The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, May 08, 1877, Image 1
f UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA LIBRARY VOL. 5. NO. ^3. '■ T * ;M»*I • 8:! I i* * AfPHHNS, I trEORG I A, MAY-8, i877. |.o* : " *Ir vT - OLD &£klES, VOL: 1 $6 Tv. It z.a.w Notices. James It. Lyle, Alex. S. Envis, Athens. JJMOKY 8PEEU, ‘ ATTORNEY AT T-AVf, atuens/ga. illlt-ly Office No*, -t ami 5 Court-House. J !-8. DOHTCIh ATTORNEY AT LAW, X'arncsville, Gc. apl8-1878-tf JACKWOX TIIO.MAK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Athens, Ga. Office SumUi West Cstroe* of Collet;©. Avenue and CiavM Street, also at the Court House. AH parties Jcsiriiij; Criminal Warrants, can get them a', any time by applying to the County Solicitor at this office. dccl6-1874-tf jpt 1>. IIIL.E, A-rfOIJNEY - *J LA#J{ j { Athens, Ga. Prompt attention given to all business and the same reapectfully solicited. janll-ly 1‘opk Harrow. gnrrow iiroN., Lyle Watkinsvijlc. | J YLE &JGHWJN, mroMEWlAi 1 f «V'il»»»fcti<!<>#party^hit%..-the , Court ot Oconee County, nud attend promptly ! to all business intrusted to their care. jan9-Sm. CHILDRES S JUBILEE. G r*oid Caiaais Secoiid K xc oon, COLLEGE AVENUE. The best Cincinnati! Lager llcer, Cigars and all kinds of Liquors sold cheup decl8«ly. FOR XASll. E. s I). C. Harrow, Jit. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Athens, Ga. Office over Tulmadge, Hodgson & Co. junt'ly E. TIIUAHIIEH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Watklnsville, Gn. Office in former Ordinary’s Office. janS6-1876-ly Tocoa City, Ga. Highest cash price paid for cotton. Agent for tVinship’s Gins und Press. oc20-t&7o-tf r£t A. ltiKlt, Wa.-fcc3aw*3KMT& ■Jmvre&mrji At Michael’storc, nextdoorto Reaves & jAch- oUon’s, Broad street, Athene, Gcoigia. All work warranted 12 month*. septl2-4f. Stern eft S«.ulter. Wlioloaalo and Zlatatl. On Wednesday evening at the time ; appointed by the managers of the jCSiildreu’s Jtj^UeC^^old college grounds was teeming with children of all ages, from the little cherub in its perambulator to the youth just merging into manhood or woman- reception. Parents, guardians and friends were in attendance, and threw oft* for the time the restraints of business and the cares of the house- lipid to devote themsfclves to the enjoyment of the little ones, and right well did they succeed. Swings were interspersed through out the grounds and liberally patron ized by the little ones. The first in the order of exercises came the p G. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office over Post-Office Athena, Ga. _fchs.l«5-tf FRANK IIAURALSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cleveland, Ga. Dealers in Wines, Whiskies, Lager Beer, Ale, Gin and Cigars. Sign of the I3ig Barrel BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. F. F. TALMADE, —DEALER IN— American and Imported Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, XAxusdoal lartarnmaata, GSraxua, Fiertola, Etc. WATCUES, CLICKS AND JEWELRY RE PAIRED IN A NEAT, WORKMAN LIKE MANNER, '.rnamrutal and Plain LttUr Engraving Specially. BSOAS STEBET, e:t door lien Lucis t War*, aug-11 1875-41-tf. JOHN W- OWEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tocoa City, Ga.’ Will practice in all the counties of the West ern Circuit, Hart and Madison of the Northern iiv , —... Circuit. Will give sqiceial attcnion to all claims j)rv Goods, call and see their entrusted to his care. oct20-1875-ly. „ liadies Dress Goods, Lucas & Ware, Athens, Ga., Are now 0|>cning their usual stock of elegant SACK RACE. Some fifteen youthful aspirants entered this contest. From the waist to the feet they were enclosed in a sack, their hands bound behind them, and in this fettered condition they were required to run some on^„hun- dred and fifty feet. At the signal, (the tap of the drum,) they were to start, and the or e reaching the goal first, was to receive the provided prize, viz: a ball and hat. The sig nal being given, down the course they came. A fair start befog ”* V. ol'cuL- *1' g! . r.! ~1 fessioq, .ana as a mnmpul tor ot au- tomatoilPr'he is att fait. Tlic little ones Implied, chuckled aud crowed at the fifedike actions of “ Punch and Judy,*’ and we have no doubt, carried home with them impressions which wTll last for years of the won derful p^rfor^nauces of^ these tilliph- This' entertainment' com pleted, *4sojher hurrah was now soundod^more fun at tin? Library Buildfo<£f^ With a grand rush, all the crowd—children, parents, nurses and guardians—adjourned to witness NEWTON AND DAVIS’ GRAND EXHIBIS TION. ‘‘ This exhibition was well patronized, bat the' fact* that these two enter-, prising tganagers prefer “darkness rather thftn light,” was somewhat perplexing