The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, July 31, 1877, Image 1

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Carnaavillo, Gn.
A thou*, Go.
The ParalfHlH of* (treat Industry—Tower of Hie
l.itmrer'n Arm—The Slaw anil Martyr of
linty—Levs Wine, l.f*» Bread—Only a
Traiiiji—(inliland Bnyinels—'llir ('•inl
ine (rash—What Shull lir thine fur
< Mica So\.ili Weal Corner ot' College Avenue
: t.l Clayton Street. n!-o at tln> Court House.
All parties desiring Criminal Warrants, enn get
theni a*, any time by applying to the County
twlioilnr »l this oftiee. • UectC-ls71-lf
(11>. IIII.Ii,
Athens, Go.
What Don Piatt Has to Say. j In tho great economy of trade the ; war, tun! from this spreads the dis-
_ least valuable of all values is life. ; ease until the battle of giants that
The train we caine upon ntu down a j has so shaken Europe will try our
tramp who was too drunk, or deaf, i Republic.
; or despairing 10 get out of the way.!' This^tew country, with its so-ealled
i The mutilated remains were dragged j inexhaustible resources, stands op*
! to a tank and left to the care of a palled £fiii helpless in the presence of
tlagmnn. The train rattled on. Some | evils that have longed troubled all
said, “Poordevil, his troubles are at j Eurojig? HWe are in the breakers,
an end.’’ 1 lad a case of goods turn- j and a«0« will bo ‘upon the falls, and
bled oil' at. that point, the whole Ii..e i neither ^bayonets nor the gallows, nor
would have been agitated and the , the prompt payment of boiult^ will
wires made to tremble with the wratb-i fetcli iigfarty relief. Better consider,
of a company. ! gentlemen of the accumulated capital,
Prompt attention given to all business and
i iie same retpcctlnlly solicited. janll-ly
Torn Bsrroiv.
gnrrow itros.,
I>. C. Barrow,
lWashington Capita!.]
The laborers upon the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, having their
wages reduced to starvation point,
struck for more pay. So earnest,
unanimous and prompt was the no
tion, that for four hundred miles ef
this great work.nil labor ceased as i!
struck with paralysis. Along this
stretch of iron rail, where otic is
jK - ! scarcely ever out of the roar of pass*.
Athens, Ga.
Office over Tulinadge, Hodgson «& Cn.
|{ f E. thuahiikiV, 7
Wutkinsville, Gu.
Office in former Ordinary'* Office.
Special attention paid to criminal practice,
for reference imply to Ex-Gov. T. It. Watts
aid lion, naval Cloptnn, Montgomery, \ln
IMUue over IV.-i-iilliec Athena, Ga.
Toeoa City, Ga.
Will practice in all *he couutio* of the West*
•rn CircniL Hartaud Madison of the Northern
(.aromt. W III givo special atUuion to all claima
entrusted to his care. oct20-1876-ly.
Lamar Cobb.
ing trains, the track was as silent and
deserted as the most hidden recesses
of the mountains it traverses.
We learned, then, that the road,
road-bed, tunnels, tills and bridges
were of great importance; that the
locomotive and cars were great in
ventions ; but more important, than,
those, than all, is the laborer, and
tiding along in the express—for the
passenger trains alone were permit
ted to continue their work—and
noting the miles on miles of cars,
loaded and empty, upon the side
tracks, with the locomotives aban
doned—we counted one hundred and
eighteen in one place—we realized
for the first time Buchanan Read’s
lines, stolen, by the bye, from Haw
thorne :
“ The locomotive by the laborer’* arm conveyed
Dart* like a eh at tie through the loom of trade."
Athens, Ga
The strike in this instance found a
temporary solution from the bayonets
of the Government. At Marlins-
burg we saw a handful of soldiers
forming in the fiico of twenty times
their number, and we knew the con
test was at an end ; for the gaunt,
hungry-looking eyes of the laborers
saw back of those bayonets the im
mense power of a Government or
ganized for their benefit and used for
their oppression.
