The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, July 24, 1877, Image 3

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THE ATHENS GEOllOAIN: JULY 44, 1877. FROM GOTHAM. w »*> York Fashions and City Gossip. Fashionable people “hate gArie in quest of that “strange delight fuhjess in grass” which Raskin writes about, the fortunates left, behind feel their insignificance, and aspire to little be- Gilniore’s Garden. ’Tis there we find one chiet recreation, and every*, thing is so p'-easant that the oftener one goes, the oftener one wants to go. TCool fountains, eaves of the winds, grottoes, water falls, to say notiiing of refreshing verdure every where, afford charming variety; while music of high, artistic merit, gives yond a percale costume, contenting I the finishing touch. We make the themselves with anticipations^ ot’^sjbi most of Gilmoreibis sui£ftp ( for. «e.\t inoolitho more finery p«xt $£ a iumiiier. 1 • i .5 $ yj] \ i r ; there is a law of. compensation, ;ap^j D.^y., ne ^il'lk.^iiV’EnjOjje, fear- in llnwnrtl /> nmi'' tlinll kaoIIv fiiltl OKI rt » I lit A oAHIttot it I All \L* 11 11 Jging 2ySax3ss’ > ; . Kxclaangre Saloon, COLLEGE AVENUE. The beet Cincinnati lager Beer, Cigna and all Kinds of Liquors sold cheap docia-ly. FOB CASH. - . J. H. Heaves, 1 10*717 (H. A. I owbamce, David Gass, / 104 1 . twa. L. Wood. ATerSUn EVANS, Practical Watchmaker. U AS removed <0 his old stand at the New Drug Store, where be will be glad to see ins customers, old uul new, who wish line work done on Watches, Clocks, aud Jewelry Ail work warranted. febS'Viiin. ARTHUR EVANS. , THE ATHENS Furniture Manufacturing COMPANY. #J! ! t Believing that Athens, and the section of country around, should have, and wonld cor dially support a first-class Furniture Store and Factory STOTXO& All persons having demands against the es tate of John Kirkpatrick, deceased, arc hereby notified to present the same to mo in due form for payment within the time prescribed by law, „ud those indebted to said deceased, are re quired to make immediate payment. REDDEN T.PITTARD, july3-30d. Administrator. Clarice County. Notice. A LL persona having demands against Wil liam P.' Talmudge, deceeascd, lire hereby notified to present the same to me for payment, within the timo prescribed bylaw, and those iu- ‘* deceased in that percale suit;'they r&tlly find about all the comfort there is in the way of clothing. For the most part, they are made with halffitting jacket, which, as everybody knows, is cooler than if setting close to the person, while the light overskirt is of scarce appreciable weight. All wonld be lesslv entering into cqi^c^ition with the bands of France, Germany and England. He looks the jiolished so ciety man rather than the absent minded artist, and his tnatmeis at. onco courteous and cordial, have ren dered him very popular. Lucy Carter. lovely hot for tl« m.amkir/ p ort ofCommitteeonHome hot then .00 d.,e» not expect j«*., stead and Exemptions. now to have any j:ood ot om*’s right | hand, so we travel along contentedly ^ ; There shall be exempt enough, knowing that wc have op-1 ^ , evy an ,j ^ by vlrtl!e of any portunity for the exhibition ot a j proceRS w]iatcver> Hn ,l er the laws of pretty petticoat, and shoe to cone- j ^ 8tj|t(S of the ,, ro] , e rty of every spond. Dark solid slm ics ot bine, brown or green, are preferred. Ladies in mourning wear black, while in the way of trimming, wc find knife plait* hig>, embroidered bands, and Smyrna lace. Little girls wear tlie cipming- est dark percale costumes, gotten tip in initiation of their elders, but for them, Smyrna lace only, is used in ornamenting. Irrepressible people, who conclude still to bold up their heads, if they are in New York in July, buy also a bunting suit, for this summer there is quite a run made on bunting, which, alter all, is a clumsy sort of material, and