The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, May 09, 1876, Image 3

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| rnuumummm . . -e&r-ylivj)t M l j^MSsisV** — f|c ^tljms Oitorgiim. ATHENS, GA. VV-ESO'V MORNING, .Ml Y. 8, 1870, THE CITY. Watkinsville Court is now iu session. Hie —gimme three drams of corn, broth* LUWAKD KELLEY. The new steamer will be-christened, * Howell Cobb.” “A friend who eticketh closer than brother”—a creditor - The song of the Kvllev krewe is no longer, Bring in another hon*; “ Perscna/s. __ Hon J- F. Kirk of Madison Countv w s w iih in ye-tcr-lay. The Squire is evidently we 1 j.loii.-^l «ith forming. The gas works will he general’y renovat- Tl>« 1 nnce Hodgson, Strahan «tO„ ed and remodeled by the present company, v V now oil a visit to his relations and ru, r. . . , V7 : ; ■ „u ,.f At In ns, illuminated our sanctum —S*’ se *™ e3 K'd in a , l.n,ht smile, la-t *a.urd..y. I 57 , n ! ‘ upp,y ° f jug9 for the Cen ‘«"«» «»■ ,lw liieoand Solid.orGeneral Mitchell, P ^ wy excursion to an Oglethorpe man- if you don’t want to get your self into bush* l i( l t "wi'h the bloom ol noun,tains upon iljiir clifcks, came to town Saturday even- H,,ii. G. lv Duke the handsome member j Jackson, honored ui with a visit last Mon* V iv .Inst now he seems more interested in agriculture than in politics. Hugh X. Taylor, of Elienezer Mor- ('„unty, is in town. The Col. reports hi* tiirni in fine condition and strokes his chin" with infinite satisfaction whenever agri culture is mentioned. M r. B >h Tt Espey. of Jackson County, f,.r a 'number of years n citizen of Athens, i,j „j. M visit last week and entertained us will, very interesting reminiscences of primi tive Athens. He is on a visit to his si-ter. Mi„. Withersponn who is very ill and whose file has Wen desj aired of. Buck Male,nn, of Ocom-e county, received from Kent nekv, on last Wednesday, a three months’ old 1! rkshire |»J. wctglnrg one hundred jiounds. A fmc pig that, and cl; is. no donht, convinced, that the “hog lioniinr’’ policy is sure to win. Joel M Dean is happy. With an ecstasy „„t often to he seen, he informed us last u,vk, that his lino milcli cow liad twins. i;.,(]i tine calves, and doing finely. He s:ivs that h» intends exhibiting them at our next Fair, provided somebody does not persuade him to take one hundred dollars f,,r iln iii before that time. Messrs. Eli tt C. W. Crow, of Banks county, honored us with a flying visit one ,1 iv l:i-t week. They report plenty of com in old Batiks, which, of course, leads us to inter that there is plenty of baeon there :»!*., At any rate, they told us if we would- ,,tilv entile to see them, they would provide us w ill) plenty to eat, and that our horse should not stand tied to the rack or go away hungry. ('apt. John X. Mnntgom ry, of Madison county, paid us a short visit last Friday, which' we highly appreciated. Indeed, we always appreciate the Captain’s visits, for aside from his genial and most agreeable co up inionship, he invariably delights us with his sound, practical and mo t inter esting views upon agriculture, lie is one of the best, most successful ami experienced agriculturists of the State, and we trust he will consent to give onr agricultural readers the benefit of his views and experience through the columns o ihe G .o wan. We learn from him that the rain of Monday, 1-t inst., amounted to almost a •• Water Spout,” in his neighborhood, and wa-hed the lands worse than any rain which has fallen within the last te# years. And tiow the farmers think that little March freeze didn’t go no much against the grain, after all. The Stonewall theatricals, have been post P«»ed for awhile, on account of the illness of some of the members. These are-the days in which the juice that holds the “fly” goes down, and still thev smile attain. Dr. Cicero Holt after a lingering illness of several months, died Sunday morning, of consumption. The Planters’ Hotel in Augusta will lie found ar> elegant resort for parties going to the'Bailroad Convention. The wife of Robroy Hardin, (col’d.) died Sunday morning last, and was buried yes terday afternoon. The Den.osthenian Intermediate Debate has been postponed from May 12 to May 26th., two weeks later. We are sorry to learn, from several of our farmer friends, that the ru«t has made its ap pearance in the wheat of several of our neighboring counties. Attention is called to Ihe change in fnlien’s advertisement. Their stock of goods is ex quisite and the community are by no means inappreciative. “Spring blushes from the hill side” is wliat some poetical youth terms strnwlxrries. It is needless to say that the hills don’t blush much around here. The question with Georgia officials right now is: How doth the busy Bnsbeo Improve e.-ch shining linnr. Since lie 1« fV the motley krewe, Ws.v over in Weil own! PRIZE DRILL. Company A. again Victorious. The second annual prize drill fur the Uni versity Cadets’ banner by the three com panies of the battalion, came off in front of the Newton House, la*t Saturday afternoon. The balcony ami windows of tin-hotel were crowded, while the windows of the Library building and the sidewalks were filled with spectators and the friends of the soldier hoys. The commissioned officers with the Orderly Sergeant of the Athens Guards, acted as Judges. The companies particl- |i'tiing, were governed by the following regulations: 1, Each Com any shall have in ranks, twenty-two privates in full uniform. •J. The Sergeants shall execute the man ual together with the privates. Each Company shall drill in the man* ual of Arms live minutes, and twentv-two minutes in manoeuvres—a rest of three minutes being allowed between the exe •li tmus of manual and manoeuvres. 