The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, May 02, 1876, Image 2

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_ ms (£c&nm H. 1. CARLTON, Editor. TDfoMI MORNING, MlYS.IHIC. tlm-nil Local an l Travclln* Avrcnt. capt. j. k. inrcn. LOCAL AGENTS. Sir. James A. Maslet, T«cvm City. Mr. t'. C. SrEriiEssos. Han 0 -uniy. Mr. C. H. Asuhews, iort Lam r. Sir. Frame IIasalsos, Cleveland. Mr. VV. L. Dear, Dsnielsvillc. Mr. W. T. Mateieu*. S' ind«or. Mr. I. Banks Brown, Il..n County. Mr. U. S. Anderson, Farmington. Explanatory.—Owing ti> sickness wo have been unable to prepare an account ol our most delightful visit to the city of Gainesville. Hope to do so at another time. M. PRESIDENTIAL REELED lOSS OF THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. The New York Tribune of the 25tli, ult, in an editorial on “ the Democratic Can didate ” for the Presidency evidently seeks to frighten the St. Louis Convention into nominating Mr. Tildcn, by attempting to reflect the Democratic party in a most un favorable light. It says, “alter he Demo cratic victories which brought into being the present Congress, there was not only great confidence on the part of the Demo cracy that the tidal wave would roll beyond the Prcsidcntal election and place the Government in their hands, but there w.-is a corresponding despondency on the part of the Republicans which approached utter discouragement. Tiiat there has been a very positive change in public opinion since then is too plain to need argument. The talk of the people, the tone of the press, and, mure couviciug stili, the tables ot election returns, all attest it. For this change of sentiment the Democrats have only themselves to thank.” The Tribune then goes on to ascribe this change to no. only a want of proper use by the Demo crats of their successc of eighteen months ago, but to such violation of trust imposed, such headstrong partisanship, such insane greed of office, such lack of capacity and fitness, such merely pretendeu desire for rclbriu and purity in the Go eminent "besides all of which the worst things they ever charged upon the opposition seem repu table, wise and honest.” Thus, having present ed the Denme.acy.the Tribune thinks tf at the only means ol restoring confidence, >f secur ing slice-,-s. ol recov« ring lost prestige, ol re trieving blunders, ot lust giound and o defeating the Republican party, is for the St. Louis Couventiun to nominate Gov. Tildcn, and in substantiation of that view remarks as follows : “ For notwithstanding the outcry the party has made about politi cal corruption and ils clamor for reform, it happens that only one ot their couspicious leaders has actually shown the ability, eapaci- ny and honesty of purpose to carry out great practical reforms in politics. Gov. Til- den is the only prominent Democrat in the couutry whose name has been brought for ward for the St. Louis nomination who has actually done anything in the way of reform. His sincerity has lieeu attc-tcd in his great battles with the Tammany Riug in this city and the Canal Ring iu this State. He bus showu his faith by his works. The country recoguizes in him a genuine Reforim-r. While other meu in the party have theorized he has acted; while others have been satis fied with denouncing the corruptions of op ponents, he has made war upon official crime wherever found, and never spared a criminal o! his own party. Few men in pub lic life have accomplished so .much and so good svork as he. No man in his party so throughly represents the idea of political re form. His isthe only name that as a Demo cratic candidate would have any serious meaning to the people.” It is true the Democratic party has been guilty of errors; it is true Gov. Tilden pre- Fuurth District: Hon Obaulsh Warse , of Meriwether. Hon. Mark H. Blanford, of Muscogee. Alternates- -B. C. Ferrell and Major E. W. Miller, of Maricn. Fifth District: Hon E. P. How ix. »f Fulton. Hon. J L Hall, of Spaulding. Alt>• uatea—George . Adams and It A Alston. NX’- District: IIox. J. W. Preston, of Jasper. Hon. J. M Pace. o. Newton. Alternates— B C. Smith and F. Chamber--. Seventh District: Hon. W. H. Payne, of Catoosa. Hon P. M B. Young, of Bartow. Alternates—J. \V. H. Underwood and A. J. Hansel). Eighth District: IIon. G. Wnrr Johnson, of Oglethorpe Hon. C.:as S DuBose, of Warren. Alternates—R. L. Rodgers