The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, April 18, 1876, Image 3

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ATHENS* GA. n ,>|).tY SORNIJiH, APRIL 18, 1876. i-k before last. The fire was, . promptly extinguished; and Gus T HE PITY. ^vMF.Oi.o Fibk.—Last night about eleven ■ .lock the editors and typos of the Gkor- 01 s wcr e startled to hear the alarm of fire ,a „l f) | in the clear f’e’iherate no es of Ben ! dai ion voice under ti e r window. i " IM ,di:ite invistigation developed the fact i t jni’ike " as arising from the cellar door I). Mitchell’s store, precisely the i «xit «i ,l ‘ re i* wfts detected before, •n, slJ'“ rapi.ily spread and the ‘r e1 „f the Babcock Extinguisher, V^jipp into the cellar, soon discovered ‘i'jjtnc'in the bottom of an old barrel, at viui ti e same location as the Saturday lieht ,iri fOltrse, l" <" . ... _ t vI.lerlcith, together with Win. James, 'i„ speared from the smoky labyrinths triumphantly bearing the barrel upon their , ,„!,|,.rs. It is certainly a little remark- i that the lire should occur in the same !,’ lt c two consecutive times, and we hope ijiit Mitchell will ferret out the Babcock Extinguisher arrived first, j’„ Relief coming up a short while ./ti-rwarib, entered the back door and got iv mi oil almost simultaneous y with the ibhcock. Pioneer arrived second in the Belief third, and lastly, but not least- lv. Hope. „ „ , ' Ml honor to our gallant firemen and thoir worthy and most efficient Chief! Attend the .Soiree tonight at Lesters Hall. Council proceedings unavoidably left out ,,f tliis issue, willajipear in our next. Sickd clulis, for the benefit of the Baptist ami Kpiscopal ehurches are now in full hla-t and are said to be very interesting. Prof. Amende, we learn, will get up a concert in the city nt an early date. Some „l the best talent of the town will partici- jiate Some "f Oglesby’s puny jokes should be exhibited at the Centennial, ns their old age, if not their respectability, will gain for them a prominent place at that exhibition. We learn that Capt MeGinty has sold his lot jn-t below Capt. J. W. Collin’s store, L\o tin- Athens Foundry Co., who will erect. Bjcniplr ot two story buildings thereupon r m he used as wat chouses Karlic I.. Jennings,Esq., of Atlanta, agent of the Atlanta Timet, nun Sunny Sout/i was in our office yesterday. Mr. Jennings repre ss excellent papers and we hope, will do •ell in our midst. We call attention this morning to the attractive advertisement of the attractive dry goods establishment ol Reese & Lane. These gentlemen have in store a very fine st.ick f new goods, and invite their many fronds to visit them. Recognizing the hardness of the times and the scarcity of fine apparel, the Senior class of the University of Ga., are making ar rangements, we understand, for graduating harefooted, nobly scorning all ornaments save a pair oflied-ticking gallowses. Brave boys, the girls have their eyes upon you ! The many friends of Rev. Geo. T. Goct- chius. Presbyterian Minister at Milledgc- villc, will be pained to learn, through a telegram received in this city last Saturday, of the death of bis wife. Mrs. Goetchius via- a daughter of Hon. Win. McKinley of Milledgevillo and a sister of Mrs. Howell Cobb of this city. The colored folks of the town had a grand fishing frolic yesterday. Albert l.e-ter “ done up and rigged out” with the indgnia of a Commanche Sachem and en sconced upon a caparisoned steed, pranced up and down the street, and was spoiling for the “ fry,” even as “the war horse rnsli- iii.-to the battle.” This rollicking Romeo vis Brand Chief Marshal of the excursion, ard was fully up to the dignities of the oc- a>ion. 1'k.i.soxai..—We had the felicity yester- Jiy iiinrning of sweeping away the goober hulls left in our sanctum by Herr Wilheiiner Schciitzonburger William, ecru jobber and genenil dry goods’ smasher from Gotham, lie has a bright countenance, sorrel scalp and is warmly recommended by Dr. Ed. Newton. At last accounts ho was bumming around town with a bottle of beer in one hand and a sight draft on Jim Barry for 2 lbs ol sour krout in the other. Aitidest.—Last Wednesday morning a colored man by the name of Jno. Brawner. while nailing shingles upon the roof ot Mr. 1. S. Moon’s residence, lost his I valance and fill upon the palings below. A sharp Pointed paling striking him, entered the low er part of his body several inches, and inflicted a very |KiinfuI and dangerous wound. At first it was that Brawner could i no ' recover, but from Dr. J. B. Carlton, »e learned yesterday morning that he was fun-iderablv lietter. ,p, A lien m a Cotton Market. | a chaotic rate that, for some time past, it . * , -Athens Georgian has, each week has b -eti impossible for even the “knowing wnee the opening of the cotton season last ones” to apot the “comi ig man,” but now September, published the reports of the that things arc beginning to take shape Athens Cotton Exchange, -endeavoring again, Colquitt seems invincible. Every ttioreby, to keep our readers informed as turn of the kaleidoscope, shows Colquitt as to tlis receipts, shipments and sales to oar the next occupant of the Governor’s mans spinners or manufacturers ot the number »"on. Advices from every section, from the ot bales of cotton coming to this market mountains to the seaboard, show that now In the compact summary below, we give a recapitulation of the number of bales of votton received each rionth up to April 7th. Also, the shipments and the sales to spinners. September. October. November..... December.... January ....... BKcnrra. 