tlio above stated case resides ont of tho Comity of Clarke, and it further appearing t’.iat she resides out of It is ord Hart County. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. B y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM of THECOURT ot Ordinary of Hart county, will bo sold on t first Tuesday in April, 1878* before the Court-hot door, in Hartwell, In said county, within tho lawful hours of sale, one tract of land in void county, adjoin ing lands of R. 8. Williford, Urk Clark and others, containing one hundred acres, well improved. Sold as the properly of D. 1’. Ballonger, deceased, for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors. Terms, one-third cash and tiro-third* credit, anti] 25th December, 1875, with interest from day of tale with note end security und bond given for titles, this Feb. 21st, 1876. feb29.4t JOHN A. MEGAR1TY, Adtn’r. HART COUNTY'—GEORGIA. WI RS. SUSAN E. STRANGE, HAVING APPLIED it I to be appointed gtiardisn of the person aud prop erty oi Alexander II. Hunter, a minor under fourteen yean of age, resident of aai • oouuty. this is to cite all Tsoiii concerned to be and appear at the term of the mrt of Ordinary, to be held on the first Monday in pril next, aud show cause, if they eon, why ssid Susan E. Strange should not bo intrusted with tlio guardianship of tho person and property of Alexander IL Hunter. Given under my hand, officially, this February 21st, 1876. F. C. STEPHENSON, fcbSt.SOd. Ordinary Ilnrt Co., Os. •: W 1 HART SHERIFF SALES. ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE Court-house door, in Hartwell, Hart county, Ga., on tiie first Tuesday in March next, the following property: The interest of C. C. Thrasher in a tract of loud lying in said connty, on the waters of Pnyue’s Creek, adjoining lands of S. B. Byram and Michael Johnson, supposed to be twelve or fifteen seres, to satisfy a fifs iu favor of L. <fc T. J. Under vs. said C. C. Thrasher. Issued from the Justice Court of the 1117 District, Q. M., returnable to January term of said Court. Levy made bv T- T. Holbrokc. L. C., and returned tome. W. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff fcbS—it. GEORGIA-HART COUNTY. W HEREAS WILLIAM S. SIMPSON, deceased, late of Anderson County S. C., departed this life, possessed of property within the county and State aforesaid, and no person has ap plied for administration thereon, endin consequence thereof, the same is likely . to waste, to the injury of those entitled thereto. This is therefore to notify the creditor*, next of kin and ail others interested, that administration ot the estate of said deceased, will be vestdin the Clerk of tho Superior Court of said county or some other fit and proper person nt tiie March term next of this court, if no good cause is shown to the contrary. Given under my Irand, officially this Jan. 27th 1876. fehl.-tw. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary. ft the State of Georgia. It in ordered by the Court that said Defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court, else tne case be considered in default, and the plaintil? allowed to proceed j und it is further or dered that this rule be published in the Athens Georgian ouce a month tor four months: Grunted. GEO. D. RICE, Judge S.C. T. W. RUCKER, Attorney for Plaintiff. I 9 T A true extract from the minutes of February Term, * *'I't , of Clarke Superior Court. - ’ I to <” nn fr. ° 0(ltI ! ipln g! ft HART SHERIFFS SALE. ^/TLLBE SOLD ON THE FIRST | 1876, fcb22m4m. JOHN I. HUGGINS, Clerk. W HEREAS WILLIAM J. RUSSELL' applie* to me for letters of administration on the estate of Richard T. Brumby, late of said county, deceased— Tuesday in February next, within tho legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in tho town i tract of laud lying and three hundred and eix- tenths ncrc9, more or ires, adjoining ianda of L. Alford, J. B. Alford, H. Tyler and others, better known as the resident place of the late F. G Stowers; oiao 1 twenty six acres, more or 1 ess, adjoining lands of J. B Alford, N. Hunks and S. V. Millford. All leviedon an J sold as the property of F. G. Stowers, to satisfy a jvy . , . fi. fu. issued from the Superior Court of said county, ro- I These are ther fore to cite and admonish all eon- tumubie to March term, 1875, in fuvorof A. J. Council, cenicd to show cause, if any they have, on or before Millv J. Connell and Wm M. McMultan v*. C. A. the first Monday in April next, why said letter* I Webb, Adm’r. of F. G; Stowers, alno to natisfy various I other ti. fuu. in my hand* v*. said F. G. Stow era. All sold subject to the widow’s dower. Hartwell, Jan. Sd, 1876. Jon4.5t. W. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff. should not be grunted Given under my hand nt office, this 7th dav of Feb ruary, 1876. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinal feb 29.S0d. Notice. Oconee County. FUBWTUBE WBBEHOUSEl GEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY. W HEREAS, MARY C. THRASHER I applies to me for letters of Admitiis- trution on the estate of Barton C. Thrasher,.late of said county deceased. I These are therefore to cite and admonish all con-1 ccrued, to show cause, if any they have, at my office on A -r X *.»,r,vn a i or before the first Monday in March next, why said !-t- LL 1 J’-RSONS IIAY ING DEMANDS AGAINST t ers should not be granted. SAMUEL FREEMAN, (col.) late of Clarke Given under my * Robert C. Lumpkin, deceased, are hereby no tified to present the same to me for payment within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said de ceased are requested to make immediate pnvment. JAMES M. LUMPKIN, feb22.4t . Administrator. Notice. J - F. WILSON & CO , £3. 12 mNELRX ECUSS Eih’3I, B20A3 CT.. A7EIN3, 3A county, deceased, arc hereby notified to present the mine to me for payment within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said deceased are requested to make immediate payment. Jan. 10, 1876. EUGENE W. BRYDYE, jttlHff Administrator. r my baud nt office, this Jan nary 31st, J. R. LYI-E, Ordinary. Coffins, Birlyl Oases PICTURE FRAMES AND MOLDINGS. jan25-ly BARGAINS FOR CASH nut of the State, tranches— F. B. & Co., New "York. F. B. & Co.,' Charleston, S. C. F. B. & I'o., Jackronvilie, Fla. F., B. * CO. £nov.J7-tf. CIGARS. We have now on hand 250,000 Choicest Brands of Cigars, which wc offer at Grratly Redcccd Prices. Also a large stock of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Genuine Mccrsbanin Tijics, and all Smokers Ar ticles. J5F" A liberal discount allowed to Jobbers buying largelv. Come one! Come all!! KALVAKINSKY & LIF*BLEB, Ang. 5.ti.] Under Newton House, Athens, Ga. W.*D. STYltON, of Georgia, II AS DISCOVERED A SURE REMEDY FOE GRAPE ROT. AND DESTROYER OF CURCULIO AND BORER, IHE GREAT ENEMIES OF TIIE PEACH CKOr. GEOUGLY—OCONEE . OUNTY. TTTIIERE AS, GEORGE E.GRIFFETII I VV Administrator James L. Griffeth de- I cc “? d . u PI'' ie3 ,0 ra « for lettcr9 of di » mi » 8ion fro™ « id administration. ■ These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern-1 ii Hum A. Hemphill, Administrator of William Wood, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters ot dis mission from said*administration. These arc therefore to cite und admonish all con cerned to show cause (if any they have) at my office, on or before the first Monday in May next, why said letters I shoald not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this the 27tli day of December, 1875. jau4.3m. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. M e<l, to show cause (If any they haw) at tny office, oo or before the first Monday iu May next why aoiil tattlers should not be granted. Given under my hand at office tho 31st day of January lebl.Sm. J. R. LYLE, Ordiuary, BOOK AGENTS AND GOOD SALESMEN VALUABLE DISCOVERY. Arc “ C0IX1N0 M0SEY ” " i,h f — ADMINISTRATOR SSALE. JJY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM THE COURT | JSJDcl ^DESIGNS, THIS PAPER IS ON PILE WITH You Have so Excuse.—Have you any excuse fur suflering with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint? Is there any reason why you should "o on from d:tv to Jay complaining ith Sour Stomach, Sick Head-ache, Habit- Costiveness, palpation of the Heart. Heart burn, Witter-brash, Gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the Stomach, ~ell<nv Skin, Coated Tongue, and disagreea ble taste in tlio mouth, Coming up oi food after eating. Low spirits, Ac.-No I It is positively your own fault if you do. Go to vour Druggist lt. T. Bhumu.y and get a hot tie of Green’s August Flower for 75 cents your cure is certain, but if you doubt Ibis, get a sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Two doses will relieve you. March-7 R. T. Brumby. Ill, _ , . *"v In conclusion, iveoan birt oxolaim, U ■ , , - , departed Influonco of bolter, purer and ’'ft' 15 furnishing accoutrenientg i ia ,,.,i c r days, when will all this low couim- in<r, this disreputable wire-pulling, vea, and when will these degenerate! times, Iks at an endi . Yours, in a spirit of apprehension, Senbx. Would «»yyoul Lost.