The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, September 05, 1876, Image 2

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posing City Park.—What lias City Park around the New Spring? This is an enterprise people teel considerable interest, iml we trust our City Council will not let it fall through. If they do not feel disposed to assume the responsibility, let the matter be determined at our next municipal elect- tion. "We don’t want the white troops down here,” said Packard, of Louisiana; “ they soon get to affiliating with their own color, and we can’t make any use of them. What wo want are the colored regiment to keep these d—d nigger plantation hands from Toting the Democratic ticket.” The color ed regiments have accordingly been trails- Notice.—The Democratic voters iee County will meet at^the Court in Watkinsville, on Saturday the. 1 to elect delegates to the Congres- onal Convention, to be held in Gainesville the 13th inst. J. C. WILSON, Chairman Democratic Club. Jackson County now labors under the infliction of a two weeks session ot the Superior Court. We suppose her dockets both, civil and criminial will be cleared, and such a check given to misdemeanors as will secure continued peace unto this worthy and well to do people. Dr. Jones of the Southern Cultivator, has presented in bis last two numbers some strong papers as to the proper organization and conduct of Agricultural Colleges. These articles are ably presented, and will prove highly interesting to all those who feel an interest in these institutions cf scientific instruction. We commend them to the careful perusal of all such. Are offering bargains to the ci - y trade and the public generally, in ifamily and Fancy Groceries. \ They keep constantly oil hand all grades of &r, Coffee and the Best Leaf ard ii ti) t, Tobacoo a»d Cigars, S3* M ^ H eg €13 3- |r both cooking ami medical purposes, arc among their upeciultiet. They are agent* for one of the REAVES & NIC ... Successors to CENTER & REAVE*.., .> | HAVE IN STORE AND ARE RECEIVING DAILY, A LAitr-n and well assorted Stock of Fresh and Desirable Good s Facts to be Remembered.—Who nomi nated Rutherford B. Hayes for President ? ferred from Texas to the sugar fields of j It was Simon Cameron, Don Cameron, Lousiana. Bob Mackey and Bill Kemble who gave Mr. Hayes the vote of Pennsylvania and rallied around him those elements of the ^GGLE, of Troup Connty. T Spalding Connty. AVilkinnon Connty. , of Whitfield County. hoots district: D. U. DvEOSE, of Wilkca Connty. sixth district: 3. N. DOK32Y, of Ball Connty. Alternates. FIRST DISTRICT: T. T. DAVENPORT, of Glynn Connty. •tCOND DISTRICT I JAMES M. 8EWABD, ot Thomas Connty. third district: W. H. HARRISON, of Stewart County. FOURTH district: E. M. BUTT, of Marion County, rins district : W. A. SHORTER, of Fulton County, airru district: 11BEN, of Butts Cot£ty.. - Citizens of Athens, remember our cor porate limits are too extended, sixty-five or seventy miles of street is too much for so small a population ns ours to keep up. And then our agricultural frienJs who arc “ taken in ” by this too great “ stretching out ” on the part of the town, don’t like to pay a municipal tax, for which they can not hope or expect any good whatever. This is a grevous defect in our corporate Republican party whose motto was, thing to beat • Blaine;” Blaine beinj greeable to Grant. Who is conducting the canvass and run ning the machine to elect Rutherford B Haves ? It is Zach Chandler, Don Came ron, and all that school of machine politi cians. ackers of Canned Goods in the T'n orth> ate offering special inducement* in these good*. They have a small stock of GKERY^GLASSWAKE, Bought from i>. D. MRciiell, r.t LESS THAN NEW YORK PRICES, and arc cloning out these Goo a = | At Cost. They urc also agint* for one of the Xuaxgost jasd. Best Flc-oi Skills in. -fche TfiTes-texn Sta-tes, And can sell Flour as cheap as it can be bought. They deal also in r I> p y C* o o cl s* Boo tMy Shoos and Hat*, to Drink, Chew or Smoke, you will find it in cndle*.