The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, May 23, 1876, Image 2

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- ®|c ^ijjcits (Georgian. "The Shct.Gtn Policy in the South." j Gen. Colquitt for Governor. . - ,, - , „ i. A careful *orv.ey of the political situation the New York Humid «>f the lW* usst.,. us that it is time to take pneiti< n on H. EL CARLTON. Editor. j taking as its text a most exaggerated report | the Gubernatorial question, and we accord- ! 0 f the.late Louisiana troubles furnished by injriy ex res* our preference for Otn^ A. H. TUEMMY aORSUU, M vY 23. ISTC. Ueneral Local »"«< Traveling Agent, CAPT. j. E. BITCH. $ local agents. Mr. JaW A. Manley, Toocoa City. Mr. F. C. St* .’HENSON, Hurt Count). Mr. C. H. Asuss** Fort Luraur. Mr. Frank Ruulaos, Cleveland. Mr. W, L4^AS, DwMtUvHlc. Mr. W. T. MastiklDv " manor. Mr. I. Bunk* Brown, Hart County. Mr. II. S. Anderson, Farmington. a Kepub icnn correspondent, in a style as patronizingly ofiensive ns the charges made are ntgost and untfuc. preZtimi'S to lecture jlbo Srtath ini aiMtnWe beaiingjln* above jmostkontemptibli heading. The political' | moralist of tlfa Herald says: “ It is time for ns to sjieak with the ut il most plainness to our friends in the South • There can only be one end to this shot-gun t jioliey. These constant stories of assassina tion on the Rod River, of conventions dis solved bv force, of riots, with “twenty negroes killed and one white man wounded;” Colquitt as the uext Governor of Georgia, and we shall advocate his nomination by the Democratic State * .invention. Iu favor of Gen. Colquitt we need say nothing. The name be bears speaks fur itselt and has, lor two generations, been a household word in Georgia, rich in devotion and services to the State. One who has wiitlen the lives of our eminent public men savs ol the elder Colquitt: “ He was a gal lant and favorite son of Georgi*—a second Calhoun to the South,” and no doubt there are thousands ot our elder citizens who re member the eulogium ot Chief Justice Lumpkin in 1855: “No mau that has Maj. Hughes and the New.. Hotel. Quite a number ot our Exchanges in copying our allusion* to the above named gentleman in connection with the New Ho tel enterprise of Atheus, make it appear that he tf, to be the manager. We made no such statement but simply said itkat ho had been prominently spoken of as a suitable man for manager. This umeh iej true and no *• joke.” We pubashed the tact as a matter of news, but we learn that M:.j Hughes says, that he has no idea of accept ing any position which would in the least interfere with his' business connection in New York. We make the above state ment, nut w Idling to convey a false iui years, has leit or will leave a stronger impress PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. “f revolutions like that against Ames i ' cn — -^-Miioiissqip’rythis proscription of Northern Cuba is stiil fighting. men as “ caqiet-bactrers” and of Southern ! upon the the public mind thau Walter T. X »«,- j e r ev Republicans are for Blaine, republicans as “scalawags, 5 this assumption | Colquitt. Who has touched the community ‘ , , 1 pi,. m „ nl k I that because- a citizen of New York re- at so many points ? Who has exhibited the _ Bowen has been expelled - j moves to North Carolina and dan s to go same versatility of talents ? Who is a more Church t ; j into politics s a republican, he must ne<- striking type aud exponent of the practical Stewart’s store, in N.Y., will be dosed j i, e treated as an outlaw, this ostra- workings of Republican institutionsf The this summer, for repairs. j c j s ,„ nil( ] proscription, and, above all, these son, following in the footsteps of the sire, MoodyandSankey are attending a Kansas j cruel, brutal, inhuman murders o negroes j has also done the State eminent service iu City S. S. Convention. that \yc have seen in New Orleans, Jilem-' the council and the field, and lias to-day, in