The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, July 31, 1877, Image 6
e TilM ATHENS GEORGIAN: JULY 31, IS/'. Oriental Gambling. [I.onJon Globe. J The “gentle Hindoo’’ and ‘‘ mild Mohammedan” have, it seems, invent ed between them a perfectly novel sort of .gambling. In one quarter of the interesting City of Ajmer there is a house occupied by some soothsayers who are credited bv the public with the faculty of foreseeing changes of weather. They are represented to be remarkable accurate in their predic tions, owing to long practice in their profession. Outside the residence of these worthy seers a crowd ot natives assemble every day for the purpose of betting on the chance of a downpour. After the “ straight tip’* has been purchased from one of the prophets, the buyer commences bellowing, after the manner of “list men’’ on English race courses, that he will take or lay certain odds about the fall of rain within a given time. The ordinary quotations are sixteen to one against heavy rain coming down within twen ty-four hours, eight to one against a light shower happening, and longer odds in both eases as the time is reduc ed When the weather happens to be exceptionally variable, the whole street liecoins blocked by an excited throng of gamblers, and the prophets do a smart business in “ straight tips.” It appears that the seers themselves very often join in the amusement, and hack their respective opinions with the grea test pluck. As the hour approaches for the majority of thejbets to be deci ded, the more nervous gamblers are heard offering their chances of win ning at a heavy discount. This allows the weather prophets an oppontunity of “ hedging” at considerable advan tage, and it frequently happens that the book of an old seer will show a certainty of gain, whether rain falls or not. Athsns Foundry and Machine Works. ATHENS, Gr-A— General Founders and Machinists, Pattern Making, Smithing nml Repairing, Mining and Mill Machinery, Manufacturers of Circular Saw Mills, Steam Engines, Horse Rowers, Threshers, Fan Milts, Bark Mills, Cane Mills, Gin Gcarimr, Cottou Presses, etc., etc. Agent for Cook’s Celebrated Evaporating l*mis, Cardwell’s Separators, Turbine Water Whe. ls and Agricultural Engines. Prices sent upon application to It. MUKKI1SOX, Agent. THE SUN. 1877. NEW YORK. 1877. Death of a Merchant from Hy drophobia.—Mr. Edward Towbridge, a member of the well-known house of Trowbridge & Co., of Bnrbndoes, and the United States Consul at that port during the administration of President Lincoln, died at Bridgetown Barba- does, ou the 12thjof May. He was about fifty-three years of age. Hisdeath is considered by bis friends aa the result of agenuine case of hydrophobia though the malady is extremely rare in the tropics. About nine weeks pre vious he was bitten hy a dog wliith lie was caressing, hut was assured hy a physician that the wound was not at all dangerous. After a few days, it is be lieved, dismissed the mater from his mind. On the afternoon before his death wassuddenly seized, it is reported, hy an attack of hydrophobia while attempting to drink a glass of water. Mr. Trow bridge was a native of New llaven, Conn., and was connected with the long established firm of Trowbridge and Sous in that city* He had been, a resident of Barbadoes fat twenty years or more. A professor in Ilait- ford has also died lately of hydrophobia several months after being bitten by a dog. Tlie different editions of Tim Sjx during the next year will be the same as during the year that has just passed. The daily edition will on week days be a sheet of four jaiges, and ou Sundays a sheet ot eight pages, or 56 hroad columns; while the weekly edition will lie a (duet of eight paves of the same dimensions and character that are already familiar to our frieud*. The Six will continue to be the strenuous advocate of