The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, June 26, 1877, Image 3

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■Hi THE ATTTF.lfo GflQKGlA&L. Lmlisin Uiot in Cauatla. s,n«cn Patrol Oka Vlllace anil Horn al'hsn-li. Fresh trouble between the Oka ! Philadelphia Bulletin, the extract Indians and the church authorities is , from Iiauilet, “I'll make a "host of crenting some excitement in Mon* him that lets me.” Heal, I| appears the ^eifcinary Of —2Mpr^itwr*te‘*LoVi; St. Snlpk-o demanded that the Pro* lestant Indians should remove the fence fioni across the’roail hear Oka village, and that the Indians refused on the ground that it was inclosing the pasture, and that 'they had been allowed to place it there originally. As the Seminary could make no agreement, the clergy laid informa tion at St. Scholastique, and, on war rants being issued, such jvas the feel ing evinced among the Indians that the authorities of the district called «; ZZiag Maries’ —A very good, or bad, motto for [ Kxfihange Saloon, a haunted house is devised by the COLLEGE AVENUE. The lies! i.'iuciuuatti Lager Beer, Cigars anil all kinds of Liqaors sold cheap decltt-ly. ' FOB CASH. JSTAStS Not,- .ml .hen m »vc,„y, u ; , Pmctical Watchmaker . love knot of matmuonv with- ?yir ' ' ; ; . , „ ii »» " , • . ill AS removed to his old stand at thoAci Stirling Maxwell. However, there is i la Or»g Starr. where he wilt be glad to se lint n<>nntis-ii*il v nnnii.iili,.ii,», ! his customers, old and new, who wish tine! not t|\ nnj contradiction i Work Jonc 0| * Wateliei)) £ 1(1 jewelry involved. AH work warranted. . « r > % | j fsbSiMim. ARTHUR EVANS. —Tiie first shipment of pig iron to.! _. ^ , . Europe 1.9, W„ ■until-, acjrding j The Copartnership Hc-rctutorc existing under the name and style ■ n,,-.,.. -t. r.n.i i a i i is Wriv^lT:} 1877 ??■ *" THE ATHENS Furniture Manufacturing ' COMPANY Believing , tliat Athens, and the .section of | *"*?, JUtM'Vpa^°t-clU mVe ’ U,Kl W ° Uld COr ‘ Furniture Store and Factory Clarice Go-uxrfcy- ■-«= a Bah imore paper. Five tons have , ofDorou<h * 0sborS , in thelumber b o*m«*; h» been sent Irom Pittsburg to Ant-. tl, “ ‘ la J' dissolved by mutual consent. The , , . , , . °. . ! business in the future will be continued under werp. Is tins the beginning df a the name und style of J. W. l'RUITT & CO., asi- i-.ig^ o i to whom nil orders tor lumber must be iiddress- new revolution. ; e.l. All orders for lember or luths left with U - "•» .i.'* ' i , .. i „ Wiley K. llood Or W. B. Pruitt will he liuue- ** ® that olllj tell Anicl I- j tnslly filled. Orders addressed to Harmony . . .. can vessels have passed through the I S' 0 ™ wil L l ? d * liv «^ 1 »“>, J’kere on the unon the Provincial Government tor _ " | Northeast Railroad. Thaukful for past favors J . , i Sue/. C:r ' * — , , , .. , , UU w. Janal from 186< to 18t£. l hc- help, and seven policemen and a ser-i , , , , , * , * ., i • i canal ought to be managed Mu z to geant wlm were sent np, aided in nr- , ® »• , ... ... x* _ r j- ! make a belter showing than that, resting live out bf forty-Jtve Indiansi < - 1 . tbr whom warrants were out. The; Hie Maryland Peninsula has rest lied, and remained concealed in j shipped about 4,100,000 quarts the woods until the constabl.-s left j strawberries. The season is nearly we respectfully solicit the patronage of tlie public n, wuui of lumber or laths to tlie new firm. April 12. 