The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, March 06, 1877, Image 6

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t? sm : £AK)h<m> z'/miu, 3R ‘ THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: MARCH 6, 187*. St X S^avkU Si* To-Uish.'fc. . ft V vh<* l«»ui||tit, e fty vh*»UI W«k u|»ou my qniet face, IWtfctv thv.v WW U In ft* r*»l»»g place, vWw that death had l«<t it almost fair, Attd, l*yl«**t»ow-whlt8 dower* agonist my hair, Would smooth it down with tearful tenderness And tWd my hand* with lingering care**, Poor hand*, so empty and so cold to-night! If l should die to-night, My triend* would call to uiiud, ‘with loving thought, Some kindly deed the icy hand had wrought; Some geutlu word tlio frozen lips had said; Errands on which the wriling feet had 8|>cd; 'Phe memory of my soldshucsa and pride, My hasty words would all bo pnt aside, ' ‘ And so l should bo loved and mourned- to night. If I should die to-night, Even hearts estmugod would turn onec more to me, Recalling other days remorscftilly, The eyes that chill nnj with averted glance, Would look upon me as of yore, perchance, Aud soften iu tho old familiar way, For who could war with dumb, unconscious clay I So I might rest, forgiven all, to-night. L’Inconnuk. A BROKEN HEART. BY M. QUAD. A hundred men were digging gold, and they hud named the place “Joe White’s Dream.’’ Singular name, but they were sin gular men—dirawny, rough, grizzled, and some of them wicked. The were men from the East, digging, delving, in a sort of mad frenzy, for the golden wealth of California. On this day all work had ceased. The men formed in a circle on the grass, and in the centre was Jack Bullet. Ilis hands were tied behind him, there was an old -Blood-stain on his tace, and from his wolfish eyes he sent murderous glances from one face , to another, and at last called out: “I wish I had knifed some of ye!” None of the men replied. Seme without a word, nor did ho look back as long as he was in view. When he had disappeared from sight the mi ners returned to their work, each one so busy with his thoughts that but few words were spoken. That day two weeks a man carafe up from “ Cardboard City ” and. re ported that Jack Bullet had been eaten up by a grizzly. Every man in camp felt glad then that his town had escaped the disgrace of a hang ing; aud in the afternoon he saw Elder Graves shoulder a spade and turn down into a little valley. It was a beautiful spot, always full of the mellowest sunshine and the pret tiest flowers. When the boys had knocked off work for the day, they all descended into the place, tor what reason no one knew, but by a sort of common con sent. In the centre of the valley the earth had been heaped up like a grave. At its head was a board—at its foot a wild rose. On the board Elder Graves had cut out with his kuife: JACK BULLET, AGED FORTY.. Mau may not have given him a chance, BUT GOD WILL. You wouldn’t- thipk those rough men had a sentiment in their hearts, but they saw through the elder’s mo tives in an instant, and the roughest man in the lot stooped down and carefully rearranged one of the sods. ; . Three weeks more went by, and one evening Jack Bullet came into Joe White’s Dream alive and well He stood on the little square iu the centre of the town, and he said not a word till the wondering men had gathered about him. Then he poin ted to the grave iu the valley, hi#eyes . THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HEEALD, JAMES UOUDO\ IIKX.NETT. Proprietor.’ The Best and Cheapest XewspqJr Published- POSTAGE ZET’JRIEJEj- PER YEAH. 50 CENTS FOR G MONTHS. Aa Extra Copy to every Club of Ten. The N. Y. Daily Herald. Published every d«y iu the year. ^Postage Free st o pays for one year, Sundays Included. S8 pays for one year, wiibuui Sundays. S.-3 piy* lor six mouths, .-und tys included. $4 pays tor six mmubs without .