The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, June 05, 1877, Image 1
UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA ATHENS, GEQfcjGU* JUNE ;jifJ77. Meeting in Dauielsville. the Rouse, and all this time the un happy sexton of the parish was VOL. 5. NO. 37. JJMORY SPEER, ATTORNEY AT 1-A.W, sJWSHl UlMy Office Noe. 4 and S Court-House. J K DOHTCnj ATTORNEY AT 1AW, Curnesville, Go. »plM878-tf ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Athens, On. fTH(* South West Corner of College Avenue nmi Chivton Street, also at the Court House. All psltfifrdeiuring Criminal Warrants, can pet them a*, any tiiuo by applying to the County Solicitor at this office. dcel6-1874-tf ft ■IHHI i il AMMWHM ti mgami THE SOUTHERN SIDE; £ 1>. HIXiIj, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Athens; iloL Prompt attention given to all business and the same respectfully solicited. janll-ly Compiled from Official Documents - , ip the hands of II. RUDOLPH STEVENSON. M.V D.. Formerly Surgeon in tlio Army of the Con federate States of America; Chief Surgeon of the Confederate 8tatea Prison Hospitals, Auder- sonville, Georgia; Ssrgcou and Medical Pur veyor of the Coufipihftata ffista* Prisons East of the Mississippi rive*. TitlMfhnr ■ Tv-Wit 4^ mrinif rA Poi'B HattHov. D. C. Barrow, Jr. J^nri'ow J trots., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Athens, Ga. Office over Tulmudge, Hodgson & Co. junt-ly | \ | . j ’.. ti i itvwi iion, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wrttkinsville, G:,. Office iu former Ordinary’s Office. I iattSo-lSTti-lv , • p G. TI10M«( OX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Special attention i<aid to criminal practice. . .... _ jf W((tto Ala. id Oloptou, Montgomery. . ,-OBlce Atheus,(^a.. , rf For reference apply' to Ex-Gov Hud Hon. David Ol Office over Post' fi-bS-1875-tf JOHN XV. OWEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tocoa City, GaJ ... I . , |; j I Will jWActlce in all the comities of Urn West ern Circuit, llartaud Madison of the Northern Circuit. Will give special attonion to all claims entrusted to his care. oct20-1875-ly. HOWTWO WOMEN DIED. CoaTewiea ef a Terrible Deed OsasmIUed la Ar> [From the LitUe Rock Gazette, Mar 22.] On Sunday the town of Benton, Saline county, was In a state of high excitement in consequence* of the confession of crime made by Tom Strtner, who was confined in the Saline county jail on a charge of having killed his aunt, Mrs. Harriet Staner, and Mrs. Taylor, of that comity, on the 24th of last January. Together r with ti review of * portion, of the Thomas Staner said: “Some time testimony of the witnesses in tho celebrated “ Wirz Trial,’’ and brief notices of some of the works that have appeared'on Southern Prisons by Northern Author*, WIts AXT APPSSTPI3S, Containing the names of about 18,000 Union Soldicra who died at Andersonville; giving number of their graves, their rank, tin: Compa nies and Regiments to which thoy belonged, aud tho date of their den h, as registered by the author and others. ■ Also, Canso aud (aatufication of the Diseases incident to Prison jLife; Comparative State ments of Prisonerst'gaptured, and deaths in Nortliern and Southern Prisons; A Chapter on the Exchange Bureoo, etc., etc. coarorrioirs= This work is printed from new, clear type, i,n ... One Large Cktavo Volume nearly 500 Pages, WITH SEVEN FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS AND A MAP. It will be delivered to snbscrbcra at the following prices: Utaiitlfiill; Bnuiid hi Kurllsli Clotli. $3 00 ** •* thee* .... 4 00 •* (I “ Ualf^alr. 5 00 ^'Payment to be made on Re ceipt of the W&2& - ■ <.v*r Persons giving their signatures to last'July I had a dream that t had killed two or three people and secured a large sum of money. This dream followed me continually, and I could not get rid of it. I knew iny Uucle Mack l ad considerable money in bis house, and oh the January following, when he gone to Little Rock, I went to his bouse for the purpose of killing Aunt Harriet and getting the money; I was working at Mrs. Gen try’s, not far from Uncle Mack’s, and I went through the woods rather quickly; found Aunt Harriet at the wood-pile; Mrs. Taylor, a neighbor, J : who lived about two hundred yards