The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, October 17, 1876, Image 2

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*> THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: OCTOBER 17, 1876. Our CJaildfatoocL BT eBOROS p. ntEXTICB. ’Tis sad and sweet to listen t To the soft wind's gentle swell, And think we hear the music Oar childhood knew so well; To gaze out in the even And boundlesss fields of air. And feel again our boyhood’s wish To roam like angels there. There ore many dreams of gladness That cling around the post, And from the tomb of feeling Old thoughts coma-thronging fast; The forms we loved so dearly In the happy days now gone, The beautiful and lovely, So fair to look upon. , K \ Those bright and gentle maidens, Who seemed so formed for bliss, Too glorious and too heavenly For such a world as this; Whose dark, soft eyea seemed swimming In a sea of liquid light, And whose locks of gold were streaming • O'er brows, so sunny bright. Whose smiles were like sunshine In the springtime of the yepr— Like the changeful gleams of April, They followed every tear— They have passed—like hopes—sway, And their loveliness has fled; Ob, many a heart is mourning That they are with tho dead i like the brightest buds of summer, They have fallen with the stem: Yctoh! it ia a lovely death To fade from earth like them. And yet the thought is saddening To muse on such as they, And feel that all the beau’iful Are passing fast away! That the fair ones whom we love Grow to each loving breast Like the tendril clinging vine, Then perish where they rest! And we can but think of these, In the soft and gentle spring, When the trees are waving o’er us And tho flowers are blossoming; And wo know that winters coming, With his cold and stormy sky, And the glorious beauty round us is budding but to die! LETTEltFROli AUGUSTA- moat prominent physicians says that we have had a very narrow escape, “ Perhaps she’d boil her spectacles with the potatoes again,” answered ns the city was vety uncleanly, and the wife. . the atmosphere a miasmatic mine ** D° y° u hi tow who you are talking which but needed the spark of in- to?” he yelled, as he juinped-down. Augusta, Ua., Oct. 10, ’76. Editor Northeast Georgian: The mighty wave of enthusiasm, resistless as the mountain torrent iu its head long course, still rolls O’er the plains of noble old South Carolina, bearing aloft in triumph upon its erest, “ Hampton and Reform.” The Democracy of Aiken county, on last Saturday, held a large arid enthusiastic meeting at Schultz Hill, about two miles from our city ; many person from Augusta went over, and seemed much impressed with the de termination manifested by the people of our oppressed sister State to rid themselves of the horde of miscreants, who for these many years have fed upon their very vitals. On this occa sion, forty negroes enrolled their names as members of the Democratic Club. Chamberlain has issued a most infamous proclamation ordering tho Rifle Clubs to disband, declaring the State to be in a condition of anarchy and rcbelion, but the Democratic State Committee have obtained cer tificates from the Radical Judges of the different circuits, which, in effect, gives Chamberlain the direct lie; as the Clubs arc chartered by the Legis lature, he cannot well disband them —they, however, are almost com pelled to keep up their organization, as in them lies their only safeguard against the negroes, who, being well armed with Government guns, unless awed by force, have ever been guilty of the greatest excesses. The election of Hampton is regarded as being al most certain, and many claim that if the State goes fbr him, that Tildcn Trill also necessarily be its choice. Our newspaper war catne near cul minating, last week, in a duel; the affair was, however, amicably ar ranged, and now peace reigneth su preme in the camps of our two dailies. Old Kiahmond gave Colquitt one thousand and five hundred majority, and elected the non\ineea of the Democracy to the Legislature. Not any great degree of interest was manifested on account of tlic weak ness of the Republicans. Onr community was electrified sev oral days ago, by the announcement of the suspension of our Postmaster, C- H. Prince, and tho appointment of Gen. Lafayette McLaws to the office. Much, satisfaction is expressed at the appointment of the gallant General. : The quarantine against Savannah and Charleston has not yet been dis* . continued, but all apprehensions