* variety at the new store of GILLELANI) & BETTS, No. 6 broad Street. Ktaitj If you wan tap; july.ll..Uve any- disa- X W.EJ^ FIT E WILL.SEND /loyd County. . jin. i • It Hayes should be elected he would arrangements and should at once lie rente- ■ J . | owe his election to those men, as he already — — j owes them his nomination. * The Turks certainly deserve credit for; If be were President would he have the the the business-like way in winch they ’ determination and courage to quarrel with depose incompetent sovereigns. The dc- j the parly who made hint, and without throncmcnt of Abdul Aziz from his otto-; whom he would never have been itoini- rain and seraglio, was as sudden as it wts nated and never elected ? If he should merited ; and now "conics Mourad Khan, | engage in such a quarrel, could he sui who has been on a three weeks bender i„ it, and carry-through his own aud dolls the royal turban in the same vio-: against his party ?—New York Sun lent style. Very well doue for the “ sick From all parts ofthejsuunUjrwTget de man;” indeed titis way of getting rid of, gjjsaifig^accouuts of business "distress, unworthy rulers, could be profitably iraitat-j What we need is a sound, just, and cco- ' by some of their republican neighbors j nomicnl government at Washington to lift 1 far across th^p^^^ j us out of the slough. The way to get that j is to put in your ballot on the 7th of next ; November for Tilden and Hendricks.— THE WEEKLY SUN . FROM NOW 1 alter tie PresiHal Election, Post-Paid., to any Address THROUGHOUT THE UNITED ST MSS. No Campaign Document Like it. ADDRESS, THE SUN, New York City. cents,THE MARKHAM HOUSE, Atlanta, Georgia, ed Congressman James A. Garfield, who has just been renominated for Congress in the old Joshua R. Giddings district of Ohio, has already served nearly fourteen years. He was first elected in 1862, and has been , returned ever since. His district is famous I lor the retention of its Congressmen. Air. Whittlesey, one of its first Representatives, served sixteen years; then came Mr. Gol dings, who served twenty years ; he was followed by Mr. Hutchins, who served four years; and then followed Mr. Garfield, who. if lie lives to serve in the next Con- gress, will have seen sixteen vears of tneni- 1. Subscribers *rlio do not give express notice to tlic \ , , . ,, . . . ,,,, , contrary, »re considered wishing to continue their nub- j oershtp. Ignite right. When a good man X. If subscribers order tlio discontinuance of tlieir ; * s secured, retain him; for in Congress ex- periodicals, the publishers ms,- continue to send them i perience is evertllillg. DIVISION or TSK UXITID (TATIS S. FUSE COVRT. until sll arrearages s—- paid. glee S. If anbscribers neglect or refitse to taketheirperio-’ — - dicals from the office to which they are directed, tiiev i Personal.—We were pleased to receive are Held responsible until thev lmve settled their hdu» 1 . 1 aud orderad than dkconUnucA. ; in our sanctum on last Saturday C'-' Gantt M MC&tBSa'£S£fSeSl I of Charleston S. C and brothel ^, A7 IAn»esenp | ««r,(M.T-W..O.-iiu Col. brings encouraging news from South Carolina. He represents the democracy of that Slate as thoroughly aroused to the im portance of making a straight out fight against Radicalism this fall, and thinks with from the office, or removing and lea-. vailed for is prima tacia evidence of intentional fraud.” S. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes n»o of it whether ho lias ordered it or not, is held in law to bn a subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they arc bound to give notice to the publisher, at the end cf tlieir time; if the, co not wish to continue taking it: otherwise the publisher is authorised to send it on; ana the subscribe N. L Sun. HART COUNTY COLUMN. Nows Dots from our IteguUir Cor- respondent. RELIGIOUS. The good people of our county have been holding protracted meetings for the last few weeks, at various churches. No Pentecostal manifestations so far as heard from, unless it was at Line, where twelve converts were baptized. PROGRESSION. Notwithstanding hard time - , our town is progressing. “ Onward! still ownward,” seems to be the motto