The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, June 05, 1877, Image 3

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN :* JUNE 5, 1877. Advice to Newspaper respondents. Cor- [Burlington Hawkeye.] Never write with pen or ink. It is altogether too plain, and doesn’t bold the mind of the editors and printers closely enough to their work.' If yon are compelled to use ink t never use that vulgarity known as the blotting-pad. If yon drop a blot of ink on the paper, lick it off. The intelligent compositor loves nothing so dearly as to read through the smear this will make across twenty or thirty words. We have seen him hang over such a piece of copy half an hour swearing like a pirate all the time, he felt that good. Don’t punctuate. We prefer to punotuatc all manuscript sent to us And don’t use capitals. Then we can punctuate and capitalize to suit ourself, and your article, when you see it in print, will astonish even if it does not please you. Don’t try to write too plaint). It is a sign of plebeian origin and pub* lie school breeding. Poor writing is an indication of genius. It is about the only indication of genius that a great many men possess. Scrawl your article with your eyes shut ami make every word as illegi ble as you can. We get the same price for it from the ragman as though it were covered with copperplate sentences. Avoid all painstaking with proper names. We know the full name of every man, woman and child in the United States, and the merest hint at the name is sufficient. For instance, if you write a character something like a drunken figure “ 8,’’ and then draw a wavy line, and then the let ter M and another waving line, we will know at once that you mean Samuel Morrison, even though you may think you mean “Lemuel Mess sengcr.” It is a great mistake that proper names should be written plainly. Always write on both sides of the paper, and when you have filled both sides of every page, trail a line up and down every margin, and back to the top of the first page, closing vour article by writing the signature just above the date. IIow we do love to get hold of articles written in this style. And how we like to get hold of the man who sends them. Just for ten minutes. Alone. In the woods, with a cannon in our hip pocket, licvengc is sweet, yum, yum, yum. Lay you paper on the ground when you write ; the rougher the ground the better. When your article is completed, crunch your paper in your pocket, and carry it two or three days before sending it in. This rubs off the sus peril nous pencil-marks, and makes it lighter to handle. If you can think of it, lose one page out of the middle of your arti cle. We can easily supply what is missing, and we love to doit. We have nothing else to do. He disappeared behind the house , only the first step. The lower lip to get rid of her, and waiting five j was then divided to a point below minutes for liiin to reappear, sbe j the chin and the flaps turned back sldwly sauntered off, mqttering: j sufficiently to expose the lower jaw, “Somefolks tire so smart and stuck which was sawed through at the ’flfcn’kffet^ritlrin arn»U» j chib, find fillets east about their of’em otdess yon blaze all over with diamonds.’’—Detroit Free Press. The Flag of the Prophet. [New York Mercury.) The sacred emblem of Tuikish faith will play a great role in this war. It is dark green, about two yards long aud'One and a half wide, and was i originally a curtain in the bedchnm- j ^ oss °* a ^ ro P blood from this ot her of Aischa, the best beloved wife S an » ««nplyfying throughout, one of served edges, that tlie t oinigue, tlirolgh which a ligature had been previously passed, might be drawn forward and out of the mouth as far as practicable, to allow the galvanic cautery to be applied. After the galvanic cautery had been properly adjusted and con nected with the battery, the tongne was amputated entire, without the of the prophet, who died in her bed. When Mohantmed was on his death bed and qbout to take leaf of Gener