The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, April 25, 1876, Image 4

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' ■ igji ; *• NU feprtipwsfei AT ARLINGTON. »T 1 <U 8- KAXBALL. On the d»y that thj j. .vj* of the Felerd ,«ol tier- baric tat A liu^tou were me i.wse-l. a few year* -v*. » nu ubcroi 4 ladle* entered UutMUMJ' ' LONGS & BILLUPS, I. J B K BA L r r E RMS! :WHOL Xo *--ZOT> EETiilL^; u jjn tue Federal graves wore found piled upon ii.e in iu iJ* w iere reposed the thirty Conte terete*. V\ not In, . darnel, usturu .ul -W.uieJ: us.., u.ul two GRANS DISSOLVED BONE! imu aer ovra nau w to yeJoim. T.w broken coin n.», rcirc 1 in air To min wl*o mmleour eou tiry ^rcdt, Can nim»t owt itaauadow wucre To j vicujoj of a grani «ie«|U»r, In long, .o.ig ranks of deut i uwa.t Tne ins*, *oui ir>un}», t.ic^mcut San. Wu.cuco ne for a.i. and, >0011 or late, Wil* co.ue for Ukmo -t A. ington. S- D- MITCHELL, Local Agent, Athens, Ga. In that vast sepulchre rcjKwe The thou.-muda reaped iro n every fray; Tue Men in B uo wa*o oaeo uprose lu o ittle front toa.u.le t .cir n»o*— file Sp.iit iu Ruiur who wore tue Grey. Tne vouibuio’cr, the ocai..-..iL done, lu s»u.u.ncr b».iXe or \V nuer »uow* T •«> ke. p tiie truce ut Arlington. 10.45 1.30 o.u« And almost lost in myriad giaves Of 1110*4 wh j gained ta’ a.*eqjal fight. Are uiuumia i.»ui imle Con fell lute oraves \> no reek not hew tue .Noitn w*n.. raves, In mi} or (.iiuiiint ni^hi. O'er tiio^ wnolo-taud t.ioac wo.i, Death ho.ds no parley w.iicn w-»— Jeaovuo juogea Ariiuglou ! The dead had ra*t; the dove of piece liruoaed o’ei bo .1 Willi tq «a» wings. To b >ui null comv tout grvut surafcic, Toe ta*t o onij O.iiiL re*cane t’ro.ii mi me Wor.U’a delirious slings. To bug.e deaf mid »;gna. gun, Tue* slept, like nef^cs o. o.d Greece, Beueatn tiic glebe ut Arhngion. And iu the Spring's heningnant reign, Toe sweet M.*y wo*t n-r narpo»^; Tcue uug Her euoir a toriiiuig sii'ani Ot jubilee to mini aud main, Slue Uancen Ul emerald uuw.i the lines. Denying laigess to 11 ue, due *uw uo oin’creiiee iu the signs Th it told wnoslept at Ariiugio... 8jo gave her grasses aud her showers lu ull (time wno dreamed iu dust, Her song-bird.* wove their damty bowers Amid tue jasmine buds and fiowera. An l p pea *.»n uu nnparti U trust. Walls of tue uir atnl iiturral sun ! Tiieir gutiediiess giees were kind and just To friend una ioe at Arlington. And ’mid the generous Spring there came dome woman of tne land, w..oa.r..\c To make this funeral fleiu of mine Goal as the May God’s u.Lr tl .me, With rosy wrcalus of mutual love, t! mniudi'ul who uad lost or won, T.iey seor.ici tue jargo.i of a nu r.e— No Nort«i, no douih, at Arlingion. RESPECTFULLY REFER TO TIIE ANALYSIS OF CARGO NOW IN STORE alSuV sultan: ANALYSIS by prof. land. Solublo Cliospborh* Acid... I’ercip.luted Phosphoric Acid ln-olub.e Phosphoric Ammonia * o.*v Certified to by W. J. LAND, Analytical Chemist. Dept. Agriculture, dtate of Georgia. Call on Me and gel, Circulars- Coj. T J SMI I'll, M*.-lirof tue Stale (.range, c.ilorsesit. Every one who uses it wants it again. rS I.l.l'i'i ll, A.VO w.T raw AS Good. 1'llr.iiri IS XuNK AI c'H..Ai*, either for casa or tor tone, wuen r.ctaai value w eonsjacrea. I all and sre the 1'KOoFS i have to offer. S. I). MITCHELL. I have this day appointed Mb. S. 1). MITCHELL, Athens, Ga., Local A"ent ct that point, and solicit lae p.i r.majfe 1.1c Gr.aisei» m this vieioity. M. M< l-iES, TrayeHns Agent. for AtUKXS, G*., J.i„. 