The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, April 24, 1877, Image 5

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i877. .«t-Weekly .1 be time to gather “ goes agin ’’ striped icck shoes and straw-hats in order. -.Support your home paper and build up your city. —Justice is about the only thing that seme men are afraid of. —The military spirit displayed by our young men is commendable. —The contemplated excursion to Toccoa Falls has been abandoned. —The young ladies of Lucy Cobb Institute had a basket picnic at Min eral spring last Friday evening. —Hope Fire Company No. 1, will join the Augusta Fire Companies in olid ol' their time; if thev do"not wish to con- j celebration, tinue taking it; otherwise the publisher is i autliorixed to send it on; and the subscribers —Robt. Bird, of Atlanta, sneilt a will be responsible until an express notice, with # # 1 payment of all arrearages, is scut to tko few days in this ei’y with liia relatives l nhii^hc and friends the past week. —The conscientiously obstinate man is the hardest man in the world to get along with. —Little drops of rain brighten meadows, and little acts of kindness brighten the world. —The lowest education that reaches self-control is better than the highest that neglects it. —Hand in your advertisements early if yon want to secure a good j take their ..ich they are .isiblc until they ami ordered them dis- vc toother places without , and the papers are sent .ion, they are held respon- oiirts have decided that “ refusing ....»e periodicals from the office, or removing aud leaving tliem uncalled for is prima tacia evidence of intentional fraud.” •I. Auy person who rcoeives a newspaper and makes use of it whether he lias ordered it or not, is held in law to be :i subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are hound to give notice to the publisher, at the LOCAL DEPARTMENT. •T. E. Our genial agent, will visit the courts in the Northern and Western circuits in the interest of our paper, and will call on the friends of the Georgian iii the dilferent counties. We hope to receive quite an addition to our subscription list, accompanied with the “ one thing needful,” and we promise to continue to publish j position in the Tri-weekly Geor the largest and best weekly paper in j GIAN Northeast Georgia. Our Agents. Mr. Win. J. Grss is our agent at Harmony Grove, Jackson county. J. T. Adams, Esq., is authorized to receipt subscriptions for this paper —A coquette is a rose from which every lover plucks a leaf—the thorns remaining for her future husband. —When there is love in the heart there are rainbows in the eyes, which cover everv black cloud with tror» at Morgantown, Fannin county, Ga. j goons lines. Mr. S. P. Flemming is our agentj —When you can’t think of what at Eagle Grove, and is authorized to , your wife charged you to bring home receipt for money due this office. get hair pins. They are always hardy in the house. ICUcKer - Han, uit - . ^ ..., oy the “ little folks’’ for the lienefit of the Methodist church, was in all re spects a decided success, so much so, that by universal drsire it was re-, peated on Wednesday evening. Space will not permit us to give as extended a notice of the entei t: la ment ns we would wish, but we can not fail to notice and compliment the recitation oflittle Blanche Lipscomb, whose rendition of the “Maniac” would have reflected credit upon older heads. The character of “ Old King Cole ’’ was well rendered and reflected credit upon its youthful impersonator. We congratulate all parties in the success achieved. Especially do we congratulate the “Old Woman in the Shoe ” upon the neat and elegant appearance of her innumerable off spring. 