not likely to remain long in fashion. lOlFFCRES AND JEWELRY. I would lie recreant to the trust committed to me, did 1 neglect to mention a new invention in hair, called the “ Multiform,”’ which has attracted much attention hv reason of its superior advantages. It is graceful, easily arranged ; the Ugliest coiffure ever devised, and can be dis posed of in an infinite variety of styles. Made of first quality hair only, prices arc from ten- to fifteen dollars, accord ing to color. Full directions are given, and orders received at llelmo’s Human Hni,r House, 1G East Fif teenth street, or Mine. Demorest’s, 17 East Fourteenth street. In jewelry, scarcely anything so fashionable as a scarf pin, and in view of such demand, we find them in wondertul variety of design—in silver, gold, mosaic, enamel, onyx, jet, and precious stones. Ladies re main partial to bangles; slender vines are worn, but then again, the number of trinkets attached is not worthy ot note. Pendant from one, may he counted a trunk, tortoise, idol, bas ket, hell, serpent, hook, five cent piece, horse shoe, and fish ; on an- j , lot l,c other, a cabbage, drum, satchel, harp, band, chair, hour-glass, chest of drawers, lizard, boat, aud eagle NEW DESIGNS. The Breton basque is tight fitting, | cut with side forms carried to t e shoulders, and is at once novel and distinct; while the Habit l*a«que, an other stylish design, is tight-fitting, with cut away fronts over a pointed vest, an-1 the l«v k in coat shape. The Clandino overskirt shows a long, broad apron, closed diagonally, and draped so far back that it hangs per fectly smooth in front, and a back with irregular drapery describing a point. The Villia overskirt, in effect, dressy and graceful, with drapery, apparently complicated, is-quite sim- 1 pie and easily ai ranged. PRINCESS’ UNDERCLOTHING., Just think of it! Imagine a corset oover prolonged out gradually until it reaches the ankles. By such pro longation, it becomes a petticoat, and while human ingenuity is taxed to the uttermost in order that the front aud sides shall hang close, closer, closest-to the figuro, lbe back from about' a foot betnwtha^nrti becomes a mass of ruffles, flounces and frills, made to set ont “like quUls upon the fretful porcupine* in order that the train—a point peculiarly ’ear to the feminine h< art at present may find due support. OII.MOP.K*:- Life would 1> • n.en • * "..>c26-2i Tho Copartnership Heretofore existing under the name aud style ofDorough da Osborn, in thelumber bus'iuess, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business in the future will be contiuned under the uauic uud style of J. W: PRUITT <fc CO., to whom all orders tor lumber must be address ed. All orders for lumber or laths loft with Wiley F. Hood or W. B. Pruitt will be punc tually filled. Orders addressed to Hannouv Grove will be delivered any where on the Northeast Railroad. Thankful for past favors we respectfully solicit the patronage of the -ublic in want of lumber or laths to the new irm. April 12. 1877. apl7-:l J. W. PRUITT * CO debtad to said deceased are requested to we have entered into a partnership, bought out 1 immediate uujmeuV. the Machinery and store of Gillelaud, Wood & ELIZABETH A TALMADGK, Admtr’x. June 12—6 w NOTICE. A fter this date, county adver tisemeuta which have heretofore been pub- ished in this paper, will hereafter be published in the Sun, a Gazette published in Hartwell, resident thereof, being a natural per son, realty or personalty, either «r both, not to exceed in value, in the aggregate, fifteen hundred dollars in specie Sec. 2. No court or ministeria officer in this State shall ever hav jurisdiction or authority to entered any judgment, execution or decree against said property so set apart , including such improvements as may he made thereon from time lo tune, except for taxes, for the purchase j