The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, July 31, 1877, Image 3

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i THE ATHENS GEOltGAIN: JULY 31, 1877. X13WS IX IiniKV. — for delit is to Ire* abolished in Russitt. —\N ong Cliing Foo talks of build' iog a Buddhist temple in New York. —file Government still owns nne- tittli of all the lands in Alabama. —According to old fishermen-this is the best year for cod fishing since 1836. — A New Haven sexton boasts of having assisted at over 0,000'fun erals. Tost ofPoi>ularGovc*rnmcnt. J EZiaag Maries' European publicists have held a j TC xoh Q n £*fllooil. J. H. Keavks, i David (Jans, j *T ( H. A. I OWKASCE, 1877. {W- M. L. Wool). 2TOTXCE. Ols-rico C ovinty- ! favoiite theory tlint popular govern- | meat in America would |>erish by | famine. When the country becomes 1 crowded with a moneyless population, like the populous countries of Eu rope, and periods of trade prostration or crop failures gripe the bowels of the poor, there is no conservative force sufficient to maintain order and the right of property. The hungry and suffe.iing majority will assert their power, and lay hold of the ac» cumulations of capital, and the whole 1T „ . , , . „| concern go to wreck and ruin like a —Hanover (Pa.) does a business of I . . ... co non . . . , , i shin driven on a lee shore before a MJ.UOO per annum m tanner's bark ‘ , , furious grde. •done. „„ ° . ... . i lie reader will recall an eloquent —Key West furm&hcscinployment j but gloomy prognostication to this lor one thousand lour hundred and , effect from the pen of the philosophic sixty cigar makers. Maeaulcy, and it has been a fa-hiona* — A new three-story dormitory has hie view to take of the American been begun at Havard College, to i future among the English po’ith.ians, cost 8180,000. I until the late civil war, which is rw.i loonoAOA i c i- I everywhere assumed to have demon' —Oi the 10,000,000 people of Lu* * , ,. . .... i strated the self-asserting and sclt- ropean 1 urkev, some sixtv per cent. COLLEGE AVENUE. The best Cincinnatti Lugor Veer, Cigar kinds of Liquors sold cheap decl9-lv. FOB CASH. t and ail ARTHITIl EVANS, Practical Watchmaker- H AS removed to his old stand ut the Aor Drug Store, where he will be glad to see his customers, old and new, who wisli fine work done ou Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry All work warranted. feb2<WStn. ARTHUR EVANS. THE ATHENS Furniture Manufacturing < COMPANY. Believing that Athens, and the section of country around, should have, and would cor dially support a first-class Furniture Store and Factory we have entered into a partnership, bought out the Machinery and storo of GilleUud. Wood & Co., and the store of J. F. Wilson A Co., and determined to give the business a fair trial under the firm name of the Athens Furniture Manu- factaring Company. At the store occupied by J F. Wilson & Co., we propose to keep a stock of Furniture equaled by few and surpassed by none iu the State. Mr. Jay O. Gailey has charge of this department, and wilt be pleased to wait on any desiring goods in this line. At the stand of Gillclatid, Wood & Co. we will keep all goods of our own manufacture, such ns RptLtcads, Tabic-, Chairs, etc., rnd iu addition .will keep a large and well selected stock of Coffins, Burial Cases, etc. Mr. W. I,. Wood wilt give liis personal attention to this \DMIN13 IR.Vf ORS SALE —1’ursuitui to rder from the Court of Ordinary < j All persons having demands against the cs- j » i tatc of John Kirkpa’rick, deceased, arc hereby j yV _ notified to present the same to me in due form Clarke coun’y, w.ll be sold before the Court- | for payment within the time prescribed bv law, j House door m tve city of Athens, -:i the first laud ttiose indebted to said deceased, arc re- j Tuesday iu Align t n’c:t, Ir tn'jvu the usual j quired to make immediate payment. ; hours (if sale, t..e fil.