1.573 5,535 3,693 3,946 2,836 1,800 845 3,675 2,897 3,890 2,786 Total 20.758 15,60 Stock now on hand, 3,377 bales. Lamer 1‘ic-Nic.—The annual pic-nic of Emmanuel church Sunday school came off at the fair grounds yesterday, and was a j"l!y affair. The little ones, the small fry you know, seemed to enjoy the occasion hugely, and the juvenile* of a greater devel opment whiled the sunny hours away in •lancing. The dinner was excellently gotten ami the diversion ol hunting for Easter f-’- 5 wa » indulged in after the repast. Maj. bmi. Barke. Superintendent, deserves the thanks of the sunlieam.s and cricket* for his excellent management ot tho enjoyable picnic. Faster. — Sunday morning the usual rawer services in the Episcopal Churches " city were (icrfornied. Sunday after- m:"ii the Easier Celebration of Emmanuel mirch came off and was highly interesting m . Had and beautiful in character. The . 1 ,r0l)t ‘itt'Gf* of the Sunday school bearing aimers, and necked with exquisite wreaths ", "." ers ’ •ilfl into the church presenting a r - v love1 )' appearance. After sinning some Pr y pretty hymns and reading the appro- 'pri-ite lessons for the evening, the flora) offer deposited upon the altar and hung P<m the cross in front. The classes were en catechised in order, and the lessons and J?) Plaining to the Resurrection, together the explanation of Hades and Paradise were dwelt upon by Mr. Hallara in a few appropriate remarks. The occasion was f r . v mteresting and was greatly enjoyed by ■v large assemblage filling the church. Am:it tiie Tiheyes.—Saturday night o rs- lb F. Culp, Rose. Jno. and Joseph ur >li, .Too. Gunnels and Hill Hardeman, ““anted, and armed with shot pans and re- M r r *' went u? Simpkin’s place in -'«aison county, and surrounded the house mleavoring to capture that gang of horse- '"eves mentioned in the Georgian some weeks ago. Thev were joined by a perty “'hr the command of Tom Brooks but ere unable to get upon the trail or obtain “>’ clue of this crowd of wandering Arabs. “ e thieves are all of them desperate char- / ers and are said to have regala* brats "m Covin "ton. stretching across to South •roima. Had this posse of men encounter- 1 the thievish crew, quite a skirmish would ave resulted, as tho pursuers were deters •ned and the outlaws fcuarate, but as yet tkaVl? 1 * * wv ® **9° madef It is to lie hoped J*®t, ov - Smith will offer n reward for these -J*?™ at present, are the terror of the Pwple In Madison and Jackson coun Beautiful Phenomenon.—Last Friday afternoon, as the rain fell in torrents, and a gloomy, leaden pall seemed to cover the retreat of the departing day, the sky sud denly ^became illuminated, at first by a dul' f lare in .the Western sky, throwing a weird rown tint upon the murky clouds, quickly followed by a bright glow, coloring the en tire scene. From this, a light, purplish tint, delicately Bpnn out in its goss.mcr net work, commenced to trace its ethereal folds o’er the gorgeous scene bounded in a. beautiful vista by a magnificent rainbow high up in the heavens. This atmospher ical phenomenon was seen about 6:40 p. m. Dr. J. B. Carlton’s office which has been thoroughly remodeled, is now almost finish ed, and will be very hnndsome and complete. The first apartment upon the lower floor will he a reception room for patients, irav mediately in the rear an examinating and operating room, just above the second floor, a labratory will be established. Hamiltonian. A brother editor, attending the marraige of Clarence Stephens, Esq., to Miss Mamie .Hamilton, at "Hamilton Manor,” in Me* Duflie county, comments somewhat as foll ows : By this marriage were united the representatives of two of the first families of Georgia. The bride is lineally descended from Gen. Thomas Hamilton who was for awhile a wealthy and successful planter of Columbia county and afterwards an influen tial citizen of Athens. His descendants along with his brother, James Hamilton, likewise a prominent citizen of Athens, have ever stood in the first rank in the com munity of their residence. The very name «f Hamilton is a synonym of respectability and worth Mr. Clarence Stephens is a nephew of Hon. A. H. Stephens aud a son of Col. John L. Stephens, deceased, a promi nent lawyer, before the war, at LaGrange Ga. “Just Did Miss It.” Last Wednesday afternoon, a* per announ cement, the Athens Guards, commanded by Capt Talmadge, 30 men rank and file, pro ceeded from the monument to the Newton House, where qcite an assemblage of