money of the same, for labor done ] thereon, for material furnished ihcio- | lor, or for the removal of enciim- ' bra- oes thereon. See. 3. The debtor shall have no waive or renounce his rcErw SPRING AND SUMER ZCsli.llin.ery Goods. Mrs. T. A. Adams would most respectfully inform the Ladies of Athens and of counties ad jacent, tlmt she lias now received and opened a most choice imd seleet assort rfient of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, comprising in part the latest styles and fashions of lists, Bonnets Ribbons Laces Flowers Gloves, which she will sell nt reasonable prices. Give her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from a distance carefully filled. Store located on Broad street, one doo. above National Bank, upril 21. 1875—25-tf. Co., and the store of J. F. Wilson & Co., and determined to give the business a fair trial under the firm name of the Athena Furniture Manu facturing Company. At the store occupied by J F. Wilson & Co., we propose to keep a stock of Furniture equaled by few and'Suroaased by none iu tlie State. Mr. Jay O. Gailey has charge of this department, _ „ g^n 1 thTsh P ne‘!* ed 10 W “ U °“ ^ C. STEPHENSON, Ordinary, At the stand of Gillelaud, Wood & Co. we Hart county. Ga. will kero all goods of our own manufacture, such as Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, etc., and in addition will keep a large and well selected stock of Coffius, Burial Coses, etc. Mr. W. L. Wood will give liis personal attention to this department. We Iiave engaged with Mr. Wm. A. Reming ton to superintend the Manufacturing and Re pairing Department. Ilis . kill as a workman 'Uiirautccs success. All kinds ol repairing done at short notice. Our machinery tor Dressing, Sawing and Turning will lie kept running us usual. Give us a trial and be convinced that Athens can compete ‘successfully with sny city in the South in the sale of Furniture, etc. Oconee County. The Athens Furniture Min. Company. All persons indebted to the late firm of J. F. WILSON <& Co. will please come forward and settle at once. The accounts will be found till the 15th January, 1877, in the hands of Jay O. Gailey, at the old siami. A word to the wise. decl9-6m J. F. WILSON & CO. fjJ-EOllGIA, Oconee County.— Ordnary’s Office—Whereas L. L. Fum- brough executor of James Willoughby deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said executorship., ibis is therefore to cite and ad monish all concerned to be and appear nt my office on tlie first Monday in October next to show cause why said letters should noth: gran ted. ' JAMES R. LYLE, Ordinary. july3-30d. 3Ma.di.son. County. fADISON COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALE.— JmIWIT right to -.lie benefit of lho exemption provided for in this article; nor shall lie, after it is set apart, alienate or encumber the same; but it maybe sold by the debtor and his wife, if any, jointly with the sanction of the Judge of the Superior Court of the county where tlie debtor resides, or the land is situated, upon application to him, the proceeds to be reinves ted for the same uses. Sec. 4. The General Assembly shall provide by law, as early as prac ticable, for the setting apart aud val uation of said property. Sec. 5. The applicant shall, at any time, have the right to supple ment by adding to an amount al ready set apart, which is less than the whole amount of exemption al lowed, a sufficiency to make his ex empt on equal to the whole amount. Sec. <">. All property of the wife, in her possession at 'the timo of her marriage, and all property given to, inherited, or acquired by her, shall remain her separate properly, and liable lor debts of her 1ms- P L. Mvnatt, Chairman, William WeJIs, Goo. F..Pierce, Jr., Pope Barrow, Jiu. A. Giterard. We agree to the above report, ex cept that we arc of opinion that the power to waive In fore setting apart should he given the debtor. John T. Longino, K. C. Grier, Samuel L. Williams, N. J. Timilin. F. r. TALlyU5.DE, —DEALER IN— Aintricaa aid Ini ported Watches, Clocks, Jmlry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, 2y£\acdcal laatmmontc, GSnxam, fierbols, E-feo. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY KK- l*.\lRED IN A NEAT, WORKMAN LIKE 51 ANN E1S, And warranted lo give entire satisfaction. ntvmrjital and VUein Letter Kngracing Specialty. B2CA9 STSEir, cat da:r frsa Lem & Ware, Belton Hotel, Eol-fcoii Georgia- Situated 66 miles on tlie Atlanta, Richmond aud Air Line Railroad from Atlanta, and within one mile of the junction of the North East Rail road of Ga. The Proprietor is now prepared to serve all who call upon him with meals at the following rates: Single meal 50c. I Per week $0 00 Per day $1 50 Per month $20 00 julylS-ly S. It. I1UGHEN. Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! Elementary Spelling Books, $1 2npt-r dozen; Thonia-’_Black Ink, in 2 ounce eases, 50 cents per dozen ; Flagg aud Moore’s Ink, in 2 ounce eases, 40 cents per dozer. P. per, Steel Pens, Pencils «fce., as cheap as they am lie bought e.sewhere. Give me u trial. febl3-tf. T. A. BURKE, Eo*seller. CASS FOR WOOL, Pun for the Boys and Girls- cheap at may23 tf. BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. L ,v I'EUY AND SALE STABLE. Currlaiion, Ilugglt-s Horses for hire. Terms reasonable. E. M. WHITEHEAD, Washington, Wilkes county, Gi». iov26-l 875-0' U.S. mail line. The undersigned is now running a splendid now M . Will be sola on tlie first Tuesday iu An gust next, within the lawful hours ot sale, be fore the Court-lloase door in DunicJsville, in *8- following property, to-wit: One hundred and fifty acres of land lying iu said coun.y on the road leading from Duuicls- ville to Ath.—'i, adjoining lauds of J. D. Mat thews, Mrs. Surah Yerby, and others. Also, at the same time and place, one roan mule, o e bureau, two beds and bedsteads, three coverlids, one counterpane, one quilt, two sheets aud two pillows, one table, eight chairs, one trunk and contents, one cupboard uud lot of table wure, one large chest, one looking- glass, two scythes and crodb.s, one shovel, one spade, one pair balances, one lot of jugs mul jars, two boxes, one empty rice barrel, two sets of plow-gear, one band-saw, one drawing knife, two augers, one grindstone, one chum, one bucket, one strainer, one wash pan, one wutcr bucket, one dip|ier, one pair fire dogs, one corn broom, one pair tongs, one set twe-horse wagon harness, one oil can, one washstand, one wagon sheet, one half bushel measure. All levied on a- tlie property of George C. Matthews 10 satisfy fi. fa. issued tronr the Superior Court of said county, March teiin, it>7i, iu tuvor of VV. J. Matthews vs. G-. orge 0. Matthews in a'taclimciit. Property [siiated out by tlie plaiu'.itf, June 3vth, 1 -77. julyJ-ilod J. W. KIRK, Sheriff. 1 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE —Pursuant to an order firotn the Court of OrdiiMry of Clarke county, will he sold before tlie Court- House door in the city of Athens, •:> the first Tuesday ill August next, between the usual hours of sale, tne following described pioperty belonging to the estate of George W. Center, deceased: ,« Two-thirds undivided interest in the warehouse and lot oti the south side of Broad street, in Athens, opposite the store of Reaves & Nicholson,! including the storehouse ou northwest corner of said lot, now. used as a tiu store by A. K. Childs & Co. 1 v.o-birds taui.lwu interest iu too three story bncs siorei.onse, uud the lot on which it is situated, ou the corner of Tuomas and Broad streets, in the city of Athens, now occupied by Reuses & Nicholson, 4 including the wooden storehouse on tho wooden storehouse on the comer of Thomas and Clayton streets, now occupied by L. Muupiu. and