of otir people. New enterprises are being inaugurated, new in dustries promoted, and new edifices built. We trust the good work will go on. With fine advantages of climate and a high moral tone, and educational facilities the attractive than Hartwell. ■„POLTriCAL. Everything seems to be moving quietly aud easily. There is less division and excitement than was ever known before on the eve of an election. It is now rumored that Sir Moses Ditucan will run in oppose Election tickets, cash upon delivery. Anuomicenuinia of candidates and communications favoring individual candidates, must be paid for in ad vance. All Job work mnst bo paid for upon delivery. Advertisements not marked tor any sjwclned time, will be charged lbr until ordered out. Burglars in New York commit depreda tions in broad day-light. The campaign has opened in dead ears nest. If people had a little more to eat, there would be more “ enthusiasm.’’ Abdul Aziz became Abdul-ns-wns, and now his luckless successor, Mourad Kahn becomes Mourad Couldn’t. such a man as Gen. Wade Hampton to . tion Hon. John B Benson, the Democratic "'e fight upon, that there is great nominee. Whether the rumor is true or P hope of success. Col. Gantt is a Democrat I ” ot ’ " c cannot definitely determine. But * t . J there is one tiling we let*! assured of—in- of the staunchest typo, and a patriot of . deed, as much so as if we were endowed which his state may well feel proud. With j with the gift of prophecy—first, the candi- such men as Col. Gantt, Gen. Butler, Gen. dney of Mr. Duncan, at this time, is ill- Gary and a host of others, led by that pure i ? dvis f d in thc . extre,ne ’ anti , h . is triends owe , . . „ , . ‘ I it to him as a duty, to tirge lnm not to run, and matchless statesman and patriot Gen. > u „i ess he takes pleasure in defeat. But it Hampton, all struggling to extricate their J is said by some that he don’t pro]>ose to much loved State from the oppressions of j run through any hope of being elected, but corruption and misrule, we may expect to : j? ord ®. r to U P die organization of the , .. . , , ... „ . I Republican party. This, he cannot do; see that political revolution this fall in ; bc ^ u8e t i, e / e numerous Republicans down trodden Carolina which will bring j that will support Mr. Benson. Though as gladness to the hearts of her sister South- . true a Democrat as ever breathed the vital cm States. ! a 'f» >’«N he is conservative in his views, and will, when elected, prove not a representa tive of a party or sect, but a representative of the entire people of this county, seeking the advancement and promotion of the best interests of all, without any undue partizan- ship or political bias. The people know this, and all the electioneering that can be brought to bear and all the seeret schemes that can be planned, cannot turn them from their fixed and determined course. In view of this fact, and in view of the fact that it was a spontaneous and united out burst of the people’s will that brought Mr. Benson into the field, we secondly feel fully justified in stating that his victory in the coming election will be no ordinary The Presidential campaign is waxing warm in the Northern and Western States. The most hotly contested fields however, seems to be the States of Ohio and Indi ana, each party deeming the c States essential to success. As regards Indiana Republican candidate for Governor of there can hardly lie any well founded Georgia, died last week. She is said to j doubts as to its going democratic, while in have been a very worthy lady. Gen. A. II. Colquitt is now “ Guberna torial! ring’’ throughout the State. We predict for him, at least, a CO,000 majority. Mil Jonathen Norcross, consort of the Thu Republican canvass in North Caro lina is said to be very brisk. Money is freely used. Thc claims for the South Carolina democracy arc brightning. Since the harmonious session of the New York democracy and the nomination of Seymour, there is no doubt but that Tilden has damped those 85 ^electoral votes. Tammany and Anti-Tammany Dcmocrat- * oik have at last come to ny getting a lit- t- DMlNlSTRATOR’ASAI E.