j-j ll|C . Lanier’s cantata lias been voted | phis Vicksburg and Colfax, ami which we i a remarkable degree, all the qualifications, a first-class Centennial bust. I » ow **»"«■ Baj®« gara > ® n, - v <k f er a ^ . ww x it ,* * n ; trui* reconciliation lK*t\voen the sections. Col. Randall, of the ] -°’ * , ’.It is no answer to say tin s • outbreaks re- is square out upon the Co qui r.ic . j gu ] t f rom the inisgovcmment of men like Great excitement was caused in New i M. ses, Whipper and the resi. We admit J requirements of a four-years Gubernatorial York, at i ho.rejection of Secretary Bristow U| ie j r ,. rr , irs . We have censured the gen ! term lie has also that perfect courtesy to from I he Union League Club. leral government for permitting them to j which even the humblest citizen is entitled Col. W. A. Hawkins is urged for Con- hold power. But this is no excuse lbrthe | at an official’s hands; is thoroughly versed gross iu the third district. Better let Gen. j scenes that take place in Loui-iana. See \ iu all the needs and exigencies of those ill- 1»|,U. Cook keep i - . awhile. . how New York was misgoverned five years j dustrial interests, on the fostering of which Redfield savs, in the Cincinnati Commer- j ago. See the inisgoyeninient in Chicago ; the welfare of the wkole community de- mIIIIIIImUI III iOtlW • Alv ******* *»•**• . • « . *11 lived within this State, lor the last thirty » anytime, and more especially intellectual and physical, necessary ti proper discharge of the duties of Governor. He is in the prime of life, giving ample as surance of ahilitv to sustain all the arduous where it is calculated to damage the bush ness interest of any one. PITTAKD’S CORNER, ATHENS, GEORGIA, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, CONSISTING everything needed tor Spring and Summer wear, at prices to suit the closest buyers. We offer this week • Op Good Blearbing at 8c. 1 Lonsdale 4-4 Hl^atWg Alasonville 4-4 Pleaching — .-at 11c. I VV axnsutta 4-4 Pleaching 3*000 New te U( Gouts’ Spool Cotton, 4 Spools for 25c. Ladies’ Neck Ties, from 25c. up. Ecru Rows, Ties, ft OUK IlKESS GOODS DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE, EMBRACING EV: RVTIIIXG IX WHITE, BLACK AND COLORED GOODS ' We would respectfully call the attention of gectlemen to our very large stock of CWnneres, Cloths, Ac., which W( . furnish at Great Bargains. We have sveuredt lie services of ]V£r- AN' A L8KM A N , the best Taihn in town** ** we can suit any geiitleinau wishing Clothes. Give us a call, and we bet we sell yon what yon want. "> *1/ 1ST WehaveV-fZOAis HATS, CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, which we .propose to sell Chean v VlJEAR is the word._ff-3 [aprillS.lim] REESE & I.Ayp u Never before were words used or sen-; dcnce ,hat the w,€Ction of Ge,, ‘ Col< l uitt lor in the campaign , Ohio Democracy is still soft on the mom \ : framed whi.1i carried with them I our next Governor is a foregone conclusion Question, and in Convention assembled, lertes lramc<l «imn carnea witn ttum | „ .... , . advocate Bill Allen for President. ! more uubliishing misrepresentation than is | " ,l1 people of Georgia.- It is true that Kentucky rads iu Convention favor j contained in ti e foregoing paragraph. The | i' ,nle our Excliangcs, have licen present- resumption of spec e payments, and hoist Herald knows full well that the troubles in ; ’ n ? names of ex-Govemor Johnson aud Bristow lor President. tlle South resulting occasionally in the the Hon - Augustus Reese, good and true Bullock was arrested in New York by dca , h ,,f }, ot h whiles and blacks, are but mei! - " ko under other circumstances thepeo- Gov! Tildem , ‘l£ ,, rC was v'uy e,!c,-‘ ' >»‘ e of good, peaceable and law- P?® «f Georgia would he delighted to honor. I ggtm hi effecting Bullock's arrest. | abiding citizens, for the preservation of j ® ut u ls " ar, '*y reasonalile to suppose or j Jidin II. James says g this is only a jtre- order in society, the protection of the lives fair to suggest that, these gentlemen, in the j limiuary contest. Next year, he will take of the innocent and iuofh-n.