The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, April 03, 1877, Image 5

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THE ATHENS VeORGIAN: -APRIL 3, 1877. ^gof Local Advertising & Job Work ^*1 Notices 15 cents per lino, 10 cents for C»Jilitionsl publication, no display allowed ? he local columns of this paper, lurriaiio and death notices arc published twtnarie^are charged lor at the ratea of ten ' niounccments of candidates and oommniu- lavoring individual candidates, must be i advance. , _ _ i jvertisemcnU dot marked lor any specified Will be clinTgcd for until ordered out. j 0 b work must be paid for upon delivery, ■lection tickets, cash upon delivery. [W , Relating to Newspaper Subscrip tions and Arrearages. „0» or TUK U»ITED STATICS SIPBEME COOBT. Subscribers who do not give expressnotlce be contrsry, ere considered cubing to con- S their subseption. If subscribers order the discontmuanoe of r periodicals, the pnblishera may continue send them until all arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to taketheir cted c set If subscriber# move toother places without ft ing publishers, and the papers are sent lie former direction, they are held respon- . Tlto courts bsvo decided that “ revising site periodicals from the office, or removing 1 having them uncalled fcg is prima tacia ilencc of intentional fraud." Auy person who receives a newspaper and kes use of it whether he has ordered it or = • held in law to be a subscriber. ,0CAL DEPARTMENT. «js j'L mtcii* Our genial agent, will visit the mts in the Northern and Western ■emits in the interest of onr paper, il will call on the friends of the eoikhan in the different comities, e hope to receive quite an addition our subscription list, accompanied th the “ one • thing needful,” and promise to continue to publish largest and best weekly paper in irtheast Georgia. MuMlonl Kxtravaganssa. urns’ Silver Cornet Band will, an early day, give a musical con st Dcnpree Hall. It is only essary to say that thi** band was mixed lor the pleasure and past ne of our citizens to secure a full use. In addition to the variety ertaiiunent proposed by the mem- of this organization, a glee club m Augusta will be on hand to ns- and please the lovers of music 1 song. We bespeak for them :jwl patronage and a crowded When the arrangements are footed, notice will be given ousrh these columns. Local Blendings- —April Bhowens. —Etherial mildness'has come. —One-sided idea—Over the left. —Capt. J. H. Rucker has blue eyes. | ■ I ; ■Prune color needs nothing richer than black embossing. —Charlie Stem's store—Compound essence of exquisiteness. —Joe Barry waxes his moustache and looks like Gnmbetta. —The ladies* Memorial Association meets to-morrow. —Myrtle green may he trimmed with magnolias. —Only two-hundred and seventy- two day 8 till Christmas. —Feminine troussean—Gentleness, modesty, purity and tenderness. —Lieut. Hope Hull is six feet, and resembles Henry Waterson. —Moss green maybe lined with deep red. —C. D. Hill, Esq., arrived home, well and hearty, Saturday. —The Athens Guards want a few more recruits to fill up their ranks. —The colored troops are on their muscle in Oglethorpe county’. — : Howard Van Epps will deliver the address, Memorial day, in At lanta. — Prince Hodgson is the champion skater of College Avenue. —New restaurant in town—Gutta percha beef and ram" mutton a dime a bite. —H. Cobb Davis, C. P., office hours from 9 to 10 a. m. and from 3 to 4 p. m.‘ —Men usually follow their wishes till suffering compells them to follow their judgment. —Miss C. James will display her beautiful selection of spring hats on the 11th and 12th. RIOT IN CRAWFORD Serious Wounding of T#r. Uojikliu and J. Accjulttcd. [The case of Jo! n Hunter, who was ■ged with the murder of John M. E ans, and which was begun in fl inesville on the 22nd ult., before J lire Rice, was brought to a close j| 1 ~ S nirilav following. The jury, after n mining out for 48 hours, returned a mfict of " Not Guilty.’’ g\Ve clip the following from the a inesville Eagle: " Mr. Hunter i borne himself with remarkable titude, ami has been cheerful ami peful all the time He has cou rsed freely with his friends express- : a feeling of confidence in his ac uta!.’’ Held and Harris. These well known barbers are mas ’s of their profession and receive deserved patronage from the itens of Athens. If you want your cut for the spring fights, give cm a call. They can clip it off *c to the bone and in the most ihionahle style. Nellliig Out) At Cost* <1. W. Collins, is selling his entire x’t of dry goods, clothing, calicoes, nlwaro, glassware, hoots, shoes, ““Its, etc., and in fact every thing be found in a first-class dry goods use, at cost. Give him a call at old stand. Broad street, and se re bargains. The Hartwell Sun. This bright, newsy sheet, published Hartwell, Ga., is one of the neat* l>aj>ers that reaches this office. >o subscription price is #1.50 a ar , and is well worth the money, Idress Benson & McGill. Thib World appears very bcauti- when you are well; to remain well, allhy and strong, take Dr. J. H. "•Lean’s Strengthening Cordial and ood Purifier, the greatest tonic, in eWorld, it strengthens tho bridy d purifies the blood, Dr. J. H. Me an’s office, 314 Cliestnut, St. Louis, —Cream .of tartar rubbed upon solid white kid gloves cleans them well. —Lucas <& Ware are now opening their stock of elegant dry goods and men’s fuVnishing goods. See their advertisement in another column. —The Emanuel church Easter Sunday were very impressive, while the singing of the choir was ex cellent. —Custom entitles yon to be con- sidci ed i he lord and master of your household, hut don’t assume the mas ter and sink the lord. —We receive that excellent journal, the Chronicle and Constitu tionalist, every other day. Why is this, Col. Stovall? —We call the attention of onr readers to the advertisement of Charlie Stern to he found in another column. —A Vermont newspaper recently closed an obituary : She had an amia ble temjier, and was uncommonly fond of ice cream. —John Tahuadge is not much of a skater, but- when it comes to slinging a barrel of Cuba molasses, he enters tor the first premium. —Larry Gantt, editor and proprie tor of that sprightly sheet, the Ogle thorpe Echo, ' aid us a call yesterday, and ropoi ts every thing’quiet at Craw ford. —Major Stanley’s name has been mentioned in connection with the Constitutional Convention. He would be the right man in the right place, —With,two brass hands, and the mineral springs within a stone’s throw, we see no reason why Athens should be dull during the summer months. —John Gillelnnd supports an im perial and steps as firm and graceful as John McCullough, the California tragedian. —Pope Barrow is spoken of as suitable man to represent Clarke county in the Constitutional Conven tion We know of none more able and patriotic. —Jones says the war on mother- in-laws is unkind. He has nothing mnch against his mother-in*law, ex cept the fact that all her children were not sons. Mr. Murphy, of CraVford, furnish es iis with the followingTacts in re lation to the disturbance which occur red there last Friday night. \ It seems that for some time past a party of negroes in and around Craw ford were holding secret meetings in a house near the depot. And on the uight mentioned, the marshal, Mr. Jasper Hopkins, noticed Borne half dozen negroes on the way to their trysting place all well armed, and fearing that some mischief would re* i-ult from these meetings, determined to, keep a sharp sorveiliauce on them and frustrate their evil intentions. While keeping an eye on their ren dezvous, another negro pnt in appear ance, whereupon Mr. Hopkins arres- i ted him. The negro immediately gave a signal and called on his com rades to rally. Instantly, those in the house rushed pell-mell towards the marshal brandishing their arms and ordered him to turn loose their friend. Mr. Hopkins thinking that discretion, at this moment, was the better part of valor, turned his pris oner loose, when the whole party simultaneously tired, wounding him in the head, leg and hand. Mr. J. M. Norton, whe was with the marshal at this time was also shot through the leg. Both of tile above gentlemen are brave and chivalrous citizens, and we regret very much to learn of the cowardly manner in which they were assaulted. Some twenty or thirty white men responded to the call for them to ral ly, hut as the negroes fell hack, the whites established a picket line and held their