The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, July 31, 1877, Image 4
1 THE ATHENS GEORGIAN: JUL* 31, 1877. * Terms of Subscription. ONE COPY, One Year — *2 OO ONE COPY, Six Months 1 OO ONE COPY, Three Month* — SO LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Citation for Letter* of Guardianship ~$® Citation for Letters of Administration « 00 Application lor Letters of Dismission Admin- 1st rut nr " Appli’tion for Letters of Disntlsslou Guardian 5 » Application for Leave to Soil Lauds J® Notice to Debtors ami Creditors — ' 2J dales of Land, Ac., per square ® dales Perishable Property, 10 days, per *q.» 1 ao Estray Notices, 30 days. — * “ Sheriff Sales, per square i rr Sheriff Mortgage fi. fa sales per square 5 oo Tax Collector’s Sales, per square o w Foreclosure Mortange, per square, each time. 1 W Exemption Notices (In advance) - * — Rule Nisl’s.per square, each time.-.....—-...- * air The all ive legal rate- corrected by Ordinary of Clarke county. lintoh of ArtvortlHlutr. Advertiaomeuts will be Inserted at ONKI'OI.; LA liiier square lor tin-first insertion, and Fin* CENTS tier square for each continuance, for any time under one month. For longger periods a lib eral deduction will be made. A square equal t in lines, solid. , Notices in local column,less than a square, -» cent* a line. IPjcns §cor»iim. H. H. CARLTON, - Editor. L-ilcrt account ! evitably adjust through the legislative branch of our government, hut devote its wisdom and energies to such alter ation and amendment in our constitu tional laws as will restore confidence between man and man ; that will se cure unto the creditor a sure guaran tee for the collection of his claims; that will stimulate the debtor to hon esty and industry; that will stamp out laziness, dishonesty&fcrfd dishorn- ruble resort to exemption and pro tective laws; that will offer a premium for honest labor and progressive en- tciprise; that will teach the people that relief is not in laws for the en couragement of idleness or the pros tection of profligacy and adventurous speculation, but in a return to that honesty, a revival of that industry, and a practice of that individual econ omy, which is the safe-guard to so ciety and the sure strength of govern ment, then mav the Convention ex- . poet the gratitude and praise ot a trout the scenes ot . 1 * . ,. 1 „ . , . , needy people—a languishing Cotmnon- Kuropoiii war, state* that there lias J ^ ^ 1 ® b occurred a disagreement between the : ‘ * Czar and Grand Duke Nicholas. ; »p| lc Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Tne Czar favor- an early peace, : strikers are still on the rampage. This while the Grand Duke is not so .uni- stn |( e 8eel „ s t c have been a thorough- cablv disposed, and insist- upoTt ink- • j^. organized and fully understood ar- ing Const ant iimple. . rai ,g e , ne ,it^ with all the railroad ope- The Turks, as is usual with arinies j stives, as far West as Chicago and meeting with reverses, have com- St. Louis. All the main lines of nil- menced changing coinniamlers. It is j ' *>ad from Baltimore and Philadelphia officially announced, that Abdul j running west to the above named Kerim,'Generalissimo of the Turkish I cities are said to be under the control army, has been dismissed, and Me- j *’•' tl »« strikers, who so far have been heaiet A!i appointi-d to succeed him. j Tnis policy will only nasteii their m... defeat.] _ JJj^The good people ot Aug its are now much exercised over th ir prts- ent system of Pulido or High Schools. While f ere seems to exist some op position to the system, still it is to lie hoped and believed that lhe peopleo Augusta will not yield to the abolish ing of a system of schools which have done so much for their city and the cause of education. Mr. Tilden positively and emphat ically contradicts the report that he had the slightest to do with bringing ■ triumphant. Troops and militia from \ points have been ordered to I he scene of t rouble, quite a number have been killed- and wounded, bat still the strike continues. As a result of this move on the pail of the aggriev ed railroad operative^ a cnH has been issued for a general meeting of rail road men connected with