2#, lr.i'ti. [fehl-Sml OBbjiGiSTS AN& GifEiVGSTS. 4.^-. ^'DEALERS PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, GLASS AND PUTTY, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINT ,0 VARNISH BRUSHES, WHITE WA SIT BR USHES, ANILINES. GRASS AND GARDEN SEED, FINE TOILET SOAPS, ENGLISH, FRENi II& AMERICAN HANDKERCHIEF EX1RAC7S, HARD RUBBER TRUSSES, LONDON SUPPORTERS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SODA, GELLA TINE, WIMM, UBItN & CD’S ManipllatdD Gbaio non On time Payable Nov. 1st., with Opti ENGLISH HAIR. NAIL & T0QTI1 paying in Middling Cotton at 17c per Doi jJ BRUSHES, * 1 'H ffiiO FerhuziK i AoiD PhospkatE! 1’llE FIRST FERTILIZER, MADE FROM SOUTH CAROLINA I’ll SPIIATES. Kqual to any Fertilizer in Ordinary Seasons, and Superior to any in a Dry Season. -4-x.yy ~r~x r^i r . ,^K COTTUX, COliN, TOBACCO, WHEAT AND ALL OTHEK SMALL GRAIN CROPS. ofidi* ,'C^. a_'C[ J6.^» E»aac3&a a* bb yl ’'H” sbc FINE WINES, WHISKIES AND BRANDIES, for Medicinal Purposes. Country Merck a is am> PaYsicuNS Will Gild it to their ndvantaoe to GIVE US A CALL BEFORE PURCHASIHG ELSEWHERE! Price $70 Per Tori For Further Particulars apply to febl5.2m. Hukter & Beusse, Agents, Athena, 0 it^ if} fp, mi We buy direct from the manufactories, and thus we are er.nldod to sell vein low. jaii4-tt ror Comporting with Cotton Seed, Stable Manure, and oilier Farm Product.*, Yielding^Ainouia. The \Yand» r\ rtilizcr and Acid Phosphate, having been tested by rorne of the lv.*t farmers I;* this oretiou for tlio !a*.t five or *.x ywi»r>, cun be safely guaranteed. For price* and Cotton Option at 13c. call ujkmi .1. II HUGGINS. Atjeiit, No. 7, Broul Street, Alliens, Ga. WITTE BROTHERS, Geiieia Agents, Charleston,South Carolina. Murchl4.?.in. iiiHiiuioinmiMARBLE. i. u / Jjjuns Double -11!ih*i i>toue 1'orc* J'mnp. Between their pinna thought aud God ^looil filc> oi men with brittul steel; T.ic garluima placed on ** Rebel mka ” \V were i.» the common clo t To die hcn«.uh tiic iiirelmgV in el. tm* ir.ump.i oi tue Jluu, uur MuoKy G»'*ar gave no nod To keep tne pe.«cc :;t Arlington. ONE THAT AT THE r !urt bringH tiie water pure, fresh and cool, it .a in your will. No stale wate r standing iu Jehovah judged, abu-diing man; For, in m* vigil* ofthu nignt, Hi* iitigiily n.orm-uvengcr* ran Together m one ci.ov.ii earn. hebukiug wrong,»g right. Plucking tue wreatu* iroin t.u»™o w..o Tue .emjK**t neaped tiicin dewy-bri. On Rebel grave* ... Arlington. And, when tiie ino;-., cu ne, you. g ; Hrunfiii of bl.i> e* rip i rcu, K .ee-dee * iu io.-c* there, Nature ba..*n »*er o .idea prayer Above triuinp .uni fcouimin Dea So, m tned .rN and ni ..1 our Cam*, cuirvivei* ill bleep • l*» wbUj ..t A II l' 11! ’* tr Snvam.tiii unit Nm .h.usi The growth tun I |ir«*|icrity of a city <i* * pentli* upon it.-» Ineilitius to ilo biuim-*; m «i the grrii.ei* Hi»»s4t tneilui**.-. the givnt«*i tin aiuuunt of hiiMiie.«s it ran do. l o conn* di reel to the *u* j* « t we have under coii^idria ti**ii nud without I’irni'idociiiioii, we pu the ipie.'tion to the citizen* of Savunidi. and U'k, have we ail tiie nece>.