ladies and gentleman in the piazzas and windows of the surrounding houses was gathered to witness the drill for the red plume. Lt. Col. L. H. Charbonnier, Capt. \V. H. Flem ing, of the University battalion, and Lt’s. Bryaut, Thomas and Griffith of the Guards, acted as judges of the drill, and succeeded by their united efforts in bringing it to a rapid and graceful termination. After the first round of commands, by Capt. Talmadge, the following gentlemen were gracefully re tired ; Messrs. Davis, Allen, Moss, Fliscb, Long, Griffeth, Christy, Jackson, Wither spoon, Gardner and Tilley. The second volley was sharp quick and decisive in re sults, and laid tenderly away some of the pride and chivalry of the company, among whom Messrs. Hodgson, Kirtpatrick, Vin cent and Stovall. Messrs Scudder and Moore next bit the dust, leaving Sergeant’s Potter, Vonderleith, Hull and Sparks as the perorating quartette. These gents did well and fully sustained their martial reputa tion, tailing however, in the order above written down, the red plume was awarded to Sg’l Sparks, who has worn it since the aunual drill last year. Judge Thomas pre sented the plume in a speech xvhich was ex temporaneous and brief but which answered the purpose very nicely. It is due the Judge to state just here, that the remarks which he had neatly written off, were fa-ten- ened up in Sg’t Hull’s cartridge box, and that the Judge very naturally prefered to go stump,’’ rather than take the risk of commencing his prepared oration and being compelled to skirmish around to Sg’t Hull in the rear rank, for reference. We are confident, that the spirit of these remarks will be understood, and that the situation will at onto lie taken in by those who ex pected a finished harangue from the learned Judge. Fine Arts.—A large and valuable col lection of Steel Engravings, Chromos and Water Colors is on exhibition in the corner store in Lester’s Block, to lie sold at Auction, commencing Tuesday night Aoril 18th. This is witnout doubt the finest Election of Pictures ever in this city and i well worth the attention of our citizens. The sale is peremptory. Ladies are re- -pcctfully invited. A valuable French Plate Mirror is included in the sale. Gaii.ey & Co. Auctioneer. since Smith is ont of the field, Colquitt will have a “ walk over.” In fact, be is the only candidate apoken cfat all, in many sections; the only two papers that were kindly disposed towards Smith, which hare spoken, are the Columbus Time*, the Camilla En- terprire and the Sumpter Republican. The Time* says, in substance, “Without any consultation with the friends of Governor Smith, we frankly say, that we are veiy favorably disposed to Gen A. H. Colquitt.” The Camilla Enterprise says: “Since his Excellency has seen fit to withdraw, we shall cheerfully give whatever of influence we may possess to that honorable Christian gentleman, Alfred H. Colquitt, and in token of it, we place his name at our mast head and give three cheers for Colquitt.” The Sumpter Republican says: “lu our opinion, Gov. Smith could nave received tho nomination, had be allowed his name to go before the Convention. Now, that Gov. Smith is no longer a candidate, let us rally to that generous-hearted soldier, true patriot and Christian gentleman, Gen. Alfred H. Colquitt. He is our choice, and we believe, the choice of the people of Southwest Georgia.’’ GENERAL NEWS. Win. A Shorter, son of Eli Shorter, of Ala., seems to be the coming man for the Legislature from Fnlton county. Col. E F. Hoge and E. P. Howell, Esq., arc 1 oked upon as the most popular can didates for CongrcssL B, H. Hill, Jr., could he elected to the Legislature without doubt, if he would al low his friends to use his name. The Griffin New*, in commenting tip on Smith’s card, says: “It is one of Pete Alexander’s best jobs.” Wes. Muruhv has retired from the po- itical world and sought seclusion in a clerk ship in tlie Treasurer’s office. The Republicans here say that they will- support Joe Brown, if he will run as an in dependent candidate. Gordon Lacy. OFFICE ATHENS GEORGIAN. ANNOUNCEMENTS, Forsalcat this office a good second hand Washington hand Press, size No. 5, i. good order. Will be so!«l cheap for cash. . For sale at this office—Blank Note- waiving the Homestead Exemption. Thi form of note which we have gotten up lia been decided by some of our best lawyers as valid against the exemptions arising or to arise from any Appraisement, Stay Reliefj Bankrupt or Homestead Law whai- ever, making a mortgage upon specifi- property unnecessary Send in yonr order we are selling them cheap. ' ' For sale at this office—Blanks for Or dinaries forms prepared by Judge A. M. Jackson for twenty years or more the Or dinary of Clark County.''The forms wil. when desired be found in durable and con venient style as- Record Books for Oi- dinary’s offices. Every Ordinary should In- provided with them. It wijl save an im mense amount of writings in making the records of your office. Send in your orders, Blanks of all kinds, either unbound or bound in form of Record Books, will be furnished at most reasonable rates. Lucas «fc Ware, are now opening tlieii spring supply of elegant goods in.every variety. Ladies, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, Lace Points, Ecru Lace and Novelties, Black Goods in Grenadines of all qualities. Mourn ing Dress Goods, Crapes, Veils Hats, Ac. Large assortment of English, French and German Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which can be made up in onr Tailoring De partment in the best stylet. Trade from a distance solicited at prices toccmpete with Augusta arid Atlanta. Call and see -onr stock. Lucas A Ware aprilll.4t. Tayloiiing Establishment.