'I'Uomas'vlllo Fnli*. We return thanks to Mr. S. G. McLendon, Secretary of Thomasvillc Fair, . for complimentary tickets. Tiie fair takes p’aee on the 24th of May, and promises to be a grand suc cess. One other interesting feature will also come oft* at the same time and place, and that is the meeting of the Associated Press, which organiza tion will he well and ably represented from all parts of the State. Altogeth er, Thomasvillc will have a gay sea son. If you are to marry a delicate, pale and sickly lady, make her take Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Strength ening Cordial and Blood Purifier; it vitalizes and purifies the blood, strengthens and invigorates, causes the rich blood to the cheek again. Dr. J. II. McLean, 314 Chestnut street St. Louis, Mo. Tlio I>«*ntnl I’roti'sMlon. The Georgia State Dental Society will hold its Ninth annual meeting in Macon, commencing Tuesday, May 8th, 1877, at 10 a. m., and continuing through Wednesday, Thursday and ! .»• rangememS.naVB uiood Appointment. .r. David C. Fowler of this coun ty has been appointed Deputy Col lector of Internal Revenue for the comities of Clarke, Oconee and Jack- soil, they being a portion of the sec ond district. Mr. Fowler is too well known and too highly respected wherever he is known to make en dorsement on our part necessary. His appointment gives universal sat isfaction. He has entered actively njion the di-eharge of the dntics of his office and will by justice, fairness, honesty and high official integrity rob this position ot many of the objec- tional features which have heretofore obtained, if not in this, at least, in many of the revenue district of Geor gia- _Vnotln-r Camlldnte tor Gov ernor. Mr Dudley Hughes, formerly of •Twjggs, but now of Dooly, lias pre- j sented Captain Dennard, bis father- ! in-law, with one thousand pounds of hams raised by himself, and made out the load with lard. He killed over ten thousand pounds of pork last year. Hpeelnl Notice. Office Cle: k of Council, Athens, Ga , April 24,1877. Notice >> hereby given that the Assessors of Real Estate have eom- Col. John Maund’s Turkish Bath. The Columbus Enquirer lias the following: He represented Talbot county in the last session of the Leg islature, and is known throughout this State and almost over the entire Uni ted States, esjiecially in railroad cir cles, for he has a great deal of busi ness with such men when he desires a ride. Wlii'e sojourning in Atlanta during the last Legislature, lie con cluded that a Turkish bath would prove beneficial to him, and doubt' less he was correct. We have seen men whom an ordinary bath would help wonderfully. Well, he entered the bath-room, denuded himself and got in position. The steam was shot on to him, in bis eyes, nose, mouth and ears, and he said that it was hot enough to scald forty eggs, but he couldn’t speak a d—n word, lie lost his breath and was feeling as if lie was niching, when suddenly he was shoved into a vat of water that would have froze a polar bear, and then be had no breath at all. In the bottom of the pool was large chunks of ice, and he was stand ing upon them, thinking all of the time that they were skeletons of men who had been previously killed and allowed to remain therein. This frightened him still more, but lie was pleted the assessments for the tear j | lt ,]|,] css . He was snatched from this 1877, and placed their hooks in my i water and thrown upon a marble office.for examination by all eon- 1 :uu | steam was shot on him a cerned. Objections to assessments second time. He was whirled and Local XTo-bicss. , ‘ Good Advice.—Now is the time of year for Pheumonia, Lung Fever, Ac. Every family should have a bottle of Bosciiee’s German Syrup. Don’t allow for one moment that cough to take hold of your child, our family or yourself. Consunqi- tion, Asthma, Pheumonia, Croup, Hemorrhages, and other fatal diseases may set in. Although it is true German Syrup is curing thousands of these dreaded diseases, yet it is much better to have it at band when three doses will cure yon. One Bot tle will last your whole family a win ter and keep you safe from danger. If you are consumptive, do not rest until you have tried this remedy. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by your Druggist II T. Brumby & Co., Athens, Ga. must be made in writing, sworn to, and filed with me within. ten days from the date of this notice, at which time the books will be closed. W. A. Gilleland, Clerk of Council. april24-2t. Slioes: Shoes:: Our spring stock of shoes is now complete with everything made in Infants’, Childrens’, Misses’, Ladies’, Boys’ and Men’s Shoes. Remember that our goods are made expressly to our order by the best manufacturers in the country, and for perfect fitting. :KHtyMem>toi*lnl I>lwtx-l«*t. j ■—*- v v "7T. Osborn, of Elbert, will ad-1 —Lapl . j •H«r . in behalf of the Con-.