The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, August 22, 1876, Image 2

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— .rgtmi. JCt., Prop: irietors. ,DAY, . cGUST 22, 1876. Premium List The Premium List of the Oconee Fair Association will be issued in a few days. This is a fine opportunity for advertising, and all of our merchants and business men who desire to avail themselves thereof, mu:t send in their advertisements within the next two or three days. he casual, and in a great degree unsatisfacto ry GEORGIA—OCONEE COUNTY. Then as a remedy, let theGrand Juries Oaunumr so soon as drawn at each court, at once divide themselves into sub-committees or juries, upon the various departments of the county gov- erment, it being the duty of each sub-fury or committee to look well, during the period for which they have been drawn as jurymen, into the department over which they have been assign aud make a full and satisfactory XTaffcloxxal Doaaocxsvfcxo Ticlro-fc. FOR PRESIDENT: HAMUEL J. TtEDEN, Of .Vow York. Owing to the sickness among the printers in our office, we trust our readers will ex-. repot t thereof at the court calling them to- cusc our lack this week of the amount of I gether as Grand Juries. Then with such reading matter which usually appears in the j thorough examination; and satisfactory in- Georgian. sight into public affairs of the county, as _ ... -j.... ■—— __ : this arrangeraentjwill furnish, we may hope To the Democracy of tlie Nintli, ^ reduction in taxes, that economy in O RDERED, That one hundred and fifty (ISO) cent, be levied upon the State Tax for tbe year 1$ , to be divided in (pacific per cant, to each particular object and purpose as hereinafter specified, so aa to raise for the aeveral objects and purpeaea below enu merated, the following respective sums or amounts, via: To build or repair Omit House, or Jail, or Bridget or Femes or other Public Imple ments, according to contract, $1009.00. To pay Sheriff’s Jailors or other olBoers GREAT Out Sals NORTHEAST GEORGIA STOVE AND TINWARE DEPOT. A. K. CHILDS & CO., Proprietors. (Successor to J. T. Comer,) W . H . JONES, Superintendent. Congressional District. VICE PRESIDENT: TIIOH, A. HENDRICKS, Of Indiana. I would hereby notify the Democratic party of the Ninth Congressional District, and the Committeemen of the different counties in the District to ho'd their pri- ' inary election for the purpose of sending ! delegates to the Democratic Convention, i to he held at Gainesville on the 13th of public expenditures, that reform and that relief which tbe people so much need and desire. Notice to our Delinquent Sub scribers. We have upon our subscription list the names of quite a number of persons who are from two to three years in arrears. We j September next, to nominate u candidate | shall by no means adopt the old newspaper I for Congress. 1 rule of continuing a subscribers paper until John IIockenui’ll, he settles. This we cannot afford to do as Chairman Dcm. Ex. Com. | it requires cash to furnish these delinquents THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM I Papers in the district are requested to ; with the Georgian. Therefore we say to ail stm*j ct W- | 8Uch that “"le® they at once make arrange ments to pay up, we shall erase their names FOR GOVERNOR: ALFRED II. COLQUITT, Of T»akal1>. ilto administration of tbe Federal Government to be in or- j To uny Sheriff 1 * Jailor* or other officer* fee* that they may be legally entitled to out of the county. To pay tho expense* of the County for Bailiff’s at Court, non-resident witnesses in criminal cases, fuel servants hire, stationery and the like, To pay juror*. To pay gexpenses incurred in supporting the poor of the county, aud a* otherwise pre scribed bj tbe code. To pay any other latrfol charges against the county. $1*00.00. $500.00. alSOO.OO. $500.00. $200.00. $5000.00. And the balance oi tbe one hundred and fifty per cent, to be applied to paying the legal indebtedness of the county, due or to become due during the year, or post due. Given under my hand and official signature, tbe above date. , JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary. fh. 0 ?o^T,^ Suggestive Thoughts as to Taxa- j tion and the Duties of Grand I Juries. The Grand Jury of the August term of party in each Mate, a zealous effort and co-operation to this end'; and hereby appeal to our follow-citizens of every funner nolictical connection, to undertake with na thin first and moat pressing patriotic duty. For the Democracy of the whole country, we do here re affirm our faith in the permanence of the Federal Union, our devotion to the Constitution of the Uuited .States with its amendments universally accepted *s a final settlement of thecontroveraiea that engendered civil war, and do here tl*C Superior Court cf this COUIlty makes its r cord our PtemmM. Confidence in the perpetuity of lie- 1 , J publican Self-Government. In ahauluto acquiescence in the Hplfl the civil over the military authority ; in tho total ae|«ra< tion Church and State, lor the sake ulike of civil and re ligious freedom ; in tho equality of all