The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, March 20, 1877, Image 2

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0 THE ATHENE GEORGIAN: MARCH 20, 1877. The Warder’s Daughter. Mario:i Ilydo was a cripple, l>ut for nil that, sbe was beautiful. Her father was a warder in a prison. Among the prisoners was one at the registering of whose name at his sail ranee M irion hail ha n prese..t, and something in his youthful though sullen face, attracted her glance, lie had stolen repeatedly from his bene, factor, and finally had admitted into the house in the night limy a gang of burglars, who had secured considera ble booty and made oif with it in sali ty, save one, after severely pound ing the proprietor of the hon e This one who was not able to escape, be- miracle. She saw HIM stop presently beside a window, which opened into an upper hall, a..d after a long effort, raise it and slowly drag himself through. Yoil— you are Aymer Preston,’ stammered Marion. % “ I was Aymer Preston, I am Robert Leisson. A relative of my mother’s left me his fortune on condi- Obeying an impulse 5I.W1 she tion 9 f my taltjlnghis name. I have searched for you vainly, Marian Hyde. My prosperity has been flit ter to me tilhnow I find you. Oh! could not at that momept control, Marion sifily opened her door and passed out without her crutch for fear of the noise. Siie reached the you a , ft „ IM , V(?r t()Uoh ne&He or w ,„. k hull just as this poor was'ed creature, j « “ No, indeed, that you shall not,” after a brief rest, was urging his half paralyzed limbs to renewed effort. At the sight of her, he gasped and •hopped into a swoon, sold Marion hurried, to his side.. She dared not leave him, so.she waited, rubbing Ids cold hands between her tender Roek Bottom Prices. ► ■►if ++ H , ^4+4+4 , H i + + + I WORKING ON A CASH BASIS. ! t t iv.vov i l!iu compile ty o I ilie young palms, till he at last opened his eyes man i ; liu* affiir. i le w is tried, con .’VU’i sli a mailt; him 'comprehend that vietei. :vu\ smitenee i. she w.i site ! him to come with her. Tie •r« *.\ as iiti v •dee ning feature “ I won't go hack to prison,” lie ; upp.i. C’IjI: V i.> ihe s; on hut So!i)e- wh.ispc red between his set teeth. flow, i in;. ia.v li.u till’< tlie girl’s •• Y. •u need not,” she said simply, ; U.e;l.k • \iuni gins, r rii.’t )- it Wits l»e- and le 1 him to her own chamber. j v:i • . v ht* had a v<> a:ig hrol .«•!* who The e was positively no other place ! t \viitt i:ul, v. andi ring just in lint w as safe from the strict search • i:- ;r K! *, 11 i onu k: lew wiiiiher, and that s! u knew would he instituted as :ll: ' l i A h u.V U’!H lel’iv it) Ved lit soon a > he was tliscovered missing. Al:i: i- ».i ins M'ISe of i .s s- d ways. Siie p rocuroil him some garments i ti.l *J.IV ai sin! k islet «m tiie win- which had belonged .to her. brother, i • low sill, i •ok;ng u ,;i, ; wistful satl- and a she got hi::: such food as (li'SS into tin: van at t iie }>: isoners, would bo safe for him ty eat alter iii.s j •me o i* liiiM a ie.oked '•!». : lid, eil.mged long l: LSI. :is in: a- every ’ van, thin teat lire, He' egarded ail her movements; she k new : gala l lie l.l.n k siilien eye . with i »■• incredulous wonderment of i that Vet w ••re sotr.ei ow ike an angry, a ehiii 1 .ihsti Lite c liilu’s. > “ V liat lias, been the matter vvitii j 1L v gia nee iut.oa ed ■ im as though me ?” he asked after awiftie.- ; “I j ihscii ate.!, and ns he passed from could not siir any more.than though j .sight see >i„heu s >;liy ami went in 1 was dead, but 1 kne'.v all that Wats j lo ll >rk a - t.iie pris. III It cord for the going oil about me. Ugh l it was) j'oor !.!