| ciplmarinn, and the Guards will ere, the State to convey attending den di e's t ie peop ® * ' long be the finest drilled company in * stitutional Convention, at— , *» . , , m-iv 16 3 c-clock ■ the State, llnckersvide. Mil) / ’ / —Lieut. Culp and Henry Shirley ' Flberton May 17, at ivd"- i enter Sam, a colored boy, for the Flat woods Acadeny. Ma -V 19. 3 j spring races, and they have wealth X I that savs he is the fastest two him- Glare’s Store /ty 2l * at l,, S ,lt - ! dred yard runner in the county. Mill Sb«d/ } ' ,urvh ’ ^ j —We arc under obligations to Mr. o’clock —’fV | Wm. Mason lor a fresh basket of r"#rt I/t»sn*. May 22, at night. i ] ottuce and onions. They are the PaiuVlsville May 23, 11 o’clock we j laVfc seen in this market, and ■ M. | were raised in his gardeu, on Oconee Diamond Hill Church, May 23, at | street •night casvAcparing and durability, cannot nmr OIs^l been perfected with the railroads of „ . W '° kee l* al * ijraues oi 1 shoes, from the coarsest to the finest, tists to and from the meeting for one fare. Those attending will secure return tickets from the starting point on the different lines. We also learn that the members of the society wil be entertained at reduced rates the different hotels. Every dent is in the State is .invited to be presen Pool’s, May 24, 11 o’clock a. m. The Glade, May 24, at night. Lexington, May 25, 11 o’clock A. M. Bowling Green, May 26, 10 o’cloi k A. M. Crawford, May 26, at night. l>ein<M-ratJv Muss >Ieetli)|r- —All of onr merchants desiring their advertisements to appear in the first numberofTr’:-WeeklyGeorgian, will please hand them in bv noon to morrow. —“ Do yon understand the nature of an oath?” a jouryman was asked in a St. Louis court room, “ Of course I do,” was the reply. “Do In pursuance ot the cail ot O. F. y OI , mistake me for a member of the ^Rodgers, Chairman Executive Deni- | electoral commission?” Committee of the 27th Sena- h l)istrict, for delegates to meet Circle, for the purpose of suitable delegates to the A lady in our neighborhood wlc had suffered for over three month the most extreme torture by a vie lent cough, has become complete! cured by Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrnj For sale in every drug store. and we guarantee to please our cus tomer's both in quality and price. Everybody is invited to call (the Ladies especially,) and see the pret- turned upon the slab like a minnow would flount about. They scrubbed him, but still lit* couldn’t speak, and all of the time be felt as if bis skin had been flayed. After he had been thoroughly soaked he was stood upon his feet in a twinkling, and asked if be would have a man or a woman to rub him oft* He was still speechless, but, at the same time, be didn’t feel that lie bad any time to loose, so be snatched bis pants and one sock and rushed out upon the street, put on his pants and “made for’’ his boarding- hons at. lightning speed. Several tried to head him while lie was rnn- lurnii*. l»uL_he_._raii over every one as if nothing impeded turn. AV he entered the house his landlady Building and Repair Shop— Perrin Benson.—Owing to Mr. W. V. P. Hodgson now having on hand such an extensive stock of first class buggies, phaetons, carriages, wagons etc., as not to require my services at this time I have coiuSuded to open a Repair Shop of my own, at the shop near livery stable of Gann & Reaves. I will build one and two horse wagons to order also a limited number of buggies. I will be glad to receive a share of the public patronage and any one desiring information as to my skill and reliability in all kinds of work, such as buggy, carriage and wagon making are respectfully refer- ed to Mr. W. V. P. Hodgson, with whom I have served for twelve years. There they will find a large and assorted variety of my work which. speaks for itself. Carriage, buggy and wagon timber taken in exchange for work. Give me a trial and; I guarantee yon shall be