The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, May 08, 1877, Image 2
T1IE ATHENS GEO RIGAN : MAY 8, 1877. Kissed by a Mistake. BY «. A. AV. “ Will you be at home to«’ght, Mary?” And the speaker, a tall, muscular, well- lookin'* farmer, reddened to the roots of his hair,ns though he tad committed some very wicked act instead of asking a simple question. He was bashful, extremely so, was James Brown, at least in the presence of Indies, and most of all, in the society of the girl he loved. How he contrived to approach Mary Williams on the subject of his prefer ence for her, probably remains as much a mystery to himself as it is to others. •Tame? was worth in a worldly way more than nnv of her suitors; good- looking and intelligent enough to satisfy anyone hut an over-fastidious |>erson. “Mother is going over to Aunt Km’s to spend the evening, and wants me to go; but I won’t. I’ve been working on hither’s shirts all day, besides doing the dairy work, and am as tired as I can l>c; so they will have to do with out me. Don’t come until 8 o’clock ; I shall lie through putting things to rights then, and will let you in.’’ Of course Janies so far forgot his hashfnlness as to petition for a good bye kiss, which was peremptorily re fused. “ No I shan’t! think 1 didn’t see yon fidgeting round Sarah Jones yes terday? I’ve not forgotten that, sir!” “Now, Maty ’’ But th? appeal was broken cfl by a tantalizing little laugh, and as he sprang forwad to take a pleasant re venge on his tormentress, she slipped away, and ran up the path to the house, where he saw her wave her hand as s'ij disappeared within the kitchen porch. And then he turnd from the gate, and took the road homeward. Tlie tea-things had lieen car red out, the table set hack agnintt the wall, and Mary’s work-land drawn up in front of the blazing fi re. Marv was sewing and thinking how she could tell her mother she exjieeted a visitor. She would have given the world to bi able to say, in an ner, that she c.v|iectc drop in about eight. “ I shall not. dare to tell her; she’ll lie sure to think I wished to get her out of the way, so I might have James all to myself, and I should never hear the last of it ’’ And, like a wi-o little puss, she was silent. You would not have wondered at our young farmer’s enthralment, if you could have seen Mary Williams as she sat by the fireside that cold No vember evcniig A neatly fitting, dark calico, with the new look still on it, n fiesli linen collar, and tasteful black silk apron. These were the chief items of Mary’s toilet; hut she looked as tweet and dainty in her plain dress as if hours had been spent in donning laces and jewels. Eight o’clock and past. Mrs. Williams was dozing in her chair—her-hailow on the wall Indited about in grotesque mimicry as she his hands in his overcoat pockets, won dering if Mary had fallen asleep, and every now and then giving the door a rap by way of variation. In her harry, Mrs. Williams forgot to take the candle, and as she stepped out in the little front entry, the sitting mom door slammed after her. She found herself in the embrace of a stout pair of arms, a whiskered face in dose proximity to "her own, and before she could think about the strangeness of her situation, she re ceived a prolonged kiss—a hearty smack—full upon her lips. “Oh! ’Tian’t Obadiah, neither!’’ She had by this time divested her self of the impression that it was her usually sober spouse, who must have come home in an unusually excited condition thus to indulge in such an unwonted expression of affection. “ Get out! Get out, 1 say ! Who are you ? Murder! Thieves! Mary, come here! Here’s a man kissing me like mail! ” But the intruder had discovered his m’stake—it did not need the indignant pummelling and scratching of the lady’s vigorous fist to cause hint to relinquish his hold and fly as if pursued by some indignant ghost. Mary, nearly choking with smoth ered laughter, in spite of her trepida tion, now came to her mother’s rescue. “ I never was so frightened in all my life? Who could it lie? Mary, have you any idea ? ” But that dutiful daugliter was, to all apjiearances, imucent as a dove. She soothed the old lady by repre senting that it might have lieen one of the neighbors, who, having drank too much, had mistaken the house and 1 the housewife. She searched the entrv fur the miss lie would shake his fat sides at j Janies’ discomfiture, and his wife’s j tart replies, and Mary would- join him, and both would laugh until the ; tears ran down their cheek* •** “Never mind,” Jim,’’ Mrs. .Wil- j Hams would say, consolingly. f “ Let! bite laugh. He’d have been only too glad to have been in your plaee^ .twen ty years ago. He had to work to get a kiss from me then. And JfjtTope it will lie a lesson to you and Mary agiu the impolicy of concealment and such underhand doings of all sorts ” Vas Bunder Henspecked ? Any shentleman vot vilLgo round pehind your face, und talk in front of your hack apout a nncthings, vas a shvindler. I beared dot Brown says veek petore next apout me I vas a j henspecked huspnud. Dot*vas a lie! j De proof of de eating vas iu depud-1 dings: I am married twenty year j already, mid I vas yet not paffd-headed j I don’t vas oonder some' *f>fcttygo.