4. T -ere shall he no intercourse, during the drill, between the Judges and parties intent ted. 5. No officer, except the Captain, shall give commands or make corrections while upon the ground. 0. Each Company shall execute ihe Manual of Anns (except the fouling and firing) and the regular manoeuvres for Coin pany drill. All contested points shall be decided ai-cori'ing to Upton’s Revised Tactics. \V. II Fleming, Capt. Co. A. G. D. Thomas, Capt. Co. B. J. U. Jackson, Capt Co. G. At half past four o’clock, Companies B, C, A. assembled up-m the grounds and ihill.-d in the order named above. Not withstanding the fact that the drill came off about a month carliei than last year, tin- hoys evinced, hv their excellent Lues in inarching, their well-dressed fours and fine wheels, that they had improved their time upon the field movements, while the man ual, as a general thing, was well executed. As was generally supposed, however, the banner was given hack to Company A, w ho have carried it since last year and who proved by their splendid drilling that thev were still in the van. The flag was presented by L W Thomas, Es |, in a very tie it speech, after which, the hoys gathered around Flisch’s lemonade tank, where the victors and iho vanquished sprinkled their joys, drowned their sorrows, their throats, and polished off gold braid and brass buttons with lemonade, un til the sinking sun and the approaching bottom of the tub warned them to drink no more. It is confidently asserted that tffeL C. T., will tiirnish more good looks to the world in its present graduating class than any Col lege in the State. The Grand Instrumental nnd vocal concert, given by the amateurs of thp citv. under the directum of Prof. Amende, for the benefit of ihe Presbyterian Church, will come off at Deupieo’s Hull, Friday evening, May 19th, The Senior da«s of the Lucy Cohb Insti tute will go on n short “ cruise,” this morn ing to Mrs. Wright’s place in Richmond county. Thence they will excurt to Augusta daring the Convention. Gen. Murphey of Lexington is said to lie loosing flesh, caused by too much railrond ramhling. The Gen. has a running acenuut at three soda founts in Augusta and expects tlmsly to regain his lost hide. Young men returning home with the girls at night in Cohbham complain of the rickety condition of the gates. Tnis thing should he looked into, ns a young man’s fancy must have something to swing to, these fine spring evenings. We saw him as he tottered and staggered alovg the curbstone, we beheld with pi y his haggard face and hollow cheek, we shudder ed as we looked into his sunken, dull, glassy eve and heard his quick uncertain utterances, ami then gentle reader, we knew that he was —bilious. The picnic of Prof. Sylvamis Morris’ school cam? off at the fair grounds, last Saturday, and was a jolly affair. Fifteen times was the light fantastic tripped and alter eating a big dinner and having a gen eral hig time the little folks adjourned. Prof. Morris nnd his boys never do things by halves. The Athens correspondent of Ihe Echo forwards Rev. Mr. Campbell’s Memorial address in ftill, to that paper with no credit to the Georgian on the same. As we hap pened to publish the address in its entietv, we presume that the re|iorter from the Little store on the Corner” must have either stenographed or copied it. Off with his guilty head,” said Shakspeare, “ Off with your old winter hat.” says Jno. W. Nicholson, as he displays in tempting view his new st'K-k of straw spring and summer hats. His boots nnd shoes are elegant and assorted nnd Mr. Win. D. Gt ifleth. who can he found at the old stand, ill fit the nvera e youth up in the most approved Centennial style. N. E. R R —The contract for the build ing of thp bridge across the Oconee river has been awarded to Messrs Wilkins & Post The lumber contract was given to Jno. K-'ttlc Esq. Freight, mail and flat cars have been purchased and the engine is now being built In the mean time however a locomo tive will he hired and a passenger car will soon he procured.' The road will be comple ted to Harmony Grove sometime during this week. It has been suggested, and very appropriate ly too. that Judge Rice appoint a stenogra pher for tnis, the western circuit. A law to the effect that every judicial circuit should be provided with a short hand reporter, was passed at the last sessson of the General As- semhly of Georgia, nnd we hope that this re quirement will he speedily complied with, as it will materially nid the Judge, his juries nnd lawyers iu their press of business. IIE HAKES HIS STATEMENT. Friday afternoon, iu company with Sheriff Bruuuiug aud B. F. Culp Feq., two repor ters of me Georgian visited Ed. Kehey at hia cell in the new jail, and through t.e euuilesy ot our legal guides as weh as upon the invitatiou of Kedey himself, en tered hiseed and sitting down opposite him, enjoyed a loug and uninterrupted u»u\ensa ttou WHU the great " wild uuui of the woods.’ PERSONALLY We were rather dLappoiuied iu our eta a via. \\ e had been leu to believe lhat be was a tall, raw boued scowhegian, wim hair ruuuing wild all over hiiu like a modem Esau, an eagle’s eye aud a geut ral ferocity o mieu and demeanor which lor ihe must purl we fouud lacking, tils " get up" is not half devilish or abandoned enough tor a bandit, and ins jtersontUe would bardlv meet the approval ot a tin* class dime novel- isi. To be sure, lie is not the kind of a sub ject that Davis would wish to place upon oue of his tint.d cartes and insert in his show case, but barring a sort of abandon in hi* toilette, Ed. Kelley is about what the read er would imagine one of the average yen- ni * nr y to a .PI*”’ wlH> lor *°me tin e ha» l )een “ roughing •t,’’ regardless of soap and water. Edward Kelley is 30 years old, of me dium height, although of a rather heavy build. IBs brown hair, owing to a few weeks’ separation from coinb and brush, is matted and curly, and his light brown beard, in s-imc places sandy, evinces the same desire to Kink up at the ends. His eyes are of a light bine, in which constantly lurks an anxious, quizzical expression as he talks or listens, and his manner is quirk and nervous; his present restlessness, ow ing, perhaps, to his feverish condition caused by three wounds. He is very ready to talk; seems to lie quite sociably ‘nclined, aud answers all questions readily and intel ligibly. He is a man of some education, can read and write, and uses remarkably good language iu conversing. The amount of it is that these Alabamians treated him ery badly, according to his statements, and he apolog zed for his extremely soileel gear, by saving that- he had been deprived of all his clothes, save those iu which lie was now array d; which, as we before re marked, were r.ilh.-r of ihe “earth, earthly.’’ Kelley is an old Confederate soldier, serv ing in Hardee’s ar ny mo md Savumah, in Hartridge’s 27th Ga. battalion, User’s brigade and Wright’s division. He is a farmer in Newton county, Ga., and last April, made a contract with one Charles Brown, in Cleburne county, Ala., to move his family over to that State. Almui this time, hi* “brother, Charles Kelley sent a note to Edward advising him to meet him as early as possible. Edward >tnte* that lie was not with Charles and his gang when those depredations and difficulties wen- going on in Jackson and Madison counties, in fact, did net join him until he had reac > ed Jasper county, Ga At this point, Charlie told him that if he would go with him over into Alabama, and pilot him around that country, wi*h which he (Ed.) was tiiiuiiiar, that a conveyance could be procured to convey his family from Newton county. E i. stated liiat he didn’t wish to have any difficulty about getting a con veyance," but after sonu* persuasion on the art o' liis brother Charles, he started in company with Charles and Bushin. The following is a detailed account of the trip, adventures aud subsequent mis fortunes, ns near as we could glean them from the prisoner’s statements: We went through Griffin ami Greenville, Ga., and thence up through Randolph county, Ala., to uncle Ike Freeland*’, wlu-re we arrived Sunday morning. On Monday morning, we sent Howard’s mare down to lie shod, and went out in the field to help the hoys roll logs. About ten o’clock that morning, the Sheriff of the county with a posse of men came out and fouud us there in onr shirt sleeves. At first, .we thought they were hunters from Wedowa, but pretty soon we found out that they were after *l>ig game, for they hallooed at us und commenced to shoot, Four shots were fired at me and the third load struck me, three squirrel shot going in my hack and one in iny arm. Bushin, who was minding the fire, ran for our coats and pistols on a slump, g -t them and we all ran into the woods. My uncle’s followed me, hut after throwing rocks at iliein, they went back. I suppose that >8 2d. A ruinous tendency to believe v woman. 3d. A mistaken notion of expecting air fro n relations. For the delectation of the unfortunat man and for all others in adversity w would but present these burning words « Joimcy Lowlow. . . j%. “ Go to a stranger for aid, an acquaint ai»ee for sympathy, a friend for advice am a relation for —— noth ng. A New Hotel. It is rumored that certain parties are contemplating the purchase of the “Dough erty Hill ’’ for the purpose of erecting ; regular “Fifth Avenue Hotel.’’ Hurrah' This enterprise will be placed nnder the management of a certain gentleman well known in this community, former y o’. Athens, now of Ne •/ York. Let this much- needed enterprise be pushed to completion, - -nothing will do more to build up our FINANCIAL A COMMERCIAL. THE ATHENS MARKETS! Corrected Weekly hj ike Merckals Eickujre.. FACTORY GOODS. Cato!. Yarns SI IS »CS It » a It •uuburp . shining— 4Sh «v ... iu II ON.-. S3 a 1# lackerel. So. !,klu._tl to “ N... i, Kiu.~«t IS - No. a. Kits— I IS Halt. Tar Sark Si » Chewing totacco— Mai 30 ~ — (OaltS r._ 1 M USSsS Candles, apana tallow. Military Soiree. Tbo Complimentary Hop; given by Messrs. .\ V Kobison «fc Sou, to ilie Athens Huanls, ;il D upree’s Hall, last. Friday ex''lung, was <>ne of the most rielierelio nf- t'."vs “1 Bio season. The gay and h» couple* :is they gracefully wheeled in their pi n es upon the smooth floor, composed - !"l . ,a 't assemblage indeed, and tallied tin- joyous throng the beau y and chivalry <>t Alliens. Tiio dancing was excellently conducted and highly enjoyed by all-in* deed, no one xvlio was present, failed to spe.ik in tli- highest terms of the Messrs. Robison r.nd their delightful soiree. The '•h er cup, tor t he most popular young lady, awarded to Miss Marian Hearing; bill ti e -rick for the most popular young man >n ilie “Guards,” could not lie decided "1>">, Messrs. Hull and Tilley tiring for t'-m honor. It was decided, therefore, to "itlulraw it. The Hop lasted until a late Lour in die morning, and will long be re- ■m-inhered by the festive throng So lbrtu- »»to as to attend. Mrs. Witherspoon a highly esteemedjand much loved citizen of this' place died yes terday afternoon, after a fingering illness of several weeks. The bereaved family has the sympatliies of onr entire community. ■rs. Hoodwyn. This talented lady who is now stopping at Mrs Nevitt’s in our* city, gave one of her charming literaiy entertainments, Saturday night, which was pronounced a treat by every one present We are