reform and retrenchment, and ot the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, and fraud in the administration of public affairs, it will contend for tht government of the people by t let-people and’for the people, as opposed to government hy frauds ia the ballot-box and in the countin'; of votes, enforced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply its readers —a body now not far from a milium of so is— with the most careful, complete, and trustworthy aocouuts of current events, and will employ’ for this purpose a numerous and carefully selected staff of rc[Hirters fund correspondents. Its lc- ]M>rts from Washington, especially, will be full, accurate, and fearless; (and it will doubtless continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred ot those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping what the law does not give them, while it will endeavor to merit the confidence of the public by defending the rights of the people a gainst the encroachments of unjustified |>ower. The price of the daily Sen will be 55 cents a month or #6.5o a year, post paid, or with the Sunday edition $7.70 a year. TIic’Scxday edition alone, eight pages, $l.*.j a year, post paid. The Weekly Scv, eight pages of 56 b.o.ul columns, will be furnished during 1877 at the rate of $1 a year, post paid. The benefit of this large reduction from the previous rate for the Weekly can lieeujoyed by mdividnal subscribers without the necessity of makiug up clubs. At the same time, if any of our friends clux sc to aid in extending our circu lation, wc sIibII be gratefttl to them, and every such person who sends us ten or more sub scribers from one place will bo entitled to one copy of the paper for himself without charge. At one dollar a year, postagi paid, the expenses of paper nnd printing are barely yepaid; and, col .sidering the sire of the sheet and the quality of its contents, we are confident the Jicople will consider The Weekly Sen the cheapest news- I> : * one Address, deelt*. THE SUN, New York City Tiu* 1877. Quarterly Reviews BlackrcoocL's l&ag&ziiie Ths Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 41 KAUIXAY ST., NEW YORK, Continue tlieir authorized Reprints of the FOUR LEADING QUARTERLY REVIEWS. EuixuTcr.ii Review (Whig) Ixiximx Quarterly Review (Conservative), Westjisisteis Review (Liberal), Bimuii Qt'AHTERLY Review (Evangelical), AX II BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. The British Quarterlies give to the reader well-digested information ii|>bn tiiu great events iu contemporaneous history, and contain master ly criticisms ou all that is fresh and valuable in literature, us well as a summary of the triumphs of science and art. The wars likely to convulse all Europ? will form topics for discussion, that will he treated with a thoroughness and ability nowhere else to be lo.ind. Blackwood’s Magazine is famous for stories, essays, and sketches of the highest literary mem. THHM8 (IncUullng I’ostiitst;): Payable Strictly in Advance. For any one Review ..*4 00 K«r any two Reviews 00 For any three Reviews !.’io oO For all four Review* ..12 4 »• ? For r.Lckwood’s Magazine. :. . ..4 (K F«»r BUekwood and one R v u*\v .. 7 0 • F«.r hiaekwo.Nl and two Re. 'lews ..10 00 Foi lilac!;wood and tine” R. ■views, . ...IS bv F»»i Blackwood and the four iCcvicwi.. ...15 «'t* THE CAPITAL. Published!Weekly l.v TIIE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, t'27 D Street, Washington D. C. DON'S' 1‘IATT Kdilov Terms: Per year, (including postage) $2 5<>; six months, $1 50; three months, 75 cents—in ad vuuec. Single copies, five cents. Clubs: Ten copies to one, $20 in ad vance, with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35 in advance, with one ••o> y fv» TUTT’S TUTT’a TUTT’S TCTT TUTT\ TUTT’S HEED THE iWords of Advice, PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS SffiBV5l?SKTO.