als, who were about to enter upon a new campaign against the heal, then the dying prophet gave them the enrtnin that overhung his bed as a battle flag, so that the faithful should forever remember that they were doing battle for God and His prophet. Ever since tliht time, whenever the Caliphs went into battle they took this flag with them, but in later years it was resolved to carry this holy relic into battle only whenever a war of religion was being waged. In 1683 the same flag waved from the walls of Islam had t o be defended, it was unfurled to rally ‘lie faithful ard encourage them to deeds of hero ism. What, however, is the most important feature of this flag is the belief that any Mussulman who fights and fills under its shadows, dies as a martyr, for whom the portals of heaven are*open at once. From the Caliphs of old, this banner has been sacredly retained by the Sultans of our day, ia order to inspire still more zeal in their soldiers. Yesterday the unfolding of this time-honored banner took place, with great pomp and ceremony by the Sultan, Abdul Hamid in person, who handed it to the Schcik-El-Islam in solemn trust. ] The latter was mounted on a horse literally covered with gold, and while holding the sacred banner in his hand, wast-accompanied by the Sultan, himself also on horseback, with sword in hand, through the principal streets of Constantinople. Couriers and heralds preceded the two high dignitaries of State, and pointing to the unfurled banner, loudly proclaiming to the people that the war for the faith had commenced. This morning, the same relic—which the Turks regard with the same holy awe as the Iraelites of old did the Ark of the Law—was sent under es cort to the Danube, there to lead the Turkish hosts to battle for Allah and his prophet. the most formidable and dangerous operations in modern scientific surge ry, hemorrhage being an important factor. Holes were then drilled through the bones of the chiu which had been sawn apart, and wired together again. The other wounds were dressed iu the usual manner. The patient, being under the influ ence of ether, suffered no pain, thus ending a bold, daring operation, splendidly performed.” Safety From Fires. Millions of Property and Hundreds of lives Saved by Using Matches —AND— •A.:Da riartxQAar btjsbebjs The only perfect safety match made in the world. Awnrdql a Bronze medal by the Maryland In itiou. Awarded a diploma by Pfc, Fur.' Awarded an lionor- by M. Louis Fair. Exclusively b Chicago Exposition. First ure- erroont State Fair. ^ . ---—«—, Macon, Ga., 1875, by the Macon Board of Under- G. S. DUKE’S Fine Whisky and Brandy. Parties desiring to purchase, by wholesale, pure Brandy or Whisky, will find it to their in terest to Durchase from the undersigned, sole agent of (I. S. Duke, to sell by wholesale his bine, Pure Whisky and Brandy. The pipes through which the 6. S. Duke Whisky and Brandy arc distilled, are made of wood. Every gallon warranted pure. Address, G. K. DUKE, Agent, dceo-tf Jefferson, Ga. dost rial North 1 able adopted mium at Bcsolul Nov. 1 writers: . Resolved, That we fully endorse the “Safety Parlor Fusee,” manufactured by the American Fnsee Company, and-earnestly recommend their general use. We would espcciallv suggest to the citizens of Georgia, and to the 'Farmers and Planters in particular, to supply themselves with the Safety Match, as their use would un questionably result in a marked decrease in the number of fires throughout the State. Hundreds of testimonials from private families and others, like the following, can be furnished; but we have only room for two: MaconJ-Ga., Feb. 18, 1876,'—This ia to certify that I have been using the American Safety Parlor Fnsees in my hotel for the past two months, during which time I have, by practical tests, given them a thorough trial, and find them more tbfflrtOft per cent. cheaper than the com mon friction matches. I find that one-half gross of the Safety Fusees has lasted me as long as three grefa of the coinmon matchcs. * R- DUB, Proprietor Lanier House. We heartily concur in the statement of Mr. Dub, as It fully coincides with onr experience the use of the Safety Fusees in our hotel. E. E. BROWN A SON, Proprietors Brown House, Macon, Ga. >y the gross, dozen or single box at BURKE’S BOOKSTORE, feb20-tf Athens, Ga To Kent! THE best, Stores, Offices, Shops, Warehouse, Dwelling Houses Ac. E. P. BISHOP. No. ldBroad St. up stairs. E. COTTON BUYER, Tocos City, Ga. opr For sate by Uoftxerfcy, C LARKE SHERIFFS SALE.