The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, June 26, 1877, Image 5

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AMMUNITION, their order*. Wrritffi inform* the tugent thar whiJ* they d< pt*tWtfU\»nip<*e wjjWhWWy THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: JUNE 2t, 1S77 H«te« of Local Advertiaina A Job Work U<*> N<»tW# 15 eeat* per line, JO conU for , »cli aJJUienal pnblictrtion, no diaplay allowed the looal columns of thi* poper. Marries* and death notices are published free of ourv 1 ' t thituarir# are ckarped for at the ratea of ten ^Ann*uNora«nta of candidate* and commnni- cationa favoring individual candidate*, mast be paid for In advauee. 1 Advertisements uetmarkqdJor Jtriy.apcclfled time, wUl be eharped fw ontd ordered ont. All Job Work mn»t he paid ibr upon delivery. Kleetion ticket*, ca*h niton delivery. L„wa Boutina toNewspaper Subecrip- -Gone and Arnarag**. moiwm or TBK vaiTKO statics ei ratME count. 1. Subscriber# who do not (five expressnotice t.. t'ho contrary, are eonaidered wislmitr to con- linur their snbsoption. . ... if subscribers order tlio discontinuance of their periodicals, the publishers way continue t., send them until all irrearnjte* are paid. S If subscribers neglect or refuse tntakcthcir LUCY COBB INSTITUTE. CnllMtlionleo—Junior Exhlbl. tlon—The Concert and tiro Senlon. from the office te which they are directed, they are held responsible^ until they settled'tlieir bills tilld , :oo uulifvinit publishers, j»nd the papers the former direction, they are held .■•ntinued. . , .... If subscriber# move toother places without * ’* are sent respon- The courts have decided that “refusing 10 take periodieals from the office, or removing iivl leaving them uncalled for is prima tacia evidence of intentional fraud.” Any person who receives a newspaper and mk-s use of it whether he ha* ordered it or nit, i* held in law to lie :i subscriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are |>t.und to give notice t<v the publisher, at the , a J of their time; if they do wot wish to con tinue taking it; otherwise the publisher is tuthorised to send it on; and the subscribers anil >,e responsible until an express notice, with i-ayment of all arrearages, is sent to the local department. Pur tlx* ('mustItutloiinl Con. v«!i»tioi»—aytit i>ie»tn«*t. I’ojte Barrow, of Clarke. Andrew II. Jackson, of Oconee. T. A. Gibb#, of Walton. K. B. Rosser, of Rockdale. Janies M. Race, } ofNewton . O. >. rortw, ) Our Agcntu. Mr. Win. J. Gras is onr agent at Harmony Grove, Jackson county. .1. T. Atlanta, Esq., is authorised r.o receipt subset ifd ion# for this paper ji Morgantown, Fannin county, Ga. Mr S. P. Flemming is our agent it Fugle Grove, and is authorized to receipt for money due this office. Isttcy Cobb IVrsoitalM. Miss Priscilla Murphy, of Barnes- lille, severed her ttnnnuction with Lucy Cobh Institute yesterday. Miss Ethel P. Hatton, of Augusta,, mautitul blonde, will leave an aching heart behind her and make new conquests in another field. Vire, Miss Millie Vincent, of Athens, re ived her diploma last Wednesday. Miss Julia Flisch, a charming hru- . it.