The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, June 26, 1877, Image 1

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,}>«4'.3jrK> «ii »*I Xv ; *a: lALt* >} ; i uri *l- Wtt-t/for <^»i UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA LIBRARY for tlie return of the only can save onr sadly degeneV versily. This will atone to the Choir of Natural Philosophy in' competent ? This is a very grave VOL. 5. NO. 40. VOL. 56 bm x*a: ,W XYOTZCSS. Tb* (SbuaM of WHiot: JJ5IOIIV 8PEEU, ATTORNEY A*r LAW, ittfeoA. 4 dUWy Office Nos. 4 and 3 Court-House. J «. dohtcii, ATTORNEY AT UW, Cutnesville, GU., wlB-lOTMt’ i j( | JACKHON <fe THOMAS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Alliens, Gn. * OfBoe South Wist Corner of Collet* Avenue and Clayton StMfc, also at the Court Ilouac. All parties desiring Criminal Warrants, can pet them any time by applying to the Comity Solicitor at this offtcsu decl8-1874-tf ! voice, she loved to sing his* melodies. „ , • ‘ .. j The passion with which she inspired If yon the modern game of whistwouid khow, ],. ' , ‘j *c From till* great principle it* precepts flow; j h,m " as 08 fervCM « s her own ’ and ,f Treat your otm hand as to your partner’s joined, | ever the deep conspirator could forget And play, not one alouc, but both combined. big gloomy reveries, it was when 8 eated at Catherine’s side, and dream* Yonr first lead makes your partner understand What is the chief component of your hand; Aud hence there is necessity the strongest Tlmt your first lead be flrom yonr suit that’s longest. 0. J>. HILIx ATTORNEY AT LAW, .: k i /'•.'■ # < Athens, On. iug of love and happiness. On the eve of . the day when the in* surtection was to break out, Pestal, more preoccupied than usual, scarcely answeied Catherine, and at times seemed not to hear her. " What ails you to-day, Paul ?” she said, taking his hand. “ You do not , . .., i look at me—you do not speak to me. W ith queen, Knave, ten, yon let the queen pre- 1 J “ . ► 0 In thin, with ace and king, lead king, then aee; With king and queen, king also lias first place; With ace, queen, knave, lead ace and then the queen; • With ace, four small ones, see should first be seen. Prompt attention given to ull bnsincss and the same respectfully solicited. jsnll-ly I). C. Barrow, Jk. code; i In other cases, vou the lowest lead. t»i .... • t*Tn i -T r Ere you return yonr frierd’s, your own suit p'»y; ; But trumps, yon must return wULont-May. Wlien you tetiirn ; your partner’s lead, take , . pains 1 To load him back the best your baud contains, I If yon received not more than three at first; I lf yon had more; you may return tiic worst. Bat, if yon hold the master-card, ycu’rc bound Pops Barrow. - JJnrrotv Bros., ■/. ATTORNEYS at law, Athens, Gu. Office over Tulmndge, llodgsqn’&.Co. j In most eases, to play it second round. janl-ly I Whene’er y >n wont n lead, ’tis seldom wrong , To lead up the weak through the strong. ■ In second bund, upuf lowest should be playefl, | TJnlowydn mean j 1 trniiqi signal’ to be made; j Or, if you’ve, king and queen, or ace and king, Then, one of these will oc the ]irop<r thing. ^ E. THRASHER, ATTORNEY at law, Wutkinsviilc, Go. . 0!ii«j in former Ordinary’s Office. jiinS.VlSl'feiy I never saw you so wild, so absent, when you were',with me.’’ Cl IVtrl looked it her’ sadly. ’ “ What would you do, Catherine, were you never to see me again?” “I should die!’’ cried Catherine, with enthusiasm; and then added, in a voice of terror: *• But why this question, Paul ? Can you think of forsaking me?” Paul was silent. “ But it cannot be,” said Cat^rine, “You have sworn to loye’raelill :death.’