*7M I l 5i:K iiTPT.e years Demonstrator of Anatomy In PIf ,5 TtTTT'S College of Georgia. {.ILLS 1MLL. Thirty year*’ experience in tlie TCTT S practice of medicine, together with PILLS TCTT’SUfleen years* test of Tint's Pills, PILLS TCTT’Saiid the thousands of testimonial*PILLS TCTT’S sriveii of their ettteaey. warrant me pj TlITT’s lu saying that they wilt positively pi ri o •rr i t’s cure diseases that result from a ,,,. , h il'li c diseased liver. They are net rec- J i.K2J.,* oiiinieiiiled f..r all the Ills that allllct J J J* TCTT’S hiiniaiiitv. Imt for Dr-nensla. Jatm- 1 * “Lb TUTT’S dice. Coii-tipalli-.. Piles, skin Mis- PILLS TCTT’S cases, unions »'o!le. Rheumatism, PILLS TCTT’S Palpitation of the Heart. Kidney PILLS titt r’< Alt'eeiiotis. FrinalcCimudalnts, Ac., uiri a sir's a" of which re.nit from a derange. fa ’4*'men I ,.r III.' !.iv< r. no medieine has ' * Tl TT »,. VPr proven -o siire.-.lul as MS. { {LLS TLTT’STCTT'S V KG CTAlti.K 1.1 VEK PILLS CLUBS A discount of twenty per cert.. will lie allowed to club* of four or more per.-on?. 'flips: four copies of Blackwood or ot one Kevielv will lie sent to one address for $12,su, tour eopies ot the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48, and so Oil. ;pnEMlL'MS.7 New subscribers (applying early) fertile year 1877 may have, without charge, the numbers for the lust quarter of 1876 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. Neither premiums to subscriber* nor' dis count to clubs can be allowed utiles* the money is remitted direct to tlie publishers. No pre miums given to clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. The I.EoxAttti Soorr Pl'uusiiikg Cc., aprillo-tf. , J41 Barclay St., New York. " Howay, Spicy, Holiablo-** The Atlanta Constitution. Under it* new mauagenuLt, [The Atlanta Coxstitction luis won for itsei, ths title of tlie A.i The Gainesville Eagle. ID* the Lznrest ('irrnlatlon la Northeast Georgia, And I* Read by over 0,000 Person*! It is the best advertising medium of any pa- i per in existence, for seven large eouutic*, and equal to any oilier paper in ten other counties.. It does the county advertising for Ilall, Bonks. Towns, White,"Union and Dawson coun ties, the city of Gainesville, and the internal reveuue department for the division of the 2nd (district. \ Now ia the Time tj Si’bb-’—The Consti tutional Convention will assemble on Wednes day, lltli day of July next, and it is the inten tion of the Eagle to "watch the proceedings and poet its readers. It will contain a weekly let ter from an able correspondent, who will not only give the proceedings of the Convention, in a condensed tonn, but the enrreut news of the Capitol, in the most attractive and interesting sty le. It is Vale able as a Family Paper.—Form and household interests are carefully provided for iu its columus, while the education and the morals of the country receive, and will continue to receive, the most careful consideration of the I editorial management. Mining, mecliuuical and manufacturing industries will ou no account be neglected, and the mercantile and market 5n- 1 tcresls will also be particularly attended to. i The News Department will lie kept up to the highest standard of country journalism, and neither enterprise nor expense will be spared to make the Eagle one of the very best wceklv newspapers in all the laud. In Politics, the Eagle- will adhere to the “Old Guard” Democracy, approving whatever is good, and censuring whatever is bad, in I State aqj,l Federal Administrations: and, on the , progressive theory of a “Solid South,” will drive straight ahead for the complete rescue of I Aineri.Mii institutions, a return to constitutional I method*, and the election of a representative | Democracy in 18S0. srB* Rtrnox price: I Qno’year :..$2’00 Six mouths ’. '. .’. 