—William Walseman will now be found at tht- Store of Reese A Lane, surrounded by every facility for getting up a suit of Clothes, for any gentleman wishing such a thing. Large stock of piece goods, trimmings Ac., always on hand. Prices low and all work warrant ed. Give me a call and be convinced, CAPITAL NOTES. Blodgett Balled—He Will Not be Interviewed. Colquitt’s Cbm ires Discussed. Atlanta, Ga., April 14, 1876. Though the week opened with sensations that hid fair to make this the “ news bonanza of the South” for at least two weeks to come, the “Gate City” has quieted down until it “ as dull ns a country stage when the actors are off” West, Edwards A Briscoe, have all given bond to answer the charges found liy the .Grand Jury of tills county, and are at lib erty. Tallman, the New York detective that came so near kidnapping West under a requisition from New York, has retuined, fully convinced that he has been euchred out of his prisoner. FOSTER BLODGETT, Though under indictments for Forgery, Larceny after Trust, Embezzlement, and Cheating and Swindling, has succeeded in getting his bond reduced from 817,000 to ! 15,000 and is out on bail, John L. Conley and Wallace Rhodes being his bondsmen; aud has promised his old associates and employers to keep his mouth shut for the present. This spoils tho biggest sensation that has been in onr grasp since the day of Bullock’s hegira about the new capital. Atlanta, since the failure of the last Con stitutional Convention movement, is pre paring in earnest for tho building of a new Capital. It will be remembered that the city donated tho lot now used for a City Hail and Court-house to the State and the State has accepted it. It will become neces sary when the State concludes to build a new Capital, for the city and county to procure a new building for their official and judicial purposes. It u promised that Atlanta will bay the present Capital aud use it for t hose purposes. The city already has 8180,000 interest in the building It is probable that the next Legislature will make provision for the building of a new Capitol TOE GUBERNATORIAL OUTLOOK. The publication of Smith’s card withdraw ing from the race, threw politics into such GEORGIA. FROM MOUNTAIN TO SEABOARD. Foster Blodgett, while cavorting through his native State, was arrested in Augusta last week and carried to Atlanta. His Con ley pardon was decided to be illegal but he was released on bail. He came to Georgia to lie arrested it is affirmed, and will, perhaps, a tail unfold which will harrow many a noble soul and freeze the blue blood of some of Georgia’s autocrats. A prize fight in Savannnli resulted in the death of one of the disputants. Augusta is grappling with a new factory, as a last hope. Daniel Ilabney, Esq., of Cobb county, is dead. The Rome Commercial has fallen into the voluptuous arms of the Courier. The rumor that Prof. Gober, of Marietta, is engaged, has turned out false. The Prof, is only keeping a sharp look out, that’s all. Cobb county has a gold mine. The Georgia press is sustaining Bayard. Rockdale county is developing her Sunday day school interest. Jno. H. James will probably be on hand at the celebration to hear the children sing, you know. Lott Warren, Esq., is memorial orator in Americus. Lott will make an excellent improratu address. Cowotta negroes still move to Mississippi. A photographer is sketching around Waynesboro. Burke county is writhing under the dis cussion as to the number of eggs a healthy hen can set upon. If the hen should show no disposition to spread herself, we would recommend that a keg be filled with eggs and the hen placed upon the bung-hole. How ever, we have no time to brood over this question. Cartersville men shoot marbles. Willing ham can beat any ninn in Bartow county in playing “ knucks.” Moody will visit Savannah soon. The villiage is alreadv too Sank(ev)tified to need his associate. \Ve hope good work will lie wrought during the meeting of the press convention. Cornelius Willingham wants to know what as ecru l ire. Ecru means unwashed. We refer Cornelius to his shirt collar for further explanation ot the term. Bartow county has struck copper ore. Elbert county don’t seem to be a healthy pla -e for grauges. 