•;’- rlllH*. fright: hi wailing there in the dissect- i it •was . Yyiner l*i c.slon. ing-room. 1 believe it was only the { 'i'll e uex t sue Kna \Y oi him, iie was JliUTOI of it helped me to break ihet in ill. ■ siek ward. fiighu • :1 Spell.’’ * F> r a lew a cl KH ho saw him * " I sapp. se you were in a suit e-j 1 here , hut the gloomy eyes never trane: Marion said thoughtfully... solle ieo— only gaze •d St r; light before “ W hat gre you going to'do with till’ll! iron ! their 1 e , v sockets, oi me !;e asked agaai. hiit l lellHt i.’eS o’iJS! uate ly oeliitid tiie “I lon’i know*, I am sure,” she 1 ’.vast' •d lid sain, v itl» a sigli; “but you are safe ' chimed in she who had been the means of his happy recognition ; and as she said it.^ I»«th—her—arms were round Marion’s neck, and shy was sobbing and kissing her alternaely. ve him, won’t von. dear?” “I have proved inyTHnoeence of ; at charge of rebbing my guardian,’’ j iti Robert . gravely, a But it was | >g before I. could do so. I lb!- j •ve«l tip the mu 1 whose, testimony ; evicted me, till he lay dying, and j' ve me a ivnuemcDofestSi'-US of false ! tnyss My guardian ^tid him to | jure me. fly wanted me out of j e way. 1 will not he so abrupt as | a>k vou to m n v tne now, but as i • * * . i is vast! sistei of .mine .has said'so j aeh, I can do no less than testify j its truth.’ I have always loved mr sweet, dear lace,—*-*;fnrioi’. I ft t L ftp ; , It ’ _ ’■.V: 2* A. •••ijhu.. GRAIN, MEAT AND #■ ■;r. JA •//; JAW ’A 'JJ. JJ. JJ. JJ. JJ. JA. 'JA 'JA JJ. /a JA 'JA VA JA'JJ.'JA'JJ. UArm 'JJ.'JJSJJ.'JJ.'JJ. 'JJ.JA 'AO ■ : 1 * S.. f § s § — — § : C %- -ir. JA 'JA-JAM 'JA'JA JAVA 'JJ.'JAVJ.'JA 'JA JA 'JA 'JA >A'JJ. JJ.JJ.'JJ. 'JAVA JAVA JA 'JA JA 'JA JA » y/. JA >7. jy. -»J* yy.v/, - v iFLOTJR DEPOT J . And - then he left Marion to his sis- el 's petting and soothing r - > • ■ • > •“ This morning 1 was alone not a fiend ia the w ide world, afid now—” A burst of tears cyme to her re- ief . -*y She is Robert Leisson’s wife now, usd her beautiful eyes areas dovelike is ever with compassion for the un furl a nae. Competition Invited From all Quarters. - . ... - £ , jaV a i t3' Regular Ulm Against High Pricss, , i.-" h Against Time! Ga s He never spoke, he scarcely ate; and the prison physician told Marion that in* was dying of sheer inanition. “It is j my opinion he’s trying to i which I was, brought starve hiiisjU to VIeat 11,” he s.hd. Qtfffc.** Marion xlrew near the sick lad. S!ie bent over hiu/aml spoke with ■gentle firmness. Bnt slu: might as well have talked to t'no wall, lor ail sign he gave of having heard. Marion left die ward with a shocked and anxious face. “ Let me know if there is any vintage, or you think of anything that I cun do,” she then said to the •doctor. Hut at dusk the doctor was called a .ay by serious illness in his own family, and near midnight, the assist- nni, going his rounds, found Aymer Preston dead in bed. *• It’s either make believe or heart break,” Dr. Putney said, sharply, when wvrd was brought him, and he ordered that Preston’s body should I/e wrapped in blankets and not re moved tilHic saw it. The order was obeyed, but when three days saw no change in the form, Dr. Putney having meanwhile examined it, it was removed to the «iissccting room. Ma rion Hyde’s window commanded n vie w of this mysterious and i error inspiring apartment. As she stood sit ,’ner window that night, she thought, with a va ue thrill of pain, of the one cold, still tenant of that terrible room. She was not a timid, superlilious creature, nor by any means given to nervousness; so when she saw the •window of the dissecting-room slowly lifted, and a gaunt, wild face appear Ml the