tlie storehouse now occupi-.d by Jacobs & Miehao), attached to the main building, and two frame houses on Thomus street, now used os shoe shops. Two-thirds undivided interest in < ne tract of 'land iu Oconee county, containing seven hun dred and twelve acres, more or less, being the same wuenun Juan B> now lives, about ops pule from Watkirsvillo on tlie Siunmton’s Bridge road. This property is well improved, good dwelling house and outbuildings, and tlie whole place in a state of good repair and culti vation. Also two thirds undivided interest in a tract of land iu Oglethorpe comity about one mile East of Wintervillo station oil tho Georgia Rail road, known as tlie t.’liris Wiuter place now oc cupied by Mort Johnson Col., containing one liu.iur. d tmd twenty acres more or less, about, oue nan ot sunt land improved, the other luiif original forest. [ Also, iwo thirds undivided interest iu a store house uud lot in tho village of Curuesvillc I Franklin county on the street leading to Ularki s- villc and Toncoa City known as tlieS. It. Mose ley property. The store house is a large two story frame building, aud constructed tor dwelling house in connection with store. The l lot contains two acres ot land more or less, also two thirds undivided interest in tne two story trunic ..Vi!... ——laviv...o — ii''u 11 ..a i..c Doe. or Ki-lners property, aud the lot on which it s situi . a containing’ about two acres more or less, uud in a tract or parcel of laud known as the Rodgers tract containing seventy three acres more or less, about one mile from Oarnes- ville on the Klbertou and Hartwell road, adjoin ing lands of Thomas Grimes and others. Also two thirds undivided interest in lot number (11) eleven in the 32ml district of Giluu-r county aud iu lot number (5) five in the lltli district .of same county each lot containing one hundred and twenty acres moro or less, nn- improved, and known as the West property. Said property sold for payment oi debts and for distribution. Terms e sh. ISAAC l’oWKLl., Amiuistrntor of Geoige IV. Center, deceased. juno3-80<l. CLOTH FOR WOOL. Tlie Athens Maiinfacturirg Company arc now making a much larger variety of Woolen Goods than ever before, and propose to Exchange them for Wool, / M.ARK E 811 GRIFF’S 8 A LE.—W ill lie -old, be- V.' fore the Court House door, in tlie city of Athens, Clarke comity, nn the first Tuesday in August next, witldn tlie legal hours uf sale, tl.e follov in? property, to wit: .Two unimproved lots in t!it city of Athens ; one fronting on .Im-ksm stie. t fif ty-four feet, and extending lis-k 75 feet, bounded on .-ontli liy Jackson street, on tlie West by t.. ,t. Lampkin’s'lot, on the orlh by lot of Rev. B. \V. Siwer, and on East by J. It. Newton’s tot. The other lot fronting on College Avenue ten feet and ruujingbaclc westwnrdly H4 feet, hounded by College Avenue on East, ev. K. W. peer on North, J. II. Newton on West, and Taltuadge, Hodgson A Co. on tlie South. Levied on as the In liinhsapt tn tin more to the interest of the Planter to Exchange the Wool for Cloth, rather than have it Carried and Spun at home. Call for Samples and Terms ot Excliuuge. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent, may 19, 1875-29-tf MADISON SHERIFF SALES. 11‘ILL BE SOLD BEFORE TIIECOURT- }} House dcor, in the town of Uunielsville, cn the first Tuesday in July, 1876, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to- wit : One promissory note ou John Scott for one hundred and fifty dollurs, one promissory note on T. F. Baker for forty-four dollurs, one promissory note on J. H. Cheek for twelve dollars. Also, one house and lot in the town ot Daniclsville containing two acres, more or ■ess, adjoining lots of P. 11. Furgerson, J. O. Daniel, W. M. Smith and the Elbertou road. Levied on ils the property of David R. Moseloy to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from