distant, was also in the yard, either boiling clothes or rendering out lard. My aunt told me to go in, which 1 did; and sat down by ibc fire; aunt came in, went to the table and com menced cleaning some pig’s feet and hogs’ heads to make souse (hog’s headcheese); Mrs. Taylor came in and sat down; she was knitting^the. two wo^en risked me if I-^ri gojnjj Among Polar Bears. The Exrftiif Adventure of Three Sailors on the lee U the Arctic ltrctan*. [From tho Dundee Advertiser.] Three of the crew of the steamship luttepidHPaptain Soutar, had a very cxciliug, adventure at the Greenland seal fishery this season. Dating the time ttWHp^jh* ‘x’eseet was fast beset antoug^Y&e ice, three of the crew— Tho«nasi < *5l©yaH, Wolverhampton; James .-Winter, Peterhead, and Wil liam Muljigan, Dundee—set out one day to pity a visit to the ship Persc- veranee*>TO Peterhead, which lay ap parently, about four miles distant. After walking about two miles it was seen that'the distance between tlie two shipS had been misjudged, and that in reality they were six miles apart, aud the dangerous nature of the joumav began to draw upon the 6camen tfhen they realized bow foj*’ they wen- from any vessel, the sealing clubs being the only weapons with which t|& were armed. They de liberated whether It would not he the besL^ioarse to vetum to their ship, (into of the trio insisted on making' the journey, while the. others I were of the .opinion that they should give up tty attempt. Iu l he riiidst of* the debate a she bear, witjt one of her cubs, arrived, aud as she was fast coming up be tween the men and - their ship, the only chaqlsri of escape was to run-on in the ho]* of reaching the Persever ance. When the men took to their wait According to previous . nnnouce- inent, a portion of the citizens of Madison county met in Dauielsville on tho 24th inst., for the purpose of nominating a candidate from this county to represent the 80th senato rial district, should a called. After three very able and inter esting addresses delivered by Colonel Robert Hester, Capt. W. II. Mattox, and Col. J. D. Mathews, the meeting was organized by culling Hon. R. H. Bullock to the Chair and requesting J. Bee Ehcrhart-to act as Secretary. On motion of Col. Nash, the meet ing decided to nomiuate by ballot. On motion of Hon. J. F. Kirk, Capt. F. C. Carlton was appointed by the Chair to assist the Secretary in couuting the ballot. On motion of J. B. Eberhart, a majority of all the votes cast would be required to nominate. Nominations then being iu order, Col. Gabriel Nash nominated Capt. Wm. W. Scott. ‘ R. M. Strickland nominated : Dr B..M. Thompson. Mr. Moon nominated Capt. A. J. Ware. ^'1 Mr. J. D. Power nominated George Eberhart, Sr. The candidates being called upou to define their positions did so, satis factorily to their friends, except "Geo Eberhart, Esq., who was not at the to (Hairy the tfidtn* was working, and asked me other it”.. *»•<*>> mW5! c»t>‘-. Lamar Cobb. Howell Cobb. II. C'Oltl*. ATTOUXKY8 AT LAW, f Allien*. Ga these conditions, will be consitlered ! (-tt^tjons pertaining to farm and I subscribers to tins Work. But no j . ,, , , ,, , | obligation will rest upon any sul) . | neighborhood matters ; Mrs. Taylor ! scriber to receive the book unless it j S 0 *' l, P» "'ent to the table an! com- I equals, in every respect, description 1 nienced to help Aunt Harriet; I ; given and sample sliown. jI thought I would murder them as |Offiec in Dutiproe Building, VibSa-1876-lv j^LEX. K ERWIN, ATTOttXKY AT LAW, Athens, Ga. <Itfice on Brosui Street, between Center At JXich olson and Orr & Co., nn-stuirs fel>S2-l 876-1 y _____ * TURNBULL BROS., *• Publishers. ( XLAKKE SHERIFF SALE—Will be sold bc- ,-l'ore the court hoasc door in the City of Athens, Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tuer- tliey stood, and picking up the poker for that purpose, walked toward them, holding the weajtou behind me. My heart tailed me, however. ti the sailorv' To attempt to lace animal with their clubs was useless, and accordingly one bv one of the men took off portious of his clothing aud threw them on the ice. In this way the progress of the bear was rc- tarted, as Bruin stopped to snuff and tear at each of the articles as she came up to them. By this stratagem the men were enabled to keep a little ahead for about two miles. They rt day in July next, within the legal hours of *ale and 1 sat down again without their I.