The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, February 27, 1877, Image 7

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■.-j v.jouiif, ivories, etef Tilt: ATHENS GEORGIAN. FEBRUARY 27, 1877. :it you have told me V’ and aunt ■rgie led the way to Kate’s chain- lie poor girl was looking a hit , hut she brightened up when I ie in, and when aunt Maggie whis- od in her ear, she blushed like a [uquet of roses. , Is it true, Mick ?” Kate asked, lien we were left alone. ‘ What true ? ’ “ What mother told me.” 14 Ot course, it is. Didn’t I come here just tell you ?” said I. 4 - Will you love me always, Michael, ar ?’’ she asked, putting her arms ound my neck. As the lather of all the Hoggartys mild have said : “ What the divil >es this mean ?” I asked myself, it I understood in a moment the stake that aunt Maggie had made, (1 I was about to make an explana- jn, when I happened to think that poor girl was dying fo>- me, and really hadn’t the heart to tell Jut. itli the Hoggarty blood leaping in v veins, and.this warm, loving, Irish art beating in my bosom, what old i do? And just then, she put i her mouth and gave me such a Never mind, said I to myself, it’s ie of the Hoggartys, anyhow. I louldn’t wo..dcr it I made love to e lather of all the Hoggartys, if he onld come around here now. Sure, s a mighty pleasant sensation to live four Hoggartys loving you all once. What are you thinking ot; Mick ? The Hoggartys, to be sure, said I. Why, that I’ve made love to four flfcrcnt Hoggartys to-night. The divil you have ? cried Uncle it, coining into the r om, followed Molliu Hoggarty, Biddy Hog- irty, Norah Hoggarty, and all the fst ol the Hoggartys. I might as well make a dean breast [f it, said I. ' You told me you loved me, cried ollie. And me, said Biddy. Me, too, cried Norah. And you told me the same, wliis- cml Kate. Faith, but I do love every one of on, said 1 Tare ‘an ’onus! what do von mane n do about it? cries Uncle Fat. Keep on loving them all, said Uncle lick. True for you, said I. I’ll take my hoice out of tiie four. 1 won’t marry you said Millie. I won’t said Biddy, you false-heart ed baste. Nor J, cried Norah. Bedad then, but you shall, Kath* leen, cried I. To be sure, I will, said Kate. Isn’t it yourself that’s the jewel of me heart ? run ud mu JOB WORK. zmsu t STOVES ! 8T0YE8! STOVES! I am now offering for sale at Low Prices, Tiie following celebrated Cook Stoves, all of wliieh are warranted equal to any offered in this market. ikon King,- . gate city, BEST, CKICKET, PALMETTO. Coll and see before purchasing. J. C. lVILKISS. IN PRICES. Having Secured the Services of H. L, Cranford, -A. FIRST-CLASS JOB PRINTER, We are enabled to turn out as good work as can be done IN THE STATE. X.OOK OUT,, Two Doors below S. 0. Dobbs ! J. W. COLLINS, * lie has just returned from Newr York and is now receiving a larger and better Stock of Goods than ever UetV re. lie calls your special attention to BOOTS, SHOES, JEANS. STAPLE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. J. II. BKAvics,> 1Q77 IU. A. low* David lima, ) lot • • t'la. L W( Belton Hotel, Bol-fcoxi Georgia- Situated G6 miles on the Atlanta, Richmond ami Air Line K iiiro id from Atlanta, and within one mile of the juiictiuu of the North East Rail road of Gu. The Proprietor is now prepared to s-irvu all who call upon him with meals at the following rules: Single meal 5<>c. | Per week $8 00 Per day $1 50 j Per month (20 00 julyis-ly S. II. nUGIIEX. 