tlie Superior Court of Madison county, at March term, 1877, in favor of Johnson, Crews & Co., vs. David R. Moseley. The above-named promissory notes ^oubo and lot witli a!fit'e uppcrtlnences thereto Mail and Passenger Coach BETWEEN THE Georgia and Northeastern Railroad, and would be pleased to curry passengers .'who have such baggage as they can handle them selves) to and from tlie Depots and all other points on their route. Tlie eoaeli will call nt tlie hotels with nil out going mails. No dramming for passengers. Fare s5 cents, meli27-lm J. S. WILLIFORD. New Jewelry Establishment, The Jewelry House of Childs & Moss, late L. St-lievenell A Co., was this day sold to Mr. Frank P. Tnlmadge, bo will’remove ids stock from College Avenue iuid consolidate the whole into'one at the stand No. 3. Broad, St., Athens, Gs. A, K. CltlLDS, R. L. MOSS. To -clia SPiiblLc- Ruturniug our thanks for recent favors from our patrons, wc bespeak for our successor a Rabun Gap High School. Located in tho beautiful Valley of Head o Tennessee. Ha”bun Coiaxrfey, Ga- w. A.CURTISS, Principal. The Ninth Consecutive Session will open on Monday, July 16th, 1877, and continue, without intermission, tor twenty weeks. Tuition—$6, #8, $10,’tl2 and $15 per session. Board, $6 i>er month. Beautiful aud healthful location, pure water, salubrious atmosphere, mild climate, and atten tive an l devoted teachers, render the school attractive, pleasant and instructive. For particulars, address IV. V. IT IITI8S, l’rli'cl|uil. Head of* i mnessre t>., tia. jnlyli-tf. • Moseley, lue above-named promissory notes pointed out by defendant, tne honse and lot by plaintiffs’ attorney, notice served on tenant in possession May 28tb, 1877. T. F. BAKER, Deputy Sheriff. june5-30d. property of John II. Newton by virtue of one State and Coiiuty tax ti. fa. for ISTil, vs.Kuininey A New ton, aiul one State and County tax fi. fa. for 1876, vs. J. II. Newton, liotli of s-iid ti. fas. Issued by John W. Johuson, Tax Collecterof • larke county, Georgia. And also one fi. fa. issued from Clarke County Court—C. W. Hood vs. J. H. Newton—is sued April, 1S77. Property pointed out by J. II. Newton, defendant in fi. fa. julyll J. A BROWNING, SU’ff. £1LABKE HKRIFF’S SALK.—Will be sold before the Conrt House door, in tHte city of Athens, Clarke county, Georgia, ou the first Tuesday in August ncx’t, within the legal hours of sale," tlie following projssrty, to-wit: One (21E0RGIA, Madison County.— Presentj the Honorable E. II. Pottle, Judge Superior Court, N. C. John J Dove, ) Libel V Super! ove, j 1877. Nancy Dovi Libel for Divorce iu Madison, crior Court, March Term, BgmGAITTS UT New and Second-banded Articles. continuance of the same jan9-lt. A. K. CIllLDS, R. L. MOSS. ■p* Was**. Boot amt Shod Manufacturer, COLLEGE AVESIL, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, On hand, Uppers for making Low Quartet>, Congress, Alexis-Tica, and Prince Ainerts. Re pairing promptly executed. Send teu dollurs, >cr mail or express and you stiall receive • first iliiss pair of boo’s. jnne 30 1875-S5-tf. B.. O. XJOtTGLASS, JL’blojtn.’ca, Ga. Bargains in Dress Goods. S-fcocls ZvX'vto'fc Isa 3T7.Qd.-u.cod_ As 1 s''till be compelled to vacate my present store on ti:e 15th of Juiv, to allow the owners to build a new one, I shall commence on Mon day to reduce my entire stock, and will offer goods at great reduction. Everything will be marked down and will be sold "cheap, as the stock must he reduced by the 15th of July, the time I shall move to new stole. No use to quote prices, as every thing w ill he sold much under the market prices. E. O. DOUGLASS. junel!