The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, April 18, 1876, Image 4

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W PHOSPHATE Cofeiks, BcbiaxiOasss PICTURE FRAMES AND MOLDINGS. janSS-ly BARGAINS FOR CA8II TIIEY ARE HAVEBEEN (Awarded this "year to BRADLEYS PHOSPHATES for excellence of qual ity over all others. Capital Invested, over ONE Million Dollars. FAMILY BIBLES. f CAN SELL BETTER BARGAINS IN FAMILY Bibles, Ilian soy travelling Bible Agent. Try inl and be convinced. A Snperior Qanrto Bible, ten engravings, fine Fsmily Rtconl, luge new type, $3,00. A Bible samn as the above, with Apocrypha, Con- eordnnee and Paalms in Metre 85.5 >. A beautiful Quarto Bible, 'with full comprehensive history of the Bible. Coneordnno: *c., SI large illustra tion, gilt back and sides 84.50. On-irto Bible, same as the above, with Apocrypha, fMX). i .utorial Quarto Bibles, 500 illustrations Apocrypha, oomplete Bible Dictionary, history of tlie Bible, eoo- cordsnoe. Psalms, Ac., 8G.50. Pictorial QnarU- Bible, same os tbe above, with heavy gilt clasp, 87.50. Pictorial Quarto Bibles, name as the above, and ar ranged for aisle- n family photographs, 83.00. - T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer. marehl-UL PT7BLIC AS SUPERIOR BOOK AGENTS AND GOOD SALESMEN Are “COINING MONEY” with the famous DIDA DESIGNS, The French Edition of which sells for 8155, and the London Edition for 8300. Onr Popular Edition (5.56), containing over One Hundred foil-page quarto plates, is the cheapest and moat elegant publication in America, and tha but to sell. Critics via with each other in >rai«ing it, and the masses bay it. Agent in Charleston. S. C., reports 97 orders; one in Ninety-Six. 8. C., 103; one in Va„ S47; another in Msm-his. 200 orders, taken in three weeks. Fall particulars free. Address. J.B. huKD A CO., Publishers, NovSdtfw. 27 Park Place, New York. TO ANY OTHERS J. R- CRANE, Cotton Gins, Fresf PORTABLE ENG-INE^ Mowers, Reapers, Threashebs, & c * DEUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS, GEOKOU- June 23, 1875. ijj&jL:. ■ It is lamentable to think that so many young ladies of comparatively good bring ing up, will alter their forefinger becomes girdled with a pearl engagement ring, be come so unladylike as to keep c.mtinimlly poking it in everybody’s five with whom they come in contact, LEGAL BLANKS, Neatly printed and for sale at this office. Editor. LONGS & BILLUPS, Bft*sG€iS?s km e»£#tsf§ Litth They were standing where a brook, bending like a aheplierd’s crook. Flashed it* silver; and thick ranks of green willow fringed its hoi.ks, ..... , Half l" t- o’t and half in play, Katie Ice and »illir Gray. They h id cheek* like cherries red; he was taller, most ahead. She, wit'i -tith like wreathes of snow, swung a bosket to and fro, (As thrv loitered in their play) chattering with W’illie Gray. ‘•Prct , •' Kstie,” Willie said, and there came a dash of red Thro’ . .. urownness of bis check, “ boys arc stron/- and girls am weak, And I’ll curry, so I will, Katie’s basket up the hill.” Katie answered wiih a langli, “ yon shall carry only half." Then said, (loasing back her carls,) “ boys are weak a- well ns girls,” Do yo" I'-inlr Katie gu ased, half the wisdom she ex pressed? only after all; And, vears from that day, K itic Lee and Willie Gray Stood bvm..e toe little brook, bending like a shepherd’s crook. It is strange that Willie said, while again a flash of red Crowned the brownnoss of his cheek, u 1 am strong and yon are weak. Life is but a slippety steep, bnng witli shadows, cold and deep; Will you love mo, Katio dear t Walk beside me without tear I May I carry