„ f i „.:,h „ in „ f ,1 . - „1„.I. ich- the following property to-wit: One new dwell-I , . . . naa parted \\ Itt» most Ot tlietr Clotlt- I ing house>*Hnated and standing on the form of] observing mv actions or suspecting ing one of them having nothing but j Juscjili M. cut 11(-tin, tiirco mid u Imlf uiilth j intoiilioP’x \11nt IlniTlot tlipn « • ^ * 1 from the City of Atiiens, on the road leading to ! n • K 1 ORS * A iiairiet tneii j us pants, a cravat, and a woolen shirt ] Dauielsville, near Ilelaecu Springs. All sold : went out tv) tile crib to get SOU1C ueJfroin 1* ~ ■ 1 COCHR AN, ATTOKITErsr *3.T Gainesville, Ga. i _ l-e:‘l Estate and General Land Agent fortlic j Also at the name time aud place, wilt be sold purchase and sale of Mineral and Fanning | tlie following property to-wit: One house aud 1. ind< in Ilal), and thc«t)wr coqt^Kaot' North- j tract of land eoutaining three acres, more or ea-*t (toorgin. Minernl ore* tested and titles to | less, near tho Carnsvillo road, in Clarke eonntv ier;v investigated. Special attention given j adjoining lauds of Welhurn Hayes, col. by viittie ofa lean li. fa. issueJ from tire Conuly . , , , . 0 ,,,, Court of Clarke eountv. G.i. Doroughaud Os- sllUCKS to pack tile SOUSC 111. When hrirue vs. Joseph M. Weatherly. All to satis fy the above Htatod lean, this June the 2nd, 1877. J. A. Browning. Sheriff. slie came back Mrs. Taylor observed a calf out down at her house, and went down to put it up. When she 1 titles to 1 less, near tho Cnrnsvillu lo id, in Clarke eonntv, was g onc I to °k the poker and with out saying a word walked up behind e upon ^y 4 ,, h s c . ott w ... declared noiniuat ce tne , : .-Ty . _ having received one * mtimreti amf thirty-one (131) votes. On motion of Capt. F. C. Carlton, the proceedings of the meeting wsrc ordered published in the Oglethorpe Echo, Elberton Gazette, and the Athens papers requested to copy. On motion, meeting adjourned sine die R. H. Bullock, Chairman. J. Bee Euerhart, Secretary. May 24th, 1877. to the purchase und sale of oity nroi.erty.T : WlHiam'Smitli and I- J. Lumpkin' " LevieU may8—Cm .1. N, DOK9EY. Attoraev. upon under an nttachmeut of John Brooks, vs ^HllUHY G, McCUHllY, ^L-lrtorricy a-fc 3Laxxr, Hartwell, Georgia, Will practice in the Superior Courts of North east Gcotgia and Sapreme Court nt Atlanta. Aug 8. 1876 tf Jauee R. Lyle, Watkins villc. Alex. S. Erven, Athens, Aunt Harriet and struck her with all my power; she fell and I repeated the blow; I thought she wss dead or I would have struck her again ; she only made a gurgling noise; I took before the Court-lion* 0 dour, ii» the city of the keve frdm her ltocket, secured Athens, Clarke county, Ga., ou the first Toes- * * f in J ' ‘ I Jacob Hays, lssuedfrotn Clarke Cc-uutv Court, general session, Marc'.t term, 1877. All to »ut- isfy tlie above stated fl. fit. Levied by said attachment this June 2nd, 1S77. J. A. Browjiisg, Sheriff. QLARKE SHERIFF SALE.-Will be aold [ VLE & EUWIX, A TTORNEY'S A T LA 1F- Will practice in partnership in tlie Superior •Court ot Oconee Cutinty, and attend promptly ?.o nil busiues* introcted-to their care. jan0-8m. EZisig Marlss' Exchange Baloon, COLLEGE AVEM;^ - ^ ,, ty Tht host Cineiunotti Lager Beer, Cigere actdiji kinds of Ltfuors sold cheap detlS-iy. FOR CASH. S3TTSHTESS CASES. A. AVIIV3V, -WITH- GROOVER, STUBBS £ CO, tolton Kartnnt and(leneral Commission Brrrliants, Savannah, Ga. Bagging, Ties, Rope and other supplies fttr- utshea. Also, liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale or shipment to Liverpool or Northern ports. iuav 80-1875-tf r l\ 1 ‘ ,, ' Kn ’ ” Wtytofa.33aalxor & Jowolor, At Michaerstore, next door to Reaves & Nich olson a, Broad street, Athens, Georgia. All work wamiutod 12 months. ri, ah septia-tf. J OB WORK OF ALL DESCIiil* tion neatly done at tbir office. i following property, to-wit: One house an in tlie city or Athens, in Cobbliam, Clarke , Ga., containing one acre, snore or less, id by Tboiuus Fleming and John F. o, fronting ou Newton street. All levied i b;- “ - ’ —' ' day in Jnly next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One house and count; bouin Finch, npon by virtco of a State and county tax fi. fu., Joltn W. Johnson, Tax Collector, vs. Martha W. Clower, tax.for 1876, and three Justices’ Court fi. fas from Fulton county, 1255 G. M. District, the Bank of the State of Georgia vs. Martha AY. dower. All levied upon us the property of the defendant to satisfy the above stated fi. fus., by J. H. Towns, C. C, Bailiff, at\d turned over to me this Jane 2nd, 1877. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff june5-S0d. C LARK. SHERIFF SALE.—WU1 be sold be fore tho Court-house door in the city of Athens, Clarke oonnty, on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of sale,'the following property, to wit: All that tract or parscl ot land situate, lying and being in the county of Clarke end city of Athens, on tlie west side, fronting on Thomss street, in said city of Athens, known in the survey and plan of said city of Athens as the west cna half of lot No. 21 ana 22, and being the lot or lota on which said Sutnmey now resides. All sold as the prop erty of tho defendant by virtue of two It. fas. from Clark Superior Court, Fclmtarv Term, 1877, William 11. Cole vs. Sutnmey &'Newton, tliisJune 2d, 1877. J. A. BROWNING,Sheriff And John Hampton, exeentor ot Julia F. Crawford, deceased, vs. John U. Newton aud 1’eter A. SiAnmcy. jnnc5-S0d. The Eennesaw Gazette, A Monthly Paper, Published at ATLANTA, O-A.. Devoted to Railroad interests, Literature Wit aud Humor. Fifty cents a year. Cimmio to every subscriber. Address KENNESAW GAZ'TTTE, mcb27*tt Atlanta. Ga. the money n:td then stepped out on the gallery to look for Mrs. Taylor, when just then she came in at the south door, and, seeing Aunt Harriet on the floor, walked up to her and said: “ La me. Tom, what is the matter with Mrs. Staner?’’ I an swered I did uot know, and walking up in froat of her struck her on the head with the poker, hitting her again after she fell. I felt very bad when I saw them both lying in their blood dead, and would have given anything in the world to have brought them to life; this was about II o’clock; I staid in the house maybe half an hour; I hid the money when it was found; I took out $25, which I gave my lawyer, Major Latta; 1 had intended t.o destroy the jewelry and keep the money.” t ■ The debts of the Homburg gam bling bank were sold at auction recent ly. There were bonds given by unfor- j tunate players—dukes, counts, barons, duch&se.', countesses, officers, artists, merchants, lawyers and diplomatists— iu all amounting to $500,000, and they nere sold at $1,800. upon him. He had retained posses sion of his club, and fastening his cravat to the end of the weapon, lie waived it as a signal of distress, and, fortunately, the attention of the crew of the Perseverance was attrac ted to the perilous position of the three seamen. Several of the crew of the Perseverance immediately set out, armed with guns, and, after running about a. mile, they came up to the three men just in time to save l^ein, as they had almost no clotliing left, and Were exhausted with the -chase. The bear and her cub were so clos9 behind that the rescuers had 110 difficulty in dispatching them with several ballets. The following morn ing tlie three sailors returned to the Intrepid* They were escorted part of the way by a number of tlie crew of the Perseverance, and the male bear, haring been seen in the vicini- ty, apparently on the look-out for the she bear aud her cub, he was likewise killed. A Maniac. . A TKUitIULE SCEXE OF I!1,000 AT SPALATZO IX lULMATIA. That stupid fashion among ladies of wearing high-heeled shoes causes al most as many accidents as crinoline. Lately, in London, a lady of rank, after giving a grand dinneradayor two before her daughter’s wedding that was to be", acoompanied the young lady to her roQin. After remaining there some time she left to go to her own apartment, by a rather steep private staircase. and her heel catching in the stair she was precipitated to the fool, broke her arm, and sustained so severe a concussion'of the brain that the in tended marriage was indefinitely post- 1 poned. Spalatzo, in the Austrian province of Dalmatia, was a few weeks ago the scene of a most extraordinary autl terrible tragedy. Opposite