*. It appearing to tlie Superior Court by tlie return of tlie Sheriff that the defendant Nancy Dove does not reside in this county aud it fhrtlier appearing that she docs not reside in this state, it is on motion, ordered tlmt said defendant appear and unswer ut the next term of this court, or tlmt the ease lie considered iu default and tlie plaintiff allowed to proceed. It is further ordered that this notiec be publish ed in tlie Athens Georgian once a tuou'h for four months before the next Term of Court. Done in open Court. JOHN T. OSBORN, Attorney tor Petitioner. E. II. Pottle, Judge Superior Court N. C. I hereby certify tlmt the above is a correct extract from the minutes of tlie Superior Court of Madison Countv at March Term, 1677. * S. C. O’KELLY, C.S.C. marckiO-nrtm. belonging: s id i t c undoing one acre, more or less; situate, lying and being in the city of Athens, fronting on Barber street, adjoining Messrs. Cobb Davis’ lot on the north, Stephen Hubburd’s lot on tlie cast. Prince Hodgson's lot oil tlie south. All levied upon as the prop erty of the defendant by virtue of a State and county tax fi. fa. for 1876. J. W. Johnson, Tax Collector, vs. R. II. Lampkin. All to sat isfy the above stated ti. fa. J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. july3-30d 14 H. P. Port. Engine,Bookwalter, good order. 1 12 H. P. Port. Engine, Wood A Man. * 1 0 Ii. P. Port. Eng., bnt little used. 1 <40II. P. Stationery Engine. 2 8- inch x 86 l'cct Cylinder Boilers, with frent. 1 6 H. P., 8ohofleld patent. Portable, new. 1 Eelinse Water Wheel, good order. 1 Leffole Water Wheel. 4 Tyler Water Wheels, now rrnning. Gearing, Shaft’::, \ Pultex-e, etc. One 18 ins. x 14 h-s. Cane Mill, horizon , good as new. Horse Power*, Th-e.-hers, Fan Mills, Cane Mills, Evaporu! r.,t'.e ATHENS FCPrtlUT A 1ACI1IIE WORKS. junc2t-lm. Fo'j4j and Mine Works. -A.TZXT33X-1 S, Or A. General Foun- -• «:•■! Machinist*. Pattern ’ R-pairing, Mining and Manuf eturer# of Circular Ho:;e Powers, Making, Smit' l Mill Machinery, Saw Mills, S' Threshers, F:m Gin Gcarin", Agent for - Pans, Card - Wlo la and A_ Pi ices sen: up , ‘iv.' e OD. C A uwers, rk MiHi*, Cudi Mills, ■ ’aiimr NV.ter j igt *»te LIVERY, FEED HD SHE STABLE, Atbkexxa, Georgia. GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS. Will be found at their old stand, rear Frank lin Hotme boikliin,, Thotros street. Keep al- •&j s ou hand good Turnouts aud careful dri ven). Stock well cnr-J for when entrusted to our care. Stock ou imiid tor sale at alt times. declStf. MEDICAL NOTICE. i* e ' * ' ' ’ ' At the eolidtatiou of many of my former pat rons, I resume the Practice oi* Medicine from this date. I will pay especial attention to the disease of Infants ai d OFi’dren, and the Chronic Diseases ot Female-. WM. KIN« ^i D. iuue 16 1875 3«-l v. J" riptums • AJ.L DES this i then T11K GKLAT CAUSE Human Misery. JustJPub’ishcd, in a Sealed Envelope. Priee six cents. and na- „ , untarj Enussiona, Impoteucy, Nervous Debility, aud Iir pediments to Marriage generally; Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Pbysica! Incapacity. Ac.—By Ropext J. Cm.v*Jtw*w., M. l5., author of the “Green Book,’’ &c. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, dearly prove* from us own experience that the awful eu^nqueneea Of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and BLACKSMLTHING. Having rented the Blacksmith Shop so long occupied by the late William P. Talmadgc and eu’p.oycd competent workiiK-n from the Nortu, I am prepared to do any and all work In the 231a.c2ssna.vbla. Line at tlie shortest notice and at the lowest prices ot any shop iu tlie city. I have a Sl-ciUecl TEcigo--fcool 2v£alscr and make specialty of Axes, Mill Picks, Mat tocks, Picks, Garden Hoes and tools of uil des cription and of the finest temper. WAGONS AND BUGGIES ed and Repaired. Tiro Shrunk, Etc. Plows of all kinds made and repaired at low prices. Also First Glass Horse-Shoeing >ne by a northern staoer, Trotting Plate*. Concave Shoeing Etc., iu a inanner unsurpassed by sny. All new work warranted and satisfac tion guaranteed. Gun* aud Pistols repaired. , i John M. Bassett.