-. v.i g d.s rih.d tuorerty REDDEN T. PITTARD, belonging to the estate of George W.Center, july3-30d. Administrator. ! deceased: are Christian. —bleu. Nathaniel Church has M*rvcil in the Legislature of Rhode Islaml for thirty-six years. —Over 3G 000 barrels of lager beer were sold in Albany tinring thel ^ vderal Government to vindicate year ending May 1, 1877. protecting power of the Federal government. Hut this was a shallow and unwar rantable deduction iroin the premises. The truth is, the xsivil war proved nothing about the capacity of the The Copartnership Heretofore existing under tbc name and style of Dorough & Osborn, iu the lumber business! is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business in the future will be continued under tlie name and style of J. W. 1‘RUITT & CO., to whom all orders tor lumber must be addnu- td. All orders for haulier or laths left with Wiley F. Hood or W. II. I’ruitt will in- punc tually filled. Orders addressed to Harmony Grove will be delivered any where on the Northeast Railroad. Thankful for past favors __ respectfully solicit the patronage of the 1 department? Wc have engaged with Mr. Win. A. Reming ton to superintend the Manufacturing and lic- I LI. persons having demands against Wit- iVliatn 1*. Talmadge, decceascd, are hereby notified to prescut the same to me for payment, within the time prescribed bylaw, and those in debted to said decease l are requested to make immediate pavment. ELIZABETH A TALMADGE, Aduitr'x. June 12—6 w NOTICE. 4 FTEB THIS DATE, COUNTY ADVER tisements wliieli lmve heretofore been pub- islied in this paper, will hereafter be published in the Sun, a Gazette published in Hartwell, Hart conutv, Ga. F. C.STEPHENSON, Ordinary, Ilart county. Ga. public n. want of lumber or" laths to ti.e new firm. April 12. 1877. at.17-3 J. W. I’RUITT »fc CO ISHETW SPRING AND SUMMER Milliaery Goods. Mus. T. A. Adams would most respectfully inform the laidies of Athens and of counties ad jacent, that she lias now received and opened a most choice and select assoi Uncut of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, comprising in part the latest style; and fashions of llats, It.inm-ts, ItlLbnis, I .arcs. Flowers, Clutes, ie will sell st reasonable prices. Give itself against a hostile liopilinr Ollill- ! her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from u distance carefully filled. Store located —Miss Lemons is the belle of an Towa town. All the young men arc desirous of squeezing her. Albert Stein way, ot^ the film of icprestfiiUaiveot" a popu^r Wftiry piano makers, wjio 4Tf<l/fBeenflv^left^. JigauiUdAve;"*r&i*r$*'“ Mtke dri£ ion. In that war, it merely put itself at the head of a popular passion. It j had but to “ride on the whirlwind and direct the storm.’’ It became —The late Mr. Donald Boss, of Montreal, has bequeathed to the Trafalgar Institute of that city nearly 8500,000. —In October, Electors of Colorado ers ”—a “ slave oligarchy.” The war to the Northern hc?\flL —to nine out of ten was a struggle against an overmastering tyranny, which insist ed on owning its label ers soul and paid foi f their laliop in bioody' ; snipes. It was a polieo on slaught against thieves, assassins, peijurers and adulterers—lor these were the terms applied to the Soutli- | ern minority ; and it had no substan- in fortune of 8400,000! —Georgia r^jiorts a rattlesnake, killed in Dade comity, nine feet long and having thirty-six rattles. — Newport It I., has a licensed drinking saloon for every seventy- i body, ami live male adults of her population. —A Wyandotte county, Kansas, man intends putting 2.000 barrels of sancr-krnut upon the market this fall. tial opposing party in the sections which levied it against a hated for. cign minority. Tliitt was no test in the smallest degree of the power of the govern- against the popular will. It only will vote upon the question of confer- shmvcd wlmt tlle government could ring the right of suffrage upon wo- j do as Uie organ a „j instrument of ,,u ‘ n * , i the popular will—as in (act the des — Statistics published in France stroyer os unpopular rights and proji- -how that during the past year nearly e rty and nut then protectoe. 