Newspaper Page Text
Latest Dispatches.
Bntoiiut, in which the Russians were
rep\i!s$*A t^tli n ifcssrVf SOO^was re- j
sume<l ic-tlay.
Washington, April 27.—The pres
ident will hereafter listen to no vocal
application for office. They (mist t>e
made in writing.
It is proposed to organize a regi
ment of Indinns'wilh HpottetfTail as
colonel, to be paid and uniformed like
regular soldiers.
Cornelius Vanderbilt has employed
Scott Lord and Jerre Black in his
suit against his brother William for
*1,000,000. - •
The World’s Washington special
says: “Governor Kellogg still re
mains here, and will contest the elec
tion ofSpofford as Senator from Lou
isiana. The report of the committee
on elections as agreed on last session,
was in his favor, and he seems to
think he can pass it through the sen
W. siiiNGTox, April 27.—The fol
lowing circular has been sent to all
United States depositories:
United States Treasury, |
Washington, April 21, 1877. j
In your charactcrasaUnited States
depository you are requested to re
deem, in currency, or by certificate
of deposit, payable in subsidiary sils
ver coin, in multiplies of $1,000, in
accordance with department circular
No. 43, da tod March 23, 1877, all
fractional currency that may be pre
sented to you.
Thcfractional currency so redeemed
should be forwarded as a transfer of
funds to this office in sums of $500,
or multiples thereof, at the expense
of the department, the package to be
marked on the outside wrapper, “ for
credit in account.”
A. W. Wyman, Treasurer U. S.
New York, April 28.—The an
nouncement of the failure of E. N.
Robinson «fc Co., yesterday caused
consternation in the Stock Exchange.
The firm was regarded as the wealth
iest on .the street. . No suspicion of
its solvency existed, and it had been
dealing largely up to the moment of
the announcement,
had their checks in
some received only a
Boston, April 28.—May & C.,
largest house mental and hardware
here, have suspended—liabilities,
Indians, will be in here
nine days.”
(Signed) R. C. Drum,
Assistant Adjutant Geheraj.
“ IToway, Spisy, Roliabla-* 7
The Atlanta Constitution.
Under its new management, The Atlanta
Constitution 1ms won for itself the title of the
leading journal of the south. Its enterprise,
during the recent electiou exciteuieut, in send-
T 1 * •! ot >n 1 ..1 . I ing correspondents to different portions cf the
London, April 2(.—lllC hattlc at ! country, audits series of special telegrams from
Washington while the electoral commission was
engaged in eonsumating the fraud that placed
, radicalism once more in power in our national
1 councils, are evidences conspicuous enough to
prove that uo expense will be spared to make
T ........... 1 o- »n.„ /1... I The Constitution not only a lender in the dis-
LltT.Rlool., April — 1 • 1 hc^ Coil- cussion of matters of public concern, but u
leader in the dissemination of the latest and
most reliable news. There is no better time
than now to subscribe for
A Fresh amt Vigorous Newspaper.
Albeit, there has l«een a q <(** settlement of
one of the most difficult and dangerous pro
blems of modern federal j»o!ities, the discussions
spring therefrom and the results likely to ensue
net’s London corresp<jiidont < s.1ys:
The British government has resolved i
55 . j
to interfere between Russia and Tur- .
key, Austria lias called upon Eng- !
laud to fulfil Iter engagements un
der tlie Tripartite treaty. The first
step to be demanded * from Russia
into the objects of the millitary op
erations now being undertaken.
London, May 3.—Eight thousand
Russians are expected at Bucharest
to-morrow. The Turks are burning
villages opposite Bucharest.
The declaration of a state of war
between Turkey and Roumania is
imminent. The Russians have stopped
the manufacture of gas at their Black
Sea ports, fearing canflagration in
case of bombardment. Great losses
Safety From Fires.
Millions Htf Property end Hundreds of Lives
- 1 Saved by Using
The Safety
The onfppcrfect safety match made in the world.
Awarded a Bronze medal by the Maryland In
dustriaf. Exposition. Awarded a diploma by
Northwestern, Pu., Fuir. Awarded an honor
able mention by St. Louis Fair. Exclusively
adopted by the Chicago Exposition. First pre
mium at.Vermont State Fair.
Resolution unanimously adopted, Macon, Ga.,
Nov. loth, 1875, by the Macon Board of Undcr-
Glarhe Goiairby-
iiuvelost nothing of tlieir absorbing interest.