—Will bosbld ' before the Court-house, in the city Athens, tUgin oeuuty/ .Gm, on the first Tuesday in Jane next, within the legal hoars of sale, the ftttmnag pevparty,' td-rftl: Lot No.2 of re- survey of. lot 93, College lands, situate west side of Broad street, and adjoining Harrison ‘ and i . Campbell, and P. and J. J Thomas, containing onc-balf acre; west half of lot 6, adjoining lot of Gamdison Thomas; half of lot 8 of same, on Broad street, adjoining said lot 6; 3-4 acre lot *, on Dealing street; 8-4 acre lot 10, on Broad and Plrinizy streets, and South by Dealing street, containing 21-2 acres. Plot of the whole can be-seen by calling on Sheriff. All sold by virtue of two State and county tax fl. fes.—one Wiscom Hndgin, trustee of Anna Y. Uudgin, for 1875, and one James Catnak, trustee of Anna Y Hndgin, and four others, the City of Athens vs. YV. Hndgin, trustee of Ann Y. Hudgin, for 1878, and one for 1874, Y. L. G. Harm controlling said two, and two others for 1875, A. P. Deanng controlling said two. Also at the same time and place, will be sold one bull yearling, red spotted, and five acres of land, lying on Middle Oconee, near Princeton Factory; contains five acres with improvements. These are bounded on the east and west by Hambrick; on the south, by Burger; West, by Troup Akeredge, col’d. All levied upon by virtue of a fi.'fa. from Justice’s Court, 216th Dist., G. M. S. C. Reese vs. Emanuel Jones. All to satisfy the above stated fi. fas., April 2, 1877. J. A. Browning, Sheriff. aprii3-80d Notice, All persons indebted to tbe estate of Isaac- Thrasher, deceased, late of Oconee county, will E lease come forward and settle at once. Those olding claims against said deceased, will pre sent them in proper form of law. B. F. Trasuib, Executor. April 19, 1877. apri!24w6t. E xecutors sale.—By virtue of an orow of the Court of Ordinary of Ocouee Counfv and in pursuance of thelast Will and Testament of John O: Thrasher deceased, will be sold before the Court House door in Athens, County, Ga., ou the first Tuesday in May next: during the legal hoars of sale, the following property to-wit, three lots in tbe city cf Athens formerly owned by John Bird, 1 known as th- Bird lot and 1 as the Aaron lot improved, eac. of said lots containing 1 acre, more or less. Said property gold for the purpose of pavin. the debts of said deceased. Terms Cash. * april3-4t. R. R. MURRAY, Executor- Notice! I will bent, the following places to receive. Tax Returns for the year 1877, on the following da J' a - Yon are earnestly requested to meet me:; Watkinsville, April 14th, May 12th and Juno Vtn* m Sknll Shoals, April 16th, May 14th and June- lltli. Elders Shop, Wild Cut, April 17th, May 15th. and June 12tli. Salem, April 18th, May 16th and June 13th. Dark Corner, April 17th, May 17th and June fJEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY, wtb. WlwifP.lO Uni latn A W nv>A n Jtninlctrn J. 11. Reaves, I 1077 f H. A. I ow ranch, David Gann, / lO I I . \ Wm. L. Wood. ■Whereas, Calista A. Ware, administra trix of Brittain S. Ware, deceased, applies to me for leave to sell thirty shares of the capital stock of the Bank of the University at Athens, Georgia, and twenty-five shares of the capital stock of the Georgia Railroad and Bauking Company, belonging to the estate of said de- deased, also, all the real estate (of said de ceased—therefore, all persons interested, are hereby notified to show cause at mj office, on or before the first Monday in Jnne next, why leave to sell said bank and railroad stock ana real estate should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 26tli duy of April. 