at first to their youthful audience,^ but all doubts were re moved on presentation of the first picture, and the laughter and shouts of applause which greeted each-suc cessive picture, was a sufficient guar antee of the excellence of the exlif- bitioo. ft Fftise is due these gentle men for )he enjoyment which their cntertaipjlfent afforded. bme. .ion Of animals here neMls extensive as we Mill, it was varied attract the attention of ou the grounds. The Prince Hodgson, with intreDidity which char- familiar with wild tered the den A. II. STEPHENS’ VIEWS. • • 1 -*1*'• l , ir*llf Lamar Cobb. IIowell Cobb. r & II. COBB. Li ATTORNEYS ’<Iffieo i lVb22-I876-ly AT LAW, Athens, Ga i Dctipree Building, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Cravats, Hand kerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs Embroidery, l.amar Shawls, Jackets, Ac., Ac., extreme—hopping, skipping, jump ing, tumbling and rolling, amidst the cheers of the throng which almost deafened the music of the band, these youthful contestants came. The race resulted in the favor of Master Jeff*. McCleskey, and we congratulate our The contained;, have enough.' every keej The Veteran Georgian on Old and New Parties and tlie President'* Policy. '[Washington .Special N. Y. Herald.] Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, thdngli for many months an invalid, is- fctnv enjoying tfifir health ntidiis able to ride out daily, rerrmrning jiv his carriage for several hours. His| attention had been directed to the subject of “new lines of departure,” and he remarked that he was struck witli the expressions of the Secretary of the Navy in regard to the old Whig principles. The question being asked whether he thought the signs ef the times indicated the formation of a new party out of the more con servative elements of the existing political organizations, Mr. Stephens replied; “ I do not sec anything to warrant the belief that a new party is likely to be formed, or that the old Whig party will be revived. The old Whig party is functus officio, though its principles are daily being vivified in the acts of the new administration. Issues and principles make parties. A new party must have for its foun dation a permanent issue. It must have time and development for its formation, and as our public questions stand to-day, I do not see upon what men could unite to form a new party. A party cannot he manufactured to order any more than a government. The Mexicans tried the latter experi ment and signgllv failed. The itmgthema peculiar habits. Two baby foxes, born in captivity, were the most attractive features in the collection. The various wells disseminating delicious lemonade, the bountiful tables of all manner of delicacies, and young friend for the bard earned honors which he received. j the fair dispensers in attendance, The next prominent feature was a! were by no means an unimportant I similar contest for all under fourteen | feature on this memorable occasion, Giezi o*s.s S i— 0 f aire< ru ] os and regulations j and we would comment somewhat tlnj efficient management of l LEX. 18. EIIWIN, A attorney at law, Athens, Gn. office on Broad Str.-c-t, between Center A Nich olson and Orr A Co., up-stairs. Ieb22-ls:t!-ly \ M. COCIIHAN, iLTTOKITE'Y" AT LAW, Gainesville, Gn. Real Estate and General Land Agent for the purchase and sale of Mineral and Farming Lands in Hall, and the other eomiticsot North- east Georgia. Mineral ores tested and titles to nronertvinvestigated. Special attention gi\cn ,n the purchase and sale of citv property. mayi—6m J. N. DORSEY. Attorney. SHUHYG. MoCUHBY, examine our stock. npril3-St. LUCAS A WARE. Attomoy a-b Law, Hartwell, Gf.okoia, Will practice in the Superior Courts of North east Gcoigia and Supreme Court ut Atlanta. Aug 8. 1876 tf Millinery & fancy Goods OVLISS C- ^-A-dVriEJS | lias just received djfct from New York a chaste and beautiful ass rimcnt ot pattern hats, which will he opened 1 the inspection of her Tliis friends ail patrons j On Wednesday and Tliuriy, April 11th and 1-Jlli COinm.lIH Also a clioiee stock oill the Novelties of the season, consisting of ak Ties, Lace Bibbs, Kuching*, Back CombsJowers, Ribbons, Orn aments, Jewelry, etc. Hal Hair Switches at Cost. Strict attention)veil to orders. Only the best all silk inatcriped in trimming. An ! early call is solicited hi I * T/tlcSG- p-^larES, ap3-3m j Atneiis, or free trade, have no cohesive potter. You could never form a party upon such a basis as that. It might be an important appendage of a campaign, but you cannot nationalize it, so to slpeak. No; sir, 'there is but one issue pending, and that is home rule.. Com ing l&clrto the Jeffersonian doctrine, theBe may he some who are disappoint