trunk lines and connections, to he held in Hew York next week, for the purpose ot combining against the Engineers’ Brotherhood and Train Men’s Union, each road to determine, after a certain date, to employ no one belonging to a trade organization hereafter. To this call favorable responses have been root ived IV. n Illinois, Missouri, N , . • f • • i.K-ot iveo it-, in mmois, Missouri, jNe- about the proseeuiion ot the Louisiana ... . , ... Returning Board. And leaving the 7™^’ Nt " Wk ’ Maryland, Vir- whole matter to take such course as Pennsylvania and California. tin: law and the people of Louisiana may give it, he sails for Europe that !.e may have a rest front the disturb ing issues of the day which bring in question his views and position as re gards the Electoral Commission, and it- consequent evil results. The Russians having crossed the Balkans are steadily gaining advan tage of the Turks, and it now seems only a question of time as to their final victory over the Turks. It is reported that the Sultan and some of his prominent officials are favor able to an armistice and a settlement of troubles without further bloodshed, biit the more pugilistic young Turks object, and are in favor of trying it awhile lunger. Though tlieir judg ment may be bad, yet we say, bully for their ltlood. The Chronicle <fc ('outfit ativna/ixt has this to say : The continent of “ a distinguished Georgian” upon the Constitutional Convention has not, so tar as wo have seen, been published correctly. The distinguished Geo'r- gian was Judge l.oehrane, and his re mark was that “on the first day of its meeting the Convention abolished the Constitution, on the second it insulted liie Governor, ami on the third it re piidiau-d Gou Almighty." Neat but. oam'htv. 'i he Const imtional Conventiutt m* far has not met the expectations of the |>coplo. Believing that the Con dition would set itself actively and earnestly to work in a most dignified and statesmanlike manner, for the improvement of our organic law, the jcople little expected to see on the The bloodshed which resulted from the attack on the militia in Baltimore mi Friday i ight was repeated in Pittsburg Monday. The firemen ami brakemeti who are resisting the reduction of ten per cent from their wages tisprojK-sed by the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company collected at the ctiter depet of the company s»t Pittsburg. An order was given to the State militia to clear the track. Immediately the troops attempted to carry out this order they were stoned and fired at by the mob. After a few seconds the militia fired into the crowd, inflicting severe punishment, killing six' and wounding eleven. A di patcli from Widdiu says: “ New s has readied here that on Fri day a large Russian force attacked the Turks under Osmati Pacha, cov ering Plevna, a town twenty-five miles south of Nicopolis. Osman Pacha made a successful defence. After a conflict of ten hours the Rus sians were defeated and retreated, abandoning tlieir dead and wounded. The Ottoman loss was comparatively small.” Notwithstanding this re|»or- ted victory, dispatches from Shumla show that panics prevail both at that place ami at Varna. A telegram from Tiflis, dated July *20, says that during the !a«t twenty- one days the bombardment of Kars by the Rus-ians has been continual. An average of two hundred shells per day have been thrown into the town, hut many i-f them have failed to ex plode. The Turks have fired 18,000 shells during the same time. They have H sufficient siipply of ammoiii- part of delegates so much, of that tion for 125 days, including a stock blind prejudice which, if carried into | of shells which may he expended at effect, must not only prevent our In-! the rale of 500 for each day. Mukh- i ure progress and prosperity, but on- j far Pacha is revictualling the garrison questionably set Georgia hack fifty ! and laying in additional stores of am- vears behind her ris er State’s. Let j munition, so that no force the R»w- the Convention not waste Its time in ’ rians could possibly bring against it i he introduction nod discussion of; could reduce Kars, hi any event, ih< t-e matters which the experience j in a