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. mayl-28d. 18tte UU St ° re ’ April 2 ° th ’ Mft> 18Ul “ nd Juuo Jones Store High Slioals, April 21st, May 19th and June 16th. Farmington, April 28d, May 21st and June 18th. apri!l0-2m. W. W. PRICE, T. C. O CONEE SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be eokT before the Court Houso door in the town off Wutkinsville, within the legal hours of sale,’on. the first Tuetwli.v to Highest casli price pai fur Winship’s Gins ana Pi mid for cotton, ress. oc20-187Mf Agent U. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Carncsvillc, Ga. up!8-1873-tf Keep your Money at Home! I keep on hand, at all times, a good supply of Moulding and Glass, and everythingueoeasary, andean frame Pictures Ah low us they can be framed in Atlanta, or elsewhere in the State. Don’t give your orders to drummers from Atlanta houses,' but give me a trial. I guarantee better work forthe money than you can get in Atlanta, besides saving your freight and trouble. It is poor poliey to send your money to people who are doing all they can to make a way station of Athens. Orders for all sizes and styles * of Frames filled at short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. T. A. BURKE, feblS-tf. Bookseller and Stationer. THE ATHENS Furniture Manufacturing COMPANY. Believing that Athens, and the section of countryjaround, should have, and would cor dially support a first-class Furniture Store and Factory we have entered into a partnership, bought out the Machinery and store of Gilleland, Wood A Co., and tlie store of J. F. Wilson A Co., and determined to give the business a fair trial under the finn name of the Athens Furniture Manu- factariug Company. At t(ie store occupied by J F. YVilsou & Co., we propose to keep a stock of Furniture equaled by few and surpassed by none in the State. Mr. Jay O. Gailey has charge of this department, and will be pleased to wait on any desiring goods in this line. At the stand of Gilleland, Wood A Co. we will keep all goods of our own manufacture, such as Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, etc., and in addition -will keep a large and well selected stock of Coffins, Burial Cases, etc. Mr. W. L. Wood will give bis personal attention to this department. We have engaged with Mr. Wm. A. Reming ton to superintend tbe Manufacturing and Re- pairing Department. His -kill os a workman guurvj .VjLaucoaM. ^Uljcindsot repairing done at ahpKwotice. Our machinery for Dressing,- Sawing and Turning will be kept running as usual. Give us a trial and be convinced that Athens can compete ^successfully with any city in the South in the sale of Furniture, etc. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold befere the Court-House door in Athens, Clarke county, Ga., within the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, the following properly, to-wit: All that tract of land bl ongmg to the estate of Giles Mitchell, deceased, known as the Holsey place, adjoining lands of F.Phinizy, James King, J. A. Kinney, and containing three hundred and seventeen and one-half acres, more or less. Sold for the purpose of division. Terms ensh. S. D. MITCHELL, Administrator do bonis non with tbe . will annexed of Giles Mitchell, deceased. mayl-4w Printer’s fee $4 00. Q.EORGIA, OCONEE COUNTY. Whereas, Emeliza Poullaine applies to me The Athens Furniture Min. Company. Levied on to satisfy n fi. fa. issued from tlie Superior Court of Oconee County, Georgia in favor of James IJ. Thompson' vs. Unity Lodge No. 61,1. 0. 