In addition to this, the people of Georgia are
now called upon to settle
The Convention question. i
1 and in the discussion of this important subject
t in which The Constitution will take a hading
: purl) everv Georgian is interested. If a conven
tion is called its proceedings will find tlieir
earliest and fullest embodiment in the columns
of Tiie Constitution, and this fact aline will
! make the paper indispensable to every citizen ot
the state. To be brief,
The Atlanta Daily t'on-tItul:.iti
will endeavor, by all the means that the pro
gress of modern journalism has made possible
1 uud necessary to bold its place us a leader of
southern opinion anil os a purveyor of the latest
Its editorials will be thoughtful, timely
uud vigorous—calm and argumentative in their
methods and thoroughly southern and demo
cratic in tlMiir sentiments. Its news will be
fresh, reliable uud carefully digested. It will
be ullert and enterprising, and no expense will
Russian advance guard from fever i be spared to make it the medium of the latest
and fatigue are reported. .,
The Russian Council-General leaves |
Egypt Saturday. The people
Egypt seem unwilling to support
Turkey either in men or money.
The bombardment of Fort St.
Nicholas lias been resumed. Turk
ish posts 011 the Asiatic frontier have
surrendered without a blow. The
Russian advance and Turkish gun
boats arc within easy range in Rou
mania, but neither is inclined to open
The Daily Wetcs' Paris correspond- 1
cut says :t message from Vienna gives j
• the following account of the battle of j
Kars: The centre of the Russian
army, 40,000 strong, under Melikofi’, |
attacked Muhktar, five miles from j
Kars, on April 29th. The Turks;
fought desperately. The Russians, j
supported by a powerful artillery,
succeeded In dislodging them from
their position. Muhktar called out
and most important intelligence.
The Weekly Constitution.
Besides embodying everything of interest in
. the daily, The Weekly Constitution will con-
of j tain a Department of Agriculture, which will be
in charge of Mr. Malcolm Johnson, the well-
known Secretary of Georgia State Agricultural
Society. This department will be made a spe
cialty,’and will be thorough and complete. The
funner will find in it not only all the current in
formation on the subject of agriculture, but
timely suggestions and well-digested advice.
Subscriptions should he sent in at once.
Terms for tin 1 Daily :
Resolved, That we fully endorse the “ Safety
I’arlor Fusee,” manufactured by the American
Fusee Compuny, and earnestly recommend their
general use. We would especially suggest to
the eitizehs of Georgia, and to the Farmers and
Planters in particular, to supply themselves
with the Safety Mutch, os tlieir use would un
questionably result in a marked decrease in the
number of fires throughout the State.
Hundreds oftestimoniuls from private families
and others, like the following, can be furnished;
but we have only room for two:
Macon, Ga., Feb. IS, 1876.—This is to certify
that 1 have been using the American Safety
Parlor Fusees iu my hotel for the past two
months, during which time I have, by praetieul
tests, giyeiEthem a thorough trial, anil find them
more thanliqo per cent, cheaper than the com
mon friction matches. I find that one-half gross
of the Suffiy Fusees lias lasted me as long us
three gross of the common matches.
R. DUB, Proprietor Lanier House.
We heSrfilv concur iu the statement of Mr.
Dub, us it fully coincides with our experience
in the use of the Safety Fusees in our hotel.
Proprietors Brown House, Macon, Ga.
For sale by the gross, dozen or single box at
feb20-tf ‘ Athens, Gr.
C LARKE SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold 1
before the Court-house, in the city Athens,
Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in
June next, within the legal hours of sale, the
following property, to-wit: Lot No. 2-of re-
survey of lot 28, College lunds, situate west
side of Broad street, and adjoining Harrison
Campbell, and P. and J. J Thomas, containing
one-naif acre; west half of lot 6, adjoining lot
of Grandisou Thoinus; half of lot 8 ot same, on
Broad street, adjoining said lot 6; 3-4 acre lot
9, on Hearing street; 3-4 acre lot 10, on Broad
aud I’hinizy streets, anil South by Bearing
street, containing 2 1-2 acres. Plot of the whole
can be seen by culling on Sheriff. All sold by
virtue of two State and countv tux fi. fas.—one
Wiscom Hudgin, trustee of Anna Y. Hudgin,
for 1875, and one James Cumuk, trustee of
Anna Z. HudgiTi, and four others, the City of
Athens vs. W. Hudgin, trustee of Amy
Hudgin, for 1873, and one for 1874, Y. L. G.