position umil morning When daylight dawned, they ad vanced to the house hut found that the l irds had flown. The following colored men were arrested on suspicion Saturday morn ing: Ki g Ilardy, William Raines, Fred Raines, Bud Henry, Peter, a blacksmith, and another man named Henry. It is asserted that a notorious scoundrel by the name of Luke John, son is the ringleader of the gang, and every effort is being made by the citi zens of Oglethorpe county to bring him to justice; and we sincerely hope they will succeed in arresting this mid night assassin and teach him and his followers the penalty of their villainous crime. s Died. At the residence of Mrs. Mary A. Swift, at Stone Mountain, Saturday morning, 31st, ult.,_at 3 a. tn., Mrs. Virginia B. Harris, in her ninetieth year. The deceased urns the mother of our fellow-citizen Y. L. G. Harris, Ksq. Her remains were brought to this city ami carried to Watklnsville for interment. Religious. The Rev. J. B. Hartwell, D. D.. for many yedrs misionary of the Southern Baptist Convention in Chi na, will be in our city and preach, morning and night, at the Baptist Church, on Sunday the 8th inst. The Press, throughout the State, where this gentleman has already been heard, speak in very compli mentary terms of his efforts, both as a preacher aud lecturer; and doubt less those of our citizens, who may be permitted to hear him, will l>: richly compensated. , Prof. Willoughby Reado. . This gentleman gave a reading at Deupree Hall, Saturday night; there was a very slim attendance on this occasion, and we regret to see so little interest displayed by onr citizens in these literary treats. Mr. Rende has the reputation of being the finest reader and delineator of humorous uharacteis now travelling, and those of our citizens who were fortunate enough to hear him, were highly phased and well entertained. Home Evidence. REFERENCES. A Card. Editor Georgian—Believing that if at any time, the oftiee should seek the man, and not the man the ofliee,' that should be in sending delegates to our Constitutional Convention. This is the thought echoed by the press and responded to by the people. Now ,as other good names have been suggested for this position, I as a citizen of Clarke county, having a 'onuuunity of interest and pride in her selection to this most responsible trust, deem it not inopportune to name one whose modesty of character is not surpassed by his sterling integri ty and whose legal accomplishments in the fundamental and constitution al laws of his county, and es pecially of his own State, ate not ex celled by his splendid intellectual abil ities—that man is Capt. Pope Barrow. Being a ^gentleman, scholar, patriot and a constitutional lawyer of the first 'water, his character it too well known to the good people of our coun ty to need further comment. He would give tone, dignity and influence not only to Clarke county but to the district at large in this Convention. Therefore, send him. Other papers in the district please copy. - Citizen. Sudden Death. Sueky Hill, an aged colored wo man, was found dead in her bed last Suuday. Her remains were in terred in Oconee Cemetery yester day morning. Dr. Ball’s Cough Syrup is particu larly reoomended for children. It cares Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat, and Whooping Cough. Is pleasant to the taste and acts like a charm. Prioe, 25 cents. The following names wc mention out of ninny thousands intelligent, respectable.and influential men and women, who have been under qur treatment themselves,as a moral guar antee that patients will receive from us all the advantages which Time, Medical Science and Skill\ Efficient Remedies and Honest, Frank and Humane Services can llestow. Judge Jno. G. Hay the, a prominent lawyer, and presiding J ndge of Lynch- hurge, Van Judge Haythe’s son had been af flicted for six.jEARstvith Aphoniayr Loss of Voice. Tho Judge placed, his son under the skillful treatment of Dr. Cbnnaughtou, who cured him bv his infallible vegetable remedies. ' By permission, Dr. Conuaughton refers to Col. Janies^ E. Horner, at No. 70 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. J. Henderson. Esq, of Newbery, S. C., had been deaf for several years —Dr. Connacohton cured