- of our city, lays her books on die shelf and makes her debut. Miss Blanche Clinard, also of bur viiy, turns her back on the Lucy t'nhh Instil ole and is now a charm* lag graduate . jL Miss Jessie Thomas, of Cr;pvtbr\ The exercises at this institution of learning* bogdii on Mornhty with the readings of the Fresh and Sophomores and ended .with the Seniors yester day. Tlie young ladies of their res spectivc classes acquitted themselves in a manner to reflect great credit on the officers ami trustees of the school. Their elocution was fine and their compositions excellent, and it would he impossible for a fair- minded reporter to make any dis crimination where there is so much merit. We, therefore, append the programmes without any remarks: FRESH RECITATIONS To Labor is to Pray—Miss Mattie Hawkins. Her Letter—Miss Nelie Stovall Song of Saratoga—Miss Mary Nicholson. Spring Concert—Miss Al ee Bailey. Poor Fresh—Miss Bessie Uni Iter- ford. Gcthseniane—Miss Nettie Pitner. What, is Life?—Miss Jennie Save. Anthony to Cleopatra—Miss Fan nie Newton. Cleopatra to Anthony—Miss Fan nie Hughes. How they liro lght the Good News from Ghent to Aix—Miss Jesuitic Smith. fiOl’HOMOUK READINGS. Dignity of the Human Mind—Miss Julia Barber. Village Preacher- -Miss Mary Dobbs. Geneva—Miss Louise Lilth . Religious Literature—Miss Ethlene Hardman. Time is afiction and limits not Kate; thought a! one is eternal. Time thwarts U in vain. Miss Kate Lampkin. The old red hills' of Georgia—Miss Lone Lane. — ■ *. - ' What shall* wt^tnlk about and How ?—Miss Kati t Morton. What are the Wild 4 Wares' - Say ing?—Mis* Lilia Moss. The Unanswered Let'er—Miss L-ila- Potter Blessing Brighten as they take their Flight—Miss Julia Powell. Over the beautiful vine elad Smith, Mny the flowers that bloom-J her -, Go clad in their siiupl-st white, And shed a fragrance rare ; Mi>s Anna Reaves. The following graduate# na-eivwl medal* in the Senior C'as< fi»r best English literature: Miss Julia Fttseh, Miss Jessie Thomas and Miss E Ailing. Miss Ailing also received- A tnetbvl for being the most pmftncnt in music Mew Hatton’s valedictory was splendid and met irith iUiirtif^jf applause :is she retired : fitful -trite stage. . The prizes were delivered by Major- Lamar .Cobb in a very appro priate and feeling speech, after which the Baccalaureate.address was deliver ed by Prof W. W. Lumpkin, and tbe spring term of 1877 of Lucy Cobh Institute was brought to a | pleasant, and let us ho|>e a profitable close. SENIOR CONCERT. The instrumental and vocal music given hy the graduating class was excellent, and, we thin'-, surpassing the conceit of but year. While we have not time to notice each one in detail or make undue discrimination, yet, the singing aud-.phiyiug of-Mi-s E. Ailing should not pass without notice. She has a fine voice, wcil modulated ami sweet, and to her ac complishments, in a -rent measure, the concert could not be otherwise than a success. The singing of Miss Murphy w.-s also greatly appreciated, and she received many co.itpiiiHeiits dining the evening tor her fine and ; inn ical voice. Variations loiiiantes, hy Miss Katie Morton, the iH-autilnl and acuotnpiished ilaughter of Col. W. J. Motion, was rendered beauti fully, and met with an ovation front her numerous friends and admirers. “Si Tu Savins,” by Miss K. Lamp- kin, was suug with a great deal of feeling, and was also lotildlv encored. from the House. Two young tramps bv the name ol Browning and Lockhart stole a paint brush from th'e shop of Mr. Bedford Langford, in WiUkinsville, las: Mon day. They vyere brought befotc .Judge Thomas ami remanded to the jail in that place. . Lockhart saysive is fnmi Atlanta, while Browning claims Griffin for his home. Zsooal XToticea- Building and Repair Shop— Perihs' Bknson.v—Owing to Mr. W. V. P. Hodgson now having on hand such air extensive stock of fust class buggies, phaetons, carnages, wagon# ete , as not to require my services at this titm* I have concluded to open s Repair