1,000 persons committed suicide in' go then, it is a fact, that now’the the Department of the Seine. ‘ 1 fi, sl test of that kind is in course of —Mr. Story’s beautiful statue of | application. Now we are not guilt, “ Delilah’’is now on exhibition on Broad street, one door above National Bank. :.[.ril 21, 1875—25-lf. P- P. TALMAPE, —DEALER IN— Americaa aitd Imports WilcliM. Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER AND l’LATED WARE, SdEwaioal Insta-umeata, Guno, Pistols, S-fcc. WATCHES, CLOCKS AX1> JEWELRY KK- r.ur.F.i) i\ a neat, workman like manner. And wurranted to give entire satis fraction. T rnamrutal and Plain Litter Engraving Sp.cial!:/. 22545 372227, eu d;cr frsa L-:i; j Vine, pairing Department. Itis: kill as a workman guarantee* success. All kinds of repairing done ut short notice. Our machinery for Dressing, Sawing and Turning will be kept running us usual. Give ns u trial and be convinced that Athens can compete 'successfully with any city in the South iu the sale of Furniture, etc. ’ The Athens Furniture Min. Company. All persons indebted to the late firm of J. F. WILSON & Co. will please come forward and settle at once. The accounts will be found till the loth January, ls77, in the hands of Jay O. Gailey, at the old stand. A word to the wise. decl9-6m J. F. WILSON & CO. Two-thirds undivided interest in the warehouse and lot on thc sootti side oi ltro«l street, ill Athens, opposite the store of Reaves it Nicholson, inchitling the storehouse on northwest erner of said lot, now used us a tin store by A. K. Childs & Co. Also, two-thirds undivided interest in the three storv brie:; storehouse, and the lot on which it is situuledyOii the corner of Tuouias and Brood streets, in the city of Athens, now occupied by Reaves & Nicholson, including the wooden storehouse on the woo leu storehouse on the corner of Thomas and Clayton streets. now occupied by I. Muupiu, and the storehouse now occupied by Jacobs & Michael, attached to tlie maiu building, mid two frame bouses on Thomas street, how used as shoe shops. Two-thirds undivided interest in <lie tract of land in Oconee county, containing seven hun dred and twelve acres, more or less, being tile same whereon John B I’utmau now lives, ahunt one mile fru|n Wulkinsville on the Siinontoii'a Bridge road. This property is well improved, good dwelling house and outbuildings, and the whole place in u state of good repair and cult:- i two thirds undivided interest in a tr.iet Covirrby- A^EORGIA, Oconee County.— I viiifon. 1 '"*Orelnary’s office— Whereas I.. L. Fain- I Also brough execotorof James Willoughby deceased, , oj’land in Oglethorpe county about ouo mile applies to me for letters of dismission from said | East of V* interville station on the Georgia Rail- executorship. This is therefore to cite and ad- road, known as the Chris Winter place now oc- lnonUh all eoneernr-d to be and up|>car at my ! eft pied by Mort Johnson Col., containing one office on the first Monday in October next to ! hundred mid twenty acres more, or less, about eases, 40 cents per dozen, l’jpcr, Steel l’ens, Pencils «fcc., as ciieap as they can be bought elsewhere. feb!3-tf. Give me a trial. T. A. BURKE, Bookseller. how cause wiiv said letters should not be gran ted. JAMES R. l.YLK, Ordinary. july3-30J. X£a.diso:n County. M adison county .sheriff's sale.