«ary rail- roa»l lacililies we shouhl liave to do more l»u>incs* and to ext»*nd our inH«i< nei and |M»>ition a* a heap 'l l city ? We answer that we have not. There arc two ex tension* of railways that demand the alien tiou nfSa anuah as a city, and the nttentioi A. ii. ltOiSMITSOVS hs m uc n j.ip- 1* lru.-from ru*t or tucr impurities and hc.i.irgea tne water lUch f.ater than :my licr Pump. It work* .tii c:i*e- -u *;uali cui u m operuto it. Ii ;> ol .one, glazed 011 inside .id oiit*i«le 1 c glass, :id cuiiu< t wmr out or „ D'*.diT iii and mannfacturcr of Monuments, Head and FvhjI Sioucd. Marble and Gnit.i.e I5o.\ Tomb* aitfl Cn.- dtc Tombs. ^ All work warranted, l'vrsons will do wed to examine iny designs, ami Ini conviuccd tlmt they ar« dealing with a fur aud square mun. Athens, (!&., Sept. UP, 1^73. 4s-tf ETIWAN FERTILIZERS. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT, AND GUARANTEED Al. K T E W A W ii U A A €», NONE BETTER. SUITABLE FOR A L CROPS. 1: t 1 w a a a«o 2. v e s§ o:% e , niE HIGHEST GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE IX MARKET, rompn.te! with canal weight* of Colton Saci (or it* equivalent of Stable Manure!, make* t. e inert Reliable anJ Eeatuomicttl FERTILIZER, tor gen]rai u*e. 4A rnm° «>:• cm: taai Aa*s<, A CONCENTRATED COMPOUND OF POTASH AND .K) per oeat.) SOLUBLE ACID PHOSPHATE, fit ivaienf of Stab 0 M;;l Composting. f>Od lbs. ? with l,. p *fj0 ll*a. Cotton Seed, or it:- tq at a cosh outlay oi* $14.40. Specially adapted to Corn or Cot otton. allure, gives oue ton of Fertilizer. KTIWAX GUANO,) in 2<» lb. hags, (*“ WISHES TO *11 AHKY! 1 ND DESIRES MuNMY FoR THAT PURPOSE, ft do a the hg. ti r « I t lie Gen va Lamp. Help him. rtdne.'d to one •t* 4*acii, Write •f this u G erg.; y eiirj Chihofiv t«»J. L. Dennis, Geneva. ASTOMaVlIlNG. ictrftslly ut'.e*T. 1 tubh»>cj. Rdi<a irougii them a^ks your puli Pump, J. \Y. GiLLhl.AM). «d n ells. id U. PRICES IN CHARLESTON, S. C.: $ 0 uO Cash on 1st of April, 1S70. ;V> in) “ 1st November, 187«5. 07 w with Cotton (i3c.) Option, 1st Nov., 1S7«5. $33 ik> Ca.*h on 1st of April, I87C. 40 00 “ on 1st Nov* 111 er, 1876. 50 00 with Cotton (I5e.) Option, Itt Nov., 1876. CHEMICALS, » j •* if; C “ • p? r In bids, ol 230 lb*, each. { j y iV) w ith Cottou (L“e.) Oplion. I*: November, 1876. ixtevn of the mo-t j*>pnl»r Fer.. / r> <»»•. m* Cotton Crop*, ; v n fi.uo i tt»« 1 TTW AN prepturatioi.* fully equal to tiny, and f:ir»uperior ;o moM of .• m, I v n conscienti •«•*;* and! u*nt.y reeoiiiuiend their use, and will Ik? glad to furnish al! seek ng a rulLhh Fcr.ii z r. J. H. HUGGINS. H AVING jnst vetunu’d from the Nortlurn markets "ith alnr^c slock ,,f „ j boujflit at low prices, is gelling goods in iiis line *25 per cent, cheaper fore. He is making a speciality of Crcx-kery. Glajsswaro- Lamps and Oils. J. II. HUGGINS, Sells the l>est Kerosene Lamp Oi! at 25 cents per gallon, Sells common Cups anti Saucers at *25 cent* per set. Sells common Glass Tumblers al 25 cents per set, S. ll* common Glass Goblets at 50 cents per se», Sells common Plates at 40 to 75 cent* per set. Si lls the best Granite Plates at 75 cents to £1.00 per set. Sells the best Granite Cups ami Saucers at 90 cents to £1.00 a set. Sells Kerosene Lamps at 25 cents to £10.00 each. J. II. HUGGINS, ACID PHOSPHATE, (24 per cent, soluble, : II Has a lot of Ib-aulifnl China Tea Sets, lias a lot of Fancy and Plain Cr.amber Sets, Has all kinds of Crockery and Glass Ware, Hub all kinds of Lamp*, Itvirnevs aud Chimneys, Ibis a large stock of Family G ocerics, Ibis a large stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. J. II. IIUGGINS. Ilavin EDW UsD UAMitOPT, Agent. No 8 Ht'otul Mrcct, A then?, (.'a. «. H. YANCEY I..TTLE GIANT VILLAGE FIRE ENGINE, owing niruain 133 fevt ou level. Cdl on und t-Xu to or ad..res* J. W. GiLLEl.AND, Agent, At Cupt. S. 1».