2rta.ilroa.ds- THE ATHENS Furniture Manufacturing COMPANY. Believing that] Athens, a id the section of country around, should have, and would cor dially support a Srst-class Furniture Store and Factory we have entered a partnership, bought out the Machinery and stor^of Gilteland, Wood & Co., and the store of.J. P. Wilson & Co., and determined togivc the businessn fairtrial under the firm nmne of the Alliens Furniture Mnun- factaring Company. „ At the store occupied by J F. Wilson & Co.,' we propose to keep a stock of Furniture equaled by lew and surpassed by none iu the State. Mr. Jav O. Gailev lias charge of this department, and will he pleased to wait on any desiring goods iu this line. At the stand of Giilclami, Wnod & Co. wc tviil keep all goods of our own manufacture, such as Bedsteads, Table-, Cliairs, etc., and in addition will keep a large and well selected stock of Coffins, burial Cases, etc. Mr. TV. L. Wood will give his ]>crsoiuil attention to this dep.rtment. We have engaged with Mr. Win. A. Reming ton to superintend the Manufacturing anil Re pairing Department. His.kill as a workman guarantees success. All kinds of repairing done at short notice. Our machinery for Dressing, Sawing and Turning will be kept running as usual. Give ns a trial and he convinced that Athens enu compete ‘successfully with any city in tho South in the sa.e of Furniture, etc. The Athens Furniture Man, Compart. All persons indebted to the late firm of J. F. WILSON & Co. will please come forward and settle at once. The accounts will be found till the 15th January, 1377, in the hands of Jay O. Gailev, at the <>id stand. A word to the wise. declO-Cm J. F. WILSON & CO. Wc* calj the attention ot’ all our citi zens to tho following Price List: Bill Heads, per Thousand, Assorted,-*^. Canary Colored Envelops, Furnished to Merchants and Business Men, with their cards printed on them, A. K. CHILDS. H. xickBrson. Y. II. WYNN CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO., • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL HAILS, HORSE ANTE> MULE SHOES, HORSE SHOE NAILS, Agricultural Implements, t Leads, Oils, Glass and Varnish, Harness Leather, ^A\Vvjy\VH'j THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, JAMES LOUDON DENNETT, Proprietor. The Bm| and Cheapest Newspaper Published. POSTAG3D !F\R.B2BL PER YEAH. r>0 CENTS FOR 6 MONTHS. Au Extra Copy to every Club of Ten. The N. Y. Daily Herald. Published every day in the year. IPosteLga Free. for one year, Sunday. Included. So pays for one year, without Sundays. *3 |>»ys for six months, Sundays included. pays for six months, without Sumlavs. *** pays for one year for anv specified day of the weak. , ® 1 f*y» for six months for any specified dsy of week. & 1 fays for one month, Sundays included NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED. Postage Free. Dally edition. 2J<; cents per copy. Sunday edi tion 4 cents per copy. Wo.-kly edition 2 cents per copy. Address NMV lO.tK ili-.lttl,i>. jan-i-lu Broadway and Ann street v Y. CL sVd'GTSS'S Fine Whisky and Brandy. At $3 PER THOUSAND LETTER HEADS, $4 50 to $5 Per Thousand. Common 75c per Hundred, —AND- $4 50 to $5 per Thousand. Fancy Work Proportionately Higher. VISITING GAUDS, BLANKS, NOTES, Poters,Circulars, T U E MAGNOLIA PASSENGER ROUTE, V 1 A Augusta & Yemassee, in k FAVOHITE ROUTE Charleston. Savannah, & all Points in Florida. Leave Athens 9 30 1\M. Arrive Avgusta .7 35 A.M. Leave Augusta 9 30 A.M. Arrive Savannah 4 30 P.M. Arrive Charleston 5 20 P.M. Tin* only liiif running through cars between Augusta and Savannah. The only lino making close connec tion at Savannah with the Atlantic & Gulf Railroad. No “Omnibus Transfer” at Sa vannah. To secure the advantages of ill rough cars, no delays, first-class u ittipineiit. fast