The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, June 19, 1877, Image 6

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Ttr'FV 1 AflWM '•BOSflO-TOWHtiiyWWfltj -iirtistowii,, (sum. :i.<.jst"ki..g. tow* ,o3 WT i^Vww&lov'jf'iiAs jjmji. fiti bis ^b'*« fUm^** llis P alu|, < jtfpW NurUv^^da from, ^wxnnunoplo Anya-oaod-fis <sU_ <W» -ttlmfeibnto^Wiwi ihatolit’ MbWteiiekWri fiBKtt?'ir&irtlhe received kindncMffrom officers of the lT - s - of TurksJ iimmbdrros^wo-^Mlousand, fought so bravely, arid a tfe'rfififc 1 ’fWRflfrcq. X<r»^liar^Ay6 MyotcfWJgrioocyp^avas c ^^ ete ’#« A'fwripsslf |h ,1 New. Yoke, June- II.—A Herald mo:u\ axaiiTA :*m i ia., ..urn- ,, iVsf'tW^ftn lo>) JyaiV«j jt^|. s*Hp 4vder ibis <*w„<vw, iM^nr. ^«w*teB3&«S5KS rf»i*ui,i taiTivory^ntort*^. shell,’- w ^, \vi?- y L L’-.r-Y-iT 0 ;?.!, 1 *, th *! niore lashiohahle, it is. ,. feam ti savj ilncfe hll i ui ; J“fashio!l:ibl«. xt* 1 iliWMV, , Sirefr ’ fare-Inediiiin,! arid lift bride, we ^ * ^•gamltlffikom he'liatl i surely, have, vapgO «Mtifch r ' riade.from The . Norfolk, ,j caro «n»I seizing several- important position^ iij: front of,,Krystal wd. a L i^wiW^W!!ig|i«WBlit s-^Q^SfiSSftSlWEI*^ 1 > battalions.and .raouwUuui artillery to grins there ’’ws.SWSfet'fflS'CSt .■^•.•.j^aSragbCgfctl through ^UierDug* iFass, ib«.iTarM sc tight* 'bjr tl w^V^'^hheV*" fl&htfti§ td seize the bendaof the rbads w>!>dk to place their guns in position tw; support the ^tdVance of "the hj^Jd ' of their column. t/ iK-srt The grpund w,43 favorable /or >his likin of operation^; for the first ttro J • ■ -itiKlaf ;■•« ... . iu 1■dig days, and the Montenegrin* retired belorift .'Oib"TiirSt«Jfv 'har rowing of the groriiid and tire incens ing difficulties of tho road, forced the Turks to reduce,their/rout, then the concentrated firo^jof the Montone- griaa^dfiln«Diil%tmr QY£ry?ioefe*niHl s i'K’ nfgmi ru rnr witli TTIgUTTnl eTTect upon the Turks. Antid a perfetjt hailstorm of bullets, the breve Turk* ish infantry struggled' onward’, en cumbering the road with their dead and wounded at every step. ! " ’ • The guns posted (before Golia shelled the defile in advance, blit with little effect, as the Montenegrins were well covered, and suffered only when the Turks desperately charged on theni amid rocks and brushwood. The fighting on the third day was almost hand to hand, and although the Turks gained slowly, it was at a terrible cost in men. Notwithstand ing the stubborn bravery Of Suliemnn Pasha’s troops, the fourth day’s fighting found them no nearer tMfe key of the Pass, and they had al ready lost nearly three thousand men. The effort to maintain posses sion of the ground thus gaiuod was found hopeless. '‘ r - The Montenegrins repulsed every attempt to advances and -the retreat was comifteQoed, wbjcb soon became general; the Montenegrins'’ following the retiring Turks, killing *an immense number, and reocfujjyip^tbeirformer position. kThe fight. lasted, ov<sr, #ve