In the mining districts of Pennsyl
vania the gallows intervenes and
Molly Maguires arc hung in bunches;
here the bayonet more quietly and
deceu*ly does the same 'work. A
before it is too late. Let ns amend a
Constitution that will not furnish
Auburn, Mass., .Tnlv 19,1877.—A
Mr. Campbell, lief husband, was the
first to discover the tragedy. Upon
his return home he found his wife in
bed, where he had left her, but in a
terrible condition. The poor woman
most horrible crime was committed was writhing in pain, her limbs brok-
in the neighboring village of Stone- on, her face disfigured, bruised and
ville, near the railway depot, at an covered with bicod, her body strip-
hour this morning. James Mulchny, ped naked, and the bed deluged with
well known in these parts as James gore and the filthy water which the
bread, Jmt can give a prompt supply
Since'writing the above our sad
prediction is history now, that the
tronbfeg.on the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad igere but the first big drops
of a coming storm. Our financial
panic, tfetl t J>eigan nearly four years
since, opened in the failure of railroad
companies, and the horrible armed
conflict between capital and labor
now u^oinis begins with those same
h"ge corporations, and where it will
end God alone knows. Politicians,
cn|iitaiyn^editors and would-be lend*
Wilkins, visited tho bouse occupied
by the Cambell’s, an aged couple who
for a long time have been^ in a part
supported by the town authorities,
and horribly mutilated and butcher
ed the old lady, who has been bed
ridden for years, leaving her for
dead. The crime was committed
between six and seven c’clock in the
morning, and in less than an hour
afterward the murderer was arrested
in Worcester.
frightened Governor calls' frantically • orsof t.'ie people are suddenly awak-
The laborer’s arm is the power
l ill
^kmljfyot, how little b it
or cared for. The dead
Office in Doupree Building.
IebM-1876-ly ?
of an engine is oiled and
for t roops and troojis up)tear. Our
Government has resolved itself into
a machine possessed of two objective
points—one is tho prompt payment
of gold to the bondholdor; the other,
the production of bayonets. Blessed
Government! Happy people!
The strike was a s : Ily affair, as all
strikes are in hard times. For every
fil&gfy nian who fhrows up lu*. place*
ened frdptK'OQt?siderati<ni of abstract
financial questions, Uic success of
their factions or the placing of four
per tout, bonds, to the startling fact
that the. jpiisses that have demanded
work afee. bow/with arms in their
hands, demanding bread, i
The rOtJ^kof musketry is heard
mg?*'-" ' thoj&pod of
Mulcahy, or Wilkins, as he is best
known, gives every*,appearance of
insanity, and tells the following story
at the police office: He says be
spent last night at his father’s bouse
in New Worcester, and arising this
morning said bus prayers, took a
bath, and went out to walk toward
Auburn, While passing along he
was accosted by a fiend, which was
hid from mortal right in the grass.
In a load voice he commanded the
fiend to bo gone, but it appeared
several times afterward to him, once
coming in the shape of a dog. Thus
harrnssed by the evil spirit, and com
missioned by the Lord to destroy it,
he went to the hut of tlip Campbell:
crazy man had drenched her will*.
Notwithstanding her terrible condi
tion .she was conscious, and on his
entrance said, Frank, where were
you when Jim Wilkins murdered
me She then told him that Wil
kins had been there, that he tore the
close off from her body, threw the
water upon her, then took iter limbs
one by one in his hands and broke
them across his knees and then
poundcred her on the head, but she
could not tell what weapon lie used.
Subsequently the dying woman told
substantia’ly the same story to some
neighbors who called to see her.
Dr. Nutting, who was early called,
found the left leg broken below the
knee; tho right knee, which had been
stiff; for years, broken down; the
right arm broken below tho elbow,
the left arm broken above the elbow,
and besides these there were gashes
and cuts innumerable, the whole
there are ten starving men ready to
, , , , . i take it, and there never has been
; guarded and polished with anxiety, , , ....
discovered a process through which
^LEX. H. KltWlN,
Athens, Ga.