ed at the turn matters have taken; some who are still in the woods who tuny at first be inclined to oppose and condemn the President’s course, but, in my opinion, formed upon a knowl edge of the Southern people, that op position will be short-lived. I look for on almost unanimous support of the Administration by the Democracy throughout the country, and especially on the part of our southern delegations in Congress. For this reason I do not think there will be any effort made to organize the House on any other than existing nominal party denominations. I think it would be impolitic for the real supporters of the administration to attempt any such divergence at thi*. time, but they should remain steadfast in carrying out the pacification policy according to the expressed convictions of the President.’’ Allusion being made to the Presi dent's feeling annoyed at the charge of deserting his colors, Mr. Stephens con tinued : ** Well, I can sympathize with him in that trouble, for I know what it is to be charged with being a traitor to your party and to your country. But when men think they are right, and act from heartfelt convictions, **—’e remamivfrt-leaat, the consolation of Knowing tliai'he believeshe is do ing right. President Ilayes has no uncertain knowledge of the duty he has been called upon to perform, and if he finds his friends press him too closely, he can appeal from the new to the old republicans, as Burke, in Ira masterly letter, in a most impor tant crisis in Englang, appealed from the new to the old wliigs. There can he no doubt of the result of such an appeal. The south would hear it as a unit, and the conservation element of the north would respond in solid columns.” THE COMING SESSION. could not he more of an anti-slavery j The withdrawal of the troops from a grand (success, and we congratulate j man 1,1 I"** sentiments than was Presi- ! South Carolina and Louisiana having The sack race being concluded, the j ah interested, and echo the heartfelt I dent Jt ‘ ffersoM ’ But lhat issue is dis:u " ,ed lho democrat* in ■very child present, that the j will soon be repeated. rules and regulations j , ,i />>. .i • , i years Ot age, rules nun lt-^uiiiuuiis j and Seotcii Smtinpa, and Gfntlemen’s Furnish- - . c ° inj; Goods Generally. snitsinade to order by a ail d prize same us in the former coil- j upon I Boya’ aud^cuiw^tfu test. Quite a number entered tins ! some of )he beauties who had charge i Ctoihipu£t%t*a? C ti£e^ r ™c , e ?. 1 contest, and after an exciting race, | of this part of the jubilee, but being Trade from a distance policitcd and parties j Willie Xicholson was declared aware of their horror of seeing their coming to Athena to bp goods will plenst ! i .1 ...... . ’ tlvc victor. May you be as successful,! names lh print, we forbear. All in Willie, in all your attempts in after j «H» houWer, the entertainment was life government, everybody knows Ts a failure, and this reminds me that the President is a Jeffersonian Republican in his political views.” PRESIDENT HAYES’ POSITION. Your correspondent suggested to Mr. Stephens that President Ilayes felt annoyed at the insinuations made by some of the Radical leaders that he was not standing by his party, when the truth was that Mr. Hayes had been a life-long advocate of the anti-slavery cause, and had no idea of surrendering his principles. Mr. Stephens continued : “ Ho next feature introduced was l he MULLIGAN GUARDS. This was the feature of the occasion, xcellcnt organization, under of a prominent military genius well known in our city, was escorted from their “ armory” by Burns’ Cornet Band, and marched all over the campus to music espe cially adapted to the occasion. Th« pl.-mdits of the vast audience wish ot ! occasioi forever dead, and he has now to deal with a living issue—the pacification of the South and the establishment To llije Farmers of Georgia. | of home rule ill the Southern States. Depar ment of Agriculture, Atlanta, Ga., May 3, 1877. In vi av of the war in Europe, and w It. LITTLE, attorney at law, Curncsvillc, Gn. apl8-lS78-tl A. OTSSS*® 3 ?® CARPS. A. WINN, —WITH— GROOVER. STUBBS & CO, TT.