— Will be sold on tlie first Tuesday in Au gust next, within the lawful hours of sale, be fore tlie Court-House door iu Duuielsville, iu said county, the following property, to-wit: One hundred and titty acres of laud lying in said county on tlie road leading from llnnicls- villc fo Athens, adjoining lauds of J. D. Mat thews, Mrs. Sarah Yerby, and others. Also, at tlie same time and place, one roan mule, o: e bureau, two beds and bedsteads, - three coverlids, one counterpane, one quilt, two sheets uud two pillows, one table, eight chairs, one trunk and contents, ouc cupboard anil lot of table ware, one large, one looking- glass, two scythes mid oradb.)*, one shovel, one spade, ono pair balances, ono lot of jugs and jars, two tmxjs, one empty rice barrel^ two sets of plow-gear, one liaild-Suw, one drawing knife’, two augers, one grindstone, one chum, one bucket, one strainer, one wasli |nin, one water bucket, one dipiH;r r oiie puir^ire dogs, one corn broom, one ‘pair tongs, one set two-horse wagon harness, one oil can, one waslistand, one wagon sheet, one < half bushel measure.. All Fun for the Boys and Girls- Tlie High Fly Kite, the Diamonft Kite, Skip ping Rope.-, New Styles, Grace Hooi>s, Tops, Marbles, Croqnct Sets. Base Balls, <fcc„ for sale cheap at BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. iuay23 tf. TIVKRV ANII SALK STABLE. Carriages, Buggies* horses for hire. Terms reasonable. E. M. WHITEHEAD, Washington, Wilkes county, Ga. •104-26-1873 tf CASH S’OB. WOOl., * • /!■! " —OR—, fn CLOTH FOR WOOL. The Athens Manufacturing Company ary now making a ini|o!i larger variety of AVoolcn Good? than ever before, nud propose to nee Exchange them for Wool, 1 1 ,, ' 8T f w , . . , L f ••'*•• ‘ ’ believing it to be more to tlie interest of tlie Planter to Exchange the Wool tor Cloth, nither than luive it Carded and Spun at home. Call for Samples and Terms ot Exchange. R. L. BLOOMFIELD, Agent. may 19. 1875-29-tf one half of suid land improved, the oilier hai original forest. Also, two thirds undivided interest in a store house aiA-1 lot iu ti c village of Carnesvilla Franklin county on the street leading to (.Turin s- ville mid Toacoa City known us the S. H. Mose ley property. The store house is a large two story frame building, and e< nstriieted lor dwelling house iu connection with store. The lot contains two acres ot land more or less, also two thirds undivided iiilercit in the two story frame dwelling in Caniesv’.lle known as the. Doctor Rodgers property, and the lot oil which it ; s situated containing about two acres more or less, and ill u trijet or parcel of land known ns the Rodgers tract coutiiiniug seventy throe acres more or less, about one mile from Curnes- villeon the Klbertonaud Mart well road, adjoin ing lauds of Thomas Crimes and others. Also two thirds undivided interest in lot number (11) eleven ill the 32ud district of Gilmer comity and in lot number (5)'five in the lltli district of same county each lot containing oufTitindred and twenty acres more or less, un improved, aiul kfiown us the West property. Said property sold for payment of debts' and for distribution. Terms cash. ISAACP< 1WKLL, Aministrator UfGJorgc W. 'Center, deccasefl. junc3-3t|d- ». - , : t U.S. MAIL lime San Francisco. It is owned by Mr. Sliillabor, wl.o paid for it 810,- 000. , , - Hack. Tlie total value of railroad injo a nightmare about the result of this test. We believe order will be restored after time and loss; but the .serious point is about the tut tire ‘f i i <.n non .mi' The elements ol peril grow from year. —Iowa has 39,222 miles ot railroad ■ 1 = J to year. 1 he disparity in popubi; fortunes increase and widen The i Ann • io-o i chances for the poor lugain wealth a decrease of 8124,000 since 1876. .... , * , .'7 . •.