400 tons of fertilizers sold in Elbert coun ty this year, and still they aren’t happy, If all of our country exchanges abounded in as much local iiews as the Elberlon Gazette we wouldn’t mind building op our column, "From Mountain to Seaboard." Mrs. Selina ,\. Few, relict of the late Rev. Ignatius A. Few, the first President of Emory Colbge, died in Decatur last Friday, aged over 82 years. Mr. Alexander J. Lawton, father of Gen. A. R. Lawton, died in Savannah on Satur day morning last. Col. Randall has an awful attack ot spring fever. Friday’s Constitutionalist has exactly twenty-three lines of editorial, or Jth column. Whittle and Bliss, the great revivalists, are kicking up quite a spiritual dust in Au gusts. Shoe manufacturing is now extensively carried on in Carnesville. Hon. Wm. F. Bowers, of Bnwersville, says the Gazette, is n goaheadative man. Like the man taking (hie) one more look (hie) at the “ wolf,” Elhert county is going in for a little more cotton. As a general rule, we would advise the Griffin New* to begin a man’s name with a capital letter. However, we shall not try to make a capital of the “bantam’s” mis takes. We are now desperately prizing that scantling from onr eye, and so soon as it is accomplished, won’t we dash into Oglesby little motes with a vengeance? There is a certain fascination about smote houses and corn cribs which a Randolph county thief can’t resist. Epizooty is raging in Gainesville. LaGrange is prospering under the crown ing glories of a candy manufactory. Waterman, of the LaGrange Reporter, thinks that “the desire tu run for offiee is the worst enemy that a talented young lawyer has.” Disguised men are on the war path, Gwinnett couoty. "Shlood, logo, sbljodl” R. M. Cleveland, Fsq., former citizen of Lawrenoeville, died recently in Wartrace Tenn. Bant oT the University. Athens, April 13th, 1876.—The Annual Convention of Stockholders will he held ’INANCIAL & COMMERCIAL THE ATHENS MARKETS. Conwlti Ffetklj bj the Mtrtbais Eichcjf.. factory goods. >*to» Yarns- Si 15a0 00 Jsaabur^* 12 a 18 ; Shirting.... ..... 8 a 10 4 Sheeting,.....~— 10 a 12 PROVISION Flour 38 a 10 ora, prb’j. ..... 90a: 00 ’eai, “ - —.„.w 9Q»I 00 -leal, M 1 0<*» ooo v’heat “ - 1 40.t 1 SO •at* 8kt 1 00 •aeon, Sidra,-. 13* 14 shoulders—. 10.1 1. hams,........ 151 17 -ard, . If. a 17 risli. Potatoes.....$1 0Qa2 00 1**0* 20a 25 75al 25 20a 25 weal - Turkeys..... latter......... — — GROCERIES. 'agar, crushed— lla 16 “ A..™ lla 15 •« B lla 15 C 10a 15 Demarara.. 12jja 15 28a 33 Mackerel, >*©. l,kits._82 20 “ No. 2, Kits. ...32 05 •• No. 3, Kits.... 1 73 Salt, l>r $l 75 Chewing toltacco... 73a! 50 Stuokios coal 00 Snuff, Mnccaboy— 1 00 American, 530 00a 50 00 Havana 75 OOalOQUO AMMUNITION.’ Powder — per lb... 40a 50 Shot - ** .. 12» 15 Load “ . 106 12 Cape, per box...... 106 40 LIQUORS. Corn whiskey. —3l 25a S 10 French brandy... 4 CO* I u ?5a1 0J Holland Gin . 5 00a 8 00 *o fTce,* Rio Laguayra~. Jtva.....~~~ «a si tea, l 2Sal 50 cane......... ?5al vJ 60a 65 40a 50 20a 23 tallow 15a 20 Cheese, btate—.. 20a 25 Knglish Dairy. 25a SO Syrup, Molasses, Cuba— Candles, •penfi’— Onions, per bu 1 OOal 20 Starch- a 15 Tallow—..— 8a 10 • Rope, cotton American *»in ... 3 00a 6 00 Bourbon whiskey 2 00a 4 00 Wines - 3 OOalO 00 HARDWARE. Iron, Swedes, pr lb 8a8}6 English 4a5 Castings 6>$fcS Nails, pr keg- ..... 4 50 Cotton Cards 75:»1 00 Horse Shoes. ... 8%tl0 “ •• Nails- 20*3.7 LEATHER Hemlock 28*30 Sole Leather ....35 x40 Upr. Leather....^ G0a75 Hsrn. 44 40a50 Calfskins.-. 40 OOalOO 00 Kip Skins 50 00a 75 0u Dry Hides - 12al5 Green Hides — 5aC RAGGING, TIES, ROPK Bagging pr yd-.~~......14a1€ Ties 7a7^ 'lice, per lb- a 10 1 Rope,grass.. .20*25 THE BERliUNrS EXCHANGE. Week Ending, April 7, 1876. Receipts 156 Shipments- 237 ■^ales to Spinners 2 Market middling 11 jal2 Rain Fall 5 43.100 Highest Temperature 77 Lowest 39 Alphabetical List ot Attractive Articles Await ing your Attention. Amethyst and Aqua Marine jewelry, Ac* cordeans and Ammunition. Bridal Presents, Beryl Jewelry. Bracelets, Brooches, Badges, Bronzes, Berry Stands, Baby Pins, Banjos, Bows, Bridges and Bugles. Cameo and Coral Jewelry, Crosses, Collar Buttons, Cake Baskets, ommunion Services, Cups, Cutlery, Canes. Clocks, Chronographs, Concertiuns and Card Stands. Diamond Jewelry, Ducking Powder, Duck calls. Dram Flasks. Emerald, Etruscan and Emblematic Jewelry, Ear Rings, Engagement Rings, Eye Glasses and Eye Glass Cords and Chains, Epergncs. Filigree Jewelry, French Clocks, Fire Arms, Fancy Articles, Fifes, Flageolets, Flutes, Flutinas, Fruit Stands. Garnet Jewelry, Gold Rings, Gold goods of all kinds, Guitars, Glassware, Glove But- toners. Guns and Game Bags. Hair Jewelry. Handkerchief Rings and Holders, Harmonicas. Ivory Jewelry, Iron Safes, Italian Strings. Jet Jewelry, Jewel Stands, Jelly Spoons, Juba Dancers. Keys for Watches and Clocks, Cake, Pie, Fruit, Pen and Pocket Knives. Lava Jewelry, Lockets, Leontine Chains, Leather Guards and Looking Glasses. Matinee Chains, Marriage Rings, Magic Pencils, Musical Instruments. Nickel Jewelry, Necklaces, Napkin Rings. Onyx and Opal Jewelry. Opera Chains, Optical Goods and Fine Oil. Pearl