The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, April 04, 1876, Image 4

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(b'jc Mews <§twwm m H. H. Q£RLTON. Editor FOR3IVEAND FOROET. »T cnvntl* twain. V3p THESE : E1TIUZ: 1 USE tM m ^ICSTi BRADLEY’S AS .M 1*E OF Forrivi imd for^t! W iv, the world w»aU be lonely. T lt trir leu a wildcroo 44 lift to deft) nil* , , . If t io flower* but r.-rn .-tubere-d tW" c dll unwind only. 11 All 1 t'ie fl.-l I* ir-ivo no veijlure for B-orofihe otonn. O Mill ir. tli v lov .•linen enbleim the Bower, Give t ie fr.i-.rr incs of fooling to »we--teu li•’• ***- > An 1 prw'oni not again thebriefilond of.nlniar, With wnt that bat darken tiie rest o. the day. Forgive on 1 forgrt! T .ore'. no^ vefeH J U A T T l?T A T lint eoi.13 iteinle thong. a aff vtiyii t .ore l yo, >1 ii 1 L It 1A l. An I the ba-t of ns all reqn re so nnm.ig coueial.ntf. So n i heart tint, with entiles o in **•« fo**** - Tlio i tv iv with tbc cloud tVoin t »<fc*c b.mitifol • w, ■r.nt bmwwa* .." borne for each frowns to have tnet, AND IN THE 0! Iiow could our spirits e’er hone for the akies, H H.'i'vn refused to “/c-rg.w and fvrjtt. ttEOKGU. FROM MOUNTAIN TO SEABOARD. j Thnuiajto:! is sickly. D. F. Miils, of Toccoa, is dead. Corn is n.lvaneetl, in Franklin county. D il.on “ eartbquaked” last tvcck. Barncsville is skating herself to death. Smoke liouscs are suffering from thieves. Walker county sells country cured liacon. A blacksmith fell dead iu Griffin. last week. The frosty equinox played havoc among carlv vegetables, iu the State. A big wind disturlied the hurmony. of the Jackson county “Grove,” last week. The Daldonega Signal tails upon the iieople to erect some new buildings. The campaign is opened. The Gaines ville papers are at it again. Peaches in II .hers!'am are dead issues, and stills will suffer. Hartwell is said to lie in a thriving condi tion. Pneumonia was quite prevalent after the recent cold snap. A young blood, in Griffin, amuses hint- self l»y carving up his uncle. Forsyth can’t Imre an organ but has sub-; stituted an Italian string hand. A colored tramp froze to death in the jungles of Monroe county, last week. The late storm unroofed a gin house, iu Ful's* tli county. Al!:l it a is spoiling for n fire to test her waterworks. State Congressional Conventions inert on M day. How npaniotie. They mix it in llo sc: Bitters, s da water, and then more hitters. Twenty miles of new steel rails have been . laid on the Western and Atlantic Railroad. . I), ad I in hies lie nmuml loose all over the 1 Slate. This is a had Vear for babies nuv» I . lion. ' * j 1 A liitle Imv in Ki'in> iiii-toik a piece of 1 pWpIinriiiis tor a s'ick of chewing gum. The doctor recoiiituends change of diet. The Butts county Argus Ims no choice , for Governor. It prefers to watch and | pray. The Atlanta da ly Times is the latest ; Gate City venture. Col. James I). Waddell, ■ editor. Success to it. Crawford county, remote from any rail I road, raises her own “hog and Immi. y” and ; is in a pro-pering erudition generally. Judue Crawford, in his charge to the Tails it grand jury, said tliat the salary ol , every State officer is too high for the times, j How many men in Georgia can eat thirty i partridges in thirty days? S|teak now or i forever a I ter wards keep your mouth shut. The lull's! advice is to reserve one half ol ! your guano for the growing Qirn crop. W', pleu.