The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, July 17, 1877, Image 4

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THE ATHENS Terms ot Wuosoriptloii. ONE COPY, One Year. ......... $2 OO ONE COPY, Six Months.1 OO ONE COPY, Three Month* SO LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Citation for Letters orGuardianship —#5 5? Citation for Leltersof Administration ._.... 4 00 Application tor Letters of Dismission Admin istrator — - — 5 00 Appli’tion for Lett irs ot Dismission Guardian 5 25 Application for Leave to Sell Lands ——< 6 00 Notlco to Debtors anil Creditors 5 00 Sales of Land, Sc., per square »••• 6 50 Sales Perishable Property, 10 days; porsq... 1 50 Estray Notices, 30 days * 00 Sheriff Sales, per square ....... 2 50 Sheriff Mortgage fi. fa sales per square. 6 00 Tax Collector's Sales, per square- .. ... 6 00 Foreclosure Mortgage, per square, each time. 1 00 Exemption Notices (in advance) 2 25 Rule Nlsl’s, per square, each time 1 50 off* The al> ive logat rates corrected by Ordinary of Clarke county.' <f . Ratos of AtlvertislnR. Advertisements will lie inserted at oN B DOI^ LA K per square tor tlie first insertion, and HFTl CENTS per square for each continuance, for any time under one month. For longge> periods a lib eral deduction will be made. A square equal to ten lines, solid. Notices in local column, less thau a square, 20 cents a line. 1 hu imioiM-un newspaper «orr-s- pondenis say it is. muarkal »ly quiet on the Danube, only a battle a day and a bombardment imminent. They seem to think that a circus or Punch and Judy show would be in order to relieve the ennui. ^%ns (icoraian. H. H. CARLTON, - Editor. The United States troops out in Idaho celebrated the fourth of July, by firing their salutes at the Red skins. This time it is the Looking Glass band. There seems to be some difficulty existing in Kentucky between the government of that State and the citizens of the mountain districts. Wander if it can be, that whisky is at the battom of this disturbance? Persia is about to get into trouble by violating her neutrality so far as to have allowed a Turkish corps to pass through a portion of her terri tory, thereby gaining a decided ad vantage in position over the Rttss’ans Tiiis is supposed to have been the foundation ol the victory ot the T ttrks over the Russians. With the mercury way up among the nineties, the constitutional eon- vent ion now in session in Atlanta is bound to have a warm time of it over the capital question. Mind, if an effort is not made to adjourn the convention to Milledgeville, for purer air and better ventilation. How would Gainesville do ? The grand jury of New Orleans lias found true bills against Wells, Anderson, Ivonner and Casanave, the Louisiana rettjruing board, charging them with having falsified and fraud ulently manipulated the election re turns of a number of parishes, and on these charges they are to berried. Wells thinks Governor Niclmlls ought to pardon him before trial, as he would prefer to be hung to being pardoned after being conuictod. It is to be hoped, Governor Nioholls will let him enjoy his choice. A frightful fact to contemplate these nnpropitions times is that only about four-tenths of our whole jteople are engaged in agricultural or pro ductive pursuits, while the remaining six-tenths are employed in trade and .speculation. A bad showing tins lor the happiness and prosperity of our country, when the consumers are so largely and itiiuously in excels ot the producers, and when so large a majority are seeking a speculative Mid illegitimate support out ol the industrial but restricted efforts of so small a minority. This is a problem involving the material welfare of ottr country which should engage the earnest and solicit' ns attention of our leung nu n and the solution of w ich should demand their wise and well- directed energies. The New York Herald has this to say about the postage stamp law now in force in the post office department; The . . .t • . ■ • :— : ; I Cotiven||<i^ | was orimniztal The New York /ZemW of the 8th inst. says: An '-unauthenticated ru mor, purporting to be telegraphed from London, and stated as originat ing in the latter place no one knows how, declares that His Holiness Pope Pius died yesterday at Rome. While we sincerely hope that this “ strong rumor ” : s as destitute of a backbone of fact as many which have preceded it from the same source, the public is aware that a nian'of the great years and mauifold bodily infirmities of the Pontiff is almost at any time, .likely to pay the debt of nature. More than any man of his generation has Pope Pins furnished food for rumors about his probable demise. He has, however, been aB persistent in living as the ruiuor-mongcrs have been in killing him. The School and