0. F Property pointe'd out by A. S. Erwin Plaintiffs’ Attorney -T A i S0 ^ n , t S9me time and P ,aco t,le interest of N. Z. Glenn, amounting to two thousand dol- [ars, in the tract of laud known as the Join* Williams place, in Oconee Comity. Levied ora to satisfy a li. fi. issued from Oconee Superiea Court in favor of E. 8. Lester vs. N. Y. Oleum ftnd Joseph M. Williams security. Propertv pomted out by Plaintiff, and a Tax fi. fa. against said tract of land, issued by the Tax Collector off Oconee County. Also at same time and place the tract of land in Oconee Countv, known as the Dr. Lindscv Durham place. Levied on to sutisty a fl. fa. for Taxes. - april3-30d. W. W. PRICE, Sheriff: tf^J-EORGIA, Oconee County. Ordinary’s Office—Janies J. Jcnnines 1ms. <»rl for ovainntmi. #.4* i ... concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in Jane next, why said letters should not be granted. f ioss n poi c, at 12 o’clock m., April'l2tli 1877 march20-2t. - - - — ■*- - - my sioclt m., April 12tli 187 J. R. LYLE, Ordinary. Given under my hand, at office this 28th day GEORGIA. OCONEE County — miyl-’4d 7 ' • ordhia’rv Ordinary’* Offioe-Phillip Yerby ha* up- mayi xtsei. ordinary. | pi let \ f or exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at my office in 'Wutkinsville, at 10 o'clock a, in., April 12th 1877. C LAKK SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold before r - ■ - J. R. LY LE, Ordinary: the court-house door in the city of Athens, Clark county, Ga.. on the first Tuesday in June next, withiuths Uj at lours f sale, the f owing property to-wit: one tract or parcel of land sit uate lying and being within the corporate limits of thecity ot Athens, Clark county, on the north side of Oconee river, adjoiniug the Athens Manu facturing Company, Bird’s house, and others, con-1 it appearing to the Court by the return of the taimng four acres, more or ljas, the property of cheriffthnt the Th>6.n<1ni>f tm.„ a A 11 , ue icfa M. Cranford, the said tract beimr tVe same 1 buantt V'. at ‘be^Ltcndant, John A. Green does march20-2t. ANN E. GREEN, | Libel for Divorce, in, vs. }-Oconto Superior Court JOHN A. GREEN, ) January Term 1877. Franc conveyed in a certain indenture of :ls M. SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods. Mrs. T. A. Adaiis would most respectfully inform (he Ladies of Athens and of counties ad jacent, that she has now received and opened a Wonderful Surgical Opera- most choiceand select assortment.of Spring opd * 1 Summer Millinery Goods, comprising m part the Woman’s Curiosity. A man was yesterday putting au. iron lawnroller around a yard oti Woodward avenue, wliennn old lady came along, leaned up against the fence and watched him for awhile, and then called out: “ Say, Mister, what are you push ing that around for?” “To roll the lawn,” he answered. , “ What do you want to roll the lawn for?” ... “ To make it level.” * “What do you want to make it level for?” she continued. “That’s what I was ofdercd to do,” he answered, as he wiped away the perspi ration. “But what did they order you to do it for?” “ Why, they think a snlooth fhVrt' looks the best, I suppose.” “ Why do they think a smooth' lawn looks the best?” she persisted. “ I haven’t time to t?lk,” ho said, as he started up again. “ Why haven’t -yim time to talk ?” she shouted. “Go’n a*k the boss!” he yolled. “ Why shall I go’n ask the boss ?" she screamed. lion. a max’sTOxr.i'ketlf fri’T. The following from the Pittsfield (Mass.) Sun will be read with the greatest, interest, not only by medical men, but by readers generally: On Thursday of last week, Dr. Wade,' the distinguished Albany surgeon, Operated in that city upon Elihu B. Whittlesey for cancer, re moving his entire tongue. Mr. Whittlesey is - ''* distant' relative of Theodore Pomeroy, of Pittsfield, and has been for raauy years Ills confi dential clerk. In the war he served upon Gen. Briggs’ staff. Dr. Pad-* dock, of Pittsfield; and twenty other surgeons witnessed the operation. The cancer is said to have been caused by smoking, and the operation was tbe only means of saving bis life A few lines have been received on a postal card from Mr. W. by his many friends in town, announcing that lie is getting along finely, while the Monday Albany Argus leported a reasonable prospect of his recovery. This paper, contains the following account of the