1877. •i»17-S J. tV. PRUITT & CO NE1W SPRING AND SUMMER lhe village, 'flic Indians again as- j closed, and the crop has fallen oft GioocLs. -rinblud; and Chief-Joscph ^.esa- j aWst ‘2,0W,1)00 quarts from HTfesti- i ^ T A> Abam wouId mo8t ^ kit ret advised thenV to resist arrest, 1 ,,,i,u * ! ‘- ", * V_ « infonn the Indies of Athens audof counties ad- j.V. '***. I *'* w • * jncciit, that **ue lias now received and o|tenea a when they armed themselves with —Out of 781 hooks taken from the i must elioioo mid select assortment of Spring and ... *, , i • , ,,, ...... . j Summer Millinery Goods, comprising in part tlie i ifh's, revolvers and knives, fins Hock Island, III., public library diu- | latest -tyfes and fhxhionsof 1 being completed, at noon yesterday, ing May, 465 were novels and 140 ihey patrolled the village ami defied | books for juveniles. The rest were lilt* |»rirsts Towards | distributed atuoiu;* history, biography, j herb call before purehnHii»;£ c*1hcwhere. Ordcra t j *' * from it distance cari'lullv filled. Store located »;»n Broad street, one door ul>ove National Hunk. 21, 1ST b—*-.Vtf. we lia\e entered into a partnership, bought out the Machinery and store of Oillelind, Wood & Co., and the store of J. F. Wilson A Co., and determined to give the business a fair trial under the firm name of the Athens Furuiturc Manu- tactanug Company. At the store occupied by J F. Wilson & Co., we propoM to keep a stock of Furniture equaled b - v " one iu the State. Mr. miT e y Jma charge of this department, goodsinthis *° Walt ou B,, y Hearing At the stand of Gillelan.i, Wood & Co. we wall to'P allI goods if oar own muiiufscture, —n <, L j! ‘' Table*, Chairs, etc., and in additJon^nH keep a large and well selected stock of Coffins, Burial Cases, etc. Mr. W. L. \\oodwat give bis personal attention to this denirtment. ■. We have engaged with Mr. Win. A. Kemiug- ton to supennteml tlie Manufacturing and Rc- painug oepartuieut. His; kill as a workman guarantees success. All kinds ot repairing done at short notice. Our machinery for Dressing, Sawing and Turning will be kept rulining as usual. Give us u trial and be convinced that Athens OH compete 'successfully with nnv citv in the booth in the saie of Furniture, etc. Oconee. Gowaty. * lists, ilnuarls. Itililnns, Lares. Vinners, tilotrs, which she will sell at reasonable prices. Give night, many still 111 Milt IV. siding priest leiiriil, while a few At ft o’clock, the re nt Oka ilisonvereil his -table in flames, :iml about thirty armeil Imlians proineunfiing around the ehiirch. The fire spread, ami in two hours, the oliureh, priest’s resi- donee and granary, containing one tboiisaml biislids of grain, st'diles and eoach house, witli their valuable content', were iu ruin-. A i brary <»t 1,000 xoli.mcs, part in tin: Indian Ian essays, natural history, etc. —The expense attending tlie con veyance of the votes of tue different States at the election of General ' \\ ashington to the Seat ot govern ment w as 81,401 50, while that of the second election of Gen. Grant ' was $18,103 *25. —A A igilancu Committee has been formed ai Harper’s Ferry, V.i, and warning is g.vou to tin- i.ioutc men, uage, w;,s consiuiictl. A mill- j ncry, 100 years old, which was close lato,s ot * l,u l: »w generally, to leave j by, escaped the flames. There was no insurance. A rigid investigation will be made as to the orig’n of the lire. The provincial authorities will probably take the necessary steps. Several of the provinoiul police nr- . | swindlers, highway robbers, and vio lators of the law generally, the town or take the consequences of their tenuity. —The full capacity of the salmon- r\ F. TALM^DE, —DEALER IN— American ami lm|iorttil Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND FI.ATED WARE, Ivlv-sical tMtaumeata, Gunn, Fia-fcola, Stc. W'iSdVHEsH-OUKlK* AX1> J KWKI.ltY RK- FAIKEI* IN -x XKAT, WORKMAN- JAKE MAN’NKII, And warranted to givv entire Mt]*faetiou. Vruamthtul uml Plain LtlUr Engraving Sprcialty. ESOAB SX2SST, eso law frea L::u t Wan, The Athems Furniture Min, Company. All pem wiLsoje settle at nil the 15th January, ls77. in the hands of Jav O. Ooiltty ot tlie