days, and the Turks lost over 4,000 men and a quantity of arms. The victorious Montenegrins lost 700 men. Tbe faihire«.of the Turks to force die Duga Pass is believed to-insure the capjtu&tieiMiF Nicsies witiuii a drart time, but ’if’fS 1fkeljr'That Solienian Pasha may again attempt to.reUcve the town. fitu we read the i vith peculiar satista< qitl5fOftjHWweA story^lbil we record uliur satisfaction. Ad- ng the Pa- his noble offering his purse to __ ( il to *«« KHnWig' “ttf-frqiiet- nu^ltiads^f.' -iu hincv dr^ss. aiid diiiulli Imptarl-ff” “ ! “ as a leading liqurnai .it^./Vhe features of * • * them with miral citic sqi temper by WMtfelhmiftt*4h«i -ItUdri&s Ijpftiuse it was not accepted This sailor like by the officers andi erew of the Pen-. through Captain Ij^vin to the women and children of the wrecked steamer and the’ names ot MJtrray an«l Irwin will long be remembered by all kiml- a, il Ilome Journal. »U- GOTHAM. [Hfft2iilffiil MH New York Fashions—City The contest at present waged be tween nature on the one hand, and «4i)lK»f11. b v *... ........ ffititoni ti The Mosjkynaift, Hosuw.aro discon tented and. strongly favor annexation with Aiietm.'/t jis ^leperteii'. •itom Bupbftf^et, ithat jlussia has pronivsed to place Servia in possession of the : a present r^qdeiqtootljthat a. declaration o^^ar by / Servia would be immediatelj^olfowed by Austrian oovery of plots against the . tzar’s life and the discovery of ?i^kish ^piesin Rou mania, aU' Poles," inclddihg; the Bishop of Ntoopoli^ have been ordered ■’ ’ feSSt I “7" »iw.t(icr’l ' >1 r • Commodore WatldplI. ■; James Iredell Waddell is SSji$PSlL- ser, the ^faenando^^iil was the last of onr gallant tain to strike bis flag; Some years agq, Commpdore Wad dell was put in command of the magniffioent steamier, 1 Sim Francisco on the Pacific Lino. As wo reported, two weeks ago, that vbsseTs struck upon an unknown reef and became a total wWek. All the pfcfei*ngfersw*e saved and the gallant. Captain 1 \vv& vidual resolves to reduce herself to th6Sf.‘nj/r^ptbdikteprepra , lftAifenecfe»s'iry for a beoomin" lappearsnoQ ini he: l^SBlBp^S evor tiieU harder, to fit themselves to the fabled :: sl?pj>er, ! Hut heioi jis'there, .fof SilaSotl fiudier the head of mortifying failures. True, our friend does actually get into her costume ’but what then? Nature, like murder, 41 will out, 5 ’ and to my way of thinking, her ample dimensions become only the more conspicuous. On tho other hand, one might reason ably conclude that the holy developed damsel would ^cit conieiit in the knowledge that she at any rate pos sessed a degree of slenderness requi site for the fulfilment of the demauds of Dame Fashion. Not so. She squeezes herself just as much, aud I suggeet as a question .for some delis ting society, which of -the two results is the greater absurdity. 