operation: “This operation always involves great risk of life from hemoirhaae. To'lessen the danger both lingual arteries were ligated, which, from their deep situa- tion in the. neek, among important blood vessels and nerves, require a thorough anatomical knowledge and a steady, skillful hand. The opera- latest styles and iasbions of 1UU, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Gl'ives, which she will sell at reasonable prices. Give tier a coll before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a distance carefully filled. Store located on Broad street, one door above National Bank. ' april 21,1875—25-tf. All persons indebted to the late firm of J. F. WILSON & Co. will please come forward and settle at once. • The accounts will he found till the 15th January, 1877. in the hands of Jay 0. Gailey, at tlie old stand. A word to the wise. dccl9-6m J. F. WILSON & CO. LIa.di.so3a. Conxrby- F_ P. TALMA3D3B,. —DEALER IN— Americas aid Imported Wattles, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, adPwxaoal Xasrfexvuxbexrfca, Gena, PSarfeola, Etb. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY RE PAIRED IN A NEAT, WORKMAN LIKE MANNER, And warranted to give entire aatisfoction. Ornamental and Plain Letter JEngraeina Specialty. BSOAD SIMM, use ioer trea httu * Ware, M adison sheriff sale.-wui be sold betore tlie Court-House door, in Daniels- ville, Madison county, Georgia, on first Tuesday in June, it bci. g the 5th day of the month, within the 16gal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Ninety-tour acres of lan‘, more or ■ less, being situate and lying in the connty aforesaid and joining .the lands of McElrov, Strickland aud others, said land being the property of Sallie Meadows, levied on to satisfy a tax fi. fi. issued by Neal Chandler, Tax-Collector of said county.' Also,"at the same time and pjaoe, one hun dred -and fifty acres of land, being situate and lying in county aforesaid and joining the lands of Mrs. Sarah Yerby, J. D. Matthews, and others, said land being the property of J. H. and W. J. Matthews, levied on to satisfy a tax ft. fa. issued by Neal Chandler, Tax-Collector of said ©on tv, notice having been served on tenants in possession and levies made and returned to me by J. C. Kirk, L. C., of said county. J. W. Kmx, Sheriff.^ apnl24-6w. not reside Hi the county of Oconee, aud it Frauds M. Cranford to Isaao M. Kinney, treasurer I further appearing that said Defendant does not ot the Athens Mutual Loan Association, beariaik I reel e ill the State of Georgia. On motion of date on the 13th day of April 1869. AU levied Plaintiff's counsel, it is ordered that service be upon by virtue of a mortgage fi la. returnable to perfected by publishing this order in the Athens Court of said county against Francis M. Cranford. ,V' C ® “ (°. r f >nr month* to satisfy the above mortgage fi fa., this April 27th, I P5 e ' l0 ? 8 , c noxt term of this Court, and t e 1877. Defendant John A. Green do appear and plead Also, at the same time and place will be sold tlie at the next term of this Court or that plaintiff following property to-wit: One hay mare and will proceed us provided bv law. This January mule colt, aud one yoke of oxen, and one ox 23d 1877. . J wagon. All levied upon by virtue of a fi fa. from Grunted it Jt. tr r>r\ t>t> Clark Superior Court. August, 1870. William n fnd q n h in' C ?? B > Caldwell vs. Manuel T. Kendrick. All to satisfy Geor fe' e D - K,ec > Jud t-'e S.C. f Plaintiff’s At’ys. the above stated fi fa., this April 28tli, 1877. Georgia, Oconke County—Clerks Office myt-30d J, A. BROWNING, Sheriff. Su; erior Court. I, J. W. Johnson, Clerk of the c L « aratfstfSBESiS SS&2W3 hours of sale, the following jiroperty, to-wit: Kbi7 u>4m ' ^ J<>HNSON . Clcrk - Fun for tlie Boys and Girls- The High Fly Kite, the Diamond Kite, Skip ping Ropes, New Styles, Grace Hoops, Tope, Marbles, Croquet Sets. Bose Balls. <fcc., for sale cheap at BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. inaySS tf. «f JjlTEBl