The Athens weekly Georgian. (Athens, Ga.) 1875-1877, July 31, 1877, Image 7

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THE ATHENS GEORGIAN. JULY 31, 1877. 7 The Public Debt of Georgia. stalimcnt of the Treasurer. Tlic following statement of the Treasurer of Georgia regarding the public debt of the State, has just been made to the Constitutional Con vention, in session at Atlanta: To the Hon. Charles J. Jenkins, President of the Constitutional Convention: Sir—In response to the inquiry ordered by the Convention on the subject of the public, I have the honor to say that the following is a statement of the bonded debt of the State, to-wit: six per cent, bond* issued for stock in the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Company, uuder an act approved February 27, 1856 $ 900,000 Seven per cent, bonds secured by a mortgage on tlie Western and At lantic Railroad, issued under nn act approved Marcli 12, 1866 8,000,000 Seven per cent, gold bonds with (juarterly coupons in gold, issued tor redemption of past due and outstanding bonds of this State, un der authority of nu net approved September 15.187« 2,098,000 Seven |ier cent, bonds issued for re demption of past due and near due bonds of this State, under authority of au act approved Jan uary 18, 1872 007,500 Right per cent, bonds issued under authority of an act approved Feb ruary 19, 1873, (maturing). „.... 900,000 Seven per cent, bonds issued to pay the past due iutereat on the f 1,- 950,000 first mortgage bonds of thoMacon and Brunswick Railroad Company, and the North and South Railroad Company, $240,- uoo, both endorsed by the State of Georgia, under authority of an net npproved February 24,1876 524,000 Six per cent, bunds issued to redeem the $1,950,000 Macon and Bruns wick, the $240,000 North and Smith, and the $34,000 Memphis Branch Railroads, endorsed by the State, and the accrued interest thereon, under authority of an act upproved February 19, 1877 2,298,597 AOeUXuATK. six per cent, currency bonds due 1878 1886 $ 900,000 Seven jicr cent, currency bonds due 1986 3,600,000 Seven per cent, gold bonds due 189V 2,098,005 Seven per cent, currency bonds due 1892 807,500 Right per cent, currency bonds dno 1978-1886 900,000 Seven per cent, currency bonds duo 1 1996 542,000 Six per eent. currency bonds due 1989 2,298,397 The Elephant and the Gi-j raffe. I $10,645,897 ENDORSED LIABILITY. Bonds endorsed l»y the State of Georgia, eight thousand dollars per mile, of the first mortgage bonds of the South Georgia and Florida Rail** road of fifty-eight miles, being $4fi4,« 000. The floating or temporary debt of i the State is represented by the Ex ecutive obligation lor 8100,000, bor-. towed from the Fourth National Hank of New York, bearing six per coot, interest per annum, of date March, 1877, and due in November, 1 >77. Respectfully submitted, J. W. Renkrok, Trcas. July 18, 1877. A Virginia Belle. The “ Powhattan Estate " was for two hundred years the property of the Mayo family, and here, as the -lory goes, John Howard fell iu love, when in Richmond, with Miss Maria Mayo (afterward Mrs. 'Gen.' Win', field Scott), a famous Richmond belle in her day, and remarkable for her wit ami intelligence, as well as for her extraordinary beauty. Poor Payne laid his heart at her feet, hat she is said to have toyed and coquet ted with it, and then to have flung it aside. When all hope of winning •tie fair prize was abandoned, Payne • nt tn Europe, where he remained . marly twenty years, and where • wrote his ” Home, Sweet Home,” •\ i.icli was first snug in his o|>era of •• I’iare,” at London. This tradition- i! incident in the life of Payne rc- \ ives another (and one still eurrent in Richmond) connected with General •S:o t. It is said that when he first addressed Miss Mayo, he was only a captain in the regular army, and his suit was summarily dismissed. Af- erward, when a major, lie renewed lie proffer of his hand, but with no better success. The third time he wore the epaulets of a general, and iies • promptly secured his accep- ance. When asked by one of her riends why she had thus suddenly har.gcd her mind, Miss Mayo is said have replied : “ In my estimation there is a very decided difference "between a captain, or even a major, and a general in the American army.’’ —From “Richmond Since the War "in Scribner. A novel sight was witnessed at the j Bremen dock at Hoboken last week, the occasion being the landing from the steamship Main of half a dozen giraffes and other animals, imported by Keichc & Brother, for the Cor.ey Island Aquarium. The animals were captured in the Nubian Desert, and consisted, be.rides the giraffes, of two young elephants, two leopards, two large ostriches and a great variety of of birds. They were accompanied from their African haunts, all the way to New York, by Mr. Paul Luhc, who assisted in their capture, and who was on hand helping in teeir debark ation. The lifting of the animals out from the hold of the ship was witnessed by a large number of peo ple, but ti e landing of the ostriches and of the giraffes was the most inter esting. The large birds, with their thin necks and small heads towering above their great bodies, struggled and tried to eseape as they swung in the air while being raised from the ship and let down on the pier. Their strength is something marvellous, but the novelty of the situation rather consisted in the fact that they had to be landed with rope and tackle and with a band round their bodies, as with the leopards, elephants and gi raffes. The smaller birds were first landed, and these and the leopards were sent to Coney Island early in lhe afternoon. Then came the ele phants, two saucy fellows, weighing probably six hundred pounds each. They were kept on the pier during the greater part of the afternoon, but seemed anxious to investigate^ llio wonders of the new country where they are to make their home. The last of the animals to be landed on the dock were the giiaffcs. With their long necks and towering heads swaying above the hand which held their liodics and their legs spread j out below, they presented a very laughable picture as they came in sight over tho deck of the vessel. With one exception scarcely a strug gle was perceptible, and they seemed to regard the whole operation as a mere matter of course. Up they went from the hold until a sufficient height was obtained, and then they swung gracefully over the sides of the ship and patiently allowed them selves to \ e placed prostrate on some straw on the pier. When the hand was removed they were required to rise, but nothing could be more awkward than their first attempt t«» walk after the voyage. Every step was a stride. The jtoor animals seemed to regard the whole process of walking ns unnatural and unneces sary ; hut it was not long until case and grace replaced the awkward atti tudes ; and, as the six giraffes com muned together on the pier, after the CARPETS I CARPETS! WM. A. Haygood, 3'S ami 42 Marietta Street, ATLANTA, GEOR.OIA. A. K. CHILDS. R. .NICKERSON. Y. H. WYNN HAVING moved across the street from my old stand, 21 Marietta street, to the new and handsome double stores. Nos. 38 and 42 in the Grant Building, (between Broad street and the Capitol,) I take pleasure in saying that I shall keep a larger and more attractive stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, CURTAINS, WALL PAPER nml UPHOLSTERY GOODS, than ever Imfore and at the Lowest Market Prices. Letters answered promptly. m8-w&triw3m WM. A. HAYGOOI). ESTABLISHED 1865. THE CHEAPEST HOOK AND STATIONERY STOKE XX? GEORGIA. ORDER EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE DIRECT TO Fillips cfc Crew, Atlanta, G-a. PIANOS AND ORGANS k J5f”OF EVERY GRADE. SEND FOR PKICES._fgJ PHILLIPS, CREW & FREYER. CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IROH, STEEL HAILS, HOUSE AND MULE:SHOES, MORSE SHOE NAILS, Agricultural Implements, Leads, Oils, G'us and Varnish, Harness Leather, mSwAtriw-:tin ATLANTA, GA. ZFXriRIfcTITTTIR-IE! A splendid now stock Parlor and Chamber Suits From Twenty-five t> Five Hundred Dollars cojnplete. DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Prices as cheap as any Fust-class House in the South. 25* 3- 2X52HDRXQXX Q., 21 Marietta"street, Atlanta, Ga. Cottage Suits $25 to $60. Send orders or letters »f inquiry. FRAUK FA. POTTS, t W + i. v f J • A-fclaskta, Georgia.. Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 19 Alabama Street. Cotton, Manilla & Jute Hope, CARRIAGE AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, HUBS, SPOKES, BUGGY WHEELS, AXLES, SPRINGS, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, MILL SAWS, MILL FINDINGS, ANVILS, VICES BELLOWS, HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., Manufacturer's Agents for the sale of Fairbank’s Standard Scales. WINSHIP AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED' Cotton Gins, Cider Mills, Syrup Mills and Evaporators, "Watt Plows, Farmers’ Friend Plows, Pumps, Circular Saws,, etc. jyAnv article in oar line not in stock, will be ordered when desired, with the lea. possible delay. decl9-ly Call and Examine Onr Stock and Prices. *»» XWKXtrM mSw.Uiiw-r.m, zhzotxse Atlanta, Georgia. The proprietor of the MARKHAM HOUSE takes this method of informing the traveling public, that notwithstanding the great Euro pean war, his hotel will continue to entertain with its usual hospitali ties and first-class accommodations, such as he flatters himself has given great popularity and success to his house, and general satisfac tion to those who have honored him by Incoming his guests. Board reasonable ami accommodations first-class. Broad Street. Over Burke’s Book Store. STOVES ! STOVES! STOVES! I ntn now offering for sale nt Low Prices, Tbe following celebrated Cook Stoves, all of which are warranted equal to any offered in this market. GATE CITY, PALMETTO. Popular definition of conscience -My rule for another man’s coduct, thing was over, they seemed to be of opinion that the only comae to pur- sue was to be good-natured about the matter. Two of tlie giraffes go to the Aquarium, in Thirty-fifth street, and the others to Coney Island. AH of them seem happy, however, that their long journey from Central Africa is ended, and well they may be, for they were foitv-five Jays in the Nubian Desert on tile way to the coast, and many weary weeks on the lied Sea, tlie Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. A congregation in Maine has con cluded that a preacher may skate if he uants to, but must keep his mouth shut when his feet fly up In concluding an article on the last corn crop, in Alabama editor remark ed, “ We have on exhibition in our sanctum a magnificent pair of ears.” The gentleman who put his hand in another gentleman’s pocket and with drew the other gentleman’s purse, pleaded that he was overcome by his feelings. In the Nick of Time.—An impor tant telegram from the seat of war is headed “ Relief of Nieksic.” Wheth er they gave Nick brandy and water or plain soda, we are not informed. The number of innocent young girls who marry a man, believing they can break him of his bad habits, and lug him off to church twice every Sunday, does not diminish in tiiukast. REAVES & NICHOLSON, AGENTS. Iron. Cot-boa Ties—Ixn.posrbaua.-b Special XTc-fcice. TRADE MAKE—artWH. .A. 2*X COTTON TIES OOIMTIc’.A.IT'S'.. LIMITED. R. W. HAYITI dSc GO. Gd&eral Agents. 47 CABONDELKT STREET. NEW ORLEANS. Arrow Cotton Ties—The Best and Cheapest. For Sale Here and bv Merchant* Generally. Ill view of the constantly increasing popularity and ilemaml for the CEI.ERK \TKD ARROW TIE. the unlvcr* illy recognized favorite Tie of Planters, Cotton Pressmen ami Shipp ts of Cotton aenerally ; the American Cotton Tie Co., lioiitc l, -ole proprietors and manufacturers ..f<ai l T.r. e Mnmnmiino | iiue.|tia!ed facilities, have, in addition to tlieir -f.K'lr note on hand, co:t<rac e i lor in'-r-n-cil o iau- | tiii.-v, s^pcient to meet tie- lao-nt deni md lor Colton Ties to cover th-» •••.lire .-ro-. ti,,.,. * v . •».„,. j and now, throiuh their Agent* generally, offer the popular and irrepre—il.lo ARROW r K at #> 1 i*er liuiidte, li-ss l!'/, per eeoi. dis ■nun! for cu*:i, iu luindlev eomplete. I.ei nr I -— in. , c,.. uia.-k- • va'uo 1 »i'plain hoop iron ;'a:nl il lieing the oiirp-wo of »!i. Company to merit the e untune 1 p ilrou.i.euiI lie I planting •oe.iimilili: y an I to defy all eominUiton that may arise, their Agents are i :l>t I cunt met with Dealer*, Factors and Country Merehants at the a'.ive named price nn-l ter ••* f.r f.tiui- dellvcrv up to tlie 1*1 of August iu quantities us may be required from time to lim •, vetllo.neiils b dug made oil delivery. junei-tri-w.twttiii. Scientific Agric-ult-ure, —ar— i 3DK. E. T&, PEXTDLSTOX7, l*rof. Agriculture, University of (in. Szcomi Edition, Eslabhbd i.vo Kznru. _ INtblisiiod by A. S. Barnes A Co., New York ! For sale by Burks & Ilaneock, Atlanta, Gs. | and T. A. Burke, Allien*, Ga. '“rice $2.5 . r-.H-tf IRON KING, BEST, CRICKET, Call and see before purchasing. J. C. WILKINS. oct.31.6ai. The Kennesaw Gazette, A Monthly Paper, Published at T IL..a1 3ST T ^ , G- A.. Devoted to Railroad interests, Litcratu:* Wit and Humor.. Fifty cents a year.. Cbromo to every subscriber. Address KENNE8AW GAZETTE, mcb27-tt Atlanta,. Ga. PIA»»& ORGAN DEPOT Phillips, Crew & Freyer Ataata, Geozpa. Sole Agents for the World-Renowned iw a mi ms. Grand, Square and Upright GRAND SPRING OPENING I -OF- Cliarlio Stem’s CLOTHING EMPORIUM! 