College commence ments this season have so far been unusually interesting. Scarcely a newspaper out of the very large.num ber which is now published through out this broad land, but. whose col umns have recently been filled with most interesting reports of the com mencement and examination exercises of the numerous institutions of learn ing which now so abundantly adorn our country. This certainly presents a most pleasing and interesting fea ture in our midst and gives promise of the speedy and sure overthrow of that t> rant which has so long en slaved our people to ignorance and prejudice, the worse enemies to the safety and well-being of society. In deed, may we not count this rise and progress in the cause of education, the sure guarantee of that liberty, the dre. m of the enthusiast, which once existed only in the Ideal Re public, and never enjoyed outside the pages of Utopia, which subsequently was imagined to be our portion and inheritance through the patriotism of Washington and the statesman ship ot Jefferson, and which only finds a (rue abiding place in a itind where ignorance and vice have been supplanted with wisdom and virtue. The Bonapartists have evidently “The law "of Congress allowing} ,ua( * e U P their mi ' ,d8 to avail them postmasters of minor offices a per centage on the sale of postage stamps is, there is reason to believe, grossly abused, and to the detriment of the Government. Postmaster James, in a letter to the Department at Wash ington, shows that the postal business in all its branches in this city has increased, except in the very impor; omt one of the sale of stamps, in which lli-re is a falling off. This is accounted for by the tact that coun try postmasters sell stamps at« dis count to country dealers, who make in that way their payments to New York merchants. The law ought to tie repealed. The New York Herald in com menting upon “ an honorable use ot the army,” and the good results of the President’s Southern policy, so far as protecting our frontier settlers by strengthening our forces in the Indian Territory and on the Rio Grande, concludes as follows : “ It is the intention of the admin istration to keep uo more troops at the South than may be needed for garrison duty. The remainder will be sent where their services are re quired for the protection of our citi zens and our territory. There is work enough for all the force wc have, and if the army is thus used, wc shall not hear of any opposition (o the neces sary appropriations. The howls of the baffled carpet-baggers and tlie malicious attacks ot disajqiointed politicians cannot harm an adminis tration that determines to use the soldiers of the United States to pro tect the lives and property of Ameri can citizens aud to uphold the honor of the nation. An army thus used must be honored just as much as an army used to suppress liberty and to tyrannize over the people of a section of the country must be despised.’’ selves to the utmost of the state ol uncertainty at present prevailing in France in consequence of MacMahon’s coup cP ctat. Forming, as they do, a portion of the eoalilion from which the De Broglie Cabinet has been elio-cn, they have every facility for an active and energetic propaganda. Willi a view to adopt a uniform piili- -ey belwcepjthc various cliques and coteries into which the party is divi ded it has been decided to bung tlie party chiefs together for a confer ence with the ex»Empress and her son. A Paris di>pa»eh says that M. liouhe and other icading Bonapar tists have gone to Ch‘iselhurst for a grand council. Wednesday at 12, in. by the election of Hon. CKarles'J. Jenkins as presi dent, and J. Coopnr Nesbit, of Dade county, as Secretary, ' Lawton nominated, Mr., Jenkins and. he w*s European newspapers bear indica tion that the lack of great battles is weakening public interest in the war.- '-{-•if ft/rpft'i 1 rftrrprfr^ lihoda Broughton is said to be en gaged to a lord, of literary bent, who “ was first fascinated by her novels, and then by herself.” So many guests were at a London wedding recently that the ceremony was repeated for the diversion of those who had not witnessed tlty first per formance. GEORGIAN: JULY 17, 1877. The ^ Herald’s representative at Spalato, Dalmatia, telegraphs that the Turks are now comniitlnur atroe- ities in Bosnia which surpass in hor ror the butcheries in B.tLraria, which occurred a year ago this spring. Un armed and inoffensive peasants, men and women, are slaughtered in their hutj^ln tfe&fttteets oT idll&csrJmd. their bodies mutila'ed by the Turkish soldiery. Turkey has thus taken the, most effectual method of forcing 1 Austria to occupy the province and to become her open enemy. The rea son for the massacres is probably to be found in the fact thaftlie Turks are about to evacuate tbe province. The Austrian. Uapt, Zubovitz, who crossed the Danube on horseback, aecountered with the appliances that he has invented is to attempt a simi lar feet on the Bosphorus. Charles Nicholls, an eccentric and talented Englishman, who died re cently, bequeathed his brain and skull to the Royal College of Surgeons, his object being that he might not be buried alive. The Colorado beetle, in every stage of developement, was discovered in a potato field in the vicinity of Cologne, in Germany. The field belongs to a butcher who had purchased American bacon. _ In respectable butcher shops in Paris the notice, “ Hams let on line for dinner parties,’’ may he seen. The line for the night and the amount eaten are paid, and the ham is then returned to be sold over the counter. The future leader ofHlie. Home Ruler in the British Parliament is looked for in Mr. F .Hugh O’Donnell, an accomplished young journalist and impassioned speaker, who has just been elected to represent Dnngar- van. The Viceroy of Egypt has oVdcred a magnificent music box—said to be the largest, most costly} and most ingenious article of the kind ever manufactured—to be ^touvto him, at his summer resid<^A sf{ Alex andria. y: A young woman stood up in the gallery of the church iu Panbride, Eng., when the clergyman made the formal announcement of a forthcom ing marriage, and said, “ I forbid the c ^ f banns!’’ She refused to explain her objection. The Herald correspondent in Ber lin telcgraplis that the report pub lished by the Memorial Diplomatique that Germany was aboot to recognize the government of Porfirio Diaz is contradicted. The truth is that Bismarck has decided to, await the action of the United States tefore renewing official relations, with Mexi co. The ’limes of the 9th, in a leading article commenting on recent reports of the movements of Austrian troops, says; “The Austrians edn scarcely delay much longer the inevita .le oc cupation of Bosnia, and there is every reason to believe the Turks would witlidraw from the province rather than drive the Court of Vienna into the position of an open foe.” The Manchester Guardian’s Lon don correspondent says he under* stands that the goverimient have in formation that the Russians; intend to occupy Constantinople at .all risks, unless the Turks anticipate that event by making peace on the Czar’s terms. “ The effect of the receipt of this aud other intelligence, as to Rus sian intentions,’’ says the correspon dent, “has been to modify very con siderably tbe view taken of the crisis by certain mpmbers. the Cabinet. The; practical outcome will probably be that if • tho more energetic mem bers should' feel bound to. adopt an active -j*olicy they will no longer be op]K>sed by those of their colleagues who have hitherto been caution. It is reported that a pow- fill reinforcement is to be seut to the squadron in Besika Bay. G eorgia, clarke county.—whereas, Richard D. Winn and Youug K.‘Mitchell applies to me for Letters of Administration, du bonis non, with the will annexed, on the estate of Thomas Mitchell, (late of said count),) de ceased— These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to show cause, at my office, on or before the first Monday in September next, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under in) hand, at office, this 11th day of Jnlv, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, jnlyl7-30d. ^ ..... ' Ordinary. The Sewing Machine. RECENT KKDl'CTIUX OWUCES-POtJCTS SKf- TLKD, Ere. The elaborate and very complete review of tlie sowing machine business, which we have just read in a copy of the “ Sewing Machine News,” settles the following points: 1. There has never been any combination among sewing machine mau-fucturers to fix tlie prices of sewing machines for the public. In deed, there lias ever beer, an unusually heated competition betwecu tl:t- makers, and each has been at liberty to sell u’ such prices as lie could get. 2. Ample provision was made for licensing other inventors, so that the public lias hud the advantage of every meritorious invention and improvement in sew ing mechanisu that genius has devised. 