-uudaya. S2 pays far one year for auy specified day of the wees. v „.j . , $1 pays for six mouths tor any specified day of week. $>1 pays for one month, Sundays included. NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED. - , Poauja Free. ’ Dally edition, V/ t coats per copy, Sunday edW - * ‘ents per Address pry \Suuri tion 4 cents per copy. Weekly editiuu 2 cents per s>py. Address S :> Civ jandd-lio Broadway an I Ann street V V. ;,i b-BUGGIES, BTJG-G-XEJ3-- 3TJ-G-GXES3; BUGGIES. W. R. BEAVERS, * t .Athens, Oeorgia. • ■ of and dealer in all kinds of 3 BEST—CUMBERLAND THE CUMBERLAND As a Ready Prepared Fertilizer, though used in this Section But one Season, takes Its stand at once as strictly First-Class. IN THESE Fertilizers and Chernies W o Acknowledcro No Snpcribr* anil faw Equal*. SUPERPHOSPHATE ATHENS CHEMICAL COMPOUND. . . ' * ACID PHOSPHATE. ’ V , i . . ■. . ^ • • Every Haw Whb Use® It The Chemicals and Acid for composting ore mado of the best materials, and will give tho very best results if properly composted Below see certificates voluntarily tendered ns by men of high clmracter ai d amomr ti.u best furmers in the country: * MESSRS. ORR & CO.—In reply to your inquiry, I unhesitatingly say that the Cumberland Guano ia tho best 1 over used. ■ ) • j; i< ELBERT ASKEW, Jackson County, Georgia. ORR & CO.—Gent*: abundance of fruit on * • I used Cumberland this season under cotton and corn, and can unhesitatingly say it gave entire satisfaction. It made an I cotton, and held it during the hot dry season. For com I never saw its equal. J. F. LEE, Ocouee County, Georgia. I MESSRS. ORR & CO.—Gents: I hereby certify that I used the Cumbeiland this season, and can unhesitatingly say it is the best l ever used.j Yours truly, - ...... A. A. HILL, Mulberry, Jackson County, Georgia. Price of Cumberland.... $72 OO per ton. No freight.! Price of Chemicals ...•. 521 30 lor GOO lbs. enough for a ton. Price ot Acid..:... .... '. .41 00 per ton of *2,000 pounds.] Freight on Chemicals and Aeid 23c. per sack. Cotton option on all 15c for middling*. For any information apply to ja»80-2m ORR 8z CO. were pale, others nervous, and none fiUetl with teStffc an d he chokingly seemed to relish the business on liand, which was the hanging of Jack Bullet. .- By-and-by a meek and humble looking man named Elder Graves by the boys, entered the circle, and, standing with one hand on the pris oner’s shoulder, he began: “ Jack Bullet, this is a solemn waruiug to us all! Here is the rope —there is the limb—and we are gathered to hang you. You came to Joe White’s Dream weeks ago, poor, hungry and ill," We fed and nursed you, and when you were well enough to work, a full claim was asked out of you. IIow have you repaid us, Jack Bullet? Yon have stolen dust from the men, brought concords aud jealousies among us, incited rows and riots, and last night you were detected when about to murder your partner and steal his few hundred dollars. We try to be white in this camp, and to use all men right, hut we cannot turn you loose to prey upon some other party. The men are going to hang yon.’’ “ Let ’em hang—I can’t die but once,” sulkily replied the prisoner. “ Jack Bullet,” said the elder, “ I am a praying man, and I want to pray with you before you swing, I am sorry for you. You are a strong man, and you are to die like a dog! Maybe you have a mother in the East or you may havo “a wife and children. God help them !” Tho elder sank down on Ills knees before the prisoner, and prayed such a. prayer as the rocks have .never echoed again. Before lie had fin ished there were tears in tho eyes of half tho men, and Big Sam went over to Curly Jim and whispered! “ Now that’s, what I call rcligium —the real old hang-np rcligium, sich as wo used to git way back iu New Hampshire!’’ When that prayer bad ended a new spirit came to the men. They scanned Jack Bullet’s face and saw that ho had softened, and as Elder Graves stepped aside the president of tho camp cut Jack’s bonds, and stud: “ Wo don’t want your blood, though you sought ours. Yon are free to go, Jack Ballet, but don’t you ever enter Joe White’s Dream again. - The reprieved man moved away said: “ Boys, I sneaked back here this momiu’ to kill some one in revenge, but I cum across that—that grave down—down thar, and—and—■*» He held out his hands to the men, and the tears blinded him so he could not see a face. Elder Graves went down on his-knees again, every man with him, and there were more tears, and a prayer so beautiful, and tender, and true, that Jack Bullet sobbed like a child. His heart was broken, and all the Satan in his na ture was driven out in a moment. Joe White’s Dream was a mining camp for many mouths after that, and Jack Bullet was one of the best men in it. The headboard grew gray as the rain heat down and the sun shone, and the' wild rose grew until it covered the grave, but no one disturbed a sod. The grave was a sign—a beacon-light, as it were —and perhaps miners were right when they said of our town: “ They’ve had a revival up thar, an’ they arc the host chaps an’ the hardest workers on th^ slope.” * L.,t 1 *> i’ • Top or no top Buffett-* ami Spring Wagons All kiiyls of vehicle* repaired at short notice’ f minting and trimming done vin tlie best and atcAt Mylea. Work put up to order and war rantee! to give sat isfuedou." . glacis Smiling ' .i.'t-lo"! ■> « ti • Done in the best manner, harness made and re paired at short notice.' * 1 Wat* llfirhest material that can be had, and have skilled workman who know their business. Iiaviii^ an experience of eleven years I levl coufldent.-of giving satis faction. Give me a trial and I am satisfied yon will be pleased as I do the cheap- a; work in the eity. .Shop opposite J. Z. Coolers Livery Stable. janSMlm. W. R. BEAVERS. tutt’s HEED THE . l\m TUTT-3— . A A « a FILLS ;sss Words of Advice, sat PILLS JTILLL8 TUT*. nuny pirra ismuKsnas-isi-atKairsiaias TUTT’3 and the thousands of testimonials PILLS TCTT’8 given of their eflfeaey. warrant me PILLS TCTT’8 humanity, but for Dyspepsia, Jann- FILLS TUTT’S dice. Constipation, Plies, Skin Dls- FILLS TUTT*S eases. Bilious Colic. Rheumatism, PILLS TCTT’8 Palpitation or the Heart. Kidney PILLS TiiT-r’u ““t of the Liver, no r—' ■*'»«I iy,‘i.g ever proven to aueeeu^ TPTTO TUTT’S VEGETABLE L1V TUTTS PILLS. TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’8 TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S PILLS CUBE SICK HEADACHE. TUTT’S PILLS REQUIRE NO CHANGE OP DIET. •: PILLS • PILLS TUTT’S PILLS TUTT’S -ARE PURELT VEGETABLE.• PILLS TUTT’S : : PILLS TUTT’S - - : PILLS TUTT’S i - TUTT’S PILLS : PILLS TUTT’S : NEVER GRIPE OR RACSE- : FILLS TUTT’S : ATE. : PILLS TUTT’S * : PILLS TUTT’S - : PILLS TUTT’S • THE DEMAND FOR TUTT’S: PILLS TUTT’S -PILLS Is not confined to thlsl PILLS TUTT’S • country, but extends to all parts • PILLS TUTT’S ioftbe world. : PILLS TUTT’S PILLS TUTT’S : 1 ; PILLS TUTT S : A CLEAR HEAD,civile limbs, j PILLS TUTT’S ixood digestion, sooud sleep,: PILLS TUTT’S -buoyant spirits, Ode appetite,- PILLS TUTT’S -are some of the. results of tbo‘ TUTT’S iusoof TUTT’S PILLS. CHILDS A* A« BELL. P. A. SUMMEY. V. SPARKS, Ag’t. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TUTT’S i TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S Curbstone Chaff. While the hrigaclc of newsboys were watting for their Free Presses yesterday morning a “ cub,” walked up to an old “ rat ” who was leaning against the fire plug, and remarked : “Well,' tny girl got home last night.!’ “ You moan that contractor’s daughter ?’’ “ Yes; just- got hack from Saryto-’ gy” “ Pooh sneered the big boy.” “Pooh! Your girl hasn’t been there, nor nowhercs near it! She takes her vacation out to Pontvac, and travels on an exension tieket!” “ She does, eh ? drawled the big boy as he felt in liis pocket. My girl has been traveling in Europe ever since last June, paying cash down for her board and hack hire, and she won’t he at home for a month yet. Tdahow you this letter, posted at Romp’ only I don’t want you to know liow bad she loves me.” “ Let’s see it ? “ Go away, bub. A boy of your ago don’t know what love is.’’