Jewelry. Pins, Presentation Goods, Gold Pens, Pistols and Powder. Quartz Jewelry. Quizzing Glasses. Ruby Jewelry, Rings of all kinds, Reming ton Sewing Machines, Razors. Silver and Sapphire Jewelry, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Sterling Silver and Plated-ware, Spectacles and Sporting Goods. Turquoise aud Topaz Jewelry, Trinkets, Tetea-tete Sets, Type Writers. Tuning Pipes. Tooth Picks and Tuning Forks. Universal Watch Keys. . * Vest Chains, Vases, Viuiagrettcs, Violins and Violin Trimmings. Watches of all kinds, Water Sets, Wine Stands, Eley, Baldwin, Felt, Wool and Paper Wads. Xamine our Stock. You will find attentive salesmen and prices at Zero and Lower & we are always glad to see you whether you buy or not. L. Scheyenell & Co. Athens, Ga. DtNHNU ACADEMY RE-OPENED. —AT— Lester’s Hall. Messrs. A V. Rol.ison , ifc-Son have re turned to the city to renew the offer of their professional services to the citizens of Athens and vicinity, in giving instructions in the polite art of dancing. Class of chil dren and young ladies will meet on Friday afternoon and Saturday—all day. Young mens’ class will meet to-night. For infor mation in regard to terms, see circular, or apply to the undersigned, at the Newton House. A. V. Robison & Son. April 4-tC If yon want Powers «1 Weightman’s Chemicals, then go to Longs & Billups. Sept. 15—4C-tf. 3000 lbs., Stiidly Pure Lead, just received by Long* & Billups. Sept. 1.5—46-tf. BT Tho undersigned have on baud a choice lot ot Timothy Hay, which they will sell cheap for cash. GANN & REAVES. NOTICE.—CoUutry merchants and Physicians, we are now prepared to sell you all articles pertaining to the drug trade as cheap as you can get them in Georgia, freight added. Longs & Billuth. Sept. 15—46-tf. Poole & Hunt, Machinists, Baltimore —In another part of our paper will be found the busine** card of this well known house, whose manufactures arc iu use from Maine to Mexico and South America, and everywhere regarded as first-class in their design, material and workmanship. With facilities for manufacturing ami shipping largely increased and improved from year to year, they are prepared to fill all orders promptly anti will guarantee their patrons thoroughly reliable work. Those in need of anything in their line would do well to apply for their circular and prices. dee7. The Cheap and Popular Atlanta Store or Furcii- gott, Benedict & Co., No. 33 Whitehall St.—Is now offering the Largest, Cheapest, ansi best Selected Stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Hosiery ami Underwear. Novelties in Carpets. Oil Cloths, *Lain- bcrqnins. Cornices and Upholstery Goods at a saving ot 15 to 20 per cent, on each article purchased. Their Facilities nre only equaled by the Largest House.” in the Union. A call before purchasing at other houses is re spectfully solicited. N. B.—Samples sent on application. All orders over Ten Dollars, at Retail, will Iw sent free of charge to any part of the State. F., B. <fe CO. Branches— F. B. <fc Co., New York. F. B. <fc Co., Charleston, S. C. F. B. & Co., Jacksonville, Fla. [nov.l7-tf. Mb. W. A. Rix, Cutter ami Taylor, formerly of the celebrated tailoring estab lishment of Pool, of London, later of the city of New • York, is now with Mr. F. W. Lucas &, Co, where lie will be pleased to wail upon the citizens of Athens and vicin ity. April4-tf. SHALL NOW OFFER ONE THOUSAND PIECES CnOICESTAND BEST STYLES EARLY Spring CALICOES ARE READY TO EXHIBIT TO THEIR MANY CUSTOMERS, UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS In the different departments of their extensive business- Novelties of every kind and in every hue, at m ’st attractive prices, Promi nent among which are the following : Wide Hamburg Edgings and Insertings from 10c. a yard, up. Two Button real Kid Gloves, at $1.00 a pair. Three “ “ “ «« “$1.25 a pair. Fine am) Sanilsomc, all Stlk Scarfs al 25 anb 35c • Each Elegant Summer Silks, fewest Designs, from 65 to 90c. per yard. aad Summon Goods? from l*0c a yard Tt£* Eru Scarfs, Ecru Ribbons and Ecru Rtifflings ill Large Varieties. VICTORIA LAWNS. STRIPED ORGANDIES, HANDSOME PIQUES, AT LESS THAN ANTEBELLUM PRICES. Mattings from $10.00 a piece, up. Beady made Musquit© Nets Popular Prices. AT Besides the above, we are now prepared to offer full lines of other goods, such as, Men’s and Boys Ready Made Clothing, comprising Single and Double Breasted Frock Suits, Centennial Sack Suita an entire novelty. Men’s and Boys Fur Hats in newest shapes. Patent Shirts, Hosiery and Underware, Ties, Scarfs, Linen Collars arid Cuffs, etc., etc., etc- Attend Early the Grand Display at No. 5, BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. April4.ini. CROCKERY A SPECIALTY J. EL. HUGGINS. 2 '-4 H 91 t ft % IS 0 OS © 9 W M. n » B* 1 Gents Fine Low Cut Shoe in allthelead ing styles and of the best quality. Just received at Snead's. — The People Want Proof.