The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, July 17, 1877, Image 8

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THE ATHENS { (1J ! < ■? GEORGIAN: s * 8V[M HTA ■ ilH i J..UEX,1^,1877. AN ADDRESS. ( *’ . -J ill/ V] , ... To the Patrons and Students > of Rabun Gap High School by MISS A. V. M’PHRRGO*.. I shall divide*my remarks on this occJis on into three parts, and address them directly to three elements of this intelligent and interesting audience. iFiist, I shall address the parents who have children to educate, second. I shall address the advanced-students, and third, the primary students of the •school. :I ask, first, the special atten tion of parents. Do you feel interested 3n the welfare and educational pros- -■peritv of vour children* and hope, ere long, to see them rise to distiction, and plaeo their names conspicuously upon the roll of inmo and honor? -Or are you careless as to whether they ever become piomoters of progress tootu- countty, and useful members of soci ety? «T. can not think that t here is a 1 single man within these walls .today, that does not wish his sons and daugh ters to become, popular and useful in the work!A 'Blit, I next ask. hmv’ftre they to become so? Give them every advantage for procuring an education j »f jhese means, that lies within your power, and he particular not to neglect your daugh ter’s education. It is too often that we hear men crying down female ed ucation. They say, “ What is the use of sending girls to school so much ? Thev soon marry—throw aside their than-those gone to school.’* I am free to acknowledge that too many of mv sex do, after leaving school and marrying, throw aside book?, for which I believe there are causes not to be attributed to education, hut to a de ficiency in both the manner in which a oulty that then ro-e before you, but which you have been" enabled by the bid of/our kind-preoeptortoWmount ind level with the plain, ami you now fiud your feet set onward in the direc tion of the “Hill of Science” I, as your friend, would warn you not to .-top here, aud content yourselves with beholding the laurels already won, but let your motto be “ Onward, ever On ward.” After leaving your seats in this Academy (as perhaps some of yon will do to-day never to resume them) dotft think that because you have gone through your course here, you are per fect, and need not devote any to your books and the further improvement of your minds, but make them your constant companions during leisure hours, and try to steadily and contin ually improve in knowledge. Your teacher has often told you that here Little as you think /? It now,tj»e future if ogress aii<| Wel&re rtf" yopr country depends .entirety upon you, the rising generation; and now is the proper season to lay the foundation for that great work. Let me entreat you to prepare your hearts, as well as your minds for that great task of beooming an honored and trusted citizen of our great country. Youth is the time to form right principles of truthfulness and piety, while the heart is tender, and easy to yield to gospel tidings, for in after years it becomes cold and dormant to these influences. So arm yourselves with this armor, that you may take the places of your father and mothers, and do much honor, not only to there names, but to yourselves. Trussing that I may claim a spot upon memory’s page,"and that I may be affectionately - remembered by REAVES & NICHOLSON, AGENTS. Xreaa. Go-fctoja. Ties---I3aa.por-ta2a.-b Special XTctice. -■ r TRiDK M.ttfK—MclOJlB. AMS3K.IOA.3ST COTTON TIDE! COMPANY LIMITED. ‘ R, W. RA1T2T25 & CO. General 47 CABONDELET STREET, NEW ORLEANS. Arrow Cotton Ties—The Best ami Cheapest. For Sale Here and by Merchants Generally. In view of the constantly increaslug popularity and demand for the CELEBRATED ARROW TIE the universally recognized favonte Tie ot Planters, Cotton Pressmen and Shippers of Cotton centrally '■ the American Cotton Tie Co*- Hinitpd. snin ni-unrinim-a ond munnrani..., <■—u m. . 