glad, indeed, that our citizens will have an opportunity to lis ten to her readings, one of which she has consented to give at the Phi Kappa hall, next Friday evening. May 12th. Her elocu* tionary knowledge is said to be perfect and her renditions of choice selections have been highly complimented apd warmly appreciat ed hv nur people of Savannah and Augusta. The following, wo copy Irons the Augusta t ~ p_ t Constitutionalist: As a general thing, entertainments of a purely literary character in which an unpro- professimial is to lead, seldom receive that attention which is due to the talent eugaged in them. Last evening, however, was a crowning exception to the well-known apa thy which often blights the early aspira tions of genius. ’Tis no easy task for one, though rarely gifted, to confront a careless nnd indiff-rent public. Yet, the common inhertaiice of minds thus peculiar! ’ and specially developed, is to experience disap pointment nnd neglect. The entertainment given last evening by Mrs. Goodwyn, was conclusive in illustration that this talented lady snerits tile praise she has won, the fanm that undoubtedly awaits her, and the success is already hers. OFFICE ATHENS GEORGIAN, ANNOUNCEMENTS, Forsalc at this office a good second hand Washington hand Press, size No. 6, in good order. Will be sold cheap for ca-h. ‘Lucas & Ware, are now opening their spring supply of elegant goods in every variety. Ladies, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces. Ribbons, Embroideries, Lace Points Ecru Lice and Novelties, Blaek Goods in Grenadines of all qualities, Mourn ing Dress Goods, Crapes, Veils Hats, &c. Large assortment of English, French and German Cloths, Casstmeres and Vestings, which can lie made up in onr Tailoring De partment in the best style. Trade from a distance solicited at prices to compete with Augusta and Atlanta. Cali and see our stock. Lucas & Ware. aprilll.4t. Closing Oat Sale of Spring and Summer Dry Hoods, and Fancy Hoods Generally. Ch arles Stern announces to his patrons and citizens generally, that he will close out his entire stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, No: ions, Ac., Ac., at and below cost, from this date, without reserve, for cash only. The stock consists in part, or Iron Grenadines and Berages, black A1 pacas (best brands.) Fancy and solid col ored Lawns. In white goods, the stock embraces Victoria and Bishop Lawns, Lace Stripes, new style EcruJ suitings, Sxrlsses, Jaconets and other goods, Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, full line of English and American Hosiery for Ladies, Misses and CliMdren; Hamburg Edgings and Insertions. Kid G'oves, 75 cts. jwr pair. Large variety _ of Parasols and Fans, Counterpanes, Ac, the wav th'» report about the bloodhounds I ^ !C - *ri so °®-‘ r * n domestic goods, best arose. * I’ran down the little Ch ttahoochee prints at 7 cents pee yard, 4-4 {Beached iver about a mile and a halft swam the | Shirting at 9, and 10 cents, river, and xvent down toward Wedowa jud, risk. Potatoes SI 00a2 00 .wool “ _1 iSsi IS ISl aitSoos— S0»M rurkej-1— — MU as Hattor . *» S3 GROCERIES. 3ox», enuhod— ItoU B. Ha 13 C I«a 18 Demina.. 1SK» IS Coffee, Rio Laguayra... 28* S3 Javm.J! S3* 17 Tea. l 23*1 fio ~ 73*1 A CO* cs ,40*50 20*25 M* 20 Snuff, America*' _ „ Havana 79 00*1 w 00 ammunition. _ Powder- per lb— i *0a 1.00 Shot “ “ ~ | DAVIS Qua. par bos. 10a 40 1 ‘liquors. Cora whisker. ~B **■ * W Krrnch brandy— 4 Ms 1 a Holland Gin — 5 00a 8 00 Aamlcaa Gin— 3 00« 4 TO Bourbon whiskey 1 00s 4 00 Wines - SOOelOOO hardware. lion, Swedes, prlb SaSg English. Csstings.. «K»3 4 50 MU te •KJS Hills, pi kef Cotton raids Horse Shoes- .. •• •• Nnils. leather. Hemlock Hara'H Smins-^MOOuoooo Kip Skins... 50 00*15 00 pry English Dslry Ms SO BAGGING. TIES, ROPE. Onions,perbu-_ 100*120 Bjalnspeyd ItalS Starch- — * 15 Ties ——MIX Tallow SB 10 | Rope, cotton *>»« Rica, per lb a 10 1 Rope, grass 1 The shore an retail prices. 8pedal rates to wholesale CLARK SHERIFFS SALE. A7K/ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE Y V Court House door in the city of Athens, Clark county, on the first Tuesday in done next, within the legal hours of sale tbo following property to-wit: All the interest that defendant has in throe houses and lots, oontsinlng one sere, more or lees, situate, lying and being in Lie city of Athens, Clerk county, Ga.. on the East aide uf the Oconee river, new the end of the Georgia Kail Boad, bounded on the North and East by the Athens Manutuctoriug Company, South by the street leading to the Depot, West by street leading to the Check CnXory. Ail levied upon by virtue one fi. tk. | from County Couit, General sessloa, January Term 1 1870. Levy made and retained to mo by Junes H. Towns Bsi lift John F. Fineli vs. B. H. I.-™ kin, Ben Thotnss end one State and eowity.taxfi. fin,' John W. Johnson vs. Ben Thomas, for lSlu.MLevled upon the entire lot by said Tax fi. Cs., this April rikh 1870. may*. 80-1. J. A. BBOWNING, SheritL TOE NKUt BASTS EXVUAM1E. Week Ending, April 28,1876. Receipts 73 Shipments Sales to Spinners 19 Market middling..... Ilfal2 Rain Fall Highest Temperature 80 If yon want Powera A Weightman’a Chemicals, then go to Loxos & Bluer*. 8epL 15—tO-tf. 3000 lb*., Strictly Pure Lead, just received by Lowes & Billvps. Sept. 15—46-tf. (9* The undersigned have on band a choice lot ot Timothy Hay, which they will aell cheap for cub. GANN & HEAVES- NOTICE.