**, to Fittard, Mitclic iv Ut* of her nierclmnt* il iliey he real live bn-itie*.- | men, uho have at l>U'l an aveiagc amliilinn j — to no business, and at ilie same lime liuilo j Aicardcd the Hiyhest Al^dul at Vienna. up Savannah as me most iinpoiiant com-! ~ meieial sea|M>rt in the Smilh Aiianiie. Wei L. & ll. i. AN 1 llON i tv CO., mean the extension of the Atlantic & Gull i jul Broadway, New York. railroad to l’ollard. aad the extension of the j (Dpi. Mem>i«liiaa H„td.) Gordon and Eatonlon railroad to*. j m aXUFACTUKhits, IMPORTERS & DEALERS 1. Savnnimh has got to grow with the limes, or she nun make up hei mind in be affl cttsl I C1IROMOS AND IKAMEs,. with the dry rat of decay. She cannot stand J STEREOSCOPES >111(1 V1EWS. still; that is out cf the qu>--tion. It is ei- j ,,, ... ther development or decay. It is business | * ^ Hr " s i ’Sijthoscnjtcs, and SmtaUc I teir and men who make or Imihl up a city, ami : _ - a m-t mere brick and mortar Imu-es, and j Iw tog i a glue M ateriuh street*. It is wlmt is done to bring trade | that impress outsiders, and not what we j AVcare Headquarter, iorawniliin^hi the way of ^ e D ^ h ac!ivc > what "I'Kh* j Sterscpiicons and Magic Lanterns Savannah is unknown to Northeast Geor- Btin* Mannfactnrei. oi t!.e ,,Iq for two verv oimhI rea-on* Fir.I she 'bICRO-Sl 1 !K.\IiI'!._ LAXn.RX. STKl\LO-I*AXO j,ia, tor two very goon reason*, fir.-t, sne pticox, I'MVtKsiTY STfci;i-.oi-rici<\ aj>- never sought an acquaintance with the pen \ VEKTiSEK’a h't’EREoprmix, ABfoPTl- pie of that section ol our .State ; and second- L'ox,. . ! >cmoi»i._.l.AXTERX.__i.\Mit.Y ly the facilities oi getting there were indirect. P.o prone** iniwir m me M lU'vlX SllUTTLI EWING MACHINE. Inventive skill has been taxed * i.s utmist, and the re-nlt D, the jcnlS 3m L. 8CHEVEX ELL. L. SCI1EV KNELL eV CO. P.ROAI) STREET, ATHENS. Ci \ • dealers in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. guks, ptrtol®. aatmuntton. Spectacles, Eye-Glassc-s, Musical Instrument?, &&TZO%,&& 7 Sic* Having BEST WORKMEN, we are pieparetl to do STYLE. Sells Canned Goods, Sardines, Oysters, Tomatoes <lc., &e, Sells Sugar of all guides G'ofVee, Lard and Cheese, Sells Bacon, Flour, Meal, Soap and Starch, Sells Livetpool and Virginia Salt. Syrup and Vinegar, Sells Lime aud Cement.'Cuba and Common-Molases, Sells B caching. Calico, Factory "Stripes and Cheeks, Sells Factory Jeans, Plains, Shirting and Osnaburgs. i^C.a R EPAIRIN (J 1N S UPEAI OR WE MAKE A octet.vnTi UF file Most Perfect and Desirable Machine, lor General and Family Use, ct produced. It ia Simple and Kaav to Op }Tt* It I 1 tub!