-— Detroit Free Press. TUTT’S : LESS. - TUTT’S ASA FAMILY MEDICINE i TUTT’S PILL8 ABE THE i JJ KST—PERFECTLY. II ARM- PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS- MANUFACTURERS AGENT FOR THE SALE OF TUTT’S TUTT’S : SOLD KVEHYWIIRBK. TUTT’S PRICK, TWENTY-FIVE CTS.: PILLS TUTT’S : : PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S : PRINCIPAL TUTT’S I 18 9MT Kit AT 'rUTT’S : NEW YORK. TUTT’S : ALDFUfJE IY STREET, i PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS DR. TUTT’S ■ This unrivaled preparation has per formed sojne ot the most astonishing cures that are recorded in'thc anftals or ] history. I’atients sufierin^for years from , the various diseases of the Lungs, after different remedies, 1 spending thou sands of dollars in traveling and doctor ing, have, by the use ,of a few bottles, entirely recovered their health. “WON’T 80 TO FLORIDA.” 1 DR. TUTTs New York. Augu* SO. 1878. Saar 8tn-When In Aikun,lust winter, I nuod your \ Expectorant for my oonzb. and realtiad moro bonofit from It than anything 1 over took. I am eo well that I will not go to Florida next winter pa I Intended. Bund mo oho dozen bottles, by express, for some Mends. ir.wm CTTSHINO, US West Thirty-first Street. Boston, January 11,1874. This oerbflau that I have recommended tho use ot Dr.Tutt’s Expectorant for diseases of tho lung* for the past two yean. and. to my knowledge many bottles have boon used by my patients with the hap- pieet results. In two eases where Itwasthousbt con firmed consumption bad taken ploeo tho Expectorant effected uouro. 1 R. H. SPRAQUE. M.D. “ We oan not speak too highly of Dr. Tutt’s Ex pectorant, and.for tho sake of suffering humanity hope It may beoome moro generally knownr-Cnais I1 Rold I by C D?uirgls ts. Price 01-00 COTTOKT GIN'S, PORTABLE KISraTISrESy Mowers, Reapers, Threashers, &c. DEUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS, GEORGIA. June 23, 1875. 34-tf. /•■t- Plant*. Spring Lists iTtr, E, Mi retry ill ? K * ^ 0 en i *> Blooimi fitou foblS tfi CO.’S. LIVERY, FEED HD SAE STABLE, AtheoM, Goorgicu GANN & BEAVES, PBOPBIETORS. Mi ill be found at their old stand, rear Frank lin House building, street. Keep aj- waya on hand good Turnouts and caretul dri vers. Stock well eared for when entrusted to our care. Stock on hand for sale at all time*. deelStf. PIANO & ORGAN DEPOT Phillips, Crew &, Freyer ii.’fclasvfca, Georgia- Sole Agents for the World-Renowned MSL M P9L. KB JB3 Gnmd/Squure and Upright 12? 3 ISL ^ These instmmeutajhave been before the public for more than forty years, and upon their ex cellence alone have attained an Unpurchascd Pre-eminence which establishes them as un equalled lor their Tone, Tough, Workmanship and Durability. ,, ,' They have received seventy-five gold aud silver "Medal* overall other competitors. Endorsed by “ Thalbcrg,” “ Gottschalk, “Strukosh,” “ Pauline Lucca.” “Clara Louhc Kellogg,” “lima l)oMurska,” “ Muzio” Mdls, and others. Also securing the first and highest premiums at the , -f-i\.T’-p~rrn=?T<r A-TIOKT-A.Xj Centennial Exhibition, PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER, 1S7^. The prices of these instruments arc as low as the exclusive use of tirst-class materials will Ul Catalognea and price lists mailed free on ap plication to PHILLIPS, CREW & FREYER, General Agents, Atlanta, Ga. SOLD OK EASY TERMS. ’ IKTe'ror BooKs! The Two Destinies—By Wilkie Collins,paper 75 Dan?e°l t l)eronda—By George , The Spur of Monmouth; or Washington in A Israe?Mort Ovetman—By John Sand e rs75e. Tho House of Cards—By Mr*. CashelaJIoey, 78 Curio*itiea aud Law of WilU-By John Prof- f<l JudicUd Punles, gathered from State Trials. By TheLaWihe Road, or RighUa^dWrongs of a Travelltr—By K- Y- Roger*, Jr., Barrister at M?rey Ph“briok’. Choice, (no name aeries) ^illuatrated Leiwone in our Language-ByTl. P. Quackenboa, 60c. /■ oot.SAtfi 0 ' BiJe ^ BURKE’S Book Store.