—Country merchant* and Physician*, we are now prepared to aell you all article* pertaining to the drag trade A* cheap as yon can get them in Georgia, freight added. Losea dc Billot*. Sept. 15—15-tf. Pools A Htnrr, Machinists, Baltmobe —In another part of onr paper will be found the business card of this well known house, whose manufactures are in use from Maine to Mexico and South America, and everywhere regarded as first-class in their design, material and workmanahip. Wi h facilities for manufacturing and shipping largely increased and improved from year to to apply for their circular and prices. well dec7. CROCKERY A J H. HUGGINS. RECEIVED THE U1UUEST ATTIWDN tT THE LATE STATE FAIR. PSOTOGSA?jre3t, ATHEWS. CKA-. HE LARGEST AXD NOsr ELEGANT «U.IH» IS THE STA1 - WITH THE BEST OPEBATOB8. Clarice ComMy. CLARK SHERIFFS SALK W ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE Court-house door, in the city of At.,eus, Clark oounty, on the first Tuesday iuJnne next, within the legal hoar* of sals the following pro perty to-wit: one lot of land aituate, lyinguid being m he city of Athena on the North aide oflinwl street, g back 40o feet from said St., And having a seventy-five feet on said street, adjoining other landeof 1. Wifk non on the West and on the East, an alley separating It from F. Wilson, L. Schevenell and now with the-fonndry lands. Also one tract U East toot of Brood Street, extending across etrret fitly test from river mad running upriver with Mrs. Kit le’e fence all te the property of defendant to eatiefy fire fi. las from justice court Xl« district,G. M. 3d, district in favor of J. B. Carlton, one in favor of Lncas Sc Ware, one iu taror of John C. Pitntr Sc Co. Also one lot of land in the i Foui Not; _ South by Thomas Bailey’s lot, 110 feet wide. AU to satisfy the above stated ft. tea. J. B. Carlton vs. Irese Wilkereon and Lucas and Ware und J. C. Pitner Sc Co., vs. I. Wilkcrson. This May the 1st 187*. Levy made end returned to me by W. A. England, L. C. .mayS.SOJ. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. A LL persons having demands against the Edate of Richard TT Brumby late of Clarke County deceased, are hereby notified und reanired to present them. Property attested, to the undersigned within the time auberibed by law, and ell persons in debted to said deceased ere hereby required to make immediate psymeut to WM. J. RUSSELL, Administrator. Monday, May 1 , that their immense stock of Gent's, M's and Bbj's Suits, ^assorted during the past month by CTBOT X.OW of their exclusive style of Centennial lack Suits, has been worked down to suit tbo TIMES AND POCKETS of the present generation, and nwing'to the heavy run on their Own Patent Shirts, have ordered and have just reeeived another large lot o them. Consult your interest and givo them a call at No. 5 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. janll-ly » Oconee County. Mr. W. A. Rix, Cutter and Taylor, formerly of the celebrated tailoring estab lishment of Pool, of London, later of the city of New York, is now with Mr. F. W. Lucas & Co., where he will be pleased to wait upon the citizens of Athens and vicin ity. April4-tf. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. W HEREAS, Leonabd Schevenell, applies to me f«r letters uf guardianship of the persons and proi-erty of Lucy C. Akin and Alids T. Akin of said county, Orphans (nnder 11 years old) of Henry M. Akin, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ertned, to show cause at my office, on or before the L..., *— — — —— * Monday in May next, why amid letters should not be npon the same at 10 o’clock *. u. on tho loth day granted. of Mav 1876, at my office. Given nnder my hand at offico this 27th day of I aprillf “ March 1876. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordiuary. march28.30d. | GEORGIA—OCONEE OUNTY. GEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY. ' " I f~h* Dr *A s »'s Omot, April 16th, 1876.—Francis A. all con-1 ” “ Crow has a, plied for exemption of person -Itv and -tha first settin-f spurt the valuation of Homestead. And'l will J. B. LYLE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. \Y ^ We will __ _ also cl- *se out entire stock of the celebrated lo niirt amrfie7nd ISitriniL nBiMbiu^m I Philiulelphia make slioes, for Ladies, Misses emme tip in answer to mv whistle, but an Children, at cost. Also, the entire lie hfrln’t neon Charlie, we went back to stock ot Fancy Goojis. All of the aliove Ike Freeland’s house and met Charlie at g°ods must be sold without fajh m order the ffprng. The next raomini?, after taking to change business. So those wishing bar* short imp, we went up Ut uncle Lewis 1 miwl ^ ®J]^y an ^ procure them, alley’s, nnd getting :i snack, walked offin Very respect I ully, Cuas. Stebn, thewoodsamldropiiedtbsleep B isbin,foilii” Athens, Ga., abo\e imtely, soon awoke and saw a squad of I Lon^ A Buiup’s Drug Store, men coming up, when we got up and diwiwl. apni2n.ltn, I was in the lead and pretty soon ran upon „ . . _ ^ T , another gang ot men. -I said, “Come on I Hemlock and Oak Tan S»» : catner, i*entUmien, here we are, ’ and daaUng off I French and American Calf Skins, Shoe ibout 100 > yards, ran in ibout ’0 feet 011 Findings Ac., at Jno. W. Njcholson s No. them and pas-ed. My hroilu-r and BusLiu turned short off and rati into anoth. r squad them. They fired about 5ft shots, l,ut strange to xay.'did not strike us. ‘ TREACHERY OP A FAIR ONE Running dowu the river, I came up to a Target Shooting.—The annual target slioo’ing ot the Athens Guards came off hv»t Wednesday afternoon, and was at tended by quite a concourse of ladies and trenllemeii, who always feel _ an interest in the anniversaries mid festivals of this tine corps. The regulations governing the shooting allowed cadi man three shots at a twentv-two inch target, at a dis tance of 100 yards. The prizes consist’d of a beautiful silver cup for the three best average shots nmong non-commissioned . flioers and privates, a silver napkin ring f or the second best average shot, a fine sword for the commissioned officers’ prize, and a silver cup for best shot among hon orary members; the latter being only al lowed one shot apiece The firet Dnze was awarded to Corporal C. A. Scndder, whose score was 5J, 53, 0- 1 ruate L. Den ring scoring 8L *$. 