if I will, all your burdens up the bill 1” Aud slic answered with a laugh, “No, but you may cany half!” Close beside tlie little brook, bending like a shepherd's crook, Working with its silver hands, late and early in tho sands, Stands a cottage, where to-day, Kultic lives with Willi Gray. In the porch site sits, and low swings a basket to aud fto, Vastly different from the one that swung in years agonc; This "is loug, and deep and wide, aud lias rocker- at the side. GRANG DISSOLVED BONE! 1 S- D- MITCHELL, Local Agent, Athens, 6a. r RESPECTFULLY REFER TO THE ANALYSIS OF CARGO NOW IN STORE A at Savannah: ANALYSIS BY PROF. Soluble Phosphoric Arid.... Pereip.tuled Phosphoric Acid lnsoiub.e Phosphoric Acid Ammonia Certified to by LAND. 10.45 1.S0 0.98 . 8.10 W. J. LAND, Analytical Chemist. Dept. Agriculture, State of Geoijgia. Call on Me and get Circulars- Col T J. SMITH Muster of the State Grange, endorses it. Every one who uses it wants it again. THERE 18 NONE JlKTftK, icn but riw as Goon. . THERE is NONE AS CHoAP, either for cash or for time, wiien actual value u considered. g. D . MITCHELL. 1 i.,. lib a, won a,, s. J>. MTC1IH.L, aii»s a.. l«i a«« « tg „lni the latronoge of tue Grangers in this vicinity. "• MOslSa, "reveling Agent. Athens, G*., Jau. 28,187ri. and solicit for ling A [febl-8m] PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS AND PUTTY, PAINTS; OILS, VARNISHES, PAIN1 tb VARNISII BRUSHES, WHITEWASH BRUSHES, ANILINES. INTERESTING LK1T1.R FROM COUNTY. CRARKK WanlO Fertilizer % AciD PhqspkatE! HIE FIRST FERTILIZER, MADE FROM SOUTH CAROLINA PHOSPHATES. Equal to any Fertilizer in Ordinary Seasons, and Superior to any in a l)ry Season. yfr vtq jyj £g a £3Bj3£ < CT33£^gS3£S3}3& t COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO, WHEAT AND ALL OTHER SMALL GRAIN CROPS, IlV *» MM A.TP K For Composting with Cotton Seed, Stable Manure, and other Farm Products, Yielding Amooia. The Wando Fertilizer and Acid Phosphate, inning been le.ted by some ot the best formers in this section for the last five or six years, can be safely guaranteed. SST For prices and Cotton Option at 15c. call upon J. H HUGGINS, Agent, No. 7, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. WITTE BROTHERS, General Agents, Charleston, South Carolina. Marchl-LSm. GRASS AND GARDEN SEEP, FINE TOILET SOAPS, FINE WINES, WHISKIES AND BRANDIES, for Medicinal Purposes. S & ty| IampulatdD Gu A 8 On time Payable Nov. 1st., with Option English hair, nail <t- tootii paying in Middling Cotton at 17c pep nftll BRUSHES, " U|] ' ENGLISH, FRENCH & AMERICAN HANDKERCHIEF EX1RACIS, HARD RUBBER TRUSSES, LONDON SUPPORTERS, FLA VO RING EXTRACTS, SODA, QELLATINEy Price $70 Per To For Further Particulars apply to Hunter & Beusse, Agents febl5.2m. Athens, s ’S Pardon of the North Georgia Prisoners. DO YOU WANT A GOOD PUMP? Buy Beans Double Acting Stone Force Pump. Ci.akke County, Ap il 0,1870. To the Edttor of the Atlanta Times: In Tuesday’s edition of your excellent journal, we notiec an extract from a letter ) of the Augusta Chronicle ami Sentinel pertainin'; to tlie pardon of the North Georgia distillers. Great credit is certain- ly due that gallant soldier and true Sot th em patriot, Gen. L J. Gartrell, lor his cflbrtsin behalf of these unfortunate cilizei s i who in reality are “nit re sinned against j than sinning.” Oar people are tcady and willing to applaud and upitold any mail who will thus interest himself in behalf ot a suffering class and an outraged section That people arc not all of them in 1 noceiil of tlie charges preferred, we are ; well aware, but that in many iusiauccx their i eiimes are magnified in the eyes ot tin Federal oflici:.1 , or commit-cd under ign.n- anre of their real imia-.vfulness, cannot b. d nie I; and in the untiring effort* of Gen. G-rtiell and our able : nd cfficici t r-pro s nlii.ive, lion B li. till, we rtcognize the elein. tit s of justice co died in liimi.