-e copy. A Forsyth county limn lo-t his alniaiuii i and, together with his industrious spouse, I winked all day Sunday. What a blessing to our people that the I golilx r |>ea and walernielou crops were not iujureil liy the freeze Oh, the snow, the beautiful snow, tin cruel sUow did i:. Peaches iu Motiroe coun ty arc still born. Geneva is to have a hanging next Apri’. li wi.s set apart for Saturday, so as not t> inter.ere with schools in the county. Another liitle cherub chimhed tie gulden stair, in Luiii|ikin county, lu.-t week, with me smell ai lire upon its little tie hack. Col. S. K Johnson, Superintendent ol the Georg.i Railroad, has won “golden o,iin mis from all suits of people,” by hi.- u.aaagenn nt ol the Oconee bridge. Tim: ton, of A lanta, gobbled his thirtieth partridge promptly on the thirtieth day, and is now prepared to be made “ rulci over many thi gs What a pity that, just a« soon as the poor farmer had sworn on a wagon of giium, i Iu.t he would i laul grain—by gum — that the snow should so entirely blight his hopes. The widow id a Savannah man who suici ded some umnllis ago, gained, through a jury, the lull amount of her husbands in-ii •lance. A little colored hoy came near Itein, drowned in Rome, by lulling in to a well, the other dav. A tree application of hitler.- soon revived him, however. Tin-re’- n letter ill the Geneva I.nnp. An i it ¥K»in!» • ir M to bin tli; Which u.cN iin chief iu G •orgiu'n camp, Bat we fear, wi 1 pr« i’c a in tli. Justice in Northeast Georgia has lieeu froze: out during the late cold spell-. O'"’** have conge.deil, and are |»MiiIy cm * tended. j - tscit sustaining thieves are rampant, in j f Randolph county At last aAmunts the jail Was foil and the sheriff cavorting around at n sugar cane stew. The Atlanta men are iiow retailing tracts, containing accounts of the great northwestern r exeur-ion, the. amount of lager beer amt \ * rli'imp Ague soaked in, at the different points. A young man in Griffin, while cutting wood) was struck iu the eye with n chip and I. shortly afterward attempting to blow his . j nose, blew his eye entirely from its socket , It was replaced, however, without impairing !. his sight. ' Hon. J. IT. James’ right hand boldly as-erts that his left appropriates annually, five thousand dollars to the poor of Atlanta. And vet Jtto. H.. cotlld not afford to assist a promising youtig nephew in finishing h'a collegiate course at the University. The latest picture, is a Forsyth county man sitting on a stump, pick ng his teeth with a In rse shoe, and endeavoring to figure out on a shingle, with a piece, or chareo 1 the l»ss sustained hr the recent burning • j I his blacksmith shop. Insurance com pan i s are getting shaky. Uncle DanielDrew wnatheon'y man who fcnew the word by which his combination safe was opened. One uiorniiig he w as ill and did not get down to his office, w they sent to get the word. “ Door” wa- the word, tho litesschgcr’ was told, but ho worked with it half an honr and the safe remained clo-*t*dv He returned to t' c old peiitleinan. “ What word did yet: snvP’ “Door! ibiif!” shouted Uncle Dnni Ti tt clerk, sit 'dcii'y'rcntcinbciing that Mr. D ew was tjfccnl l ie i:t sonic thin.a, asked, “ How do von spell it, sir?” “Smh igno* vi c*l D o-a-r-c,of cours. .” The safe was opened. MOST IMPROVED MANNER. TI1EY ABE TO THE PUBLIC AS SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS IN THE MARKET IS*!