citizen* before just laws of their own enactment; in It© liberty of individ ual conduct, unvexed l»y sumptuary laws; in the faith ful education of the rising generation, that they may pre- serre enjoy anu transmit these conditioua of human hap* pinessand hope, we behold the noblest products of a hun dred year* ot changeful history ; but while upholding the Isind tif our l uion and great Charter of these our rights, it behooves a free people to practice also that eternal vigilance which is the price of Lil*rty. Reform is necessary to rebuild and establish in the hearts of the whole people, the Union, eleven years ago happily rescued from danger of a Secession of Stales; but now to be saved from a corrupt Centralism which, after inflicting upon ten Mates the rapacity of carpet-bag tyran nies, has honey vomited thee offices of the Federal Gov ernment il'M-lt with incapacity, waste and fraud; inflict ed Stiitcs mot municipalities with tlie contagion of misrule, and locked fast the prosperity of an industrious people from our hooks and put their accounts in the hands of the proper persons for collection. . , , presentments to the public through tho .Ill of the majority— I ‘ . r ® V Hal principle ol ihe Republic: in the supn winy of j GEORGIAN of this week. This proclamation civil over the military autoority ; iu tho total aepara- . 1 w - L - L **- makes quite a creditable show for our county, and reflects a manifest interest and business like concern in behalf of public affairs ky its chosen graud jurymen. While upon this subject we are constrained to indulge in a few suggestions touching the duties of aly»ls* of** Aistrd Time; eforui is necessary to f*tat>li*h a sound currency, roj»* A Deserved Favor. The authorities of the Atlanta and West Point Railroad have extended to Mr. Jas. Toy, for his faithful services for twenty years as engineer on that road, a months furlough to visit tbe Centennial, continuing his pay during the time. This is a just ap preciation of valuable services rendered and we trust the officers of the Georgia Railroad will follow suit. Mr. Jas. Galloway has been G EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Whereas. John Calvin Johnson, Administrator of Virgil W. Abridge deceased, petitions in terms of the taw to be discharged from Mud Administration; These are therefore to eite aud admonish all persons concerned to show cause at my office on or before the first Monday in December next against tho granting of said discharge. ‘ Given under my hand at office this 0th day of Angust 1876. >Sf nug.15.8in. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. G EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Whereas, John Calvin Johnson, Kiecur “ * Calvin Johnson, Executor of George R. Lumpkin deceased, petitions iu tepus.of the law to be discharged from said Executorship ' These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show - ’■ at my office, ou or before the first Monday i* •SlS r next against mid disci* being granted. Given nnder my hand at office !'th day of Augnst 1876. nng.l5^in. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary-. AT G eorgia, ciakke county.—where*-, John Calvlu Jo huso tif Executor ot* Samuel l*. Lumpkiu deceased, petitions iu terms of the law to be discharged from said fcxeeutorship: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause at tuy office, ou or before the first Monday iu December next, against said discharge being granted. Given under tuy hand at office this 9th day of August 1876. aug.15.3m. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. In order to make room for our Fall and Winter stock: W e shall offer for the next THIRTY DAYS the entire balance of our SPRING And Summer Stock AT A GREAT REDUCTION FROM FORMER PRICES. » Fur further particulars inquire at No. 5 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. janll-ly o V* O THE ONLY STOVE MADE With Sliding Oven Doors. Pateated Feb. % 1863, and Beg*, % 1869. THE Largest, Best and Cheapest Ever Offered in STOCK OF and Northeast Georgia G EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY—Whereas, John Colvin Jc‘ “ Colvin Johnson, Guardian of Calvin W. Abridge now deceased, petitions in terms of the luw to lie dis- .1 faithful engineer on the Athens branch of; charged from said Gnardiauship: grand juries. Much complaint and justly j thc Georgia Railroad for over thirty yearn, | too, is made by the people of this State as 1 and suc ,, a f avor s h 0 wn him, now that lie is j JJjgjjjW 1,1 <k-tob * r “ exl ‘ a e aiD,t the S™“* in * of to onerous and oppressive taxation. ^his I completely run down from the excessive j Given nmfer my hand at oifice this 9th August 1876. j is a grave and important question, one in- he _, of thc gninlnei - would he a most nraisc- ! MULMUMK, Ordinary. «ofih# legaMendeV noire, I able and iust government. No people can i.„ of value in the hands ol J , ... means i tUrlOUgbed. ant of which la a disregard prosper under a system of taxation which : volvinglhc great vital interest of the people L„ ,i.„ ,i._ p T>..;i | ft EORGIA, CLARKECOUNTY.—Whereas, Stepney . ........