time, and sure connec tions, purchase tickets of Cajit. W. W. Williams, Agent, Athens, Ga., via Augusta and Ycmassee only. T. S. HA.VA.ISrT, G. P. A., Augusta, Ga. July 11.6m. L. P. Q. S. Low Prices, Quick Sales! : o : §50 TO $100 SAVED. Is the Verdict of the Numer ous Patrons of the AUGUSTA MUSIC HOUSE. Extraordinary Inducements. H* EL PStf 6I2> ga® Cotton, Manilla and Jute lope, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, HUBS, SPOKES, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., ETC. Manufacturers Agents for the sale of 1 Fairbank’s Standard Scales. WINSHIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED Cotton Gins, Cider Mills, Syrup Mills and Evaporators, Watt Plows, Farmers’ Friend Plows, Pumps, Circular Saws, etc. tiVAny article in onr line not in stock, will he ordered when desired, with the least pO’»*b a dclav. de«;19-ly Call and Examine Onr Stock and Prices. TO THE PLANTERS NOTICE. Augusta, Ga.,Mav 1st, 1876. On after Monday, May 1st, 1876, the Passenger trains on the Georgia Railroad will run as follows, viz: Dav Passesobb Tbaix wilt Leave Athens at 9.00 a. v. Arrive at Augusta at 4.00 r. li. Arrive at Atlanta at 4.00 r. x. Leave Augusta at 8 00 a.m. Leave Atlanta at 8.00 a.m. Arrive at Athens at *... x.65 p. x Nioitr Pasbenom Thais. Lenvo Athens at 9.80 r. x. Arrive at Angnsta at 7.85 a. x. Arrive at Atlanta at 0.25 a. x. Leave Augusta at S.2u p. x. Leave Atlanta at 10.80 p. x. Arrive at Athens at 6.00 a. m. Passengers from Atlanta, Athens, Wash ington, or any }>oiiit on the Georgia Railroad uud Branches, by taking the Day Passenger Train, will make close connection at Camak with Traiu for Milledgeville and Macon. Sleeping Cars ou Night Passeng.-r Trains. S. K. Jouxeos’ Superintendent. epril9-tf AS7B OKCiASTS —AT— Wholesale Prftcyttr Cush Buyers. G. O. ROBINSON.. LBDDEN & BATES. 6. 0. ROBINSON & CO. IIavk the most Complete assortment of PXA2T03 AOT OHOA2T3, South of Baltimore. FOURTEEN OF THE BEST MAKERS ARE REPRESENTED. Every Instrument warranted to give entire satisfaction. A GOOD STOOL AND COVER WITH EVERY Pl AVJ. Purehnahing Largely tor CASH, enables us to sell at New T ,»rk LOW EST PRICES, with freight jutul to any point. G. 0. ROBINSON & 00.. Will xell oh* humped PIANOS and two hundred ORGANS for small, monthly pHyntenin, arranged to Biiit all re.s|»r»n-db!e parties. NORTHEAST GEORGIA! Having Completed Arrangements for the Sale of the Well Known Ezcellenza, DoWs Chemicals for - Composting, Handbills, Pamphlets, cte., Printed in any color desired, and : cheap as can be done m the State. Schedule Northeastern Railroad, ON and after Monday, November 6th, 1878, the schedule of this road will be as follows: MORNING TRAIN Leave Athens 4.45 A. M. Arrive ot Lula 6.45 A. M. Leave Lula 7.30 A. M. 4-' Arrive at Athens le.OO A. M, EVENING TRAIN Leave Athens.. 5.00 P. M Arrive at Lula...: 7.30 P. M Leave Lula 8,20 P. M Arrive at Athens 10.20 1*. M Passengers goine to Atlanta, Macon, Mont • goinery, Columbus, New Orleans, make close i connection at Lula with down passenger train ! on Air Line at 0.45 1*. M. Passengers going Nortii and East take the • . j evening train and connect closely at Lula with , up passenger train on Air I.ine. N'o dclav at GIVE US YOUR ORDERS,! J m. edwards/ Long’s Dissolved Bone Nonamoniated, The undersigned respectfully call’s atu-ntioi: to the following ju ices for the year 1877, to-wit: Excel lenzn Guano, per Ion, payable Not. 1st., in Middling Cotton at loots, per pound. $72.00. Excel lenza Guano, per ton. Cash. 50.00. Dobb’s Chemicals on time, two barrels 500 lbs. 20.00. With Cotton Option 15cts., bases middling. Cash priec, per two barrels 500 lbs. 14.00. Freight to be paid on delivery, 40 ots. per barrel. 