-’.nity. This move, however, uasorigi nted, un Engine, tier n- believe, about two years ngo, and s outing : r * , ‘" 1 ‘ 1C ,,n: the idea of detracting in tlie least from the honor and credit of the above niiineo patriotic gentleman, il is hut just to<a' vour attention to resolution No. 17, an- , - i t ........ ..I to- i , ,• -m-h a 1‘umii,.). « . G1LLELAND, Agent at CapLS. ]>lo\(d J.I..U.H) -4, 18i4, (sec lop J ot the I ^ MitchelV, li r Street, Alucus, Ga.. would b. Ads Mill 1u'mjIuUgiI> Ot the General As- I l .n*u>cd to nerve you iu that liue. Satisfaction guar rent lor a Power Pump iiuulc o» it her Lever or Rotary m-Aiou, foi Miuiug purposes, moving from 4 minute, liriui'ing the water from bot- memher light drafied and introduced by A« ^ ** Dr. II. II. Carlton, ot Clarke, and placud in the hands ot* Senator Gordon lor con* 1 limit PRICES EXPLODED! L. P. Q. S. ONE THAT AT THE start bring* the water pare, fresh a nd cool, as . it is in your well. No : * tale water standing in ) it. Noslime or film col* < led* on or in it. | No snail * or worm* i from w o o Jo n pip- hqf. Is free from rust or •tlier impurities, and iscliaiye* toe water nidi f.fttcr than any .er Pump. It works .ill case—a sinali cLi d .11 operate it. It is ol ioiie, glazed on inside tin! outside glass, .ml e.mrn.t wear out or :»cay. Tborougnly ven iiaLs your well, airs nc water, an 1 makes it like livin.:', moving water. Improves t It e water morp t m’i if there w.i* no Pump in the well. un nose attach ed, it becomes a Fire ur door, reducing tlie risk from premium on insurance, is easy to keep iu repair and works wit.i two-Iuirds tlie power required, i>\ any other Pum of mono capacity. Gives umversa. *atisiaction, ns all our uumeioas patron* in this cit\ ami State will cheerfully attest. 1» u huine enterprise, liermaDently estuhhsi.ea. Relies on its own merit*, and through them nsks >onr patrouage. If you wan AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE, 265 Broud Street, G. O. nOUIXSON. | LUDDEX & B.VTF.S. G. 0. B.OBINSjN Si GO. WILL SELL ONE HUNDRED PIANOS, — AT — LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. FOK SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS, ARRANGED to suit ull rcsiMjiisiblc parties. Country Merchant and Physicians Will find it to their advantage to SITE US A CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE! We buy direct from the manufactories, and thus we are enabled to sell very low. jan4-tf ETIWAN FERTILIZERS. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT, AND GUARANTEED At. ETIWAN GUASO, NONE BETTER. SUITABLE FOR AI L CROPS. ETIWAN DINNOLVED BOAE, THE HIGHEST GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE IN MARKET, compose 1 with eqnal weights of Cotton Seed (or its equivalent of Stable Manure), makes tlie most Reliable aud Economical FERTILIZER, for geu]ral use. ETIWAN CHOP EOOD,oi> CIIE.VIM ALS, A CONCENTRATED COMPOUND OF POTASH AND (29 per cent.) SOLUBLE ACID PHOSPHATE, fur Composting. 500 lbs., with 1,500 lbs. Cotton Seed, or its equivalent of Stable Manure, gives one ton of Fertilizer, -* a cash outlay of $14.40. Specially adapted to Corn or Cotton. PRICES IN CHARLESTON, a C.: \ 06 C “ U M Noremi^' 187 8 J. 6 - m 21. > ID. oa«*. \ ( 07 00 with Cottmi (lie.) Oi.tion, 1st Nov., 1876. »pin ptiocpit 4 $55 00 Caftli on Iftt of April, 1876. ACID 1HOSPIIAIL, J 40 00 “ on 1st November, 1876. ( 00 with CoUoit (15e.) Option, 1st Nov., 1876. ( *!