the par ish church lived a householder named Tornic, who, becoming suddenly a prey to mad rage, killed his wife and then his father, who.had attempted to restrain him. When the police came, they found that Tomic had every where effectually barred - an -entry, and taken up a commanding positiou with a’ musket arid plenty of amnnt- riilion. They were, therefore, com pelled to turn back, and meanwhile Tomic put a bullet throng a young mail who crossed the street, and severely wounded a woman. The police then drew ri cordon - aroiind the house, but Tonne’s musket com. rtianded the spacebetweenthe house, the church, and the top of the adja cent streets, and no 0119 dared cross' the street! or approach the-body-of the young man < At length a clergy-’ man* who had greftt influence with. Tomic bravely went, forward and implored him at least to give np to his. care his little child. ' Tlie father’s answer to this appeal was by throw ing out her limbs one by one! Then he resumed his fusilade. Tlie author ities would not allow the 'police to fire, inasmuch as they deemed the man bereft of reason. To tlie only course was to continue tho blockade; All sorts of devices were suggested. Some wore for firing on Tomic With stupefying cartridges, others I8ir concentrating the fire engine force on parish was sending np from the bell tower a wail tor food, lie having gone to ring the bell just before the tragedy be gan, and bis only inode of egress being in front of the maniac’s win dow. After the blockade had lasted two days and Tomic showed no signs- of giving in, it was resolved to keep- up a perfect hailstorm of stones nt all the windows of the house while tho door was forced. The madman flew* to the garret, where it was no- easy matter to disarm without killing him. Altogether he had killed four and wounded five persons. Two “Grice ” for One. | Boston Commercial Bnlletiu.] The English language is often a puzzle to foreigners, and sometimes drives an American hotel keeper into a corner, as for instance in the follow-; ing experience at the Fifth Avenue- Hotel, where a wealthy French guest ciuie to complain at the oflioe, and was then met by tho gracious Griwold, who rose to explain : “ What for, sure, your gareon not present my demand?” “ Your demand Monsieur ?” “ Yes, sare. Do I speak. Inglis perfait, sare ? Do you comprehend Hie, sare ?” “Certainly, your English*is per fectly correct, iny dear air. What is your desire?” * “ Vy, sare, you cantell me I can have at my private table wisiuy frens , vatever J desire to manger—pardon, 'to eat.’’- ' ^tCert.n'mly.v^stiid ^GriSwdld *'ntiy- v thing—Atewei doubloons antf dia-' l mond sauce, if you wish.” “All, no, Monsieur, zat fs too riche. I simply desire some griee.” “ Eli! some what ?’’ “ Some griee, Monsieur Griswold, such as I eat for iny dinnay ze ozer day.” Ah! you mean rice, boiled rice —certainly, all the rice yon de sire.” “ No, sare! It is not rice. Z-tt is what zat premier gareon-—head waitarc—say. It is a bird I want, sare; I want him roast, not boil.” “ Roast griee! Why, lot me sec,” said Griswold, in a dilemma, not wishing to appear ignorant of his guest’s meaning. “ I don’t believe there is a single griee in the nuu- AM “All, you make meestake veil you say single griee.” “Indeed?’’ “Yes, sar. Vat a leetel rat!” • M Mouse,” suggested the hotel pror- :prietor. . “Pes. Zen, two of zem, vat you . call two—mice, eli?’’. - “ Quite correct,” responded the host. . . . “Zen, if one is ze bird you call grouse, two is what you call griee, he?” . “ Why not exactly,’’ said , {he hotel man, struggling to keep counten- . ance ; “ we say two grouse, just as we say two sheep or two deer—but for mouse, mice, aud—” “ Yaas, pare,’’ said .Monsieur, tri* umpbaqtly, “an vy not you say two hice for two houses, or two louse for two louses, or—’’ How for he might . have continued cannot be said, but, at that moment the head clerk, Palmer, standing near, had a violent attack of coughing, aud Carr, the. room clerk, walked oil' suddenly and slammed on the big bell, and called, for “ front ” to do something, and. Ihen. stuck his own head down be neath the counter, ns the amused host walked away towards the dining hall with his guest to order the “two griee” for Moirieur's private: table.