him.. By permission, Dr. Connaughton refers to Mr II. P. Tarrant, at J..EL Alexander’s, No. 212 Broad street* Augusta, Ga From Col. A. Mxnielialk, Editor £tandard-and> Ki- pram, CartrrxTilla, Ga. Some years ago I had an attack of what is culled dropsy of heart, and after a long and tiresome illness, it was supposed the disease was entirely eradicated from my system. But, within the past month, unmistakable symptoms of the disease again made their appearance. From the evidence before me I felt satisfied that Dr. Connaughton could aid me. 1 got him to prescribe for me, ^nd al ready I have begun to experience re lief. I feel perfectly confident that the Doctor can, as ho professes to be able to do, make a permanent cure in my case. I feel warranted in recom mending Dr. Connaughton to those who are afflicted. r, • A. Marscualk Editor Standard and Express. Cartersville, June 10,1875. The above are only a few of the nu merous cases cured by Dr. Connaugh ton in the South. We would append n list of references, but like a monu mental shaft, the feme of Dn Con naughton speaks its own truths with more potency than human tongue or pen. Dr.' Connanghton’s, Consultation Parlors, First Floor,Ladies’ Entrance, Globe Hotel, Angnsta, until April 10, 1877. Offioe hours, 9 to 4, Sundays, 10 to 11 and 4 to 5. Ttte Drankorfl’s Appetite. There \vas4iiring.iiot long since, in Brooklyn, a man. who bad inherited from a drunkenifiitiier an appetite for rum. He wasst. helpless drunkard. The man had many noble instincts, and, better thhai ml'Jtbese he had a loving, fhithfiihl.biaKe wife, who made skilful war uppHiUie*demon, her hus band’s master.. Bfeeagncdng the fact that her liusltimd; was- under an overs powering impulse;, that he longed and struggled manhdly to free him self from.ithe passimi tor drink, she bent all the energies of her woman- nature to. tl e tas& of helping him. She loved 1 and: suffered and toiled until at lasbtthe loving and toiling ac complished thteiiv puirpose. She took her lmsbandlby. the- baud, and shared with him i liii- struggle, until, after years of l.-ibor,, afio overcame his devil, aud isa-w hiim a free man again, Her batthh-with. Rlana ltad be^ii i tierce ouep.taxthg and wasting her strength: i sorely,, but she was con qneror atnldst.. Hktr husband stood upon ni.uiiyvfuutv awl showed no sign of falling again-. Several years passed away;,.and! this reformed man fell ill of consumption The distin guished phyaiuiiua'from whose lips we have-the- story, prescribed alco holic stimulants, as the only means possible of prolonging his file. The poor wile-was. in. a nor, and begged the physician, to recall the prescrip tion. Islie to’.di hit of her long strug gle aud vit)Uiry*;uid said she preferred that, he*'.husband should die then, a sober man,, than that , «• should fill a drunkaril’d-gcave a year later. But the froed.spiri* of the man was strong, Local ITo-bices. . STatioo -ho ‘fsb.e Pvfblio- We herebyynotify the public.-titet' we have appointed Messrs. MaiGi & J. Cohen of Athens,Ga., sole Agents in* Northeast iGni, for our celebrated lines of Gentlemen's Dress - and Business Suhst . The public are cautioned against iimitations: <u- the material we use hi .the manufacturer of our the best-ia.tho market. IIamuxeslaugh & Bkoi hebl. New York^jyiarch 1st, 18777*7. mareh20-2m.. Straw Hats—-just received, atnloax \V. Nicholson & Co’s, Doivpcee Building. apri!3-4»w. . M. G. &&.i Cohen offer thiawoek 1,000 pieces.-of . Handsome -Spring Prints fros*.3Ji Ja 8c., a yard foutho best. march2ti!&L.. Gents’ BStheyllnlnd-se we< 1 Bo&^toc— Prince Alheatfs and Oxford TLfea—just received at John W. Nichqujdn &. Co’s. april Sirfiw... A full; stsiek of Hammerslaugh’s Elegant £fc*as and Business-Suita-for sale at loer.prices by, M. G. «fc. J. Gohen. tnarchdfclm. Shoe- Lasts, Boot Tf aes,* Bfegs, Awls, ooml a general assortment of. shoe-tin lings, at John W. Nicholson.. & Co’SpDfcupree Building^. , aprilgrimu.. GotolAdvice.^-Nowm* the time of yeaafor Pheitmonia,. Lung Efcver, . &o. Every family should,;have a I bottlw of Bosciiee’s German Syrhp.i and he.