—A gold cnatneh-J Si A. E engraved with name pf 'feSK lost vestcriiay luu rnoon inuobhhain. loo fimler will ho liberally rewarded l ” 1 * it at tbit office. 111:1 <5*1 O si day at home. Agents wanted. Oi V-*- w frec. TRUE A Co., Augusta, Maine. The Best Remedy for Hard Times ! FREE HOMESTEADS Best ntul Cheapest Railroad Land are on the liue of the Union Pacific Jtdilroad., in Nebraska. Secure a home now. Full information sent free to all parts of tho world. Adilress O. F. Davi*, L-uid Cum- t. rr w T* a..,.’,, li: tub^:6:icr U. P. K. R., Omaha, Neb. A goosl Cow wantoJ—call at New Drug Store. matchl4.5t. tion, Soul Channiug, Mcamerisiu, ami Marriage Guide, RboWihg bow either sex niay fcseioate and gam the love und affection of any person they choose iu- L stanilv. 40** rages. By mail 50 eta. Ilaut & Co., 139 I ' 7t!i St., Plula. fcb29.R Davis & Rapp have’nt a leisure moment on Saturday. We would advise our country friends to have their beards done up during tiie earlier days of the week. Liver Tonic never fails to cure headache. marchl4.s r »t. West India and Florida Transfered to Athens.—Go to Martin Collins’ if you want fine Oranges nud Lemons. He hits laid before us some of the finest specimens we have seen for some time. Mr.Colliiis makes Maudariue oranges a specialty and the pub lic will Cud it to their advantage to Call and see him. He also deals in Family Groceries and Provisions. Givehima call at his store, Market street near Town Hull, arid tvegunr- teo you will lie well pleased. fob. 22-.5t. Liver Tonic regniatc® the Bowel*. inarchHJit. Home Evidence.— Harmony Grove, Jan. 20, 1876. Messrs. J. C. Pitner eD Co., Athens, Ga. Wo used your Acid Phosphate last year for corn aud cotton, and arc well pleased with it, and will u^e it on our entire crop tills year. We w ill cheerfully recomrneud it to the people.aa being the cheapest and most- profitable of any acid or guano that can ba used. \Y, F. Anderson, fob2.4t- J..a. II. Holland. MARBLE A. R. ROBERTSON’S wm m m; wi Dealer hi and manufacturer of Monuments, Head end Foot Stone*, Marble and Granite Box Tomb* and Cra dle Tombs. All work -warranted, l ereona will i well to examine my dciignH, r~ J «i. Whore Advertising Contract* can bo made# HIS REMEDY IIAS BEEN THOROUGHLY tested for two *eafions, and in every instance has been a perfect success. The following certificate of a well kuown Minister in Georgia, who lias seen it fairly ested, will give some idea of its real merits: Brunswick, July 13th, 1875. Mr. IV. L\ Sty eon.—Tl.e Uomixmml nut up by yon 1 have known, used, seen its result*, and it wul do all you claim for it. It will prevent blight. and Tot, and cause vines to grow vigorously. IVlierj it was used I never saw more nourishing pr fuller vines, with bunches large and well filled. Iu the same vineyard, vines with out its use did not mature a single buuch. With its i»e, vines that had not borue fruit for year* were quite prolific. A half gallou was used, but a gallou would bo Ijcttcr. From what I have seen, I can and do recotn- ncud its use to ail who desire tins delightful fruit. Its results where it has been.used on Peach trees arc the same. Yours, &e., N. B. OUSLEY. ■iSEOTtoxs for UsiNo.—Dig around tlio roots iu Fall Winter and apply Compound. Price, $50 i>er ton. up by Port Royal Lime Co. J. It. HUGGINS, Agent, Athens, Ga. fcl»3.2m. The French Edition of which sells for $16.5, and the Loudon Edition for $200. Our Popular Edition (5.50), containing over One Hundred full-page quarto plates, is the cheapest and most elegant publication in America, aud the best to sell. Critics vie with each other in praising it, and the masses buy it. Agent in Charleston. S. C., reports 07 orders; one iu Ninety-Six, S. C., 106; one in Va., 247; another In Memphis, 200 orders, taken in three weeks. Full particulars free.. Address. J. B. FORD & CO., Publishers, • Novfrltfw. 27 Park Place, New York. of Ordiu&ry of Oconee County, will be sold on (he first Tuesday in March. 