of fever have subsided..; One of our. fectibn to scatter disease and death broadcast throughout the limits of our devoted city. We would recommend all your readers visiting Augusta, and who desire to spend a pleasant hour, to pay our Library a call. This institu tion, under the able management of Mr. Derry, the efficient Superintend ent, has been much improved; be is very courteous .and obliging to strangers, and always extends to them a most cordial welcome. Our citizens are once again becom ing cheerful, as cotton is being re ceived in large quantities, which, in a great measure, relieves the heavy financial pressure that has been bear ing so [ heavily upon our merchants for many months past. Trade is re viving, employment is being afforded to many who have been idle for months, aud consequently, all arc disposed to look once again upon the bright ride of the picture. Many, if not all of the huge Guano corpora tions, which have, since the war, made sncli immense sums from the sale of their fertilizers, have suffered very serious losses this season on account of the low price of cotton. Their cash price ^average) was forty-eight dol lars ; on time, sixty dollars; cotton option at fifteen cents per pound; thus expecting to derive from its sale sixty dollars; but as cotton brings only ten cents, for tho four hundred pounds, they receive but forty dol lars, thus causing an actual ioss of 20 j>er cent, oil the net cash price. We were glad to see that the peo ple of Clarke county showed such a marked appreciation of Dr. Carlton by electing him by such a handsome majority, and x by doing, so express at the same time the moist thorough condemnation of a mischievous prac tice that is becoming entirely too frequent, viz: Independent candida cy. More anon. Cuseti. “ Yes, I do.” “Well, you’ll .be going for York State, if you don’t look out;” “ I’d like to see myself.’?. “Look out, Nancy.’’ “ I’m afraid, of no man that lives. Richard Tlirocton.” “I’ll leave you.” “ And I’ll laugh to see you go.” 1 Going up close to her he extended his finger, shook it to einpasizc his words, and slowly said : • “Nancy Throcton, I’ll apply for a divorce to-morrow. I’ll tell the judge that I kindly and lotingly asked you where the gimlet was, and ypu said we’d never had oue, which iajabold falsehood, as I can prove.” ,f Gimlet,” she gasped- H “ Yes, gimlet.” “ Why, I know where there are three or tour. You said corkscrew. “ Did I ?” he gasped, sitting down on the corner of the table. “-Well, now, I believe I did.” “.And ypu went and abused me like a slave because I wouldn’t say a gim let was a corkscrew,” she sobbed, falling on the lounge. “ Nancy,’’ he said, tenderly lifting her up. “ Oh, Richard!” she chokingly auswered, “Nancy, I’ll go right out of doors and kill myself” “No, you needn’t—I love you still!—only—only—you know a gim let is not a corkscrew.’’ “ It ain’t—it ain’t Naucy ; tor- gimme, and less be happy.” And that household is so quietly happy that a canary bird would sing its head off if hung up,in the hall. Great Reduction in Prices For the next thirty days. Brackets, Wail Pockets, anil all kinds of Ornamental Wood Work,' will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now is tho time to make your houses beautiful at low figures. Great bargains given in everything at BUBKE’S Bookstore. 26-tf county, (her said husband refusing,) I for exemption of personalty, and I upon tho samo at 11 o’clook, a. in., c day of October, 1876, ut my office. Asa M. Jackson, Ordinary Stj t.25—5Jt has applied will pass on the 18th IN OF Can be found at night A Connubial Controversy. The bolt on tho back door had needed repairs for a long time, but it was only the other night that Mr. Throcton had the presence of mind to buy a new one and take it home. After supper lie hunted up his tools, removed the old bolt and measured the location for the new one. He must bore some new holes, and Mrs. Throcton heard him roaming about the kitchen and woodshed, slamming doors, pulling out drawers and kick ing the fumitnre around. She went to the head of the stairs and called out: “ Richard, do you want anything?” “ Yes, I do!” he yelled back, “ I want to know where in Texas is that cork-screw.” “ Corkscrew, Richard ?” “Yes, corkscrew, Richard! I’ve looked the house over and can’t find it.” “ Why, we never liaid one, Rich ard.” “ Didn’t eh ? We’ve had a dozen of ’em in the last two years, and I bought one not four weeks ago. It’s always the way