* imple and Kaav to Operate, it* to get out tmi ni* repair, it* Work is the Kcst >wn bv the FIRST PREMIUMS ovtmlcd the Universal Exhibition in Vienna, in 873. and it ia sold ut a LESS PRICE iaa aiiv ether Machine of it* STANDARD EXCEL- .EXCE. Per -ale by J. M. UPSHAW and F. P. GRIFFITH. *■ Mire to *eo the \Vii*ou before you bnv. May 19,1S75 ' ' r9-tf. ja a a. v e gs a a i> b vlo p s*. a t b w g, Aiul all uxtrl: of (his kind, sucit :is Forks, Spoons, Watches. &c., plated by ns, u-arranteo equal lu that dune by any establishment m the country. PRICES REASONABLE. \'\Vh BUST! USE nu. J3 Ps'r, BRADLEY’S Weatherly & (*o, ARE NO W READY f or tiic Fall k Winter Trade laving jti*t rat timed from New York with a large and well ae Acted fctock of irecAion* ft j.dtkC.n. DRY ROODS «t GROCERIES, Ready-made Vlolhiny. Hats, Roots, Shoes, Wood and Willow IPore, Hardware, Crockery, Drugs, tf*c., die., d*c., die. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Alt Minis of COUNTRY PRODUCE iken in exchange for Hood*. Call and see • *rncr of ('iayton and Thoma-* Street*. OotlSdtf. LAN FLUX, rKOPLK S LANTK1C.N. Times have ehanged somewhat, and facilities I fr?'! ** y,u \‘ K km-t 1,1 Ila t ’ liul4 1:1 ,llc m, ' rkt ' 1 lietter in the Inst few years. Northeast nMiqf *«ut on°ajqM.w*i, Georgia is anxious to know souiethiiig ol Sa-1 vaittudi and her merchant*. We speak j »• knowingly and from business talk* with the Q, people. Augusta and Glmrle-ton are very ; ■ ■ well known to them, and they desire a new ! pi, acquaintanceship. They are tired of having j Hobson s choice as to mnrKets, are extreme- ly desirous to lie ptit iu direct coniniiiiiicstion . ^ with Savannah as to railroad facilities. The : - question arises how can it he done ? We CL answer with case aud in a most pr.icti.-ul j " ay - Athens is a very important commercial i poiul in Noitheast Georgia, aud commands . n large and growing trade. She is now > cc building a railroad that will in a lew months tap the Air Line railroad, and she 8H will command an iiii|Mirtuut section oi conn- 1 try. But the projiq;t does not by any men ns j stop there. Cincinnati i* building a road ; that will touch Georgia ; for the Northwest \ ^ ern States arc looking nu; for a Southern ; a seaport, and have their ejes on Charleston, \ Fort Royal and Savannah as their objective M p-.iiits. Ciiicinnaii rm-ntly voted 8l>,0tl0.- 1 000 more, making 816,000,000 that she ha* tJttDKttTttOn IHf fl DCUnttOC f put in a road that will give her n Southern j ♦ Ubltll Uok VvAllCHUUbt ♦ seaport s<k«i. .' i To the |*«int. Fill up the gap from En- ,1. JP. "\V1 L.S( ) IV tfc ( X >• tonton to Madison, twenty-two mile-, aud command the Madison tntoe, that ship from s " 14 msl *' 18 s:5 "'" 2AJ,5IiBS5AS si-A*2iss, oa 8.000 to 12,000 Inles ot cotton to Augusta. | Madison is anxious to trade with Savannah. 1 N>xi step; extend the road from Madison ! In Athens about thirty mile-, we lielieve, and ' j ROOK AGENTS the thing is accomplisheil. Athens has ~ __ AND GOOD SALESMEN ship|ied this season so far, 20,000 bales ol BUllIAXt VLASES ; entton to Augusta and Chariest Athens j PICTURE FRANKS VXD MOLDlXtJS. FIRST ANNUAL STATEMENT OF T8S CONDITION OF THE GRANGERS LIFE and HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY J OF TIIE , UNITED STATE * OP ATVIE ICA. ; HOME OFFICE: MOBILE, ALABAMA, t DECEMBER 31st, 1873. ! Investment* and l/>an-, stcured by mort- . luqrvs on Teat estate, Immls, stock*, &e., ; ami Cull Loan* • Ca-ii in Bank* aud Home Office l>tie ir.tiii DepuHmeut* ’ l)nc fmm Agents for Premiums, &e.. attcr i pdedncliUit credit* .... ; Ofliec Fixtures, *fce., worth in east* . 