-ive, and the f at-e ?*'ch unmistakahle evidence, of the the field in earnest, ami light for the term security of equal rights to all against the almost universal acceptability of Gen. commenting 1^1. t /u on. and Se it. hellish schemes and dialsilical concoctions of. Colquitt with the people of Georgia as their S/i” 5 )'!d N^dLiueflndli 'widek klmifn the Ra,lical P* rt . v , which claiming friend- next Governor, would permit the use of their . . . t* i ft- i elv!.. A ..J : « niunp^ m Inis pmtnrrfinn mpr*»!v to hnro A New Convert. We have had the misfortune to disagree with the Charleston News and Courier, on many occasions; but an opportuniiy occurs to heartily endorse its latest move on the politiail chess-board. Iu a double leaded editorial of uncommon vigor and sound reasoning, it has cast aside all prejudices against Gov. Tilden, and cordially recom mends him for nomination at St. Louis.— Constitutionalist. Alas, how vain are the hopes of mun. When btother Randall's partiality for 31 r. Pendleton was overcome by the excellencies of Senator Bayard, we struck hands with him, and we wefe—happy. But now behold ing superiority hi Gov. Tilden ovef all other men, he fuctpilyw alliances, and now how can we be—happy? Well we propose no op position in this connection to Gov. Tilden, indeed think him a fine man, but as we have not the capacity for riding more than one horse at a time we propose to stick to him until he throws us, and can’t go with you brother. Since the Col. has shown an eques trian skill tor candidate riding, eveu rival ing the celebrated bare-back rider, Jimmy Robinson, wont'somebody “ bring iu another ICo. 6 Broad Street Athens, Georgia, (Successor to Pittard, Mitchell & Co.,) -DEALS IN- Bhi Books, Biiocieies, Crockery, Mats, Boots, Shoes AND EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A GROCERY STORE. ALSO AGENT FOR mm& ibti mmm ramm AND Gt eorgia State Grange Dissolved Roues. 2 BLYB7 B32 Al BLG A ajbx ss S. D. MITCHELL Jit medical and scientific man, died Wedues- 1 ship ai d protection for the poor ignorant ne-, name* •“ this connection, merely to have day, 17lli, of apoplexy. groes forces them into a partisan slavery, I them sacrificed. No better, purer or more Turkey will probably oppose the rapid more destructive of their rights, liberties acceptable man, than Alfred H. Colquitt spread ot tha Christian religion by Muliam-' d happiness, than could possibly result v,as ever presented to the people of being 1 swept'bnni'the'iuee'olThe earth.' * ! from l!,e most ah ^ 1 '* T * nna] slaver - v ‘ Was G 7 rsia . . ,0 /‘''.’'“c h5?h . and , r °"[ 0n ' . p . . r , llr .. a the revolution against Ames in Mississippi i smle position of Chief Extcutive of the Com- And now the great Louisiana row turns r 1 r i , out to lie a canard, and the military refuse I more than this? Have not the results monwea th, and we confidently believe that to interfere. Kellogg after pulliug down [ thereof proven that it was a righteous revo- nn previous election in this State ever showed his underuarmeiii ha- turned away in des- ] U (i„ n * such unanimity on the part of the people, as 1 v r- ^ pair at the failure ot his plau. | NVh n the Herald charges that these dis- | will that, which will unquestionably declare. 11 eC ’ renicni r e 1 Us,r, ‘ ,,,8 I* 1 " “ Most too Big a Boo.” Geoige Washington Norman, agent of the i Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel, in a letter j to that paper dated Haituotiy Grove, May i loth., sa\s: 1 send you a list of forty-four s<ih.-cril>ers from Harmony Grove. The Chronicle and [ Sentinel will double any oilier paper that 1 comes to this office, except the county paper, which has more subscribers. This statement is as reckless as it is iucorrect, unless the Chronicle and Sentinel iu this last contribution simply added toan enor mous list ol subscribers at Haruionv Grove. feb29.1 m. ]STo- 6 Broad Street* A then.