—Pursuant to an order the Conrt of tmiiimry of Oconee county, will be aold Vffore the Court flouec door of said county on the first Tuesday in October next, during the le*ral hour* of «ale, all that *>Ctof land, less the widow* Dower, adjoining Lunds or J* C. Wilson, Frank Carter, A. M. Jackson and others, contttpinfr 217 acres, inure or less. To be soltl as tho property sCSamnel blmonton de ceased, for the benefit of creditors^’ -Term* Cash. eept.o.UOd. JOHN F. UtfgBAY, Adrn'r. James E. Owens, Proprietor. T his popular hotel, tiie very model of a public house, new, elegant,luxurious, and home like, is still in the very high tide of public favor. Since niv connection with Hotels in Atlanta, »ny prices have remained the same Fouryears at the ‘Notional,” and now at the new and elegant “ Markham.*’ As a Three l>ollar a Day House, It has had no superior. I am now better prepared to give iny friends and the public generally better * itis- faetion than ever before. The people of the State have given me a liberal patronage for waich L feel thankful, and ask for a continuance of the same. No charge for baggage to and from the Depot. aug.2U.lm. JAS. E. OWENS, Proprietor. A T V 2Z5 3F?. HL.O'W P Consisting in part of 150 Bbl’s Refined Sugar, j 100 Bags Rio Coffee. 50 H’lids. Cuba and Reboiled Molasses, 25 H’lids. X. 0. Syrup, 500 Rolls and half rolls Bagg ing- 2000 Bundles Cotton Iron Ties, 10,000 Pounds (all grades) Flour, 50,000 Pounds Bacon, A full line of Dry, Goods, llats, Boots, Shoes, Wooden Ware, Maimilla Ilona Large and Small Sizes, Canned Goods, Oysters, Stinh- ’ berries, Tomattoes, Sauces. Jellies, Ginger Preserves, Peaches, &c., &c. Which we invite tlic public to examine, as we intend selling at LOW PRICES F O R (J ASH, Athens Manufact’g Co., and High Shoals Mannfact’g Co., Goods* Speciality. Merchants are particularly invited to examine our Stock, we feel confident we can compete with adjacent cities in prices. aug.29.lm. REAVES Sc NICIIOLSOX. RICEs 5,000 Pounds Sugar p,„ , Hams, ^ 25 Tierces Leaf Lard oOOO Sacks Salt. 5,000 Pounds Sole Leather 150 Boxes Tobacco a^ n , 10,000 Pair Home macleiu? Shoes, ^ 200 Kegs Rifle and Powder. ^ For Sale. 4 SECOND HAND WHEELER AND WILSON, i V Sowiug Machine; has been hut little used aud is , perfect order. JNO. W For hate cheap for cash. Apply ut THIS OFFICE. NICHOLSON, Bits, Shoes, Bats, anil Caps, TRUNKS, LEATHER i SHOE FINDINGS, Etc., Etc.,. Etc. at R. L. stand No. 4, Granite Row, Athens* G eorgia, ocoxee county.—Wberok Thoma* Booth Administrator of Young Vickers deceased, petitions in term* of the law to be discharged Administration: V These arc therefore to cite and minionish all person^ concerned to show cause ot my office on or before t <e first Monday in December next, against the granting of said discharge. Given under my hand r,t office this 4th day of Sept. 1870. *ept.r>."m. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—Pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Oconee county, and in accord ance with a provision of the last will ot* James w illou- ghby deceased, late of suid comity, will bo sold before the Court House door of said county, on the first Tuesday in October next, during the legal hours of sale, one lot of land iu tin* *th district, 2d section, formerly Cherokee, now Fanniu County, containing lfio acres. Also, lot 2d district, 2d section, formerly Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 4o acres. Sold us the i»roperty of James Willoughby deceased, for the benrst of the Legatees. Terms of sale, note with approved security, at 10 per ccut interest from purchaser, due 12 months’ after date, sept.a.lm. i.. i^. FAMBR* »l : GH, Executor, C 1LARKE SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold before the / Court House door, in thc l.’ity of Athens, Clark* County Ga., on thc first Tuesday in October next, with in the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: one house ami lot situate lying and being iu the City of! Athens, in Brooklin onstreet or road running out i _______ „___ _ — _ __ through Brooklin on thc right of said street or road ATIfiTISTA M U ST C HOUSE adjoining Cobb, Smith and others, containing threo “ * y w * ** * ■* v acres, more or Ie*a- .Levied upon by virtue of a fi. f*. from Clark Saperior Court, Adgost Term 1872. Early Wiofeld a person of color, ra^Ozorga Brown a person au*;. 