« u| Vl l ’ * vl it ■ From Savannah News.] •?ouni week or two since an appeal was m.idc, through tlio Atlanta Con st itutiw • -1 for the recall of Dr. Broun to the chair of natural philosophy in the State: University. This article was signed i^Juinciniiatus.” Several days atlerwanis an able editorial appeared in the Augusta Chronicle ami Con- 8tituti<HH3t*t advocatirtg the same measnrtvjyjd was followed immedi ately by'-ao- article in the Macon TeleffrajJt and Messenger of like tenor, a ssigned 41 E. de M.” Now, while the diversity of locali ty in which these articles appeared, and tho short time elapsing between their respective publication, demon strates conclusively that a wide spread spontaneity of feeling ‘jiervades the-alumni of our State University, and that all are in Dr. W. LeBnjr Broua and the I'nirersUy—Her Alumni Eraser for Ilia Uccll-The “Infer- | * ,,,u lloq ” Sprrndina—A Few Fart* fur thr i should DOt be lightly answered. It • V T Pt0|ll< '‘ I seems that it was discussed at the l meetiug of tlie trustees last August, i and their action thereupon is remark ably significant. While electing ev ery other Professor for life, they elected Professor Camming for one gear. That year expires mouth after next, at which time lie will either be appointed for life or his successor chosen. It is not the writer’s province or desire to injure Prof. Camming iu any way, hut where the interest and well-being of hundreds of our youths are at stake, it seems ccrtaiuly advis able that the full attention of the Board of Trustees should he directed to this subject, and that it ought to he thoroughly ventilated. If Prof. Cumming is really incompetent, as a large majority of those who have been under his instruction say that he is, false delicacy should not infill once the trustees to retain.him in his position. Important situations de mand good men, and even if it is p g.tIid.’u:. biox .TTnr.'Opv ViiiO ATTOICttEY ’AT LAW, j wrl! tl.e rnlffl tor trumps- iif ctl tWtn; fcteV i When you hold five, ! tis always right to leau Special attention paid to criminal practice.] For reference apply to Ex-Gov. T. ll. Wattai,^ ., , ’ , , . . end Hon. David ClOjHoW; Moi<bm^rf,*pQ° r > ! I t,,e lead won’t come in time to yon, Office over fost-dtRe# Athens, Gari-'* ? i jtytieh, signal to vonr partner so4o <la ' ’ febs-isriwf , v * j Watch nbo for your pnrtni rs tr«mj>-»eqnest, To trhleli, with less than four, play off your best. . *.-■- .* i lcflii tliroiirb honors turned up is bodVlaf, linrm«nious accord with the position taken bj^ llie writers thereof, the Yes! . ^Yljile this henft heats it " I is voui;s, GuTfierififf;.*- hut,” he added. main, inebflv laudatory of I)r Broun : “ ‘ e... > . Zj.: , - ,, i that he is Prol. B j embracing her with '•tembuness. , and the •ttesire or fe-olve evinced hv ; , . , , ... . . promise me joimw. OAVEN, ATTOKXKY AT LAW, Tocoa City, Go.’ i-r • -- - wm prnctlee In all the counties of the West ern Circuit, Hart and Madison of tlie Northern Circuit. Will give special attonion to all clain.* entrusted to his cure. oct20-lS7.Vly. Lamar Cobb. Howell Cobb. k & If. COBB, ATTORNEYS AT l.tW, Athens, G:\ 5'Jtfiec in Deuprce Building, feb2a-W76-ly ^LEK. l-». EHWIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Athens, Qa. Office on Broad Street, between Center & Nich olson and Orr «fc Co., up-stairs. feb22-I67d-ly COCHBAN, iLTTOUlTEnr A.T LAW, Gainesville, Gu. ! When second limn}', a doubtful trick you sec, ' Don’t trump, if' yon hold more trumps than three; But, having three or less, trump fearlessly. I When weak in trumps yourself, don’t force your frietul. But always force the adverse strong trump- hand. 1 j For sequences, stern custom lias decreed ' The lowest you must play, if you don't lead. When yon discard, weak suits you ought to choose, ! For strong ones are tiro valuable to lose. A Russian Love Story. Tlie Last Melody of Paul Pestal, Ihe Conspirator. The Emperor Alexander was dead. ! His eldest brother, the Grand Duke t Constantine, was his natural successor , . , , , , established tluft he ts competent, it letters rqtdrred to have been, m the i , , , i . r I»E . cannot be asserted bv any means, to nit's equal; the .. . W •„ i , , "' 7 ‘ ! length and breadth of tlie State if I me. that, vou will several of the trustees last vear to . . , , , . . .. , nk.