Harris controlling said two, and two others for
1875, A. P. Hearing controlling said two.
Also at the same time and place, will be sold
1 one bull yearling, red spotted, and five ucres of
8 land, lying on Middle Oconee, near Princeton
1 Factory; contains five acres witli improvements.
These are bounded on the east and west by
Ilambriek; on the south, by Burger; West, by
Troup Akereiige, eol’d. All levied upon by
virtue of a fi. fa. from Justice’s Court, 216th
Hist.,’ G. M. S. C. Reese vs. Emanuel Jones.
All to satisfy the above stated fi. fas., April 2,
1877. J. A. Beownino, Sheriff'.
Clarlse Gouaty.
All persons indebted \> the estate of Isaac
Thrasher, deceased, late of Oconee county, will
p’ease come forward and settle at once. Those
holding eluiius against said deceased, will pre
sent them in proper form of law.
B..F. Trasiiir, Executor.
April 19, 1877. npril24w6r.
Matty present
their poqfcets,
lew moniests
1 montl *1 00
3 mouths 3 00
6 months 5 30
12 months 10 00
Terms fur the Weekly :
*♦ months .tt. . r. t. rrrfno
12 months 9 90
Money may l>c setit by postotfice money order
ut our expense.
Atlanta, Ga.
18 7 7."
The Quarterly Reviews
Blackwood’s Iflagaziaae
The Leonard Scott Publishing Co.,
41 11.UU I..VV ST., NEW YORK,
Continue their authorized Rcpriuts of tlie
Edinbubgh Review (Whig)
J. II. Reaves, (
David Gann, j
1877. ^- A -' OURASCE,
\ Wm. L. Wood.
" —Whereas, Calista A. Ware, administra
trix of Brittain S. Ware, deceased, applies to,
me for leave to sell thirty shares of the capital
stock of the Bank of the University at Athens,
Georgia, and twenty-five shares of the capital
stock of the Georgia Railroad mid Banking
Company, belonging to the estate of said ile-
deased, 'also, all the real estate [ of said de
ceased—therefore, all persons interested, arc
hereby notified to show cause at tnj office, on
or before the first Monday in June next, why
leave to sell said bank and railroad stock and
real estate should not be granted.
Given under my hand, this 26th day of April,
1877. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary.
E XECUTORS SALE.—By virtue of at: order
of the Court of Ordinary of Oconee County
and in pursuance of the last Will and Testament
of John O. Thrasher deceased, will be sold
before the Court House door in Athens, Clarke
County, Ga., on the first Tuesday in May next
during the legal hours of sale,’ the following
property to-wit, three lots in the city cf Athens
formerly owned by John Bird, 1 known ns the
Bird lot and 1 as the. Aaron lot improved, each
of said lots containing 1 acre, more or less
Said property sold for the purpose of payin
the debts of said deceased. Terms Cash,
iniri 13-41. R. R. MURRAY, Executor.
I will be ut the following places to receive
Tax Returns for the year 1877, on the following
davs. You me earnestly requested to meet tne:
WaftmsvTTTo, .TpWTnUi.'Mav 12th and June
Skull Shoals, April ltith, May 14tl»and June
11th. ,, i
Elders Shop, Wild Cut, April 17th, May 15th
and June 12th.
Salem, April 18th, May 16th and June 13th
Dark Corner, April 17th, May 17th and June
Walls Store, April 20th, May 18th and June
Jones Store High Shoals, April 21st, May 19th
and June 16th. ‘ '
^armingtou, April 23d, May 21st and June
. . . London Qcabtebly Review
nil Ilia rsmirvin -Mill n“"antnd "* ♦**" -nnnnsm»» awnf
30lh, to recover the lost ground with
60,000 men, but was defeated and
driven back under the guns of Kars.
The Russian losses were considerable,
ami those of the Turks were enor
Russians contradict the reports of
their losses before Batomn. -The
Russians have occupied the island in
Furniture Manufacturing
Believing that Athens, and the section of
country aroutid, should have, aud would cor
dially support a first-class
Furniture Store and Factory
we have entered into a partnership, bought out
the Machinery and store of Gilleland, Wood &
Co., and *be store of J. F. Wilson & Co., and
determined to give the business a fair trial under
the firm name of the Athens Furniture Manu
facturing Company.