* tnurch20-ly. I prove s boon to thonssnd* which ev»ry sufferer, no matter what his con ditior tuny he, may cure himself cheaply, privately cad radically, This Lecture will pr end thousands. Sent, under seal, in a pls'u envelope, to my address, on receipt of .- ! x ce: t-, or two po.itarv stamps. Address th* Pi.V. ’-ii' -* THE CUi.VLRvV ELi. M .’.D1CALC0 M " vx Nt., iw use: i’o-t nffiee Bmr, ‘586- G EORG I a—CL a R K K COU NTY.- W liereas, Howell Cobl>. administrator de bonis non of Mrs. Sarah K. Hunter, deceased, applies to me for leave to -ell twenty shares of tiic capital stock of the Augusta & Savannah Railroad Company, these are to notify ail concerned to show cause ut my office, on or before tlie first Monday in August next, why said leave should not be ranted. Given under my band at office, this July 2nd, 1877. ' ASA M. JACKSON, julyS 4w. Ordinary. 4 DMlNISTRATOR’S SALE.— Pursuant to ^.Van order of the Court ofUrdimiry of Clarke county, will be sold before the Court House door of said county on tlie tirot Tjiesdav in Au- | gust, next, (luring the legal hours oi sale, 51 i shares of the capital stock of tlie (Princeton | Manufacturing Company.) io be sold as the j property of Ko\v rd vV. Russell, deceased, for I the benefit of hi* heirs and e:editors. Terms i cu-di. HENRY L RUSSELL, Adm’r. j June 12—4w G ' Et'KGIA—CLARKE COUNTY—'Whereas Elizabeth A. Talmudge, Administratrix of William P. Talmadgc, deceared, applies to ine for leave to sell one hundred ana twenty-six shares of the Stock of tho Pioneer. Paper Mill Company and tlie b'scksiiihli shop and lot in Athens, property of said deceased—tnerefore, all concerned, n: c hereby i otified to show e use nt my office, on or before the first Monday in August next, why said leave should not be granted". Given under my hand, this 22nd duv of June, 1.-77. ASA M. JACKSON, j uue26 47**. <) rdinary. G l uy's Office, June 28,1877.—June P. Smn- mo, wife of l’ctcr A. Sunituey, her said hus band refusing, bss applied lor exemption of ;>ersonaity and setting apart and valuation of nomestead, and 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o’clockpA. M., on the 20th day of July, 1877,'st my Office. ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. jnly3-2w THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO FURNISH MARBLE OR QRANITE Cat to any designs they ere desired, Plain oi Elaborate Monument*. Head and -Foot Stones with »ide pieces, Maible or Gnarite Box Toombs, Cradle Tooinbs, Vases or Stettury. Marble or Granite Vaul’s for Ceuietirv and other pnrims'-s, designs and prices ftiruisned ot the Marble Yard. G eorgia, clarke county.—Whereca. the estate of Isaac Wilkerson, late of said county, deceased, is unrepresented aud not likee ly to do represented, these are therefore to cit- uud sdino. i»h all concerned to *l ow cause st my office on or beiore the first Monday in Au gust next, why the aduiinislratiou ofsaid e-ti.te should m.J be vea ed iu the Clerk of the Superi or Court of said county or such oil er person or persons that I may deem proper aud fit, under tlie statute in suen cases made slid provided. Given under my Lend st office this 25th dsy of Jnne, 1877. ASA M .JACKSON, *ni»SM*. . •vrimarv june2«.‘ T.kua \p>»»v - riitt«D h ROBERTSON, Athens. Ga. iA7iN. /'ILABKB SHERIFF’S 8ALE.- Will be/o'fo h«- C lure thet’ourl II•-usedoor,in il.ecity orAthenii, Clsrko county, «s.,un tho fiistTi ead«y *" Dfii, within the lejwl huonofiale, tbe rrorerty, to-wit: Ont hoc*c» »ii«l lot ® teiidimi oow lire-, tl.e proper! y oft ,ro ,5 T !”r ft froiitlhgon Fiimo street Soulfi, loufiffid » Y Mrs. 6,wau, bout, ll (.eoitela'h.£.*1'.[! Graham. All kv’td up. n by virus of a Just .e i>. IIOIH the 1161b l-talrlcl.t*. M.-total.s- ly . be above 'I W . t. cker ts.« sroline Thon **. link Jilh jfiis <9*7« _ _. r 1 |S* julyS J.A.BKOWM>O l hh , «