shorter period than twelve uvd necessities of the people will in- months.! The Awful Northern Emeute. From the columns of the Mncon Telegraph, wc clip the following: The tidings to-day are simply ap palling. The spectacle is presented of thousands of operatives, laborers and employees of every description handing together and defying those they serve, and even waging war against the constituted authorities and the flag of the United States. They have been joined by the lower crust of society—those repre senting the crime, |>overty jipd indo lence of the community, and now, forgetful of the proper issues in volved, the contest has assumed an agrarian and communistic aspect which finds its vent in arson, whole sale robbery and bloodshed. Millions of property have been de stroyed, and the insensate mob. ut terly oblivious to anything save rapine ami pillage, are now gutting the loaded ears filled with the property of private imlividuals, and burning, ravaging and rioting wherever tlmy move. Powerful States have confessed their inability to check the rising storm, and do not scruple to call on the general government for aid. It has been deemed necessary that General Hancock should be sent to tlie front; the President and Cabinet are in anxious consultation, and it is even urged that Congress should he assembled in extra session forthwith. This is a tremendous state of affairs in tuc order-loving, peau -nhlc North. We can but hope that the strong ami of the law, backed: by. all the physical force of the government, will sjicedily prevail, and a death blow he inflicted itpOii those intole- raut and dangerous Union' associa tions which seek to control capital and make labor dominant and su preme. It will he a fearful lesson to the misguided creatures, hut we trust will prove salutary in the end. It will he a fearful lesson to the misguided creatures, hut we trust will prove salutary in the einl^. Tin re is an old saw tluuMj^it is an “ ill wind that blows nobody any good.” And this is litterally ‘true? in the present instance. Hence forward, our Northern friends will be unable to throw in the teeth of the South the charge of lawlessness and kukluxism, and revamp the lies circulated concerning their treat ment of the negro race. A bigger crime has been committed lit home, and now in very shame, they must hold their peace. v ‘ But what, oh, what w’ould be the plight of our unfortunate people, if this carnival of blood and plunder had been |»erj»etrated upon what was formerly Confederate soil. Nothing short of the overthrow of local government, the garrisoning of the country tvhbarmed soldiers, and another chapter of reconstruction would have been the result. * Let us not lie so uncharitable as to wish that similar evils may befall our bret hren North of Dixie. Compared with these, their present troubles would be lighter than gossamer, aud almost imaginary. The Hampton Government in South Carolina is .preparing to.bring some of the late dishonest State offi cials to punishment. C’ardozo, Chftmbcrluin’s State Treasurer, has been arrested, charged with misap propriation of the public funds, and it is probable he is only the first of a large number of ex-officials who will be brought to trial. Hayti, not t<v be behind St. Domin go, is getting up a revolution of her own. Two exiled patriots are firing proclamations and ’ prouunctnmentds at the present Presidents of then* two happy Republics. • Ex-Gov. Tilden, Secretary of State ; Bigelow, of New York, and Syrus I \V. Field hare sailed for Europe, Mr. j Tilden to return in October. j k Sf»£££M& ®M»0ft¥U«m The news comes from New Orleans ! that Judge Jerc Black will help pros- 1 ecute the members of the Louisiana 1 Returning Board if they are brought i to trial. ; Atlanta and Augusta Undersold. THE TREMENDOUS STOCK OF A young and beautiful damsel, near Frankfort, Ky., having two lovers, and not knowing which to prefer, settled the matter by marry ing one and ©loping with the other. The Government officials at Wash ington entertain some fears that the i strikers, and the grand army of! thieves and tramps who have joined the ranks of llm dissatisfied engineers J firemen, will make a sortie on Washington and glut the treasury. Where is the Grand Army of the Republic? Has the ranks of this noble band been disorganized and the flag of their country allowed to trail in the dust ? or have they en listed under the banner of “ Burn, boys, bum ?” i, . iiuuiuiiui AND WAGONS, —OF THE |OI.D RELIABLE FIRM OF HODGSON BROS MARKED DOWN. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. We have on hand the Lurgcst STOCK SOUTH OF BALTIMORE, unit it niu.t xml will The eagles of the law are terribly in earnest in Early county, and the News notices, “as an index to the j sold wi, hont delay. Good Unifies, HODGSON MAKE for times, that six goats and three chick- j ens weie advertised by the bailiff of I Blakely on Monday last ta satisfy a 1 distress warrant ’’ j It now appears that the grand pi. j ry that indicted the Louisiana r-l turning board contained mil) four democrats out ot sixteen. The other twelve were conservatives and Lib erals, and __ lour of them were ne groes. The recent trial of a negro in Emanuel comity, G.-t., for stealing a peck of peas cost $37 5, and the negro was acquitted. If Emanuel county has to pay at the rate of $1,500 a bushel for all the pea.- stolen, she had better abolish the crop. The officials at the Russian Em* bassy at Berlin threateningly declare j tliat England’s ojieii support of Turkey will immediately release the j Czar from the disenterested promises j he made at Livadia and enable him ; to dictate bis own terms of peace. M£ W1I1E9 00££A1S. The Celebrated Hodgson Wagon, Knoun i ! nvi-r Git Stale liir tlieir dnrnVdiiy und stroucti*, and are beimid quotl.iMi she N ■■ vV AGONS ever rold in this section of the Country, i’artiet* wisiiine ain sort of Vehicles are respectfully invited to look through our stock. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 9mruit»vru Job Wans A SPECIALTY. Shilled and Finished Workmen in Every Department. . Special attention will be given io REPAIR WORK, aud the scale of prices in this brsuc fiave been reduced fully one-fourth. No BOTCH work allowed in our shop—all Kirst-clas# WORK july-i-tfin AND 41?.': AT ’‘■j - BOTTOM PRICES. COMMERCIAL THE ATHENS .MARKETS. What a glorious opportunity is presented in the East and West to the Grand Army of the Republic to oat a notch on the flagstaff of liberty! As it is a mutual admiration society, without fame or record, we would suggest Pittsburg «*r Butfalo. Here they might at least entrench them selves, (ten miles from either city) and draw government rations. 1'OHIIF.lTKD UY THE UKKOIIAMX KXlllASOK. Cotton dull at 9?wC. FACTORY GOODS. The Grand Lodge of Odd..Fellows of tin: Sf»te of Georgia, wiff Trteetm Ir , lh> Po „ toe , GaiuesvHIe on the 8th day of August. 8w *^ THe. Graw'd" Encampment -\ytll. meet on'the 7th of August. There will he from one to two hundred represen tative’s in attendance. This liodv ia SSTtMtiMr. a sell sustaining institution. Cotton Varus Oxnnlmrgx ’a Shirting % Sheeting ;pko VISIONS. Flour Com, pr bu. Feax, “ Meal, ” Wheal ” Oats Bacon, Sides,- ... •hooldan- .. - -. Upr. Leather- Harn. •’ — Calfskins Kip Shins. Drr Hides - Green Hide*,..... $1 OO a 00 910 a 13 1 OOal 23 1 25 I 00 I 75a2 00 9}t* 10 7a 8 ito. IS 14a 15 <2 00a 00 1 loal 25 15 20 a 30 75al 00 20a 25 30aS5 45s50 60a75 40a 50 *40 OOslOO 00 50 00a 6 00 Wall It is regarded :u- certain that the Austro Hungamii government Much satisfaetioii is expressed in political circles in Perth HI the action , ,bagging, ties. rope. of the British Cabinet for the protec- I Bagging pry* wau tioii of British intPie.-ts in the E;i-t. j Ko^. cott^ -.-0x23 I. OT 1~1 OT.-,-:.. I Rope.gnos - 18a25 The above are retail prices. Specixl rates to „.:i| i whol»s»le huvere. ; GKOCFJUES. very shortly-fbHew- the example of-sugar, crushed..: Englamt The — Ministerial journals i ., n insist that Austriai: interests should j !! Dtiaarani!'. Ik" protected, not only north of the I '^^’i^uayVa."..