At the store occupied by J F. Wilson & Co.,
we propose to keep a stock of Furniturc equaled
by few and surpassed by none in the State. Mr.
Jay O. Gailey has charge of this department,
and will be pleased to wait on any desiring
goods in this line.
At the stand of Gilleland, Wood & Co. we
will keep all goods of our own manufacture,
such as Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, etc., and in
nddity»r“W»ll keep a large and well selected
Coffins, Burial Coses, etc. Mr. W. L.
’re his personal attention to this
Bbitish Quaktebly Review (Evangelical),
The British Quarterlies give to the reader
well-digested information upon the great events
in contemporaneous history, aud contain master
ly criticisms on ail that is fresh and valuable in
literature, os well as a summary of the triumphs
of science and art. The wars likely to couvulse
all Europe will form topics for discussion, that
will be tre'id with a thoroughness and ability
nowhere else to be found. Blackwood’s
Magazine is famous for stories, essays, and
sketches of the highest literary merit.
rEIIYIH (Iii«-ln<tlii(f Postage)!
batik of the river as far as the mouth i Payafu Strictly in Advance.
I Of Kota. The Turkish W n<lro» i “
Will be sold before the Court-House door in
Atiicns, Clarke county, Ga., within the usual
hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Jnne
next, the following property, to-wit: All that
tract of land belonging to the estate of Giles
Mitchell, deceased, known as the Holsey place,
adjoining lands of F. I’hinizy, James King, J.
A. Kinney, and containing three hundred and
seventeen and one-half acres, more or less.
Sold for the purpose of division. Terms cash.
Administrator de bonis non with the
will anuexed of Giles Mitchell, deceased.
mayl-4w Printer’s foe $4 00.
W. W. PRICE, T. C.
Whereas, Emeliza I’oullaine applies to me
for letters tif administration on the estatoof
Thomas Poullaine, late of said county, deceased
—these are therefore, to cite and admonish all
concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on
or before the first Monday in -10116 next, why
said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this 28th day
of April, 1877. J. R. LYLE,
tnayl-28d. Ordinary.
C 1LAKK SHERIFF SALE—Will be sold before
> tbe court-house door in the city of Athens,
Clark county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in June
next, within the legal hours of sale, the following
property to-wit: One tract or parcel of land sit
uate lying and being within the corporate limits
of thecity ot Athens, Clark county, on the north
side of Oconee river, adjoining the Athens Manu
facturing Company, Bird's house, aud others, con-
O conee sheriff’s sale.—win be sold
before the Court House door in the town of
Wutkinsville, within the legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday in May next, the following
property, to-wit: A Hall, known as the Odd
Fellows Hall or Lodge in the town of Wutkins
ville. Levied on to satisfy a fi. fu. issued from
the Superior Court of Oconee Countv, Georgia
in favor of James H. Thompson’vs Unitv
Lodge No. 61, I. O. O. F. Property pointed
out by A. S. Erwin Plaintiffs’ Attorney. 1
Also ut same time and place the interest of
N. Z. Glenn, amounting to two thousand dol
lars, iu the tract of land known ns the John
Williams place, in Oconee County. Levied on
to satisfy a fi. fi. issued from Oconee Superior
Court in favor of E. S. Lester vs. N. y. Glenn
and Joseph M. Williams security. Property
pointed out by Plaintiff, and a Tax fi. fa. aguin.4
said tract of land, issued by the Tax Collector of
Oconee Comity.
Also at same time and place the tract of land
m Oconee County, known as the Dr. Lindsev
Durham place. Levied on to satisfy a fi. f :l . for
april3-30d. W. W. PRICE, Sheriff.
|^J.EOKGIA, Oconee County.—
Ordinary’s Office—Janies J. Jenniues hns
applied for exemption of personalty and setting
a part and valuation of a homc-tead of realty
and I will pass upon the same ut iny office in
Wutkinsville, ut 12 o'clock n»., April l°th 1877
marcli20 2t. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. *
|^J.EORGIA. Oconee County.—
Ordinary’s Office—Phillip Yerbv has’nii-
plied for exemption ot personalty, rind I will
pass upon the same at my office in Wutkinsville
at 10 o'clock a. m., April 12th 1877.
march20 2t. J. R. LYLE, Ordinary.
havtj engaged with Mr. Wm. A. Reming-
’ tho Maipifooturing and Re-
for Dressing. cenv ey*d in a certain Indenture of moi
willSskortlv mil for Crete. * The
j the troops.