and H. F. Andrews. Ninth District : Hon. H. H Carlton, of Clarke. Hon. II. P. -Bell, of Foray th. Alternates J. B. Sihnan of Jackson and N. L. Hutchins of Gwinnett. The u1k»vc delegation goes to St. Louis absolutely untrammelled with instructions, and the champions of no particular aspirant. No doubt the entire delegation will favor that good, honest and true Democrat who, when all the fiicts and figures are summed up, can make the best showing for success in the approaching fall election. KELLEY’S KBEWE. They Come to tJrief. Charles Kelley Mortally Wounded, In the last issue of the Georgian, we- ftili; wed up the short notices which, from A. If. COCHRAN, O-AINESVUiLB, CtEO, OEN. A. U. COijQUITT. Having traveled around a good deal of late, especially in tipper Georgia, we find that Gen. Colquit'.’s chances for Governor are steadily on the increase. Several coun ties which have been reported as favorable to other candidates, we find, upon closer in- qniry, are outspoken and enthusiastic in his nvor, and if the people will but attend the primary meetings,, tln-so counties will doubtless send Colquitt delegates to the Slate Nominating C invent io : Fro n in dications which are now voming up daily from all pa.ts of the State, it may be set down as a foregone conclusion that Gen. Colquitt is to be the next Governor of Geor- i.i; and if we arc not greatly mistaken, the iianno.iy and auani aity ■> his nomina tion will be unparalleled in the history of our Gubernatorial Conventions, and the strength of bis electi in n ipreceden ud in the history of our Gubcrua orial Campaigns. Proceedings of U.s.riels Convention. The Convention of the Democratic patty to send delegates to toe Nat'onal Democrat* Convention, assembled in Gainesville on Wednesday, April 20. Oa motion, Hon. A. D Chandler was called to the clmir, mid Hon. T. M. Peeples requested to act as secretary. fhe roll ot counties was called, and the billowing delegates responded to their names ; Banks—Hon. J. J. Turnbull, Enoch An derson and K. L. Hooper. Clarke—II. H. Carlton and Col. John H. Christy. Dawson—John Ilockenbull and D. J. Burt. Forsyth—Hon. C. McAfee, lion. R. A. Enkes and Oliver Clarke. Franklin—Col. J. S. Dortch. Gwiuiieit—Hon. T. M. Peeples, J. E. Cloud and J. H. McGuire, iiatiersh m—J. D. Prather. Hail—Hon. A. D. Chandler, W. R. Bolding and G. G. Thompson. Jackson Col Robert White and J. B. Silman. Lumpkin — J. T. Giinncll and Rev. A. Martin. Madist n—John N. Montgomery. Morgan—D. M. Vining and A. D. Atkinson. Union—J. E. Red wine and Hon. A. D. Chandler, proxies. It was agreed that the basis of representa tion in the Convention should tie ns toltows: Counties having two representatives iu the lower house of the Georgia Legislature, shall be entitled to five votes, ami those having one representative in that body, three votes, lion. J. J. Turnbull offered the following sents a political record, than which, there is \ resolution. Resolved, That at a committee of one from each county he appointed to suggest to the Convention the names of suitanle per- none fairer or more likely to gain the favora ble consideration of the St Louis Conven tion ; and it is equally true that should e be made the standard bearer ot the party in the Presidential campaign he would command great strength in every section of the country, still sve fail to see how the wholesale abuse which the Tribune heaps u|Hin the Democrat ic parly, holding it up in disreputable con trast and censorious comparison with the mort corrupt party that ever afflicted Hny government, or its absolute and unqualified disparagement of such patriotic, true, tried ar.d trusty Democrats as Thurman, Bay ard, Church, Hendricks and others, can make Mr. Tilden any more acceptable to the party or more likely of preferment by ~ the St. Louis Convention. DELHI A TES TO THEN 7IONAL DEHt'- VRATIC C'U VESTIO The election of delegates to ihe St. Louis Convention, as made by the respective Con gressional Districts on la.