1876, before the Court Houso door in Watkinsville, said county, within the lawful I hours of sole; one tract of land in said connty, aqjoin- 1 ing lands of John W. Stroud, Sandford Whitehead, Dr. F. Jackson and others, containing fifty seven and one half acres, twenty acres in original forest, twenty or I twenty-five acres tenable land, balance good branch bottom; on the place there is a good house with three rooms and all uecessary out buildings. Sold as the property of Margaret W. Parker deceased, tor the benefit of the ucirs and creditor*. Term* made known on day of sale. AARON CROW, 1 Adm’r. of Margaret W. Parker. Dissolution. OCONEE SUPERIOR COURT NOV. i TERM 1875. Mxnv Livingston, Ilv Libel for Divorce. rpiIE COPA TNERSHIP HERETO- X fore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name and »tyta of PiTTAKD, MITCHELL & CO., is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. Ail persona indebted to the late firm will make pay- ... c Iy .l. i • *r.i Sidney Livingston. J IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that Sidney Livingston, defendant doe. not reside in the County of Oconee, and it farther appearing that lie resides without tiie limits of the State.^ It is there- assume* all it* liabilities. JAMES D. PITTAKD, S. D. MITCHELL, K. T. PITTAKD. .1 fendant by publication once a mouth for four months in tlio Athens Georgian, a paper published in the City I of Athens, Georgia. ' Granted—GEO. J. R. LYLE, Piaintiffii Attorney. '. D. RICE, Judge S. C. Outfit and term Happy New Year. A FARM OF YOUR OWN yY ISIIING OUB FRIENDS AND PATRONS A - . happy and prosperous new year, we beg to in- form them that wc opcu the new year with n large stock °‘ JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, And are prepared to supply anything they may want on the most reasonable term*.. Onr increased md larger experience warranto tn in saying that wo can please all in qnality and priees. -Call and see us before ‘"jiuT-tlf' L. SCIIEVENELI. ACO. G3LLEG-. AVENUE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM! The undcraignetl, in thanking hi* old patrons for their patronage, beg* a continuance ot it, ut the old stand, No. 6 Broad street. S. D. MITCHELL. G eorgia—oconeecounty.—cm*** Omo*. Superior Court.—I, J. M. A. Johnson, Clerk of We cordially recommend our late partner to our old be rounc patron* and lriend*. He will be found prompt a obliging. J. D. PITTABJ), jau!8rtf R. T. PITTAKD. the Superior Court of *aid County, do hereby certify that the ubove order was granted at the November term 1875 of the Superior Court of said Connty of Oconee. I 1876 Veo unt * er tn y °®®W signature, tbi**28th January ] &bl.tn4m. J. M. A. JOHNSON, Clerk. Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO., If you want a MIND READING, PSYCHOMANCY, FASC1NA- 11 ~ ’ w A Week guaranteed to Male and Female MOSES MYERS. DRY G O O D SV CLOTHI N G BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Carpets, Furs, Blankets, | Fancy and Millinery A-. ihlcz. STOREROOM ENLARGET fAgeuts, in their locality. Costs Nothing I to try it. Particular* Free. P. O. YICKE* f BY ACO., Augusta, Me. ' WANTED* AGEXT8 FOB THE BEST SELL- ing Stationety Packages in tlio world. It oontaiua 15 sheetspaper, 15 Envelopes, golden Pen. Pcn-h.lder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, and apiece of Jewelrv. Single package, with pur of elegant Gold Stone Sleeve Buttons, post paid, 25 ets.. 6 for *1.00. Till* -package ha* been examined by the publisher of an d found as represented—worth the money. Watches given away to all Agents. Circular* free. frbSSJL BRIDE & CO., 765 Broadway, N. Y. STOCK INCREASED. We will beg the citizens of Athens and vicinity to give as a call ana examine our stock before purchasing. ncvloiSwl'. FITS & EPILEPSYI POSITIVELY CURED. Tiie worst eases of tho lou.pst standing, by ushig D*. Ill:duaa:>’aCure, rrt:*s Cixed Tiioosnos, and will give SI,00) fora cioeitwili not hmcfit . A I bottle sent free to .al^^ijpssinu J. E- D1BBI.EE, | ASTONISHING. Chemist. Office, 1355 Broadway, N. Y. feb29.R. \ GENTS WANTED! MEDALS AND \ Diplomas Awarded for 1IouiaV» N*w PIC TORIAL BIBLES. 