-its ! goferaments; shtill I tiuks it vas pet- j ter if a feller vill insult nift - his vile und got her advices a]>ont somethings or order. Dem American voinans don’t know Rock Bottom Prices. WORKING ON A CASH BASIS. ? Hkaiujuarthrs for GRAIN, MEAT AND •//. -j/. •//. -/r. -/u -JX'/r. sn -/r. js- -Jr. -ja wj*. uk /r.-Jf. -Jr. va sk -ja vr. -Miim -jrsj/i'jr. vr. wi~/r. -Jn ** sFLOUR DEPOT] somethings uefer about his huspan’s **********>™**«va«r.jr.xnjr.-jr-jr.jnjnunjnjnjj. -Jnjj. peesness, mid veil dem hart times . comes iu de house, dot make not • I some tifference mit her. &htill she moost have vone of dot pull-pauk-iii. de-front-hoop skirts-petty-goats mit every kind trimmings. Booty soon dot liu-pant gets ]>aiikrupted all to pieces. Dey send for de doctor; und vheihjje doctor comes de-man dies. J,)cii dat voitiaus vas opiiged to mar ry mit anoder man vot she don’t maype like mit four or six shildrciis, on account of his first vifo already, mid possidily vone two mrtdders-bv- PLAIN AND FANCY B WORK. REOUeTlOK IN PRICES. Mine Secured the Services ^ FIRST-CLASS Of iny .“l>ectaelcs, dropped iu the scuffle; law—vone .sceoitd.-handcil, und do rearranged the rumpled cap-border ; i “d'ler a shtepmtiddcr-.oum)aw. Den wound up the tangled yarn ; stirred the j sl, c says “‘it hcr^H “I 0 fcu visit ai veil the world to JJ*h» luuLA'nc off'lmruls.P iiinn- JffvJ instead* of cJ Mr. Brown to another nap, 6he fire—all in the most amiable manner possible—and at length had the satis- dot I vas dead a little.” Now if a Chermnit.H goes dead, dot faction of seei g her mother subside I don’t make a pit of tifference. into the chair with her accustomed I pod tranquility. But Mrs. Williams was fully awake now. -had4 liowlHlc—in for—heiRd j irt >m i n Hirthiijpii^.niiilV'1 X • J. ..e gertjing, for" nmhs vas a tiffersiiee kind |H)ily vould hardly kno i mape liimself Ilis vife .4 peesness on sliust like ^ j happened to somepQdyv^ No- eept le nodded to and fro, and her fat hands J Mary?’’ lay listlessly in her iap, and her ball of yarn had rolled out upon the hearth, and puss was busy converting it into knots. And just then came a double iap at the door—so loud, so sudden, so self- assured, that Mary started (up with a tittle shriek, and set her foot on the cat’s tail, who, in turn, gave voice to her amazement and displaesure. The coni bind noise aroused Mrs. Williams, and, starting into an erect posture, she rubbed her eyes, settled her cap bonier, and exclaimed: “Bless , ray soul, Mary! What was that? Somebody at the door? Who can be coining at this time of night?’’ “It is not late, mother—only a little after eight. I’ll go and see who it is,” •aid Maty, demurely, taking the can dle from the table. “No. You wind up my ball, and sweep up the hearth, while I go to the door,* said the old lady, whose feet were struggling in the meshes of the unravelled yarn. “ Drat that cat!” And all this time James was stand ing on one foot in the cold porch, with nap, she pursued the train of thought and her knitting at the same time with wonderful tapidity. At length stopping, and looking keenly at Mary, she said : “ I suppose it’s a queer notion of mine, Mary, but I’ve au indistinct idea that that man was Jim Brown.’’ If’ Mary’s face did not file up then ! You might have lit a candle hy i'J These incipient symptoms did not escape the wary inquisitor. “ ’Bears so to me, ’cause those big whiskers were so much like liis’n, and the awkward way he gripped me with hi3 great paws.” Mary was wonderfully busy. She bent over her work, and threw the needle through so rapidly that the thread snapped, and then she was so engaged in threading her needle again, that she didn’t have time to answer. “I don’t think that kiss was meant for me, after all. Wonder who it was intended for? And I wonder if you don’t know something about it, “Me, mother?” “Yes, you Mary. You was mighty anxious to get me and father off to Aunt Em’s ibis evening, hut I noticed you were dressed up extraordinary, for all you weren’t going. Mary, I’m getting old, I know it; but I haven’t lost my eyes : ght yet. I’ve heard some thing about this between you and James Brown. What are you playing that game for ? Out with it, I say.’’ Our little schemer thus adjured, made a “ clean breast ” of the whole matter, much relieved to find that mother “ hadn’t -nothing agin him,’’ and would “give father a talk about it, and bring him all around on the sub ject.” “But, Mary, I want yon to tell Jim I’d rather he wouldn’t make such a mistake agin. I don’t like the feel of his big whiskers about my face I don’t approve of promiscuous kissing.” James never heard the last of that blunder Old Williams used to delight in re hearsing the story whenever all parties nt crested happened to be present. For iiishtinct, last year dqt^-mtfTol- ler, Mr. Brown, goes mit me in de putelier bevsnesa togedor. He vas American man—so vas his vife. Veil, many time vlien eferv peohles lias got de panic pooty bad, do t omans comes to her huspant und says she moost have money. I)en she goes out rid ing mil a carriage. Voiiee oil a time. Brown savs to me, “ Bender. I vouldu’t le liens- p* ekedSo he vent off und got hiun-cif tight—sliust because his vife tells him, hleasc don’t do dot. Den he sits down on his hack mit de floor, und if I am not dere not time he never vould go home. Yeti, dot night, me und iny vife,! vc had a little talk apout somethings; und <le next tay I says to Brown, “ Look here vonsi! My vife she makes sausages, und vork in dot slitore; j also my laughter she vorks py the slitore urd makes headsdeeses; und your vife vas going out riding all do time mit de horse-ear, und a| patent- j tied-paok-cardinal slitripod Ishtocl ings. Now your vife moost *<» vork in de slitore and out peel'shteq;s, und make sauer-kraut, or else ve divide not equally any more dot profits.** Veil, Brown goes home tin4 tells his vife ajiout dot. Den she (ootnes pooty quick mit Brown arouiil, und ve had a misunderstanding, apout something, in vhieh eferypodyVook a part, including my leetle dog Kaiser, Pooty soon up comes a po!ic«mans und arrests us for breeches of promts to keep de pieces, und assaulting de battery, or somethings. Den de firm of Bender & Brown vas broke up. I go about my peesness, und Brown goes mit liis peesness. My vife she helps in de shtorc. His vife goes riding mit de horse-cars, und efry night she van by de theatre.' Vot’s de gonsequcnces ? Along comes dot Centennial panic. Dot knocks Brown more higher as two kites, by chimminyj My income vas shtill titore as my outcome. But Brown, he goes ’roun 1 dot slircets mit liis hands out of his pocket, und lie don’t got a cent to liis back.— Scribner n s Monthly. t . i Competition Invited From-all Quartets. Reular Bulldozers Against 'High Prices, ' e \ Cash A gainst-Time! x AND CASH ALWAYS WINS. COME AND SEE HOW WE CAN SELL GOODS. • i Talmadsre, Hodgson & Co. AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. «> i u V *1// * NESW AR.R.jaLlSTOBMEI3\rT. Slates deduced to $3 per Day. HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I enter upon its management hy Reducing Rates, and asking of the Travel ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a continn a lice of that liberal support they have always given it. D’. FORMERLY OF CIIARLliTOX, PROPRIETOR. JOB PRINTER, We are enabled to tun out as good work as can be (lone IN THE STATE. We call the attention of all our citi zens to the following Price List: Bill Heads, per Thousand. : Assorted. Canary Colored Envelops, Furnished to Merchants and Business Men, with their cards printed on them, At $3 PER THOUSAND. LETTER HEADS, juii‘23 fun $4 50 to $5 Per Thousand. OAIFUDS, Common 75cper Hundred. STANDARD FERTILIZERS ll ~ ANP ~ ! THE EARTH MADE TO GIVE FORTH TS RICHES sotosspcrTnonamd. Fancy Work Proportionately Higher, VISITING CdEDS, BLANKS, NOTES, the a.-hes develop- j Experiments lmve demonstrated that of the ten Mineral Dements whijconstitiite •k- ! of plants, the presence of end. and every one is essential to their perteen-owth and meut; and, as crops extract them annually, no land eati ha permanently te|u UNLESS THEY HE RESTORED TO HE SOIL ket. KecN>i»iizini{ the importune.. *.r this interest to oiq seer'* 1 .. • Agency of the following old und Standard Fertilizers, w„ieTi the formers iJnvited to call, in spect and price before buying elsewhere: OLD CAROLINA STONO SOLUBLE GUJO, SAM AN A GUANO, CHESAPEAKE GANO, PALMETTO ACID, STONO ACID P\SPHATE, CHESAPEAKE AMMONIATED ALKALINE PHPHATES. COTTON OPTION FIFTEEN CENTS. Hunter, febI8-3m ■T nt. THE ATHENS OFFICE FOB THE SALbF Singer Sewing Maeine Removed February 1st, 1877, to Lester’s Building, (Upstairs). Over Talmadge. THE SIJWE* 2,000,000 in Use—Sales m Excess ot all Utnei THE SI30KB HAXUFACTUBINfl COBPA3T, O. H. HOPS, AGENT, AUGUSTMU. Ask your neighbors which Machine is the best; then buy th?er. J. B. Toomer, Agent for Singer Sewing Mnes, Lester’s Building, (Upstairs,) Athens, Georg joty.4.iy. Peters, Circulars, Handbills, Pamphlets, etc., Printed in any color desired, and as cheap as can be .done in the State. GIVE US YOUR ORDERS, - SAVE MONEY, And get good work, and sustain a home institution. Call at the ATH ENS GEORGIAN office, Froad street, A thens, Ga.