when I want any thing” ’ v * But you must be '.out of your bead, husband,” sho said, as site do* scended the stairs. “ We've kept house seven years- arid I never re member of seeing y ou'bring a cork* 8crewhome.” “ Oh, yes, I’m out of my head, I am,” he grumbled, as lie palled out tbe sewing machine drawer aud turn ed over its contents. “ Perhaps I’d better go to tho lunatic asylum right away.” “Well, Richard, I know that I, have never seen a corkscrew in: this ‘ tea,n8ler > 08 he edged oft. University of Georgia, ATHENS, GEORGIA.' TBS SSVZHT7-SOSB AKOTAL SS3S10H! WILL open on October fourth with a full Faculty in ail Departments. Tuition in the Academio Department $75, payable in advance, viz: $35 on October 4th, with $5 library fee, and $40 on March 1st, 1877. Fitly beneficiaries admitted free in the Acade mic Department. 3 The State College of Agriculture and the Mechanio Arts forma a part of tbe University, and opens on October 4tn. Free scholarships iu the State College are granted to os many stndents, residents of Ga., as there are members of the General Assembly. The Law School opens, tho first tenn on the third Monday in August; the second terra on the third Monday iu February following.- Fees $60 per term. Instruction afforded iu every bnincli of u liberal and professional education. Good board may be had at $12 to $20 per month. For catalogue, etc., adress, ' W. II. WADDELL, Secretary of the Faculty septl2-6t. Athen.-, Ga. early hour on Howard a strapping Had no Fun in Him. One of the members of the Mctho* dist Conference, recently’ held here, was out for a walk at aiu one morning, and while, t street he encountered is big fellow, who was drawing a wagon to tho blacksmith <lmp t 1 , y “ Catch hold here and l;e‘p mo down to the shop with this wagon, and I’ll bny the whisky!” called the big fellow. “ I never drink,” solemnly replied the good man. “ Well you can take a cigar.” “ 1 never smoke,” The man dropped the wagon-ton* gue, looked hard at the member, and asked: “ Don’t yon chew ?” “ No, sir,” was the decided reply “You might get mighty lonesome,” mused the teamster. “I guess I am all right—I feel first rate.” “ I’ll bet you even that I can lay you oil your back,” remarked the teamster. “ Come now, let’s warm up a little.” “ I never bet.” “Well, let’s us take each other down for fun, theu. Yon are as big as I am, and I’ll give you the nnde r hold.” , “ I never have fun,” solemnly ans wered the member. “ Well, I am going to tackle you anyway. Here we go!’’ The teamster slid up and endeavor* ed to get a neck hold, but he . had only just commenced to fool about, when lie .was lifted clear of the grass and slqmmed against a tree-box with such force that he gasped three or four times before he could get h's breath. “Now you keep away from me!’* exclaimed the minister, picking up his caue. “Bust me ifl don’t!” replied the “ What’s CASH FOR WOO!., CLOTH FOR WOOL. Tbe Athens Manufacturing Cntnpnnv arc now making a much larger variety of Woolen Goods than ever before, and propose to Exchange them for Wool, believing it to be more to tbe interest of the Planter to Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Carded and Spun at home. Call for Samples and Terms ot Exchange. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent, may 19,1875-29-tf j .. . (■ J^IVKBT AXD SALK STABLE. Carvlngcs, Buggies & horses for hire. Terms reasonable. E. M. WHITEHEAD. Washington. Wilkes county, Ga. nov86-1876-tf 1 STATIONARY ST8AMBNGI1IES.SIEA1I BOILERS: SAW FLOUR AND GRIST MILLS. ■Nfi,PtltlEYSAflDHAN6Efl ■EESHIBnESBHH The UNEQUALLED JAS.LEFFEL DOUBLE TURBINE WATER WHEEL. 7000 in . Abdress, FOOLE & HUNT. ■;D FOR CIRCUlAh . BALTIMORE. MD’ NO DRONES THE STORE s. c. DExeass- - EVERY MAN WORKS, PRINCIPAL AND CLERKS. The undersigned having just returned front the NORTHERN MARKETS, With a full and varied stock of every description of Goods, BOUGHT AT LOW AND PANIC PRICES. Consisting in part of 3Dp- John Gordin©, Late of Mississippi, HAVING DECIDED TO MAKE ATHENS bis futnre home, now tenders his professional services to the citizens of Athens and its vicini ty. Office on Clayton* Stbeet, in new build- found from 8 o'clock a. si. to 6 i*. si., whennot 150 Barrels Sugar, 50 Bags Rio Coffee, professionally engaged. »► -s-l. at residence of the tnarch28.1y. 200 rolls bagging, 1,000 Bundles Iron Cotton Ties, 16,000 POUNDS FLOUR, 16,000 POUNDS BACON, 4,000 lbs. Hemlock Solo Leather, Upper Leather & Harness Leather, lOO BOZSS