'From the above repiarks, a deduction' may be drawn that just how oiiq .needs to be slender jq, ordeur to be. jfashiouable Precisely'so; ami to Attain such end, not only are costumes cut accordingly, but underclothing is narrowed down to the extremist limit. Garments are so diminished in breadth as scarce to be thing of: the past, and this because the le'.ticoat proper is .net allowed to cpme Wgber . jinan. lWi !w»i,>lrere it is at- (tohsi to * Ught'f ttragf yoke, while as a recent improveoieut. even on this, we fiod tbat the coreetnovar u made to servo a double purpose, and brought down low, gives, support. -tpiA skirt cut «S narrow as is consistent’ Wkb looomo- tioUf' 1 We do - manage to walk, but i^^mttai»lie.eairiadTaiiy fokhait I assert without fear of contradiction, around on litte F8j h* iltl'f niqrocco, kid, and lace, each «»f‘ these ^eing Subdiymed into many dine ring varietiea’, 1 au«l' fnrtli^rnibre 'divei^e'ii^’to ••ifi a? [. , ( > BUQ(HB6 l fl . loH ".v lying mi'ff ihtj) ■ ROEM.VERS, ni/BiI , Buggies,.Wagons, Sulkys .Jliinria .'*1. ,'U top Bnggies.snd. Spring, Wagons .f.Vobtitt* rojiaittid at shbrt'notice iSSjiSSf S8S?6^rt5».£fa lIKiJ 'tthiJe!"Ifi bffeVs 1 its <Wn peculiar 4^TOHiei^ ft rw'Ai„. chances;.furbishes: something new*i to thbtoiilfho ,whil^,fthoy. w<<uW enjoy, a, .• . Lucy Cakxwk. ZklLJlM jdi f---.-- that can be had, and have skilled .workman who know their business, having, an. experience of .eleven rears I feel boufidebtSf giving satis faction. Give me a trial aud I am satisfied you wilt be' Jikased' hd TJdOfthe el^apSt work in the . ei V r :'./ l )!?R 0 t'WH^olI .lo-D ,V>l»7in Jl[Z. Coopers LfVERY ST4W,tV - tutts na !,M *<>!,A. PILLS PILLS PILLS ILLS'" LL1 ■uany pju.h PILLS PILLS -p* rwiiliPitlS |irart|ce ot uiedlelue. loarther wliliPi test iOf^T«tt!«rPIII*j PILLS aim the lhou«ainU of te- lImon lals PIL LS t"«. Pil.LS iHH;?dice-fonsnimtloM,Plfi-s skin UU- PILLS (•oUe.,miru.M.UMli. PILLS tile Heart. Kidney PILLS TITTT’Srases, lllllnny TUTT’S Pajldtatlon of tin* Heart. Kidney PILLS ?gg|?S5fc* j;S SkJ:3 :’ — u - : pills TUTT’S ! CURE SICK SueA?5ACHE. ! PILLS 5S5S !=—Mtsysas m, f Aismi’sm if i ski TOt !'" r "»SftS'¥!i:» ■'*'! fitti TUrf*i :AgE,PURELY VEpEIJABLE.j.(FILLS tss? j^Wwisaar 55 ® iSH®.; utnm^w wo. j ri^l TUTT’S ..... ......’; I lLl.S TUTT’S : THE DEnASn YOU TUTT’S! PILLS TUTT’S :PILLS is not confined to this: PILLS TCTTS (Country, bat exOnds to aU partsj i PILLS TUTT’S :of the world. : PILLS tutt’s | rrr..-. | pills TUTT’S T ; A"CLE.VirTIRtDfetaHTnflfiift^: PILLS TUTT’S -good digeftton. sound sleep,: PILLS TUTT’S :bnoyant ipirits, lino appetite,: PILLS TUTT’S :are some or the results of the: PILLS TUTT’S -use of TUTT’S PILLS. : PILLS TUTT’S : piLLS TUTT’S - —T-v: PILLS TUTT’S : AS A FAMILY MEDICINE : PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S PILLS ARE THE: PILLS TUTT’S : BEST—PERFECTLY UARM- : PILLS TUTT’S : LESS; -I. ,t : PILLS TUTT’S : 7. 1 : PILLS TUTT’S - - PILLS TUTT’S : SOLD EVERYWHERE. : PILLS TUTT’S : PRICE, TWENTY-FIVEOTS.: PILLS TUTT’S : : PILLS TUTT’S : - - PILLS TUTT’S : PRINCIPALOFFIO E : PILLS TUTT’S .