opening, instead of screaming -1 r running away, she stood still. She knew that her heart was throbbing wildly, but she knew also that it was no phantom she looked upon. Doc tor Putney had been right nil the time. Aymer Preston was uot dead, and thus he was making one wild •effort for liberty. Marion Hyde stood and .watched hint. She could not have called out just then if he had been the most desper ate and hardened criminal within those walls. Besides, tha poor wretch was only mooking himself. He could not escape oveu now, except by a here till I can think ” ' ‘ I don’t expect’you to bcl'eve.uie, but I am as innocent oi tin?crime for von \ :ht her; Fixing a Door IkT. That buy of Coville’- has been in cable again. He was playing in ! Mrs. Coney’s yard, next door, right i after dinner, Thursday. He had : Mrs. Coney’s dog haiv&Ld to a '•$ \v:mh boiter, hud bjlgtS - and down :i eolibli-.v.viOS and cash always wins. you are so young. ’ Concealing him tili the hue and cry ! were over, Marion smuggled hi:n j thrdugli the gates in a woman’s dress j with a basket of soiled clothes. And j so the mystery of Ayiner Preston’s j c.-caped remained a mystery. *, * * * * The years moved on. COMB AND SEE HOW WE CAN SELL GOODS.. • ... J. , Talmadjg&, S£odg;s$>3i & Co. PLANTERS 7 HOTE.L7 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ' s S-ssLiAced to S3 3?©2r Say. ! HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I enter nv.„;>-h\o. ljw thllii-r.was W I Jl*. ,v. n »Wig„l t„ ch i upoa its mm.garnet l.y Uod,.cing Uate, m.<l asking of the Travel- Her idolized brother had perished in I the dog herself’ which she did altu*! ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia,-a eontinu a brawl. She was alone in the world;; catching him. It appears that the ! ‘ of t », at liberal support they have always given it. an invalid, living on the merest pit- j hell at Mrs. Coney’s door is somewhat i lance earned with her needle, but the ; stiff in the spring, and nit her ditiicuit j same sweet-faced, sweet-voiced gi;! j to sound. This fact was well -known j „ .. . r lown a cobble-walld wheif that. I * ’ 1 * ’) lady came out with a finger in each ! ear, and to!d him be tmist dear ; out, as she expected company at j two o’clock, and his noise was a!;o- j getiier too much for tile occasion. | His obedience was more prompt than i she had any reason to expect or even I desire. In fact, lie left at once, first I ;jS 1 . . . 1 i I giving t.110 boiler a kick that near.y Marion was j decapitated the dog at both cad- who had won ti.c hearts of the pris jHtrJ BROWBy FOIIMERI.Y OK CIIAULESTON, KEOPKIETOR. to young Coville, and while Mrs. I oners in the gloomy abode of which j Coney was chasing the dog the ! her lather had been v. union. : youihlul miscreant stole in the house, One day she was sent tor to see and with the help of a file fixed hat about same embroidery. She was j door bell *> it would pull easy. At ; received by a young lady, and some- j iwo o’clock promptly, the pastor of j thing in the young girl’s bright face j Mrs. Coney’s church cairn*Aip 011 the 0 r n \ XT 1A \ 13 TX »IT IT *R r R T T T 5^ FT; S * drew Marion’s glance unconsciously. | stoop of Mrs. Coney’- «..»i • O A A IN IJ —Lb LJ X JAiiA - Where had slie seen those eyes, so : being aware that the large and so intensely black ? ; quired considerable imts.le, gave “ Why do you look at mo so?’’ j sharp twich,and immediately left the j asked the young girl, with naive eagerness. ** You remind me of, some one I have known,” Marion answered, sim - ply. “ No one ever accused me of look ing like anybody but Robert before,” laughed the girl. . . “ Ah, yes, you do. I see the re- semhlniicti ruin add n JOB WORK. i. • GREAT REDUGTIGR IN PRICES. house, and ; EARTH MADS T0J1VE FORTH ITS RICHES Exporiuiaut* have dem.m.tnited tlmt of the ten Mineral E!cment£wWeWn»tituU tUe tu>Uw stool) head iirst, with t He heil-knoli {<*f plant*, the pi-.