—i-ii- * « WOItli} act oil the part ol tilt titori,l.i Kail- (j Jones ^colored) applies to me for letters of Ad- ‘“wcdJ.mnre'h? lifore“W!hl52 rtSSTUSrf *"* Up °" Wh,ch h, "S« true « tonest > ‘a u,t - I road officials. Let Mr. Galloway, by all ! ministration on thec.tal.of John June- colored, lute of pi-a'-einnke gaud the promises of ihe legal-tender notes, able and iltst government. ' T ’ “ n4 ' nnlr ‘ * which an* a ('banging nUiiitlan 1 <> f »«•..*» *■»•*“» **-"•!- 1 ^ tin* j'coph*, ami ihe non-pay «»f Ihe mii>hte«l fuith of Ihe nation. We iienaunee tho iioproii.lento which in nieven years ; not only exhauts the entire proceeds of of peace has luken from the people in Federal i * • # « * thirteen limes the whole amount of the legal-tender note* their industry, but CVCU Saps the VerV Capi- uinl M|Uiindere«l f.*ur times their miui in nselciift expense j . ** . . * . . * *. without aecu mill Mine any reserve f.»r their mlemptiou. tal Upon Which their industrial existence IS Wcdcnoituce the financial imbecility and iimnonility ! . , , of thill party which, during eleven years of peace, has IOUIU1CU. iiiutie no advance toward reNUinptinn, no preparation fori reiiuinption, hut iiiNtead ha* olMtrurted re>umption, l»c ( w;i«tiugour retMiurce* and exlnusting all our surplu* In- J eoiue; and, while annually prof«-5*inc to attend a speedy COUDtrV. t..» v|# f .v«nv... » _ „ _ . __ _ ret urn to apciefpay menu, m.* annually enacted ftesh hin- , * • i i n , . fall lUUCll short Ol forty thousand. Hurrah dranee* thereto. And *uch a hindrance we denounce thv j Wronged and crippled. Our industries . , -- , . , ^ , KcMiiuption-«lay (‘lau*e of the act of 1875 and demand tar lliis is not only painfully true of t ,, e 15t ,, i||St . Georgia, hut exists throughout the whole Personal anti Political. Speaker lverr died on the 19th iust. Congress adjourned sine die on the even- Labor, under this oppression, is Alabama’s Democratic majority does not rerx-ii). We d< 1 of every kiud languish under its grinding ay#trio nf preparation by pul.- ' . , , . ■ retrenchment#, and i.y »i»e weight. Happiness and prosperity are sup- i I for Tilden, Hendricks and Reform. • drmrtnd a indie lie fcfttkuwicft, by official j . finance, which >hall onab'c thc nation *0011 to assure the i , ° , *. r , ^ 1 , , r i Tliftt State* of COUPSe. Will roll UD a llftlld- a hole *..tid oi iu perfect ahiiity and it# perfect readiness 1 planted by misery and distress, and under . . ’ “ at the call of ihe rreditor en- i iia ^ iim , some majority for Tilden and Hcndncks. We believe such a system, will be devised, and, nbovc all .... entrusted to competent hands for execution, creating at , IllciltV OIICC did reigll no time an artificiul scarcity of currency end at no time I alarming the public mind into a withdrawal of Him vaster . grave and ScriOllS question, and should not inery of credit, I.y which the 65 per tent, of all l.usl- ■ , . 1 , , its cruel infliction want now prevails where Then is not this a ...lie). , ... ....... ... ........ .... .... • ...... ... iu. Mitm— . . „ , . . ness transaction# are performed—a system open, public, the great importance and 11CCCSSIIV of a I T „. . and enspirtng general confidence, would from the day oflts * , Illinois, sdopllon bring the healing on Its wings to all harressed In- Speedy reform and relief to OUr 0]>pri‘SSed ' •liistries, set in motion the wheels of commerce, manufae- futures, and the whole mechanic arts, restore employ ment to labor, an.l renew in all Its natural s.hirces the pros|M*rlty of the !u-ople. Reform Is necessary in the sum aud modes of Federal i , - „ Taxation, to the end tlisl capital may lie set free from ' most tllOUglltlul inquiry? distrust, and labor lightly hurilenad. .. * * Wedenonnee tlie present Tariff, levied upon nearly t.oho I 1 Ills IS a broad 8ub|CCt, and to enter into articles, ns a masterpiece of injustice, inequality and talse ’ .. ,, pretense. It yields a dwindling, not a yearly rising all the details tlicrcol, Would OCCUjiy IllOrC revenue. It Ims improrerlshcd many industries to nihil-j . , , _ dire a few. it prohibit# imports mat might purchase time and space than we can now command, the ptxslucts of American labor. It has degraded Alueri- I „ , , , . . , , lean Commerce from the first to an inferior rank on thc ; But let US look at It 111 a SOlUCWhat general l>i|Th *PO*s It ha* ‘’’d thaasloo ■»# * 1 — —— — i The campaign in Indiana is waxing warm. Dan Vorhees will, so soon as he finishes stumping Indiana, lend the aid of his per suasive eloquence to the Democracy of SAid county deceased. These are therefore to die and admonish nil c >ncem- ed to show cause at my office on or before the firs: , Monday in September next why said letters should not be grouted. Given under tny bond at office this 12th July 1876. { JulylS.SOd. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. G EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Where**, David M. Kenney applies to me for letters of Adminintra- j tion on tlie estate of James G. McCurdy late of said County deceased. These are therefore to dte and admonish all con cerned to show cause at iny office ou or before tlie first | Monday in September next, why said letters should not be frranted. Given under my band at office this l. r »tli July 1876. julyl8.30d. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. tax-payers constitute this a matter d ew ^ thlevi,, S in Colorado county, mantling our most earnest attention and ! T ? Xas ’ th '^ 1 te '’ 8 a , . bet ' veen thc ’ 1 whites and blacks of that section. The Republicans, at their late Slate Con vention in the city of Macon, put Johna than Noreross forward as their candidate for Governor. They also select cd a full ihf wies «f American man- ! t , , , presidential eloctonil ticket. at home and abroad,and depleted the returns of Way, hoping at another time tO he able tO r lerienn Agriculture—an industry tallowed bv half of ! . , , , . , ri M „ j ■pie. it cost* ihr people five times more than it j give the subject more special or specific at-; taen. >V aue Hampton lias been unam- inously chosen as the Democratic candidate m t-. we demand ihaV'aR The In the first jilacc, our whole system of j for Governor of South Carolina. Hisnomi- iiie^call' 1 of f °Puhiic n Expencc— ! taxation, based upon a mere siicculative j nal * on ' vas TOa ^® ant ^ vcccivcd with great *al- Oar Federal taastmn has _ 1 < —,1 : a : .1 1. . 1 .1 • G EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Wherens, Henry L. Ktusell, applies to tne for leltera of Adminiatrn- tioa on tlie estate of Edward W-. Russell, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail concern ed to allow cause at my office on or before the first ! Monday in September next why said letters should not be granted. Given nnder my hand at office this 17th day of Jnlv 1876. julyl8.*0d. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordmarv. ft EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Ordixaht's Or- VT ricE Sni, July 1876.—Doctor M. Wilson has ap plied for exemption of personalty, and 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock A. M. on tlie list day of July- 1876 at my office. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinny. produces to the treasury, obstructs the processes of pro: due:lull, and wastes 1 lie fruits of labor. It promotes j tent OU t trnuil, foster* smuggling, eu~ s “*~ * -•*■■■ • 1 bankrupts honest merchant Custom IIoum* luxation shall Ik* only for revenue. Keform iii neeemiy in tin * * ~ ‘ swollen fr»m o minion pol.i, in i860 nluiiona cuS or conjectural basis, is wrong, unjust, uiic* • cuthiudasni, *uid it is now thought that this rrnev, 1870; onr ajw« v,T»tc taxation from 154 million* . , . - T - . 1 • ' ^ — * — * gold, in i8oo to ..w miiiions currency in 1870; or in one qual and oppressive. No system of taxation «lecaile, from less titan Ss>!»er head to more than $18 per . re ii gatherers more than thrice the sum of tho National debt, and more than twi ethnt sum for Federal Uoverninent oh»ne. We demand a religion?frugality in every deiiart- ment, nnd from every officer!of Government. Reform i" necessary lo put a slop to tho profligate " «>te of public Jund and tlieir devision* from actual aet- tli iw by the parly in power, which has s.piandered 200 milllona of acres upon railroads alone, and out of more than^tbricc mat aKgrrpwte ha* disimM’d of leu than a aixth directly to tiller* of the noil. * Reform i* necessary to correct thc the omission* of a Kepublh an Congress and the error* of our treaties mud our diplomacy which have stripped our fellew-citioen* of for eign birth and kindred race from reerwedng the Atlantic, ol the shield of Ameriron citizenship, and have exposed our brethern o! the Pacific ciiast to the incundona of a rat e not Nprung Irom the same great parent stock, and in tact now by law denied citizenship through naturaiiza- tmn a*being neither accustomed to the tradition* of a progressive civilization nor exercised in iibcetr under equal law*. Wo deitonnce thc policy which thu* discard* tin* liberty-loving l*en..nn and tolcratcsthc revivals ot tbe ctHilie trade in Mongolian women imported for immoral purpmom and Mongolian men hired to perform thc »er- vile laixir contraeta. lU-form is nocesaary and can never lie sleeted bat by mak ing It the controlling tho issue ufthc elections, nnd lining II nliove Ihe two false issues with which tbe office-holding class ami tho parly in lw»sr»r seek to smoother it— 1. The false issue with which they would enkindle sec tarian striie in respect to the public schools, of which thv establishment and support la-longs exclusively to the several States am! which the Democratic part has cher ished from their foundation, and la resolved to maintain without prejudice or preference for any class, sect or creed, and without largesses from the Treasury to anv. 2. The false Issue hr which they seek toligli't anew the dying embers of sectional hale between kindred people once estranged, but now reunited In one indivisible Re public and common destiny. Reform is necessary In the civil service. Experience proves that efficient, economical conduct of tho Govern mental business is not Impossible it Us civil service lie