-E . nu , inigut be searched, m vatu lor that, recall him. i They did not particular* ! ,, ’ , , . hMUr. Consoquemly, .h,,r Jmy to them- .Totl^*; a ,ther«lbr l .,,l,c. .vritor "■'«> »1* of this anicte deems it his duty, as an alunjims of tlie University, to prescut to the |ittJt}|Siaml to the trustees in is bearing dircctlv ‘nr-’sftia&ai. live for the sake of vour old father, * and that, even 'tvhen *dead, I shall never cease to. occupy your thoughts.’’ “ I promise to live as long as my grief will allow. But of us two, Paul, it is tfbt I who shall have this trial to Arndt man who degenerated Uni- . will atone for any past mistakes on either side, and there is hardly any doubt hut that Dr. Broun will gladly return to his first love, and once more revive the drooping spirits of our dear old Alma Mater. All that we ask is the attention of . tlie trustees to this matter. But once start the investigation, and wo we fear not nor doubt, not the result, ilv- ■ “75.” The Louisville Sensation. The New \ ork Herald publishes the following from Louisville, Ken tucky : ' .“A startling sensation has just been sprung in Louisville. Mrs. T. T. Hawkins, daughter of the kite Colonel Weir, of Lexington, and of Mrs. G. W. Merriweather, whose second husband was before his death a prominent hanker of this eitv, is implicated in heavy forgeries of the names of e.v-Tjniteij States Seueator Stevenson, lion. George II. Pendle ton, of Ohio, Col. .Tatties Taylor and Henry Tiinherlake, of NW. port. Kv. Daring the la-a few y. :n\s Mrs. H ttv- kins at various limes obtained money:, from her mother. ftere are oruef presentments that the trustees to recall Prof. Broun, if possible. is rr possible? Would Dr. Broun tions i riTeie why he would prefer do not deceive,” said Pestal, declsning ; singular of* which can he readily his head on his breast; ” an inward j substantiated and proved on deman ' voice warns me that I must abandon j The columns of the Morning News j could do so (I) with pecuniary ad- 1 my two happiest vidons—the bliss of i have beetr selected for this purpose j vantage to his family, and (2) with, living in the enjoyment of your love, ; on account of the well known extent i the preservation of his own dignity Catharine, and the glory of assuring i of its circulation and its general high aud self-respect. Without mention- the welfare of mv countrymen.’’ j standing throughout the State. t htg these reasons, several of which “What do you mean?” cried In the first place, it is a noticeable jnic private and all of no interest to Catharine, whose fear and agitation i and melancholy fact in the past two the public, the two conditions men- increased every minute; “what means j years the University j tione.1 above and the method or these mvsterions words, these gloomy > has fearfully retrograded. means of satisfying and complying predictions? Paul, you are conceal-! It is true, this may be ascribed to with them, will now be briefly ing a secret.” i a variety of circumstances, promi- “ Yes, Catharine.” | nent among which is the general “ A secret from me who never had j financial depression and business aggregating stitoff 810,000, for the purpose, as sibi said, of engaging in tobacco specula- tioi^i with some gentlemen. She promised the profits would be onor- uously large. ‘Last winter Mrs. Merriweather Kttiwoli rens#«> the l east pro] tot! mayii—Ain J. N. DORS |HBUUV G. MoCUHUY, Attorney seb Law, IUhtwell, Georgia, Will practice iu tlio Superior t’ourts of No: east Gootilia oiul Supreme Court at Atlanta. Aug 8. 187A tf Real Estate and General Land Afreut. for tlie , „ , , , aroluiso ami sale of Minoral auil Farming to tltC throfie of liussta ; hut, by a deed ands in Hall, and the other comities of North-j . , S. . / ist Georitia. Mineral ores tested and titles to ] till then kept . ecret. Lon-tantine, 111 onsrty investigated. Special attention given I Alexanders lifetime, had renounced the purchase and Bale of city property. “ ’ 'Sky. Attomev. j the crown in favor of his younger brother, Nicholas. The accession of the latter, therefore, excited general surprise, and an unsettled feeling man ifested itself among the