old stand. A word to the wV. Ueel9-Sm, J. F. WILSON & CO. M indebted to tlie late firm of J. F. F^’®-" ill please roine forward and The accounts will he found till CITY TAX SALES. Will be sold before the Coipt-llousc door" in i the city of Athens, on the first Tuesday in July 1 next, between the legal limns Of salts, the follow f ing property, to-wit: One lot land belonging I to Warwick Wilson, in First Ward, hounded by lands of R. Williams, Robert C'happel, uud east by W. P. Tolmodge. Sold to satisfy city x ii fa for 1376. , Also, at the same time and place, a lot ou Lumpkin street, in Third Ward, adjoining' R. L. Bloomfield, W. 0. Kemp nud E. L. Newton, sold as flu? property of John Kirkpatrick, to satisfy a city tax fi fa for 1875. 5 •" Also at tlie same time and place, one house lot in Third Ward on Bobbiu Mill Rood, adjoin ing other Innda of B. J Farr, and sola as the property of B. J. Farr, to satisfv citv tax fl fa for 1876. Also, at the same time and place, oiic house and lot in Third Wurd. on Hancock avenue, ad joining lots of F. Fhiuizy, Dr. O. W. Long and Wm. Dericot, sold as the property of Wm. Creighton, to satisfy a city tax fi fa for 1876. Also, at the same time aud place, one house aud.lot ou Barber street, in Fourth Ward, ad joining lots of II. Cobb Davis and J. Hampton, sold as the property of Wesley Williams, ool., to satisfy a city tux fi fa for 1874 and 1876. Also, at the same time and place, one house and lot in the Third Ward, on Brood street, ad joining H. Beusse, Ann Beal and Martha Hol brook, sold os the property of KedJlolbrook, to satisfy a city tax fl fa for 1876. Also, pt the seme time anil place, one house aud lot in Brooklyn, udjoiuing lots of Pot How ard, H. Thomas and Martha Holbrooks, -old as the property of I.. W. Holbrook, ool., to satisfy a city tax fi fa tor 1876. Also, at the same time und place, one lot in the Third Wurd, joined by Mrs. J. A. Sledge, S. Murks and Henry Smith,' sold as tlie property ot Phillip Lee, col., to sutislv a citv tax tt fa for 1876. Also, at the same time anil place, one house and lot on Broad street, in Third Ward, joined by Dr. J. Cumak -aud Dr. J. S. Hamilton, sold E XECUTORS SALE.—-By Virtue Of an order of tno Court of OrdinarV of 0oont*6 CuiiuU’ and in pursuaoe* of the last'Will and Tcstatnew - of John G. -Thrasher deceased, .will Ijq ^ before fbe Ootfft ffbn'se door in Athens, l.'larkr Connty, Ga., on the %t Tuesdav in -Mav neat during the legal hours of sale,' the following property to-wit, three lots in-tbe citv of AtlwitJ ronneriy owned by Jofer. liril, fkli'otvit as tV Bird lot and 1 as the Ahnjn Jot tmproviid, cue oFsaid lots containing 1 acre, more or le*-- Said property sold for tlie purppse i5f mviag the debts ot stud deceased. Terms Casli. ■’ r*T april8-4t, B. I!. MURRAY. Executor., ETotLs© l ..r 1 will be at the following places to receivt lax Returns lor the year 1877, on the following .T on ?!* *atnc*tly requested to meet luu Watkinsville, April 14th, May 12th aud June 9 th* Skull Shoals, April liith, May 14th and .?un* lltll. Elders Shop, Wild Cat, April 17th, Mav 15tk und June 12th. * Salem, April 18th, May 16th and June IDtk Dark Comer, April 17th, Mav 17lli anil June 14th. Walls Store, April 2rttb. Mav l«th and .T» ae 18tlt : 7 Jones Store High Shoals, April 21st, Mav 1M and June 16th. l^rmingVlli, April L-'td, May 21st and J:in* as the property of Asa Grunt, col., to satisfy a I city tux fi fa for 1875 and 1376. ! je7 -SOd II. COBB DAVIS, fdiief of Tolice. iprillO-2m. ANN E GREEN, W. W. PRICE, T. C. pLARKE SHERIFF SALE—Will be sold be- V'fore the court house door in the Citv of Belton Hotel -j Athens, Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tucs- ■p, - . _ | t i, lV j„ j,,].. ncxti ivithm the legal hours of sale .. “JwOli taeorgia. i