-". Balkans, but at Constantinople and in j JaT * * the Dardanelles. The departure of | the Italian fleet for Tm auto has in-1 c *° ate ^*y,,”7 J BURPEE & BRO., Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Makers, At the shop lately occupied by I\ Ben?on. Gann A Reaves’ Btable, ATHENS, GA-, * An- prepared to do all kinds of work in line ut short notice, in the most SUPERIOR STYLE, and ut as REASONABLE RATES as the same class of work can be doue. _ They are prepared to nut up Carriages, Bug gies and Wagons in ANY' STYLE, niid iniiic those having new work put tip, to call before its imperfections are covered with paint, and see that ALL Materials used are of the VERY BEST QUALITY*. REPAIRING AND PAINTING A SPECIALTY. A11 work done in this line warranted td give satisfaction, both as to style ithd’price. Harness Making and Repairing. They aro also prepared to make or ropai.' Harness. Having secured the services of » Thoroughly, Competent Workman in this branch of the business, all they ask is » trial, that all tnav be convinced of the 8UFK- RIOR1TY OF THEIR WORK and the Reason ableness of their Charges. {jgfBc sure to call on them and exsnna* their work and prices. jaly81-3m. creased ihe suspicion already enter- 1 tained by the Austrian Cabinet in re. I gard to the |»olicy of Italy. The Atlanta Constitution remarks: Joseph's War has come to an.end, •nd the cavalry are in pursuit of the fugitives, who are making for Monta na, where they will encounter General Miles or General Crook. The pris oners arc to lie tried by a military coma ission If the commission would try half a dozen agents and { shoot them we should have a better • assurance of peace on the border. tallow CheeM t Mate - English Dairy Onious, per bu - Starch ot.. Tallow- Rice, per lb — - — Mackerel, No. I .kits “ No. 2, Kits — “ No. 8, Kits..— - “If Tom Scutt bad exitended less Sait,Per sack — — « . Chewiug tobacco money in controlling Congress and Smoking „ , SnufC MaccalKjy State Leciwatures, he would have ; American, .ot—™. ■ - .. , Havana -—ot- nD>re money to pay to iii* employees ] . ammunition'. •—more to rebuild the w aste places i Powdor... i«*rij> ——. that mark tlie course ot the rioters.” Lead " •• —- Cap*, per t*,.*. — LIQUORS. Cora whbkay - French brandy —..... Holland Min Amctii-an Gin Bourbon whiskey - Wines HARDWARE. Iron, Swades, prlb I'ngtlsh - - Catlings - —- Nalls, pr keg — Cotton Cards - - Hors* Shoos.. OTOTOTOT..-...OT.OTOT—- •> “ Naiis- — Omian Pacha telegraphs the Porte, from Plevna, under date of July 19, as follows: “At noon to-day we commenced a desperate engagement, 1 lasting until evening. We inflicted considerable loss on the enemy and forced him to abandon the greater part of his positions.” 12a 13 11a 12Jj 11a 12 10a l!*i lUMa 15 2.1a 25 28a 33 32a 37 I 25a1 50 73al W) 50a 80 10a 50 20a 25 15a 20 20a 25 25a SO I OOal 20 a 15 3a 10 a 10 4 0 00 0 00 0 00 *1 65 75al 50 60al OS 1 30 00a 60 75 OOalOO 40a 12a 10a 10a 40 |1 Mb SOS 5 00a 12 00 600070* » 00a 4 00 2 00a 4 00 il 00al0 00 3a8 4a5 6 a 7 .’4M4 25 75x1 00 .4 a 10 20a25 G EORGIA-CLAKKK COUNTY—Wb.reax, r C. F. Btreckfuai applies to ms for Letter? of.Adminiatrntiop, with the qrill ,annexed K (>u the estate of John F. Strcfkfttss, (late of sa’d county,.! deet-used — , , These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish a-' concerned, to show cause, ut my office, on or befoj-e the flrat Monday in fcsepUrobti; ncxl, why said letters should not be granted. Given under inv hand, at office, this 17th osv of July, 1877. ASA M. JACKSON. julyil-SOd. Ordinary. AHISON SHERIFFSSALE.—Will be soM betore tins Court-House door, in the tow. of Danielsvillc, on the first Tuesday in Scptei:. • bar, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: otic truct of land in saivt county,'on the waters of South river, adjaimug lands of Thompson Carithers and others, con taining one hundred acres, more or less, levied on as the property of Charles I’avora, to satisfy a fi, fa. issued from Hart Sufcrior Court lu favor of William McCurdy and others. Isfg*' nQticis -served op tenant in pn»»e#8jrtr, r kw , . «". v of July, 1877. - J. yC. KIRK, Sheriff. jnly81-lm. • , Chbonicle and b P«Mi*W Wf, ?ri-W«kly Wttkl), JBLx JLxxgKxmiM^ GU~, BY Waiah * Wright. Proprietors. i Full telegraphic dispatches from all points. Latest and most accurate market reports, in; tereetingrand KeiiableCorreapondcnco parts of Georgia, South Carolina and Washing- £ lit*. rilvw-wUIn ami i TIOWA D3De^inlt>.