The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, July 24, 1877, Image 8

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GRAtDplNG Ch.3.rli© Stern’s 5\&l ,*S f.J'jl ./[AIOHOaO H/MHTA 3HT ■ TO&"ATHENS GEfrllUlAH. JULY J4, "1877^*" awMa-m».g.--a>L. - .- •‘wmr.-'-.mtmw -jmh TUM1K MAKK-SrCOMB. I wonlJcall-ftAttmtiOn 1 -ofmy patrofis arid the public generally to iny fine stock of Clotbing For Men Youths’ tod Boys’. 1 1 Consisting of French Diagonals, Worsteds, Cheviots, Cloths, Melton’s Scotch mid Navy Blue Flannel Suits, all of the Finest Material and the most taahtooable stylos. Atoo.aflrst- class stock at Gents* Furnishing Goods in all branches complete. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Umbrellas in Silk Alpaca and Scotch Gingham, Trunks, etc., to whiwi I invite tlie inspection of the public, guaranteeing my prices to compete with any bouse in the State. Augusta or Atlanta Prices Duplicated. OUR SPECIALTY — Unlauudered tihirto, made complete, fine Linen Bosom and Cuffs for $1. A call is all we ask tooonvinoeone andall. diaries Stem, Popular Clothing Emporium, Broa-i street Athens, Ga. Next door to Long <Ss Billups Drag Store. apS-ly . iVLdjffiBICAN COTTON TIES COlSdZF^N'Sr. L1MITED.■' ” CO. General Agents. '■‘EET, NEW ORLEANS. " ^ ‘ ton Ties—The Best and Cheapest. f .«•'/* r j For Sole Here and bv Merchants (Jcherally. -* vL s' . i * • ‘ * * —— | . • i,• .!■ • i.,:,.- • i In view of the constantly increasing popularity and demand for the CELEBRATED ARROW TIE, the universally recognised favorite Tie of Planters, Cotton Pressmen and Shippers of Cotton generally; the American Cotton Tie Co., limited, sole proprietors and manufacturers of satd Tie.commanding unequaled bcilities, have, in addition to their Urge stock flow on hand, contracted for increased quan* ffldent to meet the largest demand for Cotton Ties, to cover tha entire crop the coming season, ' their Agents generally, offerthe popular and irrepressible ARROW TlBMfSM ‘ "* ‘ “ 1 ndles complete, being less than the msrkqt value r or mu company to merit the coni petition that in: with Dealers, Factors and Country Merchants at the ah rofthe ) instructed to contract up to the 1st of August la quantities delivery. as may be required from time to time, settlement, being made on I J ■ t *- june7-tri-wAwGm. THE SOUTHERN SIDE; OR, ANDERSONMLE PRISON; Compiled from Official Documents in the hands of - , • R. RANDOLPH STEVENSON, f 0. : . .i • > f . . ■ Formerly Surgeon in the Army of tire Con federate States of America; Chief Snrgcon of the Confederate States Prison Hospitals, Auder- sonvillc, Georgia; Surgeon nud Medical Pur veyor of tlie Confederate States Prisons East of the Mississippi river. Together with a review of. n portion of the testimony of’the witnesses In the celebrated “ Wire Trial,” aud brief notices of some of the works that have appeared on Southern Prisons by Northern Authors, WITH AIT APPEITDES, Containing the names of about 13,000 Union Soldiers who died at Andersonville; giving number of their graves, their rank, tlie Compa nies and Regiments to which they belonged, and the date of their dc* h, as registered by the author and others. Also, Cause and Classification of the Diseases incident to Prison Life; Comparative St; t - inents of Prisoners captured, and denths. iu Northern and Southern Prisons; A Chapter on the Exchange Bureau, etc., etc. COITDXTIOITS = This work is printed from new, clear type, in One Large Octavo Volume of nearly 500 Pages, WITH SEVEN FULL-PAGE- UNO 1 MAP. CARPETS! CARPETS! •: ' v .' /’’ .. .. r - •; WM. A. Haygood, 3S and 42 Marietta Street, THE GEORGIAN Vitn'.n'- - fivjycu .. HAVING moved across the street from my old staud, 21 Marietta street, to the new aud handsome donbtestores, Nos. 38 and 42 iu the Grant Building, (between Broad Street and the Capitol,) I take pleasure iu saying that I shall keep a larger and more attractive stock of CARETS,,'OIL CLOTHS. MATTINGS, CURTAINS, WALL PAPER and UPHOLSTERY GOODS, than ever before and at the Lowest Market Prices. Letters answered promptly. /, in8-w&triw3m r . 