-t Wednesday, re sulted as follows: For the State ut Large: Gov James M. Smith, of Muscogee. Hon. George T. Barnes, of Richmond. Hon. John W. Wofford, of Bartow. Hon. Rufus E. Lester, of Chatham. The aliove ticket though declared for by a majority in seven out of nine districts, was closely contested in most of the districts; oth er prominent gentlemen receiving a most flattering minority vote. This result ot coune. leaves it only for the Executive Com- tnittfce to select alternates The expression a» to alternates, by the different districts, was wide aud various, no two centering upon the same names. First District: Hon. John C. Nichols, of Pierce. Hon. John J. Jones, of Burke. "Alternates—-John B. Habersham, of Glynn; J. C. Deli, of 8creven. Second District: Hon H. G. Turner, of Brooks. Hon. E. C. Bower, of Decatur.’ Alternates—R. N'. Ely and James IL Spence. Third District: IIon; Allen Fort, of Sumter. Hon. W. T. McAutuuk, of Sumter, Alt, ■mates—Geo WJ. Jordon and Geo W. Warwick. t sou.* to represent the State at large iu the St. Louis Convention. Col. Robert White offered as a substitute, a resolution providing for the eieciion of the delegates by the Convention, without submit ling the question to a committee. The sub stitute was hist and the original resolution adopted. The chair appointed Turnbull, chairman: Carlton, llockeiiliull, Thompson, Lakes, Dortch, Peeples. Prather, Martin, White, Montgomery, Vining, Kcdwiue. Col. Silman, then moved that the Conven tion proceeded to ballot lor delegates to the St. Louis Convention. week to week, we have been giving of the operations of the horse thieves, by an ac count of t eir latest depredations, and of the dispaieb received in this city from the pursuers, that they were in on hour’s ride of the stolen horses. Thursday morning, a telegram was re ceived iu our city staling that the horses had been re-covered and Charles Kelley, the notorious Chief of the gang, had been mor tally wounded and captured in Alabama. Below, we publish a detailed account of the skirmish preceding the termination of the affair, which cannot fail to be of in terest to our many readers: A Mr. Jones, living in Randolph county, Ala., lost, Saturday night, April 22nd, by men breaking into his house, a sack of flour, a hat, a pair of shoes and a rifle He at once started iu pursuit of the thieves, and followed horses, buggy and dog tracks to ward Wedowa x AlaT, but soon lost the trail on account of several parties attending a funeral in the ncigborhood covering up the tracks. On the ensuing onday morning, a fine niare was brought to a blacksmith shop in Wedovva to be shod, which circumstance, at tracting the attention of several citizens, the notice of the Deputy Sheriff was called to it. This officer having questioned the boy riding the mat e, found out that she had bet'll brought to his father’s house by men, two rilling in a buggy and one on horseback, bringing also with them a gun, a hat and a pair ot shoes, exactly corresponding to those which Mr. Junes, of Randolph comity, had lost, the S: turdav night* prior. The Sheriff now went squarely to work, being con vinced that something was wrong, and summoning a posse of ten men, immediately proceeded to the house at which the mare was brought. Light men were left in am bush, and vtvo approaching the house, found, sure enough, that .our friends, Kelley <fc Co., had stopped there, and were in the field just below the residence. Now commenced the attack. The entire posse advancing, were greeted with defiant shouts, “ Come on, gentlemen, we are ready tor you;” while the thieves slowly retired towards the woods, endeav oring to do so via a stump, where their coals and pistols were concealed, bront this stump, very fortunately, they were cut off’, and hence, were directly forced into the woods, not before Charles Kelley had emptied ltis navy revolver at the posse. Charlie must have been excited, however, for he didn’t hurt anybody, and only had the effect ot attracting his two bloodhounds; which, strange to say, were at once tinned against the owners themselves. Meantime, the gang had fired the woods, doubtless, to divert the attention of the purs ers, while one man slipping back to the stump, secured tin* pistols; not, how, ver, without being discovered, but without being struck by any of the -hots fired at him. The skir mishiiig was kept up during the whole of Monday afternoon, with lo further luck to the jKisse than capturing two or three horses and a mule and wounding one of the gang, ns shown bv poo s, of b!