4 Defcrroj Semi-aunual and liaurtcriy Pre mium* on Polices iu force. 8305,931 19 8.183 97 H,«UU t« 13,036 56 9,509 09 8,000 09 ♦419,971 72 Total assets L'.-3i3UE: Deatti claim* reported on, not yet duo . . $2,000 00 Los* not yet report on . 2,oo» 00 * \Y. II. KETCIIUM, President. ROBT. (V. FORT, Secretary. FEF TIL'ZEh ALL W1IO H'Vf USt[ Thom, 8|M?ak of them in the highest Terms of Praiee. AND TUE Manufacturer will um liia b.*st ccdc?>vora, TO ADVANCE the reputation the; have already acquiree 1 on their merits alone. THREE HIGHEST J. II. HUGGINS, Sells Knives and Forks, Spi-ous and»-t Cutieiy, Sells limits. Shoe.-, Hats. Harness stud Leather, Sells Buckets, Bioosus, Tubs stud Oil C’stiis, Sells 1’aggin, Ties. Hope,, Axes stud Traces, Sells the Virginia Woolen Casliiniere, oh it is so nice, Sells many other goods too numerous to RYintioii, Sell* goods at low prices, g > and see for yourself. Go to Oct. 6—49—tf. oa 02 S>0 ^3 C23 £23 522 3 DON’T FORGET TIIE PLACE, .1 • H HUGGINS', Ho. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. ©1115.08, flillil a 13, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX HARDWARE IKON, STEEL, NAILS, Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse-Siiof. Nails. Piize Medals PUBLIC AS SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS IN TUE MARKET HAVE BEEN Awr.r *ed this yi ar to rRADLEY’S PHOSPH ATES for cxeellencc of qual ity over nit others. Capital invested, over ONE Million Dollars. ru M XLBURN W G O X S. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage Ond Saddlery Hardware, Fellows, Hubs. S|*)ke*, Buggy Wheels, Axles. Span! Ac., Rubber and Leather Belting; Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hollow-ware, Ac. Also, Manufacturer’s Agents for the Sale of tiie WINSIITP G- T 1ST 2 Brinley’a Steel Plows, Peacock Steel Plows, Fairbanks’Standard Settles, Circular Saws, 'l #ST Any article in oi.r line not in stock will be ordered when desired, with the lend pou’ delay. Call and examine our stock and prices.*®® ( . June Hi, 1875. -ia nui -py ]3j£ GlS feb8.3m IV. A. Gill eland. | | W. L. Wood. | II. A. i.ow kaxce. | 61CLSLAN0, W90T& Gl). .-. Axinnslu doliu-iness with Savannah. ■ .wlTfcgrc is' a chartt r for s*i h a rond, and • the fitizens uf Putnam, Morgan 4 , On,nee! and Claikc are ready to take hold and Jg such a road i. S.i\a mnli w ili show* the jau25-lv BARGAINS FOR CASH FAMILY BIBLES. An* “COINING MONEY” with the f.tmoua 7WJ)A DESIGNS, the ■ *SG5, r Edition (5.5o>, I CAN SELL BETTER RARGAINS IN FAMILY Bihlrs, than any travelling Bible Agent. Try me spirit .in the matter. As tbc Savnn- , _ v _ o Itwrmierehants would be greatly benefit ted : • nJ bo co,,vi “« sd - 'by atteh a road,.and as they would get new ^»tl y business, tilt* jieople say tlankly, let those ‘ A BiMe <»m.i a* tiie above, with Apocrypha,' Con ti ho will be bcnef.Ued, help us in de- ' c ' ir / , 'd?''on , . , in., 1*1, * , |. • J I A bean-,fill Quarto lhble, wit:, full eompre! en*ivc PW. We spiak WO GO kllOWj and , l,i*lor> of the Bible, Coueordancc Ac., 24 large 4 testify to what wo have heard. ... L 'i«n, irilt back amt *iilt» w.w. NowisSdvannali’sopportaniryioincrensc (|5^S* rtoBlbl * ,, ’ a,U3 “ ,lM! * bove ’ w ‘ ,h A P°crypha, | The French Edition of which sell* fur , London Editio,. for $29„. Onr Popular ' containing over One Hundred full-iuge quarto plate*, is the cheapest anil most elegant publication ill America, aud the. bast to sell. Critic* it-with each other in praising it, nd the masse* buy it. Agent in Charleston. S. C., report* 97 order*; one in Ninety-Six. S. C„ 106; oue in Va., 247; another in Mem .hi*, 200 orders, taken in three week*. Full particulars Bee. Address. Apocrypha, ”' t * oou- iktiowscnti ton.