-. G eorgia A. A. BELL. T. A. SL’MMKV. J v . sparks, Ag’u HIGH PRICES EXPLODED i l. p. a. s. I • ** “ 1 uivcv *<io I Hill lllill, **1*11.11 lilll UllUtlv^ I inildUl i HtUliirt;- 1 ..-l. t , , C—rl Sclmrz siijs lhu( Secreurv Bristow tu rl ia iiecsare the rosults ol a *• reign of as- Gen. A. II. Colquitt tile next Gorerr.or of . , :li ", ^ V '! ? sn Jt'S:, “ : ■«»»»" i« tit. Snnth. i, tlevote, i„ enlnntn, j Georgia. ! ** ^ ! tree. the uext best man, which means that Schurz I intends wrapping his legs around the repub- j “> the erection of a baseless fabrication, a lican flag staff. coloss d slander against our (mlitically op- The New York Graphic and World favor pressed section. This it must admit or can- Bayurd for President, lliey dubb him a | less to an Ignorance of tae political situation j first class Centennial Candidate and1 are L , he8e U;1(]iel i cllrie(1 sections, which , ,,,M ' 5C,l,CT * ,,,e ‘ ;,,a,,ces * ,,,,rn,:,n ! Homestead and otl.ei Laws of this corrupt man, ,n “ Whose nmire is Ihe theme of hmf-1 "°" !J »»prima fa:ic evidence of its ina- j ** th « Presidenc,, so far a.s the “ Buek-eye , nation. Yours Res. ( ) P or’s toi»"ue.” hility to correctly represent the facts and ® ,Jte ,s concerned. Notwithstanding the ; \\ e present the above from one of We were favored with a call last week, effectually destroy its influence, which per Ohio State Convention. Bowersville, Ga., May is, 1876. The Ohio Democracy whieh met in con- j Editor Geob iax : vention at Cincinnati, Wednesday the 17th j _De.rSir: You wi.l plea-e scto me ! inst. settle.1 the chances of Senator Thurman worth °* »»la..k_ notes, waving the is concerned. majority of the committee on resolutions re- 1 our friends and patrons which evidently from Col. J - S. Dortch mid Ordinary Mor- t hajis has done as much towards the preven- P or * ed * n fi ,vor hard m mev, the minority shows that he has felt the lbreeof bad laws, ris ot Carnesvilie, Iranklin Co. These gen-1 1 ; 0|1 0 p sectioml reconcillistion, as that! re P° rt favoring soft money and presenting ; and corrupt legislation, and is prone to be- tlenien were on a visit _«<• ‘J"**”* ! which it contemp'uouslv terras “ the shot- ,l,ena,neof ' Vm ' Allen for the Presidency I come disgusted with the evil tendency of L’un policy in tha South.” With what ad «P^ »*y a vote of 366 to 300. matters and things in general. We return The National Independent Convention | pharasaical air does this political philanthrop-! ^ ni3 re8U * t ' n defeating t ie chances ot the thanks to our friend for his lavor, aud would at Indianapolis stradillvd the greenbac-c ist of Gotham allude to the governments of s,ron S e:, t- ablest and most acceptable man suggest that there is yet a hope of his being nag and nominated Peter Cooper—no rela-1 New York and Illinois. Why did it not: kom ^ le " eit % presenting the name of, happy—he reads the Georgian. lion to P Piimpkin-catcr, L>q -for Pres,-. (lm) i(8 phHlint , ln |c robes atI(| witl , a pauU ! one who can by no means gain the nomina- j ===== dent, and Newton Booth, ot Caltfoi j.f, tot . * . . . . ! tion for the Presidency not onlv nrnves Ih« New York Herald moralizes s Vie.. V,.ti • ; otism commcn-uratc with the neces-ities i U J1 Iur cl, e i resmenct, not oniy proves tne .... , . * * • ! .... i .I., al: . n l..a .■ .. f»nls oiithnsiiKtip. lint ir. wn I of its servi Of thirty newspapm’s in Georgia who have expressed a preference fi>r Governor, : the benefit twenty-tour favor Colquitt, two favor I restoration 11 ardciiiuu, and one favors .Tames. But better than all these, the people are lbr Colquitt, from mountain to seaboard. and Radi- ice, photograph in its columns, for j uncertainty of the Ohio Democracy, but that | ^ enthusiastic, but alas, it was only a t of political reformation and the i il 13 uo ,on « erMf « ! for the National Democra- J “ co ' v dealing.’ 