<Jod. The gang were splendidly armed, and equipped with plenty of canidges, and as the posse were fearful of running upon a lair of them liid in the woods, they necessarily pro ceeded very cautiously. That night, the Deputy- Sheriff's crowd came back to Wedown, were reinforced and returned to watch during the night. On the following day, Tuesday, 25th, the SKIRMISH WAS CONTINUED, and after fighting hotly through the under brush and over the mountains for four or five miles, Charles Kelley, the Chief of the gang, and a youth of 18 or 20 years, Busbin by name, were finally wounded, captured and placed in sale-keeping at Wcdowa. Ed. Kelley, however, stid fought on with the sullen desparatiou of an Italian bandit, and being well acquainted with the coun try, made his way to the river, crossed at a very dangerous place, and though late in the evening being hotly pursued about four miles from Blackjack Mountain, close to tiie Georg a side, made good his escape. The natives around and about, describe Ed. Kelley as a tall, raw-boned man, “ who can outrun, outswim and outjiiinp a buck.” diaries Kelley, who was captured, owned all up to his physician; says he killed a man some time ago, knocked down th- guard and escaped; precisely as stated in the Georgian last week. Charles is shot in seven or eight places; through the bowels, chest, shoulders and arms, and his physicians state that lie cannot possibly live. Bushin’s wounds are slight, and arc not, by any' means, dangerous. The only property in their possession, seems to have been a fine buggy, two blood bounds, pis tols, Jfce. The fighting is described by the citizens ot Wcdowa, Ala., as being one of the hot test they ever saw. Ujion one side, were employed the treachery, the doggislntess ami daring, couched iu the cringing cun- ul .guess o outlaws and bandits, whose only thought is to steal and plunder, whose sole occupation is to rob and pillage a peaceable country. Uikiii the ot.ier, wore displayed the calmness and determination of their resolute pursuers, the emissaries of peace and of justice, the champions ot law and order; which, thanks to a praiseworthy valor aua discretion, at last triumphed over a villainous toe. Beal Estate and General Land Agent for the pnreluu-. and sale of Mineral aud Fanning Lands in tie other conntie* of Northeast Georgia, tested and titles to property investigated. " Wen to the purchase and ai le o’ DORSEY, Attorney. Special al oily property.' may2—6m J. NOTICE. I HAVE FILED WITH THE COUR of Ordinary of Ilart County, Ga., application to „ the real estate of W. 8. Simpson, late of Anderei conntv, South Carolina, dee-eased. All persons coi eerned are hereby notified to show canae, if any tin have, why such application ahould not be granted ~ ' '■* '* S7, Iff Jane Teriu, 1870. of said conn, this April 1 C. A. 1 mays—S6d Administrator. JNO. W. NICHOLSON. Boots, Shoes, Hats anil Caps, —trunks.— LEATHER I SHOE FINDING.. Etc., Etc., Eta At B. L. Mom' old stand No. 4, Granite Row. Atliem. Notice to Contractors. Omn XoBnirasTEire Railboad Cojipaxt, Animrs, Ga., April Slat, 187$. CJEALED PROPOSALS WILI BE RECEIVE!. *3 unUl the $th day of May next, for building i trestle over Oconee river and dr- hind near Athene the width of river .being sixty feet—the whole treat. containing 82,iw feet, bo rd measure, to be of he t pine, sound aud clear of wind shakes. Bide are asked for famishing lumber and buildin trestle. Also, for lumber separately, and for work He, aretely. -Jm. The Company, reserves the right to reject any or al bide. Specifications lo be seen at Office of Cmipanr. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON, . Secretary aud Treasurer. apnI2’>-2w. After some speaking as to the pro, er mode af electing delegates, the. Convention ud* lourued to 2 o’clock p. m. At 2 n’cl-nk p. m. the < <m eution re-as sembled. The roll of counties svn- called for a vote tor delegatee Iron) the Ninth Congressional District, which resulted as follows: H P. Bellof ForeytlinndH. H. Curl ion ol Clarke were elected delegates, and J. B. Silman of Jackson and N. L. Hutchins, ot Gw uuelt alternates. The committee appointed by the chair to suggest delegates from the State at large to ihe Convention, retired to make up their re port, and alter a short absence appeared and rted as follows: THE WHEELER & WILSOE SEWING MACHINE. WE HAVE OPENED AN OFFICE AT the Store of M. MYERS, COLLEGE AVENUE where our Machines, eedles ATTACHMENTS will be kept for sale. JOHN WINN, Agent, aprillS.Sm. ‘ ATI1ENS, GEORGIA. T Dissolution. MIL COPA TNEltSHIP HERETO- lore existing