pleased. Perrin Benson-*; asked him the matter; but too much out of breath to speak, and never lias talked much since, and, in ty, new styles. The best, are the | ,,HVer did, previous to that time, cheapest, and you can always find ! !l * :l " k"°' v ""1'° have had the honor the best shoes at Snead’s Shoe Store. °* meeting him. Constitntiona>-^ )1JVu|ll j 0|J ^ t j, e j) oin * I le paitv ot c oimty are j hereby notified to met* at t |, c City Hall, at 12 o’clock m., on bat» r <l n y •he 28th hist., for the purpose afore said. Jos. B. Carlton, Chm'n Ex. Deni. CJom. U7ti. Sw*. Dist. Clarke County. Attention. The counties composing the 27tli Senatorial District—Clarke, Oconee, Walton, Newton and Rockdale, are requested to appoint delegates twice • he number of their representatives in the Legislature on Tuesday, the Li day of May or before, who shall meet at Social Circle, on Friday, the 4th day of May, to nominate candi dates for the Constitutional Conven- lK, n. O. T. Rodgers, Chm’n Dcm. Ex. Coni. 27th Sena torial District. I-adies’ and Misses’ Kid, Goat and Morocco Boots, from §125 to 82 50, at John W. Nicholson & Co’s. — In order that your advertise ment may occupy a conspicuous place in the first issue of the Tri-Weekly Georgian, they should he,.handed in by twelve o’clock Wednesday. —We were pleased to meet last week Mr. Ilenry Edmonston, Gen eral Freight Agent of the Georgia Railroad, ,s 0,1 a visit to onr cit v in the interest of this road. —U is always crooked and I is al ways straight. This simple illustra tion serves to present in great force the prevailing characteristic of hu man nature. Who knows but what Burns had these letters in his minds- eye when he wrote: “ All, wa’d somo power the gift to gic os,” etc. —Gentlemen who can’t tell a polo naise from an apron front will bear in mind the prevailing distinction be tween a bat and bonnet. One is worn over the ear, and the ether on the nape of the neck. Lucas & Ware, Athens, Ga., invite customers from a distance to examine their Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trimmings and Fancy Articles, in great variety. Personal. Hon. B. II. Hill reached home la* Friday. We are glad to know tint lie is in the enjoyment of good healtl and eager for a re-encounter with th Senatorial giants of the United State Congress. Judge C. II. Sutton of Clark**sville is a candidate to represent Haber- sham eouniy in the Constitutional Convention. A right good man he is too, and both for his sake and the sake of his county, we wish him suc cess. II. S. Harrison, Ewj, We had the pleasure of meeting this popular and urbane gentleman last Wednesday. lie is commercial traveller for Messrs. C. W. Garrett & Co., of Enfield, N. C., dealer in native wines and champagnes. Dur ing his short stay in our city he made many warm friends. I»rl!6o I>rlll. The drill of the Athens Guards for the prize plume will take place at Deuprec Ilall to-merrow night. Revival. There is a deep interest manifested in the meetings now in progress at Oconee Methodist Church, and many new converts are handing in their names to swell the list of this rapidly growing and favorite church. Important to tile T»ul»llo. Arthur Evans, practical watchmak er and jeweller. of Athens is now pre pared after having made ^rrangnieiits with the Southern Ex ore.—company, to receive and deliver Lee of express charges, watches of all kinds to par ties living on the line and in vicinitv of Northeast and Georgia Railroad. Charges for repairing as low as x-an lie thine in the United Slates. Just Opened. - 800 French Mar- alli-s vests from S2 to 83 at Stern’s Clothing Emporium. X7o-fcico "fco "fclio Fiablio- * M e hereby notify the public that V have appointed Messrs. M. G. & «Cohen ot Athens, Ga., >o'.u Agents i Northeast Ga., Jbr our celebrated les ol Gentlemen’s Dress and Isiness Suits. The public are titioned against imitations as the (terial we use in the manufacture Ootir goods is always the best in the ^•ket. ITamherslougii Bkoiiieils. —A Canadian firm are endeavor ing to get an order filled in Charles ton, W. Va, for 2,000,000 feet of sawed lumber, to be used for lock gates of the Welland canal. The order was sent South on account of th-j great dimensions of some of the pieces, there being no trees, suffi ciently large for tiic purpose in Can ada. Keep your lied kool and your feet dry, and hrclite thru youre nose as mui h as possible. A Connecticut debating society is asking, “ Is it wrong to cheat a law ycr ?’’ Perhaps not, lmt isn’t custom ary. When you grease your boots use mutton tallo, injun rubber, and rosin biled together. Be kind to your mother-in-law and if couveuyant pay her board at some good hotel False Impression.—It is gencrcUy supposed by a certain class of citizepg, who are not practical or experienced, that Dyspepsia can not. invariably be cured, but we are pleased to say- that Green’s August Flower has-n^ver, to onr knowledge, failed to cure Dyspepsia amt Liver Complaint in all its forms, such as Sour Stomach, lie was Costiveness, Sick Headache, palpita tion of the Heart, low spirits,.&o., «&c. Out of 30,000 dozen bottl&s sold. last rear, not a single failure war--report ed, but thousands of complimentary letters received from Druggists-, of wonderful cures. Three-closes will relieve any case. Try. it,. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular. Size 75 cents. For sale by It Ti Brumby & Co., Athens, Ga. U ew York, March 1st, 1877. splendid mohair business suit for $ at Stern’s Clothing Emporium. en’s Wax Brogans, 81 to 81 75, at John W. Nicholson & Co’s SI Store, Deupree Building. •lie.-*’ and Misses’ New port Ties, Of-iylcs,) at John W. Nicholson 's. On exhibition the best French cas- simere pantaloons for 85. Stern’s Clothing Emporium. w Hats—just received, at John WIN"iciioi.90N A Co’s, Deupree B ies’ and Misses* Foxed Boots, ails styles, at John W. Nicii- Co’s. 2Toiice. All jktsou.' indebted to the estate of Isaac Thrasher, deceased, late of Oe *ucc county, will ]dea.-e come forward aud settle at ouee. Those holding claim* against said deceased, will pre-- sent them ia urniier form of law. 1>. E. Trash m, Executor.. April 19, 1^77. april24w6l.. M adison sheriff sale.—win be-wid; belore the Court-House door, in Duniels- viile, Madison county, Georgia, on first Tuesday in Juue, it bei. g the 5th day of the mouth,, withiu tiie legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Niuety-lour acres, of land, mure or less, being situate and tying in the couuty aforesaid and joining tbje lands of McElrov, Strickland aud others, suid land being tbe property of Sallio Meadows, levied on to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Nest Chandler, Tax-Collector of said county. Also, at the same tim». and place,* one bun dred and fifty acres of Laud, being situate and tying in county aforesaid and joining the lands of Mrs. Sarah Yerby, J. D. Matthews, and others, said land being the property of J. H, and W.J. Matthews, levied on to sitisfy »tax' NtCitOLSON & Co’s, fl. fa. issued by Neal Chandler, Tax-Collector of said con ty, notice having beeu served on tenants in possession and levies made and returned to me hy J. C. Kirk, L. C\. of said county. J. \V, Kirk, Sheriff. „ apnU4-ftw, Lucas & Warm, Athens, Ga., have a first-class Naw» Yjork, Tailor, ami make up hantt&ome suits at low prices. See their elegant- Suitings and Ftirnishing goods. Hamnierslaugh’s Scotch,. English and French Biisiness Suits,. ip large variety and at low prices, now on ex hibition at M. G; J. Cohkx.% Ath ens, Ga. Kip, Harness, Side. Lave and Sole Leather, ah John W. Njcholson & Co’s. TnK.vsti’s Consumptive Cure.— Sure cure- for consumption, bronchi tis, coughs, croup, colds, aud all lung affections.. Restores lost voice, etc Ca 1 at Dr. Ed. Smitll.’s drug store* Dr. King’s old stand; and get a trial bottile for 50 cents. Large size 81 50. A full stock of Haninterslaugh’s Elegant Dress ami Business Suits for .sale- at low prices by M. G. &. J. Cohen. Shoo Lasts, Boot Trees, Pegs, Awls* aud a general assortment of shoe-findings, at John W. Nicholson & Coi’s, Deupree Building. Gents’Fine* Hand-sewed Box-toe— Prince Albert’s and Oxford Ties—just received at John W. Nicholson & Co’s, Ladies and Misses’ Cloth Gaters, from 90c, to $2 25, at John W. Hammerslaugh’s GenuinO' Diaganol Coats and Yosts Jk J. Cohen’s.