5 of pure government, the row | c - v ,0 ***? mce ^ u P° n the " a ™- j New York Herald - locks horns ” with which occurctl in Indiana not more than ten : n,< -’ s ° h, ° or 1,0 uncerta,n movements of the Kti-Klux in the recent Louisiana “ cow days ago? Was it because, the uegroes ; l * ie stealing.” When it is attempted to be shown that j were l *ie instigators of “ the shot-gun policy” New York Not SO Unanimous for i the Democratic vote of New York was less in that State? Tilden. by S5,»i00 in 1816 than in 18,4, tlie anti- j t has been the trailitional policy of the Gov Tilden will bv no means receive the' Tilden journals prove more than tliev lmag- JT ,, . . . r I *u«en win oy no means receive me, die. They demonstrate simply that*Tilden I never to f dvocate an . v " ne principle unanimous support ot New York. The | is stronger than his party.—Constitution- | or <>ccu Py a political or moral stand point Tammany and Canal Rings are already 1 edisU * longer than a fortnight at a time. It has. «..l: r...u, : . u:i. j JYeu> mIdcertisements. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE It has, ; making a vigorous fight against him, and | U A T I (]il jl I D J U |( (If ATHFM9 Ex-Governor Ilersehei V. Johnson, has j since the war, been its invariable custom to vv Idle it is a credit to any man to have these I lUllttL U n II EV Ul n I III 110 AT hon repos” to politics. Il is to be hoped | ““ “ ™ imaginary out- wci cannot oe oisguiswl, mat their influence j ATHENS, LN THE STATE 01^ GEORGIA, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ^ m m w m 1HOW, STEEL AWD W vlLS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS- MAXUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE 265 ISrotitl tree!, G. O. ROniNSOX. | LUEDEX it B.IT£«. G. 0. RCBINSlN & GO. WILL SELL I ONE HUNDRED PIANOS, j LOWEST FACTORY PRICES, FOESMALLMONTHLY PAYMENTS, AEK.IXGQI to suit all respotoible parties. SHI PORTABLE HISTGIKPS, Mowers, Reapfrs, Threashers, &c., &c. Fifty to One Hundred Dollars Swl BY PfRCHASIN’G AT THE DEUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. June 23. 1875. AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE. 34-tf SIX OF THEBESTMAKERS AREItEPEEjENTH 1 . Every lii£trnmeut warranted to be a vertisemeut of Snperiority aud Exetleiice. CROCKERY A SPECIALTY Largest Stock—Lowest Prim£\ Purchasing largely for Cash, enables us to «3 prices that DeiV Cotnpetitiou. J EL. L1UCFGI1SUS. ^muiriSi^'tmd h as 1 ! I runk'h is own ! C ° me ° Ut at ‘ b8 ** corrupt combinations against him, still the “ bon repos” to politics. It is to be hoped | a “ exaggerate account of some imagtnary out- fact cannot be disguise.!, that their influence le haras-1.ig presence of the b.ue-1 ra K e <>r Ku-Kluz conspiracy which seriously will have its weight in preventing his success- i the Close of Jiusintss, May 12, 1876. By "ill not detract his mind from ! threatened the personal safety and citizen ful candidacy. But there is a still weightier KESOCRCFs' sum. jjuint. freedom of that class which e mstitntes the j opposition to Gov. Tilden. When such Lo anl and du«ui,is . Mr. Dsraeli seems to Iiold the reins ol primordial of Northern political and religious men as Kelley, Schell, Littlejohn, Bench ; Uu ‘ , ' JsutCT power in England with a strong grasp . , r .. J , . . ’ J . othersioeks. The act conterring the title ol ' E “ 4 t and fanaticism, dispel that bright bow of and others set their ii.fluence against him, ! dLT^T™! upon the Queen, although it met with j premise which was about to span the political his chances for the Presidential nomination at St. Louh, begin to grow quite uncertain. Notwithstanding this division iu the New Bonds to secure circulation.^.. Mocks and Bonds and Mortgage* approved reserve Agents Due from other National Banks. Due frju 8catc Banks and Bankers ...... Real t-state, Furniture and Fixtures....