between the undersigned, under lo- Arm niune aud style of PlTfARD, MITCHELL & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persona indebted to the late firm will make pay ment to S. D. Mitchell, who continues the business uni assumes all its liabilities. JAMES D. P1TTARD, 8. D. MITCHELL, K. T. PlTfARD. —- PITT A HD’S COHN Ell, ATHENS, GEORGIA, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, CONSISTtw, —.......l,;.,.. Sriritur and Slimmer wear, at prices to suit the closest buyers. We offer tide i. *’v» everything needed tor Spring and Summer woar, at prices to suit the closest buyers. We offer this week-" t*ood Bleaching—— I at 8c. I Lonsdale 4r4 Bleaching _ Masonville 4-4 Bleaching -at lie. I Wamsutta 4-4 Bleaching at l3J $,(00-0 Fwtft ’oats’ Spool Cotton, 4 Spools for 25c. Ladies’ Neck Ties, from 25c. up. Ecru Bows, Ties w > OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT 18 COMPLETE, EMBRACING EVERYTHING IN WHITE, BLACK AND COLORED GOOIk 'j the best TaiwR^ I We would rc-pectfully tall the attention of gentlemen to our very lame sto A -urttish at Great Bargains. We have secured the services ot Mr- W A li o Pj M A A we can suit any gentleman w ishing Clothes.' Give us a call, and tve bet we sell you what yon want, ZW We have SnOES, HATS, CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, which wo propose to so i| c , CHEAP is the word.^J [a P nll8.1m.] REESE A No. 6 Broad Street Athens, (Jeorgia, (Successor to Pittard, Mitchell & -DEALS IN- ©m (Goods, ©mcekks, Ciockedi, Hire, Boots, Snog AND EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A GROCERY STORE. ALSO AGENT FOR AND sawB’J miiii fse G^hBBlA STAT1 GRAN-12 DISSOLVED BOS^ S. D. MITCHELL Ko- 6 Broad Street. Athens. Georgia- feb29.ini. 1776- 1.876- | . FORREST. CENTENNIAL TRANSPORTATION ARRANGEMENTS- OF T II E Great Atlantic ©oast Line- lodging rooms. Also a neatly finished »t<ti room, ready lor occupancy. To desiralle parties. % I terms will be very liberal. Apply to JOHN It. NEWTON, or to II. H rut TON, & CO., Real Estate Agents. lML- feb.!5tf. FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF VISITORS TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. MARIE, TODD & CO. GOLD PEN. oi the The undersigned, iu thanking his old patrona tor their putrouage, begs a continuance ot it, at the old stand, No. $ Broad street. S. D. MITCHELL. •Vctc .ldvertiscmciils. epor De ^legates far the State at large- Ilun. James M. Smith, Hon John H. Christy, Hon. R. E. Letter, Hon. Geo. T. Barites. Alternates—Hon. John W. Wofford, II. G. Turner, C. «T. Welborn, Miles W. Lewis. The report was adopted. A resolution was then offered and adopted, authorizing the State Executive Committee to elect four delegates and four alternates to the National Democratic Convention, soon to convene ip St. Louis, provided an election is nut made by the recommendations of the Congressional Districts. A resolution was adopted, pledging the support of the Democracy of the 9th district to any good, honest and true Democrat who may be the nominee oi theSt. Louis Conven tion. Also, a resolution thanking the President and Secretary of the Convention for their services. the Convention then adjourned sine die, A. D. Chasller Prerident. T. M. Peeples Seer* arr. CLARK SHERIFF’S SALE. Lf/ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE V V Court lloime door iu the city of Athene, Clark county, on the flr.t Tuesday in Juue next, within the legal hours of aale tiie folluwiiij; property to-wit: All the inleieat that detendant bar in three house., and lota, containing one acre, more or lera, situate, lying and being iu tile city of Athens, Clark county, Ga., on the Eaat aid* of the Oounee river, near the end of the Georgia Rail Road, bounded on tuc North and Eaat bj .... . %• South by the street et leading to the . . virtue one fl. fa. Horn Cou..ty Court, General seanoo, January Term 187$. Levy made and returned to tue by Jamea IL Towua Bai iff, John F. Fiuen va. R. Q. lam kiu, Ben Thomas and one State ane. county, tax fl. fh., John W. Josinaon va. Ben Toumaa, for ISIS. Levied upon the entire lot by .aid Tax A. fit, this April rikb lb76. mays.COJ. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff W 1 CLARK SHERIFFS SALE. ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE Court-house door, in the city of Atudia, Clark county, on the fine Tueaday in June next, within the legal boon of aale the following pro perty to-wit: one lot of land aitnate, lying and bei the city of Athena on the North aide of llro^d a mg bock 40 feet than laid St- and having a ' ' ' '■ - ‘ *■ * other Bout of acveuty-Uve feet ou laid atroet, adjoining ou lauda of 1. With non on the Wait and on the Eaat, _ alley neperating it tram F. WiL-oti, L. Sebavenell aud now with the foundry landa. Alio one tract at Ea»t toot of Broad Street, extending acroas street fifty feet: from river and running up river with Mm. Kittle’a fence all as the property or defendant to amity five I). ia< Iran justice court X1S diatnct,G. M.Z^, district in favor of J. JL Carlton, one in favor of Lucas A Ware, ondin tavor of John U. 1'itncr & Co. Also one lot of laud in tno city of Athena, lying on Foundn St., lYouling on Foonuiy St., 87 feet more or leas, bounded ou the Noiot by leaae Wilkeraon, East by Wilkenou and South by Tuoman Bailey’s lot, 110 feet wide. All to satisfy the above stated fl. fa*. J. B. Carlton va. Isaac Wilkeraon aud Lucas and Ware and J. C. Pituerdk Co- vs. I. Wilkeraon. This May the 1st 187$. Levy made and returned to me by W. A. England, L. C. mayS-SOd. J. A. BROWNING,Sheriff tdtiy meets at Dccntui, (xa., Dissolution. H R. BERNARD HAVING 60LD OCTHIS IN- a tereat iu the Ann ot Weatherly & Co.,Jhe bu.i- , Ga., May the Pith, and newwijlbt W. A.& J.M. Weatherly, will be in se^ou for three davs. A most "'...“T l^'o°f f T. ntoresting *• Programme o Exercises” is May 1st 1876, .resented ami no doubt it will prove a vt ry .instructive and enjoyable oct-asion. bid tl.e Convention, God speed. Wei LEGAL BLANKS, Neatly printed and for aale at this offloe. We cordially recommend onr late partner toonrold patrona and tVieuds. He will be louud prompt and obligiug. J. D. MTTAltD, jaolS-tf R. T. I*1TTAR1>. ' NOTICE. XJ. S. Internal Revenue ■o {SPECIAL TxtXES, May 1, 1876. to April 30, 1877. r |'HE REVISED STATUTES OF THE *- Un.tcd States, Sections sit", 3888, and 3rSv, require every peraou engaged in uuy baaineoa, avocatiou, or employment which renders him liable to a special tax, to procure and place conspicuously in hia establwnmei.t or plaoo of business a stamp denoting the payment of said Special Tax for the Special Tux Year beginning Muv, 1,1876, bfffon couuncuciug or coutinuius biuintjhfi alter April SO, 187$. Tux Taxis Fmuraced wrmix the raovtatuxa or TllE LAW Al.OVt QUOTED AEE THE lOLLuUUEO, VUt Rectifiers .... ,2oo ih. Dealers, retail liquor . - . 25 0 Dealers, wholesale liquor - - . , loo oo Dealers iu molt liquors, wholesale - £0 OO Dealers iu malt liquor*, retail - . 80 00 Dealers iu leaf tobacco • . « 25 00 Retail dealers in leaf tobacco . . 6ct> 00 Aud on tales of over fly oO, fifty- ceuts for every - f I.' VV| I dollar in excera or f 1,0 . Dealers in manufactured tobacco Manufacturers ot stills And for each still mar.ufhcturod And for each worm manufactured Manufactures of tobacco Maunfacturere of cigar* 5 00 60 00 80 Oo - *0 00 10 00 10 00 Peddlers of tobacco, first class (more than two Itorsea or other animals ) • - So 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class (two hones or other animals) - -* 85 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class (one hone or other animal) - - - 15 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class (ou foot or pub lic conveyance) - - . 10 00 Brewers of less than 500 hundred barrels - 5o oo Brewers of500 barrels or more - - ICO 00 Auy person, so liable, * ho shall foil to comply with the foregoing requirements will be subject to severe peualtica. Persona or firms liable to pay any of Hie Special Taxes named above must apply to Jxo. L. Coxlet, Collector c-f Internal Keveuue at Atlanta or to \V. o’ MatuxU), Deputy Collector Athens Ga., and pay for and procure the Special-Tax Stamp or btauipa they need, prior, to May 1,187$, and without further notioe. D. D. PRATT, Commissioner of Interim! Revenue. Office of Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C- February 1,1876. march21.2t Aprill8.2t. NOTICE. doing diaaolvod by mutual consent. 'Peter '^f^Hutoheaou having this day, with the consent of all ot er parties sold and transferal bis iuterest to Mrs. Ann Luton Sparks, who H subrogated to all his rights aud liabilities as a member of said firm. Athens, March 1,187$. 