= IS MURRAY STREET, : PILLS TUTT’S : NEW YORK. . : PILLS TUTT’S : PILtS DR. TUTT’S EXPECTORANT. • iwttoinniu gnm»-ii ■ ;«*: This .unrivaled preparation has per formed* snmi 1 of'the most ; astonishing cures that are recorded in the annals of history. Patients suffering for years from the various dtSi'asis of the Lungs, after trying dUTeferit) rtpiedies, spending thou sands of dollars in .traveling and doctor ing, have, fij- We^tfse- df a few^ bottles, t>t(jrtly recovtrfdiktir health, i IT .“WWl’TSOTOnmiBA.” O R, VUTTt 1 me* F?r*. An«n»t SO, 1878. £^S3S^!S5SSSKS!SS •*W 1 *** *° well Utft ’ winter as Z intended. BWS V ">T7F7n^-,.lo ft and Domestic iiQUORS &c. 1 find!I.IMWIlKHH’of Vr<‘ Stoiii Montlthhi C«ni , , Whiskey,„ oJ „,.,i|j,j,,>1 j I SSttS^.. ftiiliimu owl rrr9 ? ; ill ‘I If*. *> // hot, Claarli© Stern’s •« yl U*rni’»t •jti.ihs ttoiti iiivnil-ir> -mi i“ *j!i;’Tnnq 5 For Men Mk' and Bop', Consisting of French Diagonals, Worsteds, ipviots, Cloths, Melton’s Scotch and Navy Ine Flannel Suit*! ail' of the Finest 'Material Cheviot Bine F and the most fashionable styles,, Also, a first- class stock of Gents’Furnishing Goodie in 'nil bnuv;hes compU-te. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, ihreilus in Silk Alpaca and Scotch Ginglhmi, Umbrellas in Silk Aina Trunks, etc., torwhiv.ii 1 invite, the Inspection oi the pul die, guaranteeing my prices to compete witlianr 'hon.e'iii the StiitC. Augusta or, Atlanta Prices 'Duplicated. OUR SPECIALTY — Unlanndered Shirts, made complete, flue Linen Bosom and Cuffs for $1. A,call is all we ask to convince one audall. Ch.arles Stem, ... Popular Clothing,Emporium, Broad strcfet, Athens, Ga. Next door to Long&Billups Drug,Store ,. np3-ly NEW SPRING GOODS. -rtsdiw batt Unf. -.rn P-,tniT — |j,. , ■ • ^iidiV, yT ' : ^MviU^anaihg Urn hard times, " TBE fcriSlKii FULL 'OF • t- ) vviitj ju min .i ; auppx¥-of all Spnnguand Stmoo,^ Goods ~ btn TOUS STYLffi^"^ * iRt'Uit) JJ-flT— [/****» ’n> mvan air.vv iPricc3 * Ond ^tc piihlic; generally, aail iwwrin ii i|,i> j| | jjj^“ inviDfil nir. m <po feATE4nD;,| t XAMike Ills 1 rw-jd red tbaitilsirS ,, Before pnrohaalng elsewhere. >b fanbanrfRv?? OT AJSr£>"’ PRICES ! ittvilT fr^na<n . (o. iOiwv,j„.. re, as lie is confident lie can please both wiU’.spqds' 'i'. , *kV«gf&. L ' feiW v ■>»Pi« i x! , #eygaR^ and prices. S. C. DOBBS. • ibcn I [ij- » J. V. SPARKS, Ag’t. ban '0*1 WHGtESXLlf ANfi RETAIL DEAl.ERS IN )!» Hi/HI ddoj tl-Jil //— : 9ii1 <»<& ti-nl V/ — mum • •“ l 'lHON’, •STEEL’ 1 X?W5> , N 1 .Wl^,1 u ’(if [,*«»;'>■ *»rlT' : ti Jtiq lotirixi ; * * AGRIGULTURAr'MAffijeMSTENTS. Bend a«a one doses bottlea. not s feW bf us are content with bang * cott'WWWteMml literally translated? aieaB% “ by tbe side of the , jp be done lectuir- actiiat facts—to some* fashion.” W. mg, and oometo. actua thing practical. Ih our list of new designs'for summer, we find the Venw the. righAv«ido extends