TOBACCO, ASSORTED. ^ 200 .SACKS SALT, 1,000 Pair Hand Made and Northern Brogan Shoes, 200 Kegs Assorted Nails, 20 bales Factory Thread, Sugar Cured Hams, Leaf Lard, Boots and Shoes, Kcrosine Oil, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, READY MADE CLOTHING, Crockery and Glassware, Saddlery and Harness, Cotton, Hemp, and Jute Rope, and various other articles too tedious to mention, all of which lie offers to the trade of Athens * and the surrounding country ior cash, Cotton, and Country Prodnee, At as low or lower prices than can be bought in the State of Geor gia. He makes a specialty of looking after country merchants who wish to buy goods to sell again. He offers goods to the jobbing trade generally and guaranties satisfaction. sepl2-3m ' S. C. DOBBS. asroTicm A FTER THIS DATE, COUNTY ADVER- tiaements which have heretofore been pub lished in this paper, will hereafter be published in the San, a Gazette published in Hartwell, Hart county, Ga. F. C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary, Hart county, Ga. Genuine Bust Proof Florida Camp Oats for Sale At lleavea & Nicholson's, nt 90 cents per bushel, neatly sacked. Sown in Cora and Cot ton or Stubble, from 1st September to 20th October.- Very prolific, cno be raised with 1-4 labor of Corn or Cotton. J.N. MONTGOMERY. cug2?-2m. Fort Lamnr Ga. CAROLINA CENTRAL DISPATCH UNL house ’* “Then you are as blind as an dwl in daylight, for I’ve bought five or six. The house is always upside down, anyhow, and I never can fiud any thing.” i:li >■ \t “ The house is as well kept as any one of your folks, can keep one,” she retorted, growing red h> tho face. “I’d like my mother here to show yon a jfew,he stretched bis neck to look on the high shelf in the pantry. „ '.y, v ' the use in lying and sayiug that you didn’t have any fun in you when you are chuck lull of it! Blame it ! you wanted to break my back, didn’t you.!” , A package containing $4,000 was left in the reading room of a Chioago hotel for thirty hours undisturbed; but it is only due to the honesty of Chicago people to’.say that the vidua* ble package was mistaken by every body forau old shirt. Through. Slates TO 3POI2STTS SOUTH, Via Wilmington, IC. For bill* lading and full line of informa tion. apply to either of the following Agents of the line: New York, Clyde’s line to Wilmington, L. C. Duncan, G. K. A., 345 Broadway. Baltimore, Baltimore and Southern Steamship Co., Jno. D. Lipscomb, Agent C. C. D. Line. Philadelphia, Erics ion fine, A. GroVes, Jr., 34-South Warves. Boston, Old Colony and Clyde’s New Line* D. D. C. Mink, Agent 196 Washington St , l’rovidence, Clyde's Line, D.. D. C. Mink, Agent, 92 Dyer St. Insurance always Guaranteed Loto as by Competing Lines. F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C. E. E. JONlfc, Agent Athena Ga. Having taken the agency of above line, I am prepared to give any information concerning through rates or any business appertaining to tiie Hue, and .liopo by atrict attention to the convenience of shippers, to seenre for the line a liberal share of the pntronage of shippers in Athens and vicinity. E. E. Jones. Belton Hotel, Bal-fcorx GJaorgitx. Situated 66 miles on tho Atlanta, Richmond and Air Liuo Railroad from Atlanta, and within one mile of the junction of tbe North East Rail road of Ga. The Proprietor Is now prepared to serve all who call upon him with meals at the following rates: Single meal 50c. | Per week........$6 00 Per day...i....$l 60 | Per month. $20 00 jnlyl8-ly > ,8. II. HUGHEN. OB WORK OF ALL DESCRIP- tion neatly done at tliis office. JAMES A, GRAY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic TXECZA GOODS, 194 and 19© Broad Street, AtagTasta, Georgia. The attention of the people of Clarke and adjacent counties is respectfully directed to our Fall and Winter Stock of Dry Goods, *wrn« *Wi**p***‘K'>s«* *<£«*»* »cs»v. r. • > jv « ax* .t* / Which we are daily receiving. - r«b •') < : >»- «*;■!/: ... '.uu u--At Commencing th© Season with, a Stock And bought exclusively for cash in the best Markets in this COUNTRY AND EUROPE, WITH LONG EXPERIENCE, And abundant resources for the transaction of a Large Business, We Can Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction in Prices and Quality of Goods. Personal attention given to the tilling of orders. L sepl9-3m OO* w _ j Successors to Center & Reaves, Agents for Hazard’s Kentucky A LARGE STOCK ON HAND WHICH WE OFFER TO THE AroOtlC*T:Man^ure*pric«,^hOWON.