— itista and Charles-; giacbmp, #7.t». T~ "' C *' > ° Ve ’" 1,11 hcavy Free Press, 1 _ Qa*rt» jSblea,, same os the above, and ar- WHd turke county, that § rawing a corn < > arc so plentititl Iii’Polk > fanners have despaired of ranged for s'xte n familv i T. A. BURS 4 marchlLtf. , , .88.00. Bookseller aud Stationer. LEGAL BLANKS, Neatly printed and for sale at this offio J. a FORD & CO., PuMudwr*, NrnrSdtftr. • 27 Park 1‘laoe, New York. Happy New Year. i\ ISHING OUR FRIENDS AND PATR0N8 A *» liappymnd pro*p. runs new year, we beg to iu- fonn them that we open the new year with a large itock JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, •apply anything they may want ,Ie term*. Oar increased facilities And are prepared to on the most reasonable . and larger experience warrant* ns in saying that we can please all in quality aud prices. Call and aee ns * ‘ purchasing. jaU1-4f7 v** “-a?T L. SCHEVENELL &CO. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS Ol ell Furniture, wiiich we sell low fo. Cash. Ortr uiidertakiug de partment i* complete. We keep constantly on hand the l. rgcst und b«t us-or oU stocks of METALLIC BURIAL CJbKS AA’D WOOD COFFIXS, in this part of the Stute, aud will sell us low u* the lowest. 8V e give (vcr-onul attention to funeral* and IttruDh our splendid New I Ieur* e wit, i orsc* and driver free of charge. We have a Plaining Mill connected with onr estaUishmont, and arc prepared to fill all order* for Dressing, Matching, Newels, Banisters, Brackets, Moulding &c., &c., with neat ness and dispatch. We have 1P9,OCO feet Lumber for sale aaaorted kinds, iu rough nr worked. march28.6m. GIL’ EL A D WOOD * CO. For Sale. I GREAT BARGAINS IS PIANOS, A A^tMlJ^nnSm^^ 1 BdCor'jSSn£ C ™? IN HANR. I WILL SELL TWO FIRST Newton. * * Newton. June 2,1875. s Parlor Organ WO C81-t Class Pianos, lower titan they were ever offered before in this section. Here arc the figure*: A 7J OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, 5.00 J ^rned by a Lady in vi 'WEEK8! 1‘anted, male of female. Send 10 cents *xiueand ftrdpnrlicnl*r*. AddresaZi.iCnmaiTBMAOA-ixB. VYaaiiiujtou, New Jcftpy, carved leg*, elegantly finished. M .ktr’a price $600— will be sold for $313.00. A 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, carved legs, elegantly finished. Makers price $-100— will be sol l for $25o.Oi>. T ie*e Kano* are now and frau first-class makers, and rill b> guaranteed. Very low rate* for half cash and Stlanee in twelve mont'is. Send for citatogne and rio? list, to jparchlLtf. T. A. BURKE, Athena, On. F. A. 8CMMEY. r. w. naTcnitsox. . A. BED- SUMMEY, HUTCH ESON & BELL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ^EALERS IN IRON, STEEL AND NAILS. AGRICtTLTURAL IMPLEMENTS* MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF Cotton Gins, Presses ORTABLK E 1ST GES> Mowers, Reapfrs, Tkreasuers, & c, » I)EU 1*1»EE BLOCK, ATHENS, OEOROUr &C 34-t June 23,1875.