6 .7 * unequaled facilities, have, Agents- e proprietors and manufacturers of said Tic. commanding , in addition to their large stock now on haiid, contracted for increased ouan- vou are only laying the foundation each of von, and hoping that wu may of plain hoop iron; and it bci planting community and to di with Dealers, Factors and Country up to the 1st of August in quantitle delivery. es as may be required from timo to time, seUlements'betng roadoon june’-tri-wAwGm. upon which to build the magnificent structure of education—here you tinlv attain the means of procuring an edu cation, and it depends entirely upon yopr course after leaving here; whether you 4 will' be truly educated in good practical Knowledge by a judicious use all meet again, I now remand you to the care of your parents, Lidding you an aft"-ci innate ft re well. -OF Ch.arlie Stem’s CLOTHING EMPORIUM! It is too often the case that we see voting gentlemen and ladies come away from college, in dying colors, receiving their diplomas, medals of honor, etc., but here they too often stop and conteul themselves with the name of lionois, and do not try to maiqUin a genuine knowledge of what they profess. "They dclighf in boasting of being masters of the aris and sciences, but possess nothing real but the name. They lay aside their books in the library and think it useless to refer to them, but alas h _ _ . . 1 1. 1 ' _'i made complete, flue, Lineu Bosotn and Outfa for s.ieli cliara«:tei8 :iro soon look#**! upon A call U nil weuftk to convince oue undall. CARPETS ! CARPETS! WI. A. Haygood, 38 and 42 Marietta Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. I would call the attention of my patrons and the public generally to my flue stock of Clothing For Men Youths’ and Bop’. Consisting, of French Diagonals, Worsteds, Cheviot?, Cloths, Melton’s Scotch and Navy- Blue Flannel Suits, all of the Finest Material and the most fashionable styles. Also, a first- class stock ot Gents’ Furnishing Goods in all branches complete. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Umbrellas in Silk Alpaca and Scotch Gingham, Trunks, etc., to whiv.!i 1 invite the inspection of tlie public, guaranteeing my prices to compete with any house in the State. Augusta or Atlanta Prices Duplicated. OCR — Unkin iidered Shirts, HAVING moved across the street from my old stand, 21 Marietta street, to the new aud handsome double stores, Nos. 38 and 42 in the Grant Building, (between Broad street and the Capitol,) I take pleasure in saying that I shall keep a larger and more attractive stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, CURTAINS, WALL PAPER and UPHOLSTERY GOODS, than ever before and at the Lowest Market Prices. Letters answered promptly. m8-w&triw3ni MM. A. IIAYGOOD. nominal instruction ha9 been imparted, , as incite 'stumbling-blocks in society, and also in the quality of knowledge received. But T shall not stop to dis cuss these points now. Suffice it to say that whatever knowledge has been gained is not entirely lost, but does exert a most salutary influence over 1 learned run away with their children in after years, in the judgment and common and become subject of derision by tbe people. It lias b en wisely re marked thou “a little learning is a dangerous thing,” so let us beware not to let what we have already our better sense, but ptrive to add to our store of knowledge. The greatest men and women of all ages are those who con stantly apply themselves to rigorous study; try, try to dive deeper into the depths of science, which they have never yet been permitted to reach. But believing you are all se riously interested, and are striving to obtain an education, and have already advanced sufficiently to satisfy your selves of the great pleasure and beue- improper in manners, j fit to be derived from it, l will now in sayings, hold on to ! tender to yon, one and all, my many formation of mind and character, for we notice their children are generally more polite and polished in manners and possess minds more easily culti