1-00 ] Three months -.....1 *-?50 1 Remit by Postal Order, Registered Letter, or through Agents, at our risk. Address, CAREY W. STYLES. Editor and Proprietor Eagle, Gainesville, Ga. A young man who had a claim of $50 to collect took it to a lawyer. The latter, upon inquiring, no sooner heard that his client’s name was tieorge Jones, thau he seized him by the hand, fervently shook it, exclaim- iog: ’• My dear fellow, how fortunate you are! \Yhy, # I know your father well; in fact he was my lirst client. I shall take particular pains . for you in this matter.” A fetv days later the young man received a note lrom the lawyer in forming him that the collection had been made. He called upon him, and was handed a ioil of bills. As he was counting them the lawyer reiter ated his remark about the young man’s good fortune iu coming to him who knew his father, etc. The young man, however, looked anything but happy, for he found 6ut $15 in The roll. The lawyer noticing this, said : “ Why my dear fellow, what seems to be troubling you ?” 3R. Q. 2D0*0"GLASS, Ablaxvba, Ga. Bargains in Dress Goods. •5-bscls IvStio-b to HacUacocL As 1 s utll lie compelled to vacate my present > store on the 15th of Jnlv, to allow the owners to bifid a ne-.v one, 1 shall commcuce on Mou- j day to reduce my entire stock, nnd will offer : goods at great reduction. Everything will be marked down and will be sold cheap, ils tl**- ] stock must be reduced by the 16lh of July, the ; time 1 shall move to new store. No use to i quote prices, as everything will lie sold much j under the market prices. R. O. DOUGLASS.- I jnnelO. TUTT’S PILL*. TCTT’S : TliTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TUTT’S TI’rT’S P1I.I.S cun:: k headache. TUTT’S I‘II. I.S REQUIRE N i CHANGE OF MET. TUTT’S I’ll.I.S PILLS 1’II.LS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS PILLS leading journal of the south. It* enterprise, during the recent election excitcmeut, iu scud- iug ooire.pen'dcnt* to different portion* of the ”e “published in the wwld“ and wTtrorf ato j « ,a it ? ot . Mcgrauw from e of the verv be t ] ” wmngton while the electoral commission was 1 engaged in couauimiting the fraud that placed radicalism once more in power iu our national councils, are evidences conspicuous enough to prove flint no ex|>eu*e will V-spared to make •The Constitution not only a leader iu the dis cussion of matter* of public concern, but a leader in tlie disscmiuutiuu of the latest and most reliable news. There is no better time than now to sub»cribe for ’’ - A Fresh and Yigaruus Xensuauer. Allieit, there has lieen a q-.oti settlement of one of the most .litficult and dangerous pro blems of modern federal politic*, the discussion* spring therefrom and the result* likely4o ensue have lost nothing of their absorbing interest, lu addition to this, the )>c*ple of Gs$^»ia are now called upon to settle Ths Pun vent ion (lues lion. ' and in the discussion of this imp-riant subject (in wiiich The CoNSTntmoN will take a leading part) every Georgian ia interested. If a conven tion is called its proceedings will find their earliest and fullest embodiment in the column* of The Const.tition, and this fact alone will make the paper indispensable to cverv citizen of the state. To lie brief. The Atlanta Hally Constitution will endeavor, by all the means that the pro gress of limdern journalism has made possible and necessary to hold its place as a leader of southern opinion and as a purveyor of the latest levs. Its editorial* will lie thoughtful, timely and vigorous—calm and argumentative in then methods and thoroughly southern uud demo cratic In their sentiments. Its news will be fresh, reliable and-carefully'digested. It will be allert and enterprising, and no expense will lie spared to make it the medium of the latest and mail important intelligence. Hie Weekly Constitution,, .. Besides embodying everything of interest iu the daily, The Weeki.y CoxsTn+TioX will cou- tuin a Department of Agriculture, which will be iu charge of Mr. Malcolm Johnson, the well, knowp Secretary ot! Georgia State Agricultural Society. This department will he made u spe cialty, and will-be thorough and complete.