1VM, A. HAYGOOD. f! rr r\ ESTABLISHED 1865. - »«'* ^ * THE CHEAPEST BOOK AND STATIONERY STOBE XSF QSORQIA. ORDER EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE DIRECT TO Fillips c*3 Crew, Atlanta, Ga. PIANOS AND ORGANS k J3fOF EVERY GRADE. SEND FOR PRICES. PHILLIPS, CREW & FREYER. It will be delivered to subserbers at tlie following prices: Bemlifully Bonml in Knvllah Cloth,..... $:l OO “ “ Sheep, ...» 4 00 “ “ Hair-Calf,— 3 00 , Payment to be made on Re ceipt of the Work. Ufa Persons giving their signatures to tliuse conditions, will be considered subscribers to this Work. But n<> obligation will rest upon aijy sub scriber to receive the book unless it equals, iu every tespt ct, x dcscription given and sample shown. TURNBULL BROS., v <& >* „*v Publishers. J. E. HITCH, AGENT, ATHENS, GA. 1/ urateH suit ... ,jj tt ,.-f i. *-fr HStti>i« iitiivn- With increased facilities for carrying on the publication of our paper for the New Year, the Gcorgiau will be found, as. heretofore, Strictly Democratic, And will endeavor to supply its readers with the most careful, com plete and trustworthy accounts of current events. It will remain its usual size, eight pages, and has More Readina Matter In its Golonuts .... Lij.-j . l * ' U«- << KMll j ••• - > T ! ‘ , t ,r J-j i, - J :.,J r uirnnjmi; f-*.|*ilqir Than any two weekly papers in the State. We have the largest -in ■ j ** “ : r*'' ■ - j - bona fide subscription list in Northeast Georgia, and we . ! t. , i »v:. >i» , • V intend to make it, as heretofore, an interesting f! O FIRESIDE m8w&triw-:im ATLANTA, GA. — A splendid new stock Parlor and Chamber Suits JT * * ' -J From Twenty-five to Five Hundred Dollars complete. DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE QF ALL KINDS. : * 1 ‘ 1 * • '• * * ' ' IS* * v T £ i.'% ~ ' ^9 |Prices as'cheap as any Fust-class House in the South. " - s?- S- KB1T3DS.IOK: &: OO., - 21 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. i Cottage Suits $25 to $60. Send orders or letters >f inquiry. • THE SUN F2R,JL.2sTIES! JVC. POTTS, AitXarL-bsL, Georgia- t .i*v- r '-T'KT "r' ' . f "T ^ ^ a Wholesale. Liquor Dealer, Connected with our newspaper, we have a Cottrell & Babcock Press, The finest Book and Job Press, togother with the best selection of Job Type, all new, and ordered within the last six month*, and are prepared to do all kiuds of REOUCTIOH <’ f 1. -i,, ; m PRICES. Secured the Servici es OF 1877. NEW YORK. 1877. The different edition:* of The Spx during tlie next year will be the mime ns during the veur that has just passed. The daily edition trill on week days bo a sheet of four pages, and on Sundays a sheet of eight tinges, or AG broad columns; _ while tlie weekly edition will boa sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions and character that are already familiar to our friends. Tiie Sun will continue to be the strenuous advocate of reform and retrenchment, mid o! tlie substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, aud integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, aud fraud in the administration of public affairs. It will contend for ih: government of the paoule by tlie people and for the people, as opposeif to 5 ivernmcnt by frauds it, tlie ballot-box and in the counting of votes, enforced bv military violence, it will endeavor to supply‘its reader’s —a body now not far tYom a million of so Is— with the most careful, complete, and