—Thero is r.o medicine prescribed by physicians, or sold by Druggists that carries such evidence of its success and superior vir’ue as Bosciiee’s German* Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proo of that fact is that any person nffiictud, can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cen.s and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It has lately been intro duced in this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing every one that use it. Three doses will relieve any ease. Try it. Sold by marcli7. * Kx Brumby. Ever exhibited in tbi» market ut the low price of 8c. PER YARD! Parties examining these goods cannot fail to express their surprise at the Novel Designs of these Prints, Five Cases of Bleached Shirtings Ecrae Scarfs in the latest and most beautiful j>atterns. ECRU NET AND LACE. Ladies Lixen* Collars, Latest Style. High Back Combs in the Latest Designs. New Supply of Patent Shirts. —ALL AT— UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. DAVIS RECEIVED TIIIC IIKIHEST awards at tiik late state faiil PBOTOCBAF8E8 ATHENS. <3rJ±- Tllti LARGEST axd bust elegant gallery in tiie state, WITH TIIE BEST OPERATORS. Clarke County. EXECUTOR’S SALE. B y virtue of an order from the hon- uruble Court ol Ordinary of Clarke County- lilies to n«o for Letter, of Admitiistrati-n 1 On., for leave to sell the perishable proportyof Mra (will, tiie will annexed) on tiie estate of Roderick Hill ! Saruh S. Hamilton deceased, will be aold on Tueaday late of said county deceased: j the I8th day of April, within the legal hours of sale, These arc therefore to ci e mid Admonish all con- : before tho Court House etoor, the following property to- ccrucd to show can-c (if any they have) nt mv office. ! wit: One Bay Mare, One one liorso Phaeton and har- idaj " ” ‘ 1 ' Oconee County. GEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY. y^fHEREAS, ISAAC LOWE AP-1 . . /office. on or be fore the first 'Monday in May next, why said letters should not bo granted. Given uuder ray hand at office, this 1st day of April, 1878. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. apriU.4t. GEORGIA—OCONEE OUNT.Y. . W HEREAS,GEORGEE. GRIFFETH Administrator James L. Griffeth de- ceased applies to inc lor letters of dismission from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern ed, to show cause (if any they have) at my office, on or before the first Monday in May next why said lcttlers should not be granted.’ Given under my hand at office tho 31st day of January 1878. lebl.Om. J. B- LYLE, Ordinary. No. 5 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. janll-ly Call at J. C. WILKINS & CO., If yon wants You Have no Excuse.—Have you any excuse fur suffering Avith Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint? Is there any reason why you should go on from day to day complaining with Sour Stomach, Sick Head-achei Habit ual Costiveness, palpation of the Heart, Heart bnrn, Water-brash, Gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue, and disagreea ble taste in the mouth. Coming up of food after eating. Lew spirits, Ac. No! It is positively your own fault if you do. Go to your Druggist R. T. Brumby and get a hot tie of Green’s August Flower for 75 ceuts yonr cure is - certain, but if you doubt this, get a sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Two doses will relieve you. "March-7 R. T. Brumby. A. WILLIAMSON, PRACTICAL AND JEWELLER, tiie Director’s room on Monday the 24th inst., WATCHMAKER A. M. n ..... P.A|.r At Dr. King’a Drugstore, Broa.l Street, Athens, Ga. •no.. A ‘ r * - L,EAEIJ '°> '-astuer. I All work done iu a superior m-JUner and H-arr..mol to 1 give aatiafaction. Jan. S—tf. NO. 1 COOK STOVE, AND TIN WARE OF ALL KINDS, CHEAP FOR CASH. Roofing and Guttering a Speciality. Sept. 15,1675. 46-«i GREAT P OR CASH IN HAND, I WILL SELL TWO FIRST Class Pianos, lower than they were ever offered before in this section. Here are the figure*: A 7J OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, carved legs, elegantly finished. Maker’s price WOO— will be sold for 1315.00. A 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, carved legs, elegantly finished. Makers price fiiOO— will be sold for (350.00. These Piano* are new and from first-class makers, and will be guaranteed. Very low rates for half cash and balanoo in twelve months. Send for catalogue and price list, to roarchlLtt T. A. BURKE, Athens, Ga. For Sale. 4 100 Gallon Stilt; with Cap an • V ortn complete) Apply toSamtncy. Hutcboso-- & Belt, or John H. Newton. Jane 2,£875. \ |31-t ucss, One One Horse Wagon and harness, and one fine Milch Cow, with calf. Term* on the day of sale. JAMES 8. HAMILTON, Executor. apri!4.*2t. DEBTOR’S AND CREDITOR’S NOTICE ( v soroia Clarke Coukty.