The Russian llotiia left Odessa for
*600,000. Failure occasioned by had i the Danube near Ibtail, and the left
debts and general shrinkage during
the past four years. Their own in
debtedness is principally in Pennsyl
vania and abroad.
Till* lh’tiiiililiiir l*rr*li)t«Tirti» MinUtcr.
KicumuNI), V-A j April *28. — ^se
lect coninnttec of East Hanover
Presbytery, in session at Petersburg, ; Kief. It js unreliably reported that -
the bombardment of Odessa has been
1'he British steamer I
Wallacltia has a Jived at Constanti
nople. The biocide of the Black j
ore Ueeiyreport^d Com- Sea may be deckled at any moment,
the amoilnt of $22,000, A Russian bark Laded with salt has j
been brought to loustantinople.
^rtite wnts opol’d thid nioruiiig at.
Ibt ail. The litre Turkish monitors
bombarding lbra moved oil’at noou
have bad under investigation the
ease cf Rev. E. T. Baird, formerly j commenced
Secretary of the Presbyterian Publi
cation Committee, whose accounts
have horetotbi
plicated to the
and yesterday reported to the Pres-1
bytery, before whom he was tried. I
Late last night Ute trial was condu- |
ded, and tiie body voted unanimous
ly to sustain the charges of appropri
ating funds of the Publication Coins
millce, etc., and to depose him tVon.
the ministry, and to suspend him
I to in the commission of the church
Dr. Baird’s whereabouts are un
known. He lias been missing since
Monday last, and it is believed he has
oft these parts to' avoid arrest on a
criminal prosecution for embezzle
New York, April 28—The ex-
conl’oderatc soldiers, resident here,
have forihccl a eoAi^nittcc to Commu
nicate with Southerners in this city
to secure their attendance at the
•naves, of the federal #t)d, con fed-
on account ftlyweight tiie Rns-
firc. Tl damage there is
for any two Reviews.
For any three Reviews to 00
For all*tour Reviews 12 00
'or Blackwood's Magazine 4 Oli
For Blackwood amt one Review 7 00
or Blackwood aud two Reviews 10 00
For Blackwood and three Reviews 13 00
For Blackwood and the four Reviews 15 00
A discount of twenty per cent, will he allowed
to clubs of four or more persons. Tints: four
copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be
sent to one address for $12.80, lour copies of
the four Reviews anil Blackwood for $48, and
so on.
New subscribers (applying early) tor tbe year
1877 may have, without charge, the numbers for
the last quarter of 1876 of such periodicals as
thev may subscribe for.
Neither premiums to subscribers nor dis
count to clubs can be allowed unless the money
is remitted direct to the publishers. No pre
miums given to elubs.
Circulars with further particulars may be bad
i on application.
j Tiie Leonard Scott Purlisiiino Co.,
aprillo-tf.41 Barelay St., New Y'ork..
iL-t&oab Georgia.
R 1f r W
YUffSfct tfcnil atyttrolJ tftii
j; n House buildiiffhoinns street. Keep al
ways on hand goobirnouts and careful dri
vers. Stock we'.Lpd tor when entrusted to
our care. Stock'
4e tf iv
fnd for sale ut all times.
I it. Is/h l
The Two 1)csttf-By V ilkle Collins, paper
c., cloth $1.5o|
DaniclJUeiWfJC Qepr» EHiet$l.*)
rnrLa...^ Xr iimatli ^r lYuabiugtou
Cnriositias i
crate dead* fltr the' itecSrittioii Hay,
May 80. from Gan Crook. "
Chicago, April 2o.—Ti.« follow
ing dispatch was sent yesterday :
Lieutenant General I*. II. Sheri
dan, Washington, D. C. The lollow-
itig from Gen. Crook, dated at Camp
Robinson, to-day, is just received
“ Couriers from Crwsy* Ilorse and
Red Cloud have just arrived with
positive information that Crazy Horse 8teWo Wlt i
and his people, with a few northern
Arms,fl-w— _
Israel Mort < Jolm Sanders 75c.