-wnce of each and every one is essential to i’ e , f , i 1 • 1 • j , , ment; and. as ero:w extract them annually, no land can bo permanent!) lert UNLESS THEY BE RESTORED TO THE SOIL. '; 1 ' •»»te ***j, length Of the hack, broke down the Agency oft he fohfowinjr oU and Standard FertHixera, which the lunners are in 1 e » j aptet upd price before buying elaewljere: OLD CAROLINA STONO SOLUBLE GUANO, SAMANA GUANO, CHESAPEAKE GUANO, • PALMETTO ACID, STONO ACID PHOSPHATE, CHESAPEAKE AMMONIATED ALKALINE PHOSPHATES. Marion’s face flushed with emotion. ! |y led the *1.0 cotton opiion fifteen ckst.. gate, completely ruined his hat, se riously bruised both elbows Mrs. j Coney, who was looking through the blinds all the time, was very much | now quite strong,” and {’shocked by the accident, but prompt- j ( w gentleman into the Perhaps yo.. arc related to liiiu. 1 house, and as promptly dressed his ! teblS-dm An examination of the hell j jgt. ~iyr Hunter, Agent. His name was Ayuier Preston. “Oh!” cried the young girl spring ing up, “anti you are Jame, and your name is Marion Hyde. Tell me, ’bm’t it ? I knew it. Oh, Robert what will you say ?” “She vauislied from Marion’s as tonished eyes, with the words on her lips. She was hack, however, in n trice, and with her came a tall, dark haired, heavily bearded young man. “Marion Hyde? Is it possible?” he exclaimed clasping both the little trembling hands and putting tipi over and again to his lips, which were quivering with emotion. “ Sure ly you know me?”. wounds. revealed that it had been trifled with, i and as Mrs. Coney was quite coufi- S dent Coville’s boy had done it, she reported to Mrs. Coville that she ac tually heard'bun say the other day ! that he would “ fix that belli” The Jail term of school commenced yes- j terday, but Coville’s hoy was there. Having Secures the Services of \ H.«-L Cranford, -A- FIRST-CLASS . f. » ; 1 1 „«* , JOB PRINTER, • We are enabled to turr out ns good " «.V; #.5L i I . > . 44 i ,< , , work as can be done IN THE STATE. THE ATHENS OFFICE FOR THE SALE OF Singer Sewing Machine Removed February 1st, 1877, to " ot ! Lester’s Building, (Upstairs) Over Talmadge, H. & Co., ' TJffJS SMJfGSS Many have a great horror of going ogLof doors, for fear of taking cold^ when the foct is, the vtry best way of fortifying the' system against taking cold, is to he out every day lain or shine. 2,000,000 ip Use—Sales in Excess of all Others. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COM PAN I, «. 11. HOPE, AGENT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Ask your neighbors which Machine is the best; then buy the Singer. J. B. Toomer, Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, Lester’s Building, (Upstairs,) Athens, Georgia » " Wo call the' attention of nil our citi zens to the following Price List:. Bill Mends, per Thousand, Assorted, $5. Canary Colored Envelops, Furnished to Merchants and Business Men, with their cards printed on them. At $3 PER THOUSAND LETTER HEADS, $4 50 to $5 Per Thousand. Common 75cper Hundred, —AND— $4 50 to $5 per Thousand. Fancy Work Proportionately Higher. VISITING CARDS, BLANKS, NOTES, Poters, Circulars, • j Handbills, Pamphlets, etc., K V;« : ., Printed in any color desired, and as cheap as can be done in the State. GIVE DS YOUR ORDERS, . ' # i SAVE MONEY, And get good work, and sustain a home institution. Call at the ATH ENS GEORGIAN office, Broad street, Athens, Ga.