—All persons having de- ■, mands against tho estate of Sarah S. Hamilton, late of Clarke conuty deceased, are hereby notified and required to present them properly atteated, to the tra der-igued within the time prescribed bylaw, and all persons indebted to aaid deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to the nndereigned. JAMES S. HAMILTON, Eicon tor. npril4.6t. OCONEE SUPERIOR COURT NOV. TERM 1875. Mazy Livutuarox, > Libel for Divorce. Sidnlt Ltvixqstox. ) T APPEARING TO THE COURT _ that Sidney Livingston, defendant docs not reside in the County of Oconee, and it further appearing that lie resides without the limits of the State. It is there fore or tered that service be perfected upon said de fendant by publication onco a month fur four months iu the Athens GOurgian, a paper published iu the City of Athens, Georgia. J. R. LYLE, Plaintiff's Attorney. Granted—GEO. D. RICE, Judge S. C. C -V EORGIA—OC1NEE COUNTY.—Clvbks Omcr. K Site Rim ( ou.:r.—I, J. M. A. Jo nson, Clerk of the Superior Conr: of said County, do hereby certify that the above order was granted nt tho Novembertorm 1875 of the Superior Court of said County of Oconee. Given under my official signature, this 28th January 1878. fcbt.mSm. J. M. A. JOHNSON, Clerk. Hart County. HART SHERIFF SALE. W ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE Court-honse door, in tiie town of Hartwell, Hart conuty, Ga., on the first Tuesday in May next, t he following property: Twenty ncreaollnnd,moreor less, lying in said county, on the waters of Lightwood- log Creek, adjoining lands of James B. Alford, J. R. Cochrane and Elizabeth Stowers, levied on as the prop erty of Elizabeth Stowers to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court or said county, returnable to March term, 1874. in favor ofC.M. Lowe vs. Elizabeth Stowers and J. 11. Skelton, Secretary. ApriH SOd. W. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. 1717 HE REAS, Leonabd Scbevknell, t v applies to me for lettera of guardianship of the persons and property of Lncy C. Akin and Alida T. Akin of said county, Orphans (under 14 years old) of Henry M. Akin, deceased. Theso are therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned, to show canse at my office, on or before the first Monday in May naxt, why aaid letters should not be granted. Given’ under my hand at office thia 27th day of March 1878. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. ■nareli28.30d. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEEEAS, JOEL A. BILLUPS, GUARDIAN OF V V Susan Holmes Taylor, orphan ot Richer.I D. B Taylor, deceased, applies to me for Lettera of Dismis sion from said Guardianship— ■ These are therefore, to cite and admonish al) concerned to show cause, at ti.y office, on or befor the first Mon day in Mny next, why said Eetti r» should not he granted. Given under my liand,atoffioe, this 21st day of March, 1876. ASA M: JACKSON, Ordir mar.2S-S0d. na y. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, HAWKINS TAYLOR, (oul’d,) applies to tnc for letters of Guardianship of the persons and property of Emma Freeman and Lather Freeman, (coi’d,) of said county, orphans of Samnel Freeman, (col’d.) late of said county, deceased— Theso are therefore, to cite and admoni all con cerned to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Monday in May next, why said Letters should not begranted. , ' Given under my hand, at office, thi* 7di day of Man. 1876. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. mar21-30d. Pall and Winter Millinery Goods, Una. T. A. Adzes would most respectfully inform the Ladies of Athens and of counties adjacent, that she has now received and opened a most choiue and select ss- sortmenl of Spring and Snmmer Millinery Goods, com prising in part the latest style* and fashion* of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Gloves, &c., Which she will sell at reasonable prices. Give her call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a dia tance corcfblly filled. Store located on Broad street, one. door above National Bank. - -V. April 21,1875-25-tf. FOR SALE! A FIRST CLASS PIANO AT REASONABLE terms. Apply to Mrs. WM. . KUuY BROUN. CLARK SUPERIOR COURT FEB. TERM 1876. Enwzsn Houroox,) vs. > Libel for Divorce. Fiusx Houmoos. ) T APPEARING TO COURT BY THE return of the Sheriff, that the Defendant in the above stated com resides oat of the Countyof Clarke, and it further appearing that aim resides out of the State of Georgia, it is ordered by the Court that said Defendant appear and anawer at the next term of thia Court, else toe case be considered in delimit, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed: and it is fhrthar or dered that thi, rutebepublizhod in the Athena Georgian ouee a month lor four months; Granted. GEO. D. BICE, Jndge 8.5. T. W. RUCKER, Attorney for Plaintiff. A true oxtreet from the minutes of February Term, 187C, of Clarke Superior Court. fcb22m4m. JOHN I. HUGGINS, Clerk. G EORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY.—Whercia Wil liam A. Hemphill, Administrator of William Wood, late of said county, deceased, applies for lettera ot dis mission from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned to show cause (if any they have) at my office, »u or before the first Monday in May next, why said letters should not ho granted. Given under my hand at office, I this the 27th day of December, 1875. ' jan4.3m. ASAM.JACK80N, Ordinary. n ■HB