The llou-se c l, s—By Mr*. Cashcln lloey,
w of Wins-r-By Jokn Prof*
Hon) Sfaft THii.
o*&*X Rights and Wrongs
. Y. Rogers, Jr.. Barrister
ogers, Jr., Barrister
'-tiOLce, (no name scric^
nr Langu
BURKE’S Book Store.
. J Wo V iJth\l n 6ank & r *avm
Thl5'i e > tlue Staffum Eden
Golddiwt, Iul2th m*t.
There will be an adjourned term of the Supe-
■*— «*?«« °f Clarke on the third Mondav, 2lst
day ot May next. Jurors, witnesses aiul all
parties interested will take notice and govern
themselves aoe*ordingly.
By order of the Hon. George D. Rice, Judge
ot said Court.
A true extract from the Minutes ofClarke
Superior Court.
Human Misery.
Just Published, ill a Sealed Envelope. Price
six cents.
A .. I i clure th ® Treatment, aud
Radical eure ot Seminal Weakness, or Sperma
torrhea, induced by Self. Abuse, Invofuutarv
Emissions, Impotcncy, Nervous Debility -and
Impediments to Marriage generallv; Consump
tion, Epilepsy, and Hts; Mental’and Physical
Incapacity, Ac.—By Roi.ebt J. Culverwell,
M. D., author ot the “Green Book,” &c.
The world-renowned author, in this admirable
c * e ? r b' proves from bis own experience
tUat the nwtul eonryqiienees of Self-Abuse mav
be effectually re.nowl without medicine, auil
without dangerous surgical operations, bougies
instruments, rings, or cordials; pointing onto
mode of euro at once certain aud effectual, by
which ev.ry sufferer, no matter whaf his con-
dmon may be,, may cure himself cheaply,
privately and radically. 1
This Lecture will prove a boon to thousand*
and thousands.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any
address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage
Ad&ress the Publishers,
Ann St., . ew York; Post office Box, 4586-
. Our machinery for Dressing,
ruing will be kept running as
is u trial and be convinced that
Athens can compete ^successfully with any city-
in the South in the sale of Furniture, etc.
The Athens Furniture Min. Company.
All persons indebted to the late firm of J. F.
” ILbON & Co. will please come forward and
settle at once. The accounts will be found till
the 15th January, 1S77, in the hands of Jay O.
Gairey, at the old stand. A word to the wise.
deel9-6m J. F. WILSON & CO.
£tda.cLis I
loaa. Cotan-fcy..
more or
M ADISf iN SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold
betoitr the Court-House door, in Daniels-
Ville, MaJ^on county, Georgia, on first Tuesday
iu June, t being the 5th dnv of the month,
within t e legal hours of sale’, the following
nronertv o-wit: Ninety-tour acres of land,
ess, being situate and lying in the
oresaid and joining the lands of
.' i Strickland and others, said land
being tl i property of Snllie Meadows, levied
on to stisty a tax fi. fa. issued by Neal
(.handle . Tax-Collector of said countv.
Also, t the same time and place, one hun
dred an 1 fifty acres of laud, being situate and
lying in cunty aforesaid and joining the lands
ot Mrs Sarah Yerbv, J. 1). Matthews, anil
° i I ?»r being the property of J. II.
“no *V . Matthews, levied on to satisfy a tax
fi. ta. i iued by Neal Chandler, Tax-Collector
ot said ou tv, rot ice having been served on
tenants u possession and levies made and
retume lto me by J. C. Kirk, L.C.,ofsaid
J. W, Kisr, Shtriff.
8 °. 1 ' ot tn® Court-House door ut Daniels-
yiite, n Madison county, on the first Tuesday
in May 1877, within the legal hours of sale, a
curtain ract of land containing one hundred
, ,0 >’ a ® r ®^. more or less, adjoining
lands o Isaiah G. Graham, the lands belonging
to the rotate of R. Hancock, deceased, and
others, |t> satisfy a Superior Court fi fu. in favor
of Valefcine IL Deadwyler vs. Asa M. Rice.
Lcvici(.n as the property of Asa M. Rice anil
proper* pointed out by plaintiff. Due notice
served <n defendant. March 23, 1877
Deputy Sheriff’.
QEDRGIA, Madison County.—
Ffcsent, the Honorable E. II. Pottle.
Judge Superior Court, N. C.
John JDove, ) Libel for Divorce in Mndixon,
V T K ) Superior Court, .March Ternu.