Shop of my own, at the shop .tear livery stable of Gann A Reaves. I will build one and two horse wagons to order also a limited number of buggies. I will be glad to receive a share of tbe public patronage ami any'one desiring information as to my skill ami reliability in all kinds of work, such fts buggy, carriage and wagon making are resjteetfully refer- eil to Mr. W. V. P. Hodgson, with whom I have served for twelve years. There they will find a large and assorted variety of my work which speaks fi>r tself. Carriage, buggy and wagon limiter taken in exchange for work. Give me a trial and I guarantee you shall he pleased. Perrin Benson. Pleasure—Miss Lizzie Norton. Philosopher’s Scales—Miss Marlon ! Through compliment to the whole j Lampkin. ! class, we append the full programme: ! Suspicion—Miss Marie C. De Jar- j H Coricolo, Weis— Mis-es J. F.iscii j lietle. j and B. Clinard. Krishna and his Three Hand Maid* | ‘* l Ni b'»“> «*«*S Ktiekeit—Misses j ens—Miss Salli * Thurman. :,,,J K * A j| in :?* Evangeline—Miss Otelia Miilcr. j N alse de Concert, Sonin half-Mi s j American Forest Girl—.Miss Lurette J- 1 hoinas. A-ltdl. <. - - - - - J i Si Tu Savais, Balte—Miss K. j The Ideal of the' Period-Miss! I^mpkiu. j 17th 5nst Miw , AllIli Belie Hutcheson. ! VanationsBnllatites, Hcrz— Misses» Morning—Miss Elia Jennings. K. Ailing and T. Colquitt. Paradise and the Peri—Miss Lizzie Hearing Stovall. Ai>iN>litlnt«titsnt Emory Oast ■'tent*. 'fhe following appointments in the gradual in-.; elass of Emory College were matle to day': 1-t honor, J. W. Robert s, of At lanta. 2ml honor, E G. Timnia#, of At lanta. 3rd honor, S H. Cotinally, of At lanta. 4th honor, George Grogan, of Elbert county. Tite following receive speakers places: J. W. Akin, of Cartersville. U. J. Bighani, of.OxIord. >V. J. Campbell, of Oxford. E. 11. DuBose, of Washington. J C. Longslreet, of Macon. Roltert MacDonnell, of Macon. W. S. Feathers!on, of Newnnn. W. 1». Palmer, Los Angelos, Cali fornia. Duo Irotn Trovatore, Verdie— Misses M. Murphy and E. llatloit. *1m*»*~ . In Jackson *lxtunty, Ga., on ih - Sinith, dang ler of Win. and Emma Smith, aged 15 vears. ALiut four vo irs :nm s> IIow it is Done —Tlie first object in life with the American people is to “get rich;” the second, how to regain goo.I health. The first can he obtained by energy, honesty and giving; tin* second, (good health,) by using Green’s Avgust Flower. Sim ihl you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, (ii U le|Ksnietit) Liver Complaint, Indig.*stion,. etc.,, such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, S mr Stomach, Habit ual Costivenes#, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, ete., yni need not suffer another day. Two doses of August Flower will relieve you at once. Sample Littles, 10 cents. Regular #iz -, 7-i eenis. Positively soM l»y all fits cltss Druggists in tin* United State*. • junc5. Goon News. — No more Chills and Ague in this section. Our Druggist vs .-el’ : tt; an article called “Ague CostfUeror.” It is about the only ■sitissictory preparation s.»hl for the ctire of Fprcratfd Ague, Dumb Chills, Iiitermittaut or Billio ts Fevers. The Proprietor of fin* Ague Conqueror Lofteu, T J Santnons A P Himmond, T A Ponder, WIIH Bush, T J Hnnt, J A Barrett. Twenty-Third District—B V Thorpe, J M Davis, John Troutman, W S Wallace, H P, Strood B WSenfetd. Twenty-fourth District—W A UttU, Porter, Ingram, Phutcie Fontaine, J D Rowell, S Di Wilson^ Twenty-fifth Dwtrict— K A Flewellea, John Dickey, J M Mobley, W 1 Hudson, J T Willis, W B Gorman. , Twenty-aixth DiatrUs—Jno II McCall am, F D Dismqke, C S Westmoreland, B B Bod Twenty-e-jrcnth District—Pope Barrow, An drew Jackson, T A Gibbs, J M Pace, OS Porter, E B RoSser. Twenty-eighth District—Augustus Becee, Joshua Hill, T G Lawson, R B Kiabct, J C Key. ' Twenty-ninth District—Robert Toombs, Wm M Reese, J N Merrier, Paul C Hudson, H R Casey.’ Thirtietlt District—J D Matthews, W G Johnson, W W Scott, Wnt H Mattox. Thirty-first District—Dr Underwood, S H Musuly, J il Skelton. Thirty-second District—Wicr Boyd, Mr Underwood. Thirty-third District—Messrs Sheppard, An derson, Owen, Langston. Thirty-fourth District—B K Veal, James Polk, Dr I've, S G Howell, K D Wynn. Thirty-flfili D : strict—J W Robertson, L J Gartrell, N J Hammond, P L Mynatt, John Collier, B E Crane, J T Spence, A C McIntosh, G W Roberts. Thirty-sixth District—John .1 Glover, Joli n T Lttnoino, Hugh Buclmtian, L H Fentherstoo, W A J i'hilllps, K D Keuder. Thirty-seventh District—W 0 Tuggle, N G Swanson, 1. L Hardy, Sr., S W Harris, R L Rowe, T M Awbrey. Thirtv-oigth District—N J Tutnlin, W J Head, Mr Denton. Thirty-ninth Diatrict—A W Holcomb, James K Brown, Klin# Fields, Oliver Clark, Haw- Fortieth District—Mr Wellborn, Dr Stephens. Forty-first District—Mr Dny, D Gurren, Mr Hewy. Forty-second District—tV T Wofford, John II Fitt-n, Alnla Johnson, A R Wright, DB Hamilton, Nathan Btiss, S Hawkins. Forty-third District—L N Trammell, Wm K j M.sire, .■> M Carter, J C Fain. Forty-fourth District—Mr McFarland, Mr Paris, Mr Lowe. It must oe goml, for eveiy body recommends it, ami the doctors pre scribe it. We mean Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Price, 25 cents. A singular case of death by light ning recently occurred at the Thames gold field, New Zealand, where a man was killed at the bm tom of a shaft five hunufed; feet deep. '" ’COMMERCIAL. has used but little energy to make I years ago she I... , , . . J . tins iii'Hlicme kno.vii, ami vet, its; songnt and obt:nt‘ed religion and ... _ I sal. 8 ... - , . v w- ii ; joined the Methodist church, ami Grand An > arte—MtssN. Stovall. | J .... ever afterwards lived m accordance i with her profession, and died fiill of j faith in holy triumph. THE ATHENS .MARKETS. The Swallows, Schubert—Miss G. CALISTHENICS Monday nighyJie pupils gave a« IK*:trn and E. Ailing. . .. ^ „ exhibition in Calisth.enics, ami not*, j Grai.d Duo Triumpliule, Ascltcr witlisfamling -the rai.-slorm which j Misses P. Murphy and J. Powell. J . Perwinai. * - 7 lilfte in the evening, the hall j lima, Arditi—Miss O. Mill r. • j We were pleased to welcome to wSb^crowded with holies ami gentle- j Irrlickter, Heller—Miss M. .Crown.* j otir Sanatiiin during the present week men from all part-ol the city. Duo, Glover—Misses M. Ren'sou j tL. following geutlenteii : The first glance at the stage re- j and E. Ailing. ' Dr. H -tton. of, Atigu t i, our old cates toi homo to-day, and uc Diist-. minded you of the triinsfbrmation j Pluie De Perles, Osborne—Misses I arinv friend, who h'ok? as voung ami ,t ..a » - il.a... I!it ... ... * al....l .. .. ... . . — I ^ "I" M. Hawkins. < • •• .] vigorous as lie did u- Mg war times. Cheerfulness, Gmnbert— Misses E. j Colonel Lee Dtvoos, of Elltertou, Ailing and M. Murp .y. j our old college .nend, wlwtse pres- VaijutioitsBiillairies, Astvivj^nMj^s * enee ret.i.imls us of the better and K. ’Morton. happier .days of the republic. i'Tv- f; Clio; us, Rosini. j A. G. MvCuny, a |tn>mLingy«iuiig' " senior ExiilumdN. j lawyer of Hartwell, an L Mr. E.' B. Miss Priscilla Murphy, Barnesv.lle I a ^.Ir 1 - 0 H,erc,, *" t —Salutatory, French. * ^ ol '** ' Miss Eugenia Hearn, Ea.oi.tou- Th.,e gentlemen were all ityri-J My own, my Iteauiiful Sunny ijotilh. J tembmee u.m.,. the Lmy Cobb co.n-1 Miss Millie Vincent*Alliens— Mil- I nu f-*i , m>‘t , t ^ immense in Ague Distriets. ! It purifies the Blood, Liver, and j other secretory .organs so elfec'ttally that the Chills do ..not return even ! when jiyrson# have, had them for | years. Entirely vegetable prepara tion., Price, 50 cents ami 81. per bottle. Two doses will stop the chills. . junc5. OKItK T..IJ BY THE MERCHANTS EXCHANGE. Cotton dull at 9J4C.J FACTORY GOODS. hat Iter liituic life may he wreathed a it It bl ight hopes. - - / Miss Mattie C. Benson, of Hart- sell, graduates with distinction, anil a ill he with her many lriemls in Hart county, in a tew days Miss Emma Bancroft, of Athens, ■titer telling us that “ Every man is the architect of his own fortune,” is lonored with a diploma. Miss Tallulah Colquitt will tench the young ideas of Walton county that “Action is the Word.” Miss Meletiah S. Murphy has re ceived her parchment and will take it with her to Bnmesville. Miss E. Ailing, of Milledgevillc, ‘,'oos hence with many regrets, and '* bile her city has not got the State buiiae, yet, when she* returns, they van boast of a capita! musician. Miss Eugenia Hearn, of Eat on ton, leaves for home in a few days, and 'fives many warm friends and ad- ■«irer# behind her. Uontk ot Herbert Houdder. We regret to leant that this prom *ng young gentleman dietl at his ot her’ll residence^ Tuostlay mqntiDg.; l he lilh inst n in the sixteenth year •d las age.' To the father and family our ‘■'■yinpathietP’Tn*this 'sw of their sad affliction. Thrash’s Costbumptivk Cube.— cm» for oohsmaptiots bronchi- ^ ««igh«, croop,«fii« •Sections. Restore* lost voice, eto. fit Dr. Bi Bfitith’s drug store, Dr. King’s old slant), nd|H> trial bottW for 50 5* Bstgaiasia dey*gfiods. SeestocV 12 ^* scene in the “ Field or Cloth of Gold, 1 and jpgs as psetty a panorama of bright eyes and coral lips as you would see in a life time. Some of the positions wereanmsingand at the same time suggestive, as for illustration, take the onp where the bevy of girls held up tln-ir arms and gently but quickly shut and opened their hands. It makes a shiver steal over us, even npw, as we imagine thus** dainty fingers closing down on our back hair. Then, ia the folding of the arms, we thought we were locked in one huge;’ami maddening embrace, and leaving ns in this frame of mind, the ..pcrfuiinntice .was brought to a close. The audience retired in tlu? best of humor and were pleased with the exhibition given for their enter tainment. JUNIOR EXHIBITION. The Junior exercises took place yesterday morning, and it was said by those who have witnessed these commencements for years, that the Junior Class this year has never been excelled. The following was the pro gramme: Woman—HerNarae.and Mission— Miss Ella Adams. •' ■ * • ’V*’. Lmd not on eartli, ’Twill pirns tbs triH Insrt. -* i W Mary Brown. * w 'Bargains in Dry Goods.—Lucas A Ware are selling colored Grena dines. and Dtess goods from 10 tu 20 cents jH-r yard, black Grenadines from 2**c. lo 8L per yard. Large stock of tit her goods at low prices. Trade from a distance solicited. - tiiay22-5. ’ Bolting' clothes, Lucas A Ware j r.r‘ < rrr“* * ‘ - i-' june 12-4t. H (\>tlon Yarns-...._ OsDjiiuno* % Shirlinx - —... l 4 Sheeting - — PROVISIONS. Corn, pr iTa. WheAl “ Hals — Karan, Sides,- shoulder*-.. — , . . haw#,...... Litnl, ’ - Jrish, Potatoes. Sweet * r Turkey*....;— ., ” LEATHER. Hemlock Sole Leather* - List ot* Deletjates. Calfskins..:. Kip Skins .