3. Since tlie expiration ol' Wilson's feed pat ent in 1873, no efforts iiuve beeu made hv tiie combination for its extension, tlie many pub lished statements to the contrary notwithstand ing. 4. Tlie lapsing, May 8. of a license fee of $3 per machine, did not cause the reduction in prices of machines. It also corrects an erroneous impression which has been produced by the receutly announced reduction in prices of sewing machines, from which the public seem to have inferred that the manufacturers are anxious to almost give away their machines. Such is not the case. Good standard sewing machines are but a trifle cheaper for eash then they have been for the past six months. Tiie machines advertised for the lowest price are not such as the public wants or will gener ally buy. The most popular style, tlie machine will: cover, drawers and drop leaf, varies iu price for cash from t-lO to $50, according to jts system and finish and the locality of its sale. An addition of about $.1 is made to the price it it be delivered at some distant ‘ point, and in struction given there, and' about $10 is added to tlie price if it be sold on time. Formerly, u larger addition was made for time and install ment soles, when greater risks were taken, and large allowances made for old machines in ex change. Tho lack of cash or credit will preven* many purchasing, even at the nominally re duced rates, since the scrutiny of responsibility will be more rigorous. Another erroneous impression prevails, too, that prices of good machines will be nuiteriall) reduced. Such cannot be the ease aud the bus iness remain healthy. The present cheapness of labor and material favors lowr prices. With increased activity in business, aud the conse quent advance in the price of luborand material, the prices of sewing machines are more likely to advance. They must cover a fair profit on the cost of manufacture aud the commercial ex pense of putting them into the hands of pur chasers, giving instruction, guaranty, etc. From these two points, the inference is clear and legitimate, that tlie prices of good machines cannot go lower. Extraordinary offers should be carefully scrutinized. Gold dollars cannot be had for fitly cents a piece. Many who prom ise most perform least. Deal with the standard reliable concerns, which arc likely to eontinno and be able to make good their guaranty. A third error U tiie expectation of agents and middle men to have the same discount or com mission as heretofore allowed fer sales. Such cannot be the case. It is well understood that sewing machine manufacturers have not re cently done a profitable business. How then can they m»teri«Uy reduce their prices to tho trade i Every one has now a days to work for less pay or profit than heretofore, and why not sewing machine men ? Tens of thousands now stand idle with literally nothing to do. Thank ful should those be who find employment now at moderate pay. We must all work harder and liva cheaper, and hope for “ the good time coming.” julyio-lm. rwCONEE SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold (J before the Court-House door in the town of W’atkinsvilie, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to-wit: One hundred acres of land, situate,' ly ing and being in Oeouce county, adjoining lands of Durham, Vouiiain mid others, levied on as the prorer!) of Joel J. Morton to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Ciurki Superior Court, returnable to August term 1867, of ssiid Court, in favor of Wra. II. I’urycar vs. said Joel J. Mcrtcu. Property pointed oui by attorney for plaintiff in fi. fa. • julyl0-30d. W. W. PRICE, Sheriff. Special Hotice. An election will be held in the First Ward, on the 20th inst.. at the tin and stove store of A. K; Cbilds & Co., for an alderman to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Alder man (/Farrell. jalyl0-2t. ft smcfttiritPKmmmm Kyd-i.iit iU. noi M ’‘Win »*«. q.,i >< -j.k1p» l.; i«,im vii »*»'• Atlanta and Augusta Undersold. : w :T. i n THE TREMENDOUS STOCK OF AND WAGONS, OF THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM OF HODGSON BROS MARKED DOWN. PRICES CREATL? RSSTJCBS. We have on hand tlie longest STOCK SOUTH OF BALTIMORE, and it must sod will t- sold without delay. Good Buggies, HODGSON MAKE for mE limg£& MIMflS* The Celebrated Hodgson Wagon, Known nil over the State for their durability and streugth, and are beyond question the Ik—: \V AGON’S ever sold in this sectiou of the Country. Parties wishing auv sort of Vehicles are respectfully invited to look through our stock. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. j&KPznm.vG a.vp Jap Warns 'It A SPECIALTY. Skilled and Finished Workmen in Every Department. have Special attention will be given to REPAIR WORK, and tlie aeule of prices in this braiic < ; been reduced fullv one-fourth. No BOTCH work allowed iu our shop—ail First-class WORK AND AT BOTTOM PRICES. julyS-hn Auction! 1 have associated W. A. England with me in tiie Auction business, who will give prompt a tention to the sals of property- and goods of li kinds. VERONEE & ENGLAND. julyl7-lm. The Gainesville Eagle. Has the Largest C irculation In Northeast Oeornia, And i> Ilea l by oxer 0,000 Persons ! It is tiie best advertising medium of any pa per in existence, for seven large counties’, and equal to any otiier paper in ten other counties. it does the county _ advertising for Hull, Bunks, Towus, Wtiite, Union and Dawson coun ties, the city of Gainesville, and the internal revenue deparinient tor the division cf the 2nd district. Now is the Timk to Svbsck:be.