people and the army. The time appeared favorable for the breaking out of a conspiracy which had been forming for years, t An insurrection took place at St Pe- James R. I.yle, Watkinavillc. Alev. S. Erwin, Athens. J YEE <fc ERWIN ATTORNEYS Will practice in partnership in the Superior Court of Oconee County, oud attend promptly to all huslnes* intrusted to their care. jan9~8m- CASSS. STUBBS & GO., Cotton Factors oud General Commission Merchants, ' Savannah, Gu. <■ Bagging, Ties, Ropo and other supplies ftir- uislied. Also, liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale or shipment to Liverpool or Northern ports. may 30-1873-tf IJY A. ILK It, Watohaulwr & <Jowolor, At Mieliael’iitore, next door to Reaves & Nich olson’s, Broad street, Athens, Georgia. All work warranted 19 months. , soptlfr-tf. • Jg KCHAFFKK, OOTTCUW faV tMM, - Tocoa City, Qo. Highest cash prioo paid for cottdn. Agent for WiMhip’s Gins and Press. oc20-1675-tf H* IsITTXE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ^ * • *un Carnosvillc, G«. ’' •plWWS-tf IT LAW. the Superior ' tersbufg on Christnms May, 1826; but j the movement of the conspirators was too hasty, and their attempt, not well I seconded by the troops, failed through the energy of the Czar. A hundred | and thirty-six leaders of the iusurrec- ! tion were seized, tried and condented, l and almost all of them were sentenced to perpetual laltor or to exile in Sib eria. The five principal chiefs were condemned to be broken on the wheel, but did not undergo that horrible pun ishment, the gibbet being substituted, by a ukase of the Emperor. Among these five chiefs, the first and most remarkable was Paul Pestal, Colonel of the infantry regiment of Wiatka. The long and arduous task to which he had devoted himself had not yrhol- ly engrossed the mind of this brave ■nd daring conspirator. Alive to the -charms of the aru, he cultivated them with success, and, iu particular, wits an excellent musician. The young and beautiful Catherine W-—-—had ^kaonceived a devoted attachment to to Pestal. Gifted witb su- exquisite one from you!” “ You have had all mine—but this one does not belong to me.” “ And if I may judge from your looks, your words, your thoughts of death and lining, it must l>e some thing very terrible!’’ “ Terrible indeed!’’ . “ After a moment^ .silence,’’ Pestal continued: i_ “ Hear me, Catharine ; whenj I shall give you, this evening, my fare well kiss, it may, perhaps, be the last yon wilbreceive from me. But what ever may be my lot, whenever you are told, ‘ Paul is dead,’come, and you shall find a rieinembrance of tiie ; stagnation. But this is not sufficient in itself *to account for the present exceedingly slim college roll, as many who have the mentis, instead of patronizing their old Alma Matter, as they would doubtless like to do, are actually • SENDING THEIR SONS ELSEWHERE, Q ' and to institutions, at that, which have heretofore been regarded as inferior. It is also worthy of note that, notwithstanding the fact that the financial panic occurred four years ago, this great falling off in the Uni versity did n't take place until last year, or shortly after Drr Broun re- for, I swear to yon, my hist thought J signed his chair. Again, several shall he of you.’ Postal’s presentment did not de ceive him. He saw Catharine more. The day after the execution of his sentence, a young girl, drowned in tears, obtained, from the keeper of the prison the favor of being admit ted into Postal’s cell. r : After a long searcli she discovered some lines of music pencilled on the wall. Above them were only the two words, 44 Por- her !