0, secured thesecond prize. Capt C G Tal.nadge, making 4J, 4}, 0, won ihe officers’ sword, while Emory Speer, Esq., in a angle shot of 5J indies, knock d up tho honorary cup. Lucas & Ware.—Call attention totheir elegant stock of cloths and cassimers, and F.ishio; able Tailors to make them up—al so, large stock of Ladies’ Dress goods — hiic girh who said, "Come h re.'l will land dry goods generally. All offered on take care of yon.” most liberal terms, No, you are a going to fo >1 me,” says 11 april24,3t. “ No 1 won’t, come on.” I went iuto her smoke house and she lock- j Men’s Fine Hand Sewed Boxtoed Shoes, the door. By nnd by. however, I iiegan fed uneasy and railed out to her to un 1 Nicholson’s, No 4, Broad 6t. b-ck the door. I called several tiroes, but | april25.4t. as she didn’t answer, I burst ed the door open and pitched out. I ran down the river. I Brogan Shoes, Men’s add Bays, best recrossed it and sitting down upon a hill, quality, cheaper than ever sold in Athens, I at J. W. Nicholson’s, No. 4, Granite april*25.4t. N>o Atlanta Sankey alias Adipo-e John- fon, nl the Times, wn’s with us hist week_ in "'c iniere-t of hi* valuable priming journal The Col. n Oconee 8 n-. I Pundnv School ... n ..... . . - promise* of Zion and of .iho Times. He to, and filed with me within ten usys from '•burned 17 v< r>e* of an improvised ca -tHta. | the date of this notice. *t which time tne Straw and Fur Hats. Fresh arrival and cheap, at Jno. W. Nicholson’s No. Broad St. april25.4t. Special Notice.—Notice is hereby giv en that the Assessor* of Real Estate have completed the As-essm-mts for the year 1876, ... «-—*-»*- — office for ex iections sworn Kh us lust week in completed the as-esamenw t«r u« liable nod rapidly nnd placed thoir hooks in my office fi ’<il. united with the ■ nminution hv nil conccmed, imjectK i-hool iii rinsing the 1 a**e*«ment.* mu*t be maim iu writing. the list of which xvont <.omewh:il n.* full- 1 "'.*: “ Couirt sinner* ymor sml " lien vs get thratwh tlie*e licrobjrra », Come to mo vri h <bot-t-*p« ejy-ejy And plunk np for the pood old Tnizs, Alphabetical Uat of AttracUv* Article* Await- ing your Attention. Amethyst and Aqua Marine Jewelry, Acs cordeans and Ammunition. Bridal Presents, Beryl Jewelry. Bracelets. Brooches, Badges, Bronzes, Berry Stands, Baby Pius, Banjos, Bows, Bridges and Bugles. Cameo and Coral Jewelry, Crosses, Collar Buttons, Cake Baskets, ommunion Services, Cups, Cutlery, Canes, Clocks, Chronographs, Concertinas and Card Stands. Diamond Jewelry, Ducking Powder, Duck calls. Dram Flasks. Emerald, Etruscan find Emblematic Jewelry* Ear Rings, Engagement Rings, Eye Glasses and Eye Glass Cords and Chains, Epergnes. Filigree Jewelry, French Clqcks. Fire Arms, Fancy Articles. Fifes, Flageolets, Flutes, Flutinas. Fruit Stands. Garnet Jewelry, Gold Rings, Gold goods of all kinds. Guitars, Glassware, Glove But- toners. Guns and Game Bags. Hair Jewelry. Handkerchief Rings and Holders, Harmonicas. Ivory Jewelry, Iron Safes, Italian Strines. Jet Jewelry, Jewel Stands, Jelly' Spoons, Juba Dancers. Keys for Watches and Clocks, Cake, Pie, Fruit, Pen and Pocket Knives. Lava Jewelry, Lockets, Leontine Chains, Leather Guards and Looking. Glasses. Matinee Chains, Marriage Rings, Magic Pencils, Musical Instruments. Nickel Jewelry, Necklaces, Napkin Rings. Onvx and Opa Jewelry. Opera Chains, Optical Goods and Fine Oil. Pearl Jewelry. Pins, Presentation Goods, Gold Pens, Pistols and Powder, Quartz Jewelry. Quizzing Glasses. Ruby Jewelry, Rings of all kinds, Reming ton Sewing Machines, Razors. Silverand Sapphire Jewelry, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Sterling Silver and Plated-ware, Spectacles and Sporting Goods. Turquoise and Topaz Jewelry, Trinkets, W HERE AS, GKORGEE. GRIFFETH Administrator James L. Griffeth de- anBtfiiansassA&fic tef s tn*r.28-30d. GEORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY. J. B. LYLE, Ordinary. OCONEE SUPERIOR COURT NOV. S TERM 1875. Mast Livctusrox, 1 vs. > Libel for Divorce. StnxLY Livixostox. ) I T APPEARING TO THE COURT that Sidney Livingston, defendant does not realde in the County of Oconee, und it farther appearing that my hand, at office, thi.Tth day of Mare , I forT^terS^ A§AM. JACKSON, Ordinary. , P 2SCfc?Sirti«ta in ths Athens QOorgiau, a paper published in the City W HEBEAS, UAWKINS TAYLOR, (oil’d,) appUes to me for Letter* of Cnurdianship of the persons and property of Emins Freeman and Lather Freeman,, (col’d,) of said county, orphans of Samuel Freeman, j (col’d,) late of said county, deceased— These are therefore, to cite and admonL, all con-1 ccraed to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Monday in May next, why said Letters should not In granted. Given nnder 1876. msr21-30d. CLARK SUPERIOR COURT TERM 1876. Edwaud Holbsook. . .ibel for Divorce. Fan nt HoLbaooB. FUR of Athens, Georgia. ‘ , J.R. LYLE, PlaintUfi Attorney. Granted—GEO. D. RICE, Judge S. C. i .ibel for Divorce. 1 f3 EOBQIA—OCONEE COUNTY.'—Cum Omos. j I t.l Scrauoa Comtr.