tho following property to-wit: One new dwcll- Situated 66 miles on tin* Atlanta, Richmond i ing house situated and standing on the farm of and Air Lite Railroad from Atlanta and within ' - —* - * one mile of the junction of the North East Rail road of Ga. The Proprietor is now prepared to oerye all who call upon him with meals at the following rates: Single meal 5D C . I Per week *8 oo 81 50 I Per month J20 00 Per day.. julyl8-ly S. II. HUGHEN. ••■itring factories Columbia Bive in Oregon on tlie rived from Oka this morning, aTIiT are awaiting orders to return. The rumor that the military hail been or dered out, is contradicted by the officers in command of the district of Oka. Prej mrations arc being made j to bail the Indians now in jail by Mr. I Matbewsotl', who received tlie follow ing telegram to-day from Rev. Mr. Parent: “Cannot jcoiitent^ the In dians; momentarily expect blood shed.” To this, Mr. Mathewson tele: graphed : “ By all means, keep the Imlians quiet.” /or one. season is ->4,810,000Finns ' not "be readied this summer. It hatdiing stations are not established, this season,says the Oregon Astorian, will be the last profitable one. —Tlie trade of the United Stales with Russia during the calendar year of 1876, was so small as to be posi- Fun for the Boys and Girls- I The High Fly Kite, tlie Diamond Kite, Skip ping Rop i-, New Styles, Grace Hoops, Tops, : Marbles, Croquet Sets, Base Balls, <fee„ for sale cheap at BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. mayM tf. CarrlngaH, JluugHii^ ifilJieB for hire. Terms reasonable. • . __ E M. WIIlTEHJgtDV Washington, WITVes ciirfiuy, Ga. iov2 6-187R-tf Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! lUemeutary Spelling Books, $1 2opi7dozen; 1 nomas Black Ink, iu 2 ounce cases, 50 cents jK-r dozen; Flagg and Moore’s Ink, in 2 ounce l** r ilozer. P per, Steel Pens, i Jaiail, Hays. Issued from (Tarke Count e Crive m^n trin! " ““ '* I general session, March.ten.., 1877, feblS-tf. T. A. BURKE. Bookseller. GASS FOE. WOOl., Joseph M. Weatherly, three and a half miles from tjie City of Athens; ou the road leading to Dunieisviilf, near Helucun Springs. All sold by virtue ofn lean fi. f;:. issued fro"’ the Comity Court of Clarke county, Ga. Dorough and Os borne vs. Joseph M. Weatherly. AH to satis fy the above stated lean, this June the 2nd, 1877. J. A. Bkowxixo, Sheriff Also at the same time nud place, will he sold the following property to-wit: One house and tract of land containing three acres, more or less,.near the Curusville road, in Clarke county, adjoining lands of Welburu Hayes, col., William Smith and L. J. Lumpkin! Levied upon under an attachment of John Brooks, vs. Jacob Hays. Issued from Clarke County Court, All to sat isfy the above stated fi. fa. Levied by said attachment this June 2nd, 1877. J. A. Bbowxixo, Sheri If. CLOTH FOR WOOL. The Athena Manufacturing Con making a much larger- variety of " than evfir befve,.«nd propose to iipanv are now Woolen Goods believing it t* be more to the interest of the Planter to Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Carded and Spun at home. Call for Samples and Terms ot Exchange. ‘ B. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent, may 19,1975-29-tf C LARKE SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold before the Court-House door, in the citv'o Athens. Clarke county, Ga., on the first Tues day iu July next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property; to-wit; One house and lot iu tlie city of Athens, in Cobbliatn, Clarke connty, Ga., containing one acre, more or less, bounded by Thomas Fleming and John F. I Libel for Divorce, in .’"hwpirv rV Cuut “ *"K" r » ) r Court. JOHN A. GREEN,) January Term 1877. It appearing to the Court hv ?!.