,. , ., * ~ . this law ot supply and demand can
e machinery made by God 11 J ...
, ... . . . . r be suspended. It was a foo.’s fight,
sed without restraint, tor ' . ’
office on Broad Street, hetweau Ccntet <fc Nidi-
oJ.vm und Orr & Go., up-stair*.
lebft*2-1876-ly ~
4 t 51, COCUItAN,
Gainesville, Gu'.
Heal Estate and General Land Agent lor the
Cm!??. 0 »"» , of •\ Iiner ‘ J ««d Fanning
JjAndtt in Hal), and tho other counticaot* North*
eiHt Georgia. Miucral ore* tested and titles to
property tnyastigated. Special attention given
to the purchase and side of oitv property.
inn,v2—Cm J. N. DdRSfcf.Attorney.
«a.*tfcoxaaoy tvfc Law,
Hartwell, Georgia,
W ill pruetiee in the Superior Courts of North-
oast UvGigiu and Supreme Court at Atlanta
Aujj 8. 18i 6 tf
Jam** R. I.yle,
Alkx. S. Krwik,
A Kinvix,
-1 TTORXEY’S a T la If.
Will practice
< ’ourt of (loom
*.o all lm*incss intrusted t
for its resentment means death
; the delicate
j can he abus
j its resentment means only suffering
I and death to itself. It takes as many
j years to make a laborer as it does
; days to build a locomotive, and on
! this laboriously constrncted media-
j nism of brain, bone, veins, blood and
muscle, depend all that makes earth
habitable and life pleasant.
Through all the inclemency of lire
season, through Winter’s cold and
Summer’s heat, through the long,
i weary watches of ihe night and the
J toil of the day, thes « poor fellows
I ha<l faithfully performed their duly,
i that is second to none in this great
j rairoad organizath n. ~ They have
I liandled millions without the loss of
; a cent, and what is more important,
they have done their duty so faith*
i fully that their road is renowned for
forming the most horrible and re
volting picture of human suffering * ■ i
and mutilation ever seen. The wo- -4 './•••
man talked intelligeiitly with the
doctor^and told him the same storv
.Ik- hnsbiiud. 1 Father.
’ tlio-, and entered.'LMrs. Campbell, Jy. Ann.-’s Ghdtvfi, atteiidcd^.
Hseventy years of age, was in bed wbmaiV aim•
usual, and, as Wilkins says, be went j she breathed her last.
To tiao Staebo TJaxivaroity-
i til,
:r fan
/' ('ounty! mn'raV/mi 0 promplk | *)* satot >' l ° P''°l ,tll .V Security to
i life. And yet it is a railway that
i scales mountains, where the cars run
i grinding along curves on a down
I ° ■ ■
grade, where one mishap would hurl
ST73I2-233S CARDS,
t A. WINN,
Inn Jti rclmiil
and ended of course in the defeat
the fool.
They had only/ to wait. Capital is
not comfortable. It works at a loss,
and every day the loss widens and
deepens. The Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company, that is earnestly
endeavoring to do an honest business,
finds itself in competition with bank
rupt lines, that have no stockholders
to consult or creditors to care for.
We arc grieved to write it, but the
company is losing. Thf continuation
of such a contest is only a qucstibji of
We must not Hatter ourselves that
this unhappy war is at an end. It is
only the skirmish that precedes the
battle. Of the laborers out of ein*
ploy over the United States we have !
now au army four times as great asj
' that which conquered tho South. It j
! augments with frightful rapidity. !
: When two men think alike there is i
| an organization ; when they feel alike j
there is action.
For over a venr these masses out j
AU hail, ye classic halls and tower*,
Ye academic grove* and bower*,
Celestial Learning’s seat;
Ye shady walks, ye spreading trees,
Fanned by the cool, refreshing breeze,
The Muses’ calm retreat..