subject lo change at every election, be a prize fought for at the ballot-box, lie a brief reward of party seal, instead of pests of honor a*-lgned for proved comjietency, and held for fidelity,*, ah* public employ ; that the dispeoslngof patronage xboiiM in either,!» a lax upon Ihe time of our public men. ndf-the Inurnment of their ambition. Here promises ffifsified in the performtaaMi attest that the patty III power can work out no pmcUeal or Military reform. Reform is necessary esW mMw la the higher grades of the public service. IWIdretta, Vloej-residents. Judges, Senators, Representative, CaUitpi officers, these and all others in authority are the people 1 *servants. Their offices are not a private pen)Ulalte: they are n public trust. When the annals of this Republic show the disgrace and censure of a Vice-President; a lata Speaker of the House of Representatives marketing his rulings as a preaiding officer; three Senators profiting secretly by their votes as law-makers; five chairmen of Ihe leading committees of tho House ur Representatives exposed to jobbery; a late Secretary of tbe Treasury forcing balances in the public accounts; a tala Attorney-General misappropriating pub lic funds; a Secretary of the Nary enriched or enriching ' • la, by percentage levied off the profits of contractors ala department; aa Embassador to England censured Ishonorable speculation; and tho President's Piivate ary barely escaping conviction upon trial for guilty ld«y In frauds upon the revenue; a Secretary of War Impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors—tha :st rat ion la complete, that the first step in Reform b* the people's choice of honest men from another , jest the disease of ono political organisation Infest ady politic, and lest, by making no change of men or partita, we get no change of measures nnd no real Reform. All these abuses, wrongs and Crimea, the product of sixteen yean ascendancy of the Republican parly, create a necessity for Reform confessed by Republicans them selves ; hut their reformen are voted down In convention and displaced from the Cabinet. Tbe party's mam of honest voters la powerless to resist the SO.OUi office-hold ers, its leaders and guides. Reform can only be had by a peaceful, Civil Revolution. W* demand a change of system, a change or administra tion, n change of patties, that we may have n change of measures an J of men. Platform of Georgia Demoracy. Wa, tbe chosen representatives of the Democratic party of Georgia, in Statu Convention assembled, do make the following declaration of political principles and party pur pose*, and we Invite every lover of constitutional liberty and good government to eo-operai* with ua in maintaining and carrying the same into practical effect: Rksolvxd, I Wo io-*vaw our thorough identification with the great National Democratic petty of tbe United Slates, and accept the platform cf principles and policy leeenuy promulgated by the party at St. Louts, Missouri. 2. The recent nominations by the National Democratic party of Samuel J. Tilden, of New York, for the office ef President, nnd of Tbomaa A. Hendricks, of Indians, for the office of .ViewPresIdeat, meets aur hearty approval, and we do hereby pledge our Democratic brethren. North, South, East and West, that w* wni pot forth the most active, earnest and energetic effort to sees re the trium phant election of these dlcUngulihed citizen* to the high offices for which they have been named a* candidates. 8. We declare, subset equivocation, that wa ared»- cldcdly and firmly iu f.ivor of retrenchment and reform in tho auniimMrution of every department of the govern ment, Mai,* a. well ax Federal, and we sincerely rejoice that the National pariv with which wa ale identified, has placed it-cl 1 definitely and >.|iurcly upon a platform that {•os'iii** continues anil t*n«l» with the tlocirine of pnrtfica- tion an.l reform In every place, and In everything con- itccu- l with the tfovorntuentami ltaadministration. 4. We do hcreby eapneUtty enloin upon tho nominee of tuaconveuibm. if tlie nomination shall be confirmed by the people, 1.1 carry into full practical cffifol. the princi ples of retrenchment and reform herein-before set forth, and his acceptance <>f the candidature to which wo Invite nun w iil he deemed a ilislinet pledge on his part, that If elected, that he will so exert the Influence and power or his office,aa to reduce taxation, leaven tlie pablic expend- a, and lift ax for as in him lies, the incubus of -hard j n8 igjjt into the Conduct of the various de- a we^b/pi?