^... York Democracy may result in the defeat ' ehccto •“* u,h<!r l *" h * Bilis of other Nstiuual Banks...... M .. M . M fierce opposition from the press, hits been horizon, and which should forever hush to carried through by him triumphantly. 3 he^ silence sectional differences, and st.ll into announcement that the british government • ... will entertain favorably the proportion , br tofgettuU.oss the memories ol the war. the lilt* ration of the Fenians now in pris-.n, More recent developments iu regard to the of Gov. Tilden’s nomination, nevertheless FnK „ on itamary (laciwiiD,KkUn). is creditable to his heart as well as his head. Bayou Sara trouble, prove it but a futile he will doubtless go into the National Cons Guta ... — Disraeli has proved hiniseli to be one ot the effort of the Radical partv to.get up a riot j vention with strength sufficient first statesmen o! the limes. lor partisan purposes. \\ by did not the the man Herald investigate the matter before tnak- unselfish patriotism which makes the good- ing its statements, and then present the | of the country paramount to personal antbi- truth and the facts as they existed ? No, I lion, and which would be but in keeping this would not have suited its purpose, | with Gov. Tildeu’s record, as a patriotic states- Surplus FudJ Tl-.e most powerful nuv. list of the present day is “ George Eliot,” about whom we re-jmblisheil an article, the other day, from an exchange. The daughter of an Eugii-h elegy man, without the prestige of a name, by lu-r own talents, has reached the highest round in the ladder of lame. Her social position is not what virtue and refinement would desire, but the author of the “Mill on th Floss” should give precedence only to Bulvvcr, and we are not quite sure of that.—Atlanta Times. The venerable William Cullen Bryant said at the Fair of the Young Womens’ Christian Association ot New York, Thurs day evei ing, that lie had been asked to read his centennial ode, but as he had not written an ode, l,e could not comply. He promised that if he should live nineteen years longer, and stiil enjoy the power of rhyming, he would eck brute his own ecu- teunial bv tlie first ode ever written by a centeunarian. . Legal Tender Notes ^*. , RfUC R e< | em pii on tuod with U. 8. Treasurer, 5 per fhu8, with an exercise uf that! centufcirculation $186,875 88 110,000 00 . 22,2b0 00 . 14,235 45 . 10,659 99 . 18,6.4 26 . 5,0uoU> 219 35 245 00 3,025 UJ 1,2* 75 . 22,086 75 21,000 00 4,UI0 00 Tout LIABILITIES. Capital Suck paid .... .•$419,878 43 since within tiiis whited sepulclne of the ! man, he would become the political cynosure Herald is contained that p.-irti-au design, j of American eyes and place himself high the co. ruption and rottenness of which, is ; upon the roll of his country’s honor. fully proven by its epitaph, “ the sho:-gun ! ■ — policy in the South.” Mr. Moody. ——~ Mr. Moody received a purse of $1,500 LOUISIANA. | from his friend and admirers in this city.” :o:— j The above paragraph appeared in the Other undivided profits National Bank Notes outstanding Individual Deposits subject to Check...... Time Certificates of Deposit — _____ Due to Mate Banks and Bankers _______ .9160,000 00 90,000 00 .. 21,835 61 - 70,000 W .. 126,536 58 912 0C - 594 24 An Atlanta correspondent of the Cincin nati Commercial, says: Amo >g the Dem ocrats of this Slate, I think things art- working around so that the dclcgati n will be solid, for Tilden. With the Empire State of the Sooth for him, aud the Empire State of the Union, his chances for the Si. Louis nomination brighten daily. Willi Tilden orThunnan on one side, and Bristow or Hayes on the other, the average patriot could rest assured that we would have a good President, whichever party came out ahead. If the choice tails upon one of these four, men, tlie tear that we will not have a competent, honorable, high-toned President for tlie next term, need not keep anybody awoke of nights, or cause them to move over to Canada. > Cow-ardly.