1‘ETKK A. SUM.mKY, PETER W. HUTCHhkON, A. A. l-ELL. ’ Peter W. Hutcheson having this day sold and trans ferred his iuterest in the mercantile business of Sum mer, Hutchei-on aud Bell to Mrs. Ann Linton Sparks, aud said firm having beau this day dissolved-by mutual consent of all the parties. The business will be con tinued at the same plaee by the undersigned, under the firm name of Bell & Co. Toe new firm will assume aud discharge all the debts of the former firm. At heus. March 1,187$. PETER A. bUMMEY, A. A. BELL, _ , ANN LINTON SPARKS. The undersigned in retiring from the firm of Snrn- mey, Hutcheson & Bell, cheerfully recommends the new firm to the public and hopes that the liberal patron age heretofore extended to tue old firm will be cou- nned to the new. P. W. HUTCHESON. Weatherly & \’o, ARE NOW READY For tiie Fall & Winter Trade Having just returned from Now York with a largo and well selected stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Ready-made Clothing. Hats, Roots, Shoes, Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware, Crockery, Drugs, t£c. i <£c., d'c., <£c. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for Goods. Call and’sec os owner of Clayton and Thomas Street*. OctlSdtf. WISHES TO MARRY! V NT) DESIRES MONEY FOR THAT PURPOSE, docs the lighter of the Geneva Lamp. Help him. MitMcrtftion reduced to one dollar a veer! Cl-bnflO oopies, 75 cents each, Write to J. L. Heunis, Gene forspecimen of this “ Georgia Punch.” Mir.-h 14. tf. r pilE RAILWAYS ssND STEAMSHIP COMPANIES BETWEEN AUGUSTA, JL G:t., atul Pnibat-lpliia, cuinpmutg the Atluutio Coast Line, will during the progress Centennial Exhibition of the United States, present for the patronage of the citizens of the South, routes of transportation and forms of tickets upon w hich to reach Philadelphia, that will immeasurably excel all other lines iu point of DIRECT DAILY MOVEMENT, COMFORTABLE ACCOMMODATION, VARIABILITY OF TRANSIT, ECOONOMY OF EXPENDITURE. BE THEBEtU Si i-iNs MADE. EVERYjPEX IS warranted. They may be had ol' ull sin. >nj every style of holder at BURKE’S B00RST0RE, Athene, Gi HIGH PRICES EXPLODED! L. P. Q. S. AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE 2G5 Broad tieef, . To enable this to be done, the combined resource of the Railway Lines South of Norfolk, together with those ot the Baltimore Steam Packet Coinpaup anti the Old Dominion Steamship Company will be employed and the individual tourist, the soeiitl party of ten. twenty or mure, or the civic or ntUtary organization of lUU to 300, can each be eared for iu a tuauner that will satis.y their desires. j Price Lint?, Time Cards and ail ueeuitd uiioi'inaliou will be in hands of our Ai'ettts by- April loth. ! It will be to the interest «.l every individual and each organization prop wing to make his trip to communicate with tue undersigned. j A Centennial Exhibition Guide Book as . uihorizcd by the Commission will be given ; to the purchaser of each Ceutetimul Ticket. May2—4m GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. ! G. O. ROBINSON. | LUDDEN it BATES. G. 0. ROBINSuH & GO, WILL SELL HUNDRED PIANOS. ONE LOWEST FACTORY PRICES, FORSMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS, ARRANGED to suit all resjiousiblc parties. JAMES A. GRAY & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN .j FOREIGN A-\’B BiMESTIE BRY GMfiS, 194 & 106 ISroad Mrcet, Aligned, Ga. wr have bei that iii selling them tve simply Fifty to Gne Hundred Dollars Saved BY PURCHASING AT THE E HAVE NOW OX HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST AS- sorted Stock of Spring Dry Goods ever offered in the South. These : cods AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE, have been selected wish the greatest care, bought exclusively for Cash and at such prices i THEBESTMAKERS AREREPRESENTED. • t.. —in—-' — — - . " 1 j Every Instrument warranted to be a"—"-’—"S- Our Stock Comprises Everything New and Choice in Silts, Dress Goods, Ladle’S Linen Suits and Overdresses, LADIES UNDEHWAliE, MISSES AND CHILDREN’S LINEN AND PHJUE SUITS, 7Fhite Goods and Jjinens of every' ‘Description } Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Ecru Cashmere, Laces and Tics. NOTIONS, CASSIMERES, C0TT0NADES, CALICOES, DOMESTICS, &c. In asking the attention of the people of Athens and vicinity to this announcement, most earnestly at d cordially invito them to call and examine our goods and