—I, J, U. A. Johnson, Clerk of TT APPEARING TO COURT BY THE I return of the Sheriff, that the Defendant 1 ,8 J® of the Snperior Court of said County of Oconee. the above stated ease resides out of the County ot Clarke, and it further appearing that ahe resides ont of | the State of Georgia. It i* ordered by the Court thai said Defendant appearand answer at the next term of I this Court, else the ease be considered iu default, and I the plaintiff allowed to proceed: and itia further or- 1 dcred that this rule be published in the Athena Georgian onee a month for four mouths: Granted. GEO. D. BICK Judge 8.C. T.W. RUCKER, Attorney A true extract from the minutes of February Term, 376, of Clarke Superior Court. fsbSSmtm. JOHN I. HUGGINS, Clerk. 4. Granite Row, ;| apriI25.4t. l876 Ven Qnder my offldal signature, this 28th January febl.mtm. J. M. A. JOHNSON, Clerk. EXECUTOR’S SALK ,N THE FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, IN _ 1 Athens, Clurke oounty, Georgia, will bo told tile plantation belonging to the estate of John Williams, deceased, lying in Oconee ouunty, and for several years ... -- -- 2. Glenn. Said lands will be di- separate tracts to suit purchasers For information in regard to subdivision* of land, apply to Ur. Glenn, on the place, or to me, at Eatonton, G« - • — • ■ -t of" NOTICE. ALL PERSONS HAVING DE- J mands against Barton C. Thrasher, late of ■foonee county deceased, are hereby notified und re- | - w. - And *11 hereby notified < make immediate payment to tha undersigned, a E. THE ASHER, spri!18.30d. Attorney in foot for Admr’x. to May term, 1878f of Oconee Superior Court. ' Terms, half cash; balance the first of November next. This property is valuable, and the sale offer* chance to rued of means. Feb. 29th, 1876. J. M. WILLIA April.ll.30d. Hart County. GEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY. Jamu H. TnoxnoM 1 _ vs. „ 1 Complaint on aeoonnt returnable Unity Lonox, No. 1 to May ' 61, IXDXrXSDINT Oasia or Odd Fellow*. • J t ,v a rare 1 raiHE DEFENDANT, UNITY LODGE.’'No. 61, I I Independent Order of Odd Fellow*, fa hereby MS, Executor. -1 notified and required to be and appear at tha next term 1 of the Superior Court of Ooonee county, to bo held on the second Mondsy in May, 1876, to antwer the com plaint ef James II. Thompson against said defendant m u auit on an aooount; or, in deiimtt thereof; the said Court will ptdoeed us to juetioe shall appertain. Wlt- M4 < SAW.: B ^ ,,,dee of “ idConrt * •prillfi «*• J. M. A. JOHNSON, Clerk. Tete-a-tete Sets, Type Writers. Tuning Pipes, Tooth Picks and Tuning Forks. Universal Watch Keys. Vest Chains, Vases, Vidiagrettes, Violins and Violin Trimmings. Watches of all kinds, Water Sets, Wine Stands, Eley, Baldwin, Felt, Wool and Paper Wads. t Xamine our Stock. You will find attentive salesmen aud prices at Zero and Lower & we are always glad to see you whether you buv or not. L. Schevenell & Co. Athens, Ga. NOTICK ( HAVE FILED WITH THE COURT of Ordinary of Hart Connty, Ga., application to aell the real estate of W. 8. Simpson, fate of Anderaon connty, South Carolina, deceased. AH persons con-1 42 nnIvrl ccraed are hereby notified to allow cause, if any they I CTlr Klillx iiave, why such application should not be grant* June Term, 1876. of aaid court, thfa^A^il 27^78^ tnayS—30d Administrator. I Mu*. T. A. Adaki would most 1 Ladies of Athens and of counties _ , , now received and opened* moat choice and select a*- -ortmeut of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, vom ited si I HART SHERIFF SALK W ILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE I priring in pert the~fatest atyle* and fiuhimu of 1 Hart 000%°,%"^ i a rat th T e u^i°n , «^n’S: Hate, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces,. the foUowing property: Twenty scree ot land, mors or | (lowers, lx loves, &C., Cmshrane and Elizabeth Stowere, levied on as the prop- Jfii erty of Elizabeth Stowers to satify a fi. fit. faaued from SJJJfjoSgSvf * tre * the Snperior Court of arid oounty, returnable to March | on * door mboTe N “ 0 '»“ »nk. 1875—25. tf. term L l«7Lin favor of C. M. Lowe va. EUzabeth Stowers { ‘tftii Rf^ntlinr. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff. IX SECURITY, raiild see the sqnad* of armed men parading I Row. around on the other side. Going up through the heavy pine timber, I arrived next (lay | John W. Nicholson, keeps in stock, in Heard county Ga.. and went to the house Colored Lining Skin*, Binding Skins, Bar- of my cousin. Jno. Thomas Kellev. I asked boura.Slic-o Thread, Wax, Shoe Lasts, P< him to go over and see whether Charlie was | Sewing and Peg Awl*, Knives, Shoe Nail killed or wounded. Thursday night I arose | Laces and Boot Webbing. apri!25.4t. at day nnd going off about 75 yards Irani the house I saw a man come from the wood* and aim a gun at tne. he cried out “halt, 1 I ran in my cousin’s smoke house. Men soon surrounded the smoke house and Ladies’ and Childrens’ fine Shoes at Jno. W. Nicholson’s, No. 4,’Ganite Row. aprii25 4t 1 SURRENDERED. They then tied me and several of them. You Have no Excuse.—Have you any excuse fur suffering with Dyspepsia or Liver Th r People Want Proof.—There is no medicine prescribed by physicians, or sold by Druggist*, that carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue as Bosciiee’s German Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or auj disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proo of that £ict is that any person afflicted, can jet a Sample Bottle for 10 cen.n and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It haslatelv been intro- dneed in this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing every one that use it. Three doses wifi relieve any case. Try it. Sold by march7. R- T. Brumby. do believe, tried to shoot me. The 1 i 8 there any reason why you strangest «irt of my rangh narrative wnow ^Idgo on from day to day ■* complaining to conic. What do yon think air? “ Why „ uh g^ r Stomach. Sick Head ache; Habit- Jno Thomas JteUeyfl my cousin, had ac.