# ALL WHO HW USED Them, apeak of them in the highest Terms of Praise. AND THE' Mwnfactorer will use Iris bat e-deavore, TO ADVANCE the reputation they PEIiE DRUGS, LONGS & BILLUPS, q^WHOLEL -s-Xs!I5 RETAILi; BBneeisis aw chemists. DEALERS IN' have already acquired on their merits alone. TnREE niGHEST Medals J. B. CRANE, nAVEBEEN " Awarded this year to BRADLEY’S PHOSPHATES for excellence of qual ity over all others. Capital invested, over ONE MiUion Dollars. PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS AND PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAIN7 eft VARNISH RRUSHFS, WHITEWASH BRUSHES, ANILINES. LIBERAL TERMS! WILCOX, Cl BBS & fil’d] GRASS AND GARDEN SEED, FINE TOILET SOAP'S, ENGLISH HAIR, NAIL <fc TOOTH BRUSHES, ENGLISH, FRENCH & AMERICAN HANDKERCHIEF EX1RAC1S, HARD RUBBER TRUSSES, LONDON SUPPORTERS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SODA, GELL A TINE - On time Payable Nov. 1st., with Opti 0 , paying in Middling Cotton at 17c per p 0ll| j Price $70 Per Top] For Further Particulars apply to FINE WINES, WHISKIES AND BRANDIES, for Medicinal Purposes. ^NTJ£D TO BB feb8.3m Country Mbrcsant and Physicians Will find it to their advantage to GIVE US A GALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE! We buy direct from the manufactories, and thus we are enabled to sell VERY !X>W. • jan4-tf BO ‘siioidy ‘sjuogv ‘ 0.1 V H3ftLId *3 f •bq ‘BlsnSny ‘sjusSy ptianso “OO V N0SA\3H.LVTC O f „ , , •|odri(j ptuu| b>{ jnoi jb poja.v;| p ’s|ti?o <,-j jb ttontiQ “uUl'PiK nt “uiabiI I io-Hondo tpt.w 'isajatnt tnoqtiw 'OiHl ‘jaqiuaatiij Jo ts[ oqt .v'q 3|qn.VB(i sajncj amjx 30HVH0 30 33513 A1I0 3H.I. SI .1.0.130 510 J.V03 ASV XV 03513X1330 uoudu imtmaDQi qii.vv ‘auitj^ 'o]m|d-oiu ppy piinotluio,') ; *• , i|»'B > ') ‘oiBi|dsm| t j piay punodtnoQ j oo'OH ‘tmndo tmnoo oci qij.vv ‘ouijj^’otnmr) nt)|.ni < | a|t|U|op i 00’81-S " ‘ouBOf) otjimt.i oiqnptjj •' vi o no xo ‘ vx s'npn v ni ssour<r •cost mi arionaouxMi ;osn iii sjo/im»^ awindoj jsoui puu pocluoii) oiu, 033S XO.LXOO M.LIAY OSLLSOJICOO 5103 liVHdSOHd 013V ONnOdNQO M 0NVI19 3IJI3IJ 318(1103 '000‘000‘KS ‘ iVlldi 3 «fl£ OHIO Yd THE ©V31BSB1.AMB febl5.2m. Hukter & Beusse, Agents, Athens, % ©nit -WJ ■” BE3 B£ PHOSPHATE! T his is a fertilizer that is so highly recommended, wherever tried, that vve have consented to take the Agency for THIS SECTION. Wc would lie glad to put it into the hands of a number of good Farmers, and after a thorough test, abide the decision. Below wc give letters ftotu parties at JONESBOKO & EAST FOIST, GA. JONESBORO, GA.. Jammy 27. 1876. ORR & CO., Gents- We have been selling Guano tor a number of years, and can un hesitatingly say that the Cumlierland is superior to any we ever sold. It has given the best satisfaction of any sold in this section. You need nut be afraid to recommend it. Yours, etc., FERGUSuN A ROPER rmr mzi me • GEORGIA EAST POINT. GA., January 2*. 