vated, while those children whose mothers have no education may train them in paths of truthfulness and honesty, still there is a void in both mind and character that is very diffi cult to till llow often do we see boys and girls, after they have grown old enough to know what is and incorrect the old homely expressions of their infancy just because ma still uses them. We should remember, *' ’Tis education forms the common mind, Jnst as the twig ia baut the tree’s inclined, * therefore dp uot neglect your daugh ters’ education, for that is a matter of vital importance. If you wish your children to be | distinguished and useful, strive to give them an education, for when they are ouce in possession of this, there is nothing they would take in exchange for it, and we are sure it can never be taken from them. You may labor and toil all the days of your life to accumulate property for them, aud then lie down and dio leav ing them to disgrace your memory by their contentions and bickerings over your wealth, while on the other hand, if you will spend all you can to'im- prove their minds, they will reverence and honor your name, and when your ashes lie cold and silent in the grave, they will rise .up and call you blessed GHazles Stem, Popular Clothing Emporium, Broad street, Athena, Gs. Next door to Long & Billups Drag Store. np3-ly C. SAXJSER, Sole Agent for the JCelebrateJ OCONNECHEE SMOKING TOBACCO- LONE JACK, CAPRICE aud other brands of umoking tobacco kept constantly on hand. Fine Cigars aud chewing tobacco of every brand always m stock. mayl5-2t. I will now direct my remarks to the advanced pupils. Hu#yp u all rightly improved your tiitfe-^the precious hours allotted you here-aa well aa, you ought to have <fone v Jt,you have, and will continue to do sp, doubtless a bright futotrirSy&l ttjfcii you.. Perhaps some little difleieaccs have sprung up among some of you during the past term,.but doubtless you are willing to bury to day all ani mosities inthe golf of oblivion, and give to teachers, and each other that thanks for your kindness and affection toward me during our stay together ! —ever Hoping you may become use ful avd distinguished mernbi rs of so ciety, and bring great honor upot your worthy teacher, as well as your, selves after you leave the hallowed precincts of these solemn walls. So I bid you adieu! I turn my attention now to the primary department. It is toward you, dear children, that I now feel a very deep interest, and have been la boring for the past months to impart instruction that will help you on in future days. Jfis true, I have been with you but a short season, still during this time, each of you has found a true resting place in my heart. Your kind and cheerful obedience to mo has always been noticed with much pleasure. I have occasionally had to reprove some unthoughtful little boy or girl for misconduct, but acknowledge I have never met with any children that yielded more readi ly to ray wishes than jou have done. I hope yon rimy ail be continued in school, and that you will go on, step by step, until you shall have arrived at the top of tbe ladder cf lame. Don’t become discouraged because GEHERAL TIKEf AGDNCY, RAILROAD TICKETS, For sale, by all routes, and to all principal points in the UNITED STATES. Buy your Tickets before leaving Athens, anti get ail intormution from Capt. NVM. WILLIAMS, Agent Southern Express Co., Athens, Ga. May 12. ’75 28 G. S. rnjRE’S Fine Whiskyatd Brandy. Parties desiring to purchuso, bv wholesale, pure Brandy or Whisky, will flud it to their in terest to purchase from the undersigned, sole Every up Brandy are dist.iled, are inrale of wood, gallon warranted Address, - ' G. K. I)UKE. Agent, deeS-tf Jefferson, Ga. bye”' *X" wteSt .