NanoVjJove, j 1877. - ^
It aroeuring 4e the Superior Court bv the
return >t the Sheriff that tho defendant Nancy
Dove toes not reside in this county and it
turtberi appearing that she docs not reside in
tins sta’e, .t is on motion, ordered that said
detendint appear and answer at the next term
j tniayourt, or that the cose ho considered in
default and the plaintiff allowed to proceed,
it is further ordered that this notice be publish
ed m the Athena Georgian once a month for
four months before the next Term of Court.
Done in open Court.
is tt r. ... . Attorney lor Petitioner.
, : H * mottle, Judge Superior Conrt N. C.
certify that the above is a correct
* ^rom the minutes of the Superior Court
of Madison County at March T*rm, 1877.
. „ -S. C. O’KELLY, C. S. C.
. ..^sJbacl© Jt’or Sale-
A light Plmeton, but little nsed, and in good
order, has pole and shafts. Also, a light spring
wagon, set on platform springs, and suitable for
a Pleasure or delivery wagon. Has two seatr
and is nearly new, pole and shafts. For sale
low for cash or satisfactory paper.
ap!7-2t JOHN W. BRUMBY.
yea In a certain Indenture of mortgage
Francis M. Cranford to Isaac M. Kinney, treasurer
of the Athens Mutual Loan Association, bearing
date on the 13th day of April 1869. All levied
upon by virtue of a mortgage fi la. returnable to
Clark Superior Court, August term 1877. Cox,
Hill A Thompson lately recovered in ourSuperior
Court of said county against Francis M. Cranford,
to satisfy the above mortgage fi fa., this April 27tli,
Also, at the same time and place will be sold tiie
following property to-wit: Oce bay mare and
mule colt, anil one yoke of oxen, and one ox
wagon. All levied upon by virtue of a fi fa. from
Clark Superior- Court, August, 187t*. William
Caldwell vs. Manuel T. Kendrick. All to satisfy
the above stated fi fa., this April 28th, 1877.
myl-SOd J. A. BUGWNING, Sheriff.
Will be sold before the Court-House door,
in the city of Athens, Clarke county, Ga., on
the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal
hours of sale, tbe following property, to-wit:
one two-liorse wagon ond one bay horse-mule
medium size, ten years of nge,*and one bay
mare-mule, medium size, five years old. Ail
levied on by virtue of a fi. fin returnable to
August term Clarke Superior Court. James E.
Randolph vs. James Wages. All to satisfy the
above stated mortgage fi. fa., this April 9th,
1877. J. A. Frownixo, Sheriff'.
Henry L. Russell, administrator of the
estate ot Kdwurd W. Russell, deceased, applies
to me for leave to sell fifty-six shares of the
capital stock of the Princeton Manufacturing
CVnpany, belonging to the estate of said dc-
ce -sed, therefore, all persons concerned, are
hereby notified to show cause at my office, on
or before the fourth Monday iu May next, why
said leave should not be granted. .
Given under my lmnd, at office, tins 23rd
day of April, 1877.
Asa M. Jackson, Ordinary.
G eorgia, clarke county.—whereas,
Isaac Powell, administrator of George W.
Center, deceased, applies to me for leave to sell
as the property of the said deceased ninety
shares of the capitul stock of the Georgia Rail
road uud Banking Company, and eight shares
of the capital stock of the Central Railroad
Company; also, for leave to sell all the real
estate of said deceased, the same being an un
divided two-thirds interest in all the real estate
belonging to the late firm of Center & Reaves,
therefore, all person^ interested, are hereby
notified to show cause at my office, on or before
the first Monday in June next, why said leave
should not be granted.
Given tiuder my hand, at office, this 21st day
of April, 1877. Asa M. Jackson,
april24-4w. Ordinary.
against Mrs. Mnry A. Vietch, late ofClarke
Connty deceased, are hereby notified to preseut
the same to mo for payment within the time
S reacribed by law, and those indebted to said
eeeased are requested to muke immediate pay
ment. J *
AH persons having demands against George
W. Center, deceased, are hereby notified to
present the snme to me for payment within the
time prescribed by law, and those indebted to
said deceased are requested to make-immediate
payment. April 2nd, Ie77.