• | diminish, and the dassincation into —Next year will bo (be twenty- ^ i ):i p> 0 p>s and peasantry is progressing Dili anniversary ot Di. Anderson’s t j„ extent and universality all the tiino. presidency -ot •'the University of lb>- ! q’ 0 . t j a y W c see the trade of the coun- chester, ai.d it is jiroposed by the j j,.y suddenly put in irons by a small portion of tlie laboring population The undersigned i. now running r. splendid new Mail and Passenger Coach BETWEEN THE Georgia and Northeastern Railroad, and would lie pleased to carryp.issengcis (who have such baggage as they c.ui handle Uiem- selves) to and from the Dejaifs 'mid all ’oilier Point# on their routp. Tbc coach will call of ttie hotels with nil out going mails. No drumming l'or passengers. Fure^xS cents, ine!i27-lm J Imporfajit to Cotton Planters.. We liav’e on hand a large lot of'flrst-elass Cotton Gins, made up in tlie best style and of good material, which we will sell at the lowest market prices. All planters wishing to buy a cheap and good Gin, will fiud it to their interest to eorresjiond with us, us we nicau business to suit tlie times. We have over twenty years’ experience in tlie Manufactory of Gins. Write for prices, terms, etc., and we feel cer tain we can satisfy you. By ordering direct from us and giving satis factory reference, you can thereby save your selves Agent's Commission. 4. I*. A It. T. IIAMSACK, julyil-liu. CranforilriUr. Ga. 2Totice. The undersigned having rented tlie Hemphill shop, Is prepared to do all kind of bhicksmitli- ing, making and repairing wagons and buggies. Having procured the best of white mechanics, he hopes to secure the publio put railage, J. S. ROBISON, Jr. J}!* KIRK, Sheri!!’. MADISON-jfUElilFF.SALES.' ■- YI7TLL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT- TT House dcor, in the town of Duuielsville, t n tlie first Tuesday in July, 1876, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property, to- wit: One promissory note on John Scott for one hundred and fifty dollars, one promissory note on T. F. Baker for forty-four dollars, one promissory note on ’J. H. Cheek' for twelve dollars. Also, one house and lot in tlie town ot Duuielsville containing two acres, more or less, udjoiniug lots of 1’. II. Furgerson, J. O. Daniel, W. M. Smith and the Klbcrtou load. Levied on as the property of David R. Moseley to satisfy u fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Madison county, at Muie.i term, 1877, in fuvor of Johnson, Crews & Co., vs. David R. Mosclev. The above-named promissory notes pointed out by deleudant, the house and lot by plaiutittV attorney, notice served ou tenant in jHJssession May 28th, 1877. T. F. BAKER, Deputy Sheriff. june5-30d. i (LAKKL SHERIFFS SALE.—Will be -aihl, be- V fore the Court House door, In the city of A then.-, Clarke county, on the tint Tuesday-in Attguit next, wlllitnihe fegarliours of sale, the following properly, to wit: Xwrp'qpimproved lots iu tire/ city of .((liens; one fronting on JatUron stieet fif- tv-’iiiur li'vl, and extending loi-k <3 feci, hounded on South hr Jackson street, os the (Vest hv I . J. lainipkiii’s lot, ou tlie orih by lot ofltev. E. W. peer, and ou East by J. H. Newton’s lot. 1 The other lot fronting on College Avenue ten feet and run.ling heck westward!)' SJ feet, I annul cd by College Avenue-on Hast, l er.-K. tV. .-peer on North, J. 11. Newton on West, mid Talmadge, lludgson A Co. on the South. Levied on ns the property of John it. Newton hv virtue of one Slate and County tux fi. Eu for 1876, vs. Suminev & New ton, aiul one Slate and County tax fi. fu. for 1876, v#. 4. II. Newton. Roth of slid li. fas. issued by John W. Johnson, Tax Collector «f* larke eiuutv, Ocurgia. And also one fi. fa. '»ued from Clarke County I'-oint—T7. AV. IL ol vs. .1. II. Newton — is sued April, 1877. 