AND SALE STABLE. Carriages, Ituggles & Dorses for hire. Terms reasonable. E. M. WHITEHEAD, -iov26-lS7.y Ungt0 "’ WilkMO ° Dnty ’ <k tiott necessary for the tying of these vessels was sufficiently formidable, to have terminated here. But this was U.S. MAIL LINE A The undersigned is now running & splendid new Kail and Passenger Coach BETWEEN THE ' - Georgia and Northeastern Railroad, and would be pleased to cany passenger* (who have such baggage as they can handle tnem- Belves) to and irom tba Depots and all other points on their route. The coach will call at the hotels with all out going mails. No drumming for passengers. Fare 25 cents. mch87-lm J. 8. WILLIFORD. one two-horse wagon and one bay horse-ninle medium size, ten years of age, and one ba- mare-mule, medium size, five years old. A1 levied on by virtue of a fl. fa. returnable to August tenn Clarke Superior Court. James E. Randolph vs. James Wages. All to satisfy tbe above stated mortgage fl. fa., this Ariril 9th. 1877. J. A. Browning, Sheriff. * &prill0-2in. , YV M. Y. ELDER, ns the 1 Adni’r. of EDMONDS I Bill of Intc-i pleader ELDER Deceased. land Relief, in Oconee va. [ Superior Court. WinUA.ii R.Eldeu, et al. J SHERIFF’S SALE. ”1EORGIA MADISON COUNTY.—Will be Y soldat tbe Court-Houte door at Daniels- yille, in Madison county, on tlie first Tuesday in May, 1877, witbirr the legal honrs of sale,- a certain tract of land containing one hundred and forty six acres, more or less, adioining lands of Isaiah G. Graham, tbe lands belonging to tbe estate of R. Hancock, deceased, ana — * “ ^aSnperiorGourtflfa. iu favor of valentine H. Dcadwyler vs. Asa M. Rice. Levied on aa the property of Asa M. Rice and property pointed out by plaintiff.. Due notice served ou defendant. March 23,1877. T. F. BAKER, mcb27-40d Deputy Sheriff. It appearing to tlie Court that Irwin H. Elder, Alexander M. Halloway, Morv A. Maples, Elvira C. Prutlira, Mattie Robertson, one child 1 .1 ... i of Nancy Robertson, name unknown, D Ed- — monds Holloway, Elizabeth M. Hogue, James /"GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Whereas, I H. Elder, JolinYY. Elder end Sarah F. Fleming \JT Henry . L. Russell, administrator of the j who are parties, defendants in the abovo stated e-tato ot Edward W. Russell, deceased, applies case, have not been served with process in said to me for leave to sell fifty-six shares or the case, and it further appearing to the court that capital stock of the Princeton Manufacturing thev reside beyond the limits of the State of Company, belonging to the estate of said de- Georgia, to-wit, in the State of Texas. This, ceased, therefore, all persons concerned, are therefere ordered by the Court that thev be hereby notified to show cause at my office, on or betore the fourth Monday in May next, why soidtleave should not be granted. Given nnder my hand, at office, this 23rd day of April, 1877. Asa M. Jackson, Ordinary. april24-4w. r\ EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Whereas, IJ Isaac Powell, administrator of George W. , Georgia, Oconee County.—Clerks Office. Center, deceased, applies to meifor leave to sell Superior Conrt—I, J. W. Johnson, Clerk of' OR tno. Timnortv Al thA anirl rlnnaufinrl ninotn I li _ n «... n a a . • t . . * < * , ... (tjl£ORGlA, Madison County,— Present, the Honorable E. H. Pottle, Jadge Superior Court, N. C. | JobnJDovk,] Libel for Divorce in Madison, va. V Superior Court, March Term, Nancy Dovr,J 1877. * It appearing to the Superior Court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant Nancy Dove does not reside in tbis county and it further appearing that sbe docs not reside in this state, it is on morion, ordered that ’ said defendant appear and' answer at the next term j i i 00 - ur J» or that the case bo considered in default and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. It 's further ordered that this notice be publish ed iir~the Athens Georgian once a month for four months before the next Term of Court, Done in open Court. , ■■■■'. JOHN T. OSBORN, „ „ „ Attorney for Petitioner, r: "•°ttle, Judge Superior Court N. C. I hereby certify that tbe above is a correct extract from tlie minutes of the Superior Court of Madisou Comity at March Term, 1877. .*«K S. C. O’KELLY, C. 8. C, march20-m4m. as the property of the said deceased ninety shares of the capital stock of the Georgia Rail road and Banking Company, and eight shares of the capital stock of the Centriu Railroad Company; also, for leave to sell all rifle real estate of said deceased, the saine being an un divided two-thirda interest in all tbe real estate belonging to tbe late firm of Center & Reaves, therefore, all persons interested, are hereby notified to show cause at my office, on or before tbe first Monday in June next, -why said leave should not be granted. served by a publication of this order, once n month for four months, previous to the next term of this conrt, in the Athens Georgian, a public Gazette of said Stute, and on the publi cation of this order that the complainant have leave to proceed according to law. January 23d, 1877. Granted, ) S. P. Thurmond, Geo. D. Rice, Judge, S.C. f Attorney forConi’t. Georgia, Oconee County.—Clerks the Superior Court of s-dd connty, hereby certify that tbe above order is n tree extract from the minutes of said conrt. Given nmlcr my band and official signature, this February 20th, 1877. feb27-ni4m. J. YV. JOHNSON, Clerk. Belton Hotel, Belmont Georgia. Situated 66 miles on the Atlanta, Richmond and Air Line Railroad from Atlanta, and within Given uudermy hand, at office, this 21st day I one mile of tbejuuction of the North East Rail- of April, 1877 april24-4w. A sa M. Jackson, . Ordinary. ■vrOTICE.—All persons havi’g demands ll against Mm. Mary A. Vietcb, late of Clarke Connty deceased, are hereby notified to present | the same to raq for payment within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said road of Ga. The Proprietor is now prepared to serve all who call npon him with meals at tbe following rates: Single meal 50c. I Per week $6 OO Per day $1 50 | Per month......$20 00- july!8-ly 8. H. HBGHEN. deceased are requested to make immediate pay* Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! ROBT. L. BLOOMFIELD, Ex’r. I^eweutary Spelling Books, $1 20 per dozen; npril3-8t ■ Thomas’ Black Ink, m 2 ounce cases, 50 cents ‘ *< ■ per dozen; Flagg and A Moore’s Ink, in 2 ounce I case8 > 40 cents per dozer. Paper, Steel Pens, ■* I Pencils Ac., as cheap as they can he bonght All persons^ having demands against George elsewhere. Qiise me a trial. W. Center, deceased, are hereby notified to I present the same to me for payment within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said deceased are requested to moke immediate payment. April 2nd. 1*77. * Itiic Powell, Adm’r/, '' aprii3-6w. High Shoals, Ga. fcbl3-tf. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller. Tlie Copartnership Heretofore existing under tlie name and style of Dorougli A Osborn, in thclnmbcr business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Jet Black Ink. I* H. THOMAS’ INK—the best in use. An instantaneous Jet Black Ink—docs not fade—is not affected by aeid_—flows freely, and in every respect is the best in use In two ounces, four ounces, eight ounces, half pints, pints and quarts. For sale at BURKE’S BOOK STORE. business in the future will be continued nnder the name and style of J. W. PRUITT & CO. r to whom all orders lor lumber must be address ed. All orders for lumber or laths left with Stern, cSs Sanlter. W xxolesale axxd Bttail, ___ Tt-nlflrQ in tVinn. wtiicVina t , I Wiley F. Hood or YV. B. Pruitt will he pnne- D.alcrs in YVin^j Wlns^^Lager Beer, Ale, t „ al i^ filled. Orders addressed to Harmony Siurn of the Higj Barrel ^ BROAD STREET. ATHENS, GA. O' Grove will be delivered any- where ou the Northeast Railroad. Thankful for post favors wo respectfully solicit tlie patronage of the public iu want of lumber or latba to the new finn. April 12.1877. •017-8 J. W. PRUITT A C<W