As Athens, In her palmy days,
On Greece shed lustre, li*nor, praise,
The splendor of her fume;
So does this nor ws, inland town,
On Georgia cast a high renown,
The glory of her/tame..
up to her and asked her wliat she
would give to he cured, so that she
could arise and walk to church next
Sunday. He says the old lady threw
up her arms and in delight exclaimed
that she would give all the world.
He then says he took off his coat
and began rubbing her, to dispossess
For here enthroned a stately Queen,
. Fair knowledge in her njijea, is seen,
Beneath a lofty dome;
She reigns, with sweet, attractive grace,
O’er ali her sons, a manly race,
Collected in this home.
ltruombers large, from year to year,
As devotees, they gather here,
To worship at her shrine;
To her their willing homage pay,
Her sceptre with delight obey,
And in her radiance shine.
< »l Inn Factors ami (ieneral
Savnunuh, Ga.
Bagging, Tics, ll.m,- an.l
uislicd. Also, libers! cash a h
consignment* for >:ih' or —Iiij.uu
or Northern ports. n
supplies fur
necs made oi
I to l.iviTJMK.
? 30-187.Vtf
Wa-bsb.Taa.lscr Se Jevrolor,
At Miehael’store, next door to Heaves ,fc Nich
olson’s, Broad sircut. Athens, Georgia. All
•vork warranted 12 month*.
Highest cash pri
ir Winship’s Gins
paid for
I Cress.
otton. Agent
oe. • tf
W. Jl r - r ’ r ' rj
. t.%
neer, or Carpenter,
wages reasomlVo.
•liber as a Tanner,
ftoo.l t ferenecs give.n,nnd
Address, J. II. care of
icius Georgian, Alliens, Ga mv;3 u’
hmidreils into ctcrnitv. Tin; mis* j
placement of a switch, a false report 1
| uft he poor fellows who often, at the of employ asked lor work; now they
'dead hour of the niohi, inspect tin* demand bread. While hope re-
! tracks and tap tin* wheels, might end j C:, l’ il: ' 1 :11 "' >»bor harmonized,
jin a catastrophe that vouhfsend^a When hope ended i:t despair war
thrill of horror throughout the land, i T1,u * ,ai '* ,1:iS l,c ''“ lo “ c,,e(l
. These poor, over-worked and umlei-} ll,al ,ires ll,ti ,lia S azilu; ' When la-
paid creatures were not tho men to hotels need btead pet suasion lacks an
practice economy tq*o». They were audicnce - No mnn bstwis. to reason
its near starvation as it was possible ! over a " em l ,l - v stomach, with the
to be and live--and for making j erics of hungry children in bisears,
blind struggle lor subsistence f or i'Ve have suffered loss from insurance
themselves ar.d wives and little ones companies, savings’ bauks, national
they are to be shot down like wild
In all contests between capital and
labor, our sympathies are with labor.
When stocks depreciate, the stock
broker is deprived of luxuries*; when
the price of«iabor contracts, the ne
cessities are encroached upon. With
the one it is a question of life and
demit ; with the other it is one of en
joy incut . Less wine to the first; less
lnvad to the last..
As children from the mother’* breast
Are nourished, *t reugtliercd, and refreshed,
And grow in age mid size;
So docs this Alma Mater give
The food by which her offspring 1ft e,
To mental manhood rise.