« i-; Sheriff that the Defendant, John A. Green fe, not reside in the county of Oconee, and a further appearing Unit said Defendant does not e .".' «» State of Georgia. On motion of Plaintiff s counsel, it is ordered tl at service Ik: perfected by publishing this order in the At I,, ns Georgian, a public gazette tmUished in the Citv or Athens, once a month for four nionihs previous to the next term of this Court and t e DeLniaiit •'"Im A. Green do appearand plead at the next term of this Court or tliat paiintiff will proceed as pn.vM-.-.; 23d 1877. * -aio. Granted 1 L. & II. COBB, George D. Rice, Judge S.C. | Plaintiff’s At"is! Geokoia, Ocoxkk Cointv—Clerks tltfiee Sn enor Court. 1, J. IV. Johnson, Clerk of the Superior ( of.rt of Oconee Countv, hereby eeitilV Unit the above order is a true extract from Urn minutes of said court. Given under mv hand and official signature, this February ->otli 1877 teb27-mlm. J. W. JOHNSON, Clerk. M. Y. EI.DER, as the | i DM ! ,N " S i Bi " of lnterplea er LLDKK l)eci«.-e« 1. /nud Relief, in Uf<«nee _ v *; Suj>erior Court. U 11.MAM R.LlDEU, etill. j it appearing to the Court Hint Irwin II. Elder. Alexander M. HalJowiiv. Marv A M-ipies Elvira C. Pmthra, Mattie' Robertson, one etsij of Nnnev Robertson, name unknown, I> Ed- monds IIollr-w.iv, Elizabeth M. llogue. .lame* H Eluer. JohnW. Elder f ar.di F. Fleming, who arc parties, uefi-iiuoids in the above staled ease, have not been .-ei ve-d v.i'I, process in -.--id ease, and it furtin r apjicariug to the court ihat thee 1 e-side beyond tlie limit* of the State of Georgia, to-wit, in the State of Texas. This, therefore ordered by the Court that tlicv he served by a publication of this order, once- a month tor four months, previous to tlie next term of this court, in the Athens Georgian a public Gazette ot said State, anil oii the publi cation ot tins order that tlie complainant lrnve •»d e iWr. PT0Cee ‘ l 0Ct ' ,ri,i "= ,0 I:, w. Jauuaiy Granted, / | a n -r.... Finch, fronting on Newton street. AH levied 1 GeqJx!-K£—"\V Johnson Cleric of u t yn ^.virtue of a State »nd count.qtfcfr fa..l^a4fttftrfe^urtof sV.d county, hereby certify ■ I *l,«t flip rilmvA DPilpr Ja n trap OYtmnt fmm ))P \\ ^ Court"m tiul twm riHton‘Money, : District, the Bauk of the State of Georgia vs. Martha W. Clower. A11 levied upon as the property of the defendant to satisfy the above stated fi. fas., by J. H. Towns, C. C. BailitT, and turned over to me thi* June 2nd, 1877. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. june5-80d. ndid nei The undersigued is now running aftflen J ' BETWEEN ■nnt^r'* * teorgia and Kortfisasiffi' Mui of that was raw cuttou, ami $656,000 j more was petroleum. The imports were only $626,000. —According to file Norwich Bul letin a German who landed last week on our shore, “ immediately spoke seven English word, fill he learned on the passage, ami was arrested and fined seven dollars for profanity.” This must have been in Boston. Perhaps the profanity was “ I do liot Iflre beans or "Emerson.” —Mr. Barnunt and Christian K. Ross have had a long interview in Bridgeport this week, and are said to be confident that the reward of ten Smith-Colquitt (P) Corrcspon dance. [From Chronicle am! Con*titutionali»t.] The evident self-camplacency of ex- Governof James M. Smith as to his open letters to Grvertor Colquitt re calls an amusing correspondence of Mr. Clay with on9 of bis ardent Georgia admirers. Mr. Clay’s Geors gia friend was, of course, a Whig, and was somewhat imbrued with the popu lar Whig delusion that when Mr. Clay J thousand dollars will bring the lost died, the country would go to ruin; i c i,j[d to light. During Mr. Bamum’s and his admiration for Mr. Clay only j absence in Europe Mr. Ro*s will have exooeded his own self-complacency. ' i c harge -. of-^the correspondence. “ Well, boys,” said our Georgia i g w iiullers yre constantly writing let- friend to a group of his admirers, I! t t>r8 to him. , Mid would be pleased to carry pwn(tn (who Ike such baggage as they camfiotadle them selves) to and from tho pepots Hid .all other pointa on their route. The coach will call at the hotels with all out going mails. No drumming for passenger*. For* tt craU. mehaT-lm ,jJ. S. ^HbllHLORD. y iHEin, m it subunit s GANN Sc REAVES, P! Will be found at their old lin House building; Thotraa way* on hand good Turnout* mid carefnl an- vera. Stock well cared for when entrusted to our care. Stock on hand fbrfBBkjBttmt deotttf. Ti? 7 } c -* The Jewelry UouMof L. Scheveuelf U Oo., «*aa tbii Frank P. Tolmodge, he wi“ from College Avenue and into one at the stand No. », Go, 1 a.k.childpj * have just had an interesting—a very interesting and instructive correspond ence with Mr. Clay!” Our friend, then discoursing at length about the charac ter anil scope of the correspondence, —Five thousand four hundred aud sixteen dollars and iifiy-three cents were sent last ycar,during the yellow fever by the Knights of Pythias to j the aid of Savannah, aud the receipt j $ To tba Returning pur thank* our patrons, wcbe*pe*S continuance of the wm* , jan9-tf. Clarice Couxriy. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court-house dow in Athens,.CMtw county, Georgia, within the legal bOUn or sirife, on the first Tuesday in Jnly ” r ~ *” * **■ * Capital Stock or the at Athens, Gs., and a Ckbitol Stock of tho Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, and all of that tract o( land lying, and being in the "city of Athena, Clark* county. Go., flouring on Milledfe Avenue, aud bounded on the north by land* of A. P: Bearing, on the West by Taylor Walker and the land of B. 8. War*, aecctsod, and on the south weet by Robert and "William Williams, containing fourteen acre*, more or leea, all orsaid property belonging to the estate dt k'A Wm dMUai Sold fcr the purpoo* *“rhlsfc • C. A. WARE, AdminiMrotriz of B. 8. Ware, deceased. jqn*3*S0d G LARK SHERIFF SALE.—Will be told be fore the Court-house door iu the city of Athens, Clarke county, on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: AU that tract or panel of land situate, lying and bemg In the connty of Clarke and city of Athene *n the west side, flouting on Thomas street, In said city of Athens, known in the survey and plan of said city of Athens a* the west end hslfof lot No. 21 and 22, and being the lot orSots anwhich said Summer now resides. All soidw th* prop erty of the defendant by virtue bf tkb fl. f*». from Clark Superior Court, February Term, 1877, William H. Cole vs. Suminey this June 2d. 1877. ’ J. A. BROWNING. Sheriff. And John Hampton, execute*' c* JtfKa F. Crawford, decesseJ, vs; John H. Newton and Peter A. Summey. Jfn e5-J0d.- that tlie above order is a true extract from Hie minutes of said court. Given under my bund and official signature, thi* February 20th, 1877. feb27-m4m. J. W. JOHNSON, Clerk. S£ad£soaa. Co-uxvby. MADISON SII ER IFFSALES. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COCRT- 11 House dcor, in tho town of Daniclsviile, en the first Tuesday in July, 1*76, within the lawful hour* of sole, the following property, to- ■y note ou John Scott for oue hundred ana ntty dollars, one promissory note -pu T. F. Baker for forty-four dollars, one promissory note on J. II. Cheek for twelve dollar*. Also, one house and lot in the town oi Dauiclsvillc containing two acres, more or te*», adjoining lot* of P. II. Futgerson, J. O. Daniel, W. M. Smith and the BUertott rood. C LARKE SHERIFFS 8ALE.