- undertook, to take alcoholic .Don ? allow for ones-moment that liquonvas- a. userik-ine, confine himself; absolutely to such times and the matter as the physi cian should prescribe. This lie did and,.dining; the months thus added to his life,, he never once drank a sin gle. drop, more than the prescription called foe, and he died at last a sober man, as- tlie wife had so earnestly prajiudi than he might. But the end wins not yet. When the loving and pntiein Woman laid him in liis grave, fiuwifMM* her long labors thus ended in thc victory lor which she had toiled s.i hard and s flVred so bitterly, she |4ize 75 cents. Sold by v yonr Druggist ’turned in her grief, to the b:antly It T- Brume'S,&,Co., Athens,Ga.— ; which itad been left in the house, and [' drill king it, she fell herself into the i power of the devil which she had* 1 , cougb'.to tube-hold, of your child, oua■ family or yoiusnlf.i. Consump tion;,, Asthma, Phe.<*uionMt,<. Crimp, Hemorrhages, and other latalidiseases may-, set in. Altlnsugh- it., is true G.’iiiJian Syrup is ■ cubing thousands of, these dreaded diseases, yet it is in «.*h belter to*at*.hand, when three doses will cure you. One Bot- tl».will last your whole family, a win- t'*r and keep yoo safe from danger. Uyou^re consatrptive, do not rest inotif- yotr havA- tried this maaedy, ile Bottles- 10 cents. Regular M. (i. A J^ Cohen offer tills- week dbngUt so heroically. And that wc* ■man died, not many mouths later, hopeless, helpie.-s drunkard.—JleartA and Home. Ladies’ and Misses’ Newport TSps, (now styles,) at John W. NtcHouaoN &Co’s. april3-0iv. L illies’ and Misses’ Cloth Ga&ers, from 90c. to $2 25, at John. W. Nicholson & Co’s. aprild-r-Sw. Hammerslaugh’s Scotch, BbgiLsh and French Business Suits, iai large variety and at low’ prices, no«r ou ex hibition at, M. G. & .T. Cohen’s, At&ens, Ga. mnrch20-ltii. Lucas A Ware, Athens, Ga„ invite customers from a distance to examine their Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trimmings and Fanoy Articles, in great variety. april3"4w. Prints from 8J to 8e., a yard, for the best. morali£0-2t. Kip. Harness, Side. Lace and Sole Ireather, at John W. Nicholson & Co’s. apriUWJw Buildina. and.. Repair;. Shop— Perrin EoKnson.—Owing to. Mr. W. V. P. Hodgson now having on hand such an extensive stock of first class buggies^ phaetons, carriages, wagons etc., as-Aot to require my* services at this time I have eoncladedi to open a Rkpahs Shop of my owrvat tho shop near liirery stable of Gann A Reaves, I will*build one audjtwo-hacse wagons to onder also a limited! Dumber of buggies. I,will ha- glad to receive a share-of the public ^gfirooage and an’^-oue desiring information as to my skill and reliability in all kinds of w.vrk, such as. buggy', carriage and wtagou making are respectfully refer- ad;to Mr. Vf. % Rt.Hodgson, with., (whom Lhave- sen\ed for twelve years. M johx W \v. B nS^» 1 'A* l (v; P“ rtod .« T* at Shoe Store, Deupree Building. april3-8w.. Lucas & Wake, Athens, Gfav. have a first-class New York Tajor, and make np handsome suits at low prices. See their elegant Stirrings and Furnishing goods. april&4w. Hammerslaugh’s Genuine French Diaganoli Coals and Vests at, M. G. & J. Cokkn’s. iwarcb201m. Ladies* and Misses’ Kid, Goat and Morocco Boots, .from #125 to #830, at John \V. Nicholson A Co’s. april3-6w. Ladies’ and Misses’Foxed Roots, in various style*, at John W. Nich- oibon & Co’a. april8-6w. M. G & J. Cohen ofibr this week 1,000 pieces of Handsome Spring Prints from to 8c., a yard for the best. march20s2t. - speaks fist- itself*. Carriage, lmggy^ land wages), timber taken in exchange for work.. Gave nw a trial and I guarantee yon, shall he pleased. novWrtif Psrrin Benson. False Imi>rj*s8M«i.—It is generally suppMed, by a certain class of citizens, wlvo are not practical or experienced,, that Dyspepsia can not invariably ho- eared, but wp are pleased to say tbafi Green’s AwftUKr Flower has never^ to our kuowledge, failed to check Dyspepsia and liver Complaint iatflk its forms, such as Sour Stomach,, Costiveness, Sick Headache, palpita-. tion of the Heart, low spirits, de k 4<lv Out of 80,000 dozen bottles sold lasV year, not a single failure was report ed, hut thousands of complimentary letters reoeived from Druggists of wonderful cures. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular Size 7fi cents. For sale by R. T. Brumby & Co„ Athens, Ga.