- The ■Firmer will find in it not only all the current in formation on the subject'of agriculture, but ■timely suggestions and well-digested advice. Subscriptions should be scut iu at once. Terais’ fo'r the lldly : *1 mouth $1 oo • t 3 months 3 00 6 months 5 gq 12 mouths ' 10 00 Terms fur the Weekly : 4 mouths ] 12 months ; \\\\ 3 oq Money may be sent by postotfice moiiev order at our expense. Address : Til E CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. TUTT’S :ARE l'UUELY VEGETABLE.: PIEL3 TUTT’S PILLS TUTT’S PILLS TUTT’S j TUTT’S PILLS : PILLS TUTT’S :■ NEVER GRIPE OR NAUSE- : PILLS TUTT’S : ATE. : PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TUTT’S : • PILLS TUTT’S : TIIE DEMAND FOR TUTT’S: PILLS TUTT’S -PILLS is not confined to thi*- PILLS TUTT'S -country, bot extends to alt parts- PILLS TUTT’S -of the world. j PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TUTT S : A CLEAR HEAD,elastic limbs,: PILLS TUTT'S :good digestion, suund sleep,- PILLS TUTT’S :buoyant spirits, fino appetite,- PILLS TUTT’S -aro some of the results of the; PILLS TUTT’S luseof TUTT'S PILLS. : PILLS TUTT’S PILLS TUTT’S PILLS TUTT’S : AS A FAMILY MEDICINE : PILLS TUTT’S ': TCTT’S PILLS ARE TIIE : PILLS TUTT’S : BEST—PERFECTLY HARM- • PILLS TUTT’S : LESS. : PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TUTT’S : - ; PILLS TUTT’S : SOLD EVERYWHERE. • PILLS TUTT’S : PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CTS. j PILLS TCTT’S • ; PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TCTT’S : PRINCIPAL OFFIC E : PILLS TUTT’S : 18 MURRAY STREET, • PILLS •rit-px’u :« 26EW YORK. ’ »""■ TCTT’S TUTT’S PILLS PILLS THE NEW Y01!K WEEKLY j.uiks i; TbeJCcst ami Cheapo 1IEEAED, xxirrr, I’roiuicto-. Ne>v>|, Published. DR. TUTTS EXPECTORANT. This unrivaled preparation has per formed some of the most astonishing cures that are recorded in the annals of history. Patients suffering for years from the various diseases of the Lungs, after trying different remedies, spending thou sands of dollars in traveling and doctor ing, have, by the use of a few bottles, entirely recovered their health. “WON’T GO TO FLORIDA.” _ _ New York, A’lgost 30.187a. D R. TUTT: Dear Sir:—When in Aiken, last winte r, I used your Expectorant for my cough, and realized more benefit from it than anything I ever took. I an so well that I will not go to Florida next winter aa I intended. Send me one dozen bottlea. by ezprez*. for some friends. ALFRED CUSHINO, 133 West Thirty-first Street. Boston. January 11,1874. This certifies that I have recommended the use ot Dr. Tutt’s Expectorant for diseases of the lung, for the past two years, and to my knowledge many bottles have been used by my patienta with the hap piest result*. In two case* where it was thought con firmed consumption had taken plaoe ths Expectorant •treated a cure. R. H. SPRAGUE. M.D. “ We oan not speak too highly of Dr. Tutt’s Ex pectorant, and for the cake of suffering humanity hope ft may bccomo more generally known."—Cuius dvocate. . by Droffgtst*. Price Sl.OO tSTOTICDE TO .Clarke County Bondholders. The interest due July 1st. 1877, will be I irumiitly paid in eoin, at tlie National Bank. . also prepared to take up bonds to the amount cl'oil’: thousand dollar. 0 . S. C. BKKSK. County Trcus juueStMm. POSTAGE UrjaiEEHl. know my grandfather. The man who couid do all the busi ness he wanted to do without adver tising, has been compelled to advertise ut last The advertisinent is headed “Sheriffs Sale.” —Don’t stop to tell stories during business hours. EAnGAZ2T@ X2T New and Second-handed - * Articles. 