1876. ORR & GO., Gents—I have used the Cumlierland for three sucees ive years with com plete success on Cotton, Corn and Vegetable Crops. I have testei' it by the side of eight other kinds, and it is ahead .of all. It has a fine ri-putation here. Fifteen cents allowed for cotton in settlement. Respectfully, E. M. LASSETER. fchs tm OR ft & CO., Agents. STATFP.IHAHIFFFRTI117FHSiETIWAlN FERTILIZERS. IJ ill 1 Li vj It IX1' VJ lJ 1 Lilt 11 JL1/J LillL 1 ! FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT, AND GUARANTEED At. J. II. HUGGI2CS. H AVING just returned from the Northern markets with a large stocky p ,| bought at low prices, is selling goods in his line 25 per cent cheaper tiling! fore. He is making a speciality of 1 Crockery. Class ware- Lamps and Oils. J. H. HUGGINS, Sells the best Kerosene Lamp Oil at 25 cents per gallon, Sells common Cups and Saucers at 25 cents per set. Sells common Glass Tumblers at 25 cents per set, Sells common Glass Goblets at 50 cents jier set, Sells common Plates at 40 to 75 cents per set. Sells the best Granite Plates at 75 cents to $1.00 per set. Sells the best Granite Cups and Saucers at 90 cents to $1.00 a set, Sells Kerosene Lamps at 25 cents to $10.00 each. J. II. HUGGINS, Has a lot of Beautiful China Tea Sets, Has a lot of Fancy and Plain Chamber Sets, Has all kinds of Crockerv and Glass Ware, lias all kinds of Lamps, Burners and Chimneys, Has a large stock of Family Gioceries, Has a large stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. J. II. HUGGINS, Sells Canned Goods, Sardines, Oysters, Tomatoes Ac., Ac, Sells Sugar of all grades Coffee, Lard and Cheese, Sells Bacon, Flour, Meal, Soap and Starch, Sells Liverpool and Virginia Salt, Syrup and Vinegar, Sells Lime and Cement, Cuba and Common Molases, Sens li;eaching, Calieo, Factory Sttipes and Checks, Sells Factory Jeans, Plains, Shirting and Osunbtirgs. J. H. HUGGINS. Sells Knives and Forks, Stioons and Pocket Cutlery, Sells Boots, Shoes, Hats, Harness and Leather, Sells Buckets, Brooms, Tubs and Oil Cans, Sells Baggiu, Ties. Rope, IIocs, Axes and Traces, Sells the Virginia Woolen Casjiimere, oh it is so nice, Sells many other goods too numerous to mention, Sells goods at low prices, g* and see for yourself. 'O 1 5X£ S3 C23 ^ (33 S32 o DON’T FORGET THE PLACE, J. H T1UGGIN S’. No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. GRANG DISSOLVED BONE! j S- D MITCHELL, Local Agent, Athens, Ga. RESPECTFULLY REFER TO TIIE ANALYSIS OF CARGO NOW IN STORE ui s;t\ imuiti!: ANALYSIS BY PROF. LAND. Soluble. Phosphoric Acitl PervipiLled Piiot-phonc Acid.... 1.30 liwHub.e l*ho>j*l»or»c Acul o.'JS Certified to hv • W. J. LAND, Analytical! Chemist. Dcp:. A«iieulturc, State of Georgia. Gall on Me and get Circulars Col. T. J. SMITH, M«**ter of the State Gruiijre, endorses »i. Kyery oue wiio uws it wants it again. Tiir.lih iS NONL l.KTTfcK, am* but few a§ Good. '1*11 1» NONE AS CH.-AC, either »t*r ea».» or wr time, when actual value is* considered. Cull and ecu the PKOUFS 1 liuve to otTer. S. I>. AI ITCH ELL. KTIWAN GUAAO, NONE BETTER. SUITABLE FOR A l L CROPS. ETIWAft DISSOLVED ISO A E, THE HIGHEST GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE IN MARKET, composte l with MOal weights of Cotton S«d (or its equivnlcnt of Stable Manurei, makes the most Reliable and Economical FERTILIZER, for geu]ral use. ETIWIN CROP FOOD, or Cllil flK ALS, V CONCENTRATED COMPOUND OF POTASH AND (i# per cent.) SOLUBLE ACID PHOSPHATE, fo- Composting. 500 lbs., with 1,500 lbs. Cotton St*ed,or it* equivuleut of Stable Manure, give* oue ton of Fertilize!, at a cash outlay of $14.4*). Specially adapted to Coru or Cotton. PRICES IN CHARLESTON, S. C.: FTIWAV fiTTAXrt I 1 $* 0 00 Cosh on l*t of April, 1870. | “ >» November. , K «. 