\ l ( | Oostiveness. palpation of the Heart. tu My sent pfierthe Deputy Sheriff W Heart bum, Water brash, Gnawing and B inu.u , TT , int , ii. Coming up to Wedowa, where I remained until Sun- after eat ; Dg . Lo W spirits. Ac. No! It is dav when Howard came over and got me. paKrtfe your own fault if >ou do. Go to Of Howard’s crowd the prisoner spoke in VTuV Druggist R. T. Brumby and get a but the highest terms; they treated me well, kjg of Gbeeh ’ 8 August Flower for 75 lie y but those AlalKiinianM — well - tents your cure is certain, blit if you doubt Kelley now sank buck «n his couch and th - get a sample Bottle for 10 cents and after exchanging a few courtesies. Sheriff tnr Two doses will relieve you. Brown ni unlocked the door, pulled back ‘March-7 tho pun lerous bars and wc were once more f in the realm of liberty,' in the domain of, _ , _ sunshine and day. Gents Fine Low Cat Shoe m all the lead- Wc don’t care to express onr opinion ing styles and ot the best quality. Jnst aliont Ed. Kelley, tve simply give hi* rough j received at Snead’s. sketch, because we hope it will prove in biMiks will bo finally closed W. A. Gilleland, Cleik of Council. Athens Ga., April, 25th, 1876. ten-.-ting; we think however that three I Asa M. Jackson. .- L. W. Thomas glaring mistakes of- his van gated flight JACKSON & THOMAS, present themselves, aaj . -y- ,l9t. Too great a proclivity to hide in | A ltd ueys at LaWi smokehouses. . i ■ Athens, Georgia. OPENING TO-DAY. L. Schevenell & Co., have just received a beautiful assortment of genuine Tortoise Shell Jewelry, consisting of Opera andVest chains, Necklaces, Band and Cable Bracelets, Half Sets, Brooches, R-tr Rings, i and Double Lockets, its, Eggs, Anchors and Sleeve Buttons. Also a choice selection of Combs. Above goods are offered at bottom prices. Call early and secure bargains. may2.lL Sint Pend K mm/ and Summer Millinery Goods. I respect frilly inform the ies adjacent, that ahe ha* and i. H. Skelton, Secretary. Aprilt-SOd. W. NOTICE. S3* Vi 1 ej a a WM. H. CUMMING, M. D. 1 itoS, ?Sn, Office in the new Insurance Building | dfatolTed^by 1 mutuS oon«!It. nt l J «e l r , '^ , . , Hntohespn Athens, Georgia. aprilll.4L 1 Spark*, who fa subrogated to all hi* ri(rht» and liabilities — —~ | as a member of said firm. Athena, March 1,1876. rl ,„, “to. m&WBsm. r | ”HE firm ol Upsliaw & Griffeth dwsulv- 1 * * °* ,Tr I ad copartnership December 1st. 1675. K. P. Griffeth have bought out Upshaw’s entire interest. All parties indebted to tho fate firm will Immediate payment to F. P. Griffeth. F. P. GRIFFETH. J. M. UPSHAW. Athena Ga. April X9tb, 1876.4Lpd A. A. BELL. Peter W. Hutcheson having this dav sold and trans ferred his interest la the mercantile hntlneet of Sum- March 1 OS YCHOMANCY. OB SOUL CHARMING. BOW MT either eez may fascinate and gain the love and af fections of any person they chowe, instantly. This art all can possess, free, tar mail, for 25 cent*; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian. Oracle, Dreams, Hinte. to Ladies, ate. 1^00,0->0 told. A queer book. Ad- I , -in M dress tTiVIMMIAM * CO, Publisher#, Philadelphia. - march 28.B. Tayloring Establishment.—Wiluam Walseman will now be found at the Store of Reese & Lane, surrounded by every facility for getting up a suit of Clothes, for any gentleman wishing such athing. Large stock of piece goods, trimmings Jfcc., always on hand. Prices low and all work warrant ed. Give me a call aud be convinced, Dissolution. rpHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO- X fore existing between th* undersigned, under tha firm name and style of P1TTABD, MITCHELL Sc CO., fa this dsy dissolved by mutual consent. AH persons indebted to the fate firm will nuke pay ment to 8. D. Mitchell, who continues the business and assume* til its liabilities. JAMES D. FITTABD, 8. D. MITCHELL, B. T. PITTABD. The undersigned, in thanking bis old patrons for their patronage, begs a continuance of it, at. the Ob’ stand,*No.6&oedstreet. „ We cordially rerommend onr fate partner to onr old latrqna and friends. He will be. found prompt an ibuging. J. D. PITTARD, jiSStf B. T. PITTABD. tinned at th* same place by tha undersigned, nnder the firm name of Bell A Co. The new firm will assume discuss all the debt* of the former firm. Athens, PETER AvSUMMEY, A. A. BELL, „ , , . . ANN UNTON SPARKS. The undersigned in retiring from the flnnofSuro- — Hotoheaon A Ball, obaarftdly reaommends the e and bones that the liberal patron- to tne old firm will be con- P- W. HUTCHESON. age ben tinned 1 marcblLtf. a eu e X S3 w e3 a O 9 H X M X Notice to Contractors. Omcx NoXTHXJtaTXXK Eailuoad Conran, Atbxss, GA.pApril Slat, 1876. S EALED PBOPOSALS WILL BE'RECEIVED until the 6th day of May next, for building a trestle over Oconee river and dry land near Athens, the width of river being sixty feet—the whole trestle containing 82,000 feet, boerd measure; to be of heart pine, sound and clear of wind shakes., Bid* are asked for fltrnishing lumber and building trestle. Abo, for lumber separately, and for work sep arately. The Company reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. •'...• Specifications to be seen at Office of Company. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON, Secretary and Treasurer. april25-2w. Dissolution. H B. BERNARD HAVING SOLD OUT HIS IN- • terest in the firm ot Weatherly Sc Co., the busi ness will be oonducted by W. A. Sc J. M. Weatherly, under the name a* before, of Weatherly Sc Co.-, who auome all the liabilities of the Aim. Athens, G*. Msr 1st 1*76. m*v2.4f. BANKRUPT BLANKS. P HILIP Sc SOLOMAN’S AUTHORIZED EDITION the only complete edition published. Sent tar mall at (1. For safe by T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and SI