Isaac l\well, Adi
ANN E. GREEN, | Libel for Divorce, in
. vs - VOeonce Superior Court
JyHN.A i GltEENj January Tem 1877
U appearing to the Court by tho return of the
Sheriff that the Detendaut, John A. Green does
not reside in the county of Oconee, and it
further appearing that said Defendant does not
reel e m the State of Georgia. On motion of
Plaintiffs counsel, it is ordered that service be
perfected by publishing this order in the Athens.
Georgian, u public gazette published in the City
of Athens, once a month for four month's
E revious to the next term of this Court, and t e
krtenklftnt John A. Green do appear and plead
at the next term of this Court or that plaintiff
iwoeeed „s provided by law. This January
Gralited, j R. g. jj COBR
George D. Rice, Judge S.C. f Plaintiff’s At’ys!
Georgia, Oconee Coi-nty—Clerks Office
Siq erior Court. I, J. W. Johnson, Clerk of the
Superior Court of Oconee Countv, hereby certify
that the above order is a true extract from tli'c
minutes of said court. Given under inv hand
and official signature, this February *>0tli l«7~
teb27-m4m. J. W. JOHNSON. Clerk *
WM. Y. ELDER,as the)
Ad'n’r. of EDMONDS I Bill of Interpica ’cr
ELDER Diet-axed. j-ihi<1 Relief, iu Oconee
iperior Court.
WTlliaxi It.Elder, ctul. j
It appearing to the Court that Irwin II. Elder
Alexander M. Halloway, Marv A. Maples’
Elvira C. Prathra, Mattie Robertson, one child
of Nancy Robertson, name unknown, D Ed
monds Holloway, Elizabeth M. Hogue, Janies
II. Elder, John W. Elder and Sarah F. Fleming
who arc parties, defendants in the above stated
case, have not been served with process iu said
ease, and it further appearing to the court that
they reside beyond the limits of the State of
Georgia, to-wit, in the Stute of Texas. This
therefore ordered by the Court that tliev be
served by a publication of this order, once a
mouth for four months, previous to the next
term of this court, in the Athens Georgian, a
public Gazette of said Stute, mid on the publi
cation of this order tliut the complainant have
leave to proceed according to law. Janunrr
23d, 1877.
Granted, ) S. P. Thirkokd,
Geo. D. Rice, Judge, S.C. f Attorney forCom’t.
Georgia, Oconee Cocnty.—Clerks Office
Sujierior Court.—1, J. W. Johnson, Clerk of
the SuperiorCoiirt of said county, hereby certify
that the above order is a true extract lVom the
minutes of said court. Given under rav band
and official signature, this February 20tfi, 1877
feb27-m4m. J. W. JOHNSON, Clerk.
Belton Hotel,
Sol-Eon. Georgia.
Situated 66 miles on the Atlanta, Richmond
and Air Line Railroad from Atlanta, and within
one mile of the junction of the North East Rail
road of Ga. The Proprietor is now prepared
to serve all who call upon him with meals at the
following rates:
Single meal 50c. | Per week $s 00
Per day $1 50 | Per month $20 00
july!8-ly S. H. HUGHEN.
High Shoa
Ser© for
Being the City Constable, I have concluded to
do a general collecting business, all parties want
ing notes or accounts collected I will give them
prompt attention on commission. Also buying
and selling property at private or public sale
septl2-tf. W. A. ENGLAND, L. C.
(J tion neatly done at this office.
Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest!'
Elementary Spelling Books,' $1 20 per dozen;
Thomas’ Black Ink, in 2 ounce cases, 50 cents,
per dozen ; Flagg and Moore’s Ink, in 2 ounce
cases, 40 cents per coze:-. Paper, Steel Pens,
Pencils &c., as cheap ns they can he beui'ht
elsewhere. Give me a trial, ’
fob!8-tf. T. A. BURKE, Pooksellor.
Tiie Gopajrbxiersliip
Heretofore existing under the name and style
ofDorough & Osborn, in the lumber business, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent. The
business iu the future will be continued under
the name and style of J. W. PRUITT & CO-,
.0 whom all orders for lumber must be address
ed. All orders for lumber or laths left with
W’iley F. Hood or W. B. Pruitt will be punc
tually filled. Orders addressed to Harmony
Grove will be delivered any where on the
Northeast Railroad. Thankful for past favors
we respectfully solicit the putrouago of the
public iu want of lumber or laths to the new
firm. April 12, 1877.
ap!7-3t J. W. PRUITT & CO