2D. 1 ni. REAVES & NICHOLsox. L. P. Q. 8. LOIV PRICES, QUICK SALES. A. K. CHILDS & CO., Proprietors (Successor to J. T. Comkr,) W II . .TONES, Superintendent. $50 TO .$100 SAVED. Is the Verdict of the numerous Patrons of the Extraordinary Inducements. TattproSy 8. !r. Thnrinoud. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. GRE1AT Closing Out Sals Ohio tlie chances lor Tilden and Hen- dricks are daily on tlie increase. We re membered to have predicted shortly after the St. Louis Convention, that Ohio would „ go democratic in November, and feel I °* ,e —> l ,M! overwhelming and complete .i i • .i • i »• wff i Opposition might as well retire at once, greatly strengthened ... this belief since Mr. ThiTvoice of the people is thc voice of God! Manton Marble, former editor of tlie New j They speak with an influence and power York World, and by no means an unsafe j greater than Kings and greater than the ]>olitical prophet, has made the same pre- *“' v ‘ .f^ e ' r .? ,lt , l |; is gone forth, and the j ; „ ....... ,, * opposition - it there be any—may as well d.ction. W hile it would seem altogether au'emptto cheek the mighty ebb and flow reasonable that Gov. Hayes should be ; of the ocean, as to override it. For once, a strong man in Ohio, three times having w «. will be united, and will not permit been elected Governor, and each time de- • d,v ' sl ° n8 *° cr ^ e P ' n *° ol,r ranks. Planting e .. . , , ourselves on the just principles of featmg a strong and most prominent Dem- | Democracy, unfurling its brigl.t banner to ocrat, still it mnst be remembejed that in | the breeze, we will march on, heart to heart each instance he succeeded by a bare tnajori- an it mnst be born in min'd ice Mr. Hayes has made, ow- tagonism between the tno^ lemoe-ats of Ohio he has had some of the leading men of itic party. This cannot now Hayes occupies a position necessarily antagonize any and locrat who may have supported l or State elections, i of tliis strength, which t that it found its power in of such men as Pendleton, Allen must be considered as irt, Gov. Hayes will have to :est support from thc Ger» a large element iu i comes tlic trouble Ex-Lieutenant Gov. Governor during istraiion now heads a and shoulder to shoulder, and after the first Wednesday in Octobes next, we can all rejoice as we behold the proud ensign of our political faith floating in majestic grand eur from the lofty citadel of another grand and glorious democratic triumph. COURT. Our Circuit Court, to be convened on the third Monday, will doubtless last the entire week; but we are gratified to state that a very small portion of the business will be of a criminal nature. The celebrated Saddler case having occupied nearly all of last Conrt, the business has accumulated. Sev eral Equity cases have stood over for sev eral terms We think a week’s session, the coming term, will clear the Dockets. AND ORGANS —AT— Wholesale Prices to Cash Bayers. G. O. ROBINSON. LUDDEN & BATES. Ci. 0. ROBINSON & CO. Have the most Complete assort- ! ment of PIANOS and ORGANS, South of Baltimore. FOURTEEN OF THE BEST MAKERS ARE REPRESENTED. Every Instru ment warranted to give entire satis- 1 faction. A GOOD STOOL AND COVER WITH EVERY PIANO. Largely for CASH, enables us to sell at New York LOWEST PRICES, . 