1'roperty pointed out by J. 11. Newton, defendant iu li. f.i. July3 J. A lidOWNISC, Sh’lf. / (LARKE SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be-sold V/ before the Court ilou-c door, in tlie city of Athens, Clarke county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale,’ the following propcrtVj to-wit: One house und lot with all the nppertinences thereto belonging; s id l«t containing one acre, more or less; situate, lying ail.I being in the city ct Athens, lroi ting on Barber street, adjoining ! Messrs. (\>hb Davis’ lot on the north, Stephen Hubbard’s lot on the east. Prince Hodgson’s All levied upon as the prop- QKOUGIA, Madison County.- ! irtv ofthe'del'endant by virtue of a State add Present, the Honorable E. II. Pottle, | emiuty tax 11. fa. for 1874. J. W. Johnson, Judge Superior Couit, N. C. ; ’fax Collector, vs. R. II. Lumpkin. All to sat- Joii.n- J Dove, 1 Libel for Divorce iu Madison, i*fy the above stated fi. fu. vs. 1 Superior Court, March Term, . J. A. BROWNING, Sheriff. Nancy Dove, J 1877. '"I july3-30d It appearing to the Superior Court bv the itlirn of the Sheriff that the defendant Nunev 1 r\ EORGIA CLARKE COUNTY.— Whereas, $50 Howard. nlmikuilo colcLi’ftte it. fori nail v. Hew Jewelry Establishment. The Jewelry House of Cliilds * Moss, late L. Schevcnell * Co., was this day sold to Mr. Fronk l'. Talma lgey ka will remove Ids stock from College Avenue uud consolidate the whole into one at the stand No. 3, Broad, St., Athens, Ga. A. K. CHILDS, - r ’ , 1L L. MOSS. Will be paidffor the trpprehtmsion und dcliv cry to the Sheriff of ^udisou county of Jim’ tonig, colored, who knocked down the' jailer >. \\ ILLIEliLly i apd • escaped ’ from J*ii off'thenjghfofthe 4tli ' | instant. Said Loilg is about 30 or 35 years of age, six feet ana :«ri>twonnchcs high,"weighs about 200 pomids, complexion, black, walks ’rather stooped •bonldcred, verV large white eye#, and lull l'cqut teetji. Is "charged with fs’sault with intent to murder; is a notorious bud character. . lawk out for Jiitu, and stop tlie scoundrel. JAMES W. KIRK, julylO-lm. •’ • 'S:””Sheriff. —-Some twonty-soVfii s-ds ot met ric weii’lits and measures are to he di-trihuted throagliout the State ol Mas.-aehnsetts, in accordance with a recent act of the Legislature. —It. Is oiii r.ttii slated . llailr t ho \ that the Baltimore ■ad C’omjiany have Northern Market issgton. The ohjecl and iiiijiosing station the site — Allied C. Anderson, a leaiiiny colored man of Hamilton, Ohio, has liied an application for the position of Failed States Minister to Havti. He i- endorsed hv most of the prominent colored men of # tlic eomi- try. T -T—’ ” Jfflfcf'v Cai eless and " yitligcnmiiiate nsli- ing is-. grftdirJlly rclSucTiTs th'c siqtfly of shell iish onthe^Ubt of which draws from Norway about (500,000 lobsters a year, and from Fisuioa 411)0111 200,000. Franco lias 1,038 printing estah- lisliments, which turn out about 80,000 per annum. They employ 9,500 compositors, 3,000 pressmen, 900 proof-readers ami 850 superin tendents# and held there day after day and the States and Federal governments ° 1 powerless to afford a remedy. It lias ] a had outlook lor the future. — Jlacon j 'IcU'JVdplt ttml - • - — Truth, under certain eiiciimstan- | ccs, may rise again, lint the New j Orleans JJemocrcf evidently supposes \ ; she it down for good. That jour-! nai fays : i ' A y..u::g Me x ean nicked tiji eighteen eggs |,y holding them ; like an eye-gl:i»s between his checks ! and his nose, and deposited them in 1 his ear without using his hands ; then ! broke the eggs between his knees land heat them into a foam with a ! fork held between his toes; then peeled ten lemons with his teeth while standing on his head and ran a quarter of a mile on his hands, while he mixed the eggs and lemon in a largejnyich-howl; then, without taking off his coat, he caught up with the Southern-bound fast train, ran with it two miles, during which lie uncorked a bottle of whisky, mixed it in'.with the other ingredients, ami gave several of the passengers a drink through the windows, and then hopped hack to the starting point, To •feh.o 2?iiblio- Returning our thunks for recent favors from our patrons, we bespeak for our successor a of this.court; or thnt tlic be (onsidciTul in I ObmpMiy, these arc to notify all concerned to default anil the plaintiff allowed tOjprocee.l. [show citusq at my office, on or before the.first It is further ordered (list this notice be publish’- ! Monday in August next, why-said leave should ed In tlie Athena Georgian oiux-, a mouth fur ; not be "'.rutted isir months before tfre next Term of Court. Done iu open Court. .