—How iu keeping with the custom of the New York Herald to raise th ■ cry of “ bloody shirt" over the “stealing of a cow.” . Great bit o.lsl ed— New Y ork Ilcrt Id's kine-uesS.” ‘in a' horh." The “milx of human G: CSS Exaggeration of ihs Affair at j Constutionolist Yesterday.—We are informs ~ BayOU Sara I cl •hat the statement made is iucorrect. Total SIM,STS « , STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF CLARKE, H.-I, 1 Jiku White, Ca»lkUr Ibe above itamej Bank, do ; aolemcly r wear that tae above statement is true, to the j Uisidi ni> kaowleogeund bchvf. JAMfco WHITE, (ashler. culrs.-r.lMl ami swotn *.o t»* »*.ie me this 22i| «luj of • JA8. A. Notaij l*ul*4»c. ■ • tr tc* /’tw*. 1N«\ \\ - t« * . ) Mr. Moody was not given a purse of filteen SAD RESULTSOFSTEALING A COW.! h “ ndrwl dn "?" or K - a P" 1 " «"^? iDa -, an ? ! ur | other amount for bu service* in this city.— f Failure of Republicans and Democrats j ^ roH * ^ Sent. : in Washington to Enthuse. | Well the Augusta people made a power- i — — ful big fuss over a free show, but we suppose ' WOOL CARDING FACTO! Y. Nkw Orleans, .May 18,1879—The aftaii at Bayou Sara has been niucit exaggerated Tlie accounts are sparse and conflicting, but there sevins to have been a riot grow ing out of the . , stealing of a cow by sume negroes, which resalted in the killing or two white men and tour uegroes, two uf Uie latter being hung; some few were wouudvd, and these constitute the only well authenticated casualties. TUB MILITARY DECLINE TO INTERFERE. Tiie military refused to interfere, and no further dc-ails have as yet been received by either the State authorities or the press.— N. V. Herald 1UA inst. Great bloodshed in Indiana—but it was’ut about a “ cow stealing.” A number of white men lulled in Indiana, but it was’nt about a- “ cow.’’ - Indiana troubles, much bloodslied,'num ber of persons killed, no enthusiasm amongst tlie Radicals and the New York •Herald silent. that the Moodyites were impressed with the truth of the old Biblical text “that salvation was free.” Pass around the ha’, brethren, and don’t let it go out to.the world [ that you took advantage of a poor evangelist, sat under the gratuit ms drippings of is sanctuary,“gathered in” his hymn books and without contributin'- a pen ij towards fur thering his evangelical mission commended him to the charities and hospitalities of Chicago. However, we suppose that the hard times iu Augusta forced the generous people of that hospitable city to compromis: with the poor wayfaring New Eugland re vivalist by giving him a sight draft on “the Kingdira to cnnr.e.” ;*• EW CUSTOM WOOL CABDS NOW IN OPE- 1V ration at tlie Factor; at tbo Ea.tem terminus of ~ Work done ututactorilr Broad •loti, A'he a, Ga. “^rtX4^ P * tCb ‘ U. T. FOWLEB, Proprietor. Southern Mutual Insurance Co. a THEN8, GA., MAY JOth, 187« : -iraE ANNUAL ,A meetinjr of tliia Company wilt be Iwld at ttia Company's offlee in Atbena on Tuesday the 7th-of Jane Company' next at 10 o'clock a. a. mayiSAL 8. THOMAS, Secretary. New York Hemfdoa the Indiana troubles, •Oh, thai there had been a negro murdered, “my kingdom for a “cow.”. Results of “ this shot-gun policy in the South ”—disappointed Radicalkm and a dead “cow.” MILES JOHNSON, (Colored,) Dyer and Cleaner. . C LEANING AND DYING ALPACA DRESSES A S entity. Old Alpaca Dromea made new- OIBoe Clayton Street near Episcopal Church. mayM.St. JYeut •advertisements. NJKW BOOKS. ONE Night’* Mystery—May Airnee Fleming....$1.75. Fiee, yet forging their own Ctuiiis—C. M. Corn wall 1^0 Edith Lyle—Airs. Holme* 1JL> Bay* from thej.San of Righleon*ne*e—Bcv. Ric i»rd Newton Sam's chance and how ho improved it—Horatio Adger.... Mand Mansfield—Mrs. Hood The One Fair Woman—Joaquin Miller Tue Two Barb ra.—Grace Martin In a Winter City—“ Uuida” An Odd Couple—Mrs. Oliphant The Ancient Regiue—Tairie....- Florida, its Scenery. Climate &c.