judge for them.clves. These are ..o old goods carried over front last season but an I3B£»CTnrAtD>irL.Yy a»3 ! ££‘CD'>£3£E&, and we have marked prices so low that even buyers t lentselves will be estonished. apriU.Su). JAMES A. GRAY & CO. TAX ltECElYElt’S NOTICE —OF— Clarke County. f|'ax-Pangs: X will attend the different Militia ■ Districts as seen ou my posted notices, Providence K-rutitting, for the purpose of receiving yonr State ana County Tax Returns tor 1876, and at Athens, 816th District, at W. A. Gillelaud’a office, Clerk of City Couucil, from Ut of May to 10th of June inclusive, ex cepting Sm.daya. Respectfully, , DAVID E. SIMS, April 4-10w. Tax Receiver. THE Lucy Cobb Institute Messenger, Edited ami printed by the Young. Ladies of tiie Lucy Cobb Institute, WILL BE ISSUED FROM THE INSTITUTE TV tbe last week in oach month. We bespeak for P. S.—It will be best for every Tax-payer to make • list at home, where time and fitcUiliea for correctness are fovorable, of the “Crape produced” in 1875, “Crops to be pbuited” for 187$, and of his or hereutire taxable property, inatanter. Ex. mptiug nothing except annual crape, provisions, fire-arms, mnnitious aud all wearing apparel not held as merchandise, balancing oar paper tiie kind consideration of tbe public, columns will be devoted to term of tbe Court, as to the true market value of tbe property returned. florae few items of real estate, on my last year’s books, were re-ass eased by tbe Grand Jury last August, aud since, many other return* have been oumplalnedat. Be ante to make arid returns within the time and in ine manor prescribed by law. „ „ DAVID E. SIMS, Tax Receiver and Collector of Agricultural and other »tnt.sties of Clarke county. ApriM-Sig. rsmiBHEMEg.gIKAMBOILHH.1 iJA’JMiHmtrijflltltlUIIIIIH MILL GEARING MADE ■HAFTING.PULLEYS AND HANGERS The UNEQUALLED JAS. LEFFEL DOUBLE [ Address. FOOL 1 LITERATURE, ART AND WOMAN’S WORK. We tnist oar tamest efforts for improvement will rv-ceiva tbe encoarugeiueut it deBcrvet*. TXBJf EDITRESS MISS LOLLIE RUTHERFORD, local surntu* MISS SUSIE KELLY. TBBM8-. For six months... IKVABIAULX D( ADVANCE. ...31.00 ADVERTISING TERMS: Advertisements will be inserted at SEVENTY FIVE CENTS per square for each month. A FIRST CLASS PIANO terms. Apply to feblMfr FOR SALE! AT KKV.SONA. LE Mr . > EROYBBOU. , b .peri vertisemeut of Superiority and Exceleuce. ^“Largest Slock—Lowest Prices Purchasing largely for Cash, enables us to sell $ prices that Defy Competition. Special Inducements! PIANOS AT NEW YORK LOWEST PRICES. WITH a gocj Stool and Cover, forwarded to any point, freight paid, for Cash. G. O. ROBINSON & CO. WILL ALSO SELLT WO HUNDRED ORGAN’S FOB Small Monthly I’syuieuts. A LARGE ASSORTMENT! LOWEST PRICES! Four of tho best Makers are represented, iucluding Mason & affllin Organs, New Styles Superiority Everywhere Acknowledged FIRST PRIZE AWARDED AT THE “WORLD’S Fair,” iu Paris, 1867; at the “ Vienna Lxp«M*. • tion,”187S; and at the recent Exposition, lsrs, st ilus, Austria. They havo always re ceived the Highest Medals in competi tion with the celebrated European makers- G. O. ROBINSON & CO., Wholesale Sontbeni Agents. L. r*. Q s AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE, 265 Broad Street. MUSICAL INSTKUMfcNTS IN EVERY VARIETY. TliB MUSIC BOOKS AND SHEET MUsK- Latest Publication.. Mode received every day by or Expreaa. Orders promptly fiRed bv „ 0 fobf5.1876.6m. G. O. ROBINSON A CO- EN YEARS AGO MESSRS. GEO. P. BOWHM DVERTISING IN EELIGIOUS AND AGBICUL- t f URAL WEEKLIES, hnif-price. Semi for Ca’.u- ue on too usr i-LSir. For information oddr- sa GEO. F. Ro WELL & Co., 41 l'aik Row, S. 1. Oo„ establisned their advertising «geu®5' . Mf York City. Five years ago they absorb®J thie bn.i^ conducted hy Mr. John Hooper, wbowaatbeb 8- iiito this kind of enterprise, Now, they have tl , f taction "4 eohtrolling Rm bioat extensive smt r- j advertising connection which baa ® v 5 r ,"f!!®otlar and ouo which would be lianlly P^j V’irfworkiug country but this. They have succeeded i»*™ » down a complex business into so thoroughly 1 , :uie method that no change in the uew»p»rer Amerieucan escape notice, wh,le the wiO«t n,,n ujion all topics intcve.-,tiug to advartaiess r" .e.oiiiy at tins disposal of the public. ,. jjfj. . uiunfififitB. NEW YORK TIMES, June IV* > IlHE TAN iTECOd STROUDSBURG, 1 Wheel, aud Machine. nBrC