* Underneath was Paul’s name. • - r ; Two years Afterwards there died, in a lunatic asylum, a poor- maniac, whose madness consisted in ringing, every day, mid at .the same hour, the same little inel&ly. Tlie ‘mad wo man was Catharine; ... , 711,-i—. at which she was admitted to. her lover’s dungeon—and the air was the last-melody ofPestal; students of the University actually followed Drs. Broun and Lipscomb 1,0 to Vanderbilt College. While no reflections are intended to be cast, or insinuations made, these facts are, to say the least, very sug~ gestive, and as such they are left to the reflecting public. That the University has 44 fallen off’’ lately Is beyond all cavil, and that this retrogression is due in great measure to the absence of Dr. Broun, seems almost - equally conclusive. His: wonderful executive, managing and controlling power have already been sufficiently discussed, and 'no further- proof is necessary to show All IRBEPARMUI LOSS . ], with them, will touched upon. First. The trustees last year dis cussed the plan of abolishing the office of Chancellor, and instead, making it a merely honorary position to be held l»v some one of the literary men of the^SUite, (without compen sation,) ami whose only duty would he to visit Athens once a year, at Coinmencent, to deliver the diplo mas, etc., to the graduating class: The executive officer during tlie term, according to this plan, would be a Chairman of the Faculty, elected by them from their number, and who would receive a nominal salary of— say $600 or $800—ayd who would reside—rent free—iti the^’old Chan cellor’s house, recently ' Vacated by PV6T. Morris, which house could be renovated and fitted lqflfor tliat pur pose. With this preliminary expla nation, it is now asked • * YVHAT COULD BE EASIER • • V, ^ 1 than * to elect the prceeiit Chancellor —Dr. Tucker—said Honorary Chau* cellor, and recall Dr. Broun, who would bo undoubtedly elected Chair man by the Faculty and f-lius receive the money, but his father, who was a ) wealthy Boston merchant, would reimburse it By this ruse-she sues, ceeded in gaining a few days’ timeV Mrs. Merri .feather, who was mow ing anxious, hut not suspicious, per sisted in her desire to realize on the investments. Her daughter pro duced two notes of $60,000 each and two of $26,000 each, apparently made In James Taylor in behalf of the syndicate. Mrs. Hawkins accom- 4 patiicd her mother to the Louisville Savings Bank. a compensation amounting iti the ,ag gregate to more than.he receives at Nashville ? There is-nothing chimer ical io this. Nothing theoretical, even. It is all. dry, plain fact and business. Will tliqjJJqgird complete the good work it hqg begiui ? Second. . Dr. D^oqn resigned bis position two years agt^partly on ac- . jjHWW^ei^tanding^ This out be altogether wiped' out—if altogether wiped out^—if State oqll«ge. I»»a«tfered%hiB '+ ' withdrawal,.^ - “ When the notes were presented the clutsit r, Mr. Holirer, perceKed they were irregular and declined to discount them. Rohrer at once made an investigation and ascertained that Stevenson and others had no knowledge whatever of Mrs, Haw kins’ tobacco speculat'ons. The re cords of the Adams Express Com pany were examined, but no trace of Mrs. Merri weather’s forty thousand dollars was discovered, anti it was .not known what her daughter did with the money. ' f 44 It has sipce been developed tint .Mrs. Hawkins last, summer obtained from the Louisville Banking Com pany five hundred .dollars on a postal card ot der from Senator Stevenson. Tlie' lntnk sent the diaft on for col lection, but it came back protested, Stevenson saying Mrs. Hawkins lutd no authority to use his name. “On a threat of arrest for obtain ing money under false prctensis, Mrs. Hawkins revealed- these facts, which are learned from officers of the bank ami others in pesition to know. Mrs. Hawkins’ husband is Col. T.T. Hawkins,, an invalid, at one time prominent in Kentucky/- politics. The family is highly respected throughout the State. Mrs. Merrj- weatlier is said to be.ruined. finat\<i^. ally by her daughter. Members the family .sav that Mrs Hawkins mpntnllv immimnl. insiiiiilv liflvin». *EY A UNANMOUS ELECTION, f * In the second place, the que«4on Let ttiere not be oie liesitfcting arises; Is the present incumbent of vote, but all oast freely and gladly Louisvilie. mentally impaired, insanity liaviu{£ been known in her family. Tlip af fair has created great excitement in *rtrqri * I \ r