over- thaleft. Thje Alexandra is also one of the most elegant of the manV princess nolon- aises^Tbfei '8ari*ito> l&wjSr/Tfi^con- dren, the Rita dress, for girls from eight to twelvd ^&arS bf age, and the Lijx Wwwfof^ijiqiopeKlPWI ’ y«ai* old, may be recommended. FAsniONAm.k Fancies; , r Violet Toilet water. Really it is deli cious, yielding tbe essential principles of a hundred;"bouquetei ofovmlets, for little more than the cost of one, and equallydelisht- ful asfor the handkerchief, Colgate & Co’s. (Cashmere Bouquet Extract is glso in.yery great favor, and mention maiy l» made of the Cashmere Bou quet Toilet soap as being prepared by our elegantes. Id fan!, dur fancha are so numerous that I hesitate to write concerning one kind, for fear of doing; injustice to some other kind. There are fans of feathers, satin, silk, I)L ACKSMITHTN C4. ! ” Having rented tlic Blacksmith Shop so long occupied'by tho late William P. Talmadge and employed competent workmen from tliq North, I am prepared to do any and alt work in tbo_< ; , SI^olassgQjitlx llaxie , at the shortest notice and, at tlic lowest prices ol dny shop in the city/1’have h . ’ Shalled Edgo-itobl 1&3rear 11 and tunko specialty ot Axes, Mill Pieks.iMat- Wagons Jund 1 buggies " :->id tt .iniKi-jiwni i»nn -jvilaii ,'»>n«i . Ironed and Repaired, Tire Shrank, Etc. Plow* Of* all kinds made and repaired at low pi .iimi.ItA ,vaiO i K . FirsVClfuaa HprseiBboeiziir. j V Trotting W c O T T O IT INS, KNGINTiS. Mowers, Hkapfrs, Thr|5,a^-hers, &c. DEUPREE BLOCK, ATjlEHS; GEflROIA. #?»tM«ILuii”;.Zr " ^ ■■ ,li, ,V. , — 1*3 West Thirty-lint Street. January 11/ ' TUi certtao* that X h» botUe^MrebeatasedbyaypeUenuwitlttliehap. plant aak tt two oasaa when ttwas thought eon. led ooneuntptton had taken pUae the Exp ant nf> 1 ,7^..;. too highly of Dr. Tutt’O Ex- • great cause ■ ,ihi(:^-.yii>i:l| of HirnIqii <. J i-,ytvl j W; vv A Lecture on; tho * Katnre, Twwtm..nty ^il «®3KiSeS SSS4*«SE!» i^gaMaa ^85^srsriaa^r«3 without dangerous surgical operatiom., bourieft, instrumeuta, rings, or-cordials; pointing out a p»o^Q,Rf ,curo ,+t once .pertain amVcfftclnall by which every sufferer, uo maUerwhat hia con- dtijoti. W4y. fcfe,’ may thro hiniiclf cSiwidIV. privately rad radically. e*F.> and thou ° t (i re P^ve * boon to thousands ’ ) I I. 7.Pp»«iOffice Box,4584-! ‘-mg firofi Agriculture,' University of Gif. gytwgilhipio^jBWAMBgD Aim Rxt»kx>. • v< For Sale, ..i used a‘ud is in pere by any. All done,,by » northern.ehoar, Concave Shoeing Eta., tu anu work warranted Guns and JbHN march20-ly. 00 l * l tting Platts. xsxg MiM^&FaafijrGoods l ,a.-tuWTirJ .in/ n> > w — -MiTRa r\- f TAACTB Has'just recelTed direct from New ttrk a fiMireol tf,h« o- « m a!iso • cl&ci stock *ir au'^Noydtiea of the season, consisting. oOtock Utoa. I lAt* 1 BibUi, Rucliings, Back Combs, Flo '■<> 1 U^aIm* T a *JI XfA Qulvlluia *J CnClIj • vlv. AC early call is 4olhntodtaiiT>m^^%l n> 2033 C. JA2&F&,. ap3-Sm Athens, Georgir.' < *1.' ill...ri.i .i 1 ,-1 ;,ii.I nr.inr.Li/. i.