—The Consti tutional Convention will osscmole on Wednes day, 11th day of July next, and it is the iuten- t on of the Kaolx to watcu the proceedings and ■oat its readers. It will contain a weekly let ter from un able correspondent, who • will not only give the proceedings of the Convention, in a condensed form, but, the current news of the Capitol, in the most attractive and interesting style. It is Valuable as a Family Paper.—Farm and household interests are carefully provided for in its columns while tne education and the morals of tlie country receive, and will continue to receive, the mosi careful consideration of the editorial management. Mining, mechanical and manufacturing industries will on uo account be neglected, and the mercantile and market in terests win also be particularly attended to. The News Department will be kept up to the Highest standard of country journalism, n l licit ier enterprise nor expense will be spared to make the Eagle one of the very host weekly newspapers iu all the hind. Js Politics the Emile will adhere lo the ‘•Old Guurd ’ Democracy, approving whatever is good, aud censuring' whatever is bad, in State and Federal Administrations: and, on the progressive theory of a “.Solid South,” will | drive straight ahead tor the complete rescue of American institutions, a return to constitutional methods, and tin: election of ft representative Democracy in 1880. SUBSCRIPTION PHICJS ; One year (t* 00 Six mouths i po Three mont h» i...... 60 Remit by Postal Order, Registered Letter, or through Agents, nt our mk., . . Address, CAREY W. STYLES. Editor aud Proprietor Eagle, Gainesville, Gu. $50 Reward. Will be paid tor the apprehension and deliv ery to the Sher ff of Madison county of Jim Long, colored, \vho knocked down tlie jail r and uscuped from jail on the night of tne 4th instant. Said long is about 80 or 35 years ot ace, six feet one or two high, weighs ubout 200 pounds, complexion- black, walks r. tlier stoojicd shouldered, very large white C.'CS, and lull front teeth. Is‘charged with ssault with intent to murder; is a notorious bad character. Look out for him, and stop tho scoundrel. JAM Ed \V. KIRK, July 10-1 m - * - I'lLAKKE SHERIFF'S—Will be sold, bS fore Ihefoun House door, in Hie city of Athens, clarke couuty, (is., on the first P esdav in August next, within the legal hours of s.ilc, the IblUnving property, to-wit: One house and tot whereon Uc- fcndaut now lives, the property oft arolino Thomas, fronting on Broad street South, bounded est by- Alrs. Swan, North by George Davis, F.sstbv Henry Graham. AU levied upon by virtue of a'Justice Court fi. fa. lroiu the 216th District, G. M„ to .satis fy the above. T. W. Rucker vs. Caroline Thomas. This July 2d, 1877. JulyS J. A. BitOWSING, Rh’ff. COMMERCIAL. THE ATHENS MARKETS. CORRECTED BY THE MERCHANTS FJECHAM Cotton dull at OV-e. FACTORY GOODS. Cotton Yarns Osnaburgs % Shirting I Sheeting, &1 fto a {PROVISIONS, Flour $10 a D Corn, pr bu. l QOal 25 Peas, “ 1 25 Meal, “ 1 0(j Wheat “ 1 7,-<a2 0“ Oats . Bacon, Sides,.. — Shu lu shoulders- — 7a 5 hams,-.......■ ................. 14a f- I.urd, - 14a 15 Irish, Potatoes- $2 oua <*■ Sweet • “ 1 15al 25 Eggs 15 Cuickcns 20 » 3# Turkeys.....^ ;...„ 75a! CO Butter - 20a 75 LEATHER. Hemlock 80a35 Sole Leather... (5x50 Upr. Leather....'.- - Z 60a75 Harn. “ — 40a50 Calfskins $40 OOalUO 00 Kip Skins _ 59 00a C O' Dry Hides Green Hides—.. BAGGING, TIF>, ROP1 Bulging pr yd - Rope, coiton Rope, grass The abovo are retail prices. Speri whotesulo buyers. GROCERIES. Sugar, crushed “ b:::zz::::— “ Dcmnrnra - Coffee, Rio Laguayra Java Syrup, cone —! •Molasses, Cuba - Candles, sperm..— . adamant— — tallow — Cheese, State.—, ........ English Dairy....;.-.— Onions, per bu— - —— Starch— —. —. Tallow — Rico, per lb.—... — .Mackerel, No. l.kits •• No. 2, Kits - “ No. 8, Kits.. Salt, Per Sack..— ..— Chewing tobacco ———. — Smoking ...... Snuff', Macenboy...., - American,.....— Havana ...... AMMUNITION. Powdor..f.per!b.. Shut ' “ “ Lead, '( r„“ Caps, por box'. ill/ . .LIQUORS. lOall 20a25 !5a25 tree t" 12a 1> lia MS 11a 12 10a l!% 12*;a 15 23a 25 28a 32- 33» 37 1 25al 50 7**1 *6 50a 60 40a 60 50a 25 J5a V‘ 500 26 25s 30 1 OOst 26 a If* 3a 16 a IP $ ooo o *• 0 00 ft 65 75al 56 GOal 00 1 $30 00a 50 75 OCalW 40a I2a tt 10a 12 19a 40 Corn whlakey.-v..— I reuch brandy....' ilollaiiii - G(u-(..-.... : . American Gin— Bourbon whifkoy - i it* Hi I HARDWARE. Iron, Swedes; prlb - - English - Castings: - — - - Nails, pr keg- . — Cotton Cards- - - Horse Shoes- .——— — ■« “Nails- J1 50a 2 00 r. 00a 12 «• fi 00a 7 6v 3 ooa 4 O0 2 0(6i 4 00 ft 09tl0 CO 4a5 6*1 fc Sfta4 25 75al On 8 a I# I0s2f