** 1 ?. ‘■lies?!? ».r. e c; sorely oppressed State will throw off the yoke this fall by the election of General Hampton and giving to Tilden and Hen dricks a ten thousand majority. cud be just to tax-payers where inequality is a chief characteristic. And no system can fail of inequality where the basis of assess ment is not sure and certain, ever resting j state Democratic Executive upon the correct principle, that the greatest i |Committe. amount of wealth should constitute the lar-. I Macon, Ga , August 14, 1876. gest support to the Government of its pro- ! Under the authority of a resolution passed tection. This defect in our system of Fed- by the Democratic Convention recently eral taxation, both in its general and local! a8J€n, hled at Atlanta, the following gentle- , ! men are announced as the state Democratic application, furnishes an unrestrained oppor- Committee: tunity for such gross extravagance in the ; for the state at large. support of the general Government as to sap . H. P. Bell, of Forsyth county; J. C. the very foundations of all local prosperity.! ofPier< * coant ?.: * ^ Warren, . . | , . . r * * of Chatham county; E. \. Clarke, ot 6Ful- j his is distressiugly true in its application ton county. * QEORGIA, OCONEE COUNTY.— Whereas, John F. Murray, Administrator of Sam’l. Simonton, deceased, late of said county, makes application for leave to sell the real estate,* leas the widows Dower, belonging to the estate of said de ceased. AU persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, (if any they can,) why sucti application should not be granted at the September term next of the Conrt of Ordinary of said county, Jnly 31st, 1876. aug.l.30d. J. B. LYLE, Ordinary. Belies for 1876. IV CLARKE SHERIFF SALE TILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT-HOUSE , / door, in tbe city of Athens, Clarke county, on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, tlie following property, to-wit: One house and lot, containing one acre more or less, bounded by W. P. Talmadge ou the South; on the East, by Oliver Stephen#; on the West, by Oconco river; on the North, by a street. All levied upon by virtue of* State and county tax Ufa, for 1875. John W. Johnson vs. Garri son Schell. All to satisfy tlie above stated fifa, this July 81st, 1876. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. augl.Sod. Just Received, NATURAL WQQO WALKING CANES I N variety, vix: Or.uigv, Cinnamon,Abysinnan, Thorn, Furze, ’irouwooJ, Woliosm, Mauiila and others. Also, Mountod Canes With Gold, Silver, Ivory, Rn&do Horn, Loaded Heads, etc., a good assortment. Call soon and get a Cheap Relic for Centennial year, W. A. TALMADGE, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, College Avenue, Opposite Post Office, Athens t Ga. july25.1m. run hi* a# freqS fnMra M\* t Mr, lest .Zbodyr to many of the States of this Union, particu larly among the Southern States. But in the case of Georgia we are prepared to present it as an exception. W rested from the misrule of a few years back, we can now boast a less State tax than any of our South ern sister States, if not less than any other State id the Union. Still even under this blessing we are oppressed and burthened with too great taxes. Then why this condi tion of aflairs? The Legislature of Georgia has been time and again advised of this matter by the people throughout the State, in plain and uumistakubie resolutions passed in their primary ('(inventions. People of Georgia and of Clarke county especially, let us repeal it, our Slate taxes are test than those of any other Southern State, and if not less than those of any other State in the Union, at hast quite as reasonable. Then tlie oppression must come from our local, county and municipal taxes. This is a truth which cannot bo denied. Then we ask you where is the remedy. Tho Legislatuie of your State, while it has the power to confine your local taxes to a given per centum upon the State tax, till it has no const itutional right or power to say how much of this you shall assess for county or municipal putposes. The Legia. laturo cannot regulate your expenses upon roads, bridges, court-houses etc. This comes within the jurisdiction of our Grand Juries, which are the true legislative bodies ot tbe respective counties. To these organizations you must look for relief, and of these yon roust demand and require reform and relief. Aud now in concluding this already too lengthy article let ua suggest, that under tbe present mode adopted by our.Grand Juries you cannot expect the needed reform and relief. However true, patriotic and interested your jurymen may^be in the wd- fare of the county they represent, they can not under the present eystem of conducting the business of their bodies, do their duty by the people. Over-run with the inciden tal business of court week, they have really but little time to look into the more impor tant aflairs of county government. Their. GEORGIA—HART COUNTY. W HEREAS, REUBEN D. ADAMS,REPRESENTS lo tbe Court in hi* petition, duly filed, that ho has fully administered William Adams' estate; thin is therefore lo cite all peraoii* concerned, kindred and creditors, lo show cause if any they cau, why said ad ministrator should not be discharged from hi* admin istration on the first Monday iu beptamber 1876, this May 22d 1876. mayS0.3m. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary. : effort# ana realous co-<W?tiim to perpetuate.e n.rii.1 aud economical adunidatrelion of thcaffoii - T 1 - FOR THE DISTRICTS. Find districts—John J. Jones, of Burke county; Josephus Camp, of Emanuel coun ty. Second district—A. T. McIntyre, of Thomas county; W. A. Harris, of Worth county. Third district—James B. Hinkle, of Sum ter county ; Marshall J. Hatcher, of Macon county. Fourth district—M. A. Blandford, of Muscogee county; J. T. Waterman of Troup county. Fifth district—W. T. Trammell, ofSpald- ing county; U. S. Gunn, of Houston coun ty. Sixth districts—J. M. Pace, of Newton county; W. W. Turner, Putnam county. Seventh district—P. M. B. Young, of Bartow county; J. A. W. Johnson, of Whitfield county. Eighth district—Miles W. Lewis, Gieene county; Paul U. Hudson, McDuffie countv. Ninth district—G. M. Netherland, „ Habersham county; W. E. Simmons, of Gwinnett county. The foregoing appointments from the districts, except in one or two instances of failure to make nominations, are the selec tions of the district delegations as provided for by the resolution passed by the convet.s tion. The members of the committee are re quested to convene at the Kimball House, in Atlanta, on Friday, the 25th instant, at 11 o’clock a. m., for the purpose of organiz ing and transacting such other burir.est as they may deem proper. Clifford Anderson, President late Convention. Democratic papers please copy. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Pursuant to an order of the court of Ordinary of Clarke county, will be Bold before conrt bouse door of void county ou the of pertinents of government of tbe County, fluc^^egwrli^f^fficw'^^^eiHjralex^n HIGH PRICES EXPLODED! L. P. ° Q. S. AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE 265 Broad treet, G. O. ROBINSON. | LUDDEN & HATES. 6. 0. ROBINSON & 00. WILL SELL ONE HUNDRED PIANOS, LOWEST FACTORY PRICES, FOR SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS, ARRANGED to suit all responsible parties. AT THE Store Formerly Occupied by J. T. Comer. aug.15.6in. OrrosirE Center and Reaves Old Stand, Athens, Ga. GOODREASONST Why You Should Buy Your Groceries and Provisions from TALMADGE, ZX02DGS02T <& CO., First. Because we buy from first hands and save the profit usually made by jobbers. - -*— Second.—Because our goods are always fresh and of the finest and best quality. Third. Because we keep everyth ing, and the best the market affords, that you can find in a first class Grocery and Provision Store, Fourth.—Because we guarantee everything we sell, as represented by us or money refunded, and tin best goods sold at the lowest prices. Fifth. Because, we buy forcaslt, collect our accounts promptly when due us, thus enabling us to keep you from paying your pro portion of profit aud loss account. Sixth. Because our interest and that of our customers are one, ami identically the same, thereby studying our own interest, we study that of our customer. Seventh.—Because we defy any honest competitor, keep the largest and best assorted stocks, deliver goods promptly in the city when bought, polite and attentive to our customers, and will sell as good goods, at lower figures than any house in Northeast Georgia. Give us a trial. 20,000 Pounds of Fresh Wheat Bran for sale low by TALMADGE, HODGSON & CO. 200 Rolls of No. 1. Bagging for sale by TALMADGE, HODGSON &C0. BUYING COTTON A SPECIALITY WITH 02 acres, more or leas, outheOcnnee River and Creek, adjoining George W. Veal, Wm. Butler and I others, on which is a gaud dwelling house, containing I six rooms, a good gin bouse and screw, a good alioal I on shoal creek for grist mill, gin Ac., aud a large quantity of timber convenient; said tract to be divided and sold in three or more separate tracts, plats of which will be exhibited ou thoday of sale. Also seven shares of Georgia Railroad Stock. All to be sold as the pro perty of Thomas U. Young deocased, for the benefit of hi* legatee*. Term*, one half credit to l*t December next, balance credit, Nov. 1877, at ten per cent interest, from purch aser, with note* and appiyvcd security. If not sold raid land will be rented at the day and place above named for the year 1877. JEREMIAH D. BROWN, Adui’r. de bonis non with the will anucxcd. August.1.SOd. CLARKE SHERIFF SALE. lyiLL be SOLD BEFORE THE COURT-HOUSE It door, in the city of Athcus, Clarke county, Ga., outhefi at Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of tale, tho followiiur property, to-wit: AU of the interest that Willi* N. Kilgore own* in the house aud lot that he now ocenpiea—sitnate, lying and being in the city ot Athena, in Cobbhaei, ou the corner of Frinoe and Church street*. Bud lot containing two acres more or lets, with all of the apperteuancea thereto belonging. Said lot known aa tbe Jim Taylor lot. Lot levied upon by virtue of a fi. (a. from Clarke Superior Court, February term, 1878, Calvin G. Nowell va. Willis N. Kilgore fond on* other fi. la. from County Court, quarter session, April term, 187*, William J. Russell, Agent, vs. Willis N. Killgore, and cost and advertising foe* on four other County Court fi. fits., all to satisfy as., tills July 81st, 1876. .BROWN! the above stated fi. (as., I ING, Sheriff. Also st the some time andptace, will be sold the fol lowing property, to-wit: Tue stables and oremises upon which they are erected, outhe lotol’W.'N.Kill- r s, near the lot of I. U. Kinney, and joining tlie lot of U. Latnpkin, on the corner of Fnoce and Church street in the city of Athens, Clarke conntv. Sold by virtue of a ft. &. on mechanic win, D.C. & It. T. Fowler vs. Willi* N. Killgore. All to satisfy tho shove stated fl.fia. This July Slat, 1876. augl sod. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. NOTICE. Augusta, Ga., M»y 1st, 1876. On after Monday, May 1st, 1876, tbe exemption or personalty, and I will pass upon tlie same at 10 o’clock, a. K. on the xOlh day of August 1876 st my office. AngusU.»w. ABA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. r< EORGIA, OCONEE COUNTY.—Whereas, Wm. Vff Marshal applies to me for letters of Administration Passenger trains on the will run as follows, viz: S.00 a. a. 4.00 T. V. 4.00 r.a. 8.00 A. X. 8.00 a.m. . fofifir. k Day Passxxokb Taxis war Leave Athens at .. Arrive at Augusta st Arrive at Atlanta at Leave Augusta at Leave Atlanta at Arrive at Athens at... Niout Pauznsxx Tfunr. Leave Athens at 9.30 p. it. Arrive at Augusta at JJt. Arrive at Atlanta at 5.25 a. jt. Leave Augusta at 8.90 p. K. Leave Atlanta at 1040 P.*. Arrive at Athens at 6.50 a. it. Passengers from Atlanta, Athens, Washington, or any point tfHthfc Georgia Kailroad and Branches, by taking tb£3|y Passenger Train, will make close con- Train for M,Hedges,He and oo the estate ot Marion lisle, late of said county de- rgia Railroad <***«<h These are therefore to .cite and admonish all con cerned to show cause (if any they have) at my office ou or before tbe first Monday in September next, why said latter* should not be granted. Given under my band at office, this the Hat day of Julgl876. r.i.sod. . LYLE, Ordinary. JNO. W. NICHOLSON, DEALER IX Boots, Sloes, Bats, sod Caps, —TRUNKS,— LEATHER X SHOE FINDINGS, Etc., Etc., Etc. Juiic27.3m. Talmadge, Hodgson & Co. TO THE LADIES. IF YOU ARE AT A LOSS TO KNOW HOW TO CUT OR MAKE YOUR DRESS HANDSOMELY, FASH- ionably and economically, tend to ua for a copy of the BiAZiYR DRKSS-MiAKER. Price, 25 cents. By mail, SO cents. The Queen, an illustrated Magazine of Fashion, is replete with all hint* on fashionable attire, and contains an endless variety of interesting reading matter. Price, 5 cents, jj mail, 7 cents. With the Bazar Dress-Maker and the Queen to inform yon what to wear aud how to wear it, n* Bazar Glove-Fitting Pattern, lo fit any form, and the world’s favorite, the 2T5CT PAHILT SX3UGEH SEWXXTG MACXXHTE upon which to make your wearing apparel, no lady need wear an ill-fitting, unbecoming or badly made garment- Address all orders to THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO n Clattok Stbzet, Atuzxs, 0#- July.4.1y. GEORGE H. HOPE, Agent, Augusta, Ga. tTTe GREAT TURKISH BARBER SHOP! Fifty to One Hundred Dollars Saved BY PURCHASING AT THE- AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE, SIX OF THE BEST MAKERS ABE REPRESENTED, livery Instrument warranted to be auermanentad- vertisement of Superiority uud Excelence. 0^*Largest Stock—Lowest Prices. Purchasing largely for Cash, enable* ua to sell at price* that Defy Competition. Special Inducements! PIANOS AT NEW YORK I.OWEST PRICES. WITH a good Stool and Cover, forwarded to any point, freight paid, for Cash. G. O. ROBINSON & CO. WILL ALSO SELLTWO HUNDRED ORGANS FOB Small Monthly Paymcut*. A LARGE ASSORTMENT! LOWEST PRICES! Four of the beat Makers are represented, including Mason & Hamlin Organs, New Style ROLL OF ARTISTS! Ali Toccoa Davis, Murad Abdul Sapp, Aziz Caliph Brvpve. L. SCUEVENELL. G. H. YASCEY- L. SCHEVENELL & CO. BHOAD STREET, ATHENS. G\. DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Superiority Everywhere Acknowledged FIRST PRIZE AWARDED AT THE “WORLD’S Fair,” in Puri*, 1867; at the “ Vienna Exposi tion,”1873 ; aud ft the recent Exposition, 1875, zt Linz, Austria. They have always re ceived the Highest Medals in competi tion with the celebrated European makers. G. O. ROBINSON & CO., Wholesale Sontheru Agents. L P Q S AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE, SS5 Broad MUSICAL 1N8 IN EVERY vS v MUSIC. .BQOKl.Ajigylt SILVER AND PLATED WARE. GUN'S, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, Musical Instruments, Having BEST WORKMEN, we are prepared to do REPAIRING IN SUPERIOR STYLE. WE MAKE A BPECIALTT OF SILVER AND GOLD PLATI^ And all work of this kind, such as Fobks, Bpoons, Watches, &v., plated by . equal to that done by any estaWttfcfiU^wt^fte^anfnwjr. Soiea ti£io "jsjrioultt* 0 ’ D«. e. m. pendleto^ Professor Agriculture, University J Second Edition, Eiax»oM> ***J* PRICES IN -IS W Spring and Summer Millinery Goods. Man T. A. Aoxus would most respectfully inform the Ladies of Athenaand of eounfiea^ now received and opened a inoatcioi^ and selectM- aottment of Spring and hummer MilUnery Goods, com prising in part the latent style* and foslii.ns of Huts, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Gloves, &e., sell ot reasonable G^oher a Published by A. 8. Barn« * A. ^ by Burke* Hancock, Atlanta, Ga., aog^ji. Athens, Ga. Price 8*- 51 - .— 'ZZfr- Aoades»y ,t«w A-bb-esaf rpHE exercises of this 1876- tj. J. Bame place on the 1st ot ^ ^i0KB^*J^, NcMiy printed and^___^