-iii,..n.i .i ■ n. in . .,. jui-rifi <fflf.7t»:t”E|n ii® >»in« j< lJvt7il»:iti Mill ■>my? ptfJiMn./J It:, in Fi ijii.u Bdi ‘*mj3 f« WlnttiT # THE TmK ; 6f 1 ni ii-iitm^ ->iii ; • rTii'iivu'JLi 1:! *Rkk-k-- 1 1 Anat.tKoftaeasfc.,.Georgia, i. Messrs. Opdycke, Terry i Side, ! > -1, hW)* * .ViiUvI oitnttoilf/ it*I White Goods, NoUo^^np </,*l ,.I .i! |... i tiT^ : * iPWWlTt! h’tJ •jo’ 111./- .»’J-•’•- bit« General Merchandise Broken • OFFldESVi ^ i>M J<>! 375 Sroadway, STafw ‘STorls K ■— Alto WITH— Messrs. Thomas & Fleming, DEUPREE BLOCK, ATHENS. GA. , h■: W:¥ THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARBDr TO FURNISH . itARBLfi Cob to any designs ti^r art' desiied, Plain oi XTLSiiirSi other pamoaeo,) desiguaiand pric» fhrtWted at ,j JlrL'liwsA.R; ROBERTSON,! , -i,t j.-... PIANO & ORGAN DEPOT. •‘su’.-ii”' I Phillips, crew & freyer AfWft-b>Nii<3tCTW»>» r r- ,i v I , ; Gr4ud,,8q.uareafid.Uffight., i vili; framing: Av; but waif, fcbdd wife, 4 minute; 1 have first a word to say; “• Doyon know what day to-day 1st >♦. Mother, ’tU our Wedding-day These instTunfcnti^iBTebpuii hetoro the Jul r more than forty year*, and upon their ... ’ .—i ,i-. too ex4 [ceDonoe alone imvet iittaihed:i art Utipurchnscd lincnco whicu'cstabliahes them es, uu- eqhaned lor their'Tone. Tough, WorkmabAhlp premiums at the ./ •• i ■ INTB3RNATIONAII Centennial Exhibition, PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER, 187$ ! The price* of those instruments are&Wjb gi^usive use 9 f firet^lafs ^malenals will t paUlogto* W»d price lists mailed free, ou aft- P C * UO pHILLIPfi, , CREW & FREYER, j . General Agents, Atlanta; Ga/ SOLD ON EASY.TERMS. .To.Rest! si Imre THE best, Stores, Offices, Shops. Wnrehousc, Dwelling Houses &c. E. P. BISHOP, a’lg.l.u No. 1. Broad St. up stairs. To every reader of ttw paper who sends us this ’icato and $1.00 we will forward, for one !» Tb» TWASD«*, a ^« rnagnificent Ulna- to'ww-iti * f»i" A masterpiece of the Dusscldorf School ol genre.painting, by Prof. Jordan, sire 201x151. ?:.l :iT” Just as now, wo sat at supper When the guests had^gone away; !tt. Yon sat that side, I sat this side, Forty year* ago to-day Then what plans welaid together ; What brave things I meant to do! : ■} Could we dream to-day would find us At this table—me and you. : , Better so. no doubt—and yet I . [ ’' ’Sometimes think—I cannot tell— Had our boy—ah, yes I I know, dear • Yes, He doeth all things well. .rfSii-.lfj no ••t.Xll:..!. Poor we’ve been, but not forsaken; Grief we’ve known, but never shame- Father for Thy endless mercies StmwAhlew,Thy,Holy Natna: i nrifFO This is a 'xart ehance for you AGENTS‘wa s ^/s oieiva^’yoor territory, w/go to^wo* »t oncc^ New-York. ’ marefal«-18t. ISe Sennesaw Gazette, A Monthly Paper, Published at ATLANTA, G--A.. to Bailmd iptercsts,^Literature umor. Fifty. her. Ad SAW G Atlanta, *8«S, gazette, _...... Atluuta, G ir.cb27-tt