1 have this day appointed Mr. S. D. MITCHELL, Athens, Ca., •dm the patronage of tuc Granger* in this vicinity. Athene, Ga., Jan. 28, Locnl Agent nt that iioint, and solicit foi W. M. MOSES, Traveling Agent. {lebl-Jltn] SARDY’SiPERTIlIZSRS, BEST VBM.HTEST m VSE. M I I ANUFACTURED BY THE ASHEPOO MINING AND MANUFACTURING GUANO COMPANY. Factories ut Charles ton, S. C. I ItEce, North Atluutc Whnrf. SARDY’S AMMONIATEO SOLUBLE PACIflC PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN GUANQSX DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE THESE WELL-KNOWN STANDARD FERTILIZERS, which, after ten .Tears’ praHical test tlm.nzliouMli Sooth, imve gninetl for themselves * Irish, ami ]m>ved to ba the most |-routable Fertilizers in nse to Cotton, Corn, and all-other crop-, nuticnlurl.v adanted to the Sontliem Climaia and Soli: the crops in many it. -Unices beiniriMUKE THAN DOUBLED by tiieir nse, as aliown by certificates. While these Fertilizers sr ■eiug prc|sired riom the best iiifrreilienis, and of even higher grade than ever before; tire prices have bceu mate daily reduced for the present season, thereby placing them the reach of .very planter, and none cm tfont to do without them. CGNiElt & REAVES, Agents, Athens, Ga. SA10R@ff’i. CENTENNIAL COMPOUND B Y COMPUTED ANALYSIS, BY PROF. WHITE, SUPERIOR TO THE BEST FERTILIZER, EVET offered in oar market. Saited to all crops, MAGIC TOP DRESSING For small Groin and Grassea. Specially adapted to O .ts, and need with great success, on mr^Rust Proof Oa Crops, for two years Abo fobfi.Sm Nitrate of Soda and Land Plaster. For ode by EDWARD BANCROFT, No. 8. Brood Street, Athene, Ca. WandO Fertilizer g AciD PhqsphatE! TIIE FIRST FERTILIZER, MADE FROM SOUTH CAROLINA PHOSPHATES Equal to any Fertilizer in Ordinary Seasons, and Superior to any in a Dry Season. R COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO, WHEAT AND ALL OTIIKR SMALL GRAIN CROPS. For Compcwtinf with, Cotton Seed, Suble Manure, and other F.rra IVodacts, Yielding Amonia. TheWzndo Fertilizer «ihI Arid Phosphate, having: been te-ted by some of the best fannerein this section for thb Uht ffre or si* years, can be safely guaranteed. XfT For prices and Cotton Option at 15c. call upon J-H HUGGINS Agent, No. 7, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. WITTE BROTHERS, Genera’. Agents, Charleston,South Carolina, ACID PHOSPHATE. (24 pvr cent, soluble,) CHEMICALS, In bbls. of 2.'*0 lbs. each. 00 with Cotton (15c.) Option, 1st Nov., 1876. $35 0*> CU'b on 1st of Aj'ril, 1876. 40 00 •* on 1st Novem* er, 1876. 50 00 with Cotton (15c.) Option, 1st Nov., 1876. ( $6 50 Cash per bbl. on 1st April, 1876. J J 8 0i' “ % * 44 on 1st November, 1876. •' | 0 60 with Cotton (16c.) Option, 1st November, 1876. ^ # m . »ns, an l tounri tiie KllWA.N preparal fully equal to any, and far superior‘to*most of them, 1 can conscientiously and coufidcutly recommend their Having used sixteen of the most popular Fertilizers on „_illy equal to any, and tar superior to most of them, 1 c-it an<l*wifi be glad to furnish ail scekiug a reliable Fertilizer. EDWARD HAN CROFT, Agent. jenis-sm No 8 Rrootl Street, Athens, Gn. Go to Oct. 6—49—tf. R. NICKERSON. WHOLESALE AND REfAlL DEALERS IN HARDWARE,! IKON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse-Shoe Nails. L. SCIIEVENELL. O. II. YANCEY. L. SCHEVENELL & CO BROAD STREET, ATHENS. G DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. QUESTS, PISTOLS, AMMUNTTON. Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, , FANCY ARTICtStS, 8co, Having BEST WORKMEN, wc are prepared to do REPAIRING IN SUPERIOR STYLE. • we make A specialty of SILVER AAO OOL1I PLATI A G, And all work of thit land, «uch as Forks, Spoons, W atches. Ac., pluted by us, warranted eqUut to that done by any actabliehment in the country. PRICES REASONABLE. TPIJE GKANUIilll? LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $4,500,00 Of which 9100,000 to be owned in each Department. E-c!i Policy-holder in entitled to a vote in the management of the Company. Parent Oiler, Mobile, Alabama. Capital Stock $100,000. W. H. KETCHUM, President. F. £ DAVIDSON, Vicc-Preaident, B»W. FORT, Secretary. Georgia Department, Home, Georgia. Capital Stock $100,000 Office, No. 2 Commercial Building, MriorC. O. SAMUEL Pro-Went... ALFRED SHORTER. Viee-Prreident. d. J. GWAUNEY, C. ROWELL, Attorney Dr. O. W. HOLMES, Medical Examiner. BOARD OF DIRECTORS—A. P. Allgeod, Trion Factory; C. Rowell, Rome, Ga; Alfted Shorter, Rome, GaqC. G. Satnnei, Rome, Ga.; John H. Newton, Athena,'Gaq A. R.Jonee, Cedartown, Gn.; Hon. D. F. Hammond. Atlanta, Go.; Hon. D. B. H inriiton. Rome, Gn.: Cain Glover, Rome, Ga.; T. McGuire, Rome, Ga.; F. Woodruff, Rome, Gnq J. L. Camp, Rmiie, Ga.; M. II. Bonn, -Cednrtuwn, Ga.; A. J. Ki g, Cave Spiring, Gm; Hon. W. II. Untehino, Polk coauty, Georgia. Alabama Department, Montgomery, Alabama. 1 ** Capital Stock $100,000. Hon. N. N. CLEMENTS President and General Manager, Taokalooaa, Ala. Hon. DAVID CLOPTON, Vicc;Prenident M.-r.trotmry, Ah. W. L. CHAMBERS, Secretary STONE * CLOPTON. Attorney* Mississippi Department, Meridian, Mississippi. Capital Stock:.... :....^100.000 Col. JAMES W. BECK,- President..-. ....JOHNn. GRAY, Vice-President L. A. DUNCAN, Secretary. 1 Security ! Kconorny ! TAberalitv ! Are the Leading Principles of this Company. All np-'roreJ forms of Life and Endowment Policies issued r r sums of 91tM) to 910.000. Also, Term Polities of One. Three, Five or Seven years. All Life Pol cics non-lorfei;. inr after two annual payments, when the insured will he entitled to a paid np 1 oheyor Cash Surrender tl.ereoft Dividends mnv bo used to protect policies njrnlnn 1-psins in cose of Ciiruro to pay premiums. Tills, with the Non-fiirfeiting and Cr-sli Surrender foitnres. nro snfH.-ieiit to makethis Coinpom-popnlar among thinking mep GOOD AGENTS WANTED. AddrereC. G. Somotl. Prc-M-nt, Rome, Ga. W. G. ENGLAND, of Mobile, Alabama, General Superintendent of Ageuric*. Sept. ''AB MILBURN AftKJCUIiTUiRMi Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Hubs, Spokes, Buggy Wheels, Axles, Springs Rubber and leather Belling, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices. Hollow-ware, &o. Also, Manufacturer's Agents for the Sale of the "W IN8HIP GIN, Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, Circular Saws, line not in dock uni our slock and prices. W G O TST s, IMPLEMENTS, Any article in our line not in stock will be ordered when desired, with the lead pottUk Any tday. Call and June 16,1875. 33-,f P. A 8DMS1EY. p. w. nuTcnGsoN. A . a. BELL. SUMMEY, HUTCHESON & BELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN A1SWAS1 IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS- MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF Cotton Gins, Presses, PORTABL1-! I'.NONE, Mowers, Reapers, Threashers, &c., UEUPREE BLOCK, ATlIF.riS, GEORGIA- w . t