14II. P. Port. Engine,Book waiter, good order. 1 12 Hi P. Port. Engine, W’.kiJ & Man. I 6 1L P. Port. Eng., huuitiio used. 1 40 11. P. Stationery' 'Eujine.' 2 36 inch x 36 feet Cylinder Boil**, With front. etc. « Mill, horizontal, ‘Shading, -fine IS Ins. x 14 ins. gpodaanew. ... .. Horse Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Cane Mills, Evaporators, at the ATHENS FOUNDRY ft MACHINE WORKS. jnnc2M in. Auction! I have associated W. A. England with me in the Auction business, who will give prompt attention ta the sale of property and goods of all kinds. QVEKONEU & ENGLAND. julyl7-lro, 1’t.r-J v EAP, 50 CENTS FOR G MONTHS. An Extra Copy to every Club of Ten.’ The N. Y. Daily Herald, Published every day in the 1 yeJr'.|; . *i 2?os*bage Free- - ) G |«»O l>ar«/orou. yeaV, Sunday, Included.) 1 r-enpse water wneei, goou oraer. $8 pays for one year, without Sundays. Y nft .SB imys lor six mouth*, Sundays Included. 4 Tyler Water Wheels, now running, — -* «* - ' Gearing, ‘ 3>4 pays for six months, without Sundays. $2 pay» for one year for any speclfleddly of the" . !A, week. * $1 pays for six months for any specified day ot week. 41 pays for one month, Sundays incluJed. NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED. Postage Free. Daily edition, 2% cents copy. Sunday edi tion 4 cent* per copy. Weekly edition 2 ceuts pit copy. Address NEW AOKK IIKRALP, lan23-4iii Broadway and Ann street v y. J OB WORK OF ALL DESCUIP- tion*ucatly tloue at this office Millinery & Fancy Goods MISS C. TTY.IVIES Has just received direct from New York a chaste and beautiful nssortuu nt of jeTV'X’TElRlSr HATS, which will be opened for the inspection of her friends and patrons Oil Wednesday and Thursday, April lltli ami 12th Also a choice stock of all the Novelties of ti e season, consisting of Neck Ties, l.aec ldbbs, Kuching*. Back Combs, Flowers, Kibbous, Ura- ainents. Jewelry, etc. Keal Hair Switches at Cost. Strict altcntion given to orders. Only the best all silk material used in trimming. An early call is solicited bv 3MX33 C- JAMES, j a;>3-Sm Athens, Georgia : Meriweth.©!' & 2 33X J Ax.ci5:sAff;x:rT3: , s TWO SHOPS FOll JS77. One at the old stand in front ot Messrs. GANN & REAVES, Tlie i>tber ; ou the road to the upper bridge and ' ' n, ‘ ’ opposite . Mr. JOHN k GOOBER’S, Livery Stable, W* have first class workmen HOJISE SHOEHTG • of every description, Plating and Concave Siioks Manufactured to order. WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, And all kind* of Fanning Machine* and Im plements repaired on short notice. jan9-tf. LEGAL BLANKS, Neatly printed and for sole at this oi' V. HEW SPRING GOODS. Notwithstanding tlie hard times,! THE UNDERSIGNED IS RECEIVING A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS OF Spring and Summer Goods '.OFgVAltlOUS STYLES,5 Boiugnt at PanicSPrioesl! Ho most earnestly"invitcs iiis old customers and the public generally, Ami Especially Cash Customers, TO CALL AND EXAMINE Ilisg GiOOIDS AND PRICES Before purchasing elsewhere, as he is confident lie can please both with goods and price?. Athens, Ga. apl7-3m S. C- DOEES. Rock Bottom Prices. GRAIN, MEAT AND § FLOUR DEPOT. § •jr. ja Jf. 'J/. Jf- ' Jr 'M va ja j/. -j/. w. Competition Invited From all Quarters. Regular Bulldozers Against High Prices. Cash Against Time! AND CASH ALWAYS*WINS. .... . ... COME AND SEE IIOW WE CAN. SELL GOODS. Talmadge, Modgson & Co; PLANTERS’ HOTEL, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. KTETW ^7FLff5.^.3XT«3-E!IX'!5:m2«'T-©s S.©A*«.ced ^0 per Day. HAVING LEASED THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL, I enter upon its nianagement by Reducing Rates, ami. asking ot the 1 ravel ing Public, especially my friends of Carolina and Georgia, a continu [ ancc of that liberal support they have always given it. jlP. brown,