—Will be sold before the Conrt-houre. in the city Athena,, Clarke cpnnty, Ge., on the first Tuesday in "Jnly ntxt, 'within ths legal honra of sale, the (flowing 1 property, to-wit: Lot No. 2 or rd* *3rve'!rOT~lofc 98, College lends, situate west of Broad- street, and adjoining Harrison , and P. and J. J Thomas, containing acrep-trest half of lot 6, adjoining lot otOrondboa Thomas; half of lot 8 of same, on &osd street, aborning said lot •; 8-4 acre lqt ~ ' g street; 8-4 aero lot 10, on Broad Uonks seen bjjB^ing-po ttlMt -AU F^4i b J T 1 *?! iS.™ 1 ’ I Levied on as the property of David R. ^liwekg m rtewton, 14. satisfy a fi.- fa. Issued from tlie Superior n ^ -['Court of Madison county, at March term, 1877, """ .in favor of Johnson, Crows Si Co., vs. David R. Moseley. Tlie above-named promissory notes ointed out by dcfyqdanr, the house and lot jy plaintiffs’ attorney, notice served on tenant in possession May 28lb, 1877.— - T. F. BAKER, Deputy Sheriff jun?5-86d. « ADlSON SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold before tlie Court-House door, in Daniel*- uate iyt»natepBaa,wnyiu I Madison county, Georgia, on first Tuesday '»? J“««. lt ,»>*••• month, tsininc Franeb C LARK SHERIFF SALE.—'Wlllbe sold Wsfore the roart-kouse door la the city of Athens, Clark county,Ga., ou ths first Tuesday m July r- the tegai^houn of sa»e.ihedgnowln 8 cm vs; Fran fi, on J more or l.-as, HI, the aald tract] ■paoa lately rccoTcre^ i A- «XNA*T’S Sanlter, ,y of I property to-wit: Ninety-tour acres of land, -mo I more o'r less, being situate "and lying in the by- county aforesaid aud joiuing the lands of J* r | McElroy, Strick’snd and ot tiers, said land tavrwi rbeing the property of Ssllie Meadows, levied lea 1 on to .satisfy a tax fi. fit; issued by Neal Chandler, Tux-Col I ect a^Taaid county. -Also, at the same tiive iud place, one hun dred and fifty acres of land",-being situate and lying in couuly aforesaid and joining the lands of Mrs. Sarah Yerby, J. D. Matthews, and.. others, said'- land being tlie property c44. H. and W. J .'Mutt hews. levied ou to sarisfviatnx - “ t-Cfflertor and its jxtssible influence, upon ([islmrscnK-nl of this s^itcJ fuml j n 1 I PL*, ^haiilatlihar destiny of tho country,, made bis all lwo,, duly accounto.'l for, and ‘ DOOl HHQ O1IO6 A JPclIUlT&CUlfH p importance second nftly to thatof Mr. i u "^ e ,. M|Do!i«h men J|o tlie | COLLEGE AVENUE, ‘ r ' Gl:ty. Wlifn he qiaiftcd, fl« jJttbfic. --Tlie Knights "Tirtim no less ! S t VT doDr to listener asketl how lon^lfc9^niportaw.t j' t |j^ |J > |j > j^ Slates- j>eIoiiging‘-to the j . "• ■ ' correspondence had befcn *goin^ .on.’.i jy e ^ l:l i" Union contributed to the i | fund. —Mr. Lenoir, of NortU,.Garoliua, uper* roi Congress, Alcxis-Ties, r pairing promptly exacafi ier mail or express knd •' Uss pdr offboo’s. “ There are ’ft' grcdt^omjflr the depart menda oL ^ are mostly* engagflfeSHHJBT pay. [j-’l tor3jr iera' t’JUld gt.^boot enough*. At tho MHcitaHon 1 rous, I resume the ! [of Infant esot E Wl jane ihiiffli ’». REN7 Lvenirnt to tl " ati improved U I sold. Applv at < _ f , fi. issued by Neal Chandler, Tax-* refit*’ i-fif said cou tv, notis* having been served on hi ally, | tenants in possession and. levies made and Hsk' A: I returned to ine tfy <T. C. Kirk, L. C., of said offics. 1 1 county. J. W. Ktr.s, Sheriff. 9y: rabrii24-6w^' ■2! j ^EORGIA, Madison County.— ,TY. I fri-sentj 'the--.,Honorable-E.. H. 'Bottle, nistra-I Judge Superior Court, N. C. . lie*, to 1 ^otixJ Dov*,"l Libel for Divorce iu Madison,, capital I ■ •'. -vg. J. Superior Court, March Term,'' I ^fiMvDovo, J 1877. * de-1 P? vo - Joes not reside in thi* county aiid it " ^rtlier.,lyjpsuring that al:c. d<oh Hot lSsideiu - .atoti-, >t is on motion, ordered that said lV 1 iieniiiiiiitrt appear uud answer at the next tern: 7i I pfHEPia'court, yrtlmt the ci s vbo lonsidcrcd ih ' I definlt aiiif' tiic plaintiff ulfowed topn*ceed. uperior Court by the the delcndciit Nancy