1 rr i i i w **b freight paid to any point. And Summer Stock g. o. koiilysox & co., AT A ; Will sell one hundred PIANOS and two a n a* a ip ■. ■ m ■■ p n . _ .. j h.i..died ORGAXS lor small, monthly pay* UiluAi IilEJuuTION 1 ,,,c "1 8 ’ arnu, 8 ed to 8, ‘»t nil responsible FROM FORMER PRICES. For further par tic; lars inquire at No. 5 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. I janll-ly Fun for tlic Boys and Girls. ! rilHE HIGH FLY KITE—TIIE DIAMOND KITE— j J Skipjiimr Ropes, New Styles—Grace Hoop*—Topa —Marbles—('roquet Set*—Base Balls &c., BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. In order to make room for our Fail and Winter STOCK AYc shall effer for thc next rTHIRTY DAYS thc entire lialanco of our SPRING For sale cheap at Seh.ool Notice! THE regnlYexerciroaof the Hoots School, Athena, A Ga, Will be reran ad on Monday, Sept. 18th 1876. Boftrto MADAM 8. SOSNOWSKI. And MISS C. B08N0WSKI. V | N <mC£-The Annual Me I I Ladder Co., for the election of offiecre Wednesday evening, Sept. 6, at Fireman’* Hall at 8r. u. The Treaatrer will he on hand and hope all memherowill up their dues and fine*. 5-lt. A. II. VONDERLE1TII, Sectary. Empty Baurrels. from one to 74 barrel* at 75c. Come o makers. KJL 8AULTER. urnonmm. LUCY COBB INvSTITUUE, A-TKCEaSTS, GKOBGIA. Rkv. 1*.' A. HEAr?//J’ | Associate Principal*. Prof. AMENDE, Music. Will open on thc 13tl. day of Septem ber 187G. For Catalogues apply to the Principals or to LAMAR COBB, Secretary Board of Trustees. aug.29.4t. Musical Instruments, —AND— MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Of all kinds. We impovt direct from Manufacturers in Europe, and supply our customers 25 per cent, below New Turk retail prices. Mu sical Instruments sent by Express to any part of the South, with privilege of return ing at our expense, if not cut rely satisfac tory. BEHT ITALIAN 8THING8, Hoduotua of Faxo. Shoot XCuslo and 2£usio Pw.!.. U’ROM AND AFTER THIS DATE THE PASSEN- ! • £ ger faro from Athens to Atluutu over the Georgia THE X^aTEST PX7BUC2LTZOXTS. Railroad will be $4,15. N. L. BARNARD, Agent. Genuine Rust Proof Florida Camp Oats For Sale. * T REAVES AND NICHOLSON AT 90 CTS. PER. xV bu»hel, neatly sacked. Sown in Corn and Cotton or Stubble from let. September to 20 October. Vorv prolific, can be raised with 1-4 tabor of Com or Cotton. J. N. MONTGOMERY. \ eng.29.2m. Fort Lamar Ga. \ PIONEER PAPER MANUFACTURING CO.. \ATHENS, GEORGIA. Manufacturers of Print, Wrapping nnd Book ay by Mail or Exprei ublisners’ price*. ND ORCHESTRAL dero prompts' filled at Pn BRASS, dlLVEU AND ORCHESTRAL Inetni- moota. Drama, Fife* and Cymb da, at Lo. est M tnufac- turera’ price*. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. We have secured the *erviccs of Mr. C. H.TAYLOR, a flrot-claM Tuner of 25 year*’ practical experience. AU work warranted. Orders will receive prompt atten tion. G. O. ROBINSON & CO., Augusta Mnsio House, eug.29.«m. 265 Broad Street. 20,000 Pounds of Fresh Wheat Bran for sale low by TALMADGE, HODGSON Rolls of No. 1. Bagging for suite by ALMADGE, HODGSO>' ^ S REAVES & NICHOLS® Successors to Center & Reaves, Agents for Hazard’s Kentucky Rifle and Blasting Powder. I A LARGE STOCK ON HAND WHICH WE OFFER TO THE Fl'Bl.IC AT | Manufacture's prices, freight added. NORTHEAST GEORGIA STOVE AND TINWARE DEI, 0) H 9 ^ tel 0 v,- y THE ONLY STOVE MADE m With Sliding Oven Doors. y, ■* Patented Feb. 2,18u9. and Sept. 2.1869. THE Largest, Best and Cheapest] STOCK OF Masaii and TT Ever Offered in Northeast Georui 3 ! AT THE Store Formerly Occupied by J. T. Co® I aug. 15.0m. Opposite Center and Reaves Old Stand, GOOD RE ASONS Why You Should Buy Your Groceries and Provisions f^J TALMADGE, ZZODCSOIT <& CO., First. Because we buy from first hands and save the profit us® made by jobbers. j| Second.—Because our goods are always fresh and of tlie niff 5 * ■ best quality. Third. Because we keep everything, and the best the inarkcta* 1 that you can find in a first class Grocery and Fourth.—Because we guarantee everything we sell, as repres' us or money refunded, and th«5 best goods sold at the 1° | prices. Fifth. Because, we buy forcash, collect our accounts promf'l' j due us, thus enabling us to keep you from paying . VtlBr * portion of profit and loss account. Sixth. Because our interest and that of our customers are olf ' 1 identically the same, thereby studying our own study that of our customer. Seventh—Because we defy any honest competitor, keep t!ie lir; . and best assorted stocks, deliver goods promptly ^. when bought, polite and attentive to our custom^^ sell as good goods, at lower figures than any ^ Northeast Georgia. Give us a trial.