trustworthy accounts of current events, and will employ foV tins purpose a numerous and carefully selected staff ot reporters and correspondents. Its re ports from Washington, especially, will be full, accurate, and fearless; and it will doubtless continue to deserve and enjov the hatred ot those wlio thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping what the law does not give them while it will endeavor to merit the confidence of the public by defending the rights of the people against the encroachments of unjustified power. The pnee of tlie daily Scn will be 65 cents a month or $8.50 a year, post paid, or with tlie Sunday edition f>7.70 a year. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages ij a year, post paid. The Wuslv Sun, eight pages of 5G broad columns, will be furnished during 1877 at the rate of a year, post paid. The benefit of this large reduction from tlie previous rate for the Wisely can be enjoyed by Individual subscribers without ths necessity of making up clubs. At the same time, if any of our friends choose to aid in extending our circu lation, we shall be grateful to them, and every such person who sends ns ten or more sub scribers from one plaoe will be entitled to one copy of the paper for himself without charge. At one dollars year, postag< paid, the expenses of paper and printing are barely repaid; and, considering the sire ot the sheet and the quality of its contents, we are confident the people wUl consider To* Weekly Scn the cheapest news- paperpubUabedAnAhe world, and we trust also ds«l». d<irW 'i'HB SUN, Ntt York Oi.y, H.Y mSwAtiiv,-3m 19 Alabama Street. HOUSE Atlaxita, Georgia. J .. i Nr'! ? * . The proprietor of the MARKHAM HOUSE takes this method of informing tbo traveling public, that notwithstanding the great Euro pean war, his hotel will continue to entertain with its usual hospitali ties and first-class accommodations, such as he flatters himself ha given great popularity and success to his house, and general satisfac tion to those who have honored him by becoming his guests. Board reasonable anu accommodations first-class. Jolux EL Qwesg, ©printer* PLANTERS’ HOTEL, ■!*'■ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, ffi * ' H.atos Reduced to $3 per Day. HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I enter • ■ «» upon its management by Reducing Rates, and asking of the Travel ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a continu mice of that liberal support they have always given it. With a new supply of (.Rules and Figures, we are prepared to tuin out all and every kind Railroad Blanks, Abstracts, Tags, WAY BILLS, ETC., TOGETHER WITH dibills Fosters, 3£?ilS Pleads? Tag®* Ete* ‘ r ■ - . • . .. ' ■ ; v * : ; ; • r P|' : .- rt As Cheap as they can be done in any city iu the South. The Work men in our Job Department cannot be surpassed in -A. FIRST-CLASS JOB PRINTER, We are enabled to turr out as good t: " work as can be done IN THE STATE. We call the attention of all our cit zens to the following Price List: Bill Heads, per Tliousaml, Assorted, $5. Canary Colored Envelops, Furnished to Merchants and Business Men, with then- cards printed on them, At $3 PER THOUSAND. LETTER HEADS, $4 50 to $5 PeijTliousaiid. Ca 3F&.:Og3 9 Common 75c per Hundred, —AND— $4 50 to $o per Thousand. Fancy Work Proportionately Higher, VZSXTmCS CARDS, BLANKS, NOTES, josM-Sm FOKMBKLY OF CHARLESTON, PBOPBISTOK. oellenoe and FlnlsH. - |jrOhi US' a call at pur oM stand, Bread street, Athens, Gs. «£f Handbills, Pamphlets, etc., Printed in any color desired, and as cheap as can be done in the State. GIVE US YOUR ORDERS SAVE MONEY, And get good work, and sustain a home institution. Call at the ATIi- ENS GEORGIAN office, Broad street, Athens,Gs.