— . Dry Hides...—.. Green Hide?....... ton. Miss J alia Flisch, At hene “ Hours' What are Hour#? Fajfes in this buu* oi'our#,, > IVjjex sort, and blank and white, 1‘ips where tho words w* write, And the inanjr deads wa trace Tjutb 'Us«itwill not etfae,..” I Tht*AHi«nn Foundry mid Mn- elilnt? Works. { One*ti.iy i;»U. tfee 1 :. the aitist of the j.Georgian, peneil in hantl, sttolled t into the above namu*l works, and we i grve on page , eight of our jmper, as r the result’ of “Ids visit, illustrations of Miss Blanche Clinard, Athens— j ft - ( ,f the many articles of ma Stmg of the Sea Shell. .! chinery which they nianufiicture. Miss Jessie 1’, Crawford— . * This establishment has been in ope- Life is wreathed with Hopes and j mtit.n since 1«50, and by carcfhl nt- draped with Tears. j tention to the wants of its patrons. Miss Mattie C. Benson, Hartwell. J using the best materials and employ# “ By sorrow revealed, a* the stars are by night, | ,|, e |nfMl j* skillful mechanics, it Far off a bright vision appear*; j . . And hope lik. th. reinWaMng of li^lu hutlt up an ^hvisUereputattop la born like the rainbow in taMr,.*’ . ' * ’ j fiff B rti -class WQtVntatnUltp Miss Emmie Baucroft, Athena— j integrity. Thisreputatioi Ererr- man it the Architect of his of many yew*, which is n rtwif Fbrtune. ' „ I to ow cpfirfi' section,# mw u^a, Miss Tallnlah E. Colquitt, Walfm <Mir **** * ** connty-Spril it—Ae|ift liihb»Cl ’J^**** to *11 its patrny * Tffl*s Milnlisli 1 Mm plij. Rfiiaiifi ^ Ailing, MiUedgevjUfi. B of that gre- avthwn-time. jrtfiUlkathtkk that anthaa tong b^fan • WHiil aar im«aic mm ba 4*^4, .* ■ , Mki KthtJ V, ^ Mjyr] Aspiration*—Valedictory. | United States. First Diatrict—A K Lawton, W T Thomp ! son, J M Guerard. John Screven, J L Warren, | Warling Russell, A G Smith. Second Diatrict—W Robert Gignilliat, Henry F Howe, Wm M Conley. Third pistrict-rSeaboru Hull,C C Grace. Fifth Distrigt—J S Spence, W A McDonald. Sixth District—B L Stephens, J D Knight*, SeVSntk Dbtrict—James L Seward, Angas- tas H Uaueoll, Bryant Creech, Henry Gay. Kiglitk District—J B Tr/itty, B K Bussell, John £ Dona!son, J S Clifton. Ninth District—K J Niebet, J H Hand, P K Boyd. Tenth District—Nelson Tift, Jobs A Dari#, W C GUI, K B Jennings. Klevcutli D’-atrict—>L 0 Iloyla, K £ Kennoe, Arthur Hood, U A Crittenden. Twelfth District—J L Wimberly,- Isaac W Stoke#, T i. Gu -rry, D B rUrrell. Thirteenth Diatrict—Grorgu FCooper,TH urlovr, Joseph fi Scott, A H Grew, JC Kb. Ittgtm, John H lies pea*. Fanrfeetrtli Diatrict— B W Anderson, D P HoCnmamn, David fiapp.O P Swaaringcn, Hiram WUS«s>a. •' r Fifteenth bMit-ll S r. blxtemtb DKtffi-TB. J, fHfilsfik leek j MlMflsirs. bbiatrict—n’A Hedtb, WBJeaaaJCDeU, WD J INQ, TIES, ROPE. ^ Bagging pr yd.— —-.... Rope, co ttea‘...-.. - 20x25 Rope, gnus.. — - - 18*25 The above are i/etaU.prices. Special ratea to wholesale barer*. GROCERIES. . * ft 00 * 00 10 a 12 !» a 10 10 a 12. 810 a 12 1 OOal 25 t 25 I 00 1 75x2 00 »%a 10 7a 8 11a 15 14a 13 82 00a 00 > 1 toil 2V 15 20 a 30 75al U> 20a 25 ®M35 43:50 :eoa75 40a50 $40 00x100 00 50 00a • 00 lttal t |baGg 1 C— ■ Deinarara. Coffee, Rio — tjiguayra — Java.....— Bjrrup, cane .......... Molasses, Cuba Candles, aperm- tallow oti . English Dairy.— Union*, per bu.-.- Starch- Tallow—. Rice, per lb-. • 12a 10 . - n MT? ICa UM '"ail 2Sa sa . 33a 37 t 23*1 80 . 75*1 CO SSa GO , 40a SO 20a 25 . 15*20 • • • 8a to . a to :*• ■ 'OOO*-.' 81 65 VAX' J - MBlfi fi -At 75*1 I 8 a l(b POOR COPY