*» 50 Ciw*' per bbl. on 1st April, 1876. ■< 8 O'* 44 44 44 on 1st November, 1876. ( t» 5*> with Cotton (15c.) Ontion, lftt November, 1876. Having used sixteen of the most popular Fertilizers on nv Cotton Crops, an tbun .l toe KT1W AN preparutiona fully equal to any, ami tar»ii|>erior to most <»f them, 1 can co:*scitutioimly and cufidcntly rcco.nmend their use, rill be glad to furnisli all seeking a ndkih!:* Fertilizer. EDWARD DAN CROFT, Agent. i c " 19 Sm . No S Broad fttreet. Athens, Ga. s.'inhlv of that year.) This resolution, eon- i oime.i. lie is ul>o Agon , ;. A . * name pnncipk, witu mplating the twine purposes as the petition u u iin> a d, Factory, «.r Mb, now under consideration, was, it* we re* j u*so Gulion>pc- LiTTLE GIANT VILLAGE FIRE ENGINE, throwing stream 153 feet on level. Call on and exa* \fter repeated j mine or uduress « I J. W.G1LLELAND, Agent, itnu in y , ulll, ! ^ Ca| rt# s. 1>. MitcJid’s, suecesMira to Pittard, Miteke Lao: & l;o., liiouii St., Athens, Ga. inarchzS.6iu. siiinnc tion at Washington. :ip]ilie:ition lor Executive Gordon wrote that he had every reason t hope that the purposes ot' the measure j -— — — would be subset ved ; hut, for reasons known A tear (led the Highest Medal at Vienna. only to our wise and eifi. Sent President, no ] ,, » Wiiavv c action was ever taken With the lecollec- E. & 11. 1. A A 1110 A I & CO., tion of the former efforts in his mind, how- j o'Jl Broadway, New York. ever, we hope that Grant will be indue, d (o,,,.. Mctrolxrfiua llutri.) to favorably consider the noble and cuev- MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTEltS.t DEALERS 1> getic efforts ot Gen. Eiieius J. Gartn-II and lion. B. li. Hill, the gallant soldier and patriotic statesman, the ehivalric and the true. It isot course the wish of ihc Ninth District, and ot the entire State, that eleni- eiiey may lie meted to < ur unfortunate cits - . ifc-us, and that the praise worthy hiovq con- j rllOtOUl (It)lllC AlulCI'ltllS ccivcd by Carlton, ol Clarke, i.* ’74 may be 17 M consumma.ed in ’7G. t We arc llc-ailqnartcr- lor even thing In tlie way of Ninth District. Sterecpticons and Magic Lanterns, Fifty to One Hundred Dollars Saved by pchchasingjat the AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE. SiX OF THE BEST MAKERS ARE REPRESENTED Every Instrument warranted to be a permanent ad* vertiriemeut of Superiority and Excelenee. I^Largest Stock—Lowest Prices •urchaaing largely for Cash, enables us to sell at prices tlmt Defy Competition. Special Inducements! ■IANOS AT NEW YORK LOWEST PRICES. WITI. a good Stool and Cover, forwarded to anv iioint, frii.Mit mkl. fnr CIIROM OS AND FRAMES, | STEREOSCOPES and VIEWS. | Albums, Graphoscojies, and Suitable Vieict Being Manufacture!- of tlie MICRO-SCIENTIFIC’ LANTERN, STEKEO-PANO 1TICON, l-MVKRMTY STEKEOITICON, AD VERTISER'S STEKEOPl'lCON, AKTOPTI- CON, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN, PEOPLE’S LANTERN. EaeN -lylc bt iug the lx‘-t of its elasa in tlie market. Catalogue, of Iatntems and Slides wit,. eUrection- foi using -cut on uiqiiivation. jao4.6ai. A L.-np Your Story. There is a young gentleman in this town who is IihiUh) tpnn n.« a sort of umiiaii- hater, Hiid who, it is was ht-licved. until r> - centlv, would not nmrry the haudsoine.-T and l>e.