—Sidnev Lanier Official' atalogue U. S. lnteniational LxpositKii 1876 A Family Secret—Mins Andrews Dead Men's Shoes—Miss Bmddon The Dilemma Halvey—James Payne The Counts in cliaige—Mia. tl iphant...._..e. A Star and a heart—Florence Mary at I The Squires Legacy—Mary Cecil llaig Panmnunes, the Spartan—Bulwera Last 1.25 1.25. ! I..*i0« i 2.0i>. 1.50. , BURKE’S BOCK STORE! Mv Stock of BOOKS AND STATIONER!, is now very full and I guarantee prices to be as Low to Cat-h biayem as the same goods can he bought elsewhere In tlie XnSriTElD S’lAlES. 1 mean what I say. I sell 1.50. i Mabie, Todd & Co’s Gold Pen> 1.25. i 2.50. ' 1.75. 1.50. 1.00 75. 75. 50. 50. 50. 75. 50 75 His Natural Life—Marcus Clarke For sde at BURKE'S BOOKSTORE Fun for the Boys and Girls. I-HE HIGH FLY KITE-THE DIAMOND KITE— J Skipping Ropes, New Styles—Grace Hoops— 1 Tops —Marbles Croquet Sets—Base Balls Ac. For sate cheap at may234f. BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. At New York prices. This firm make the Best Pe- now in use. Sstisiaction guaranteed. I am sole Agent in Northeast Georgia for Sleinwoy’s (elebrntrd I Innos Special Inducements! PIANOS AT NEW YORK LOWEST PRICES. TO a good Stool and Cover, forwarded !« fe S freight paid, for Casii. O. ROBINSON & cc. WILL ALSO SELLT WO HUNDRED OBGAX5M Small Monthly Payment*. A LARGE ASSORTMENT: LOWEST P«<® Four of the be>t Makers are represented, Mason & amiin Organs, Nt# Superiority E very where Acknowidi AND Mason & Hamlin’s Cabinet Ops which are without rival in the known world. I am also Agent for „ m, HAINES BLOTHKiiS, and tbo HALUT, DAVIS l Soutliei n Gem Pianos, J which srt all ex client instruments, snd warranted to be the best Pun-x at tile Trice, to bo founa any- ! where. I »ill sell Pi.,ii"»' and Organs ns low, and on ' as long tune, ns they esu bo bought in New York. ' Savanuah. Augusta, A'ltanla or elsewhere, and save my i customers freight. Try me. FOB RENT. Threshing Wheat by Steam. i ...pi work in firnt-raie style and at ths cu«tom*nr rates He wfll bold himself in readiness to do the work wb*n- ever wanted. Orders left nt the store of Crater A Reaves will meet with prompt attention. ALSO He U prepnr d to furnish eswed Shins’**, dressed on bbth side*. They are of the best ouslit,. mav2*.lm. JOHN KITTLE. PIVE ENTIRELY NEW AND HAND- *- some room* to rent. Tlie same adapted to business offices or lodging rooms. Also a neatly finished store room, ready lor occupancy. To desirable parties, tho term* will he very liberal. Apply to JOHN H. NEWTON, or to n. H. CARL- TON, ot CO., Real V—Agents. feb.!6tf. GAINESVILLE HOTEL, Public Square, GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA, J. J. GAINES, Proprietor, CROG&tTET f in groat variety of styles and prices’. VISITING CARDS, all of the ncwe«t aud most fashionable tints. Rustic Window Shades, retailed at wholesale prices. Brackeis, Book Shelves, etc., at Cost for Cash. my frienf jr them as can do as welt for them as they cun do abroad, I think I . in entitled to the preference. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller and Stationer. JNO. W. NICHOLSON, Shoes, Hats anil Caps, — TRUNKS,— LEATHER & SHOE FINDMS. Etc., Etc., Etc. Good Accommodations i Excellent Fore! The on’? Hotel eouviently situated to the business portion of the At R. L. Mot*' eld (trad No. 4, Granite Bow, Athctlf. oity. mavl6.2t. FIRST PRIZE AWARDED AT TIIE Fair,” in Puri*, 18*7 ; at the “ ' ienaa Wf tion,’H87S; und rttbe recent ExpomomL-'' at Tins, Austria. They have always re* ceived the Higliest Medals In eom^J 1 * tion with tho celebrated Ertn nean mati G. O. ROBINSON A- CO- Wuoi juile Sontheru AS 8 ® L P Q S AUGUSTA MUSIC HOF 265 Broad Street. MUSICAL 1 NSTKU-UF. S T! IN EVERY VARIETY. MUSIC BOOK- AND SltEET Wm, King’s 1)r. Will l<c preiwrcJ b .’ r this dfr R. T. Brumby & Co.,f f0rn We will be pr. pared at »U t> BKf t0 Wholesale atid K (t *' Tr vle *t -' ar Drug Store on Coll**® Athens. a~*£ F. T. BBtlJlltV * C maylS.St. :