1 Hang’s Dissolved Hone ]N onamoniated, In barrel’s 250 each for composting, two barrels 500 lbs. compostc a ton.. for 818.00. * ' Cotton option 15cts. bases middling, Cash price for two barrels, $12.00. Th-o Weil Known Escellsnsa, Ready for distributing, needs no eulogy from me, the people know its virtue and excellence above ell others. Ik Debit's Chemicals, better known as Edhza Chemicals, Has been used throughout the country with the most happy effects lor the last three years. The Dissolved Bone, gotten up for this year, is equal to any of like character in this or nny other market. Give me a call and get the very best Guano and Chemicals for composting. 9. C. jan2-3m nov7-tf ... . —, Brandy. The pipes ti'rouyli Winch the G. S. Duke Whisky and Kran.iy are di-cillod, are made of woo !. Every satlou warranted pure. Address, * **&£&. LEGAL BLANKS] Neatly printed and for sale at this office. SAVE MONEY, And get good work, and sustain a home institution. Call at the ATII- i M*rAte\ ENS GEORGIAN street, Athens, Ga. {Superintendent. EihHd STATIONARY STEAK E AtUSES.STEAB EOiLlRJ. SSW.ROURAND GRIST Mills; ■^HAR lNG.PUltEYS AMD HAWSERS TURBINE WATER WHEEL. 7000 in'use.. office, Broad | Address, POOLE <8e HTT'MT. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. BALTIMORE.MD. Syfrusiesil ln.e-brram.oa.-fca, -ANIt- MTJSICAL MERCHANDISE Of all kinds. We import direct from Manufactu rers in Em ope, and supply our cus tomers 25 per cent, below New York retail prices. Musical Instruments sent by Express to any part of the South,* will, privilege of returning at our expense, if not entirely satisfac tory. BKST ITALIAN HTHINGH, Sh"» ;t Minis and Music Books, A,-TiGST PUBIil- - u_:. j—’XOIST 3- Muaic received evorr day by Mail or Express. Orders promptly filled at I'nbl'shera’ prices. BRASS, SILVER AND ORCHESTRAL In strument*, Drums, Fifes and Cymbals, at Low est Manufacturers’ prices. IT A NOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. We have secured the Services of Mr. C. II. TAYLOR, a first-class Tuner of 25 years’ prac tical experience. All work warranted. Orders will receive prompt attention. G. O. ROBINSON * CO., Augusta Music House, _ aug29-6m. 265 Broad Street. DOBBS. Sr. Jch.n Cerdino f Late of Mississippi, HAVING DECIDED TO MAKE ATHENS his future home, now tenders hie professional - sendees to the citizens of Athens and its vicini ty. Office at Drug Store of R. T. Brumby, where lie may be found frdtn 8 o’clock- s- x. to 6 p. x., when not professionally engaged. Can be found at night at residence of the 1st vs. Goldings. Cash. Sae Will be sold on theflrst Tuesday in December next, at the Cocrt House in Athens, 200 acres of land, more or les«, (if not sold before) two miles from tiie Georgia Railroad Depot, on the five of original fort st, balance old field, further information apply to v iz lor MRS G. w; KING, Athens, Ga. P. O. Box, 1796. Sue STotics l AU persons indebted to tjie undersigned either by note or account,' arc respectfully invited to call and settle »fy. The new year lias set in and a great tunny have fullcn behind and have paid hnt little. How arc we to maintain credit und let onrnccouuts stand from month to month and from year to year. Man’s tir>t duty is to owe no one anything. Let every one como up and pny Ins account and show that there is some integrity alive yet. Those who do not come up must abide the law*. I shall not wait beyond * reasonable time. Short profits and quick set tlements is my motto for the future. Jan9-2tn. S. C. DOBBS.