-t woiiiiiii on earth, if every hair in her head wits a Kohiimor dininuml. It be ing leap year, sonte young Indies eoneluilod to pm up a job on this young man. and ar ranged it for one of their number to propose marriage to him, woile the otln rs watch, d the tun through holes bond iu the |nr:iii< n. The gentleman was invited to rail ni tlie the house of the young lady who un- to do the proposing, and «m the designated even ing he was there seated in the parlor, while : the accessories to the pl< l were stationed at their eyeholes. A ter some desultory con versation ahum the weather ami tlie cluh parly, the young lady suddenly dropped on her knees before the genflemnn. and in en dearing terms declared her passion : “Darling.” she said, “ I long have loved thee, lul the ciuel conventionalities of socie ty have forced me to conceal nty passions. Leap year, which gives to oppressed woman one blessed privilege, is now he p, and 1 takeadvan'ag of it to tell thee I ndutv tltee. Look not thus coldlv <>n me, dealest; spurn me not front your presence. Bee me on my bended knees imploring that you will not rURtllTURH WAREHOUSEl say that thou wilt he mine; mine, only mine, fntever and for aye.” Contrary to expectation, the gentleman displayed not the 1. a-t astonishment during the foregoing recital, and when it was concluded he went over to the stove, ami touting his hands tinder his coat-tails, thus replied: “I’m told your dad owis a hundred shares of North Carson, aud tlmt you’ve got two brindle bull dogs in your own right and without incumbrance; likewise I ant inform ed that you are a good hand at making slap jacks and biscuit; that you don’t chaw gum, which, by the way, is powerful expensive these hara times. In view of these facts I consent, and leave it to you to name the d*y.” Horrified, the lady tried to explaiti that it was all a joke, but the gentleman would not accept any such explanall n, and threatens n breach of promise suit unless she fulfills her promise, in which event he will summon the peepers as witnesses.—Austin ( Nee. ) Reveille. co co N H P? f=) P5 i—■ 3 § < CO Vi » PI freight paid, for Cut. ROBINSON V1LL A1.SO 8EI.LTWO HUNDRED ORGANS FOK Small Monthly Puyineuts. V LARGE ASSORTMENT! LOWEST PRICES! Funr of the best Makers nro represented, including Mason fi amlin Ops, New Styles J.F.WI> X & C< ) u mssus E5CK £AR53, B20AS tT.. AtaXXG, OA J. Superiority Everywhere Acknowledge< FIRST PRIZE AWARDED AT THE “WORLD’ Fair,” in Faria, lfc67; at tbe “Vienna Exj^fti- tion,”187S; and at tne receut Expoaltion, 1675, at Ljttl, Austria. They l»av« alivayn re* _ eviveu tha Menials iu vouijeti* tion with the celcb ated European makers. G. O. HOHIN^ON CO., W uol ftole .Soutuern Ai'ents. L l*- Q S AUGUSTA MIT81U HOUSE 265 Broatl street. MUSICAL lXSl’LUAI.XTS IN EVERY VARIETY. MUSIC BOOKS AND SHEET MUSIC. Til »ie-t Pabhvation-. iiit ie received every d.i\ bv M j .r Express. Orders promptly filled bv fcbi5.18. C.6.u. G. O. ROBINSON Ji CO Eastirn Seed Potatoes. E ARLY ROSE, Sweet and Best Crop PINKEYE, Good Bearer. PEA CII BL O IF, For Eding. ALSO CLOVER SEED. Prime• N. Y. State. ORCHARD GRASS, « HERLONG COTTON SEED BANCROFT'S PROLIFIC Cotton Seed. In Store and to etrive. For uie by EDWARD BANCROFT (24 per cent, soluble,) ' CHEMICALS, j In bb!s. of 250 lbs. each. L. SCHEVESELL. L. SCHEV KNELL & CO. BROAD STREET, ATHENS. G\. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AUD PLATED WARE. GU S, P8TOLP, AMMTJTsTTTCXN’. Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, Having BEST WORKMEN, we are prepared to do REPAIRING IN SUPERIOR STYLE. WE MAKE A 8PECIALTT OF S I S* V li El AND ii O a* D PLATING, And all work of this kind, such as Forks, Spoons, Watches. &c., plated by us, warranted equal to that done by anv establishment in the country. PRICES REASONABLE- J. II. HUGGINS. H AVING just returned from the Northern markets with a large stock of bought at low prices, is selling goods in ltis line 25 per cent cheaper than* fore. He is making a speciality of Crockery. Glassware. Lamps and Oils, J. H. HUGGINS, Sells tlie best Kerosene Lamp Oi! at 25 cents per gallon, Sells common Cups and Saucers at 25 cent- per set. Sells common Glass Tumblers at 25 cents per set, Sells common Glass Goblets at 50 cents per set, Sells common Plates at 40 to “t o cents per set. Sells tho best Granite Plates at 75 cents to §1.00 per set. Sells the best Granite Cups and Saucers at 9o cents to §1.00 a set Sells Kerosene Lamps at 25 cents to $10.00 each. , J. H. HUGGINS, Has a lot of Beautiful China Tea Sets, Has a lot of Fancy and Plain Chamber Sets, Has all kinds of Crockery and Glass Ware, Has all kinds of Lamps, Burners and Chimneys, lias a large stock of Family G.oceries, Has a large stock <> Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. J. H. HUGGINS, Sells Canned Goods, Sardines, Oysters, Tomatoes &c., &c, Sells Sugar of all grades Coffee, Lard and Cheese, Sells Bacon, Flour, Meal, Soap and Starch, Sells Liverpool and Virginia Salt, Syrup and Vinegar, Sells Lime and Cement, Cuba and Common Molases, Sells Bleaching, Calico, Factory Sn ipe* and Checks, Sells Factory Jeans, Plains, Shirting and Osnabtirgs. J. H. HUGGINS. Sells Knives and Forks, Spoons and Pocket Cutlciy, Sells Boots, Shoes, Hats, Harness and Leather, Sells Buckets, Brooms, Tubs and Oil Cans, Sells Baggin, Ties, Rope, Hoes, Axes and Traces, Sells the Virginia Woolen Cashimere, oh it is so nice, Sells many other goods too numerons to mention, Sells goods at low prices, ga. and see for yourself. t£» 03 Si £2€2 £3 C3 ^ a DON’T FORGET THE PLACE, Go to , J H HUGGINS’, ‘siioiby UT - ,,a * r ‘siuogy “03 y HHftLId *D *f bo ‘«jsn2ny ‘siua3 v puauao “OO V NOSA\3HXVIk O T 'Io.Ioq pu.upujj jno.( }v pai3Ai| p ’sitioo <:[ ju 1107703 Su|[ppij^ u; 2ui.Cwl [0 suoiido qii.w ‘i-DJ0)ut tnoiprw *02.81 ‘Joqiua.vojj jo 73[ oip a*i| oppiA'c.l sapig ann'x aoavno jo aaad Axio hhx ni xoaaa yo xvoa anv xv ciaaaAiiaa uoiido noitoa 30j nii.w ‘ouijj, ‘35ci|.l-oi|j piay punodmoQ OQ-gg * -• ‘i|BB3 ‘oici|.l-ot|j piDy punodmoQ 00*011 ‘uo|7<lo‘U07703 oqi i|7ia\ ‘auij^’oaBnf) ogiDBj appuog 00 SH : -‘qsr<) ‘oueno ogiDBj aiqiq.K? ■ vi o ho x o ‘Fiisnpnv xi ssoiuh •Q98i mi aaionaoHXNi • 4 osn 111 s.i3znn.iaj auuuloj isoui pau isoduoio oqx aaas noxxoo iixiay onllsojkoo hoa ‘HVHdSQHd 013V 0KM03 OKU 0(1103 3IJI3IJ 313(1103 . #i OMIOYI , £ V1^ BF.ST! use T Wi; BRADLEY’S FETflZIfe MATERIAL ALL WHO HAVE r Et Them, apeak of them in tbe higbett Term* of Praise, AND THE Mannfactarer will use hi- b;-it endeavor*, TO ADVANCE the reputation they have already acquired on their merit* alone. THREE HIGHEST Oct. 6—49—tf. No. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ill .ND RETAIL IARDW1RI IKON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes Horse-Shoe Nails. w o o tst s, IMPLEMENTS, THE AND IN THE MOST IMPROVED MANNER. .' i- M MILBURN A(BEICPLfUPAL Carriage and Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Hubs, Spokes, Buggy Wheels, Axles, Spffl Ac., Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Belfo w5 - Vices, Holhiw-ware, Ac. Also, Manufacturers Agents for the Sale of the WINSHIP GTNt Brinley’s Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’ Standard Scales, Circular Sa*\ fi®* Any article in our line not in stock will be ordered when desired, with the Iwlp* delay. Call and examine our stock and prices. June 16,1875. T. If. HJTCttESOX. SUMMEY, HUTCHESON & BEU WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS’ MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF