The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, June 05, 1877, Image 8

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•THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: JUNE 5,f 1877. W GEM FOE With increased facilities for carrying on the publication of our paper for the New Tear, the Georgian will be found, as heretofore, Atlanta Advertisements. > « CARPETS! CARPETS! /) *wH£ slci ; \r ./ ...-m / VV ,r*® r tit <■.; i» r J -di Strictly And will endeavor to supply its Tenders with the most careful, com plete and trustworthy accounts of current events. It will remain its usual size, eight pages, and has sllft $ gj+Hlfiffl JfOtkSn * i‘. * ? l i * l i * \ \ \ i lore Reading Matter Ir Its Coiunms Thau any two weekly papers in the State. We have the largest boua fide subscription list in Northeast Georgia, and we intend to make it, as heretofore, an interesting „. FIRESIDE COMPANION. 38 and 42 Marietta Street, ATIUAlSrTA, GEORGIA. . . Mm. ■- ■ • 0 T -1 ’ ••ir** ■ • HAVING moved across the street from my old stand, 21 Marietta the new and handsome double stores, Nos. 38 and 42 in the Grant Building, (between Broad street and the (Capitol,) I take pleasure iu sayiug that I shall keep a larger and move attractive stock of CAHPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, CURTAINS, WALL PAPER and UPHOLSTERY GOODS, than ever before and at the Lowest Market Prices. Letters answered promptly. ui8-\v&triw3m Rock Bottom Prices. n,a shot i WORKING ON A CASH BASIS.! -** ♦ « .H ■ FOR . . . tat WM. A. IIAYGOOD. Connected with our newspaper, we have a Cottrell & Babcock Press, The finest Book and Job Press, together with the best selection of Job Type, all new, and ordered within the last six month*, and arc prepared to do all kinds of 7 Y5V 0»J iBmrisJsriTTTiRE i • A splendid new stock • Parlor and Chamber Suits From Twenty-five to Five Hundred Dollars complete. DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Prices as cheap as any Fust-class House in the South. BL ©. TZEaX&'BJ.Qm fe 21 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. Cottage Suits $25 to $60. Send orders or letters of inquiry. GRAIN, MEAT AND v/yjnjr.UK-Mzu/&/2'jfcVA>'M&x/i-JA yfsJAJA'JASA'fAJn'JAJA'JA-Jnvnim un 'JAUA’^ax/ax/a urxn iFLOITR DEPOT.! VWAtt'SA'JAVA-JA&.VA-JA-JAVAyAJAJA'JA'JA./A-JAfr.'JA-JA-JK'JA-JA-JAfnJA-JA-JA-Jr.UA-JA Competition Invited From all Quarters. ms kinsH b Prices. ESTABLISHED 1865. THE CHEAPEST BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE ORDER EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE DIRECT TO Pimps cfc Crew, Atlanta, Ga. PIANOS AND ORGANS S5@ r OF EVfeRY GRADE. SEND FOR FRICES.^J PHILLIPS, CREW & FREYER. mSw&triw-Sm ATLANTA, GA. Cash Against Time! .2:noTt , i r. ,! t . •• ■**'“5, With a new supply of Rules and Figures, we are prepared to turn out ”11 and ever,f^WSt Wrfl FitAIsrE; JsK. POTTS, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 19 Alabama Street. ni8w.ttrlw.3iu f\M\\n /) i. A'A .it »-ufr< .qxn.W -TX . AT©! Blanks, Abstracts, Tags, oxiv cT ZHZOTTSIE < , ■ ’*-• * ■ Atlanta, Georgia. The proprietor of the MARKHAM HOUSE takes this method of iuforming the traveling public, that notwithstanding the great Euro pean war, his hotel will cdntiuue to entertain with its usual hospitali_ ties and first-class accommodations, such as he flatters himself has given great popularity and success to his house, and general satisfac tion to those who have honored him by becoming his guests. Board reasonable and accommodations first-olnss. r- * \ I ' Maps. k YT I To Uasil If y te coiumcn9o-canv*MDff.tli L .Monday. Hay 14th, This map is a new plan, showing on tli the United States from the Atlantic to the Pa- •T 1877. : '» r " The Quarterly Reviews * .v„ 'J ’ '« >y. I4tn, This map is gotten up on the trout the wholo of WAY BILLS, ETC., TOGETHER WITH cific Ocean. Every county is plainly named end colored separately. Every Raihroe’d'fe laid down .jxsrw -at bin k! csaNu»j m 1 ,BT!!i3SIMBi ; Mf .tf3 ’ ^sxrpciO «iU 3Z««4«. lM|rv -!■{ • t marked, by' Small figures: This (Sites BVery desirable reference to merchants and shippers.I iTho surveys of Uie Southern Pacific Railroad arc extended through to the Padfie Oeean;*nd«lso *! lustrated at the top with a bird’s eye panorama view of the country from New York -(6 Sun I Frao«*eo, also YlCws ofNiagara Falls, Yoeemlta Mount Vernon, Capitol at Washington^ White Mountains, etc. On the reverse side is -a line into of the World, in'Mercator’s prosnec- itiou. This this thne espedolly tliejfi| reat call for, &s it shows the country wher3 or our e oreign Nations are now engaged in W krith ^oh oUier. Tiiia sidd is afco illus- ttatodswthhewUftil v ews of Faknfouat Park; > lIJiilnWpWar^Dmton^al.ftiwi^ aters.Tbao New York,end Brooklyn _ HI■■■■ ■ I i . •XOTTOiWrj.voJope*. »*«#, st«, .<*■ !?*■-! - I*■ 'H 1“ HO 1 *'-RI* ’ -*r - -- m „ * *v'-- As Cheap as they can be doue in any city iu the South. The Work men in our Job Department cannot bo surpassed in fit rudt isefit :ceUence and EOxUadj. • ... ... . .. . H^»Give us a call at our old stand, Broad street, Athens, Ga. -f|) . 41 ft.UU IAT ST., SEW YOItK. - Continue their anthorixed Kepriuts of the Ff)UR LEADING QUARTERLY REVIEWS. Edikhcoou Review (Whig) London Qcartebly Review (Conservative), Westministeh Review (Liberal), with every statiou and distance betwdeUEtations Biuwsu Qdajweelt Review (Evangelical), or■*“’— *- -— ‘ ‘ ‘ • 8t AND CASH ALWAYS WINS. COME AND SEE HOW WE CAN SELL GOODS. Talmadge, Hodgson &> Co. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. NEW jSLI=LrL^.3>a'C3b-ESME33SrT. Kates Reduced to $3 per Day. HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I cuter upon its management by Reducing Rates n and asking ot the Travel ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a continu a nee of that liberal support they have always given it. 33. 3Sn.O"W3NT, jnJWmsPi ' • ‘ ,> FORMERLY OF CHARLESTON, PROPRIETOR. • i. » iiM.u —FOR— |l %tSM3S^ STANDARD FERTILIZERS! THE EARTH MADE TO GIVE FORTH ITS RICHES. mont; and, as crops extract them annually, no land can be pennane y r UNLESS THEY BE RESTORED TO THE SOIL. his fact is now so patent to our formors that th^Bands of tmiB are^annual ^ ro^ scared the ket. Recognising the importance of this interest fo our sMtion ® ’ ! nv ited to call, in- Agency C ^tho folfowmg oUand SUndard Fertilisers, which the formers are invitea spec* and price before tmying elsewhere: OLD CAROLINA 8T0N0 SOLUBLE GUANO, SAMANA GUANO, CHESAPEAKE gua ^ t ' BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH • MAGAZINE.' The British Quarterlies give to the reader well-digested information upon the great events in contemporaneous history, and contain master ly criticisms on «U that is fresh and valuable in liieratnre, as'well as a summary of the triumphs of science ahd art. The wars likely to convulse aU Europe will form topics for discussion, that will be treated with a thoroughness and ability nowhere else to be found. Blackwood’s Magazine is famous for stories, essays, and i sketches of the highest literary merit.. 1 TEBBfB (Including Pos • Payable Strictly in Advance. For any one Review, ..$4,00 For any two Beviews 7 00 For aby throe Reviews....... 10 00 " 12 00 ■Brooklyn Suspension Bridce For all*four ReviewsT^^SSSffffW aaroashAStRiver, now in a forwardatatc of octo- F6i“ BlIl'lHUDHWTWUjiiWTir fa> ., one oC mrnSm »eMev*l !? en . American ago, wUlciost 112S)00.000.- . b0 , r ^ r . US ^ e .^ t * 8t census of counties of the United 8fot^. Also on same.alde are maps of the cities of Sew York and ChS«i"Q' showiu" every street, -ffiuno of each \ls<r OWtadioosora our different national flags! Brides the above, will;bo,foond a great deafof theddef.Citi^of(he'w<jrld. Thismapisofthe pnBMM^eMfln$ andynOge fm youreeS^ I 'nils map la neatly varnlibed and ipounted on rmler«Lhungby reversible oorcL-sb that it can “ *“Uy turned without taken down. Sold by anheeription at the low price of 13 COi m CILYS.. E; GADWELL, Agent. j J OB WORK OF at.T. DES; criptions dona at this office . T- faBMattaaaaifihhis For Blackwood and three Reviews.......18 00 For Blackwood^ an^^four-Boviews 15 00 copies of Blackwood or of one Review, will be dtat'tb outTsaanm for* $12.80, four copies of the four Rcviows and .Blackwood for $48, and soon. PREMIUMS. Now subscribers (applying early) for the year 1877 may have, without charge, the numbers for the last quatter of 1876 of such periodicals as ^lieitber' premiums to subscribers nor dis count .to duos can bo allowed mriesa the mouey la remitted direct to the publishers. No pre miums given to dubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. Tub Leonard Scott Pcrushing Co., aprillO-tfi 41 Barclay St., New York. PALMETTO ACID, STONO ACID CHESAPEAKE AMMONIATED ALKALINE PHOSPHATES. .ft •; i: ' cotton 1 OPTION -CKRT8-* n*d febl3-3m & . M. Banter, Agen^ T i ifiti. _ ;x ■ W ' : the Likens office eqb Singer Sewing Macnine ' Removed'February 1st, 1877, to Lester’s Huilding, (Upstairs) Over Talmadge, H. &ACo. r 2,000,000 in Use-Sales in Excess of all Others. THE S1NGEB MANUFACTURING COMPANT, G. H. HOPE, AGENT, AUGUSTA, Ask your neighbors which Machine is the best; then buj » . J. B. Toomer, Agent for Singer Sewing Maduneu, Lester’s Building, (Upstairs,) Athens, Georgia. julyAly.* . • . •• •