-nn-U You can probably look back to the time you first entered this school, and —view the many little mole-hills ofdiffi. remembe created in a: day neither did Washing ton* nor Bonapart^nor anyof our great Rnd Ulustgyu^ffi d# denJy up, and plaee their glittering names on the roll of "honor in a day, affectionate, but even sad word “ Good- nor even a year; It Was only by 1 « j V _. .sirwLocrU C ““ perseverance and diligence that they arrived at so exalted a standard ot tame, that still enables them to lire in the hearts of their countrymen, though they are dead. .1 01(1 Alt 1 ACTOR V. ANTICIPATING to reopen our Cigar Factory ou a larger scale than ever, before, we offer the following brands of Cigars at 10 per cent, dis count from our usual prices so as to sell our immense stock— 15,000 Plantations.,i 16,000 Phi Kappa and Demos. 8,000 Big Bonanza^. 9,000 On* Favorite brand. 5,000 H. Upman. - 5,000 Flor do Merisel. - 5,000 Key \V e8 t } 9,000 Choice. ' 5,000 Figai j. 8,000 Partagas (Concilia.) 5,000 Partugas (5 inch.) 5,000 Beady Relief. . f iCl )oo a*** J ESTABLISHED 1865. TI1E CHEAPEST BOOK AND STATIONERY STOKE IW GiEORGiIA. ORDER EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE DIRECT TO* PUlips efc Crew, Atlanta, PIANOS AND ORGANS fcSTOF EVERY GRADE. SEND FOR PRICES..**! PHILLIPS, CREW & FREYER. PLAIN ISO JOB WORK. IN PRICES. uiSw&trlw-Rin ATLANTA. GA. ZFU'iE^ISriTTTIRJE I A splendid new stock Parlor and Chamber Suits From Twenty-five to Five Hundred Dollars complete. DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Prices as cheap as any Fust-class House in the South. E, RRITDRIQEZ & GO*, 21 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. Cottage Suits $25 to $60. Send orders or letters f inquiry. FlR,JL2sT2Z: IMI. POTTS, Georgia. Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 19 Street. mSw«!tlriw-oui BCOTJSE Atlanta, Georgia. The proprietor of the MARKHAM HOUSE takes this method of informing tbe traveling public, that notwithstanding the great Euro pean war, his hotel will continue to entertain with its usual hospitali ties and first-class accommodations, such as he flatters himself has given great popularity and success to his house, and general satisfac tion to those who have honored him by becoming his guests. Board reasonable and accommodations first-class. Having Secured ike Services of A FIRST-CLASS JOB PRINTER, We are enabled to iui r out as good work as fan be done IN THE STATE. We call tbe attention of all our cit zens to the following Price List: Bill Heads, per Thousand* Assorted, $5. Canary Colored Envelops* Furnished to Merchants and Business Men, with their cards printed on them, At PER THOUSAND* LETTER HEADS, $4 50 to $5 Per Thousand. Ca RX>S, Common 75c per Hundred, AND— 10,000 No Brand. •remembe'?* that the world was not — ' ^ ^ ^ ATHENS 1 HIGH SCHOOL; MUledgo Avenue, Cobbham. _ a , ’" c A. B. Brumby, A. M., It. D., ", ,i ; . PRINCIPAL. ' >-•> - ' 1 j i -n i -■ lone. fr.tJ . PUPILS REGEIVKD AT ART TIMS. Terms—>6 a Scholastic Month. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, .ALTGrTJSTA- GEORGIA. 3ST3E3“\7V AR.R.ANC-ESMES3MT. Rates Reduced to $3 per Day. ‘"HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I enter upou its management 4»y Reducing Rates, and asking of the Travel- dog Puhlicj especially my friends of Carolina and. Georgia, a continu ance of that liberal support they have always given it. i -.3 mOrnm, *ss j-. -Nd*. , <T Iu> «mqito: 4gr«*l t-igrwirf.*- -^sd*4 ■I.* jau23-5m •« i 'awn* to .•q* 3 rz"?* - -FOBMEhwY OF CHABLESTON, PBOPBIffTOB. ' 1 For Sale. ▲ second-hand Wheeler 4s Wilson Sewing Machine; hoa been little uaed and ia in per fect ordar. For sole • i sap for cash. -Apply-at •vgS»-ff. THIS OFFICE.. TSTsun ■hed. TO BENT or buy a small cottage horns, con- “ i business portion of th* city. Ah venitnt to the unimproved lot, if desirably located, nught t sold. Apply *t Georgian offles. ropf-tt $4 50 to $5 per Thousand. Fancy Work Proportionately Higher. VXSXTDSTG CARDS. BLANKS, NOTES, I Poters, Circulars 1 . . “ ■ .i Handbills, Pamphlets, etc., . Printed in any color desired, aud« *• cheap as can be done in the State. GIVE US i'OUR ORDEla ■ SAVE MONEY, I iior. j • r And get good work, and eustaiu a home institution. Call at tbe ATR- office, Broad ( ! ENS GEORGIAN