( JOHN T. OSBORN, Attorney tor Petitioner. ' E. U. -Pottle, Judge Superior Court N. <\ ljierehy Certify that the above is a correct i A an order ofthe Court of Oidiiiarv extract trom flit? minutes of the Si.perior Court , comitv , will tie sold before the Ci of Madison County at March T-ru«, 1877. | doi.r of suid tounty on the first Toes 'utinur.uce of the same A. K. CHILD* 5 , K. L. MOSS. 3P» W«S*. I and Slice COLLEGE AVENUE, rer, RLACKSMITIIIXG. Having rented the Blacksmith Shop so long occupied by the late William P. Talmadge and employed competent workmen from the North, 1 am prepared to do any and all work in tlie * | Sla.cl5s23a.i-bb. X/isa-o 1 ut the shortest notice and at the lowest prices ol I any shop iu tlie city. I have a 3I-iLlcd Edge-tool Maher j and make specialty of Axes, Mill Picks, Mat tocks, Picks, Garden llocs and tools i f all des- ■ cripthm and of the. finest temper.’ luarehiO-inlin. S. C. O’KELLY, C. S. C. 0 < before the Court-House door iu the town of Watkiusville, ou the first Tuesday in August next, between the legal hours of sale, the fol low ing property, to-wit: One hundred acres of laud, situate, lying and beir.g in Oconee county, udjoiniug lands of Durham, Poulhiin and others. Levied on as the properly of Joel J. Morton to satisfy a fu fa. issued from Clarke Superior Court, returnable to August term. 1867,of said Court, in favor of Win. II. Puryear vs. said Joel J. Morton. Property pointed out bv attorney for plaintiff" in fi. fit. ’ julyIC-S0d. W. IV. PRICE, Sheriff. Given under mv hand at office, this Jnlv 2u l, 1877. " ASA M. JACKSON, july3 4w. Ordinary. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S SALK.-P.qrsuant lo * ’ ” ” ■ ry ofCiarke Court House day in Au gust, next, during the legal hours ot'sale, . r >l shares of the capital stock of the (Princeton Manufacturing Company. I so be sold as the property of Edward \V. Russell, deceased, fur the benefit of his heirs and creditors. Terms cash. HENRY L RUSSELL, Adm’r. June 12—4w G NEXT DOUR To TtlE POST OFFICE, "n hum!, Uppers for making Is.w (Jnurteis, Congress, Alexis-Ties, and Prince Alberts. Ke- pairing promptly executed. Send ten dollars, iw mail or express und you -iiai! receive a first iiUlo So 1.675-35-11'. WAGONS AND BUGGIES ' Gthe estate’, f I^i Ironed and -tEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Whereas. ~aac Wilkei -on. late of sui.l lepaired. Tire Shrunk, Etc. i p.’*! 11 ' iS^AlL 1kin<f * , " a ' lc “ nd rtpaircd “* !ou ' j and admonish all concerned to show cause ,.t I " j nry office on or before the first Monday in Ait- 1 Krst llorse-Shoeing | doue by a northern slioer, Tijrtting I’iat.s, | 111 Court ol said county or such other person ry‘#Office, June 28,1977.—Jane P.Sirm- mey, wife of Peter A. Suimney, her said hus band refusing, lai. applied tor exemptimi <f personally and setting apart und valuation ot’ homestead, and i will pass upon tlie same at 10 o’clock, A. >1., on the noth day of July, 1877, a: mv Office. ASA M. JACK-ON, Ordinary. jiffy S-2tv _ 1 EORGIA? CLARKE < / t r.’ »Ri V I Stepney Jones, (color;- THE A’NDERSIGNF.1) IS PREPARED TO STS FURNISH MARBLE OR GRANITE Cut to any designs they ore desired, Plain ot Elaborate Monuments," Head and Foot Stones yvifh side pieces. Marble or Granite Box Toombs, Cradle Toombs, Vases or Statnarf. Marble or Granite Vaults for OcmetSrv and otlier purposes, designs and prices fnruiahed at the Marble Yard. A.H. ROBERTSON, Athena, Ga. Public Schools. P ERSONS wishing to contract with the Board of Education ofCiarke county, for tlie I i li,.,r tlio rannt v tiniiMi.linyy I nv pun>osi of teaching in the Public Schoolsof llulrlll.g tlie empty puncll-now l ex- sauf county, will meet the undersigned at the U‘iulud Oil tlie other leg, accomplish- Court House on Saturday, June 23d, 9 o’clock inutile entire senes ot teats in .ten A "j“" b> BERN ARD.J County School Commis- imnutes and a halt. sioner. ;Jnne 12-2t. LIVERY, FEED ND SHE STABLE, Athon gy GJoorgia- “ .GANN & REAVES, PROPRIETORS.^! ’ Will be found at,their old #U^d, rear Frnuk- tin House building, Thomas street. Keep u!- ways on hand good Turnouts and oareftrl dri vers. Stock well eared for when entrusted to dfer care. Stock on hand <bf sole at all times. dec!8tf. f : „ i . MEDICAL NOTICE. At the solicitation of many of my former pat rons, 1 resume the Practice of Medicine from this date. I will pay especial attention to tlie disease of Infants aitd Children, aud the Chronic Diseases ot Females. WM. KING. M. D. june 16,187S—SS-ly- UNTY—Whereas, . .) ud’uiiiistrutor of ly, decea.-\d, i.-niireprefcntedaird not likec i John Jones, (c iiore-d.) .Iveeasc 1, petitions, in he representeJ, thc-e are- tiiere-lore to oil- ■ terms of the law, to he ff*-charge.I troni said administration— The e are, therefore. ’••) cite and admonish a’l persoiiS’ eontvnioff. to show eittsc at my office, on or before the tir-t Moiulnv in Nove::i- ber next, against tlie grenffug of said discharge. Given under my h nd. «* • tffee, tl is l'.Mh th— of Jufy, 1877. V9A M. JACKSON, jiffy 2-1-Cni. Ordinary. a EORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY.—Whereas. Richard D. Winn anff Young K. Mitchell applies to mu.tor Letters of Administration, de bonis uoii, yvitli the will annexed, ou the estate of Thomas Mitchell, t late of 'said county,) de ceased— These are, therefore, to cite aud'aahioui.ii all eonceruedf to *how cause, nt my office, on or before the first Monday ’..1 September next. ■bcgriltwed.*' Given undermj Itand, at offioe, this lltlit ay ... . Asf A y L JACKUON, i (LARKE SHERIFF’S SALE -Will be sold, bc- ’ fore theCourt House door, in the city of A then.-, Clarke ceuaty.Ga.,on the firstTres-lay in August next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wir: One home and lot whereon de fendant now lives, the properly ofCaroline’Xhoiuas. fry^ingen Brood street Soulfi, bounded West hy Ea *,*by lleury wltv said Letters should"i Grebatu. If levied tipun hy Virtue of a Justice i Given under on l.«iwl Court fi. fa..from the 216th liistricI.O. M., fosatis- t nil ,7.— fy the above. T. VP. Rucker vs. Caroline Tbimiar 0, . J !’' V ’ *, fe ‘ 7 ’ This July 2iL 1877. . i i , julyl7-3<d. • J«>y3 » * 3. X: BROWNING, Sh’fi’. 1 Ordinar . . . EORGIA—CLARKE COUNTY—Whereas lx Klizalietti A. To!mudge, Administratrix o; lYilliam P. Talmadge, deceased, applies to me for leave to sell one Imuttred and twenty-six Situated 66 miles on the Atlanta, Richmond j 8,mre * of the S,ut ' k tbc - Pion( " cr P: . l i'. cr Bolton Hotel,! G Eol-fcon G!aorg£a_ and Air one mile road luicu vo iiiuus ou me jwiuiiUi, iticutuonu i „ . , , . , . . , i‘| A . • ir Line Railroad from Atlanta, nnd within 1 Mill Company and the b'ecksiiiith shon and lot tile ofthe junction ofthe North East Bail- 1 i«J Athens ^perty of siiidy.eceased-tlierefore, ofGa. The Proprietor is now prepared 0,1 conc ? rned ’ 'nv ! ri e fi^t to serve all who call upon him with meal* it the , «v us « °f c ‘"’. or ‘, following rates: Monday in August next, why said leuye sliouid 6 ‘ ' not be granted. Single meal 50c. 1 Per week *6 00 i Giveu under my liaud, tins 22ud day of June. Per day fl 50 | Per rooutl uo i 1877. ASA M. JACKSON, julyl8-ly S. U. HUGUEN. I juue26 4w. Ordinary.