Mulcahy or Wilkins is an Irish-
Ameriean, thirty-nine years old, and
has f„r some years lived at times
with his father tit New Worcester,
working on farms. He has wandered
in the West, and has frequently gone
off on tramps for a month or so. This
spring he figured in a row* in Wor-
her of the evil spirit. He then j coster, and in which he alleged him-
grabl.ed one leg, and bending it j S i*lf to have been robbed of quite a
across bis own knee, broke it in sev- j sum of money. In the scuffle he
eral places. In the same way lie j drew a knife and inflicted a severe
broke the other leg and arms, and j sta.l> on his assailants. About a week
then seized the body anj threw it on . lgu j, 0 W ;ls n lodger., at the police
the floor, there jumping on it with
his heavy shoes until, as he says, not
a joint m tho 1 whole body was left
unbroken. He then took pails of
water and threw them over the man
gled body, alleging that no evil spir
it could survive the drowning pro
cess. He then took the body and
laid it back on the bed, covering it
station, and then showed 1 some signs
of insanity, so much so as to attract
the investigation of the officers, but
was at Lngth aliov ed to go. It is
surmised that lately he hits been
drinking hard, as he has been a man
given to intoxication in the past, and
his in. unity lias been produced by
his debauchery. He is a large pow-
up carefully, and without bis coat on, l erful fellow and in bis bands the
In vision bright, the past appears,
The men and deeds of former year*,
Illustrious and grand;
The rob of n.uui-s with glory crowned,
That on this temple’s walls are found.
And echoed through the land.
started for Worcccster.
He was seen walking down Sotith-
| bridge street at a rapid pace by De-
i teclive Churchill, who stepped into
aged old lady fell an easy vie
713.9 Saodanaan.
[ Burlington] H iwkeye.
saloon, and as Wilkins p issed, Ho.v doth the busy nurseryman
came out and collared him. Wilkins
made no resistance, but said “ Mr.
Improve each shining hour;
And peddle scions, sprouts am’, seed*
Of every shrub and flower.
A Waddel first, exalted name,
A Church, with wide-extended fume.
Adorned the Hector’*chair;
A Lipscomb, with superior grace,
A Tucker, in the lofty place.
Immortal honors bedR
Haw ba»ily lut wjgs his chin,
How neat h > spreads his store. '
And seIN us things that never are*
And won’t grow any mere.
banks and corporations generally.
The sturdy fanners of the Mississippi
Valley are full of wrath at railroad
monopolies, that eat out their profits
in transportation of their hard-
earned products. This is the weak
point ot the capitalist. It called for
a hundred thousand armed men to i
keep in place a hundred miles
of railroad from Conlodet ate violence. ]
TVwlay one laborer bent on misubief j
is eqt al to ten men during the late
A Cobb, a Stephens, and a Toombs
Diffuse a light, that far illumes
This old and classic mount;
Aud Hill, with hi* resplendent fame,
Sbcda lustre on the brilliant name |
Qf this Pierian fount.
And many more,;though loss renowned,'
Iu various walks, with laurels crowned,
Her catalogue cad boast;
A numerous progeny sent forth
To East and West, to South and North.
Through oil our country’s ooa«t.
Thou seat of science, still pursue
Thy brignt career,, thy youth renew.
i less forward ou tho way ;
As rolling years in cirebs rua,
Advance with splendor, like the sun.
Thy light and power display.
littTa man the wav
Churchill, I am ym»r prisoner.*’ Al
the police office the man talked in a
most distracted way.' lie calls him
self “ r f he Prophet of the Lord,*’ and
predicted dire ard awful weather for : who showed tl
the aftcruaon, which, lie said, will lie j To the women seed !
in keeping with the good deed he 1 WUota “S llt him howto blow and 1.
had done. He said he was fully 1
aware what be was doing, but did
not think it erne- or wrong, as the
fiend which bad possessed the wo
man had been so bad to him and his
friends, lie dock-trod that the-wo-
. as he was not
a only wit It the
And when bis day is done,
We'll plant him where the lank, rank weeds
AY ill flutter in the sun.
man could n -
dealing with it
evil suirit.
But, oil! although wo plant him deep
Beneath the buttercup,
He’s so much like the *eed lie sells,
He never will cor* e up.
When tho crime was discovered
the woman was alive, but she died
soon after. The old lady was a’o.oe
in the house when Wilkins came i.t
In a Turkish newspaper office they
don’t allow eight words to a lino like
they do over herp, but allow eight
lines to one word.
-There are upward of 5,00 0
relies in the State of New \ ork. ,