— _ * i mid the many comments upon their | K66p yOUr ItUBy S,t Homs . J excellent appearance, was a sufficient I keep on hand, at arfnca, a pood supply of | evidcnce that the „ Cap „ k , )ew , lis '• J XtSO’U.ldiaS^Hudi Cls,ss, business, and that the guards knew *1 and everythin); neeesj and can frame Pictnres I tho “Cap. We presume that now, As low as theftn he framed in j while Pining this disjointed report - -* J If f jef W.'e. jhjjilee, 4^my a little one is :>iJt pive-vonc- rgeiting. ip^gloiyiug terms the grand ta-konsctfbnl - ^ ^ That, sir, is the living issue of to-day; hut I do not say that it will be likely their op position to tho army appropriation bill, the question was asked, what subject was their likely to arise at the coining session that would agitate the members Mr. Stephens said ho did not know the pre table scarcity and high prices j party.” to demand the formation of a new ; of but one subject. There might be a Colton Factor* nn.Hicmrul ConimUMoti Merchant... Savannah, Gn. or elsewhere in tlf‘ :o - > Doi orders appduraRce-Aff thelMulligan Guards. The uniforms of this company were rich rriaeed^ anil we regret that they did not have, a. dress parade, which, we utidemto'dj thej !ntended. How ever, they covered themlelves with I Full for t ^OjJTS And Girls* The grand parade of the Mulligans HiswtH give me a trial. 1_ money than you 111 Atlanta, besides saving your lreigr 1 • tronblg, It is poor poliev to send yof’ B ®y 1° people who are Tie*, Rope aud other supplies.fur- j dorn^nll uished. Also, libfcr#l Wh ■ adwee* trtffiewj tt I uotice > and *at^fa,t|on consignment* for rale or shiptnent to Liv iri ool ^ \ ■ l T.'a. BUR1&, or Nortl/orn ]>orts. ina} 30 ISA u j s febl8 . tf Jrkseller and Stationer. AltTStTR Practical Watchmaker, ^rktonHA Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry ' ARTHUR EVAN i cheap at may23 tf. T1VERY AND SALE STABLE. Carrlnucs, Kuenrlcs horecs fcr hire. Term. rea g“ n ^ v;,nTKH EAD, Washington, Wilkes county, Ga. ■jov26-187.Vtf RKE’S B06ksT0BE. ice I All persoms < Idea to hunt, or other wise trespass o id: Said projerty heine-* near Forminct aud adjoining the land of J. J- Brandi feb20-2t. JOHN WHITLOW. titatic iyq%ng^*-^\ »isiiei a shout to witness the grand spectacu lar drama of PUNCH AND JUDY. Thu manager of this extravaganza* certainly showed himself to be a “ Prince” in his newly adopted pros of brea .stuff's and low price of cotton which will prevail, I again respect fully fdvisc that you will, by every means) in your power, increase the area panted in provision crops. I suggel checking your fields of cotton with lorn in rows fifteen to twenty feet aiart, one hill at every intersec tion. j Wiih fair seasons, this will very largely increase the product of corn, without a corresponding decrease of tlm.ccttoiL • , I farther suggest .the planting of tiie sjubblc fields in peas so soon as the wheat and oats shall have been harvested. Pay special attention to the raising every pound of pork possible. Take care of the pigs. ‘ t These suggestions are not designed to alarm or to create a sensation. A toorel to the wise is sufficient. “ A prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself, .but the simple pass on and are punished.” Very respectfully, Thomas P. Janes, Comissioner of Agriculture. “ Let us look at the question as it presents itself now. The Jeffersonian idea was the reserved rights of the States in administering their internal lively debate upon the proposition to insert a proviso restricting the use of the funds similar to that adopted by the house at its last session. He had noticed several weeks ago that there affairs, while the action of the Federal was a disposition on the part of a government is to be confined to its ■ prominent republican journal to ad- limited restrictions, aud it is upon that j voeate this restriction, and if such a platform that President Hayes has j clause was propose:!, lie did not sec squarely planted himself. With him are the people qf the. South, who have been longing for the time when they would be allowecLto govern themselves without the intervention of Federal authority. In the North there ar,e, doubtless, a vast number of the mem-, hers of the old Whig party whose judg ment approves of t|ie action of the President. The name of the organiza tion is. immaterial., Principle is the oply thing essential, and while the great question of the hour is hom^ rule, it is not important whether. the’ sup porters of the President’s policy call themselves Republicans or Democrats. Upon no other question can we have anything like unity.” TEMPORARY I8SUES. “ Temporary issues, such as the tariff that the president would have any cause for complaint. That was the only point for debate likely to cause differences worth mentioning.’’ Here is a . characteristic American isin which eyerv one will recognize, lie was in the company of some of- those who fought in the late war. He had jfist related a little experience of his own. The landlord inquired, “What position did you hold, sir?” lie answered, “ I was ouly a private.’ The next day a receipted bill was hand ed to him with these words, “ You need not pay a dollar for your ente r- tainment at my hotel, sir, for you are the ouly private I ever heard of. The rest have all been officers of th e highest rank.”