1 would call the attention of iny patron* and the public generaby to my flue stuck of Clutbiug FBESS MEATS. J. J. Heard & W. F. Hood* CottXE* FctJNDBY AND Ocosx* STBUiTe. f- FRESH BEEF. MUTTON, PORK, and SAU- *age,( Fresh and Bologna Sausage). Oar So licitor i* always on tbe street resdy to supply tbe wants of the citizen* of Athens. Ploose give a* vonr orders mud we will guarantee per- ,'ect aatisfsctloi.. Tlie highest market price* naid fur Benve*, Sheen, Gouts and Hugs. J. .1. HEAD & CO. Miss C. Potts, Fashionable Dessmaker, (Over University Bsnk.) Broatd Street, ^.-Ubsxxs, Gist. Would respectfully infon* the Ladies and her triends generally, of Athens and vicinity, that she is now prepared to do Dressmaking in the Neatest end most fashionable style*. With her experience in the baosinesa, she feels sure ol giving satisfaction. may 14,1875—28-tf. These in*trnmentsjhave been before the public '.for more than forty yeara, ant upon their ex- jcelleuee alone have attained an Uapurohased 'Pre-eminence which establish a. them as nn- iequalled for their Tone, Tough, Workmanship land Durability. They have received seventy-five gold and tilverMedals overall otlietcompetitors. Endorsed by “ Tlialltcrg,” •* Gottschn'k,” “ Strakosli,” ** Psaline Luces.” “ Clara Louise Kellogg,” “Hum DeMumkn,” “ Jluzio” Mills, and others. Also securing tlie first and higher t premiums at the XKTTsmsr^Txonsr^vr. Centennial Exhibition, PHILADELPHIA, OCTOBER, lsTR.J The price* uf these instrument* arc as low aa the exclusive use of first-class materials will allow. - Catalogues and pr'.co lists mailed free t» ap plication to PHILLIPS, CREW & FBEYER, General Agents, Atlanta, Ga. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. octAEtC For Sale. For Men Youths' and Bojs'. Consisting of French Diagonals, Worsteds, ! Sfjjfjm—tTvrf - Thhltnir lieviots, Cloths, Melton’s Scotch and Navy nrMrKfll ||Ir| RuiJnLlI hie Flannel Suits, nil of the Finest Material * A a-cond-hand. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine.; has been but little used and is in per fect order. For aale cheap for cash. Applv at i ■tgag-L- THIS OFFICE Cheviot a, Blue and the most fashionable styles. Also, a first class stock ot Gents’ Famishing Goods in s ' • branches complete. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods. ' Umbrellas in Silk Alpaca and Scotch Gingham j Tranks, etc., to whka 1 invite the insjiectioii a. j the public, guaranteeing my prioea to compete with any bouse in the State. Augusta or Atlanta Pricos Duplicated. AILHOAD TICKETS, all loutes, and to all princlpt t '/«• r sale. the public, guaranteeing my prices to compete . j u _ : .v — - *|- c -’- * UNITED STATES. Buy your Tickets before leaving Athena, m. get all Intormation from Capt. WM. WILUAMS, Agent Southern Express Co., Athena, Ga. May 12. ’75 28. Boot and Sb.oe«lt£a]sor v ATHENS, GEORGIA, (Gv; » Jambs & Michael’s Stots.)^ First olass work turned out on short notice, nt lilmnl prices. Give me a call Mid get good material and flue work. matcnI3-tf. 1877. Boots 1877. Shoes OUR SPECIALTY — Unlanndcred Slilrte, made complete, fine Linen Bosom and Cuffs for $1- A cull is all we ask to convince one end all. Charles Stem, Popular Clothing Emporium, Broad street, Athens, Ga. Next door to Long & Billups Drug Store, ^Tan-bed. TO RENT or buy a small cottage home, con- and TO ORDER. 2T. W. Saudrup, Artist. Has removed his shop to tlie McDowell Build- tug, on College Avenue. Prices liberal and first-class work guaranteed, june 16, 1875—83-tf OB WORK OF ALL DJES criptiona done at thia office THE HHEAT CAUSE ox Human Misery, Juat(Pub’iahed, «u a Sealed Envelope. Price six ceuts. A Lecture* on the Nature. Treatment, and Radical cur, of Seminal Weakness, or Sperma torrhoea, induced by 8e!f Abase, Involuntary Emissions, twpotency, Nervous Debility, ana Impediment* to Marriage generally; Consump tion, Epilepsy, and F'its; Mental and Physical Incapaeitv, Ac.—By Roncirr J. CVlverweli., M. »„ author of the “Green Book,” Ac. Tl>« world-renowned author, iu this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from bis own experience that the nwful consequences of Self-Abuse may hi effectually removed without medicine, and which evi ry sufferer, no matter what l is con dition may be, may care himself cheaply, privately rad radically. Till* Lecture will prove a bowi to thousands and thousands. Sunt, under seal, in n jJaln envelope, to any address, ou receipt of »i.x cents, or two postage stamps. Address tlie Publishers, THE CULVEF^E! L In {■Die AL CO., I 41 Ahn St., - aw Your, O,*. ...iv post oltce Box. 4586*