1.8)0 illnstruiou*. A-idress for new cirealara, A. J. Uotn+x «fc Co., 9*0 Arvh^Streot, pbih. _± 1 WEATHERLY & Co, ARE NOW READY For the Fall & Winter Trade! NO. 1 COOK STOVE, AND TIN WARE OF ALL KINDS, CHEAP FOR CASH. [OCONEE POSTPONED SHERIFFS SALE. VX7-ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE, i I Court llousedoor in Watkinsville, between the legal hoars of sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, the following property to-wit: ' One grey borse, doctor, two mouse colored mules'and two bay mules, one two borso wagon and harm as and one yoke of oxen, and one cart. Levied on a* the pro- 1 perty of Jacob VV. Dicken, by au attachment and fl. fa. i-sued upon said attachment from Oconee Superior Court, in favor of John O. Thrasher vs. said Dicken. ] Property pointed ont in aaid attachment end d. fa. Also, nt same time and place, a Hall, in the second ory of n building, in the town of Watkinsville, known line Odd Fellows Ilall. Levied on aa the property of the Odd Fellows to satisfy a fi. fa. isaued from Oconee Superior Court in favor of A. T. Lnckio va. said Odd Eellows. Property pointed ont by defendants. Also, at same time aud place, the farm known aa the Dr. Lindsey Darham pioee. Levied on to satisfy three - fair fi. fas., for the years 1873, 1874 and 1875. 1 febl.5t. w. W. PRICE, Sheriff. p Roofing and Guttering a Speciality. Sept. 15,1875.46—6 m. Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO 591 Broadxcay, New York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS <& DEALERS IN CUROMOS AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES ami VIEWS, FIRST ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TBS CONDITION OF THE GRANGERS LIFE and HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY OFTHE UNITED STATES OS’ AMERICA. HOME OFFICE: MOBILE, ALABAMA. DECEMBER 3let, 187B. Ps er mnm S3--- g Investments and Loan*, seenred by mart- gaec-s^on real^catatc, Irands, stocks, die., Cash in Books and Home Office Dae from Departments . . . Dae from Agents for Premiums, &c.' after dedneting credits ,, , , „ x — | Office Fixtures, <ke n worth in cash . . Albums, Grajdioscopes, and Suitable V letes Deferred Semi-annual and Quarterly Pre- w •4 $303,951 19 - 8,183 97 14,600 00 13,0*6 56 2,500 001 Photographic Materials tn'mms on Polices In force. 8,000 00 $412,271 72 The progress made' by the WILSON SHUTTLE EWING MACHINE. Inventive skill has been taxed Having just *****& SSSSrtZkV Wl * ^ nf I The Most Perfect and Desirable Machine, DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Ready-made Clothing, Hals, Bools Shoes, Wood and Widow Ware, Hardware, Crockery, Drugs, die., (£c., die., d'c. Wo are Qeadquartera for everything in the way of Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns, Being Manufacturers of the MICKO-SCiENTIFIC LANTERN, STEREO-PANO PTICON, UNIVERSITY STEREOPTICON. AD VERTISER’S 8TEEEOPTICON, ABTQPTI- CON, SCHOOL LANTERN. FAMILY LANTERN, PEOPLE’S LANTERN. Total assets Luaiunxa: Death claims reported on, not yet dno $2,000 00 Lose not yet report on . . 2,000 00 W. H. KETCHUM, President. EOBT. W. FORT, Secretary. feh29gf. Each style being the heat of its class in the market. Catalogues of Lanterns and 81ides with directions for using tent on application. j«n4.6m. Notice. i\I EEdY.ES for all kinds of Sewing Machines, a I l* wholesale and retail, by Sept. 82,1876—47-tf S. a DOBBS, Agent. For Sale. Eastern Seed Potatoes. E ARL Y R OSH, Sweet and Best Crop. PINK EYE, Good Bearer. PEACH BLOW, For E it ing. ALSO 100 Gallon Still, with Cap onct ^ Worm complete. | Apply toSnmmey. HotchesO!. * Bell, or JohnlL | Newton. Jane 2..1875. |31-t PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. COUNTRY PRODUCE ns at the for General and Family Use, yet produced. It is Simple and Easy to Operate, is not liable to get out out of repair, ita Work is the Boat os was shown by tho FIRST PREMIUMS awarded it at the Universal Exhibition in Vienna, in 1873, and it is sold at a LESS EUNICE. other Machine pf i^s 6®ANDARD^EACEIjj. CROFT'S. PROLIFIC Cotton Fall and Winter Millinery Goods, 'CLOVER SEED. Prime N. Y. State. O&CjpARB GRASS, “ \HERLONG COTTON SEED. E^r sale by J.M. UPSHAW andF.P. Be sura to see the Wilson l-efure you "bny'.- _ _ ' May 19, 1875 fcSBTSs Seed. In. Store and to arrive. For sale by EDWARD BANCROFT counties adjacent, that she lias now received and opeuod a most choive and select as sortment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, com prising in port tho latest styles and fushiuns of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laees, Flowers, Gloves, &c., Which she will sell at reasonable prices. Give her call before purchasing elsewhere. Order* from a dis tance carefully filled. Store locuted on Broad atrept, one door above National Bank.